[javascript] Observable Finally on Subscribe

According to this artcle, onComplete and onError function of the subscribe are mutually exclusive.

Meaning either onError or onComplete events will fire up in my subscribe.
I have a logic block which needs to be executed whether I receive an error, or I finish my steam of information successfully.

I looked up for something like finally in python, but all I found is finally which needs to be attached to the observable I create.

But I want to to do that logic only when I subscribe, and after the stream has ended, whether successfully or with an error.

Any ideas?

This question is related to javascript rxjs rxjs5

The answer is

The only thing which worked for me is this

    (data) => {
       //Called when success
    (error) => {
       //Called when error
  ).add(() => {
       //Called when operation is complete (both success and error)

I'm now using RxJS 5.5.7 in an Angular application and using finalize operator has a weird behavior for my use case since is fired before success or error callbacks.

Simple example:

// Simulate an AJAX callback...
    finalize(() => {
      // Do some work after complete...
      console.log('Finalize method executed before "Data available" (or error thrown)');
      response => {
        console.log('Data available.');
      err => {

I have had to use the add medhod in the subscription to accomplish what I want. Basically a finally callback after the success or error callbacks are done. Like a try..catch..finally block or Promise.finally method.

Simple example:

// Simulate an AJAX callback...
      response => {
        console.log('Data available.');
      err => {
  .add(() => {
    // Do some work after complete...
    console.log('At this point the success or error callbacks has been completed.');