[node.js] Node.js - Maximum call stack size exceeded

Regarding increasing the max stack size, on 32 bit and 64 bit machines V8's memory allocation defaults are, respectively, 700 MB and 1400 MB. In newer versions of V8, memory limits on 64 bit systems are no longer set by V8, theoretically indicating no limit. However, the OS (Operating System) on which Node is running can always limit the amount of memory V8 can take, so the true limit of any given process cannot be generally stated.

Though V8 makes available the --max_old_space_size option, which allows control over the amount of memory available to a process, accepting a value in MB. Should you need to increase memory allocation, simply pass this option the desired value when spawning a Node process.

It is often an excellent strategy to reduce the available memory allocation for a given Node instance, especially when running many instances. As with stack limits, consider whether massive memory needs are better delegated to a dedicated storage layer, such as an in-memory database or similar.

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