Programs & Examples On #Console.out.writeline

Where can I read the Console output in Visual Studio 2015

The simple way is using System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine()

Your can then read what you're writing to the output by clicking the menu "DEBUG" -> "Windows" -> "Output".

How do I make calls to a REST API using C#?

A solution in ASP.NET Core:

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Configuration;

namespace WebApp
    public static class HttpHelper
        // In my case this is https://localhost:44366/
        private static readonly string apiBasicUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["apiBasicUri"];

        public static async Task Post<T>(string url, T contentValue)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri(apiBasicUri);
                var content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contentValue), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var result = await client.PostAsync(url, content);

        public static async Task Put<T>(string url, T stringValue)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri(apiBasicUri);
                var content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stringValue), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var result = await client.PutAsync(url, content);

        public static async Task<T> Get<T>(string url)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri(apiBasicUri);
                var result = await client.GetAsync(url);
                string resultContentString = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                T resultContent = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(resultContentString);
                return resultContent;

        public static async Task Delete(string url)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri(apiBasicUri);
                var result = await client.DeleteAsync(url);

To post, use something like this:

await HttpHelper.Post<Setting>($"/api/values/{id}", setting);

Example for delete:

await HttpHelper.Delete($"/api/values/{id}");

Example to get a list:

List<ClaimTerm> claimTerms = await HttpHelper.Get<List<ClaimTerm>>("/api/values/");

Example to get only one:

ClaimTerm processedClaimImage = await HttpHelper.Get<ClaimTerm>($"/api/values/{id}");

Why am I getting "(304) Not Modified" error on some links when using HttpWebRequest?

It is not an issue it is because of caching...

To overcome this add a timestamp to your endpoint call, e.g. axios.get('/api/products').

After timestamp it should be axios.get(/api/products?${}.

It will resolve your 304 status code.

What is let-* in Angular 2 templates?

The Angular microsyntax lets you configure a directive in a compact, friendly string. The microsyntax parser translates that string into attributes on the <ng-template>. The let keyword declares a template input variable that you reference within the template.

SQL Server table creation date query

For 2005 up, you can use


I think for 2000, you need to have enabled auditing.

Remove last commit from remote git repository

If nobody has pulled it, you can probably do something like

git push remote +branch^1:remotebranch

which will forcibly update the remote branch to the last but one commit of your branch.

How many significant digits do floats and doubles have in java?

Floating point numbers are encoded using an exponential form, that is something like m * b ^ e, i.e. not like integers at all. The question you ask would be meaningful in the context of fixed point numbers. There are numerous fixed point arithmetic libraries available.

Regarding floating point arithmetic: The number of decimal digits depends on the presentation and the number system. For example there are periodic numbers (0.33333) which do not have a finite presentation in decimal but do have one in binary and vice versa.

Also it is worth mentioning that floating point numbers up to a certain point do have a difference larger than one, i.e. value + 1 yields value, since value + 1 can not be encoded using m * b ^ e, where m, b and e are fixed in length. The same happens for values smaller than 1, i.e. all the possible code points do not have the same distance.

Because of this there is no precision of exactly n digits like with fixed point numbers, since not every number with n decimal digits does have a IEEE encoding.

There is a nearly obligatory document which you should read then which explains floating point numbers: What every computer scientist should know about floating point arithmetic.

Changing user agent on urllib2.urlopen

Another solution in urllib2 and Python 2.7:

req = urllib2.Request('')
req.add_unredirected_header('User-Agent', 'Custom User-Agent')

Stretch background image css?

You can't stretch a background image (until CSS 3).

You would have to use absolute positioning, so that you can put an image tag inside the cell and stretch it to cover the entire cell, then put the content on top of the image.

table {_x000D_
  width: 230px;_x000D_
.style1 {_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  height: 35px;_x000D_
.bg {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
.bg img {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
.bg .linkcontainer {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="10">_x000D_
    <td class="style1">_x000D_
      <div class="bg">_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" />_x000D_
        <div class="linkcontainer">_x000D_
          <a class="link" href="#">_x000D_

Mercurial undo last commit

Its workaround.

If you not push to server, you will clone into new folder else washout(delete all files) from your repository folder and clone new.

How do I turn off autocommit for a MySQL client?

It looks like you can add it to your ~/.my.cnf, but it needs to be added as an argument to the init-command flag in your [client] section, like so:

init-command='set autocommit=0'

On duplicate key ignore?

Mysql has this handy UPDATE INTO command ;)

edit Looks like they renamed it to REPLACE

REPLACE works exactly like INSERT, except that if an old row in the table has the same value as a new row for a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE index, the old row is deleted before the new row is inserted

C# Parsing JSON array of objects

string jsonData1=@"[{""name"":""0"",""price"":""40"",""count"":""1"",""productId"":""4"",""catid"":""4"",""productTotal"":""40"",""orderstatus"":""0"",""orderkey"":""123456789""}]";

                  string jsonData = jsonData1.Replace("\"", "");

                  DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                  DataTable dt = new DataTable();
       JArray array= JArray.Parse(jsonData);

couldnot parse , if the vaule is a string..

look at name : meals , if name : 1 then it will parse

python: SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

In my situation, I had \r\n in my single-quoted dictionary strings. I replaced all instances of \r with \\r and \n with \\n and it fixed my issue, properly returning escaped line breaks in the eval'ed dict.


The model item passed into the dictionary is of type .. but this dictionary requires a model item of type

Observe if the view has the model required:


@model IEnumerable<WFAccess.Models.ViewModels.SiteViewModel>

<div class="row">
    <table class="table table-striped table-hover table-width-custom">


public ActionResult ListItems()
    SiteStore site = new SiteStore();

    IEnumerable<SiteViewModel> sites =
        site.SitesList.Select(s => new SiteViewModel
            Id = s.Id,
            Type = s.Type

    return PartialView("_ListItems", sites);

In my case I Use a partial view but runs in normal views

How do you import an Eclipse project into Android Studio now?

Export from Eclipse

  1. Update your Eclipse ADT Plugin to 22.0 or higher, then go to File | Export

  2. Go to Android now then click on Generate Gradle build files, then it would generate gradle file for you.

    enter image description here

  3. Select your project you want to export

    enter image description here

  4. Click on finish now

    enter image description here

Import into Android Studio

  1. In Android Studio, close any projects currently open. You should see the Welcome to Android Studio window.

  2. Click Import Project.

  3. Locate the project you exported from Eclipse, expand it, select it and click OK.

Validate SSL certificates with Python

pyOpenSSL is an interface to the OpenSSL library. It should provide everything you need.

What is the Gradle artifact dependency graph command?

The command is gradle dependencies, and its output is much improved in Gradle 1.2. (You can already try 1.2-rc-1 today.)

Immutable vs Mutable types

One way of thinking of the difference:

Assignments to immutable objects in python can be thought of as deep copies, whereas assignments to mutable objects are shallow

how to get file path from sd card in android

Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() will NOT return path to micro SD card Storage.

how to get file path from sd card in android

By sd card, I am assuming that, you meant removable micro SD card.

In API level 19 i.e. in Android version 4.4 Kitkat, they have added File[] getExternalFilesDirs (String type) in Context Class that allows apps to store data/files in micro SD cards.

Android 4.4 is the first release of the platform that has actually allowed apps to use SD cards for storage. Any access to SD cards before API level 19 was through private, unsupported APIs.

Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() was there from API level 1

getExternalFilesDirs(String type) returns absolute paths to application-specific directories on all shared/external storage devices. It means, it will return paths to both internal and external memory. Generally, second returned path would be the storage path for microSD card (if any).

But note that,

Shared storage may not always be available, since removable media can be ejected by the user. Media state can be checked using getExternalStorageState(File).

There is no security enforced with these files. For example, any application holding WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE can write to these files.

The Internal and External Storage terminology according to Google/official Android docs is quite different from what we think.

Can Twitter Bootstrap alerts fade in as well as out?

I don't agree with the way that Bootstrap uses fade in (as seen in their documentation -, and my suggestion is to avoid the class names fade and in, and to avoid that pattern in general (which is currently seen in the top-rated answer to this question).

(1) The semantics are wrong - transitions are temporary, but the class names live on. So why should we name our classes fade and fade in? It should be faded and faded-in, so that when developers read the markup, it's clear that those elements were faded or faded-in. The Bootstrap team has already done away with hide for hidden, why is fade any different?

(2) Using 2 classes fade and in for a single transition pollutes the class space. And, it's not clear that fade and in are associated with one another. The in class looks like a completely independent class, like alert and alert-success.

The best solution is to use faded when the element has been faded out, and to replace that class with faded-in when the element has been faded in.

Alert Faded

So to answer the question. I think the alert markup, style, and logic should be written in the following manner. Note: Feel free to replace the jQuery logic, if you're using vanilla javascript.


<div id="saveAlert" class="alert alert-success">
  <a class="close" href="#">×</a>
  <p><strong>Well done!</strong> You successfully read this alert message.</p>


.faded {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 1s;


$('#saveAlert .close').on('click', function () {



How to SSH to a VirtualBox guest externally through a host?

The best way to login to a guest Linux VirtualBox VM is port forwarding. By default, you should have one interface already which is using NAT. Then go to the Network settings and click the Port Forwarding button. Add a new Rule. As the rule name, insert "ssh". As "Host port", insert 3022. As "Guest port", insert 22. Everything else of the rule can be left blank.

or from the command line

VBoxManage modifyvm myserver --natpf1 "ssh,tcp,,3022,,22"

where 'myserver' is the name of the created VM. Check the added rules:

VBoxManage showvminfo myserver | grep 'Rule'

That's all! Please be sure you don't forget to install an SSH server in the VM:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

To SSH into the guest VM, write:

ssh -p 3022 [email protected]

Where user is your username within the VM.

How to load images dynamically (or lazily) when users scrolls them into view

The Swiss Army knife of image lazy loading is YUI's ImageLoader.

Because there is more to this problem than simply watching the scroll position.

AngularJS - Binding radio buttons to models with boolean values

 <label class="rate-hit">
     <input type="radio" ng-model="st.result" ng-value="true" ng-checked="st.result">
 <label class="rate-miss">
     <input type="radio" ng-model="st.result" ng-value="false" ng-checked="!st.result">

Split string in C every white space

you can scan the char array looking for the token if you found it just print new line else print the char.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>

    int main()
        char *s;
        s = malloc(1024 * sizeof(char));
        scanf("%[^\n]", s);
        s = realloc(s, strlen(s) + 1);
        int len = strlen(s);
        char delim =' ';
        for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if(s[i] == delim) {
            else {
                printf("%c", s[i]);
        return 0;

Android checkbox style

Note: Using Android Support Library v22.1.0 and targeting API level 11 and up? Scroll down to the last update.

My application style is set to Theme.Holo which is dark and I would like the check boxes on my list view to be of style Theme.Holo.Light. I am not trying to create a custom style. The code below doesn't seem to work, nothing happens at all.

At first it may not be apparent why the system exhibits this behaviour, but when you actually look into the mechanics you can easily deduce it. Let me take you through it step by step.

First, let's take a look what the Widget.Holo.Light.CompoundButton.CheckBox style defines. To make things more clear, I've also added the 'regular' (non-light) style definition.

<style name="Widget.Holo.Light.CompoundButton.CheckBox" parent="Widget.CompoundButton.CheckBox" />

<style name="Widget.Holo.CompoundButton.CheckBox" parent="Widget.CompoundButton.CheckBox" />

As you can see, both are empty declarations that simply wrap Widget.CompoundButton.CheckBox in a different name. So let's look at that parent style.

<style name="Widget.CompoundButton.CheckBox">
    <item name="android:background">@android:drawable/btn_check_label_background</item>
    <item name="android:button">?android:attr/listChoiceIndicatorMultiple</item>

This style references both a background and button drawable. btn_check_label_background is simply a 9-patch and hence not very interesting with respect to this matter. However, ?android:attr/listChoiceIndicatorMultiple indicates that some attribute based on the current theme (this is important to realise) will determine the actual look of the CheckBox.

As listChoiceIndicatorMultiple is a theme attribute, you will find multiple declarations for it - one for each theme (or none if it gets inherited from a parent theme). This will look as follows (with other attributes omitted for clarity):

<style name="Theme">
    <item name="listChoiceIndicatorMultiple">@android:drawable/btn_check</item>

<style name="Theme.Holo">
    <item name="listChoiceIndicatorMultiple">@android:drawable/btn_check_holo_dark</item>

<style name="Theme.Holo.Light" parent="Theme.Light">
    <item name="listChoiceIndicatorMultiple">@android:drawable/btn_check_holo_light</item>

So this where the real magic happens: based on the theme's listChoiceIndicatorMultiple attribute, the actual appearance of the CheckBox is determined. The phenomenon you're seeing is now easily explained: since the appearance is theme-based (and not style-based, because that is merely an empty definition) and you're inheriting from Theme.Holo, you will always get the CheckBox appearance matching the theme.

Now, if you want to change your CheckBox's appearance to the Holo.Light version, you will need to take a copy of those resources, add them to your local assets and use a custom style to apply them.

As for your second question:

Also can you set styles to individual widgets if you set a style to the application?

Absolutely, and they will override any activity- or application-set styles.

Is there any way to set a theme(style with images) to the checkbox widget. (...) Is there anyway to use this selector: link?


Let me start with saying again that you're not supposed to rely on Android's internal resources. There's a reason you can't just access the internal namespace as you please.

However, a way to access system resources after all is by doing an id lookup by name. Consider the following code snippet:

int id = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("btn_check_holo_light", "drawable", "android");
((CheckBox) findViewById(;

The first line will actually return the resource id of the btn_check_holo_light drawable resource. Since we established earlier that this is the button selector that determines the look of the CheckBox, we can set it as 'button drawable' on the widget. The result is a CheckBox with the appearance of the Holo.Light version, no matter what theme/style you set on the application, activity or widget in xml. Since this sets only the button drawable, you will need to manually change other styling; e.g. with respect to the text appearance.

Below a screenshot showing the result. The top checkbox uses the method described above (I manually set the text colour to black in xml), while the second uses the default theme-based Holo styling (non-light, that is).

Screenshot showing the result


With the introduction of Support Library v22.1.0, things have just gotten a lot easier! A quote from the release notes (my emphasis):

Lollipop added the ability to overwrite the theme at a view by view level by using the android:theme XML attribute - incredibly useful for things such as dark action bars on light activities. Now, AppCompat allows you to use android:theme for Toolbars (deprecating the app:theme used previously) and, even better, brings android:theme support to all views on API 11+ devices.

In other words: you can now apply a theme on a per-view basis, which makes solving the original problem a lot easier: just specify the theme you'd like to apply for the relevant view. I.e. in the context of the original question, compare the results of below:

    android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo" />

    android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light" />

The first CheckBox is styled as if used in a dark theme, the second as if in a light theme, regardless of the actual theme set to your activity or application.

Of course you should no longer be using the Holo theme, but instead use Material.

Convert PDF to PNG using ImageMagick

when you set the density to 96, doesn't it look good?

when i tried it i saw that saving as jpg resulted with better quality, but larger file size

Pivoting rows into columns dynamically in Oracle

First of all, dynamically pivot using pivot xml again needs to be parsed. We have another way of doing this by storing the column names in a variable and passing them in the dynamic sql as below.

Consider we have a table like below.

enter image description here

If we need to show the values in the column YR as column names and the values in those columns from QTY, then we can use the below code.

  sqlqry clob;
  cols clob;
  select listagg('''' || YR || ''' as "' || YR || '"', ',') within group (order by YR)
  into   cols
  from   (select distinct YR from EMPLOYEE);

  sqlqry :=
  select * from
      select *
      from EMPLOYEE
    MIN(QTY) for YR in (' || cols  || ')

  execute immediate sqlqry;


enter image description here

Detect when a window is resized using JavaScript ?

This can be achieved with the onresize property of the GlobalEventHandlers interface in JavaScript, by assigning a function to the onresize property, like so:

window.onresize = functionRef;

The following code snippet demonstrates this, by console logging the innerWidth and innerHeight of the window whenever it's resized. (The resize event fires after the window has been resized)

function resize() {_x000D_
  console.log("height: ", window.innerHeight, "px");_x000D_
  console.log("width: ", window.innerWidth, "px");_x000D_
window.onresize = resize;
<p>In order for this code snippet to work as intended, you will need to either shrink your browser window down to the size of this code snippet, or fullscreen this code snippet and resize from there.</p>

Get human readable version of file size?

Referencing Sridhar Ratnakumar's answer, updated to:

def formatSize(sizeInBytes, decimalNum=1, isUnitWithI=False, sizeUnitSeperator=""):
  """format size to human readable string"""
  # K=kilo, M=mega, G=giga, T=tera, P=peta, E=exa, Z=zetta, Y=yotta
  sizeUnitList = ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z']
  largestUnit = 'Y'

  if isUnitWithI:
    sizeUnitListWithI = []
    for curIdx, eachUnit in enumerate(sizeUnitList):
      unitWithI = eachUnit
      if curIdx >= 1:
        unitWithI += 'i'

    # sizeUnitListWithI = ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']
    sizeUnitList = sizeUnitListWithI

    largestUnit += 'i'

  suffix = "B"
  decimalFormat = "." + str(decimalNum) + "f" # ".1f"
  finalFormat = "%" + decimalFormat + sizeUnitSeperator + "%s%s" # "%.1f%s%s"
  sizeNum = sizeInBytes
  for sizeUnit in sizeUnitList:
      if abs(sizeNum) < 1024.0:
        return finalFormat % (sizeNum, sizeUnit, suffix)
      sizeNum /= 1024.0
  return finalFormat % (sizeNum, largestUnit, suffix)

and example output is:

def testKb():
  kbSize = 3746
  kbStr = formatSize(kbSize)
  print("%s -> %s" % (kbSize, kbStr))

def testI():
  iSize = 87533
  iStr = formatSize(iSize, isUnitWithI=True)
  print("%s -> %s" % (iSize, iStr))

def testSeparator():
  seperatorSize = 98654
  seperatorStr = formatSize(seperatorSize, sizeUnitSeperator=" ")
  print("%s -> %s" % (seperatorSize, seperatorStr))

def testBytes():
  bytesSize = 352
  bytesStr = formatSize(bytesSize)
  print("%s -> %s" % (bytesSize, bytesStr))

def testMb():
  mbSize = 76383285
  mbStr = formatSize(mbSize, decimalNum=2)
  print("%s -> %s" % (mbSize, mbStr))

def testTb():
  tbSize = 763832854988542
  tbStr = formatSize(tbSize, decimalNum=2)
  print("%s -> %s" % (tbSize, tbStr))

def testPb():
  pbSize = 763832854988542665
  pbStr = formatSize(pbSize, decimalNum=4)
  print("%s -> %s" % (pbSize, pbStr))

def demoFormatSize():

  # 3746 -> 3.7KB
  # 87533 -> 85.5KiB
  # 98654 -> 96.3 KB
  # 352 -> 352.0B
  # 76383285 -> 72.84MB
  # 763832854988542 -> 694.70TB
  # 763832854988542665 -> 678.4199PB

docker entrypoint running bash script gets "permission denied"

This is a bit stupid maybe but the error message I got was Permission denied and it sent me spiralling down in a very wrong direction to attempt to solve it. (Here for example)

I haven't even added any bash script myself, I think one is added by nodejs image which I use.

FROM node:14.9.0

I was wrongly running to expose/connect the port on my local:

docker run -p 80:80 [name] . # this is wrong!

which gives

/usr/local/bin/ 8: exec: .: Permission denied

But you shouldn't even have a dot in the end, it was added to documentation of another projects docker image by misstake. You should simply run:

docker run -p 80:80 [name]

I like Docker a lot but it's sad it has so many gotchas like this and not always very clear error messages...

Stop UIWebView from "bouncing" vertically?

I tried a slightly different approach to prevent UIWebView objects from scrolling and bouncing: adding a gesture recognizer to override other gestures.

It seems, UIWebView or its scroller subview uses its own pan gesture recognizer to detect user scrolling. But according to Apple's documentation there is a legitimate way of overriding one gesture recognizer with another. UIGestureRecognizerDelegate protocol has a method gestureRecognizer:shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: - which allows to control the behavior of any colliding gesture recognizers.

So, what I did was

in the view controller's viewDidLoad method:

// Install a pan gesture recognizer                                                                                        // We ignore all the touches except the first and try to prevent other pan gestures                                                     
// by registering this object as the recognizer's delegate                                                                                        
UIPanGestureRecognizer *recognizer;                                                                                                               
recognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handlePanFrom:)];                                                   
recognizer.delegate = self;                                                                                                                       
recognizer.maximumNumberOfTouches = 1;                                                                                                            
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:recognizer];                                                                                                          
self.panGestureFixer = recognizer;                                                                                                                  
[recognizer release]; 

then, the gesture override method:

// Control gestures precedence                                                                                                                            
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer                                                                                        
        shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)otherGestureRecognizer                                                  
        // Prevent all panning gestures (which do nothing but scroll webViews, something we want to disable in                                          
        // the most painless way)                                                                                                                         
        if ([otherGestureRecognizer isKindOfClass:[UIPanGestureRecognizer class]])                                                                        
            // Just disable every other pan gesture recognizer right away                                                                             
            otherGestureRecognizer.enabled = FALSE;
        return NO;                                                                                                                                        

Of course, this delegate method can me more complex in a real application - we may disable other recognizers selectively, analyzing otherGestureRecognizer.view and making decision based on what view it is.

And, finally, for the sake of completeness, the method we registered as a pan handler:

- (void)handlePanFrom:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer 
    // do nothing as of yet

it can be empty if all we want is to cancel web views' scrolling and bouncing, or it can contain our own code to implement the kind of pan motions and animations we really want...

So far I'm just experimenting with all this stuff, and it seems to be working more or less as I want it. I haven't tried to submit any apps to iStore yet, though. But I believe I haven't used anything undocumented so far... If anyone finds it otherwise, please inform me.

How to access static resources when mapping a global front controller servlet on /*

After trying the filter approach without success (it did for some reason not enter the doFilter() function) I changed my setup a bit and found a very simple solution for the root serving problem:

Instead of serving " / * " in my main Servlet, I now only listen to dedicated language prefixes "EN", "EN/ *", "DE", "DE/ *"

Static content gets served by the default Servlet and the empty root requests go to the index.jsp which calls up my main Servlet with the default language:

< jsp:include page="/EN/" /> (no other content on the index page.)

How to pass a list from Python, by Jinja2 to JavaScript

I can suggest you a javascript oriented approach which makes it easy to work with javascript files in your project.

Create a javascript section in your jinja template file and place all variables you want to use in your javascript files in a window object:


{% block scripts %}
<script type="text/javascript">
window.appConfig = {
    debug: {% if env == 'development' %}true{% else %}false{% endif %},
    facebook_app_id: {{ facebook_app_id }},
    accountkit_api_version: '{{ accountkit_api_version }}',
    csrf_token: '{{ csrf_token }}'
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='app.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}

Jinja will replace values and our appConfig object will be reachable from our other script files:


var AccountKit_OnInteractive = function(){
        appId: appConfig.facebook_app_id,
        debug: appConfig.debug,
        state: appConfig.csrf_token,
        version: appConfig.accountkit_api_version

I have seperated javascript code from html documents with this way which is easier to manage and seo friendly.

Semaphore vs. Monitors - what's the difference?

When a semaphore is used to guard a critical region, there is no direct relationship between the semaphore and the data being protected. This is part of the reason why semaphores may be dispersed around the code, and why it is easy to forget to call wait or notify, in which case the result will be, respectively, to violate mutual exclusion or to lock the resource permanently.

In contrast, niehter of these bad things can happen with a monitor. A monitor is tired directly to the data (it encapsulates the data) and, because the monitor operations are atomic actions, it is impossible to write code that can access the data without calling the entry protocol. The exit protocol is called automatically when the monitor operation is completed.

A monitor has a built-in mechanism for condition synchronisation in the form of condition variable before proceeding. If the condition is not satisfied, the process has to wait until it is notified of a change in the condition. When a process is waiting for condition synchronisation, the monitor implementation takes care of the mutual exclusion issue, and allows another process to gain access to the monitor.

Taken from The Open University M362 Unit 3 "Interacting process" course material.

Loop through checkboxes and count each one checked or unchecked

Using Selectors

You can get all checked checkboxes like this:

var boxes = $(":checkbox:checked");

And all non-checked like this:

var nboxes = $(":checkbox:not(:checked)");

You could merely cycle through either one of these collections, and store those names. If anything is absent, you know it either was or wasn't checked. In PHP, if you had an array of names which were checked, you could simply do an in_array() request to know whether or not any particular box should be checked at a later date.


jQuery also has a serialize method that will maintain the state of your form controls. For instance, the example provided on jQuery's website follows:


This will enable you to keep the information for which elements were checked as well.

Pad with leading zeros

There's no such concept as an integer with padding. How many legs do you have - 2, 02 or 002? They're the same number. Indeed, even the "2" part isn't really part of the number, it's only relevant in the decimal representation.

If you need padding, that suggests you're talking about the textual representation of a number... i.e. a string.

You can achieve that using string formatting options, e.g.

string text = value.ToString("0000000");


string text = value.ToString("D7");

How to increase the clickable area of a <a> tag button?

add padding to the CSS class of anchor tag. If required, add padding-top, padding-bottom,... individually according to the clickable area you want. It worked for me.

Should CSS always preceed Javascript?

Here is a SUMMARY of all the major answers above (or maybe below later :)

For modern browsers, put css wherever you like it. They would analyze your html file (which they call speculative parsing) and start downloading css in parallel with html parsing.

For old browsers keep putting css on top (if you don't want to show a naked but interactive page first).

For all browsers, put javascript as farther down on the page as possible, since it will halt parsing of your html. Preferably, download it asynchronously (i.e., ajax call)

There are also, some experimental results for a particular case which claims putting javascript first (as opposed to traditional wisdom of putting CSS first) gives better performance but there is no logical reasoning given for it, and lacks validation regarding widespread applicability, so you can ignore it for now.

So, to answer the question: Yes. The recommendation to include the CSS before JS is invalid for the modern browsers. Put CSS wherever you like, and put JS towards the end, as possible.

Node.js throws "btoa is not defined" error

export const universalBtoa = str => {
  try {
    return btoa(str);
  } catch (err) {
    return Buffer.from(str).toString('base64');

export const universalAtob = b64Encoded => {
  try {
    return atob(b64Encoded);
  } catch (err) {
    return Buffer.from(b64Encoded, 'base64').toString();

Format numbers to strings in Python

If you have a value that includes a decimal, but the decimal value is negligible (ie: 100.0) and try to int that, you will get an error. It seems silly, but calling float first fixes this.


Using jQuery to test if an input has focus

What I wound up doing is creating an arbitrary class called .elementhasfocus which is added and removed within the jQuery focus() function. When the hover() function runs on mouse out, it checks for .elementhasfocus:

if(!$("#quotebox").is(".boxhasfocus")) $(this).removeClass("box_border");

So if it doesn't have that class (read: no elements within the div have focus) the border is removed. Otherwise, nothing happens.

How do I analyze a program's core dump file with GDB when it has command-line parameters?

objdump + gdb minimal runnable example


Now for the full educational test setup:


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int myfunc(int i) {
    *(int*)(NULL) = i; /* line 7 */
    return i - 1;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* Setup some memory. */
    char data_ptr[] = "string in data segment";
    char *mmap_ptr;
    char *text_ptr = "string in text segment";
    mmap_ptr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(data_ptr) + 1);
    strcpy(mmap_ptr, data_ptr);
    mmap_ptr[10] = 'm';
    mmap_ptr[11] = 'm';
    mmap_ptr[12] = 'a';
    mmap_ptr[13] = 'p';
    printf("text addr: %p\n", text_ptr);
    printf("data addr: %p\n", data_ptr);
    printf("mmap addr: %p\n", mmap_ptr);

    /* Call a function to prepare a stack trace. */
    return myfunc(argc);

Compile, and run to generate core:

gcc -ggdb3 -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o main.out main.c
ulimit -c unlimited
rm -f core


text addr: 0x4007d4
data addr: 0x7ffec6739220
mmap addr: 0x1612010
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

GDB points us to the exact line where the segmentation fault happened, which is what most users want while debugging:

gdb -q -nh main.out core


Reading symbols from main.out...done.
[New LWP 27479]
Core was generated by `./main.out'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x0000000000400635 in myfunc (i=1) at main.c:7
7           *(int*)(NULL) = i;
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000000400635 in myfunc (i=1) at main.c:7
#1  0x000000000040072b in main (argc=1, argv=0x7ffec6739328) at main.c:28

which points us directly to the buggy line 7.

CLI arguments are stored in the core file and don't need to be passed again

To answer the specific CLI argument questions, we see that if we change the cli arguments e.g. with:

rm -f core
./main.out 1 2

then this does get reflected in the previous bactrace without any changes in our commands:

Reading symbols from main.out...done.
[New LWP 21838]
Core was generated by `./main.out 1 2'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x0000564583cf2759 in myfunc (i=3) at main.c:7
7           *(int*)(NULL) = i; /* line 7 */
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000564583cf2759 in myfunc (i=3) at main.c:7
#1  0x0000564583cf2858 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7ffcca4effa8) at main.c:2

So note how now argc=3. Therefore this must mean that the core file stores that information. I'm guessing it just stores it as the arguments of main, just like it stores the arguments of any other functions.

This makes sense if you consider that the core dump must be storing the entire memory and register state of the program, and so it has all the information needed to determine the value of function arguments on the current stack.

Less obvious is how to inspect the environment variables: How to get environment variable from a core dump Environment variables are also present in memory so the objdump does contain that information, but I'm not sure how to list all of them in one go conveniently, one by one as follows did work on my tests though:

p __environ[0]

Binutils analysis

By using binutils tools like readelf and objdump, we can bulk dump information contained in the core file such as the memory state.

Most/all of it must also be visible through GDB, but those binutils tools offer a more bulk approach which is convenient for certain use cases, while GDB is more convenient for a more interactive exploration.


file core

tells us that the core file is actually an ELF file:

core: ELF 64-bit LSB core file x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style, from './main.out'

which is why we are able to inspect it more directly with usual binutils tools.

A quick look at the ELF standard shows that there is actually an ELF type dedicated to it:

Elf32_Ehd.e_type == ET_CORE

Further format information can be found at:

man 5 core


readelf -Wa core

gives some hints about the file structure. Memory appears to be contained in regular program headers:

Program Headers:
  Type           Offset   VirtAddr           PhysAddr           FileSiz  MemSiz   Flg Align
  NOTE           0x000468 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000b9c 0x000000     0
  LOAD           0x002000 0x0000000000400000 0x0000000000000000 0x001000 0x001000 R E 0x1000
  LOAD           0x003000 0x0000000000600000 0x0000000000000000 0x001000 0x001000 R   0x1000
  LOAD           0x004000 0x0000000000601000 0x0000000000000000 0x001000 0x001000 RW  0x1000

and there is some more metadata present in a notes area, notably prstatus contains the PC:

Displaying notes found at file offset 0x00000468 with length 0x00000b9c:
  Owner                 Data size       Description
  CORE                 0x00000150       NT_PRSTATUS (prstatus structure)
  CORE                 0x00000088       NT_PRPSINFO (prpsinfo structure)
  CORE                 0x00000080       NT_SIGINFO (siginfo_t data)
  CORE                 0x00000130       NT_AUXV (auxiliary vector)
  CORE                 0x00000246       NT_FILE (mapped files)
    Page size: 4096
                 Start                 End         Page Offset
    0x0000000000400000  0x0000000000401000  0x0000000000000000
    0x0000000000600000  0x0000000000601000  0x0000000000000000
    0x0000000000601000  0x0000000000602000  0x0000000000000001
    0x00007f8d939ee000  0x00007f8d93bae000  0x0000000000000000
    0x00007f8d93bae000  0x00007f8d93dae000  0x00000000000001c0
    0x00007f8d93dae000  0x00007f8d93db2000  0x00000000000001c0
    0x00007f8d93db2000  0x00007f8d93db4000  0x00000000000001c4
    0x00007f8d93db8000  0x00007f8d93dde000  0x0000000000000000
    0x00007f8d93fdd000  0x00007f8d93fde000  0x0000000000000025
    0x00007f8d93fde000  0x00007f8d93fdf000  0x0000000000000026
  CORE                 0x00000200       NT_FPREGSET (floating point registers)
  LINUX                0x00000340       NT_X86_XSTATE (x86 XSAVE extended state)

objdump can easily dump all memory with:

objdump -s core

which contains:

Contents of section load1:

 4007d0 01000200 73747269 6e672069 6e207465  ....string in te
 4007e0 78742073 65676d65 6e740074 65787420  xt segment.text 

Contents of section load15:

 7ffec6739220 73747269 6e672069 6e206461 74612073  string in data s
 7ffec6739230 65676d65 6e740000 00a8677b 9c6778cd  egment....g{.gx.

Contents of section load4:

 1612010 73747269 6e672069 6e206d6d 61702073  string in mmap s
 1612020 65676d65 6e740000 11040000 00000000  egment..........

which matches exactly with the stdout value in our run.

This was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 amd64, GCC 6.4.0, and binutils 2.26.1.


Yes it stops execution so this is generally preferable to HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 which often won't.

With EXISTS if you look at the execution plan you will see that the actual number of rows coming out of table1 will not be more than 1 irrespective of number of matching records.

In some circumstances SQL Server can convert the tree for the COUNT query to the same as the one for EXISTS during the simplification phase (with a semi join and no aggregate operator in sight) an example of that is discussed in the comments here.

For more complicated sub trees than shown in the question you may occasionally find the COUNT performs better than EXISTS however. Because the semi join needs only retrieve one row from the sub tree this can encourage a plan with nested loops for that part of the tree - which may not work out optimal in practice.

Remove ALL styling/formatting from hyperlinks

As Chris said before me, just an a should override. For example:

a { color:red; }
a:hover { color:blue; }
.nav a { color:green; }

In this instance the .nav a would ALWAYS be green, the :hover wouldn't apply to it.

If there's some other rule affecting it, you COULD use !important, but you shouldn't. It's a bad habit to fall into.

.nav a { color:green !important; } /*I'm a bad person and shouldn't use !important */

Then it'll always be green, irrelevant of any other rule.

On localhost, how do I pick a free port number?

Do not bind to a specific port. Instead, bind to port 0:

sock.bind(('', 0))

The OS will then pick an available port for you. You can get the port that was chosen using sock.getsockname()[1], and pass it on to the slaves so that they can connect back.

Laravel blade check empty foreach

Check the documentation for the best result:

@forelse($status->replies as $reply)
    <p>{{ $reply->body }}</p>
    <p>No replies</p>

Android Studio Image Asset Launcher Icon Background Color

To make background transparent, set shape as None. See the image below:

enter image description here


For Android Studio 3.0, you can set it from Legacy Tab

enter image description here

Nullable types: better way to check for null or zero in c#

Don't forget, for strings, you can always use:


Instead of:

str==null || str==""

Easy way to print Perl array? (with a little formatting)

Map can also be used, but sometimes hard to read when you have lots of things going on.

map{ print "element $_\n" }   @array; 

How to make the web page height to fit screen height


#content{ background-color:#F3F3F3; margin:auto;width:70%;height:77%;}

(77% and 22% roughly preserves the proportions of content and footer and should not cause scrolling)

Implement a loading indicator for a jQuery AJAX call

This is how I got it working with loading remote content that needs to be refreshed:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var loadingContent = '<div class="modal-header"><h1>Processing...</h1></div><div class="modal-body"><div class="progress progress-striped active"><div class="bar" style="width: 100%;"></div></div></div>';

    // This is need so the content gets replaced correctly.
    $("#myModal").on("", function (e) {
        var link = $(e.relatedTarget);

    $("#myModal2").on("", function (e) {

Basically, just replace the modal content while it's loading with a loading message. The content will then be replaced once it's finished loading.

Groovy built-in REST/HTTP client?

The simplest one got to be:

def html = "".toURL().text

hadoop No FileSystem for scheme: file

This is not related to Flink, but I've found this issue in Flink also.

For people using Flink, you need to download Pre-bundled Hadoop and put it inside /opt/flink/lib.

Environment Specific file in Spring Boot application

Spring Boot already has support for profile based properties.

Simply add an application-[profile].properties file and specify the profiles to use using the property.

This will load the and the with the latter overriding properties from the first.

How do I connect to this localhost from another computer on the same network?

it may be that your firewalls are preventing you from accessing the localhost's webserver.
Put the IP addresses of both of your computers' internet security antivirus network security as safe IP addresses if required.
How to find the IP address of your windows PC: Start > (Run) type in: cmd (Enter)
(This opens the black box command prompt)
type in ipconfig (Enter)
Let's say your Apache or IIS webserver is installed on your PC:
and you want to access your webserver with your laptop. (laptop's IP is
On your PC you type in: http://localhost/ inside your Firefox or Internet Eplorer browser to access your data on your webserver.
On your laptop you type in to access your webserver on your PC.

For all these things to work you need have installed a webserver correctly (e.g. IIS, Apache, XAMP, WAMP etc).

If it does not work, try to ping your PC from your laptop:
Open up command propmt on your laptop: Start > cmd (Enter)
ping (Enter)
If the pinging fails, then firewalls are blocking your connection or your network cabling is faulty. Restart your modem or network switch and your machines.
Close programs such as chat programs that are using your ports.
You can also try a diffrent port number: http: or http: or any random number at the end

Laravel Eloquent inner join with multiple conditions

More with where in (list_of_items):

    $linkIds = $user->links()->pluck('id')->toArray();

    $tags = Tag::query()
        ->join('link_tag', function (JoinClause $join) use ($linkIds) {
            $joinClause = $join->on('', '=', 'link_tag.tag_id');
            $joinClause->on('link_tag.link_id', 'in', $linkIds ?: [-1], 'and', true);

    return $tags;

Hope it helpful ;)

Find duplicate lines in a file and count how many time each line was duplicated?

Assuming there is one number per line:

sort <file> | uniq -c

You can use the more verbose --count flag too with the GNU version, e.g., on Linux:

sort <file> | uniq --count

How to enable SOAP on CentOS

For my point of view, First thing is to install soap into Centos

yum install php-soap

Second, see if the soap package exist or not

yum search php-soap

third, thus you must see some result of soap package you installed, now type a command in your terminal in the root folder for searching the location of soap for specific path

find -name

fourth, you will see the exact path where its installed/located, simply copy the path and find the php.ini to add the extension path,

usually the path of php.ini file in centos 6 is in


fifth, add a line of code from below into php.ini file


and then save the file and exit.

sixth run apache restart command in Centos. I think there is two command that can restart your apache ( whichever is easier for you )

service httpd restart


apachectl restart

Lastly, check phpinfo() output in browser, you should see SOAP section where SOAP CLIENT, SOAP SERVER etc are listed and shown Enabled.

How to get the current user's Active Directory details in C#

Alan already gave you the right answer - use the sAMAccountName to filter your user.

I would add a recommendation on your use of DirectorySearcher - if you only want one or two pieces of information, add them into the "PropertiesToLoad" collection of the DirectorySearcher.

Instead of retrieving the whole big user object and then picking out one or two items, this will just return exactly those bits you need.


adSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("sn");  // surname = last name
adSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("givenName");  // given (or first) name
adSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("mail");  // e-mail addresse
adSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("telephoneNumber");  // phone number

Those are just the usual AD/LDAP property names you need to specify.

What's "tools:context" in Android layout files?

That attribute is basically the persistence for the "Associated Activity" selection above the layout. At runtime, a layout is always associated with an activity. It can of course be associated with more than one, but at least one. In the tool, we need to know about this mapping (which at runtime happens in the other direction; an activity can call setContentView(layout) to display a layout) in order to drive certain features.

Right now, we're using it for one thing only: Picking the right theme to show for a layout (since the manifest file can register themes to use for an activity, and once we know the activity associated with the layout, we can pick the right theme to show for the layout). In the future, we'll use this to drive additional features - such as rendering the action bar (which is associated with the activity), a place to add onClick handlers, etc.

The reason this is a tools: namespace attribute is that this is only a designtime mapping for use by the tool. The layout itself can be used by multiple activities/fragments etc. We just want to give you a way to pick a designtime binding such that we can for example show the right theme; you can change it at any time, just like you can change our listview and fragment bindings, etc.

(Here's the full changeset which has more details on this)

And yeah, the link Nikolay listed above shows how the new configuration chooser looks and works

One more thing: The "tools" namespace is special. The android packaging tool knows to ignore it, so none of those attributes will be packaged into the APK. We're using it for extra metadata in the layout. It's also where for example the attributes to suppress lint warnings are stored -- as tools:ignore.

Is ncurses available for windows?

Such a thing probably does not exist "as-is". It doesn't really exist on Linux or other UNIX-like operating systems either though.

ncurses is only a library that helps you manage interactions with the underlying terminal environment. But it doesn't provide a terminal emulator itself.

The thing that actually displays stuff on the screen (which in your requirement is listed as "native resizable win32 windows") is usually called a Terminal Emulator. If you don't like the one that comes with Windows (you aren't alone; no person on Earth does) there are a few alternatives. There is Console, which in my experience works sometimes and appears to just wrap an underlying Windows terminal emulator (I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing, since there is a menu option to actually get access to that underlying terminal emulator, and sure enough an old crusty Windows/DOS box appears which mirrors everything in the Console window).

A better option

Another option, which may be more appealing is puttycyg. It hooks in to Putty (which, coming from a Linux background, is pretty close to what I'm used to, and free) but actually accesses an underlying cygwin instead of the Windows command interpreter (CMD.EXE). So you get all the benefits of Putty's awesome terminal emulator, as well as nice ncurses (and many other) libraries provided by cygwin. Add a couple command line arguments to the Shortcut that launches Putty (or the Batch file) and your app can be automatically launched without going through Putty's UI.

Rerender view on browser resize with React

Edit 2018: now React has first class support for context

I will try to give a generic answer, that targets this specific problem but a more general problem also.

If you don't care about side effects libs, you can simply use something like Packery

If you use Flux, you could create a store that contain the window properties so that you keep a pure render function without having to query the window object everytime.

In other cases where you want to build a responsive website but you prefer React inline styles to media queries, or want the HTML/JS behavior to change according to window width, keep reading:

What is React context and why I talk about it

React context an is not in the public API and permits to pass properties to a whole hierarchy of components.

React context is particularly useful to pass to your whole app things that never changes (it is used by many Flux frameworks through a mixin). You can use it to store app business invariants (like the connected userId, so that it's available everywhere).

But it can also be used to store things that can change. The problem is that when the context changes, all the components that use it should be re-rendered and it is not easy to do so, the best solution is often to unmount/remount the whole app with the new context. Remember forceUpdate is not recursive.

So as you understand, context is practical, but there's a performance impact when it changes, so it should rather not change too often.

What to put in context

  • Invariants: like the connected userId, sessionToken, whatever...
  • Things that don't change often

Here are things that don't change often:

The current user language:

It does not change very oftenly, and when it does, as the whole app is translated we have to re-render everything: a very nice usecase of hot langage change

The window properties

Width and height to not change often but when we do our layout and behavior may have to adapt. For the layout sometimes it's easy to customize with CSS mediaqueries, but sometimes it's not and requires a different HTML structure. For the behavior you have to handle this with Javascript.

You don't want to re-render everything on every resize event, so you have to debounce the resize events.

What I understand of your problem is that you want to know how many items to display according to the screen width. So you have first to define responsive breakpoints, and enumerate the number of different layout types you can have.

For example:

  • Layout "1col", for width <= 600
  • Layout "2col", for 600 < width < 1000
  • Layout "3col", for 1000 <= width

On resize events (debounced), you can easily get the current layout type by querying the window object.

Then you can compare the layout type with the former layout type, and if it has changed, re-render the app with a new context: this permits to avoid re-rendering the app at all when the user has trigger resize events but actually the layout type has not changed, so you only re-render when required.

Once you have that, you can simply use the layout type inside your app (accessible through the context) so that you can customize the HTML, behavior, CSS classes... You know your layout type inside the React render function so this means you can safely write responsive websites by using inline styles, and don't need mediaqueries at all.

If you use Flux, you can use a store instead of React context, but if your app has a lot of responsive components maybe it's simpler to use context?

Programmatically navigate using React router

React-Router v2

For the most recent release (v2.0.0-rc5), the recommended navigation method is by directly pushing onto the history singleton. You can see that in action in the Navigating outside of Components doc.

Relevant excerpt:

import { browserHistory } from 'react-router';

If using the newer react-router API, you need to make use of the history from this.props when inside of components so:


It also offers pushState but that is deprecated per logged warnings.

If using react-router-redux, it offers a push function you can dispatch like so:

import { push } from 'react-router-redux';

However this may be only used to change the URL, not to actually navigate to the page.

Abort a git cherry-pick?

For me, the only way to reset the failed cherry-pick-attempt was

git reset --hard HEAD

Add context path to Spring Boot application

If you are using Spring Boot, then you don't have to configure the server properties via Bean initializing.

Instead, if one functionality is available for basic configuration, then it can be set in a "properties" file called application, which should reside under src\main\resources in your application structure. The "properties" file is available in two formats

  1. .yml

  2. .properties

The way you specify or set the configurations differs from one format to the other.

In your specific case, if you decide to use the extension .properties, then you would have a file called under src\main\resources with the following configuration settings

server.port = 8080
server.contextPath = /context-path

OTOH, if you decide to use the .yml extension (i.e. application.yml), you would need to set the configurations using the following format (i.e. YAML):

    port: 8080
    contextPath: /context-path

For more common properties of Spring Boot refer to the link below:

Submit Button Image

It's very important for accessibility reasons that you always specify value of the submit even if you are hiding this text, or if you use <input type="image" .../> to always specify alt="" attribute for this input field.

Blind people don't know what button will do if it doesn't contain meaningful alt="" or value="".

How to JOIN three tables in Codeigniter

Use this code in model

public function funcname($id)
    $this->db->from('Album a'); 
    $this->db->join('Category b', 'b.cat_id=a.cat_id', 'left');
    $this->db->join('Soundtrack c', 'c.album_id=a.album_id', 'left');
    $query = $this->db->get(); 
    if($query->num_rows() != 0)
        return $query->result_array();
        return false;

pip: no module named _internal

In file "/usr/local/bin/pip" change from pip._internal import main to from pip import main

Debugging WebSocket in Google Chrome

You have 3 options: Chrome (via Developer Tools -> Network tab), Wireshark, and Fiddler (via Log tab), however they all very basic. If you have very high volume of traffic or each frame is very large, it becomes very difficult to use them for debugging.

You can however use Fiddler with FiddlerScript to inspect WebSocket traffic in the same way you inpect HTTP traffic. Few advantages of this solution are that you can leverage many other functionalities in Fiddler, such as multiple inspectors (HexView, JSON, SyntaxView), compare packets, and find packets, etc. Inspect WebSocket traffic

Please refer to my recently written article on CodeProject, which show you how to Debug/Inspect WebSocket traffic with Fiddler (with FiddlerScript).

Adding an onclick function to go to url in JavaScript?

Simply use this


How do I pass options to the Selenium Chrome driver using Python?

from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

# Update your desired_capabilities dict withe extra options.
driver = webdriver.Remote(desired_capabilities=options.to_capabilities())

Both the desired_capabilities and options.to_capabilities() are dictionaries. You can use the dict.update() method to add the options to the main set.

How to build & install GLFW 3 and use it in a Linux project

this solved it to me:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libglfw3
sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev

taken from

How can I run specific migration in laravel

use this command php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/my_migration.php it worked for me..

How to update record using Entity Framework Core?

Microsoft Docs gives us two approaches.

Recommended HttpPost Edit code: Read and update

This is the same old way we used to do in previous versions of Entity Framework. and this is what Microsoft recommends for us.


  • Prevents overposting
  • EFs automatic change tracking sets the Modified flag on the fields that are changed by form input.

Alternative HttpPost Edit code: Create and attach

an alternative is to attach an entity created by the model binder to the EF context and mark it as modified.

As mentioned in the other answer the read-first approach requires an extra database read, and can result in more complex code for handling concurrency conflicts.

Delete the last two characters of the String

You may use the following method to remove last n character -

public String removeLast(String s, int n) {
    if (null != s && !s.isEmpty()) {
        s = s.substring(0, s.length()-n);
    return s;

How can I change image tintColor in iOS and WatchKit

If anyone care a solution without UIImageView:

// (Swift 3)
extension UIImage {
    func tint(with color: UIColor) -> UIImage {
        var image = withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, scale)

        image.draw(in: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size))
        image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
        return image

How to normalize a signal to zero mean and unit variance?

if your signal is in the matrix X, you make it zero-mean by removing the average:


and unit variance by dividing by the standard deviation:


Counting lines, words, and characters within a text file using Python

file__IO = input('\nEnter file name here to analize with path:: ')
with open(file__IO, 'r') as f:
    data =
    line = data.splitlines()
    words = data.split()
    spaces = data.split(" ")
    charc = (len(data) - len(spaces))

    print('\n Line number ::', len(line), '\n Words number ::', len(words), '\n Spaces ::', len(spaces), '\n Charecters ::', (len(data)-len(spaces)))

I tried this code & it works as expected.

jQuery date/time picker

This is some code I use to have a user select one datetimepicker, set the datetime, and have the other datetimepicker add One Minute to that time.

I needed this for a custom medication control....

Anyway, thought it might help someone else since I could not find the answer any where online...

(at least not a complete answer)

Keep in mind that the 60000 added, adds one minute. (60 * 1000 milliseconds)

        onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
            var endDateTextBox = $('.todtPicker');
            if (endDateTextBox.val() != '') {
                var testStartDate = new Date(dateText);
                var testEndDate = new Date(endDateTextBox.val());
                if (testStartDate > testEndDate) {

                    var testStartDate = new Date(dateText).getTime() + 60000;
                    var testStartDate2 = new Date(testStartDate); 

                    endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', (new Date(testStartDate2)));
            else {
                var testStartDate = new Date(dateText).getTime() + 60000;
                var testStartDate2 = new Date(testStartDate);
                endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', (new Date(testStartDate2)));
            $('.frdtPicker').val(dateText); //endDateTextBox.val());

        onSelect: function(selectedDateTime) {
            var start = $(this).datetimepicker('getDate');
            $('.todtPicker').datetimepicker('option', 'minDate', new Date(start.getTime()));

Difference between null and empty string

Null means nothing. Its just a literal. Null is the value of reference variable. But empty string is blank.It gives the length=0. Empty string is a blank value,means the string does not have any thing.

What is the behavior of integer division?

Will result always be the floor of the division? What is the defined behavior?

Not quite. It rounds toward 0, rather than flooring.

6.5.5 Multiplicative operators

6 When integers are divided, the result of the / operator is the algebraic quotient with any fractional part discarded.88) If the quotient a/b is representable, the expression (a/b)*b + a%b shall equal a.

and the corresponding footnote:

  1. This is often called ‘‘truncation toward zero’’.

Of course two points to note are:

3 The usual arithmetic conversions are performed on the operands.


5 The result of the / operator is the quotient from the division of the first operand by the second; the result of the % operator is the remainder. In both operations, if the value of the second operand is zero, the behavior is undefined.

[Note: Emphasis mine]

Required request body content is missing: org.springframework.web.method.HandlerMethod$HandlerMethodParameter

I made some minor modification to you code and tested it with a spring project that I have and it works, The logic will only work with POST if I use GET it throws an error with invalid request. Also in your ajax call I commented out commit(true), the browser debugger flagged and error that it is not defined. Just modify the url to fit your Spring project architecture.

                    url: "/addDepartment", 
                    method: 'POST', 
                    dataType: 'json', 
                    data: "{\"message\":\"abc\",\"success\":true}",
                    contentType: 'application/json',
                    mimeType: 'application/json',
                    success: function(data) { 
                        alert(data.success + " " + data.message);
                    error:function(data,status,er) { 
                        alert("error: "+data+" status: "+status+" er:"+er);

@RequestMapping(value="/addDepartment", method=RequestMethod.POST)
  public AjaxResponse addDepartment(@RequestBody final AjaxResponse  departmentDTO)
    System.out.println("addDepartment: >>>>>>> "+departmentDTO);
    AjaxResponse response=new AjaxResponse();
    return response;

What is the boundary in multipart/form-data?

The exact answer to the question is: yes, you can use an arbitrary value for the boundary parameter, given it does not exceed 70 bytes in length and consists only of 7-bit US-ASCII (printable) characters.

If you are using one of multipart/* content types, you are actually required to specify the boundary parameter in the Content-Type header, otherwise the server (in the case of an HTTP request) will not be able to parse the payload.

You probably also want to set the charset parameter to UTF-8 in your Content-Type header, unless you can be absolutely sure that only US-ASCII charset will be used in the payload data.

A few relevant excerpts from the RFC2046:

  • 4.1.2. Charset Parameter:

    Unlike some other parameter values, the values of the charset parameter are NOT case sensitive. The default character set, which must be assumed in the absence of a charset parameter, is US-ASCII.

  • 5.1. Multipart Media Type

    As stated in the definition of the Content-Transfer-Encoding field [RFC 2045], no encoding other than "7bit", "8bit", or "binary" is permitted for entities of type "multipart". The "multipart" boundary delimiters and header fields are always represented as 7bit US-ASCII in any case (though the header fields may encode non-US-ASCII header text as per RFC 2047) and data within the body parts can be encoded on a part-by-part basis, with Content-Transfer-Encoding fields for each appropriate body part.

    The Content-Type field for multipart entities requires one parameter, "boundary". The boundary delimiter line is then defined as a line consisting entirely of two hyphen characters ("-", decimal value 45) followed by the boundary parameter value from the Content-Type header field, optional linear whitespace, and a terminating CRLF.

    Boundary delimiters must not appear within the encapsulated material, and must be no longer than 70 characters, not counting the two leading hyphens.

    The boundary delimiter line following the last body part is a distinguished delimiter that indicates that no further body parts will follow. Such a delimiter line is identical to the previous delimiter lines, with the addition of two more hyphens after the boundary parameter value.

Here is an example using an arbitrary boundary:

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; boundary="another cool boundary"

--another cool boundary
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"

--another cool boundary
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="baz"

--another cool boundary--

Simulating Key Press C#

Instead of forcing an F5 keypress when you're just trying to get the page to postback, you can call a postback based on a JS event (even mousemove or timer_tick if you want it to fire all the time). Use the code at as a reference.

How do I reference a local image in React?

put your images in the public folder or make a subfolder in your public folder and put your images there. for example:

  1. you put "completative-reptile.jpg" in the public folder, then you can access it as
  1. you put completative-reptile.jpg at public/static/images, then you can access it as

Selecting Values from Oracle Table Variable / Array?


In Oracle these are created once and then when invoked the data is private to your session.

Oracle Documentation Link

Try something like this...

   ( number_column   NUMBER( 10, 0 )

   INSERT INTO temp_number
      ( number_column )
      ( select distinct sgbstdn_pidm 
          from sgbstdn 
         where sgbstdn_majr_code_1 = 'HS04' 
           and sgbstdn_program_1 = 'HSCOMPH' 

    FOR pidms_rec IN ( SELECT number_column FROM temp_number )
        -- Do something here
    END LOOP; 

Checking images for similarity with OpenCV

This is a huge topic, with answers from 3 lines of code to entire research magazines.

I will outline the most common such techniques and their results.

Comparing histograms

One of the simplest & fastest methods. Proposed decades ago as a means to find picture simmilarities. The idea is that a forest will have a lot of green, and a human face a lot of pink, or whatever. So, if you compare two pictures with forests, you'll get some simmilarity between histograms, because you have a lot of green in both.

Downside: it is too simplistic. A banana and a beach will look the same, as both are yellow.

OpenCV method: compareHist()

Template matching

A good example here matchTemplate finding good match. It convolves the search image with the one being search into. It is usually used to find smaller image parts in a bigger one.

Downsides: It only returns good results with identical images, same size & orientation.

OpenCV method: matchTemplate()

Feature matching

Considered one of the most efficient ways to do image search. A number of features are extracted from an image, in a way that guarantees the same features will be recognized again even when rotated, scaled or skewed. The features extracted this way can be matched against other image feature sets. Another image that has a high proportion of the features matching the first one is considered to be depicting the same scene.

Finding the homography between the two sets of points will allow you to also find the relative difference in shooting angle between the original pictures or the amount of overlapping.

There are a number of OpenCV tutorials/samples on this, and a nice video here. A whole OpenCV module (features2d) is dedicated to it.

Downsides: It may be slow. It is not perfect.

Over on the OpenCV Q&A site I am talking about the difference between feature descriptors, which are great when comparing whole images and texture descriptors, which are used to identify objects like human faces or cars in an image.

Table Naming Dilemma: Singular vs. Plural Names

Singular. I'd call an array containing a bunch of user row representation objects 'users', but the table is 'the user table'. Thinking of the table as being nothing but the set of the rows it contains is wrong, IMO; the table is the metadata, and the set of rows is hierarchically attached to the table, it is not the table itself.

I use ORMs all the time, of course, and it helps that ORM code written with plural table names looks stupid.

Apache could not be started - ServerRoot must be a valid directory and Unable to find the specified module

Use the drive letter with forward slashes to get started (c:/apache/...).

Get the latest record from mongodb collection

This is a rehash of the previous answer but it's more likely to work on different mongodb versions.


Select query with date condition

Be careful, you're unwittingly asking "where the date is greater than one divided by nine, divided by two thousand and eight".

Put # signs around the date, like this #1/09/2008#

Fixing Sublime Text 2 line endings?

The EditorConfig project (Github link) is another very viable solution. Similar to sftp-config.json and .sublime-project/workspace sort of file, once you set up a .editorconfig file, either in project folder or in a parent folder, every time you save a file within that directory structure the plugin will automatically apply the settings in the dot file and automate a few different things for you. Some of which are saving Unix-style line endings, adding end-of-file newline, removing whitespace, and adjusting your indent tab/space settings.


Install the EditorConfig plugin in Sublime using Package Control; then place a file named .editorconfig in a parent directory (even your home or the root if you like), with the following content:

end_of_line = lf

That's it. This setting will automatically apply Unix-style line endings whenever you save a file within that directory structure. You can do more cool stuff, ex. trim unwanted trailing white-spaces or add a trailing newline at the end of each file. For more detail, refer to the example file at, that is:

root = true

indent_style = tab
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true

trim_trailing_whitespace = false

The root = true line means that EditorConfig won't look for other .editorconfig files in the upper levels of the directory structure.

Where is Java Installed on Mac OS X?

Try This, It's easy way to find java installed path in Mac OS X,


1 ) /Library i.e Macintosh HD/Library

enter image description here

2) Click on Library in that we find Java folder.

enter image description here

3) So final path is


Hope so this is help for someone .

insert datetime value in sql database with c#

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
    cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO <table> (<date_column>) VALUES ('2010-01-01 12:00')";

It's been awhile since I wrote this stuff, so this may not be perfect. but the general idea is there.

WARNING: this is unsanitized. You should use parameters to avoid injection attacks.

EDIT: Since Jon insists.

How to run only one task in ansible playbook?

FWIW with Ansible 2.2 one can use include_role:

playbook test.yml:

- name: test
  connection: local
    - include_role:
        name: test
        tasks_from: other

then in roles/test/tasks/other.yml:

- name: say something else
  shell: echo "I'm the other guy"

And invoke the playbook with: ansible-playbook test.yml to get:

TASK [test : say something else] *************
changed: []

Transform char array into String

If you have the char array null terminated, you can assign the char array to the string:

char[] chArray = "some characters";
String String(chArray);

As for your loop code, it looks right, but I will try on my controller to see if I get the same problem.

How to Set focus to first text input in a bootstrap modal after shown

Try to remove the tabIndex property of the modal, when your input/textbox is open. Set it back to what ever it was, when you close input/textbox. This would resolve the issue irrespective bootstrap version, and without compromising the user experience flow.

How do I get the localhost name in PowerShell?

All above questions are correct but if you want the hostname and domain name try this:


How to get ALL child controls of a Windows Forms form of a specific type (Button/Textbox)?

This may work:

Public Function getControls(Of T)() As List(Of T)
    Dim st As New Stack(Of Control)
    Dim ctl As Control
    Dim li As New List(Of T)


    While st.Count > 0
        ctl = st.Pop
        For Each c In ctl.Controls
            st.Push(CType(c, Control))
            If c.GetType Is GetType(T) Then
                li.Add(CType(c, T))
            End If
    End While

    Return li
End Function

I think the function to get all controls you are talking about is only available to WPF.

HTML5 video (mp4 and ogv) problems in Safari and Firefox - but Chrome is all good

Just remove the inner quotes - they confuse Firefox. You can just use "video/ogg; codecs=theora,vorbis".

Also, that markup works in my Minefiled 3.7a5pre, so if your ogv file doesn't play, it may be a bogus file. How did you create it? You might want to register a bug with Firefox.

How to get multiline input from user

input(prompt) is basically equivalent to

def input(prompt):
    print(prompt, end='', file=sys.stderr)
    return sys.stdin.readline()

You can read directly from sys.stdin if you like.

lines = sys.stdin.readlines()

lines = [line for line in sys.stdin]

five_lines = list(itertools.islice(sys.stdin, 5))

The first two require that the input end somehow, either by reaching the end of a file or by the user typing Control-D (or Control-Z in Windows) to signal the end. The last one will return after five lines have been read, whether from a file or from the terminal/keyboard.

What is an alternative to execfile in Python 3?

You could write your own function:

def xfile(afile, globalz=None, localz=None):
    with open(afile, "r") as fh:
        exec(, globalz, localz)

If you really needed to...

Trigger back-button functionality on button click in Android

You should use finish() when the user clicks on the button in order to go to the previous activity.

Button backButton = (Button)this.findViewById(;
backButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View v) {

Alternatively, if you really need to, you can try to trigger your own back key press:

this.dispatchKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK));
this.dispatchKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK));

Execute both of these.

How to connect TFS in Visual Studio code

It seems that the extension cannot be found anymore using "Visual Studio Team Services". Instead, by following the link in Using Visual Studio Code & Team Foundation Version Control on "Get the TFVC plugin working in Visual Studio Code" you get to the Azure Repos Extension for Visual Studio Code GitHub. There it is explained that you now have to look for "Team Azure Repos".

Also, please note, that with the new Settings editor in Visual Studio Code the additional slashes do not have to be added. The path to tf.exe for VS 2017 - if specified using the "user friendly" Settings editor - would be just

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\TF.exe

Html.HiddenFor value property not getting set

Have you tried using a view model instead of ViewData? Strongly typed helpers that end with For and take a lambda expression cannot work with weakly typed structures such as ViewData.

Personally I don't use ViewData/ViewBag. I define view models and have my controller actions pass those view models to my views.

For example in your case I would define a view model:

public class MyViewModel
    [HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)]
    public string CRN { get; set; }

have my controller action populate this view model:

public ActionResult Index()
    var model = new MyViewModel
        CRN = "foo bar"
    return View(model);

and then have my strongly typed view simply use an EditorFor helper:

@model MyViewModel
@Html.EditorFor(x => x.CRN)

which would generate me:

<input id="CRN" name="CRN" type="hidden" value="foo bar" />

in the resulting HTML.

Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView

Isn't simply android:saveEnabled="true" in the ListView xml declaration enough?

NUnit Unit tests not showing in Test Explorer with Test Adapter installed

  1. Tools
  2. NuGet Package Manager
  3. Manage NuGet Packages For Solution
  4. Browse
  5. NUnitTestAdapter.WithFramework
  6. Ctrl+R,A to build/run tests

enter image description here

Using NUnitTestAdapter.WithFramework makes sure there are little/no inconsistencies across versions of NUnit and NUnit Adapter (i.e. "it just works")

How to import a bak file into SQL Server Express

Using management studio the procedure can be done as follows

  1. right click on the Databases container within object explorer
  2. from context menu select Restore database
  3. Specify To Database as either a new or existing database
  4. Specify Source for restore as from device
  5. Select Backup media as File
  6. Click the Add button and browse to the location of the BAK file


You'll need to specify the WITH REPLACE option to overwrite the existing adventure_second database with a backup taken from a different database.

Click option menu and tick Overwrite the existing database(With replace)


How to use conditional statement within child attribute of a Flutter Widget (Center Widget)

With a button

bool _paused = false;

  child: _paused ? Text('Play') : Text('Pause'),
  onPressed: () {
    setState(() {
      _paused = !_paused;

Read input from a JOptionPane.showInputDialog box

Your problem is that, if the user clicks cancel, operationType is null and thus throws a NullPointerException. I would suggest that you move

if (operationType.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) 

to the beginning of the group of if statements, and then change it to


This will make the program exit just as if the user had selected the quit option when the cancel button is pushed.

Then, change all the rest of the ifs to else ifs. This way, once the program sees whether or not the input is null, it doesn't try to call anything else on operationType. This has the added benefit of making it more efficient - once the program sees that the input is one of the options, it won't bother checking it against the rest of them.

How to get the dimensions of a tensor (in TensorFlow) at graph construction time?

Let's make it simple as hell. If you want a single number for the number of dimensions like 2, 3, 4, etc., then just use tf.rank(). But, if you want the exact shape of the tensor then use tensor.get_shape()

with tf.Session() as sess:
   arr = tf.random_normal(shape=(10, 32, 32, 128))
   a = tf.random_gamma(shape=(3, 3, 1), alpha=0.1)
   print([tf.rank(arr), tf.rank(a)]))
   print(arr.get_shape(), ", ", a.get_shape())     

# for tf.rank()    
[4, 3]

# for tf.get_shape()
Output: (10, 32, 32, 128) , (3, 3, 1)

Disable cross domain web security in Firefox

I have not been able to find a Firefox option equivalent of --disable-web-security or an addon that does that for me. I really needed it for some testing scenarios where modifying the web server was not possible. What did help was to use Fiddler to auto-modify web responses so that they have the correct headers and CORS is no longer an issue.

The steps are:

  1. Open fiddler.

  2. If on https go to menu Tools -> Options -> Https and tick the Capture & Decrypt https options

  3. Go to menu Rules -> Customize rules. Modify the OnBeforeResponseFunction so that it looks like the following, then save:

     static function OnBeforeResponse(oSession: Session) {
        oSession.oResponse.headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

    This will make every web response to have the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header.

  4. This still won't work as the OPTIONS preflight will pass through and cause the request to block before our above rule gets the chance to modify the headers. So to fix this, in the fiddler main window, on the right hand side there's an AutoResponder tab. Add a new rule and response: METHOD:OPTIONS with auto response: *CORSPreflightAllow and tick the boxes: "Enable Rules" and "Unmatched requests passthrough".

See picture below for reference:

enter image description here

Angularjs $http post file and form data

I had similar problem when had to upload file and send user token info at the same time. transformRequest along with forming FormData helped:

            method: 'POST',
            url: '/upload-file',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
            data: {
                email: Utils.getUserInfo().email,
                token: Utils.getUserInfo().token,
                upload: $scope.file
            transformRequest: function (data, headersGetter) {
                var formData = new FormData();
                angular.forEach(data, function (value, key) {
                    formData.append(key, value);

                var headers = headersGetter();
                delete headers['Content-Type'];

                return formData;
        .success(function (data) {

        .error(function (data, status) {


For getting file $scope.file I used custom directive:

app.directive('file', function () {
    return {
        scope: {
            file: '='
        link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
            el.bind('change', function (event) {
                var file =[0];
                scope.file = file ? file : undefined;


<input type="file" file="file" required />

How to Install gcc 5.3 with yum on CentOS 7.2?

The best approach to use yum and update your devtoolset is to utilize the CentOS SCLo RH Testing repository.

yum install centos-release-scl-rh
yum --enablerepo=centos-sclo-rh-testing install devtoolset-7-gcc devtoolset-7-gcc-c++

Many additional packages are also available, to see them all

yum --enablerepo=centos-sclo-rh-testing list devtoolset-7*

You can use this method to install any dev tool version, just swap the 7 for your desired version. devtoolset-6-gcc, devtoolset-5-gcc etc.

anaconda/conda - install a specific package version

If any of these characters, '>', '<', '|' or '*', are used, a single or double quotes must be used

conda install [-y] package">=version"
conda install [-y] package'>=low_version, <=high_version'
conda install [-y] "package>=low_version, <high_version"

conda install -y torchvision">=0.3.0"
conda install  openpyxl'>=2.4.10,<=2.6.0'
conda install "openpyxl>=2.4.10,<3.0.0"

where option -y, --yes Do not ask for confirmation.

Here is a summary:

Format         Sample Specification     Results
Exact          qtconsole==4.5.1         4.5.1
Fuzzy          qtconsole=4.5            4.5.0, 4.5.1, ..., etc.
>=, >, <, <=  "qtconsole>=4.5"          4.5.0 or higher
               qtconsole"<4.6"          less than 4.6.0

OR            "qtconsole=4.5.1|4.5.2"   4.5.1, 4.5.2
AND           "qtconsole>=4.3.1,<4.6"   4.3.1 or higher but less than 4.6.0

Potion of the above information credit to Conda Cheat Sheet

Tested on conda 4.7.12

Google Chrome Full Black Screen

Disable Nvidia's nView Desktop Manager and the problem should resolve.

Is there an embeddable Webkit component for Windows / C# development?

There's a WebKit-Sharp component on Mono's GitHub Repository. I can't find any web-viewable documentation on it, and I'm not even sure if it's WinForms or GTK# (can't grab the source from here to check at the moment), but it's probably your best bet, either way.

how to measure running time of algorithms in python

The module timeit is useful for this and is included in the standard Python distribution.


import timeit
timeit.Timer('for i in xrange(10): oct(i)').timeit()

Redirect to Action by parameter mvc

return RedirectToAction("ProductImageManager","Index", new   { id=id   });

Here is an invalid parameters order, should be an action first
ensure your routing table is correct

apt-get for Cygwin?

You can do this using Cygwin’s setup.exe from Windows command line. Example:

cd C:\cygwin64
setup-x86_64 -q -P wget,tar,gawk,bzip2,subversion,vim

For a more convenient installer, you may want to use the apt-cyg package manager. Its syntax is similar to apt-get, which is a plus. For this, follow the above steps and then use Cygwin Bash for the following steps:

install apt-cyg /bin

Now that apt-cyg is installed. Here are a few examples of installing some packages:

apt-cyg install nano
apt-cyg install git
apt-cyg install ca-certificates

Multiple GitHub Accounts & SSH Config

A possibly simpler alternative to editing the ssh config file (as suggested in all other answers), is to configure an individual repository to use a different (e.g. non-default) ssh key.

Inside the repository for which you want to use a different key, run:

git config core.sshCommand 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_anotheraccount'

If your key is passhprase-protected and you don't want to type your password every time, you have to add it to the ssh-agent. Here's how to do it for ubuntu and here for macOS.

It should also be possible to scale this approach to multiple repositories using global git config and conditional includes (see example).

How to select a schema in postgres when using psql?

Do you want to change database?

\l - to display databases
\c - connect to new database


I've read again your question. To display schemas

\dn - list of schemas

To change schema, you can try

SET search_path TO

Swap x and y axis without manually swapping values

Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 v 14.5.9

  • Click on the chart
  • Press the "Switch Plot" button under the "Charts" tab

How to get changes from another branch

You can use rebase, for instance, git rebase our-team when you are on your branch featurex

It will move the start point of the branch at the end of your our-team branch, merging all changes in your featurex branch.

How to Detect if I'm Compiling Code with a particular Visual Studio version?

In visual studio, go to help | about and look at the version of Visual Studio that you're using to compile your app.

How to switch databases in psql?

If you want to switch to a specific database on startup, try

/Applications/ vigneshdb;

By default, Postgres runs on the port 5432. If it runs on another, make sure to pass the port in the command line.

/Applications/ -p2345 vigneshdb;

By a simple alias, we can make it handy.

Create an alias in your .bashrc or .bash_profile

function psql()
    if [ "$1" != ""]; then
    /Applications/ -p5432 $1

Run psql in command line, it will switch to default database; psql anotherdb, it will switch to the db with the name in argument, on startup.

How does Python return multiple values from a function?

Whenever multiple values are returned from a function in python, does it always convert the multiple values to a list of multiple values and then returns it from the function??

I'm just adding a name and print the result that returns from the function. the type of result is 'tuple'.

  class FigureOut:
   first_name = None
   last_name = None
   def setName(self, name):
      fullname = name.split()
      self.first_name = fullname[0]
      self.last_name = fullname[1]
      self.special_name = fullname[2]
   def getName(self):
      return self.first_name, self.last_name, self.special_name

f = FigureOut()
f.setName("Allen Solly Jun")
name = f.getName()
print type(name)

I don't know whether you have heard about 'first class function'. Python is the language that has 'first class function'

I hope my answer could help you. Happy coding.

Stacked Bar Plot in R

I'm obviosly not a very good R coder, but if you wanted to do this with ggplot2:

data<- rbind(c(480, 780, 431, 295, 670, 360,  190),
             c(720, 350, 377, 255, 340, 615,  345),
             c(460, 480, 179, 560,  60, 735, 1260),
             c(220, 240, 876, 789, 820, 100,   75))

a <- cbind(data[, 1], 1, c(1:4))
b <- cbind(data[, 2], 2, c(1:4))
c <- cbind(data[, 3], 3, c(1:4))
d <- cbind(data[, 4], 4, c(1:4))
e <- cbind(data[, 5], 5, c(1:4))
f <- cbind(data[, 6], 6, c(1:4))
g <- cbind(data[, 7], 7, c(1:4))

data           <-, b, c, d, e, f, g))
colnames(data) <-c("Time", "Type", "Group")
data$Type      <- factor(data$Type, labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"))


ggplot(data = data, aes(x = Type, y = Time, fill = Group)) + 
       geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
       opts(legend.position = "none")

enter image description here

sklearn plot confusion matrix with labels

As hinted in this question, you have to "open" the lower-level artist API, by storing the figure and axis objects passed by the matplotlib functions you call (the fig, ax and cax variables below). You can then replace the default x- and y-axis ticks using set_xticklabels/set_yticklabels:

from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

labels = ['business', 'health']
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, pred, labels)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
cax = ax.matshow(cm)
plt.title('Confusion matrix of the classifier')
ax.set_xticklabels([''] + labels)
ax.set_yticklabels([''] + labels)

Note that I passed the labels list to the confusion_matrix function to make sure it's properly sorted, matching the ticks.

This results in the following figure:

enter image description here

LINQ Aggregate algorithm explained

This is an explanation about using Aggregate on a Fluent API such as Linq Sorting.

var list = new List<Student>();
var sorted = list
    .OrderBy(s => s.LastName)
    .ThenBy(s => s.FirstName)
    .ThenBy(s => s.Age)
    .ThenBy(s => s.Grading)
    .ThenBy(s => s.TotalCourses);

and lets see we want to implement a sort function that take a set of fields, this is very easy using Aggregate instead of a for-loop, like this:

public static IOrderedEnumerable<Student> MySort(
    this List<Student> list,
    params Func<Student, object>[] fields)
    var firstField = fields.First();
    var otherFields = fields.Skip(1);

    var init = list.OrderBy(firstField);
    return otherFields.Skip(1).Aggregate(init, (resultList, current) => resultList.ThenBy(current));

And we can use it like this:

var sorted = list.MySort(
    s => s.LastName,
    s => s.FirstName,
    s => s.Age,
    s => s.Grading,
    s => s.TotalCourses);

insert vertical divider line between two nested divs, not full height

Try this. I set the blue box to float right, gave left and right a fixed height, and added a white border on the right of the left div. Also added rounded corners to more match your example (These won't work in ie 8 or less). I also took out the position: relative. You don't need it. Block level elements are set to position relative by default.

See it here:

#left {
  float: left;
  width: 44%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  border-right: 1px solid white;

#right {
  position: relative;
  float: right;
  width: 49%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

#blue_box {
  border-radius: 10px;
  -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
  width: 45%;
  min-width: 400px;
  max-width: 600px;
  padding: 2%;
  float: right;

How Many Seconds Between Two Dates?

var a = new Date("2010 jan 10"),
    b = new Date("2010 jan 9");

    a + "\n" + 
    b + "\n" +
    "Difference: " + ((+a - +b) / 1000)

Forking / Multi-Threaded Processes | Bash

Let me try example

for x in 1 2 3 ; do { echo a $x ; sleep 1 ; echo b $x ; } &  done ; sleep 10

And use jobs to see what's running.

What is the difference between Eclipse for Java (EE) Developers and Eclipse Classic?

If you want to build Java EE applications, it's best to use Eclipse IDE for Java EE. It has editors from HTML to JSP/JSF, Javascript. It's rich for webapps development, and provide plugins and tools to develop Java EE applications easily (all bundled).

Eclipse Classic is basically the full featured Eclipse without the Java EE part.

Lodash .clone and .cloneDeep behaviors

Thanks to Gruff Bunny and Louis' comments, I found the source of the issue.

As I use Backbone.js too, I loaded a special build of Lodash compatible with Backbone and Underscore that disables some features. In this example:

var clone = _.clone(data, true);

data[1].values.d = 'x';

I just replaced the Underscore build with the Normal build in my Backbone application and the application is still working. So I can now use the Lodash .clone with the expected behaviour.

Edit 2018: the Underscore build doesn't seem to exist anymore. If you are reading this in 2018, you could be interested by this documentation (Backbone and Lodash).

How to connect to remote Redis server?

redis-cli -h XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -p YYYY is the IP address and yyyy is the port

EXAMPLE from my dev environment

redis-cli -h -p 30000


Host, port, password and database By default redis-cli connects to the server at port 6379. As you can guess, you can easily change this using command line options. To specify a different host name or an IP address, use -h. In order to set a different port, use -p.

redis-cli -h -p 6390 ping

Java - How Can I Write My ArrayList to a file, and Read (load) that file to the original ArrayList?


Also, you 'add' logic is logically equivalent to using a Set instead of a List. Lists can have duplicates and Sets cannot. You should consider using a set. After all, can you really have 2 chess clubs in the same school?

Android change SDK version in Eclipse? Unable to resolve target android-x

In Build: v22.6.2-1085508 ADT you need to add(select Android 4.4.2)

Goto project --> properties --> Android(This is second in listed item order leftPanel) and in the RightPanel Project Build Target, select Android 4.4.2 as Target name and apply changes It will rebuild the workspace.

In my case unable to resolve target 'android-17' eclipse was being shown as compile error and in code: import java.util.HashMap was not being referenced.

How do I convert a String to a BigInteger?

If you may want to convert plaintext (not just numbers) to a BigInteger you will run into an exception, if you just try to: new BigInteger("not a Number")

In this case you could do it like this way:

public  BigInteger stringToBigInteger(String string){
    byte[] asciiCharacters = string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
    StringBuilder asciiString = new StringBuilder();
    for(byte asciiCharacter:asciiCharacters){
    BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(asciiString.toString());
    return bigInteger;

Powershell: Get FQDN Hostname

A cleaner format FQDN remotely


ReactJS - Call One Component Method From Another Component

You can do something like this

import React from 'react';

class Header extends React.Component {

constructor() {

checkClick(e, notyId) {

render() {
    return (
        <PopupOver func ={this.checkClick } />

class PopupOver extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
    this.props.func(this, 1234);

render() {
    return (
        <div className="displayinline col-md-12 ">

export default Header;

Using statics

var MyComponent = React.createClass({
 statics: {
 customMethod: function(foo) {
  return foo === 'bar';
   render: function() {

MyComponent.customMethod('bar');  // true

How to kill a process in MacOS?

I have experienced that if kill -9 PID doesn't work and you own the process, you can use kill -s kill PID which is kind of surprising as the man page says you can kill -signal_number PID.

How to kill all active and inactive oracle sessions for user

inactive session the day before kill

    for i in (select * from v$session where status='INACTIVE' and (sysdate-PREV_EXEC_START)>1)_x000D_
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE(q'{ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '}'||i.sid||q'[,]'  ||i.serial#||q'[']'||' IMMEDIATE');_x000D_
    END LOOP;_x000D_

Matplotlib - global legend and title aside subplots

In addition to the orbeckst answer one might also want to shift the subplots down. Here's an MWE in OOP style:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
st = fig.suptitle("suptitle", fontsize="x-large")

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)

ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313)


# shift subplots down:



enter image description here

How to use PHP's password_hash to hash and verify passwords

Class Password full code:

Class Password {

    public function __construct() {}

     * Hash the password using the specified algorithm
     * @param string $password The password to hash
     * @param int    $algo     The algorithm to use (Defined by PASSWORD_* constants)
     * @param array  $options  The options for the algorithm to use
     * @return string|false The hashed password, or false on error.
    function password_hash($password, $algo, array $options = array()) {
        if (!function_exists('crypt')) {
            trigger_error("Crypt must be loaded for password_hash to function", E_USER_WARNING);
            return null;
        if (!is_string($password)) {
            trigger_error("password_hash(): Password must be a string", E_USER_WARNING);
            return null;
        if (!is_int($algo)) {
            trigger_error("password_hash() expects parameter 2 to be long, " . gettype($algo) . " given", E_USER_WARNING);
            return null;
        switch ($algo) {
            case PASSWORD_BCRYPT :
                // Note that this is a C constant, but not exposed to PHP, so we don't define it here.
                $cost = 10;
                if (isset($options['cost'])) {
                    $cost = $options['cost'];
                    if ($cost < 4 || $cost > 31) {
                        trigger_error(sprintf("password_hash(): Invalid bcrypt cost parameter specified: %d", $cost), E_USER_WARNING);
                        return null;
                // The length of salt to generate
                $raw_salt_len = 16;
                // The length required in the final serialization
                $required_salt_len = 22;
                $hash_format = sprintf("$2y$%02d$", $cost);
            default :
                trigger_error(sprintf("password_hash(): Unknown password hashing algorithm: %s", $algo), E_USER_WARNING);
                return null;
        if (isset($options['salt'])) {
            switch (gettype($options['salt'])) {
                case 'NULL' :
                case 'boolean' :
                case 'integer' :
                case 'double' :
                case 'string' :
                    $salt = (string)$options['salt'];
                case 'object' :
                    if (method_exists($options['salt'], '__tostring')) {
                        $salt = (string)$options['salt'];
                case 'array' :
                case 'resource' :
                default :
                    trigger_error('password_hash(): Non-string salt parameter supplied', E_USER_WARNING);
                    return null;
            if (strlen($salt) < $required_salt_len) {
                trigger_error(sprintf("password_hash(): Provided salt is too short: %d expecting %d", strlen($salt), $required_salt_len), E_USER_WARNING);
                return null;
            } elseif (0 == preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9./]+$#D', $salt)) {
                $salt = str_replace('+', '.', base64_encode($salt));
        } else {
            $salt = str_replace('+', '.', base64_encode($this->generate_entropy($required_salt_len)));
        $salt = substr($salt, 0, $required_salt_len);

        $hash = $hash_format . $salt;

        $ret = crypt($password, $hash);

        if (!is_string($ret) || strlen($ret) <= 13) {
            return false;

        return $ret;

     * Generates Entropy using the safest available method, falling back to less preferred methods depending on support
     * @param int $bytes
     * @return string Returns raw bytes
    function generate_entropy($bytes){
        $buffer = '';
        $buffer_valid = false;
        if (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv') && !defined('PHALANGER')) {
            $buffer = mcrypt_create_iv($bytes, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
            if ($buffer) {
                $buffer_valid = true;
        if (!$buffer_valid && function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
            $buffer = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($bytes);
            if ($buffer) {
                $buffer_valid = true;
        if (!$buffer_valid && is_readable('/dev/urandom')) {
            $f = fopen('/dev/urandom', 'r');
            $read = strlen($buffer);
            while ($read < $bytes) {
                $buffer .= fread($f, $bytes - $read);
                $read = strlen($buffer);
            if ($read >= $bytes) {
                $buffer_valid = true;
        if (!$buffer_valid || strlen($buffer) < $bytes) {
            $bl = strlen($buffer);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++) {
                if ($i < $bl) {
                    $buffer[$i] = $buffer[$i] ^ chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
                } else {
                    $buffer .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
        return $buffer;

     * Get information about the password hash. Returns an array of the information
     * that was used to generate the password hash.
     * array(
     *    'algo' => 1,
     *    'algoName' => 'bcrypt',
     *    'options' => array(
     *        'cost' => 10,
     *    ),
     * )
     * @param string $hash The password hash to extract info from
     * @return array The array of information about the hash.
    function password_get_info($hash) {
        $return = array('algo' => 0, 'algoName' => 'unknown', 'options' => array(), );
        if (substr($hash, 0, 4) == '$2y$' && strlen($hash) == 60) {
            $return['algo'] = PASSWORD_BCRYPT;
            $return['algoName'] = 'bcrypt';
            list($cost) = sscanf($hash, "$2y$%d$");
            $return['options']['cost'] = $cost;
        return $return;

     * Determine if the password hash needs to be rehashed according to the options provided
     * If the answer is true, after validating the password using password_verify, rehash it.
     * @param string $hash    The hash to test
     * @param int    $algo    The algorithm used for new password hashes
     * @param array  $options The options array passed to password_hash
     * @return boolean True if the password needs to be rehashed.
    function password_needs_rehash($hash, $algo, array $options = array()) {
        $info = password_get_info($hash);
        if ($info['algo'] != $algo) {
            return true;
        switch ($algo) {
            case PASSWORD_BCRYPT :
                $cost = isset($options['cost']) ? $options['cost'] : 10;
                if ($cost != $info['options']['cost']) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Verify a password against a hash using a timing attack resistant approach
     * @param string $password The password to verify
     * @param string $hash     The hash to verify against
     * @return boolean If the password matches the hash
    public function password_verify($password, $hash) {
        if (!function_exists('crypt')) {
            trigger_error("Crypt must be loaded for password_verify to function", E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        $ret = crypt($password, $hash);
        if (!is_string($ret) || strlen($ret) != strlen($hash) || strlen($ret) <= 13) {
            return false;

        $status = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ret); $i++) {
            $status |= (ord($ret[$i]) ^ ord($hash[$i]));

        return $status === 0;


The POM for project is missing, no dependency information available


<!-- ANT4X -->


<!-- ANT4X -->

The groupId of net.sourceforge was incorrect. The correct value is net.sourceforge.ant4x. SSL handshake aborted: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error

I found the solution for it by analyzing the data packets using wireshark. What I found is that while making a secure connection, android was falling back to SSLv3 from TLSv1 . It is a bug in android versions < 4.4 , and it can be solved by removing the SSLv3 protocol from Enabled Protocols list. I made a custom socketFactory class called Use this to make a socketfactory.

/*Copyright 2015 Bhavit Singh Sengar
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.*/

import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class NoSSLv3SocketFactory extends SSLSocketFactory{
    private final SSLSocketFactory delegate;

public NoSSLv3SocketFactory() {
    this.delegate = HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory();

public NoSSLv3SocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory delegate) {
    this.delegate = delegate;

public String[] getDefaultCipherSuites() {
    return delegate.getDefaultCipherSuites();

public String[] getSupportedCipherSuites() {
    return delegate.getSupportedCipherSuites();

private Socket makeSocketSafe(Socket socket) {
    if (socket instanceof SSLSocket) {
        socket = new NoSSLv3SSLSocket((SSLSocket) socket);
    return socket;

public Socket createSocket(Socket s, String host, int port, boolean autoClose) throws IOException {
    return makeSocketSafe(delegate.createSocket(s, host, port, autoClose));

public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException {
    return makeSocketSafe(delegate.createSocket(host, port));

public Socket createSocket(String host, int port, InetAddress localHost, int localPort) throws IOException {
    return makeSocketSafe(delegate.createSocket(host, port, localHost, localPort));

public Socket createSocket(InetAddress host, int port) throws IOException {
    return makeSocketSafe(delegate.createSocket(host, port));

public Socket createSocket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddress, int localPort) throws IOException {
    return makeSocketSafe(delegate.createSocket(address, port, localAddress, localPort));

private class NoSSLv3SSLSocket extends DelegateSSLSocket {

    private NoSSLv3SSLSocket(SSLSocket delegate) {


    public void setEnabledProtocols(String[] protocols) {
        if (protocols != null && protocols.length == 1 && "SSLv3".equals(protocols[0])) {

            List<String> enabledProtocols = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(delegate.getEnabledProtocols()));
            if (enabledProtocols.size() > 1) {
                System.out.println("Removed SSLv3 from enabled protocols");
            } else {
                System.out.println("SSL stuck with protocol available for " + String.valueOf(enabledProtocols));
            protocols = enabledProtocols.toArray(new String[enabledProtocols.size()]);


public class DelegateSSLSocket extends SSLSocket {

    protected final SSLSocket delegate;

    DelegateSSLSocket(SSLSocket delegate) {
        this.delegate = delegate;

    public String[] getSupportedCipherSuites() {
        return delegate.getSupportedCipherSuites();

    public String[] getEnabledCipherSuites() {
        return delegate.getEnabledCipherSuites();

    public void setEnabledCipherSuites(String[] suites) {

    public String[] getSupportedProtocols() {
        return delegate.getSupportedProtocols();

    public String[] getEnabledProtocols() {
        return delegate.getEnabledProtocols();

    public void setEnabledProtocols(String[] protocols) {

    public SSLSession getSession() {
        return delegate.getSession();

    public void addHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener listener) {

    public void removeHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener listener) {

    public void startHandshake() throws IOException {

    public void setUseClientMode(boolean mode) {

    public boolean getUseClientMode() {
        return delegate.getUseClientMode();

    public void setNeedClientAuth(boolean need) {

    public void setWantClientAuth(boolean want) {

    public boolean getNeedClientAuth() {
        return delegate.getNeedClientAuth();

    public boolean getWantClientAuth() {
        return delegate.getWantClientAuth();

    public void setEnableSessionCreation(boolean flag) {

    public boolean getEnableSessionCreation() {
        return delegate.getEnableSessionCreation();

    public void bind(SocketAddress localAddr) throws IOException {

    public synchronized void close() throws IOException {

    public void connect(SocketAddress remoteAddr) throws IOException {

    public void connect(SocketAddress remoteAddr, int timeout) throws IOException {
        delegate.connect(remoteAddr, timeout);

    public SocketChannel getChannel() {
        return delegate.getChannel();

    public InetAddress getInetAddress() {
        return delegate.getInetAddress();

    public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
        return delegate.getInputStream();

    public boolean getKeepAlive() throws SocketException {
        return delegate.getKeepAlive();

    public InetAddress getLocalAddress() {
        return delegate.getLocalAddress();

    public int getLocalPort() {
        return delegate.getLocalPort();

    public SocketAddress getLocalSocketAddress() {
        return delegate.getLocalSocketAddress();

    public boolean getOOBInline() throws SocketException {
        return delegate.getOOBInline();

    public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
        return delegate.getOutputStream();

    public int getPort() {
        return delegate.getPort();

    public synchronized int getReceiveBufferSize() throws SocketException {
        return delegate.getReceiveBufferSize();

    public SocketAddress getRemoteSocketAddress() {
        return delegate.getRemoteSocketAddress();

    public boolean getReuseAddress() throws SocketException {
        return delegate.getReuseAddress();

    public synchronized int getSendBufferSize() throws SocketException {
        return delegate.getSendBufferSize();

    public int getSoLinger() throws SocketException {
        return delegate.getSoLinger();

    public synchronized int getSoTimeout() throws SocketException {
        return delegate.getSoTimeout();

    public boolean getTcpNoDelay() throws SocketException {
        return delegate.getTcpNoDelay();

    public int getTrafficClass() throws SocketException {
        return delegate.getTrafficClass();

    public boolean isBound() {
        return delegate.isBound();

    public boolean isClosed() {
        return delegate.isClosed();

    public boolean isConnected() {
        return delegate.isConnected();

    public boolean isInputShutdown() {
        return delegate.isInputShutdown();

    public boolean isOutputShutdown() {
        return delegate.isOutputShutdown();

    public void sendUrgentData(int value) throws IOException {

    public void setKeepAlive(boolean keepAlive) throws SocketException {

    public void setOOBInline(boolean oobinline) throws SocketException {

    public void setPerformancePreferences(int connectionTime, int latency, int bandwidth) {
        delegate.setPerformancePreferences(connectionTime, latency, bandwidth);

    public synchronized void setReceiveBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException {

    public void setReuseAddress(boolean reuse) throws SocketException {

    public synchronized void setSendBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException {

    public void setSoLinger(boolean on, int timeout) throws SocketException {
        delegate.setSoLinger(on, timeout);

    public synchronized void setSoTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException {

    public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean on) throws SocketException {

    public void setTrafficClass(int value) throws SocketException {

    public void shutdownInput() throws IOException {

    public void shutdownOutput() throws IOException {

    public String toString() {
        return delegate.toString();

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return delegate.equals(o);

Use this class like this while connecting :

SSLContext sslcontext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1");
sslcontext.init(null, null, null);
SSLSocketFactory NoSSLv3Factory = new NoSSLv3SocketFactory(sslcontext.getSocketFactory());

l_connection = (HttpsURLConnection) l_url.openConnection();


Now, correct solution would be to install a newer security provider using Google Play Services:


This effectively gives your app access to a newer version of OpenSSL and Java Security Provider, which includes support for TLSv1.2 in SSLEngine. Once the new provider is installed, you can create an SSLEngine which supports SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 the usual way:

    SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2");
    sslContext.init(null, null, null);
    SSLEngine engine = sslContext.createSSLEngine();

Or you can restrict the enabled protocols using engine.setEnabledProtocols.

Don't forget to add the following dependency (check the latest version here):

implementation ''

For more info, checkout this link.

Python equivalent of a given wget command

Here's the code adopted from the torchvision library:

import urllib

def download_url(url, root, filename=None):
    """Download a file from a url and place it in root.
        url (str): URL to download file from
        root (str): Directory to place downloaded file in
        filename (str, optional): Name to save the file under. If None, use the basename of the URL

    root = os.path.expanduser(root)
    if not filename:
        filename = os.path.basename(url)
    fpath = os.path.join(root, filename)

    os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)

        print('Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + fpath)
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fpath)
    except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError) as e:
        if url[:5] == 'https':
            url = url.replace('https:', 'http:')
            print('Failed download. Trying https -> http instead.'
                    ' Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + fpath)
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fpath)

If you are ok to take dependency on torchvision library then you also also simply do:

from torchvision.datasets.utils import download_url
download_url('', '~/my_folder`)

How to resize array in C++?

Raw arrays aren't resizable in C++.

You should be using something like a Vector class which does allow resizing..

std::vector allows you to resize it as well as allowing dynamic resizing when you add elements (often making the manual resizing unnecessary for adding).

How can I check if a string is a number?

Regex.IsMatch(stringToBeChecked, @"^\d+$")

Regex.IsMatch("141241", @"^\d+$")  // True

Regex.IsMatch("232a23", @"^\d+$")  // False

Regex.IsMatch("12412a", @"^\d+$")  // False

Overwriting txt file in java

The easiest way to overwrite a text file is to use a public static field.

this will overwrite the file every time because your only using false the first time through.`

public static boolean appendFile;

Use it to allow only one time through the write sequence for the append field of the write code to be false.

// use your field before processing the write code

appendFile = False;

File fnew=new File("../playlist/"+existingPlaylist.getText()+".txt");
String source = textArea.getText();
FileWriter f2;

try {
     //change this line to read this

    // f2 = new FileWriter(fnew,false);

    // to read this
    f2 = new FileWriter(fnew,appendFile); // important part

    // change field back to true so the rest of the new data will
    // append to the new file.

    appendFile = true;

 } catch (IOException e) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block

PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?

Spring allows passing java.util.Lists to NamedParameterJdbcTemplate , which automates the generation of (?, ?, ?, ..., ?), as appropriate for the number of arguments.

For Oracle, this blog posting discusses the use of oracle.sql.ARRAY (Connection.createArrayOf doesn't work with Oracle). For this you have to modify your SQL statement:

SELECT my_column FROM my_table where search_column IN (select COLUMN_VALUE from table(?))

The oracle table function transforms the passed array into a table like value usable in the IN statement.

pip connection failure: cannot fetch index base URL

My explanation/enquiry is for windows environment.
I am pretty new to python, and this is for someone still novice than me.
I installed the latest pip(python installer package) and downloaded 32 bit/64 bit (open source) compatible binaries from, and it worked.

Steps followed to install pip, though usually pip is installed by default during python installation from
- Download pip-7.1.0.tar.gz from
- Unzip and un-tar the above file.
- In the pip-7.1.0 folder, run: python install. This installed pip latest version.

Use pip to install(any feasible operation) binary package. Run the pip app to do the work(install file), as below:
\python27\scripts\pip2.7.exe install file_path\file_name --proxy
If you face, wheel(i.e egg) issue, use the compatible binary package file. Hope this helps.

Mask for an Input to allow phone numbers?

you can use cleave.js

// phone (123) 123-4567
var cleavePhone = new Cleave('.input-phone', {
        //prefix: '(123)',
        delimiters: ['(',') ','-'],
        blocks: [0, 3, 3, 4]


@selector() in Swift?

I found many of these answers to be helpful but it wasn't clear how to do this with something that wasn't a button. I was adding a gesture recognizer to a UILabel in swift and struggled so here's what I found worked for me after reading everything above:

let tapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(
            target: self,
            action: "labelTapped:")

Where the "Selector" was declared as:

func labelTapped(sender: UILabel) { }

Note that it is public and that I am not using the Selector() syntax but it is possible to do this as well.

let tapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(
            target: self,
            action: Selector("labelTapped:"))

Git Push ERROR: Repository not found

I ran into the same issue and I solved it by including my username and password in the repo url:

git clone https://myusername:[email protected]/path_to/myRepo.git

How to install latest version of Node using Brew

I did this on Mac OSX Sierra. I had Node 6.1 installed but Puppetter required Node 6.4. This is what I did:

brew upgrade node
brew unlink node
brew link --overwrite node@8
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/node@8/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

And then open a new terminal window and run:

node -v

The --overwrite is necessary to override conflicting files between node6 and node8

How to allow http content within an iframe on a https site

Note: While this solution may have worked in some browsers when it was written in 2014, it no longer works. Navigating or redirecting to an HTTP URL in an iframe embedded in an HTTPS page is not permitted by modern browsers, even if the frame started out with an HTTPS URL.

The best solution I created is to simply use google as the ssl proxy...

Tested and works in firefox.

Other Methods:

  • Use a Third party such as (but it it really only good for well known http APIs).

  • Create your own redirect script on an https page you control (a simple javascript redirect on a relative linked page should do the trick. Something like: (you can use any langauge/method) That has a iframe linking to... Which has a simple js redirect script like...

    document.location.href ="";

  • Alternatively, you could add an RSS feed or write some reader/parser to read the http site and display it within your https site.

  • You could/should also recommend to the http site owner that they create an ssl connection. If for no other reason than it increases seo.

Unless you can get the http site owner to create an ssl certificate, the most secure and permanent solution would be to create an RSS feed grabing the content you need (presumably you are not actually 'doing' anything on the http site -that is to say not logging in to any system).

The real issue is that having http elements inside a https site represents a security issue. There are no completely kosher ways around this security risk so the above are just current work arounds.

Note, that you can disable this security measure in most browsers (yourself, not for others). Also note that these 'hacks' may become obsolete over time.

What is the fastest way to create a checksum for large files in C#

Ok - thanks to all of you - let me wrap this up:

  1. using a "native" exe to do the hashing took time from 6 Minutes to 10 Seconds which is huge.
  2. Increasing the buffer was even faster - 1.6GB file took 5.2 seconds using MD5 in .Net, so I will go with this solution - thanks again

What is a bus error?

I agree with all the answers above. Here are my 2 cents regarding the BUS error:

A BUS error need not arise from the instructions within the program's code. This can happen when you are running a binary and during the execution, the binary is modified (overwritten by a build or deleted, etc.).

Verifying if this is the case

A simple way to check if this is the cause is by launching a couple of instances of the same binary form a build output directory, and running a build after they start. Both the running instances would crash with a SIGBUS error shortly after the build has finished and replaced the binary (the one that both the instances are currently running).

Underlying Reason

This is because OS swaps memory pages and in some cases, the binary might not be entirely loaded in memory. These crashes would occur when the OS tries to fetch the next page from the same binary, but the binary has changed since the last time it was read.

Laravel check if collection is empty

This is the fastest way:

if ($coll->isEmpty()) {...}

Other solutions like count do a bit more than you need which costs slightly more time.

Plus, the isEmpty() name quite precisely describes what you want to check there so your code will be more readable.

Python, print all floats to 2 decimal places in output

Format String Syntax.

from math import pi
var1, var2, var3, var4 = pi, pi*2, pi*3, pi*4
'{:0.2f}, kg={:0.2f}, lb={:0.2f}, gal={:0.2f}'.format(var1, var2, var3, var4)

The output would be:

'3.14, kg=6.28, lb=9.42, gal=12.57'

How to convert Integer to int?

As already written elsewhere:

  • For Java 1.5 and later you don't need to do (almost) anything, it's done by the compiler.
  • For Java 1.4 and before, use Integer.intValue() to convert from Integer to int.

BUT as you wrote, an Integer can be null, so it's wise to check that before trying to convert to int (or risk getting a NullPointerException).

pstmt.setInt(1, (tempID != null ? tempID : 0));  // Java 1.5 or later


pstmt.setInt(1, (tempID != null ? tempID.intValue() : 0));  // any version, no autoboxing  

* using a default of zero, could also do nothing, show a warning or ...

I mostly prefer not using autoboxing (second sample line) so it's clear what I want to do.

How to create JSON object using jQuery

Nested JSON object

var data = {
            type: 'success', note:'Updated successfully',

You can parse this data.view.type and data.view.note

JSON Object and inside Array

var data = {
          view: [ 
                {type: 'success', note:'updated successfully'}

You can parse this data.view[0].type and data.view[0].note

Is it possible to pull just one file in Git?

@Mawardy's answer worked for me, but my changes were on the remote so I had to specify the origin

git checkout origin/master -- {filename}

jQuery Keypress Arrow Keys

You can check wether an arrow key is pressed by:

    if (e.keyCode > 36 && e.keyCode < 41) 
      alert( "arrowkey pressed" );          

jsfiddle demo

Sending Multipart File as POST parameters with RestTemplate requests

A way to solve this without needing to use a FileSystemResource that requires a file on disk, is to use a ByteArrayResource, that way you can send a byte array in your post (this code works with Spring 3.2.3):

MultiValueMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>();
final String filename="somefile.txt";
map.add("name", filename);
map.add("filename", filename);
ByteArrayResource contentsAsResource = new ByteArrayResource(content.getBytes("UTF-8")){
            public String getFilename(){
                return filename;
map.add("file", contentsAsResource);
String result = restTemplate.postForObject(urlForFacade, map, String.class);

I override the getFilename of the ByteArrayResource because if I don't I get a null pointer exception (apparently it depends on whether the java activation .jar is on the classpath, if it is, it will use the file name to try to determine the content type)

How to write palindrome in JavaScript

/* Following function does the below mentioned task.

 1. Fetch all the substrings of a given string. 
 2. Find which of the substrings are palindromes.
 3. Find the longest palindrome.
 4. Find if the longest palindrome is a lucky palindrome.


function SubstringMnipulations(S) {
    let Str = S.toString(); 
    let AllSubStrs = splitSubstrings(Str);
    let Pelindromes = arePelindrome(AllSubStrs);
    let LongestPelindrome = getLongestString(Pelindromes);
    let isPrimeVar = isPrime(LongestPelindrome);
    return {
      "possibleSubstrings": AllSubStrs,
      "pelindromes": Pelindromes,
      "longestPelindrome": LongestPelindrome,
      "isLuckyPelindrome": isPrimeVar

function splitSubstrings(Str) {
  let StrLength = Str.length;
  let maxIndex = StrLength;
  let AllSubStrs = [];
  for(var index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++ ) {
    for(var innerIndex = 1; innerIndex <= maxIndex-index; innerIndex++) {
      AllSubStrs.push(Str.substring(index, (index+innerIndex)));
  return AllSubStrs;

function arePelindrome(StrArr) {
  let pelindrome = [];
  for(i=0; i<StrArr.length;i++) {
    if(isPelindrome(StrArr[i])) {
      if(StrArr[i].length>1) {

  return pelindrome;

function isPelindrome(Str) {
  let strLen = Str.length;
  let firstHalfIndex = 0;
  if(strLen==1) {
    return true;

  let firstHalf = "";
  let secondHalf = "";

  if(strLen>1 && strLen%2==0) {
    firstHalfIndex = strLen/2;
    firstHalf = Str.substring(0, firstHalfIndex);
    secondHalf = Str.substring((firstHalfIndex), strLen);
  } else {
    firstHalfIndex = (strLen-1)/2;
    firstHalf = Str.substring(0, firstHalfIndex);
    secondHalf = Str.substring((1+firstHalfIndex), strLen);

  secondHalf = reverseString(secondHalf);
  return firstHalf === secondHalf;

function reverseString(Str) {
  return Str.split("").reverse().join("");

function getLongestString(Str) {
  let lengthCount = [];
  for(i=0; i<Str.length;i++) {

  return Str[lengthCount.indexOf(Math.max(...lengthCount))];

function isPrime(Str) {
  let input = Str.length;
  let prime = true;
    for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(input); i++) {
        if (input % i == 0) {
            prime = false;
    return prime && (input > 1);

How to implement a Navbar Dropdown Hover in Bootstrap v4?

I had already used and styled a navbar when I was requested to change it to a hover interaction instead, so ended up with this as a fix using jQuery.

function bootstrapHoverMenu (bp = 768) {

  // close all dropdowns that are open
    $('body').click( function (e) {

  // show dropdown for the link clicked
  $('.nav-item').hover(function (e) {
    if(( $(window).width() >= bp )) {
      $dd = $(this).find('.dropdown-menu');

  // get href for top level link if clicked and open
  $('.dropdown').click(function (e) {
    if( $(window).width() < bp ) {
      $('.dropdown-menu').css({'display': 'none'});
    $href = $(this).find('.nav-link').attr('href');$href, '_self');

$(document).ready( function() {
   // when page ready run the fix

Downside is mobile only has top level links.

Using "Object.create" instead of "new"

With only one level of inheritance, your example may not let you see the real benefits of Object.create.

This methods allows you to easily implement differential inheritance, where objects can directly inherit from other objects.

On your userB example, I don't think that your init method should be public or even exist, if you call again this method on an existing object instance, the id and name properties will change.

Object.create lets you initialize object properties using its second argument, e.g.:

var userB = {
  sayHello: function() {
    console.log('Hello '+;

var bob = Object.create(userB, {
  'id' : {
    value: MY_GLOBAL.nextId(),
    enumerable:true // writable:false, configurable(deletable):false by default
  'name': {
    value: 'Bob',
    enumerable: true

As you can see, the properties can be initialized on the second argument of Object.create, with an object literal using a syntax similar to the used by the Object.defineProperties and Object.defineProperty methods.

It lets you set the property attributes (enumerable, writable, or configurable), which can be really useful.

how to set windows service username and password through commandline

In PowerShell, the "sc" command is an alias for the Set-Content cmdlet. You can workaround this using the following syntax:

sc.exe config Service obj= user password= pass

Specyfying the .exe extension, PowerShell bypasses the alias lookup.


What is the difference between encode/decode?

anUnicode.encode('encoding') results in a string object and can be called on a unicode object

aString.decode('encoding') results in an unicode object and can be called on a string, encoded in given encoding.

Some more explanations:

You can create some unicode object, which doesn't have any encoding set. The way it is stored by Python in memory is none of your concern. You can search it, split it and call any string manipulating function you like.

But there comes a time, when you'd like to print your unicode object to console or into some text file. So you have to encode it (for example - in UTF-8), you call encode('utf-8') and you get a string with '\u<someNumber>' inside, which is perfectly printable.

Then, again - you'd like to do the opposite - read string encoded in UTF-8 and treat it as an Unicode, so the \u360 would be one character, not 5. Then you decode a string (with selected encoding) and get brand new object of the unicode type.

Just as a side note - you can select some pervert encoding, like 'zip', 'base64', 'rot' and some of them will convert from string to string, but I believe the most common case is one that involves UTF-8/UTF-16 and string.

How to re-render flatlist?

I am using functional component, in that I am using Flatlist with redux data. I am managing all the state with Redux store. Here is the solution to update the Flatlist data after the api call.

I was first doing like this:-

const DATA  = useSelector((state) => state.address.address);

    style = {styles.myAddressList}
    data = {DATA}
    renderItem = {renderItem}
    keyExtractor = {item => item._id}
    ListEmptyComponent = {EmptyList}
    extraData = {refresh}

but the data was not re-rendering my Flatlist data at all.

As a solution I did like given Below:-

    style = {styles.myAddressList}
    data = {useSelector((state) => state.address.address)}
    renderItem = {renderItem}
    keyExtractor = {item => item._id}
    ListEmptyComponent = {EmptyList}

I am passing the Redux state directly to the Flatlist Datasource rather than allocating it to the variable.

Thank you.

Notepad++ cached files location

I lost somehow my temporary notepad++ files, they weren't showing in tabs. So I did some search in appdata folder, and I found all my temporary files there. It seems that they are stored there for a long time.




Why "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." for XML Document?

I can give you two advices:

  1. It seems you are using "LoadXml" instead of "Load" method. In some cases, it helps me.
  2. You have an encoding problem. Could you check the encoding of the XML file and write it?

How to print environment variables to the console in PowerShell?

The following is works best in my opinion:

Get-Item Env:PATH
  1. It's shorter and therefore a little bit easier to remember than Get-ChildItem. There's no hierarchy with environment variables.
  2. The command is symmetrical to one of the ways that's used for setting environment variables with Powershell. (EX: Set-Item -Path env:SomeVariable -Value "Some Value")
  3. If you get in the habit of doing it this way you'll remember how to list all Environment variables; simply omit the entry portion. (EX: Get-Item Env:)

I found the syntax odd at first, but things started making more sense after I understood the notion of Providers. Essentially PowerShell let's you navigate disparate components of the system in a way that's analogous to a file system.

What's the point of the trailing colon in Env:? Try listing all of the "drives" available through Providers like this:

PS> Get-PSDrive

I only see a few results... (Alias, C, Cert, D, Env, Function, HKCU, HKLM, Variable, WSMan). It becomes obvious that Env is simply another "drive" and the colon is a familiar syntax to anyone who's worked in Windows.

You can navigate the drives and pick out specific values:

Get-ChildItem C:\Windows
Get-Item C:
Get-Item Env:
Get-Item HKLM:

How do I center floated elements?

Add this to you styling

float: left;
left: calc(50% - *half your container length here);

*If your container width is 50px put 25px, if it is 10em put 5em.

Android Facebook integration with invalid key hash

After a long research, we found a solution.

We had set permissions as:

loginButton.setReadPermissions(public_profile email);

This worked for the first time, but when we re-logged in to Facebook, it gave the Invalid Hash Error.

The simple solution was to change the above line to:

loginButton.setReadPermissions(Arrays.asList("public_profile", "email"));

And it worked like a bliss!

Facebook should return the correct exception instead of the misleading invalid hash key error.

Incrementing a date in JavaScript

Get the string value of the date using the dateObj.toJSON() method Ref: Slice the date from the returned value and then increment by the number of days you want.

var currentdate = new Date();
currentdate.setDate(currentdate.getDate() + 1);
var tomorrow = currentdate.toJSON().slice(0,10);

$_POST not working. "Notice: Undefined index: username..."

You should check if the POST['username'] is defined. Use this above:

$username = "";

    $username = $_POST['username'];

"SELECT password FROM users WHERE username='".$username."'"

Git: How to pull a single file from a server repository in Git?

Try using:

git checkout branchName -- fileName


git checkout master -- index.php

Best practices for catching and re-throwing .NET exceptions

You may also use:

// Dangerous code
// clean up, or do nothing

And any exceptions thrown will bubble up to the next level that handles them.

Installed Ruby 1.9.3 with RVM but command line doesn't show ruby -v

  • Open Terminal.
  • Go to Edit -> Profile Preferences.
  • Select the Title & command Tab in the window opened.
  • Mark the checkbox Run command as login shell.
  • close the window and restart the Terminal.

Check this Official Linkenter image description here

Is there a <meta> tag to turn off caching in all browsers?

pragma is your best bet:

<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">

What does git push -u mean?

"Upstream" would refer to the main repo that other people will be pulling from, e.g. your GitHub repo. The -u option automatically sets that upstream for you, linking your repo to a central one. That way, in the future, Git "knows" where you want to push to and where you want to pull from, so you can use git pull or git push without arguments. A little bit down, this article explains and demonstrates this concept.

Copy data from one column to other column (which is in a different table)

It can be solved by using different attribute.

  • Use the cell Control click event.
  • Select the column value that your transpose to anther column.
  • send the selected value to the another text box or level whatever you fill convenient and a complementary button to modify the selected property.
  • update the whole stack op the database and make a algorithm with sql query to overcome this one to transpose it into the another column.

Cannot change column used in a foreign key constraint

You can turn off foreign key checks:




Please make sure to NOT use this on production and have a backup.

HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling

Neevek's solution works better than Joel's on devices running 3.2 and above. There is a bug in Android that will cause java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: pointerIndex out of range if a gesture detector is used inside a scollview. To duplicate the issue, implement a custom scollview as Joel suggested and put a view pager inside. If you drag (don't lift you figure) to one direction (left/right) and then to the opposite, you will see the crash. Also in Joel's solution, if you drag the view pager by moving your finger diagonally, once your finger leave the view pager's content view area, the pager will spring back to its previous position. All these issues are more to do with Android's internal design or lack of it than Joel's implementation, which itself is a piece of smart and concise code.

Selenium Webdriver: Entering text into text field

Use this code.


XPath to select multiple tags

One correct answer is:

/a/b/*[self::c or self::d or self::e]

Do note that this

a/b/*[local-name()='c' or local-name()='d' or local-name()='e']

is both too-long and incorrect. This XPath expression will select nodes like:




How can I use Google's Roboto font on a website?

You don't really need to do any of this.

  • Go to Google's Web Fonts page
  • search for Roboto in the search box at the top right
  • Select the variants of the font you want to use
  • click 'Select This Font' at the top and choose the weights and character sets you need.

The page will give you a <link> element to include in your pages, and a list of sample font-family rules to use in your CSS.

Using Google's fonts this way guarantees availability, and reduces bandwidth to your own server.

Is there any way to do HTTP PUT in python

A more proper way of doing this with requests would be:

import requests

payload = {'username': 'bob', 'email': '[email protected]'}

    response = requests.put(url="", data=payload)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:

This raises an exception if there is an error in the HTTP PUT request.

Android splash screen image sizes to fit all devices

In my case, I used list drawable in style.xml. With layer list drawable, you have just needed one png for all screen size.

<resources xmlns:tools="">
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/flash_screen</item>
    <item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus" tools:ignore="NewApi">true</item>

and flash_screen.xml in drawable folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
    <item android:drawable="@android:color/white"></item>
        <bitmap android:src="@drawable/background_noizi" android:gravity="center"></bitmap>

"background_noizi" is a png file in the drawable folder. I hope this helps.

Resize HTML5 canvas to fit window


body { margin: 0; } 
canvas { display: block; } 


window.addEventListener("load", function()
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); document.body.appendChild(canvas);
    var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

    function draw()
        context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(canvas.width, canvas.height); 
        context.moveTo(canvas.width, 0); context.lineTo(0, canvas.height); 
    function resize()
        canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
        canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
    window.addEventListener("resize", resize);

How to read/write a boolean when implementing the Parcelable interface?

you declare like this

 private boolean isSelectionRight;


 out.writeInt(isSelectionRight ? 1 : 0);


isSelectionRight  = in.readInt() != 0;

boolean type needs to be converted to something that Parcel supports and so we can convert it to int.

Android Studio - No JVM Installation found

My fix was to remove the double quotes that I had enclosed the JAVA_HOME path in.

Instead of declaring JAVA_HOME as "C\Program Files..."

I removed the " and declared JAVA_HOME as C\Program Files...

I am on Win 7, x64

Why is json_encode adding backslashes?

Just use the "JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES" Option (added after version 5.4).


How do you configure an OpenFileDialog to select folders?

The Ookii Dialogs for WPF library has a class that provides an implementation of a folder browser dialog for WPF.

Ookii Folder Browser Dialog

There's also a version that works with Windows Forms.

How to get the date 7 days earlier date from current date in Java

For all date related functionality, you should consider using Joda Library. Java's date api's are very poorly designed. Joda provides very nice API.

How to check if an integer is within a range of numbers in PHP?

You can use filter_var

        'options' => array(
            'min_range' => $min, 
            'max_range' => $max

This will also allow you to specify whether you want to allow octal and hex notation of integers. Note that the function is type-safe. 5.5 is not an integer but a float and will not validate.

Detailed tutorial about filtering data with PHP:

Arrays.fill with multidimensional array in Java

Arrays.fill works with single dimensional array, so to fill two dimensional array we can do below

for (int i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++)
    Arrays.fill(arr[i], 0);