[android] Android splash screen image sizes to fit all devices

I have a full screen PNG I want to display on splash. Only one error there, and I have no idea what size to put in every drawable folder (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, and xhdpi). My application is supposed to run good and beautiful on all phones and tablets. What sizes (in pixels) should I create so the splash displays nice on all screens?

This question is related to android png screen drawable splash-screen

The answer is

Edited solution that will make your SplashScreen look great on all APIs including API21 to API23

If you are only targeting APIs24+ you can simply scale down your vector drawable directly in its xml file like so:

<vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:aapt="http://schemas.android.com/aapt"
    android:pathData="M320.96 55.9L477.14 345L161.67 345L320.96 55.9Z"
    android:strokeWidth="24" />

in the code above I am rescaling a drawable I drew on a 640x640 canvas to be 240x240. then i just put it in my splash screen drawable like so and it works great:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:opacity="opaque"
android:paddingBottom="20dp" android:paddingRight="20dp" android:paddingLeft="20dp" android:paddingTop="20dp">

<!-- The background color, preferably the same as your normal theme -->
        <size android:height="120dp" android:width="120dp"/>
        <solid android:color="@android:color/white"/>

<!-- Your product logo - 144dp color version of your app icon -->


my code is actually only drawing the triangle in the picture at the bottom but here you see what you can achieve with this. Resolution is finally great as opposed to the pixelated edges I was getting when using bitmap. so use a vector drawable by all means (there is a site called vectr that I used to create mine without the hasle of downloading specialized software).

EDIT in order to make it work also on API21-22-23

While the solution above works for devices runing API24+ I got really disappointed after installing my app a device running API22. I noticed that the splashscreen was again trying to fill the entire view and looking like shit. After tearing my eyebrows out for half a day I finally brute-forced a solution by sheer willpower.

you need to create a second file named exactly like the splashscreen xml (lets say splash_screen.xml) and place it into 2 folders called drawable-v22 and drawable-v21 that you will create in the res/ folder (in order to see them you have to change your project view from Android to Project). This serves to tell your phone to redirect to files placed in those folders whenever the relevant device runs an API corresponding to the -vXX suffix in the drawable folder, see this link. place the following code in the Layer-list of the splash_screen.xml file that you create in these folders:

    <size android:height="120dp" android:width="120dp"/>
    <solid android:color="@android:color/white"/>

<!-- Your product logo - 144dp color version of your app icon -->
<item android:gravity="center">
    <bitmap android:gravity="center"


these is how the folders look

For some reason for these APIs you have to wrap your drawable in a bitmap in order to make it work and jet the final result looks the same. The issue is that you have to use the aproach with the aditional drawable folders as the second version of the splash_screen.xml file will lead to your splash screen not being shown at all on devices running APIs higher than 23. You might also have to place the first version of the splash_screen.xml into drawable-v24 as android defaults to the closest drawable-vXX folder it can find for resources. hope this helps

my splashscreen

I have searched the best and the simplest answer to make 9-patch image. Now to make the 9 patch image is the easiest task.

From https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/index.html you can make a 9-patch image for all the resolutions - XHDPI,HDPI,MDPI,LDPI in just one click.


MDPI is 320x480 dp = 320x480px (1x)

LDPI is 0.75 x MDPI = 240x360px

HDPI is 1.5 x MDPI = 480x720px

XHDPI is 2 x MDPI = 640x960px

XXHDPI is 3 x MDPI = 960x1440px

XXXHDPI is 4 x MDPI = 1280x1920px


MDPI is 480x320 dp = 480x320px (1x)

LDPI is 0.75 x MDPI = 360x240px

HDPI is 1.5 x MDPI = 720x480px

XHDPI is 2 x MDPI = 960x640px

XXHDPI is 3 x MDPI = 1440x960px

XXXHDPI is 4 x MDPI = 1920x1280px


I would suggest to use Lottie for splash screen if you are reading this in 2019+

Using PNG is not such a good idea. Actually it's costly as far as performance is concerned. You can use drawable XML files, for example, Facebook's background.

This will help you to smooth and speed up your performance, and for the logo use .9 patch images.

Some time ago i created an excel file with supported dimensions
Hope this will be helpful for somebody

To be honest i lost the idea, but it refers another screen feature as size (not only density)
Please inform me if there are some mistakes

Link1: dimensions.xlsx

Link2: dimensions.xlsx

Density buckets

LDPI    120dpi    .75x
MDPI    160dpi    1x
HDPI    240dpi    1.5x
XHDPI   320dpi    2x
XXHDPI  480dpi    3x
XXXHDPI 640dpi    4x

px / dp = dpi / 160 dpi

** If you are looking for screen details for all kind of major devices **

go to material.io


LDPI: 200x320px

MDPI: 320x480px

HDPI: 480x800px

XHDPI: 720px1280px


LDPI: 320x200px

MDPI: 480x320px

HDPI: 800x480px

XHDPI: 1280x720px

In my case, I used list drawable in style.xml. With layer list drawable, you have just needed one png for all screen size.

<resources xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools">
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/flash_screen</item>
    <item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus" tools:ignore="NewApi">true</item>

and flash_screen.xml in drawable folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <item android:drawable="@android:color/white"></item>
        <bitmap android:src="@drawable/background_noizi" android:gravity="center"></bitmap>

"background_noizi" is a png file in the drawable folder. I hope this helps.

Based off this answer from Lucas Cerro I calculated the dimensions using the ratios in the Android docs, using the baseline in the answer. I hope this helps someone else coming to this post!

  • xxxlarge (xxxhdpi): 1280x1920 (4.0x)
  • xxlarge (xxhdpi): 960x1440 (3.0x)
  • xlarge (xhdpi): 640x960 (2.0x)
  • large (hdpi): 480x800 (1.5x)
  • medium (mdpi): 320x480 (1.0x baseline)
  • small (ldpi): 240x320 (0.75x) 

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