[svg] How to convert a SVG to a PNG with ImageMagick?

Inkscape doesn't seem to work when svg units are not px (e.g. cm). I got a blank image. Maybe, it could be fixed by twiddling the dpi, but it was too troublesome.

Svgexport is a node.js program and so not generally useful.

Imagemagick's convert works ok with:

 ~$ convert -background none -size 1024x1024 infile.svg outfile.png

If you use -resize, the image is fuzzy and the file is much larger.


~$ rsvg  -w 1024 -h 1024 infile.svg  outfile.png

It is fastest, has the fewest dependencies, and the output is about 30% smaller than convert. Install librsvg2-bin to get it. There does not appear to be a man page but you can type:

~$ rsvg --help

to get some assistance. Simple is good.

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