[matplotlib] Matplotlib - global legend and title aside subplots

suptitle seems the way to go, but for what it's worth, the figure has a transFigure property that you can use:

text(0.5, 0.95, 'test', transform=fig.transFigure, horizontalalignment='center')

Examples related to matplotlib

"UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure." when plotting figure with pyplot on Pycharm How to increase image size of pandas.DataFrame.plot in jupyter notebook? How to create a stacked bar chart for my DataFrame using seaborn? How to display multiple images in one figure correctly? Edit seaborn legend How to hide axes and gridlines in Matplotlib (python) How to set x axis values in matplotlib python? How to specify legend position in matplotlib in graph coordinates Python "TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice'" for encoding categorical data Seaborn Barplot - Displaying Values

Examples related to title

In Chart.js set chart title, name of x axis and y axis? Changing navigation title programmatically How to align title at center of ActionBar in default theme(Theme.Holo.Light) Python Matplotlib figure title overlaps axes label when using twiny How to change the Title of the window in Qt? How to get current html page title with javascript Matplotlib - global legend and title aside subplots Changing the page title with Jquery How to change the window title of a MATLAB plotting figure? Getting title and meta tags from external website

Examples related to legend

Edit seaborn legend Remove legend ggplot 2.2 Reduce size of legend area in barplot Matplotlib scatter plot legend matplotlib: colorbars and its text labels Add a common Legend for combined ggplots Is there a way to change the spacing between legend items in ggplot2? Add legend to ggplot2 line plot plot legends without border and with white background Moving matplotlib legend outside of the axis makes it cutoff by the figure box

Examples related to subplot

How do I get multiple subplots in matplotlib? Python: subplot within a loop: first panel appears in wrong position Matplotlib 2 Subplots, 1 Colorbar How can I change the font size of ticks of axes object in matplotlib Matplotlib - global legend and title aside subplots pyplot axes labels for subplots