[javascript] Changing the page title with Jquery

Some code to walk through a list of titles (circularily or one-shot):

    var titles = [
            " title",
            "> title",
            ">> title",
            ">>> title"

    // option 1:
    function titleAniCircular(i) {
            // from first to last title and back again, forever
            i = (!i) ? 0 : (i*1+1) % titles.length;
            setTimeout(titleAniCircular, 1000, [i]);

    // option 2:
    function titleAniSequence(i) {
            // from first to last title and stop
            i = (!i) ? 0 : (i*1+1);
            if (i<titles.length-1) setTimeout(titleAniSequence, 1000, [i]);

    // then call them when you like.
    // e.g. to call one on document load, uncomment one of the rows below:

    //$(document).load( titleAniCircular() );
    //$(document).load( titleAniSequence() );

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