[android] Android Studio Image Asset Launcher Icon Background Color

These are the steps I took to make an image transparent:

1- I used an online website which makes the image transparent, there are a lot of them. For me, I use this https://www241.lunapic.com/editor/?action=transparent and sometimes this http://www.online-image-editor.com/help/transparency

2- In Android Studio (I'm using version 3.1.3), open Image Asset from app > res (right click) > New > Image Asset Image Asset

3- In the Path, choose the location of the transparent image which you downloaded from the online website, and make the other options as shown, then Next, then Finish. The five different sizes of image mdpi(48×48), hdpi(72×72), xhdpi(96×96), xxhdpi(144×144), and xxxhdpi(192×192) will be created in the res/mipmap-density folders. Image Asset Configuration

4- If you need sizes (dimensions) different from above, you can use this website http://nsimage.brosteins.com/ to upload your PNG image of biggest size that will be used in xxxhdpi. After uploading, you can download a zip file containing the five different sizes of image in the res/drawable-density folders. enter image description here