[javascript] Incrementing a date in JavaScript

I need to increment a date value by one day in JavaScript.

For example, I have a date value 2010-09-11 and I need to store the date of the next day in a JavaScript variable.

How can I increment a date by a day?

This question is related to javascript date datetime

The answer is

var myDate = new Date();

//add a day to the date
myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + 1);

Getting the next 5 days:

var date = new Date(),
d = date.getDate(),
m = date.getMonth(),
y = date.getFullYear();

for(i=0; i < 5; i++){
var curdate = new Date(y, m, d+i)

Get the string value of the date using the dateObj.toJSON() method Ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toJSON Slice the date from the returned value and then increment by the number of days you want.

var currentdate = new Date();
currentdate.setDate(currentdate.getDate() + 1);
var tomorrow = currentdate.toJSON().slice(0,10);

Not entirelly sure if it is a BUG(Tested Firefox 32.0.3 and Chrome 38.0.2125.101), but the following code will fail on Brazil (-3 GMT):

Date.prototype.shiftDays = function(days){    
  days = parseInt(days, 10);
  this.setDate(this.getDate() + days);
  return this;

$date = new Date(2014, 9, 16,0,1,1);


Fri Oct 17 2014 00:01:01 GMT-0300
Sat Oct 18 2014 00:01:01 GMT-0300
Sat Oct 18 2014 23:01:01 GMT-0300
Sun Oct 19 2014 23:01:01 GMT-0200

Adding one Hour to the date, will make it work perfectly (but does not solve the problem).

$date = new Date(2014, 9, 16,0,1,1);


Fri Oct 17 2014 01:01:01 GMT-0300
Sat Oct 18 2014 01:01:01 GMT-0300
Sun Oct 19 2014 01:01:01 GMT-0200
Mon Oct 20 2014 01:01:01 GMT-0200

I feel that nothing is safer than .getTime() and .setTime(), so this should be the best, and performant as well.

const d = new Date()
console.log(d.setTime(d.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) // MILLISECONDS

.setDate() for invalid Date (like 31 + 1) is too dangerous, and it depends on the browser implementation.

Tomorrow in one line in pure JS but it's ugly !

new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1))

Here is the result :

Thu Oct 12 2017 08:53:30 GMT+0200 (Romance Summer Time)

Two methods:


var a = new Date()
// no_of_days is an integer value
var b = new Date(a.setTime(a.getTime() + no_of_days * 86400000)

2: Similar to the previous method

var a = new Date()
// no_of_days is an integer value
var b = new Date(a.setDate(a.getDate() + no_of_days)

Timezone/daylight savings aware date increment for JavaScript dates:

function nextDay(date) {
    const sign = v => (v < 0 ? -1 : +1);
    const result = new Date(date.getTime());
    result.setDate(result.getDate() + 1);
    const offset = result.getTimezoneOffset();
    return new Date(result.getTime() + sign(offset) * offset * 60 * 1000);

The easiest way is to convert to milliseconds and add 1000*60*60*24 milliseconds e.g.:

var tomorrow = new Date(today.getTime()+1000*60*60*24);

Incrementing date's year with vanilla js:

start_date_value = "01/01/2019"
var next_year = new Date(start_date_value);
next_year.setYear(next_year.getYear() + 1);
console.log(next_year.getYear()); //=> 2020

Just in case someone wants to increment other value than the date (day)

None of the examples in this answer seem to work with Daylight Saving Time adjustment days. On those days, the number of hours in a day are not 24 (they are 23 or 25, depending on if you are "springing forward" or "falling back".)

The below AddDays javascript function accounts for daylight saving time:

function addDays(date, amount) {
  var tzOff = date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000,
      t = date.getTime(),
      d = new Date(),

  t += (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) * amount;

  tzOff2 = d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
  if (tzOff != tzOff2) {
    var diff = tzOff2 - tzOff;
    t += diff;

  return d;

Here are the tests I used to test the function:

    var d = new Date(2010,10,7);
    var d2 = AddDays(d, 1);
    document.write(d.toString() + "<br />" + d2.toString());

    d = new Date(2010,10,8);
    d2 = AddDays(d, -1)
    document.write("<hr /><br />" +  d.toString() + "<br />" + d2.toString());

    d = new Date('Sun Mar 27 2011 01:59:00 GMT+0100 (CET)');
    d2 = AddDays(d, 1)
    document.write("<hr /><br />" +  d.toString() + "<br />" + d2.toString());

    d = new Date('Sun Mar 28 2011 01:59:00 GMT+0100 (CET)');
    d2 = AddDays(d, -1)
    document.write("<hr /><br />" +  d.toString() + "<br />" + d2.toString());

 Date.prototype.AddDays = function (days) {
    days = parseInt(days, 10);
    return new Date(this.valueOf() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * days);


var dt = new Date();



You first need to parse your string before following the other people's suggestion:

var dateString = "2010-09-11";
var myDate = new Date(dateString);

//add a day to the date
myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + 1);

If you want it back in the same format again you will have to do that "manually":

var y = myDate.getFullYear(),
    m = myDate.getMonth() + 1, // january is month 0 in javascript
    d = myDate.getDate();
var pad = function(val) { var str = val.toString(); return (str.length < 2) ? "0" + str : str};
dateString = [y, pad(m), pad(d)].join("-");

But I suggest getting Date.js as mentioned in other replies, that will help you alot.

This a simpler method , and it will return the date in simple yyyy-mm-dd format , Here it is

function incDay(date, n) {
    var fudate = new Date(new Date(date).setDate(new Date(date).getDate() + n));
    fudate = fudate.getFullYear() + '-' + (fudate.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + fudate.toDateString().substring(8, 10);
    return fudate;

example :

var tomorrow = incDay(new Date(), 1); // the next day of today , aka tomorrow :) .
var spicaldate = incDay("2020-11-12", 1); // return "2020-11-13" .
var somedate = incDay("2020-10-28", 5); // return "2020-11-02" .


incDay(new Date("2020-11-12"), 1); 
incDay("2020-11-12", 1); 

will return the same result .

Via native JS, to add one day you may do following:

let date = new Date(); // today
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1) // tomorrow

Another option is to use moment library:

const date = moment().add(14, "days").toDate()

Results in a string representation of tomorrow's date. Use new Date() to get today's date, adding one day using Date.getDate() and Date.setDate(), and converting the Date object to a string.

  const tomorrow = () => {
      let t = new Date();
      t.setDate(t.getDate() + 1);
      return `${t.getFullYear()}-${String(t.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0')}-${String(
      ).padStart(2, '0')}`;

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