Programs & Examples On #Candlestick chart

A candlestick-chart is a type of bar-chart which is primarily used to indicate change in price of security, currency etc.

Charts for Android

To make reading of this page more valuable (for future search results) I made a list of libraries known to me.. As @CommonsWare mentioned there are super-similar questions/answers.. Anyway some libraries that can be used for making charts are:

Open Source:


** - means I didn't try those so I can't really recommend it but other users suggested it..

"register" keyword in C?

It hasn't been relevant for at least 15 years as optimizers make better decisions about this than you can. Even when it was relevant, it made a lot more sense on a CPU architecture with a lot of registers, like SPARC or M68000 than it did on Intel with its paucity of registers, most of which are reserved by the compiler for its own purposes.

Match multiline text using regular expression

str.matches(regex) behaves like Pattern.matches(regex, str) which attempts to match the entire input sequence against the pattern and returns

true if, and only if, the entire input sequence matches this matcher's pattern

Whereas matcher.find() attempts to find the next subsequence of the input sequence that matches the pattern and returns

true if, and only if, a subsequence of the input sequence matches this matcher's pattern

Thus the problem is with the regex. Try the following.

String test = "User Comments: This is \t a\ta \ntest\n\n message \n";

String pattern1 = "User Comments: [\\s\\S]*^test$[\\s\\S]*";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern1, Pattern.MULTILINE);
System.out.println(p.matcher(test).find());  //true

String pattern2 = "(?m)User Comments: [\\s\\S]*^test$[\\s\\S]*";
System.out.println(test.matches(pattern2));  //true

Thus in short, the (\\W)*(\\S)* portion in your first regex matches an empty string as * means zero or more occurrences and the real matched string is User Comments: and not the whole string as you'd expect. The second one fails as it tries to match the whole string but it can't as \\W matches a non word character, ie [^a-zA-Z0-9_] and the first character is T, a word character.

How can I delete (not disable) ActiveX add-ons in Internet Explorer (7 and 8 Beta 2)?

Use a virtual machine. Start fresh as often as you want, and stop doing these hacks that may or may not simulate a clean machine.

Seriously, use VMWare or VirtualPC.

php - push array into array - key issue

Use this..

$res_arr_values = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    $res_arr_values[] = $row;

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

Installing the following package on Ubuntu fixed the issue for me

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Nginx serves .php files as downloads, instead of executing them

So this is what finally worked in my case as rewrite rules where the culprit
I changed the nginx rewrite rules as follows..

   location /vendors { rewrite ^/vendors/?$ /vendors.php break; } 


  location /vendors { rewrite ^/vendors/?$ /vendors.php last; }

Apparently without the last keyword, the request didn't get restarted, so it never hit the .php location segment, and was simply interpreted as a download –

C: convert double to float, preserving decimal point precision

A float generally has about 7 digits of precision, regardless of the position of the decimal point. So if you want 5 digits of precision after the decimal, you'll need to limit the range of the numbers to less than somewhere around +/-100.

Error: Selection does not contain a main type

I hope you are trying to run the main class in this way, see screenshot:
screenshot of Eclipse file context menu

If not, then try this way. If yes, then please make sure that your class you are trying to run has a main method, that is, the same method definition as below:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // some code here

I hope this will help you.

In LaTeX, how can one add a header/footer in the document class Letter?

With regard to Brent.Longborough's answer (appering only on page 2 onward), perhaps you need to set the \thispagestyle{} after \begin{document}. I wonder if the letter class is setting the first page style to empty.

Passing data into "router-outlet" child components

Günters answer is great, I just want to point out another way without using Observables.

Here we though have to remember that these objects are passed by reference, so if you want to do some work on the object in the child and not affect the parent object, I would suggest using Günther's solution. But if it doesn't matter, or actually is desired behavior, I would suggest the following.

export class SharedService {

    sharedNode = {
      // properties

In your parent you can assign the value:

this.sharedService.sharedNode = this.node;

And in your children (AND parent), inject the shared Service in your constructor. Remember to provide the service at module level providers array if you want a singleton service all over the components in that module. Alternatively, just add the service in the providers array in the parent only, then the parent and child will share the same instance of service.

node: Node;

ngOnInit() {
    this.node = this.sharedService.sharedNode;    

And as newman kindly pointed, you can also have this.sharedService.sharedNode in the html template or a getter:

get sharedNode(){
  return this.sharedService.sharedNode;

wamp server does not start: Windows 7, 64Bit

Follow these steps (taken from this Youtube video).

  1. Quit Skype
  2. Uninstall IIS
    • Go to control panel
    • Look for INTERNET information service
    • Uninstall

load scripts asynchronously

Have you considered using Fetch Injection? I rolled an open source library called fetch-inject to handle cases like these. Here's what your loader might look like using the lib:

]).then(() => {

For backwards compatibility leverage feature detection and fall-back to XHR Injection or Script DOM Elements, or simply inline the tags into the page using document.write.

Which UUID version to use?

There are two different ways of generating a UUID.

If you just need a unique ID, you want a version 1 or version 4.

  • Version 1: This generates a unique ID based on a network card MAC address and a timer. These IDs are easy to predict (given one, I might be able to guess another one) and can be traced back to your network card. It's not recommended to create these.

  • Version 4: These are generated from random (or pseudo-random) numbers. If you just need to generate a UUID, this is probably what you want.

If you need to always generate the same UUID from a given name, you want a version 3 or version 5.

  • Version 3: This generates a unique ID from an MD5 hash of a namespace and name. If you need backwards compatibility (with another system that generates UUIDs from names), use this.

  • Version 5: This generates a unique ID from an SHA-1 hash of a namespace and name. This is the preferred version.

@RequestParam in Spring MVC handling optional parameters

You need to give required = false for name and password request parameters as well. That's because, when you provide just the logout parameter, it actually expects for name and password as well as they are still mandatory.

It worked when you just gave name and password because logout wasn't a mandatory parameter thanks to required = false already given for logout.

View the change history of a file using Git versioning

Lately I discovered tig and found it very useful. There are some cases I'd wish it does A or B but most of the time it's rather neat.

For your case, tig <filename> might be what you're looking for.

How can I return an empty IEnumerable?

I think the simplest way would be

 return new Friend[0];

The requirements of the return are merely that the method return an object which implements IEnumerable<Friend>. The fact that under different circumstances you return two different kinds of objects is irrelevant, as long as both implement IEnumerable.

extract column value based on another column pandas dataframe

male_avgtip=(tips_data.loc[tips_data['sex'] == 'Male', 'tip']).mean()

I have also worked on this clausing and extraction operations for my assignment.

Resize a picture to fit a JLabel

You can try it:

ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon(new ImageIcon("icon.png").getImage().getScaledInstance(20, 20, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT));

Or in one line:

label.setIcon(new ImageIcon(new ImageIcon("icon.png").getImage().getScaledInstance(20, 20, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT)));

The execution time is much more faster than File and ImageIO.

I recommend you to compare the two solutions in a loop.

JavaScript to get rows count of a HTML table


How to sort Counter by value? - python

More general sorted, where the key keyword defines the sorting method, minus before numerical type indicates descending:

>>> x = Counter({'a':5, 'b':3, 'c':7})
>>> sorted(x.items(), key=lambda k: -k[1])  # Ascending
[('c', 7), ('a', 5), ('b', 3)]

Mac OS X - EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found

This answer is for MacOS users who did not install from brew but rather from the official .dmg/.pkg. That installer fails to edit your PATH, causing things to break out of the box:

  1. All MySQL commands like mysql, mysqladmin, mysql_config, etc cannot be found, and as a result:
  2. the "MySQL Preference Pane" fails to appear in System Preferences, and
  3. you cannot install any API that communicates with MySQL, including mysqlclient

What you have to do is appending the MySQL bin folder (typically /usr/local/mysql/bin in your PATH by adding this line in your ~/.bash_profile file:

export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin/:$PATH"

You should then reload your ~/.bash_profile for the change to take effect in your current Terminal session:

source ~/.bash_profile

Before installing mysqlclient, however, you need to accept the XcodeBuild license:

sudo xcodebuild -license

Follow their directions to sign away your family, after which you should be able to install mysqlclient without issue:

pip install mysqlclient

After installing that, you must do one more thing to fix a runtime bug that ships with MySQL (Dynamic Library libmysqlclient.dylib not found), by adding this line to your system dynamic libraries path:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib/:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

Init function in javascript and how it works

The code creates an anonymous function, and then immediately runs it. Similar to:

var temp = function() {
  // init part

The purpose of this construction is to create a scope for the code inside the function. You can declare varaibles and functions inside the scope, and those will be local to that scope. That way they don't clutter up the global scope, which minimizes the risk for conflicts with other scripts.

How to search a specific value in all tables (PostgreSQL)?

There is a way to achieve this without creating a function or using an external tool. By using Postgres' query_to_xml() function that can dynamically run a query inside another query, it's possible to search a text across many tables. This is based on my answer to retrieve the rowcount for all tables:

To search for the string foo across all tables in a schema, the following can be used:

with found_rows as (
  select format('%I.%I', table_schema, table_name) as table_name,
         query_to_xml(format('select to_jsonb(t) as table_row 
                              from %I.%I as t 
                              where t::text like ''%%foo%%'' ', table_schema, table_name), 
                      true, false, '') as table_rows
  from information_schema.tables 
  where table_schema = 'public'
select table_name, x.table_row
from found_rows f
  left join xmltable('//table/row' 
                     passing table_rows
                         table_row text path 'table_row') as x on true

Note that the use of xmltable requires Postgres 10 or newer. For older Postgres version, this can be also done using xpath().

with found_rows as (
  select format('%I.%I', table_schema, table_name) as table_name,
         query_to_xml(format('select to_jsonb(t) as table_row 
                              from %I.%I as t 
                              where t::text like ''%%foo%%'' ', table_schema, table_name), 
                      true, false, '') as table_rows
  from information_schema.tables 
  where table_schema = 'public'
select table_name, x.table_row
from found_rows f
   cross join unnest(xpath('/table/row/table_row/text()', table_rows)) as r(data)

The common table expression (WITH ...) is only used for convenience. It loops through all tables in the public schema. For each table the following query is run through the query_to_xml() function:

select to_jsonb(t)
from some_table t
where t::text like '%foo%';

The where clause is used to make sure the expensive generation of XML content is only done for rows that contain the search string. This might return something like this:

<table xmlns:xsi="">
  <table_row>{"id": 42, "some_column": "foobar"}</table_row>

The conversion of the complete row to jsonb is done, so that in the result one could see which value belongs to which column.

The above might return something like this:

table_name   |   table_row
-------------+----------------------------------------   |  {"id": 1, "some_column": "foobar"}   |  {"id": 42, "another_column": "barfoo"}

Online example for Postgres 10+

Online example for older Postgres versions

What is an attribute in Java?

Attributes are also data members and properties of a class. They are Variables declared inside class.

How to hide the border for specified rows of a table?

You can simply add these lines of codes here to hide a row,

Either you can write border:0 or border-style:hidden; border: none or it will happen the same thing

<style type="text/css">_x000D_
              table, th, td {_x000D_
               border: 1px solid;_x000D_
              tr.hide_all > td, td.hide_all{_x000D_
                 border: 0;_x000D_
      <tr class= hide_all>_x000D_

running these lines of codes can solve the problem easily

How to print to stderr in Python?

If you do a simple test:

import time
import sys

def run1(runs):
    x = 0
    cur = time.time()
    while x < runs:
        x += 1
        print >> sys.stderr, 'X'
    elapsed = (time.time()-cur)
    return elapsed

def run2(runs):
    x = 0
    cur = time.time()
    while x < runs:
        x += 1
    elapsed = (time.time()-cur)
    return elapsed

def compare(runs):
    sum1, sum2 = 0, 0
    x = 0
    while x < runs:
        x += 1
        sum1 += run1(runs)
        sum2 += run2(runs)
    return sum1, sum2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s1, s2 = compare(1000)
    print "Using (print >> sys.stderr, 'X'): %s" %(s1)
    print "Using (sys.stderr.write('X'),sys.stderr.flush()):%s" %(s2)
    print "Ratio: %f" %(float(s1) / float(s2))

You will find that sys.stderr.write() is consistently 1.81 times faster!

How can I find whitespace in a String?

Use this code, was better solution for me.

public static boolean containsWhiteSpace(String line){
    boolean space= false; 
    if(line != null){

        for(int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++){

            if(line.charAt(i) == ' '){
            space= true;

    return space;

Customize the Authorization HTTP header

Kindly try below on postman :-

In header section example work for me..

Authorization : JWT eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.BkyB0LjKB4FIsCtnM5FcpcBLvKed_j7rCCxZddwiYnU

How to access a DOM element in React? What is the equilvalent of document.getElementById() in React

You can replace




  <Progressbar completed={25} ref="Progress1" id="Progress1"/>

Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically?

Here is a successful example of an implementation of the same thing, on a device which supported lower screen brightness values (I tested on an Allwinner Chinese 7" tablet running API15).

WindowManager.LayoutParams params = this.getWindow().getAttributes();

/** Turn off: */
params.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON;
//TODO Store original brightness value
params.screenBrightness = 0.1f;

/** Turn on: */
params.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON;
//TODO restoring from original value
params.screenBrightness = 0.9f;

If someone else tries this out, pls comment below if it worked/didn't work and the device, Android API.

Check if Variable is Empty - Angular 2

You can play here with different types and check the output,


export class ParentCmp {

    constructor() {
         console.log('has value')     // answer
        console.log('no value');

         console.log('has value') 
        console.log('no value');      //answer

          console.log('has value')    //answer
          console.log('no value');

             console.log('has value')
             console.log('no value');  //answer


How to determine if .NET Core is installed

Look in C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App to see which versions of the runtime have directories there. Source.

A lot of the answers here confuse the SDK with the Runtime, which are different.

ORA-12154 could not resolve the connect identifier specified

If you are using LDAP, make sure that the environment variable "TNS_ADMIN" exists and points to the folder containing the file "ldap.ora".

If this variable does not exist, create it and restart Visual Studio.

What is the difference between function and procedure in PL/SQL?

Both stored procedures and functions are named blocks that reside in the database and can be executed as and when required.

The major differences are:

  1. A stored procedure can optionally return values using out parameters, but can also be written in a manner without returning a value. But, a function must return a value.

  2. A stored procedure cannot be used in a SELECT statement whereas a function can be used in a SELECT statement.

Practically speaking, I would go for a stored procedure for a specific group of requirements and a function for a common requirement that could be shared across multiple scenarios. For example: comparing between two strings, or trimming them or taking the last portion, if we have a function for that, we could globally use it for any application that we have.

How to enable C++11/C++0x support in Eclipse CDT?

  • right-click the project and go to "Properties"
  • C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> GCC C++ Compiler -> Miscellaneous -> Other Flags. Put -lm at the end of other flags text box and OK.

How to find list of possible words from a letter matrix [Boggle Solver]

I have solved this in C#, using a DFA algorithm. You can check out my code at

In addition to finding words in a matrix, my algorithm saves the actual paths for the words, so for designing a word finder game, you can check wether there is a word on an actual path.

Batch program to to check if process exists

Try this:

@echo off
set run=
tasklist /fi "imagename eq notepad.exe" | find ":" > nul
if errorlevel 1 set run=yes
if "%run%"=="yes" echo notepad is running
if "%run%"=="" echo notepad is not running

How to capture a list of specific type with mockito

Based on @tenshi's and @pkalinow's comments (also kudos to @rogerdpack), the following is a simple solution for creating a list argument captor that also disables the "uses unchecked or unsafe operations" warning:

final ArgumentCaptor<List<SomeType>> someTypeListArgumentCaptor =

Full example here and corresponding passing CI build and test run here.

Our team has been using this for some time in our unit tests and this looks like the most straightforward solution for us.

Difference between return and exit in Bash functions

From man bash on return [n];

Causes a function to stop executing and return the value specified by n to its caller. If n is omitted, the return status is that of the last command executed in the function body.

... on exit [n]:

Cause the shell to exit with a status of n. If n is omitted, the exit status is that of the last command executed. A trap on EXIT is executed before the shell terminates.


As per your edit of the question, regarding exit codes, return has nothing to do with exit codes. Exit codes are intended for applications/scripts, not functions. So in this regard, the only keyword that sets the exit code of the script (the one that can be caught by the calling program using the $? shell variable) is exit.


My last statement referring exit is causing some comments. It was made to differentiate return and exit for the understanding of the OP, and in fact, at any given point of a program/shell script, exit is the only way of ending the script with an exit code to the calling process.

Every command executed in the shell produces a local "exit code": it sets the $? variable to that code, and can be used with if, && and other operators to conditionally execute other commands.

These exit codes (and the value of the $? variable) are reset by each command execution.

Incidentally, the exit code of the last command executed by the script is used as the exit code of the script itself as seen by the calling process.

Finally, functions, when called, act as shell commands with respect to exit codes. The exit code of the function (within the function) is set by using return. So when in a function return 0 is run, the function execution terminates, giving an exit code of 0.

insert data from one table to another in mysql

  INSERT INTO mt_magazine_subscription ( 
      status ) 
      (SELECT magazine_subscription_id, 
              magazine_id,'1' as status
       FROM tbl_magazine_subscription 
       ORDER BY magazine_subscription_id ASC))

Batch file to split .csv file

Try this out:

@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set limit=20000
set file=export.csv
set lineCounter=1
set filenameCounter=1

set name=
set extension=
for %%a in (%file%) do (
    set "name=%%~na"
    set "extension=%%~xa"

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%file%) do (
    set splitFile=!name!-part!filenameCounter!!extension!
    if !lineCounter! gtr !limit! (
        set /a filenameCounter=!filenameCounter! + 1
        set lineCounter=1
        echo Created !splitFile!.
    echo %%a>> !splitFile!

    set /a lineCounter=!lineCounter! + 1

As shown in the code above, it will split the original csv file into multiple csv file with a limit of 20 000 lines. All you have to do is to change the !file! and !limit! variable accordingly. Hope it helps.

How can the default node version be set using NVM?

#Worked for me 100% Follow this for default node version:

nvm install 12.13.1 then, nvm alias default 12.13.1

comparing two strings in ruby

var1 is a regular string, whereas var2 is an array, this is how you should compare (in this case):

puts var1 == var2[0]

How to launch another aspx web page upon button click?

Edited and fixed (thanks to Shredder)

If you mean you want to open a new tab, try the below:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Form.Target = "_blank";

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


This will keep the original page to stay open and cause the redirects on the current page to affect the new tab only.


Where does Java's String constant pool live, the heap or the stack?

As explained by this answer, the exact location of the string pool is not specified and can vary from one JVM implementation to another.

It is interesting to note that until Java 7, the pool was in the permgen space of the heap on hotspot JVM but it has been moved to the main part of the heap since Java 7:

Area: HotSpot
Synopsis: In JDK 7, interned strings are no longer allocated in the permanent generation of the Java heap, but are instead allocated in the main part of the Java heap (known as the young and old generations), along with the other objects created by the application. This change will result in more data residing in the main Java heap, and less data in the permanent generation, and thus may require heap sizes to be adjusted. Most applications will see only relatively small differences in heap usage due to this change, but larger applications that load many classes or make heavy use of the String.intern() method will see more significant differences. RFE: 6962931

And in Java 8 Hotspot, Permanent Generation has been completely removed.

Double decimal formatting in Java

Using String.format, you can do this:

double price = 52000;
String.format("$%,.2f", price);

Notice the comma which makes this different from @Vincent's answer



A good resource for formatting is the official java page on the subject

Showing the stack trace from a running Python application

I hacked together some tool which attaches into a running Python process and injects some code to get a Python shell.

See here:

.NET - How do I retrieve specific items out of a Dataset?

int var1 = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][3].ToString());
int var2 = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][4].ToString());

What is the reason for the error message "System cannot find the path specified"?

The following worked for me:

  1. Open the Registry Editor (press windows key, type regedit and hit Enter) .
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun and clear the values.
  3. Also check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun.

How do I view the SQL generated by the Entity Framework?

For me, using EF6 and Visual Studio 2015 I entered query in the immediate window and it gave me the generated SQL Statement

How can I convert a DateTime to an int?

Do you want an 'int' that looks like 20110425171213? In which case you'd be better off ToString with the appropriate format (something like 'yyyyMMddHHmmss') and then casting the string to an integer (or a long, unsigned int as it will be way more than 32 bits).

If you want an actual numeric value (the number of seconds since the year 0) then that's a very different calculation, e.g.

result = second
result += minute * 60
result += hour * 60 * 60
result += day * 60 * 60 * 24 


But you'd be better off using Ticks.

Pretty git branch graphs

If you are using Mac OS, you can try GitUp(1)

enter image description here

  • x-axis: Branches
  • y-axis: time


Node.js fs.readdir recursive directory search

There are basically two ways of accomplishing this. In an async environment you'll notice that there are two kinds of loops: serial and parallel. A serial loop waits for one iteration to complete before it moves onto the next iteration - this guarantees that every iteration of the loop completes in order. In a parallel loop, all the iterations are started at the same time, and one may complete before another, however, it is much faster than a serial loop. So in this case, it's probably better to use a parallel loop because it doesn't matter what order the walk completes in, just as long as it completes and returns the results (unless you want them in order).

A parallel loop would look like this:

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var walk = function(dir, done) {
  var results = [];
  fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) {
    if (err) return done(err);
    var pending = list.length;
    if (!pending) return done(null, results);
    list.forEach(function(file) {
      file = path.resolve(dir, file);
      fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) {
        if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
          walk(file, function(err, res) {
            results = results.concat(res);
            if (!--pending) done(null, results);
        } else {
          if (!--pending) done(null, results);

A serial loop would look like this:

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var walk = function(dir, done) {
  var results = [];
  fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) {
    if (err) return done(err);
    var i = 0;
    (function next() {
      var file = list[i++];
      if (!file) return done(null, results);
      file = path.resolve(dir, file);
      fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) {
        if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
          walk(file, function(err, res) {
            results = results.concat(res);
        } else {

And to test it out on your home directory (WARNING: the results list will be huge if you have a lot of stuff in your home directory):

walk(process.env.HOME, function(err, results) {
  if (err) throw err;

EDIT: Improved examples.

Why do we use web.xml?

It's the default configuration for a Java web application; it's required.


is applied to every HTTP request that's sent to this web app.

How do I create the small icon next to the website tab for my site?

It is called favicon.ico and you can generate it from this site.

mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given

Your arguments are in the wrong order. The connection comes first according to the docs


// 1. Create a database connection
$connection = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER,DB_USER,DB_PASS);

if (!$connection) {
    error_log("Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_error($connection));
    die('Internal server error');

// 2. Select a database to use 
$db_select = mysqli_select_db($connection, DB_NAME);
if (!$db_select) {
    error_log("Database selection failed: " . mysqli_error($connection));
    die('Internal server error');


CSS3 Spin Animation

@keyframes spin {
    from {transform:rotate(0deg);}
    to {transform:rotate(360deg);}

this will make you to answer the question

How to convert integers to characters in C?

Program Converts ASCII to Alphabet


void main ()

  int num;
  printf ("=====This Program Converts ASCII to Alphabet!=====\n");
  printf ("Enter ASCII: ");
  scanf ("%d", &num);
  printf("%d is ASCII value of '%c'", num, (char)num );

Program Converts Alphabet to ASCII code


void main ()

  char alphabet;
  printf ("=====This Program Converts Alphabet to ASCII code!=====\n");
  printf ("Enter Alphabet: ");
  scanf ("%c", &alphabet);
  printf("ASCII value of '%c' is %d", alphabet, (char)alphabet );

How to change dot size in gnuplot

Use the pointtype and pointsize options, e.g.

plot "./points.dat" using 1:2 pt 7 ps 10  

where pt 7 gives you a filled circle and ps 10 is the size.

See: Plotting data.

SSH configuration: override the default username

man ssh_config says


Specifies the user to log in as. This can be useful when a different user name is used on different machines. This saves the trouble of having to remember to give the user name on the command line.

How do malloc() and free() work?

How malloc() and free() works depends on the runtime library used. Generally, malloc() allocates a heap (a block of memory) from the operating system. Each request to malloc() then allocates a small chunk of this memory be returning a pointer to the caller. The memory allocation routines will have to store some extra information about the block of memory allocated to be able to keep track of used and free memory on the heap. This information is often stored in a few bytes just before the pointer returned by malloc() and it can be a linked list of memory blocks.

By writing past the block of memory allocated by malloc() you will most likely destroy some of the book-keeping information of the next block which may be the remaining unused block of memory.

One place where you program may also crash is when copying too many characters into the buffer. If the extra characters are located outside the heap you may get an access violation as you are trying to write to non-existing memory.

On postback, how can I check which control cause postback in Page_Init event

An addition to previous answers, to use Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"] you have to set the option:

buttonName.UseSubmitBehavior = false;

Using the GET parameter of a URL in JavaScript

You can use this function

function getParmFromUrl(url, parm) {
    var re = new RegExp(".*[?&]" + parm + "=([^&]+)(&|$)");
    var match = url.match(re);
    return(match ? match[1] : "");

How to add button in ActionBar(Android)?

An activity populates the ActionBar in its onCreateOptionsMenu() method.

Instead of using setcustomview(), just override onCreateOptionsMenu like this:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
  MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
  inflater.inflate(, menu);
  return true;

If an actions in the ActionBar is selected, the onOptionsItemSelected() method is called. It receives the selected action as parameter. Based on this information you code can decide what to do for example:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
  switch (item.getItemId()) {
      Toast.makeText(this, "Menu Item 1 selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      Toast.makeText(this, "Menu item 2 selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
  return true;

How to check edittext's text is email address or not?

public static boolean isEmailValid(String email) {
    boolean isValid = false;

    String expression = "^(([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+|([a-zA-Z]{1}|[\\w-]{2,}))@"
            + "((([0-1]?[0-9]{1,2}|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9])\\.([0-1]?"
            + "[0-9]{1,2}|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9])\\."
            + "([0-1]?[0-9]{1,2}|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9])\\.([0-1]?"
            + "[0-9]{1,2}|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9])){1}|"
            + "([a-zA-Z]+[\\w-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4})$";
    // "^[\\w\\.-]+@([\\w\\-]+\\.)+[A-Z]{2,4}$";
    CharSequence inputStr = email;

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expression, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputStr);
    if (!matcher.matches()) {
        isValid = true;
    return isValid;

conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

i faced this issue where i was using SQL it is different from MYSQL the solution was puting in this format: =date('m-d-y h:m:s'); rather than =date('y-m-d h:m:s');

rejected master -> master (non-fast-forward)

The only i was able to resolve this issue was to delete the local and git repo and create the same again at both ends. Works fine for now.

Saving and Reading Bitmaps/Images from Internal memory in Android

    public static String saveImage(String folderName, String imageName, RelativeLayout layoutCollage) {
        String selectedOutputPath = "";
        if (isSDCARDMounted()) {
            File mediaStorageDir = new File(
                    Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), folderName);
            // Create a storage directory if it does not exist
            if (!mediaStorageDir.exists()) {
                if (!mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()) {
                    Log.d("PhotoEditorSDK", "Failed to create directory");
            // Create a media file name
            selectedOutputPath = mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator + imageName;
            Log.d("PhotoEditorSDK", "selected camera path " + selectedOutputPath);
            File file = new File(selectedOutputPath);
            try {
                FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
                if (layoutCollage != null) {
                    layoutCollage.getDrawingCache().compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 80, out);
            } catch (Exception e) {
        return selectedOutputPath;

private static boolean isSDCARDMounted() {
        String status = Environment.getExternalStorageState();
        return status.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED);

how to modify the size of a column

If you run it, it will work, but in order for SQL Developer to recognize and not warn about a possible error you can change it as:


Avoid dropdown menu close on click inside

Bootstrap provides the following function:

                 | This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method | has been called. The toggling anchor element is available as the 
                 | relatedTarget property of the event.

Therefore, implementing this function should be able to disable the dropdown from closing.

$('#myDropdown').on('', function (e) {
    var target = $(;
    if(target.hasClass("keepopen") || target.parents(".keepopen").length){
        return false; // returning false should stop the dropdown from hiding.
        return true;

Setting width/height as percentage minus pixels

Presuming 17px header height

List css:

height: 100%;
padding-top: 17px;

Header css:

height: 17px;
float: left;
width: 100%;

Java - How to create a custom dialog box?

i created a custom dialog API. check it out here It supports message and confirmation box. input and option dialog just like in joptionpane will be implemented soon.

Sample Error Dialog from CUstomDialog API: CustomDialog Error Message

What happened to the .pull-left and .pull-right classes in Bootstrap 4?

The classes are float-right float-sm-right etc.

The media queries are mobile-first, so using float-sm-right would affect small screen sizes and anything wider, so there's no reason to add a class for each width. Just use the smallest screen you want to affect or float-right for all screen widths.

Official Docs:



If you are updating an existing project based on an earlier version of Bootstrap, you can use sass extend to apply the rules to the old class names:

.pull-right {
    @extend .float-right;
.pull-left {
    @extend .float-left;

How to get a reversed list view on a list in Java?

If i have understood correct then it is one line of code .It worked for me .


How to wrap text using CSS?



I have taken my example from a couple different websites on google. I have tested this on ff 5.0, IE 8.0, and Chrome 10. It works on all of them.

.wrapword {
    white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important;  /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
    white-space: -pre-wrap;      /* Opera 4-6 */
    white-space: -o-pre-wrap;    /* Opera 7 */
    white-space: pre-wrap;       /* css-3 */
    word-wrap: break-word;       /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
    white-space: -webkit-pre-wrap; /* Newer versions of Chrome/Safari*/
    word-break: break-all;
    white-space: normal;

<table style="table-layout:fixed; width:400px">
        <td class="wrapword"></td>

XSLT - How to select XML Attribute by Attribute?

There are two problems with your xpath - first you need to remove the child selector from after Data like phihag mentioned. Also you forgot to include root in your xpath. Here is what you want to do:


How to restore the menu bar in Visual Studio Code

Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette.

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

After that, you write menu
Option is enabled

Sending JSON object to Web API

Try this:


    $('#save-source').click(function (e) {
        var source = {
            'ID': 0,
            //'ProductID': $('#ID').val(),
            'PartNumber': $('#part-number').val(),
            //'VendorID': $('#Vendors').val()
            type: "POST",
            dataType: "json",
            url: "/api/PartSourceAPI",
            data: source,
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (error) {
                jsonValue = jQuery.parseJSON(error.responseText);
                //jError('An error has occurred while saving the new part source: ' + jsonValue, { TimeShown: 3000 });


    public string Post(PartSourceModel model)
        return model.PartNumber;


<label>Part Number</label>
<input type="text" id="part-number" name="part-number" />

<input type="submit" id="save-source" name="save-source" value="Add" />

Now when you click 'Add' after you fill out the text box, the controller will spit back out what you wrote in the PartNumber box in an alert.

How to get random value out of an array?

This will work nicely with in-line arrays. Plus, I think things are tidier and more reusable when wrapped up in a function.

function array_rand_value($a) {
    return $a[array_rand($a)];


array_rand_value(array("a", "b", "c", "d"));

On PHP < 7.1.0, array_rand() uses rand(), so you wouldn't want to this function for anything related to security or cryptography. On PHP 7.1.0+, use this function without concern since rand() has been aliased to mt_rand().

PHP-FPM doesn't write to error log

in my case I show that the error log was going to /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log . so I commented this line in /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf

php_flag[display_errors]   is commented
php_flag[display_errors] = on  log will be at /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log

and as said above I also uncommented this line

catch_workers_output = yes

Now I can see logs in the file specified by nginx.

PostgreSQL create table if not exists

There is no CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS... but you can write a simple procedure for that, something like:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prc_create_sch_foo_table() RETURNS VOID AS $$

EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE /* IF NOT EXISTS add for PostgreSQL 9.1+ */ (
                    id serial NOT NULL, 
                    demo_column varchar NOT NULL, 
                    demo_column2 varchar NOT NULL,
                    CONSTRAINT pk_sch_foo PRIMARY KEY (id));
                   CREATE INDEX /* IF NOT EXISTS add for PostgreSQL 9.5+ */ idx_sch_foo_demo_column ON;
                   CREATE INDEX /* IF NOT EXISTS add for PostgreSQL 9.5+ */ idx_sch_foo_demo_column2 ON;'
               WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables 
                        WHERE table_schema = 'sch' 
                            AND table_name = 'foo');

         EXCEPTION WHEN null_value_not_allowed THEN
           WHEN duplicate_table THEN

END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Horizontal scroll css?

Just set your width to auto:

    width: auto;
    border: 13px solid #bed5cd;
    overflow-x: scroll;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;

This way your div can be as wide as possible, so you can add as many kitty images as possible ;3

Your div's width will expand based on the child elements it contains.


What is limiting the # of simultaneous connections my ASP.NET application can make to a web service?

Have you tried to set the value of the static DefaultConnectionLimit property programmatically?

Here is a good source of information about that true headache... ASP.NET Thread Usage on IIS 7.5, IIS 7.0, and IIS 6.0, with updates for framework 4.0.

null check in jsf expression language

Use empty (it checks both nullness and emptiness) and group the nested ternary expression by parentheses (EL is in certain implementations/versions namely somewhat problematic with nested ternary expressions). Thus, so:

styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' :  
 (obj.validationErrorMap.contains('key') ? 'highlight_field' : 'highlight_row')}"

If still in vain (I would then check JBoss EL configs), use the "normal" EL approach:

styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' :  
 (obj.validationErrorMap['key'] ne null ? 'highlight_field' : 'highlight_row')}"

Update: as per the comments, the Map turns out to actually be a List (please work on your naming conventions). To check if a List contains an item the "normal" EL way, use JSTL fn:contains (although not explicitly documented, it works for List as well).

styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' :  
 (fn:contains(obj.validationErrorMap, 'key') ? 'highlight_field' : 'highlight_row')}"

How to alert using jQuery

Don't do this, but this is how you would do it:

$(".overdue").each(function() { 
    alert("Your book is overdue"); 

The reason I say "don't do it" is because nothing is more annoying to users, in my opinion, than repeated pop-ups that cannot be stopped. Instead, just use the length property and let them know that "You have X books overdue".

How to get UTC time in Python?

import datetime
import pytz

# datetime object with timezone awareness:

# seconds from epoch: 

# ms from epoch:
int( * 1000) 

Protect image download

There is no full-proof method to prevent your images being downloaded/stolen.

But, some solutions like: watermarking your images(from client side or server side), implement a background image, disable/prevent right clicks, slice images into small pieces and then present as a complete image to browser, you can also use flash to show images.

Personally, recommended methods are: Watermarking and flash. But it is a difficult and almost impossible mission to accomplish. As long as user is able to "see" that image, means they take "screenshot" to steal the image.

Adding line break in C# Code behind page

Option A: concatenate several string literal into one:

string myText = "Looking up into the night sky is looking into infinity" +
    " - distance is incomprehensible and therefore meaningless.";

Option B: use a single multiline string literal:

string myText = @"Looking up into the night sky is looking into infinity
- distance is incomprehensible and therefore meaningless.";

With option B, the newline character(s) will be part of the string saved into variable myText. This might, or might not, be what you want.

two divs the same line, one dynamic width, one fixed

So left div style depends on the presence of right div. I can't think of a CSS selector allowing that kind of behavior yet.

Thus it seems to me that you'll need to programmatically add a class server side (or in JS) on parent div or left div to do that.

<div id="parent twocols">
  <div class="left"></div>
  <div class="right"></div>


<div id="parent">
  <div class="left"></div>

So right style is always :

.right {
    float: right;
    width: 200px; /* or whatever value you need */
    /* margin and padding at your discretion */

and left style is :

.parent.twocols .left {
    margin-right: 200px; /* according to right div width + margin + padding*/

Action bar navigation modes are deprecated in Android L

FragmentTabHost is also an option.

This code is from Android developer's site:

 * This demonstrates how you can implement switching between the tabs of a
 * TabHost through fragments, using FragmentTabHost.
public class FragmentTabs extends FragmentActivity {
    private FragmentTabHost mTabHost;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mTabHost = (FragmentTabHost)findViewById(;
    mTabHost.setup(this, getSupportFragmentManager(),;

            FragmentStackSupport.CountingFragment.class, null);
            LoaderCursorSupport.CursorLoaderListFragment.class, null);
            LoaderCustomSupport.AppListFragment.class, null);
            LoaderThrottleSupport.ThrottledLoaderListFragment.class, null);

How to choose between Hudson and Jenkins?

Jenkins is the new Hudson. It really is more like a rename, not a fork, since the whole development community moved to Jenkins. (Oracle is left sitting in a corner holding their old ball "Hudson", but it's just a soul-less project now.)

C.f. Ethereal -> WireShark

How to parse date string to Date?

A parse exception is a checked exception, so you must catch it with a try-catch when working with parsing Strings to Dates, as @miku suggested...

top nav bar blocking top content of the page

using percentage is much better solution than pixels.

body {
  padding-top: 10%; //This works regardless of display size.

If needed you can still be explicit by adding different breakpoints as mentioned in another answer by @spajus

How do you input command line arguments in IntelliJ IDEA?

To do this in IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.3 (Community edition) on Windows 10:

  1. ALT-SHIFT-F10
  2. 0
  3. [TAB] 7 times

Updated for 11/2020.

How to add "on delete cascade" constraints?


select replace_foreign_key('user_rates_posts', 'post_id', 'ON DELETE CASCADE');


    replace_foreign_key(f_table VARCHAR, f_column VARCHAR, new_options VARCHAR) 
AS $$
DECLARE constraint_name varchar;
DECLARE reftable varchar;
DECLARE refcolumn varchar;

SELECT tc.constraint_name, ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name 
    information_schema.table_constraints AS tc 
    JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu
      ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
    JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu
      ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' 
   AND tc.table_name= f_table AND kcu.column_name= f_column
INTO constraint_name, reftable, refcolumn;

EXECUTE 'alter table ' || f_table || ' drop constraint ' || constraint_name || 
', ADD CONSTRAINT ' || constraint_name || ' FOREIGN KEY (' || f_column || ') ' ||
' REFERENCES ' || reftable || '(' || refcolumn || ') ' || new_options || ';';

RETURN 'Constraint replaced: ' || constraint_name || ' (' || f_table || '.' || f_column ||
 ' -> ' || reftable || '.' || refcolumn || '); New options: ' || new_options;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Be aware: this function won't copy attributes of initial foreign key. It only takes foreign table name / column name, drops current key and replaces with new one.

How to write a unit test for a Spring Boot Controller endpoint

The new testing improvements that debuted in Spring Boot 1.4.M2 can help reduce the amount of code you need to write situation such as these.

The test would look like so:

import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestB??uilders.get; 
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMat??chers.content; 
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMat??chers.status;

    public class UserVehicleControllerTests {

        private MockMvc mockMvc;

        public void testSayHelloWorld() throws Exception {



See this blog post for more details as well as the documentation

How to locate the php.ini file (xampp)

Step 1: Goto xammp

Step 2: Find php Foleder and click on it,

Find 2: Below php.ini file

Path : C:\xampp\php enter image description here

Second Example : step 1: Open xampp control panel

Step 2: Click On config,

Step 3: Find Here php.ini file

enter image description here

To get loaded php.ini files location try: command : php --ini

enter image description here

RSA encryption and decryption in Python

In order to make it work you need to convert key from str to tuple before decryption(ast.literal_eval function). Here is fixed code:

import Crypto
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto import Random
import ast

random_generator =
key = RSA.generate(1024, random_generator) #generate pub and priv key

publickey = key.publickey() # pub key export for exchange

encrypted = publickey.encrypt('encrypt this message', 32)
#message to encrypt is in the above line 'encrypt this message'

print 'encrypted message:', encrypted #ciphertext
f = open ('encryption.txt', 'w')
f.write(str(encrypted)) #write ciphertext to file

#decrypted code below

f = open('encryption.txt', 'r')
message =

decrypted = key.decrypt(ast.literal_eval(str(encrypted)))

print 'decrypted', decrypted

f = open ('encryption.txt', 'w')

How to write Unicode characters to the console?

Besides Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

for some characters you need to install extra fonts (ie. Chinese).

In Windows 10 first go to Region & language settings and install support for required language: enter image description here

After that you can go to Command Prompt Proporties (or Defaults if you like) and choose some font that supports your language (like KaiTi in Chinese case): enter image description here

Now you are set to go: enter image description here

C# send a simple SSH command

SshClient cSSH = new SshClient("", 22, "root", "pacaritambo");
SshCommand x = cSSH.RunCommand("exec \"/var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf\"");

//using SSH.Net

android - listview get item view by position

Listview lv = (ListView) findViewById(;

    final BaseAdapter adapter = new PreviewAdapter(this, name, age);

    confirm.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            View view = null;

            String value;
            for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++) {

                view = adapter.getView(i, view, lv);

                Textview et = (TextView) view.findViewById(;


                 Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), value,


How to enable core dump in my Linux C++ program

You need to set ulimit -c. If you have 0 for this parameter a coredump file is not created. So do this: ulimit -c unlimited and check if everything is correct ulimit -a. The coredump file is created when an application has done for example something inappropriate. The name of the file on my system is core.<process-pid-here>.

No module named serial

You do not have serial package installed.

Try pip install serial to install the module.

Alternatively, install it in binary form from here:

Install Pyserial for Windows

Note that you always install precompiled binaries at your own risk.

How to keep Docker container running after starting services?

This is not really how you should design your Docker containers.

When designing a Docker container, you're supposed to build it such that there is only one process running (i.e. you should have one container for Nginx, and one for supervisord or the app it's running); additionally, that process should run in the foreground.

The container will "exit" when the process itself exits (in your case, that process is your bash script).

However, if you really need (or want) to run multiple service in your Docker container, consider starting from "Docker Base Image", which uses runit as a pseudo-init process (runit will stay online while Nginx and Supervisor run), which will stay in the foreground while your other processes do their thing.

They have substantial docs, so you should be able to achieve what you're trying to do reasonably easily.

PHP Echo text Color

How about writing out some escape sequences?

echo "\033[01;31m Request has been sent. Please wait for my reply! \033[0m";

Won't work through browser though, only from console ;))

Convert String to System.IO.Stream

To convert a string to a stream you need to decide which encoding the bytes in the stream should have to represent that string - for example you can:

MemoryStream mStrm= new MemoryStream( Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( contents ) );

MSDN references:

Controlling Spacing Between Table Cells

Use the border-spacing property on the table element to set the spacing between cells.

Make sure border-collapse is set to separate (or there will be a single border between each cell instead of a separate border around each one that can have spacing between them).

What is the preferred/idiomatic way to insert into a map?

I have been running some time comparisons between the abovementioned versions:

function[0] = 42;
function.insert(std::map<int, int>::value_type(0, 42));
function.insert(std::pair<int, int>(0, 42));
function.insert(std::make_pair(0, 42));

Turns out that time differences between the insert versions are tiny.

#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
using namespace boost::posix_time;
class Widget {
    Widget() {
        for(unsigned long it = 0; it < 100;it++) {
            m_vec[it] = 1.0;
    Widget(double el)   {
        for(unsigned long it = 0; it < 100;it++) {
            m_vec[it] = el;
    std::vector<double> m_vec;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    std::map<int,Widget> map_W;
    ptime t1 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();    
    for(int it = 0; it < 10000;it++) {
    ptime t2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
    time_duration diff = t2 - t1;
    std::cout << diff.total_milliseconds() << std::endl;

    std::map<int,Widget> map_W_2;
    ptime t1_2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();    
    for(int it = 0; it < 10000;it++) {
    ptime t2_2 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
    time_duration diff_2 = t2_2 - t1_2;
    std::cout << diff_2.total_milliseconds() << std::endl;

    std::map<int,Widget> map_W_3;
    ptime t1_3 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();    
    for(int it = 0; it < 10000;it++) {
        map_W_3[it] = Widget(2.0);
    ptime t2_3 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
    time_duration diff_3 = t2_3 - t1_3;
    std::cout << diff_3.total_milliseconds() << std::endl;

    std::map<int,Widget> map_W_0;
    ptime t1_0 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();    
    for(int it = 0; it < 10000;it++) {
    ptime t2_0 = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
    time_duration diff_0 = t2_0 - t1_0;
    std::cout << diff_0.total_milliseconds() << std::endl;


This gives respectively for the versions (I ran the file 3 times, hence the 3 consecutive time differences for each):


2198 ms, 2078 ms, 2072 ms


2290 ms, 2037 ms, 2046 ms

 map_W_3[it] = Widget(2.0);

2592 ms, 2278 ms, 2296 ms


2234 ms, 2031 ms, 2027 ms

Hence, results between different insert versions can be neglected (didn't perform a hypothesis test though)!

The map_W_3[it] = Widget(2.0); version takes about 10-15 % more time for this example due to an initialization with the default constructor for Widget.

writing a batch file that opens a chrome URL

assuming chrome is his default browser: start should open that url in his browser.

Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap

While there are plenty of excellent Answers here, I'd like to present my own table describing the various Map implementations bundled with Java 11.

We can see these differences listed on the table graphic:

  • HashMap is the general-purpose Map commonly used when you have no special needs.
  • LinkedHashMap extends HashMap, adding this behavior: Maintains an order, the order in which the entries were originally added. Altering the value for key-value entry does not alter its place in the order.
  • TreeMap too maintains an order, but uses either (a) the “natural” order, meaning the value of the compareTo method on the key objects defined on the Comparable interface, or (b) invokes a Comparator implementation you provide.
  • NULLs: TreeMap does not allow a NULL as the key, while HashMap & LinkedHashMap do.
    • All three allow NULL as the value.
  • HashTable is legacy, from Java 1. Supplanted by the ConcurrentHashMap class. Quoting the Javadoc: ConcurrentHashMap obeys the same functional specification as Hashtable, and includes versions of methods corresponding to each method of Hashtable.

Table of map implementations in Java 11, comparing their features

how to play video from url

Try this:

String LINK = "type_here_the_link";
VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;
MediaController mc = new MediaController(this);
Uri video = Uri.parse(LINK);

How to get html table td cell value by JavaScript?

Don't use in-line JavaScript, separate your behaviour from your data and it gets much easier to handle. I'd suggest the following:

var table = document.getElementById('tableID'),
    cells = table.getElementsByTagName('td');

for (var i=0,len=cells.length; i<len; i++){
    cells[i].onclick = function(){
        /* if you know it's going to be numeric:

var table = document.getElementById('tableID'),_x000D_
  cells = table.getElementsByTagName('td');_x000D_
for (var i = 0, len = cells.length; i < len; i++) {_x000D_
  cells[i].onclick = function() {_x000D_
td {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #000;_x000D_
  padding: 0.2em 0.3em 0.1em 0.3em;_x000D_
<table id="tableID">_x000D_
      <th>Column heading 1</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column heading 2</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column heading 3</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column heading 4</th>_x000D_

JS Fiddle proof-of-concept.

A revised approach, in response to the comment (below):

You're missing a semicolon. Also, don't make functions within a loop.

This revision binds a (single) named function as the click event-handler of the multiple <td> elements, and avoids the unnecessary overhead of creating multiple anonymous functions within a loop (which is poor practice due to repetition and the impact on performance, due to memory usage):

function logText() {
  // 'this' is automatically passed to the named
  // function via the use of addEventListener()
  // (later):

// using a CSS Selector, with document.querySelectorAll()
// to get a NodeList of <td> elements within the #tableID element:
var cells = document.querySelectorAll('#tableID td');

// iterating over the array-like NodeList, using
// Array.prototype.forEach() and, function(td) {
  // the first argument of the anonymous function (here: 'td')
  // is the element of the array over which we're iterating.

  // adding an event-handler (the function logText) to handle
  // the click events on the <td> elements:
  td.addEventListener('click', logText);

function logText() {_x000D_
var cells = document.querySelectorAll('#tableID td');_x000D_
_x000D_, function(td) {_x000D_
  td.addEventListener('click', logText);_x000D_
td {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #000;_x000D_
  padding: 0.2em 0.3em 0.1em 0.3em;_x000D_
<table id="tableID">_x000D_
      <th>Column heading 1</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column heading 2</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column heading 3</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column heading 4</th>_x000D_

JS Fiddle proof-of-concept.


Stop form refreshing page on submit

Most people would prevent the form from submitting by calling the event.preventDefault() function.

Another means is to remove the onclick attribute of the button, and get the code in processForm() out into .submit(function() { as return false; causes the form to not submit. Also, make the formBlaSubmit() functions return Boolean based on validity, for use in processForm();

katsh's answer is the same, just easier to digest.

(By the way, I'm new to stackoverflow, give me guidance please. )

When should you use 'friend' in C++?

This may not be an actual use case situation but may help to illustrate the use of friend between classes.

The ClubHouse

class ClubHouse {
    friend class VIPMember; // VIP Members Have Full Access To Class
    unsigned nonMembers_;
    unsigned paidMembers_;
    unsigned vipMembers;

    std::vector<Member> members_;
    ClubHouse() : nonMembers_(0), paidMembers_(0), vipMembers(0) {}

    addMember( const Member& member ) { // ...code }   
    void updateMembership( unsigned memberID, Member::MembershipType type ) { // ...code }
    Amenity getAmenity( unsigned memberID ) { // ...code }

    void joinVIPEvent( unsigned memberID ) { // ...code }

}; // ClubHouse

The Members Class's

class Member {
    enum MemberShipType {
        NON_MEMBER_PAID_EVENT,   // Single Event Paid (At Door)
        PAID_MEMBERSHIP,         // Monthly - Yearly Subscription
        VIP_MEMBERSHIP,          // Highest Possible Membership
    }; // MemberShipType

    MemberShipType type_;
    unsigned id_;
    Amenity amenity_;
    Member( unsigned id, MemberShipType type ) : id_(id), type_(type) {}
    virtual ~Member(){}
    unsigned getId() const { return id_; }
    MemberShipType getType() const { return type_; }
    virtual void getAmenityFromClubHouse() = 0       

class NonMember : public Member {
   explicit NonMember( unsigned id ) : Member( id, MemberShipType::NON_MEMBER_PAID_EVENT ) {}   

   void getAmenityFromClubHouse() override {
       Amenity = ClubHouse::getAmenity( this->id_ );

class PaidMember : public Member {
    explicit PaidMember( unsigned id ) : Member( id, MemberShipType::PAID_MEMBERSHIP ) {}

    void getAmenityFromClubHouse() override {
       Amenity = ClubHouse::getAmenity( this->id_ );

class VIPMember : public Member {
    friend class ClubHouse;
    explicit VIPMember( unsigned id ) : Member( id, MemberShipType::VIP_MEMBERSHIP ) {}

    void getAmenityFromClubHouse() override {
       Amenity = ClubHouse::getAmenity( this->id_ );

    void attendVIPEvent() {
        ClubHouse::joinVIPEvent( this->id );


class Amenity{};

If you look at the relationship of these classes here; the ClubHouse holds a variety of different types of memberships and membership access. The Members are all derived from a super or base class since they all share an ID and an enumerated type that are common and outside classes can access their IDs and Types through access functions that are found in the base class.

However through this kind of hierarchy of the Members and its Derived classes and their relationship with the ClubHouse class the only one of the derived class's that has "special privileges" is the VIPMember class. The base class and the other 2 derived classes can not access the ClubHouse's joinVIPEvent() method, yet the VIP Member class has that privilege as if it has complete access to that event.

So with the VIPMember and the ClubHouse it is a two way street of access where the other Member Classes are limited.

Format telephone and credit card numbers in AngularJS

I modified the code to output phone in this format Value: +38 (095) 411-22-23 Here you can check it enter link description here

    var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

myApp.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {

myApp.directive('phoneInput', function($filter, $browser) {
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
            var listener = function() {
                var value = $element.val().replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
                $element.val($filter('tel')(value, false));

            // This runs when we update the text field
            ngModelCtrl.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {
                return viewValue.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '').slice(0,12);

            // This runs when the model gets updated on the scope directly and keeps our view in sync
            ngModelCtrl.$render = function() {
                $element.val($filter('tel')(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue, false));

            $element.bind('change', listener);
            $element.bind('keydown', function(event) {
                var key = event.keyCode;
                // If the keys include the CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, or META keys, or the arrow keys, do nothing.
                // This lets us support copy and paste too
                if (key == 91 || (15 < key && key < 19) || (37 <= key && key <= 40)){
                $browser.defer(listener); // Have to do this or changes don't get picked up properly

            $element.bind('paste cut', function() {

myApp.filter('tel', function () {
    return function (tel) {
        if (!tel) { return ''; }

        var value = tel.toString().trim().replace(/^\+/, '');

        if (value.match(/[^0-9]/)) {
            return tel;

        var country, city, num1, num2, num3;

        switch (value.length) {
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
                city = value;

                country = value.slice(0, 2);
                city = value.slice(2, 5);
                num1 = value.slice(5,8);
                num2 = value.slice(8,10);
                num3 = value.slice(10,12);            

        if(country && city && num1 && num2 && num3){
            return ("+" + country+" (" + city + ") " + num1 +"-" + num2 + "-" + num3).trim();
        else if(country && city && num1 && num2) {
            return ("+" + country+" (" + city + ") " + num1 +"-" + num2).trim();
        }else if(country && city && num1) {
            return ("+" + country+" (" + city + ") " + num1).trim();
        }else if(country && city) {
            return ("+" + country+" (" + city ).trim();
        }else if(country ) {
            return ("+" + country).trim();


Vba macro to copy row from table if value in table meets condition

Selects are slow and unnescsaary. The following code will be far faster:

Sub CopyRowsAcross() 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim ws1 As Worksheet: Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 
Dim ws2 As Worksheet: Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2") 

For i = 2 To ws1.Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row 
    If ws1.Cells(i, 2) = "Your Critera" Then ws1.Rows(i).Copy ws2.Rows(ws2.Cells(ws2.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1) 
Next i 
End Sub 

Can (domain name) subdomains have an underscore "_" in it?

No, you can't use underscore in subdomain but hypen (dash). i.e is acceptable and would not be acceptable.

Convert DataTable to CSV stream

Update 1

I have modified it to use StreamWriter instead, add an option to check if you need column headers in your output.

public static bool DataTableToCSV(DataTable dtSource, StreamWriter writer, bool includeHeader)
    if (dtSource == null || writer == null) return false;

    if (includeHeader)
        string[] columnNames = dtSource.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Select(column => "\"" + column.ColumnName.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"").ToArray<string>();
        writer.WriteLine(String.Join(",", columnNames));

    foreach (DataRow row in dtSource.Rows)
        string[] fields = row.ItemArray.Select(field => "\"" + field.ToString().Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"").ToArray<string>();
        writer.WriteLine(String.Join(",", fields));

    return true;

As you can see, you can choose the output by initial StreamWriter, if you use StreamWriter(Stream BaseStream), you can write csv into MemeryStream, FileStream, etc.


I have an easy datatable to csv function, it serves me well:

    public static void DataTableToCsv(DataTable dt, string csvFile)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        var columnNames = dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Select(column => "\"" + column.ColumnName.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"").ToArray();
        sb.AppendLine(string.Join(",", columnNames));

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            var fields = row.ItemArray.Select(field => "\"" + field.ToString().Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"").ToArray();
            sb.AppendLine(string.Join(",", fields));

        File.WriteAllText(csvFile, sb.ToString(), Encoding.Default);

How do I capture the output of a script if it is being ran by the task scheduler?

Use the cmd.exe command processor to build a timestamped file name to log your scheduled task's output

To build upon answers by others here, it may be that you want to create an output file that has the date and/or time embedded in the name of the file. You can use the cmd.exe command processor to do this for you.

Note: This technique takes the string output of internal Windows environment variables and slices them up based on character position. Because of this, the exact values supplied in the examples below may not be correct for the region of Windows you use. Also, with some regional settings, some components of the date or time may introduce a space into the constructed file name when their value is less than 10. To mitigate this issue, surround your file name with quotes so that any unintended spaces in the file name won't break the command-line you're constructing. Experiment and find what works best for your situation.

Be aware that PowerShell is more powerful than cmd.exe. One way it is more powerful is that it can deal with different Windows regions. But this answer is about solving this issue using cmd.exe, not PowerShell, so we continue.

Using cmd.exe

You can access different components of the date and time by slicing the internal environment variables %date% and %time%, as follows (again, the exact slicing values are dependent on the region configured in Windows):

  • Year (4 digits): %date:~10,4%
  • Month (2 digits): %date:~4,2%
  • Day (2 digits): %date:~7,2%
  • Hour (2 digits): %time:~0,2%
  • Minute (2 digits): %time:~3,2%
  • Second (2 digits): %time:~6,2%

Suppose you want your log file to be named using this date/time format: "Log_[yyyyMMdd]_[hhmmss].txt". You'd use the following:


To test this, run the following command line:

cmd.exe /c echo "Log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.txt"

Putting it all together, to redirect both stdout and stderr from your script to a log file named with the current date and time, use might use the following as your command line:

cmd /c YourProgram.cmd > "Log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.txt" 2>&1

Note the use of quotes around the file name to handle instances a date or time component may introduce a space character.

In my case, if the current date/time were 10/05/2017 9:05:34 AM, the above command-line would produce the following:

cmd /c YourProgram.cmd > "Log_20171005_ 90534.txt" 2>&1

how to get curl to output only http response body (json) and no other headers etc

I was executing a get request an also want to see just the response and nothing else, seems like magic is done with -silent,-s option.

From the curl man page:

-s, --silent Silent or quiet mode. Don't show progress meter or error messages. Makes Curl mute. It will still output the data you ask for, potentially even to the terminal/stdout unless you redirect it.

Below the examples:

curl -s "http://host:8080/some/resource"
curl -silent "http://host:8080/some/resource"

Using custom headers

curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" "http://host:8080/some/resource")

Using POST method with a header

curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://host:8080/some/resource") -d '{ "myBean": {"property": "value"}}'

You can also customize the output for specific values with -w, below the options I use to get just response codes of the curl:

curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "http://host:8080/some/resource"

Error TF30063: You are not authorized to access ... \DefaultCollection

I get this problem when I am forced by our IT security policy to change my password. After a password change, when I connect to TFS using VS2017, I am no longer authorized to access our TFS server and get the TF30063: You are not authorised to access ...:8080/tfs error message.

However, if I connect using VS2013, I can connect to the server without problems and the access denied error with VS2017 goes away.

Stretch and scale CSS background

Add a background-attachment line:

#background {
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    position: absolute; 
    margin-left: 0px; 
    margin-top: 0px; 
    z-index: 0;

.stretch {

Execution failed app:processDebugResources Android Studio

You're hitting bug The cause usually seems to be a reference to a nonexistent string in one of your menu resources.

Pass command parameter to method in ViewModel in WPF?

"ViewModel" implies MVVM. If you're doing MVVM you shouldn't be passing views into your view models. Typically you do something like this in your XAML:

<Button Content="Edit" 
        Command="{Binding EditCommand}"
        CommandParameter="{Binding ViewModelItem}" >

And then this in your view model:

private ViewModelItemType _ViewModelItem;
public ViewModelItemType ViewModelItem
        return this._ViewModelItem;
        this._ViewModelItem = value;
        RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.ViewModelItem);

public ICommand EditCommand { get { return new RelayCommand<ViewModelItemType>(OnEdit); } }
private void OnEdit(ViewModelItemType itemToEdit)
    ... do something here...

Obviously this is just to illustrate the point, if you only had one property to edit called ViewModelItem then you wouldn't need to pass it in as a command parameter.

Filter Excel pivot table using VBA

Latest versions of Excel has a new tool called Slicers. Using slicers in VBA is actually more reliable that .CurrentPage (there have been reports of bugs while looping through numerous filter options). Here is a simple example of how you can select a slicer item (remember to deselect all the non-relevant slicer values):

Sub Step_Thru_SlicerItems2()
Dim slItem As SlicerItem
Dim i As Long
Dim searchName as string

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    For Each slItem In .VisibleSlicerItems
        If slItem.Name <> .SlicerItems(1).Name Then _
            slItem.Selected = False
            slItem.Selected = True
        End if
    Next slItem
End Sub

There are also services like SmartKato that would help you out with setting up your dashboards or reports and/or fix your code.

How to set width of a div in percent in JavaScript?

The question is what do you want the div's height/width to be a percent of?

By default, if you assign a percentage value to a height/width it will be relative to it's direct parent dimensions. If the parent doesn't have a defined height, then it won't work.

So simply, remember to set the height of the parent, then a percentage height will work via the css attribute: = '50%';

Warning: #1265 Data truncated for column 'pdd' at row 1

As the message error says, you need to Increase the length of your column to fit the length of the data you are trying to insert (0000-00-00)


Following your comment, I run a test table:

mysql> create table testDate(id int(2) not null auto_increment, pdd date default null, primary key(id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)


mysql> insert into testDate values(1,'0000-00-00');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)


So, aparently you want to insert a NULL value to pdd field as your comment states ? You can do that in 2 ways like this:

Method 1:

mysql> insert into testDate values(2,'');
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.06 sec)

Method 2:

mysql> insert into testDate values(3,NULL);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)


You failed to change the default value of pdd field. Here is the syntax how to do it (in my case, I set it to NULL in the start, now I will change it to NOT NULL)

mysql> alter table testDate modify pdd date not null;
Query OK, 3 rows affected, 1 warning (0.60 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1

to_string is not a member of std, says g++ (mingw)

Change default C++ standard

From (COMPILE FILE FAILED) error: 'to_string' is not a member of 'std'



-std=c++11 or -std=c++14

Tested on Cygwin G++(GCC) 5.4.0

Determine a string's encoding in C#

My solution is to use built-in stuffs with some fallbacks.

I picked the strategy from an answer to another similar question on stackoverflow but I can't find it now.

It checks the BOM first using the built-in logic in StreamReader, if there's BOM, the encoding will be something other than Encoding.Default, and we should trust that result.

If not, it checks whether the bytes sequence is valid UTF-8 sequence. if it is, it will guess UTF-8 as the encoding, and if not, again, the default ASCII encoding will be the result.

static Encoding getEncoding(string path) {
    var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
    var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.Default, true);

    if (reader.CurrentEncoding != Encoding.Default) {
        return reader.CurrentEncoding;

    stream.Position = 0;

    reader = new StreamReader(stream, new UTF8Encoding(false, true));
    try {
        return Encoding.UTF8;
    catch (Exception) {
        return Encoding.Default;

CSS selector (id contains part of text)

<div id='element_123_wrapper_text'>My sample DIV</div>

The Operator ^ - Match elements that starts with given value

div[id^="element_123"] {


The Operator $ - Match elements that ends with given value

div[id$="wrapper_text"] {


The Operator * - Match elements that have an attribute containing a given value

div[id*="wrapper_text"] {


Append lines to a file using a StreamWriter

One more simple way is using the File.AppendText it appends UTF-8 encoded text to an existing file, or to a new file if the specified file does not exist and returns a System.IO.StreamWriter

using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.AppendText(logFilePath + "log.txt"))
    sw.WriteLine("this is a log");

Shorten string without cutting words in JavaScript

we can do this easily by using truncate function of lodash

_.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino');
// => 'hi-diddly-ho there, neighbo...'

_.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', {
  'length': 24,
  'separator': ' '
// => 'hi-diddly-ho there,...'

go on Lodash Documentation for more clearence.

javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'foo' not found on type com.example.Bean

I was facing the similar type of issue: Code Snippet :

<c:forEach items="${orderList}" var="xx"> ${} <br>

There was a space after orderlist like this : "${orderList} " because of which the xx variable was getting coverted into String and was not able to call

So make sure about space. They play crucial role sometimes. :p

Download a specific tag with Git

Checking out Tags

If you want to view the versions of files a tag is pointing to, you can do a git checkout, though this puts your repository in “detached HEAD” state, which has some ill side effects:

$ git checkout 2.0.0
Note: checking out '2.0.0'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 99ada87... Merge pull request #89 from schacon/appendix-final

$ git checkout 2.0-beta-0.1
Previous HEAD position was 99ada87... Merge pull request #89 from schacon/appendix-final
HEAD is now at df3f601... add atlas.json and cover image

In “detached HEAD” state, if you make changes and then create a commit, the tag will stay the same, but your new commit won’t belong to any branch and will be unreachable, except for by the exact commit hash. Thus, if you need to make changes—say you’re fixing a bug on an older version, for instance—you will generally want to create a branch:

$ git checkout -b version2 v2.0.0
Switched to a new branch 'version2'

If you do this and make a commit, your version2 branch will be slightly different than your v2.0.0 tag since it will move forward with your new changes, so do be careful.

joining two select statements

  (First_query) AS ONE
  (Second_query ) AS TWO ON ONE.First_query_ID = TWO.Second_Query_ID;

How do I REALLY reset the Visual Studio window layout?

If you've ever backed up your settings (Tools -> Import and Export Settings), you can restore the settings file to get back to a prior state. This is the only thing that I've found to work.

How to upgrade Git to latest version on macOS?

if using homebrew you can update sim links using

brew link --overwrite git

Adding an onclick event to a div element

maybe your script tab has some problem.

if you set type, must type="application/javascript".

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div onclick="showMsg('Hello')">
            Click me show message
        <script type="application/javascript">
            function showMsg(item) {

clk'event vs rising_edge()

The linked comment is incorrect : 'L' to '1' will produce a rising edge.

In addition, if your clock signal transitions from 'H' to '1', rising_edge(clk) will (correctly) not trigger while (clk'event and clk = '1') (incorrectly) will.

Granted, that may look like a contrived example, but I have seen clock waveforms do that in real hardware, due to failures elsewhere.

ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away

You can also log into the database as root (or SUPER privilege) and do

set global max_allowed_packet=64*1024*1024;

doesn't require a MySQL restart as well. Note that you should fix your my.cnf file as outlined in other solutions:


And confirm the change after you've restarted MySQL:

show variables like 'max_allowed_packet';

You can use the command-line as well, but that may require updating the start/stop scripts which may not survive system updates and patches.

As requested, I'm adding my own answer here. Glad to see it works!

Encrypt & Decrypt using PyCrypto AES 256

Here is my implementation and works for me with some fixes and enhances the alignment of the key and secret phrase with 32 bytes and iv to 16 bytes:

import base64
import hashlib
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

class AESCipher(object):

    def __init__(self, key): = AES.block_size
        self.key = hashlib.sha256(key.encode()).digest()

    def encrypt(self, raw):
        raw = self._pad(raw)
        iv =
        cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        return base64.b64encode(iv + cipher.encrypt(raw.encode()))

    def decrypt(self, enc):
        enc = base64.b64decode(enc)
        iv = enc[:AES.block_size]
        cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        return self._unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc[AES.block_size:])).decode('utf-8')

    def _pad(self, s):
        return s + ( - len(s) % * chr( - len(s) %

    def _unpad(s):
        return s[:-ord(s[len(s)-1:])]

how to get the attribute value of an xml node using java

try something like this :

    DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
    Document dDoc = builder.parse("d://utf8test.xml");

    XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
    NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("//xml/ep/source/@type", dDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
        Node node = nodes.item(i);

please note the changes :

  • we ask for a nodeset (XPathConstants.NODESET) and not only for a single node.
  • the xpath is now //xml/ep/source/@type and not //xml/source/@type/text()

PS: can you add the tag java to your question ? thanks.

Transition of background-color

As far as I know, transitions currently work in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer 10+.

This should produce a fade effect for you in these browsers:

a {_x000D_
    background-color: #FF0;_x000D_
a:hover {_x000D_
    background-color: #AD310B;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: background-color 1000ms linear;_x000D_
    -ms-transition: background-color 1000ms linear;_x000D_
    transition: background-color 1000ms linear;_x000D_
<a>Navigation Link</a>

Note: As pointed out by Gerald in the comments, if you put the transition on the a, instead of on a:hover it will fade back to the original color when your mouse moves away from the link.

This might come in handy, too: CSS Fundamentals: CSS 3 Transitions

How to convert NSNumber to NSString


NSString *myString = [NSNumber stringValue];

Isn't the size of character in Java 2 bytes?

The constructor String(byte[] bytes) takes the bytes from the buffer and encodes them to characters.

It uses the platform default charset to encode bytes to characters. If you know, your file contains text, that is encoded in a different charset, you can use the String(byte[] bytes, String charsetName) to use the correct encoding (from bytes to characters).

What is the best way to iterate over a dictionary?

If say, you want to iterate over the values collection by default, I believe you can implement IEnumerable<>, Where T is the type of the values object in the dictionary, and "this" is a Dictionary.

public new IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
   return this.Values.GetEnumerator();

Returning value from called function in a shell script

If it's just a true/false test, have your function return 0 for success, and return 1 for failure. The test would then be:

if function_name; then
  do something
  error condition

Adobe Acrobat Pro make all pages the same dimension

You have to use the Print to a New PDF option using the PDF printer. Once in the dialog box, set the page scaling to 100% and set your page size. Once you do that, your new PDF will be uniform in page sizes.

How to store NULL values in datetime fields in MySQL?

This is a a sensible point.

A null date is not a zero date. They may look the same, but they ain't. In mysql, a null date value is null. A zero date value is an empty string ('') and '0000-00-00 00:00:00'

On a null date "... where mydate = ''" will fail.
On an empty/zero date "... where mydate is null" will fail.

But now let's get funky. In mysql dates, empty/zero date are strictly the same.

by example

select if(myDate is null, 'null', myDate) as mydate from myTable where  myDate = '';
select if(myDate is null, 'null', myDate) as mydate from myTable where  myDate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'

will BOTH output: '0000-00-00 00:00:00'. if you update myDate with '' or '0000-00-00 00:00:00', both selects will still work the same.

In php, the mysql null dates type will be respected with the standard mysql connector, and be real nulls ($var === null, is_null($var)). Empty dates will always be represented as '0000-00-00 00:00:00'.

I strongly advise to use only null dates, OR only empty dates if you can. (some systems will use "virual" zero dates which are valid Gregorian dates, like 1970-01-01 (linux) or 0001-01-01 (oracle).

empty dates are easier in php/mysql. You don't have the "where field is null" to handle. However, you have to "manually" transform the '0000-00-00 00:00:00' date in '' to display empty fields. (to store or search you don't have special case to handle for zero dates, which is nice).

Null dates need better care. you have to be careful when you insert or update to NOT add quotes around null, else a zero date will be inserted instead of null, which causes your standard data havoc. In search forms, you will need to handle cases like "and mydate is not null", and so on.

Null dates are usually more work. but they much MUCH MUCH faster than zero dates for queries.

Hadoop: «ERROR : JAVA_HOME is not set»

You can add in your .bashrc file:

export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:bin/java::")

and it will dynamically change when you update your packages.

How to set a tkinter window to a constant size

There are 2 solutions for your problem:

  1. Either you set a fixed size of the Tkinter window; mw.geometry('500x500')


  1. Make the Frame adjust to the size of the window automatically; = 0, y = 0, relwidth = 1, relheight = 1)

*The second option should be used in place of back.pack()

How to undo a successful "git cherry-pick"?

A cherry-pick is basically a commit, so if you want to undo it, you just undo the commit.

when I have other local changes

Stash your current changes so you can reapply them after resetting the commit.

$ git stash
$ git reset --hard HEAD^
$ git stash pop  # or `git stash apply`, if you want to keep the changeset in the stash

when I have no other local changes

$ git reset --hard HEAD^

Why use deflate instead of gzip for text files served by Apache?

if I remember correctly

  • gzip will compress a little more than deflate
  • deflate is more efficient

How does a hash table work?

Short and sweet:

A hash table wraps up an array, lets call it internalArray. Items are inserted into the array in this way:

let insert key value =
    internalArray[hash(key) % internalArray.Length] <- (key, value)
    //oversimplified for educational purposes

Sometimes two keys will hash to the same index in the array, and you want to keep both values. I like to store both values in the same index, which is simple to code by making internalArray an array of linked lists:

let insert key value =
    internalArray[hash(key) % internalArray.Length].AddLast(key, value)

So, if I wanted to retrieve an item out of my hash table, I could write:

let get key =
    let linkedList = internalArray[hash(key) % internalArray.Length]
    for (testKey, value) in linkedList
        if (testKey = key) then return value
    return null

Delete operations are just as simple to write. As you can tell, inserts, lookups, and removal from our array of linked lists is nearly O(1).

When our internalArray gets too full, maybe at around 85% capacity, we can resize the internal array and move all of the items from the old array into the new array.

How does the getView() method work when creating your own custom adapter?

  1. Layout inflator inflates/adds external XML to your current view.

  2. getView() is called numerous times including when scrolled. So if it already has view inflated we don't wanna do it again since inflating is a costly process.. thats why we check if its null and then inflate it.

  3. The parent view is single cell of your List..

Daylight saving time and time zone best practices

While I haven't tried it, an approach to time zone adjustments I would find compelling would be as follows:

  1. Store everything in UTC.

  2. Create a table TZOffsets with three columns: RegionClassId, StartDateTime, and OffsetMinutes (int, in minutes).

In the table, store a list of dates and times when the local time changed, and by how much. The number of regions in the table and the number of dates would depend on what range of dates and areas of the world you need to support. Think of this as if it is "historical" date, even though the dates should include the future to some practical limit.

When you need to compute the local time of any UTC time, just do this:

SELECT DATEADD('m', SUM(OffsetMinutes), @inputdatetime) AS LocalDateTime
FROM   TZOffsets
WHERE  StartDateTime <= @inputdatetime
       AND RegionClassId = @RegionClassId;

You might want to cache this table in your app and use LINQ or some similar means to do the queries rather than hitting the database.

This data can be distilled from the public domain tz database.

Advantages and footnotes of this approach:

  1. No rules are baked into code, you can adjust the offsets for new regions or date ranges readily.
  2. You don't have to support every range of dates or regions, you can add them as needed.
  3. Regions don't have to correspond directly to geopolitical boundaries, and to avoid duplication of rows (for instance, most states in the US handle DST the same way), you can have broad RegionClass entries that link in another table to more traditional lists of states, countries, etc.
  4. For situations like the US where the start and end date of DST has changed over the past few years, this is pretty easy to deal with.
  5. Since the StartDateTime field can store a time as well, the 2:00 AM standard change-over time is handled easily.
  6. Not everywhere in the world uses a 1-hour DST. This handles those cases easily.
  7. The data table is cross-platform and could be a separate open-source project that could be used by developers who use nearly any database platform or programming language.
  8. This can be used for offsets that have nothing to do with time zones. For instance, the 1-second adjustments that happen from time to time to adjust for the Earth's rotation, historical adjustments to and within the Gregorian calendar, etc.
  9. Since this is in a database table, standard report queries, etc. can take advantage of the data without a trip through business logic code.
  10. This handles time zone offsets as well if you want it to, and can even account for special historical cases where a region is assigned to another time zone. All you need is an initial date that assigns a time zone offset to each region with a minimal start date. This would require creating at least one region for each time zone, but would allow you to ask interesting questions like: "What is the difference in local time between Yuma, Arizona and Seattle, Washington on February 2, 1989 at 5:00am?" (Just subtract one SUM() from the other).

Now, the only disadvantage of this approach or any other is that conversions from local time to GMT are not perfect, since any DST change that has a negative offset to the clock repeats a given local time. No easy way to deal with that one, I'm afraid, which is one reason storing local times is bad news in the first place.

Hibernate Union alternatives

I too have been through this pain - if the query is dynamically generated (e.g. Hibernate Criteria) then I couldn't find a practical way to do it.

The good news for me was that I was only investigating union to solve a performance problem when using an 'or' in an Oracle database.

The solution Patrick posted (combining the results programmatically using a set) while ugly (especially since I wanted to do results paging as well) was adequate for me.

Fixed header, footer with scrollable content

As of 2013: This would be my approach. jsFiddle:


<header class="container global-header">
    <h1>Header (fixed)</h1>

<div class="container main-content">
    <div class="inner-w">
        <h1>Main Content</h1>
    </div><!-- .inner-w -->
</div> <!-- .main-content -->

<footer class="container global-footer">
    <h3>Footer (fixed)</h3>


// User reset

* { // creates a natural box model layout
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box; 
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 
    box-sizing: border-box; 
} // asume normalize.css

// structure

.container {
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    float: left;
    padding: 1em;

// type

body {
    font-family: arial;   

.main-content {
    h1 {
        font-size: 2em;
        font-weight: bold;
        margin-bottom: .2em;
} // .main-content

// style

    // variables
    $global-header-height: 8em;
    $global-footer-height: 6em;

.global-header {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0; left: 0;
    background-color: gray;
    height: $global-header-height;

.main-content {
    background-color: orange;
    margin-top: $global-header-height;
    margin-bottom: $global-footer-height;
    z-index: -1; // so header will be on top
    min-height: 50em; // to make it long so you can see the scrolling

.global-footer {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    height: $global-footer-height;
    background-color: gray;

How to validate phone number in laravel 5.2?

Use required|numeric|size:11 Instead of required|min:11|numeric

How to convert a string from uppercase to lowercase in Bash?

The correct way to implement your code is

val=$(echo "$y" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
string="$val world"

This uses $(...) notation to capture the output of the command in a variable. Note also the quotation marks around the string variable -- you need them there to indicate that $val and world are a single thing to be assigned to string.

If you have bash 4.0 or higher, a more efficient & elegant way to do it is to use bash builtin string manipulation:

string="${y,,} world"

Docker official registry (Docker Hub) URL

It's just docker pull busybox, are you using an up to date version of the docker client. I think they stopped supporting clients lower than 1.5.

Incidentally that curl works for me:

$ curl -k
[{"layer": "fc0db02f", "name": "latest"}, {"layer": "fc0db02f", "name": "1"}, {"layer": "a6dbc8d6", "name": "1-ubuntu"}, {"layer": "a6dbc8d6", "name": "1.21-ubuntu"}, {"layer": "a6dbc8d6", "name": "1.21.0-ubuntu"}, {"layer": "d7057cb0", "name": "1.23"}, {"layer": "d7057cb0", "name": "1.23.2"}, {"layer": "fc0db02f", "name": "1.24"}, {"layer": "3d5bcd78", "name": "1.24.0"}, {"layer": "fc0db02f", "name": "1.24.1"}, {"layer": "1c677c87", "name": "buildroot-2013.08.1"}, {"layer": "0f864637", "name": "buildroot-2014.02"}, {"layer": "a6dbc8d6", "name": "ubuntu"}, {"layer": "ff8f955d", "name": "ubuntu-12.04"}, {"layer": "633fcd11", "name": "ubuntu-14.04"}]

Interesting enough if you sniff the headers you get a HTTP 405 (Method not allowed). I think this might be to do with the fact that Docker have deprecated their Registry API.

Background thread with QThread in PyQt

Very nice example from Matt, I fixed the typo and also pyqt4.8 is common now so I removed the dummy class as well and added an example for the dataReady signal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt

# very testable class (hint: you can use mock.Mock for the signals)
class Worker(QtCore.QObject):
    finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
    dataReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list, dict)

    def processA(self):
        print "Worker.processA()"

    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, list, list)
    def processB(self, foo, bar=None, baz=None):
        print "Worker.processB()"
        for thing in bar:
            # lots of processing...
            self.dataReady.emit(['dummy', 'data'], {'dummy': ['data']})

def onDataReady(aList, aDict):
    print 'onDataReady'
    print repr(aList)
    print repr(aDict)

app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)

thread = QtCore.QThread()  # no parent!
obj = Worker()  # no parent!


# if you want the thread to stop after the worker is done
# you can always call thread.start() again later

# one way to do it is to start processing as soon as the thread starts
# this is okay in some cases... but makes it harder to send data to
# the worker object from the main gui thread.  As you can see I'm calling
# processA() which takes no arguments


# another way to do it, which is a bit fancier, allows you to talk back and
# forth with the object in a thread safe way by communicating through signals
# and slots (now that the thread is running I can start calling methods on
# the worker object)
QtCore.QMetaObject.invokeMethod(obj, 'processB', Qt.QueuedConnection,
                                QtCore.Q_ARG(str, "Hello World!"),
                                QtCore.Q_ARG(list, ["args", 0, 1]),
                                QtCore.Q_ARG(list, []))

# that looks a bit scary, but its a totally ok thing to do in Qt,
# we're simply using the system that Signals and Slots are built on top of,
# the QMetaObject, to make it act like we safely emitted a signal for
# the worker thread to pick up when its event loop resumes (so if its doing
# a bunch of work you can call this method 10 times and it will just queue
# up the calls.  Note: PyQt > 4.6 will not allow you to pass in a None
# instead of an empty list, it has stricter type checking


How to set the DefaultRoute to another Route in React Router

You use it like this to redirect on a particular URL and render component after redirecting from old-router to new-router.

<Route path="/old-router">
  <Redirect exact to="/new-router"/>
  <Route path="/new-router" component={NewRouterType}/>

npm WARN package.json: No repository field

Yes, probably you can re/create one by including -f at the end of your command

What is the difference between old style and new style classes in Python?

Old style classes are still marginally faster for attribute lookup. This is not usually important, but it may be useful in performance-sensitive Python 2.x code:

In [3]: class A:
   ...:     def __init__(self):
   ...:         self.a = 'hi there'

In [4]: class B(object):
   ...:     def __init__(self):
   ...:         self.a = 'hi there'

In [6]: aobj = A()
In [7]: bobj = B()

In [8]: %timeit aobj.a
10000000 loops, best of 3: 78.7 ns per loop

In [10]: %timeit bobj.a
10000000 loops, best of 3: 86.9 ns per loop

Removing duplicate characters from a string

If order does not matter, you can use


set() will create a set of unique letters in the string, and "".join() will join the letters back to a string in arbitrary order.

If order does matter, you can use a dict instead of a set, which since Python 3.7 preserves the insertion order of the keys. (In the CPython implementation, this is already supported in Python 3.6 as an implementation detail.)

foo = "mppmt"
result = "".join(dict.fromkeys(foo))

resulting in the string "mpt". In earlier versions of Python, you can use collections.OrderedDict, which has been available starting from Python 2.7.

Please help me convert this script to a simple image slider

Problems only surface when I am I trying to give the first loaded content an active state

Does this mean that you want to add a class to the first button?

$('.o-links').click(function(e) {   // ... }).first().addClass('O_Nav_Current'); 

instead of using IDs for the slider's items and resetting html contents you can use classes and indexes:


.image-area {     width: 100%;     height: auto;     display: none; }  .image-area:first-of-type {     display: block; } 


var $slides = $('.image-area'),     $btns = $('a.o-links');  $btns.on('click', function (e) {     var i = $btns.removeClass('O_Nav_Current').index(this);     $(this).addClass('O_Nav_Current');      $slides.filter(':visible').fadeOut(1000, function () {         $slides.eq(i).fadeIn(1000);     });      e.preventDefault();  }).first().addClass('O_Nav_Current');

Can't access Eclipse marketplace

If you're able to successfully load a page from Eclipses internal web browser (by going to "Window"=>"Show View"=>"Other"=>"Internal Web Browser" and trying to open a page) BUT installing software from the eclipse marketplace and the "Help"=>"Install New Software" window are not working then this fix may help you (worked for me on a Windows 7 machine):

  1. Go to "Window"=>"Preferences"=>"General"=>"Network Connections" and set the Active Provider to "Native".
  2. Go into the Windows Control pannel and search firewall. Then select "Allow Program Through Windows Firewall" and click "Allow Other Program..." and add your eclipse installation.

enter image description here enter image description here

  1. Restart Eclipse and try refreshing a repository on the "Help"=>"Install New Software" window. It was able to successfull grab it for me.

Easy way to add drop down menu with 1 - 100 without doing 100 different options?

Not with plain HTML I'm afraid.

You could use some jQuery to do this though:

    var $select = $(".1-100");
    for (i=1;i<=100;i++){

-- SEE DEMO --

You can download jQuery here

How to validate Google reCAPTCHA v3 on server side?

I liked Levit's answer and ended up using it. But I just wanted to point out, just in case, that there is an official Google PHP library for new reCAPTCHA:

The latest version (right now 1.1.2) supports Composer and contains an example that you can run to see if you have configured everything correctly.

Below you can see part of the example that comes with this official library (with my minor modifications for clarity):

// Make the call to verify the response and also pass the user's IP address
    $resp = $recaptcha->verify($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

    if ($resp->isSuccess()) {
// If the response is a success, that's it!
        <p>That's it. Everything is working. Go integrate this into your real project.</p>
        <p><a href="/">Try again</a></p>
    } else {
// If it's not successful, then one or more error codes will be returned.
        <h2>Something went wrong</h2>
        <p>The following error was returned: <?php
            foreach ($resp->getErrorCodes() as $code) {
                echo '<tt>' , $code , '</tt> ';
        <p>Check the error code reference at <tt><a href=""></a></tt>.
        <p><strong>Note:</strong> Error code <tt>missing-input-response</tt> may mean the user just didn't complete the reCAPTCHA.</p>
        <p><a href="/">Try again</a></p>

Hope it helps someone.

How to update an object in a List<> in C#

Using Linq to find the object you can do:

var obj = myList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MyProperty == myValue);
if (obj != null) obj.OtherProperty = newValue;

But in this case you might want to save the List into a Dictionary and use this instead:

// ... define after getting the List/Enumerable/whatever
var dict = myList.ToDictionary(x => x.MyProperty);
// ... somewhere in code
MyObject found;
if (dict.TryGetValue(myValue, out found)) found.OtherProperty = newValue;

Java: getMinutes and getHours


… or … 


The Answer by J.D. is good but not optimal. That Answer uses the LocalDateTime class. Lacking any concept of time zone or offset-from-UTC, that class cannot represent a moment.

Better to use ZonedDateTime.

ZoneId z = ZoneID.of( "America/Montreal" ) ;
ZonedDateTime zdt = z ) ;

Specify time zone

If you omit the ZoneId argument, one is applied implicitly at runtime using the JVM’s current default time zone.

So this:

…is the same as this: ZoneId.systemDefault() )

Better to be explicit, passing your desired/expected time zone. The default can change at any moment during runtime.

If critical, confirm the time zone with the user.


Interrogate the ZonedDateTime for the hour and minute.

int hour = zdt.getHour() ;
int minute = zdt.getMinute() ;


If you want just the time-of-day without the time zone, extract LocalTime.

LocalTime lt = zdt.toLocalTime() ;

Or skip ZonedDateTime entirely, going directly to LocalTime.

LocalTime lt = z ) ;  // Capture the current time-of-day as seen in the wall-clock time used by the people of a particular region (a time zone).

java.time types

Table of types of date-time classes in modern java.time versus legacy.

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

"detached entity passed to persist error" with JPA/EJB code



because it is auto generate on the DB, and continue with persist command.

How to store a datetime in MySQL with timezone info

MySQL stores DATETIME without timezone information. Let's say you store '2019-01-01 20:00:00' into a DATETIME field, when you retrieve that value you're expected to know what timezone it belongs to.

So in your case, when you store a value into a DATETIME field, make sure it is Tanzania time. Then when you get it out, it will be Tanzania time. Yay!

Now, the hairy question is: When I do an INSERT/UPDATE, how do I make sure the value is Tanzania time? Two cases:

  1. You do INSERT INTO table (dateCreated) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or NOW()).

  2. You do INSERT INTO table (dateCreated) VALUES (?), and specify the current time from your application code.


MySQL will take the current time, let's say that is '2019-01-01 20:00:00' Tanzania time. Then MySQL will convert it to UTC, which comes out to '2019-01-01 17:00:00', and store that value into the field.

So how do you get the Tanzania time, which is '20:00:00', to store into the field? It's not possible. Your code will need to expect UTC time when reading from this field.


It depends on what type of value you pass as ?. If you pass the string '2019-01-01 20:00:00', then good for you, that's exactly what will be stored to the DB. If you pass a Date object of some kind, then it'll depend on how the db driver interprets that Date object, and ultimate what 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' string it provides to MySQL for storage. The db driver's documentation should tell you.

Flutter: Trying to bottom-center an item in a Column, but it keeps left-aligning

If you wish to leave content as it, can wrap it with scrollable.

Useful if you have inputs in the children:

enter image description here

    return Stack(
      children: <Widget>[
          child: SingleChildScrollView(
              child: Column(
                  children: children
                      height: 56, // button heigh, so could scroll underlapping area
          child: Align(
            alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
            child: button,

Find object by its property in array of objects with AngularJS way

you can use angular's filter

in your controller:

$filter('filter')(myArray, {'id':73}) 

or in your HTML

{{ myArray | filter : {'id':73} }}

How to add meta tag in JavaScript

You can add it:

var meta = document.createElement('meta');
meta.httpEquiv = "X-UA-Compatible";
meta.content = "IE=edge";

...but I wouldn't be surprised if by the time that ran, the browser had already made its decisions about how to render the page.

The real answer here has to be to output the correct tag from the server in the first place. (Sadly, you can't just not have the tag if you need to support IE. :-| )

How do I (or can I) SELECT DISTINCT on multiple columns?


is roughly equivalent to:

SELECT a,b,c FROM t GROUP BY a,b,c

It's a good idea to get used to the GROUP BY syntax, as it's more powerful.

For your query, I'd do it like this:

UPDATE sales
SET status='ACTIVE'
    SELECT id
    FROM sales S
        SELECT saleprice, saledate
        FROM sales
        GROUP BY saleprice, saledate
        HAVING COUNT(*) = 1 
    ) T
    ON S.saleprice=T.saleprice AND s.saledate=T.saledate

How do I create a GUI for a windows application using C++?

I strongly prefer simply using Microsoft Visual Studio and writing a native Win32 app.

For a GUI as simple as the one that you describe, you could simply create a Dialog Box and use it as your main application window. The default application created by the Win32 Project wizard in Visual Studio actually pops a window, so you can replace that window with your Dialog Box and replace the WndProc with a similar (but simpler) DialogProc.

The question, then, is one of tools and cost. The Express Edition of Visual C++ does everything you want except actually create the Dialog Template resource. For this, you could either code it in the RC file by hand or in memory by hand. Related SO question: Windows API Dialogs without using resource files.

Or you could try one of the free resource editors that others have recommended.

Finally, the Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition is a costlier option but gives you an integrated resource editor.

Image resizing in React Native

**After setting the width and the height of the image then use the resizeMode property by setting it to cover or contain.The following blocks of code translate from normal css to react-native StyleSheet

// In normal css
   width: 100px;
   height: 100px;
   object-fit: cover;

// in react-native StyleSheet
   width: 100;
   height: 100;
   resizeMode: "cover";

OR object-fit contain

// In normal css

   width: 100px;
   height: 100px;
   object-fit: contain;

 // in react-native StyleSheet
   width: 100;
   height: 100;
   resizeMode: "contain";

Spark - load CSV file as DataFrame?

Parse CSV and load as DataFrame/DataSet with Spark 2.x

First, initialize SparkSession object by default it will available in shells as spark

val spark = org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession.builder
        .master("local") # Change it as per your cluster
        .appName("Spark CSV Reader")

Use any one of the following ways to load CSV as DataFrame/DataSet

1. Do it in a programmatic way

 val df =
         .option("header", "true") //first line in file has headers
         .option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED")

Update: Adding all options from here in case the link will be broken in future

  • path: location of files. Similar to Spark can accept standard Hadoop globbing expressions.
  • header: when set to true the first line of files will be used to name columns and will not be included in data. All types will be assumed string. The default value is false.
  • delimiter: by default columns are delimited using, but delimiter can be set to any character
  • quote: by default the quote character is ", but can be set to any character. Delimiters inside quotes are ignored
  • escape: by default, the escape character is , but can be set to any character. Escaped quote characters are ignored
  • parserLib: by default, it is "commons" that can be set to "univocity" to use that library for CSV parsing.
  • mode: determines the parsing mode. By default it is PERMISSIVE. Possible values are:
    • PERMISSIVE: tries to parse all lines: nulls are inserted for missing tokens and extra tokens are ignored.
    • DROPMALFORMED: drops lines which have fewer or more tokens than expected or tokens which do not match the schema
    • FAILFAST: aborts with a RuntimeException if encounters any malformed line charset: defaults to 'UTF-8' but can be set to other valid charset names
  • inferSchema: automatically infers column types. It requires one extra pass over the data and is false by default comment: skip lines beginning with this character. Default is "#". Disable comments by setting this to null.
  • nullValue: specifies a string that indicates a null value, any fields matching this string will be set as nulls in the DataFrame
  • dateFormat: specifies a string that indicates the date format to use when reading dates or timestamps. Custom date formats follow the formats at java.text.SimpleDateFormat. This applies to both DateType and TimestampType. By default, it is null which means trying to parse times and date by java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf() and java.sql.Date.valueOf().

2. You can do this SQL way as well

 val df = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM csv.`hdfs:///csv/file/dir/file.csv`")


 "org.apache.spark" % "spark-core_2.11" % 2.0.0,
 "org.apache.spark" % "spark-sql_2.11" % 2.0.0,

Spark version < 2.0

val df =
    .option("header", "true") 
    .option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED")


"org.apache.spark" % "spark-sql_2.10" % 1.6.0,
"com.databricks" % "spark-csv_2.10" % 1.6.0,
"com.univocity" % "univocity-parsers" % LATEST,

Convert data.frame column to a vector?

a1 = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
a2 = c(6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
a3 = c(11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
aframe = data.frame(a1, a2, a3)
avector <- as.vector(aframe['a2'])

#this will return a vector of type "integer"

How can I compare two ordered lists in python?

Just use the classic == operator:

>>> [0,1,2] == [0,1,2]
>>> [0,1,2] == [0,2,1]
>>> [0,1] == [0,1,2]

Lists are equal if elements at the same index are equal. Ordering is taken into account then.

How to resize array in C++?

The size of an array is static in C++. You cannot dynamically resize it. That's what std::vector is for:

std::vector<int> v; // size of the vector starts at 0

v.push_back(10); // v now has 1 element
v.push_back(20); // v now has 2 elements
v.push_back(30); // v now has 3 elements

v.pop_back(); // removes the 30 and resizes v to 2

v.resize(v.size() - 1); // resizes v to 1

How to use Redirect in the new react-router-dom of Reactjs

you can write a hoc for this purpose and write a method call redirect, here is the code:

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import {Redirect} from "react-router-dom";

const RedirectHoc = (WrappedComponent) => () => {
    const [routName, setRoutName] = useState("");
    const redirect = (to) => {

    if (routName) {
        return <Redirect to={"/" + routName}/>
    return (
            <WrappedComponent redirect={redirect}/>

export default RedirectHoc;

What is apache's maximum url length?

The official length according to the offical Apache docs is 8,192, but many folks have run into trouble at ~4,000.

MS Internet Explorer is usually the limiting factor anyway, as it caps the maximum URL size at 2,048.

How to add a tooltip to an svg graphic?

On svg, the right way to write the title

  <title id="unique-id">Checkout</title>

check here for more details

How to update record using Entity Framework 6?

I found a way that works just fine.

 var Update = context.UpdateTables.Find(id);
        Update.Title = title;

        // Mark as Changed
        context.Entry(Update).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

Select and display only duplicate records in MySQL

Hi above answer will not work if I want to select one or more column value which is not same or may be same for both row data

For Ex. I want to select username, birth date also. But in database is username is not duplicate but birth date will be duplicate then this solution will not work.

For this use this solution Need to take self join on same table/

    distinct(,  p1.payer_email , p1.username, p1.birth_date

    paypal_ipn_orders AS p1 

INNER JOIN paypal_ipn_orders AS p2 

ON p1.payer_email=p2.payer_email



Above query will return all records having same email_id and same birth date

PL/SQL block problem: No data found error

Your SELECT statement isn't finding the data you're looking for. That is, there is no record in the ENROLLMENT table with the given STUDENT_ID and SECTION_ID. You may want to try putting some DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE statements before you run the query, printing the values of v_student_id and v_section_id. They may not be containing what you expect them to contain.

How can I suppress the newline after a print statement?

Code for Python 3.6.1

print("This first text and " , end="")

print("second text will be on the same line")

print("Unlike this text which will be on a newline")


This first text and second text will be on the same line
Unlike this text which will be on a newline

How to extract a string between two delimiters

If you have just a pair of brackets ( [] ) in your string, you can use indexOf():

String str = "ABC[ This is the text to be extracted ]";    
String result = str.substring(str.indexOf("[") + 1, str.indexOf("]"));

Difference between variable declaration syntaxes in Javascript (including global variables)?

Keeping it simple :

a = 0

The code above gives a global scope variable

var a = 0;

This code will give a variable to be used in the current scope, and under it

window.a = 0;

This generally is same as the global variable.

FirebaseInstanceIdService is deprecated

firebaser here

Check the reference documentation for FirebaseInstanceIdService:

This class was deprecated.

In favour of overriding onNewToken in FirebaseMessagingService. Once that has been implemented, this service can be safely removed.

Weirdly enough the JavaDoc for FirebaseMessagingService doesn't mention the onNewToken method yet. It looks like not all updated documentation has been published yet. I've filed an internal issue to get the updates to the reference docs published, and to get the samples in the guide updated too.

In the meantime both the old/deprecated calls, and the new ones should work. If you're having trouble with either, post the code and I'll have a look.

How to disable GCC warnings for a few lines of code

I know the question is about GCC, but for people looking for how to do this in other and/or multiple compilers…


You might want to take a look at Hedley, which is a public-domain single C/C++ header I wrote which does a lot of this stuff for you. I'll put a quick section about how to use Hedley for all this at the end of this post.

Disabling the warning

#pragma warning (disable: …) has equivalents in most compilers:

  • MSVC: #pragma warning(disable:4996)
  • GCC: #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-W…" where the ellipsis is the name of the warning; e.g., #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations.
  • clang: #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-W…". The syntax is basically the same as GCC's, and many of the warning names are the same (though many aren't).
  • Intel C Compiler: Use the MSVC syntax, but keep in mind that warning numbers are totally different. Example: #pragma warning(disable:1478 1786).
  • PGI/NVidia: There is a diag_suppress pragma: #pragma diag_suppress 1215,1444. Note that all warning numbers increased by one in 20.7 (the first NV HPC release).
  • TI: There is a diag_suppress pragma with the same syntax (but different warning numbers!) as PGI: pragma diag_suppress 1291,1718
  • Oracle Developer Studio (suncc): there is an error_messages pragma. Annoyingly, the warnings are different for the C and C++ compilers. Both of these disable basically the same warnings:
    • C: #pragma error_messages(off,E_DEPRECATED_ATT,E_DEPRECATED_ATT_MESS)
    • C++: #pragma error_messages(off,symdeprecated,symdeprecated2)
  • IAR: also uses diag_suppress like PGI and TI, but the syntax is different. Some of the warning numbers are the same, but I others have diverged: #pragma diag_suppress=Pe1444,Pe1215
  • Pelles C: similar to MSVC, though again the numbers are different #pragma warn(disable:2241)

For most compilers it is often a good idea to check the compiler version before trying to disable it, otherwise you'll just end up triggering another warning. For example, GCC 7 added support for the -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning, so if you care about GCC before 7 you should do something like

#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 7)
#  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"

For clang and compilers based on clang such as newer versions of XL C/C++ and armclang, you can check to see if the compiler knows about a particular warning using the __has_warning() macro.

#if __has_warning("-Wimplicit-fallthrough")
#  pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"

Of course you also have to check to see if the __has_warning() macro exists:

#if defined(__has_warning)
#  if __has_warning("-Wimplicit-fallthrough")
#    pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"
#  endif

You may be tempted to do something like

#if !defined(__has_warning)
#  define __has_warning(warning)

So you can use __has_warning a bit more easily. Clang even suggests something similar for the __has_builtin() macro in their manual. Do not do this. Other code may check for __has_warning and fall back on checking compiler versions if it doesn't exist, and if you define __has_warning you'll break their code. The right way to do this is to create a macro in your namespace. For example:

#if defined(__has_warning)
#  define MY_HAS_WARNING(warning) __has_warning(warning)
#  define MY_HAS_WARNING(warning) (0)

Then you can do stuff like

#if MY_HAS_WARNING(warning)
#  pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 7)
#  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"

Pushing and popping

Many compilers also support a way to push and pop warnings onto a stack. For example, this will disable a warning on GCC for one line of code, then return it to its previous state:

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated"
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

Of course there isn't a lot of agreement across compilers about the syntax:

  • GCC 4.6+: #pragma GCC diagnostic push / #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
  • clang: #pragma clang diagnostic push / #pragma diagnostic pop
  • Intel 13+ (and probably earlier): #pragma warning(push) / #pragma warning(pop)
  • MSVC 15+ (VS 9.0 / 2008): #pragma warning(push) / #pragma warning(pop)
  • ARM 5.6+: #pragma push / #pragma pop
  • TI 8.1+: #pragma diag_push / #pragma diag_pop
  • Pelles C 2.90+ (and probably earlier): #pragma warning(push) / #pragma warning(pop)

If memory serves, for some very old versions of GCC (like 3.x, IIRC) the push/pop pragmas had to be outside of the function.

Hiding the gory details

For most compilers it's possible to hide the logic behind macros using _Pragma, which was introduced in C99. Even in non-C99 mode, most compilers support _Pragma; the big exception is MSVC, which has its own __pragma keyword with a different syntax. The standard _Pragma takes a string, Microsoft's version doesn't:

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#  define PRAGMA_FOO __pragma(foo)
#  define PRAGMA_FOO _Pragma("foo")

Is roughly equivalent, once preprocessed, to

#pragma foo

This lets us create macros so we can write code like


And hide away all the ugly version checks in the macro definitions.

The easy way: Hedley

Now that you understand the mechanics of how to do stuff like this portably while keeping your code clean, you understand what one of my projects, Hedley does. Instead of digging through tons of documentation and/or installing as many versions of as many compilers as you can to test with, you can just include Hedley (it is a single public domain C/C++ header) and be done with it. For example:

#include "hedley.h"


Will disable the warning about calling a deprecated function on GCC, clang, ICC, PGI, MSVC, TI, IAR, ODS, Pelles, and possibly others (I probably won't bother updating this answer as I update Hedley). And, on compilers which aren't known to work, the macros will be preprocessed away to nothing, so your code will continue to work with any compiler. Of course HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED isn't the only warning Hedley knows about, nor is disabling warnings all Hedley can do, but hopefully you get the idea.

JavaScript - Use variable in string match

xxx.match(yyy, 'g').length