[data-structures] How does a hash table work?

You take a bunch of things, and an array.

For each thing, you make up an index for it, called a hash. The important thing about the hash is that it 'scatter' a lot; you don't want two similar things to have similar hashes.

You put your things into the array at position indicated by the hash. More than one thing can wind up at a given hash, so you store the things in arrays or something else appropriate, which we generally call a bucket.

When you're looking things up in the hash, you go through the same steps, figuring out the hash value, then seeing what's in the bucket at that location and checking whether it's what you're looking for.

When your hashing is working well and your array is big enough, there will only be a few things at most at any particular index in the array, so you won't have to look at very much.

For bonus points, make it so that when your hash table is accessed, it moves the thing found (if any) to the beginning of the bucket, so next time it's the first thing checked.

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