[docker] Docker official registry (Docker Hub) URL

Docker Hub official website has been moved to https://registry.hub.docker.com from https://hub.docker.com/.

If I try to docker pull images from URL like: docker pull registry.hub.docker.com/busybox it shows:

registry.hub.docker.com/busybox: this image was pulled from a legacy registry.  
Important: This registry version will not be supported in future versions of docker.

But if I use docker pull registry.hub.docker.com/busybox.

It cannot pull the image.

Same situation when using curl -k https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/busybox/tags

This question is related to docker dockerhub

The answer is

You're able to get the current registry-url using docker info:

Debug Mode (server): false
Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/

That's also the url you may use to run your self hosted-registry:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry -e REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL=https://index.docker.io registry:2

Grep & use it right away:

$ echo $(docker info | grep -oP "(?<=Registry: ).*")

It's just docker pull busybox, are you using an up to date version of the docker client. I think they stopped supporting clients lower than 1.5.

Incidentally that curl works for me:

$ curl -k https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/busybox/tags
[{"layer": "fc0db02f", "name": "latest"}, {"layer": "fc0db02f", "name": "1"}, {"layer": "a6dbc8d6", "name": "1-ubuntu"}, {"layer": "a6dbc8d6", "name": "1.21-ubuntu"}, {"layer": "a6dbc8d6", "name": "1.21.0-ubuntu"}, {"layer": "d7057cb0", "name": "1.23"}, {"layer": "d7057cb0", "name": "1.23.2"}, {"layer": "fc0db02f", "name": "1.24"}, {"layer": "3d5bcd78", "name": "1.24.0"}, {"layer": "fc0db02f", "name": "1.24.1"}, {"layer": "1c677c87", "name": "buildroot-2013.08.1"}, {"layer": "0f864637", "name": "buildroot-2014.02"}, {"layer": "a6dbc8d6", "name": "ubuntu"}, {"layer": "ff8f955d", "name": "ubuntu-12.04"}, {"layer": "633fcd11", "name": "ubuntu-14.04"}]

Interesting enough if you sniff the headers you get a HTTP 405 (Method not allowed). I think this might be to do with the fact that Docker have deprecated their Registry API.

For those wanting to explicitly declare they are pulling from dockerhub when using fabric8 maven plugin, add a new property: <docker.pull.registry>registry.hub.docker.com/library</docker.pull.registry>

I arrived on this page trying to solve problem of pulling from my AWS ECR registry when building Docker images using fabric8.

The registry path for official images (without a slash in the name) is library/<image>. Try this instead:

docker pull registry.hub.docker.com/library/busybox

I came across this post in search for the dockerhub repo URL when creating a dockerhub kubernetes secret.. figured id share the URL is used with success, hope that's ok.

Live Current: https://index.docker.io/v2/

Dead Orginal: https://index.docker.io/v1/

For those trying to create a Google Cloud instance using the "Deploy a container image to this VM instance." option then the correct url format would be


The suggestion above of registry.hub.docker.com/library/<dockerimagename> did not work for me.

I finally found the solution here (in my case, i was trying to run docker.io/tensorflow/serving:latest)