[sql] conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

I have the following piece of inline SQL that I run from a C# windows service:

UPDATE table_name SET 
    status_cd = '2', 
    sdate = CAST('03/28/2011 18:03:40' AS DATETIME), 
    bat_id = '33acff9b-e2b4-410e-baaf-417656e3c255', 
    cnt = 1, 
    attempt_date = CAST('03/28/2011 18:03:40' AS DATETIME) 
WHERE id = '1855'

When I run this against a SQL Server database from within the application, I get the following error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. The statement has been terminated.

But if I take the piece of SQL and run it from SQL Management Studio, it will run without issue.

Any ideas what may be causing this issue?

This question is related to sql sql-server service sqlexception

The answer is

i faced this issue where i was using SQL it is different from MYSQL the solution was puting in this format: =date('m-d-y h:m:s'); rather than =date('y-m-d h:m:s');

But if i take the piece of sql and run it from sql management studio, it will run without issue.

If you are at liberty to, change the service account to your own login, which would inherit your language/regional perferences.

The real crux of the issue is:

I use the following to convert -> date.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")

Please start using parameterized queries so that you won't encounter these issues in the future. It is also more robust, predictable and best practice.

JAVA8: Use LocalDateTime.now().toString()

I know that this solution is a little different from the OP's case, but as you may have been redirected here from searching on google the title of this question, as I did, maybe you're facing the same problem I had.
Sometimes you get this error because your date time is not valid, i.e. your date (in string format) points to a day which exceeds the number of days of that month! e.g.: CONVERT(Datetime, '2015-06-31') caused me this error, while I was converting a statement from MySql (which didn't argue! and makes the error really harder to catch) to SQL Server.

It's a date format issue. In Ireland the standard date format for the 28th of March would be "28-03-2011", whereas "03/28/2011" is the standard for the USA (among many others).

I think the best way to work with dates between C# and SQL is, of course, use parametrized queries, and always work with DateTime objects on C# and the ToString() formating options it provides.

You better execute set datetime <format> (here you have the set dateformat explanation on MSDN) before working with dates on SQL Server so you don't get in trouble, like for example set datetime ymd. You only need to do it once per connection because it mantains the format while open, so a good practice would be to do it just after openning the connection to the database.
Then, you can always work with 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:ffff' formats.

To pass the DateTime object to your parametrized query you can use DateTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:ffff').

For parsing weird formatted dates on C# you can use DateTime.ParseExact() method, where you have the option to specify exactly what the input format is: DateTime.ParseExact(<some date string>, 'dd/MM-yyyy',CultureInfo.InvariantCulture). Here you have the DateTime.ParseExact() explanation on MSDN)

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