Programs & Examples On #Aggregateroot

A cluster of associated objects that are treated as a unit for the purpose of data changes. External references are restricted to one member of the Aggregate, designated as the root. A set of consistency rules applies within the Aggregate's boundaries.

What's an Aggregate Root?

Aggregate is where you protect your invariants and force consistency by limiting its access thought aggregate root. Do not forget, aggregate should design upon your project business rules and invariants, not database relationship. you should not inject any repository and no queries are not allowed.

How to do a JUnit assert on a message in a logger

Here is what i did for logback.

I created a TestAppender class:

public class TestAppender extends AppenderBase<ILoggingEvent> {

    private Stack<ILoggingEvent> events = new Stack<ILoggingEvent>();

    protected void append(ILoggingEvent event) {

    public void clear() {

    public ILoggingEvent getLastEvent() {
        return events.pop();

Then in the parent of my testng unit test class I created a method:

protected TestAppender testAppender;

public void setupLogsForTesting() {
    Logger root = (Logger)LoggerFactory.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
    testAppender = (TestAppender)root.getAppender("TEST");
    if (testAppender != null) {

I have a logback-test.xml file defined in src/test/resources and I added a test appender:

<appender name="TEST" class="">

and added this appender to the root appender:

    <level value="error" />
    <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
    <appender-ref ref="TEST" />

Now in my test classes that extend from my parent test class I can get the appender and get the last message logged and verify the message, the level, the throwable.

ILoggingEvent lastEvent = testAppender.getLastEvent();
assertEquals(lastEvent.getMessage(), "...");
assertEquals(lastEvent.getLevel(), Level.WARN);
assertEquals(lastEvent.getThrowableProxy().getMessage(), "...");

How to show another window from mainwindow in QT

  1. Implement a slot in your QMainWindow where you will open your new Window,
  2. Place a widget on your QMainWindow,
  3. Connect a signal from this widget to a slot from the QMainWindow (for example: if the widget is a QPushButton connect the signal click() to the QMainWindow custom slot you have created).

Code example:


// ...
include "newwindow.h"
// ...
public slots:
   void openNewWindow();
// ...
   NewWindow *mMyNewWindow;
// ...


// ...
      // ...
      connect(mMyButton, SIGNAL(click()), this, SLOT(openNewWindow()));
      // ...
// ...
void MainWindow::openNewWindow()
   mMyNewWindow = new NewWindow(); // Be sure to destroy your window somewhere
   // ...

This is an example on how display a custom new window. There are a lot of ways to do this.

Defining an abstract class without any abstract methods

Yes you can. Sometimes you may get asked this question that what is the purpose doing this? The answer is: sometimes we have to restrict the class from instantiating by its own. In that case, we want user to extend our Abstract class and instantiate child class

How to embed YouTube videos in PHP?

From both long and short youtube urls you can get the embed this way:

$ytarray=explode("/", $videolink);
$ytendarray=explode("?v=", $ytendstring);
$ytendarray=explode("&", $ytendstring);
echo "<iframe width=\"420\" height=\"315\" src=\"$ytcode\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>";

Hope it helps someone

Checking if date is weekend PHP


function isweekend($year, $month, $day)
    $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
    $weekday = date('w', $time);
    return ($weekday == 0 || $weekday == 6);

Bug? #1146 - Table 'xxx.xxxxx' doesn't exist

Column names must be unique in the table. You cannot have two columns named asd in the same table.

Does Ruby have a string.startswith("abc") built in method?

It's called String#start_with?, not String#startswith: In Ruby, the names of boolean-ish methods end with ? and the words in method names are separated with an _. Not sure where the s went, personally, I'd prefer String#starts_with? over the actual String#start_with?

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?

DateInterval is great but it has a couple of caveats:

  1. only for PHP 5.3+ (but that's really not a good excuse anymore)
  2. only supports years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds (no weeks)
  3. it calculates the difference with all of the above + days (you can't get the difference in months only)

To overcome that, I coded the following (improved from @enobrev answer):

function date_dif($since, $until, $keys = 'year|month|week|day|hour|minute|second')
    $date = array_map('strtotime', array($since, $until));

    if ((count($date = array_filter($date, 'is_int')) == 2) && (sort($date) === true))
        $result = array_fill_keys(explode('|', $keys), 0);

        foreach (preg_grep('~^(?:year|month)~i', $result) as $key => $value)
            while ($date[1] >= strtotime(sprintf('+%u %s', $value + 1, $key), $date[0]))

            $date[0] = strtotime(sprintf('+%u %s', $result[$key] = $value, $key), $date[0]);

        foreach (preg_grep('~^(?:year|month)~i', $result, PREG_GREP_INVERT) as $key => $value)
            if (($value = intval(abs($date[0] - $date[1]) / strtotime(sprintf('%u %s', 1, $key), 0))) > 0)
                $date[0] = strtotime(sprintf('+%u %s', $result[$key] = $value, $key), $date[0]);

        return $result;

    return false;

It runs two loops; the first one deals with the relative intervals (years and months) via brute-forcing, and the second one computes the additional absolute intervals with simple arithmetic (so it's faster):

echo humanize(date_dif('2007-03-24', '2009-07-31', 'second')); // 74300400 seconds
echo humanize(date_dif('2007-03-24', '2009-07-31', 'minute|second')); // 1238400 minutes, 0 seconds
echo humanize(date_dif('2007-03-24', '2009-07-31', 'hour|minute|second')); // 20640 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
echo humanize(date_dif('2007-03-24', '2009-07-31', 'year|day')); // 2 years, 129 days
echo humanize(date_dif('2007-03-24', '2009-07-31', 'year|week')); // 2 years, 18 weeks
echo humanize(date_dif('2007-03-24', '2009-07-31', 'year|week|day')); // 2 years, 18 weeks, 3 days
echo humanize(date_dif('2007-03-24', '2009-07-31')); // 2 years, 4 months, 1 week, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds

function humanize($array)
    $result = array();

    foreach ($array as $key => $value)
        $result[$key] = $value . ' ' . $key;

        if ($value != 1)
            $result[$key] .= 's';

    return implode(', ', $result);

How can I get a List from some class properties with Java 8 Stream?

You can use map :

List<String> names =


In order to combine the Lists of friend names, you need to use flatMap :

List<String> friendNames =

To show error message without alert box in Java Script

First you are trying to write to the innerHTML of the input field. This will not work. You need to have a div or span to write to. Try something like:

<input type=text id=fname name=fname onblur="validate()"> </input>
<div id="fname_error"></div>

Then change your validate function to read

    document.getElementById("fname_error").innerHTML="this is invalid name ";

Second, I'm always hesitant about using onBlur for this kind of thing. It is possible to submit a form without exiting the field (e.g. return key) in which case your validation code will not be executed. I prefer to run the validation from the button that submits the form and then call the submit() from within the function only if the document has passed validation.

Why is Chrome showing a "Please Fill Out this Field" tooltip on empty fields?

If you have an html form containing one or more fields with "required" attributes, Chrome (on last versions) will validate these fields before submitting the form and, if they are not filled, some tooltips will be shown to the users to help them getting the form submitted (I.e. "please fill out this field").

To avoid this browser built-in validation in forms you can use "novalidate" attribute on your form tag. This form won't be validated by browser:

<form id="form-id" novalidate>

    <input id="input-id" type="text" required>

    <input id="submit-button" type="submit">


How to install a .ipa file into my iPhone?

You need to install the provisioning profile (drag and drop it into iTunes). Then drag and drop the .ipa. Ensure you device is set to sync apps, and try again.

Running a cron job at 2:30 AM everyday

As seen in the other answers, the syntax to use is:

  30 2 * * * /your/command
# ^  ^
# |   hour
# minute

Following the crontab standard format:

 +---------------- minute (0 - 59)
 |  +------------- hour (0 - 23)
 |  |  +---------- day of month (1 - 31)
 |  |  |  +------- month (1 - 12)
 |  |  |  |  +---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7)
 |  |  |  |  |
 *  *  *  *  *  command to be executed

It is also useful to use to check crontab expressions.

The expressions are added into crontab using crontab -e. Once you are done, save and exit (if you are using vi, typing :x does it). The good think of using this tool is that if you write an invalid command you are likely to get a message prompt on the form:

$ crontab -e
crontab: installing new crontab
"/tmp/crontab.tNt1NL/crontab":7: bad minute
errors in crontab file, can't install.
Do you want to retry the same edit? (y/n) 

If you have further problems with crontab not running you can check Debugging crontab or Why is crontab not executing my PHP script?.

How do you push just a single Git branch (and no other branches)?

Minor update on top of Karthik Bose's answer - you can configure git globally, to affect all of your workspaces to behave that way:

git config --global push.default upstream

Empty brackets '[]' appearing when using .where

Stuarts' answer is correct, but if you are not sure if you are saving the titles in lowercase, you can also make a case insensitive search

There are a lot of answered questions in Stack Overflow with more data on this:

Example 1

Example 2

Is there a Social Security Number reserved for testing/examples?

all zeros would probably be the most obvious that it wasn't a real SSN.

ASP.NET Core - Swashbuckle not creating swagger.json file

In my case problem was in method type, should be HttpPOST but there was HttpGET Once I changed that, everything starts work.

Multiple arguments to function called by pthread_create()?


struct arg_struct *args = malloc(sizeof(struct arg_struct));

And pass this arguments like this:

pthread_create(&tr, NULL, print_the_arguments, (void *)args);

Don't forget free args! ;)

file_get_contents behind a proxy?

There's a similar post here: which explains how to do it.

function file_get_contents_proxy($url,$proxy){

    // Create context stream
    $context_array = array('http'=>array('proxy'=>$proxy,'request_fulluri'=>true));
    $context = stream_context_create($context_array);

    // Use context stream with file_get_contents
    $data = file_get_contents($url,false,$context);

    // Return data via proxy
    return $data;


XML Schema Validation : Cannot find the declaration of element

Thanks to everyone above, but this is now fixed. For the benefit of others the most significant error was in aligning the three namespaces as suggested by Ian.

For completeness, here is the corrected XML and XSD

Here is the XML, with the typos corrected (sorry for any confusion caused by tardiness)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Root xmlns:xsi=""
      xsi:schemaLocation="urn:Test.Namespace Test1.xsd">
    <element1 id="001">
        <element2 id="001.1">
            <element3 id="001.1" />

and, here is the Schema

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
    <xsd:element name="Root">
                <xsd:element name="element1" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="element1Type"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="element1Type">
            <xsd:element name="element2" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="element2Type"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="element2Type">
            <xsd:element name="element3" type="element3Type"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string"/>

    <xsd:complexType name="element3Type">
        <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string"/>

Thanks again to everyone, I hope this is of use to somebody else in the future.

How to use 'git pull' from the command line?

Open up your git bash and type

echo $HOME

This shall be the same folder as you get when you open your command window (cmd) and type


And – of course – the .ssh folder shall be present on THAT directory.

how to read a text file using scanner in Java?

If you are working in some IDE like Eclipse or NetBeans, you should have that a.txt file in the root directory of your project. (and not in the folder where your .class files are built or anywhere else)

If not, you should specify the absolute path to that file.

You would put the .txt file in the same place with the .class(usually also the .java file because you compile in the same folder) compiled files if you compile it by hand with javac. This is because it uses the relative path and the path tells the JVM the path where the executable file is located.

If you use some IDE, it will generate the compiled files for you using a Makefile or something similar for Windows and will consider it's default file structure, so he knows that the relative path begins from the root folder of the project.

How to convert OutputStream to InputStream?

I encountered the same problem with converting a ByteArrayOutputStream to a ByteArrayInputStream and solved it by using a derived class from ByteArrayOutputStream which is able to return a ByteArrayInputStream that is initialized with the internal buffer of the ByteArrayOutputStream. This way no additional memory is used and the 'conversion' is very fast:

package info.whitebyte.utils;

 * This class extends the ByteArrayOutputStream by 
 * providing a method that returns a new ByteArrayInputStream
 * which uses the internal byte array buffer. This buffer
 * is not copied, so no additional memory is used. After
 * creating the ByteArrayInputStream the instance of the
 * ByteArrayInOutStream can not be used anymore.
 * <p>
 * The ByteArrayInputStream can be retrieved using <code>getInputStream()</code>.
 * @author Nick Russler
public class ByteArrayInOutStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream {
     * Creates a new ByteArrayInOutStream. The buffer capacity is
     * initially 32 bytes, though its size increases if necessary.
    public ByteArrayInOutStream() {

     * Creates a new ByteArrayInOutStream, with a buffer capacity of
     * the specified size, in bytes.
     * @param   size   the initial size.
     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException if size is negative.
    public ByteArrayInOutStream(int size) {

     * Creates a new ByteArrayInputStream that uses the internal byte array buffer 
     * of this ByteArrayInOutStream instance as its buffer array. The initial value 
     * of pos is set to zero and the initial value of count is the number of bytes 
     * that can be read from the byte array. The buffer array is not copied. This 
     * instance of ByteArrayInOutStream can not be used anymore after calling this
     * method.
     * @return the ByteArrayInputStream instance
    public ByteArrayInputStream getInputStream() {
        // create new ByteArrayInputStream that respects the current count
        ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(this.buf, 0, this.count);

        // set the buffer of the ByteArrayOutputStream 
        // to null so it can't be altered anymore
        this.buf = null;

        return in;

I put the stuff on github:

OpenCV resize fails on large image with "error: (-215) ssize.area() > 0 in function cv::resize"

Turns out I had a .csv file at the end of the folder from which I was reading all the images. Once I deleted that it worked alright

Make sure that it's all images and that you don't have any other type of file

How to link external javascript file onclick of button

It is totally possible, i did something similar based on the example of Mike Sav. That's the html page and ther shoul be an external test.js file in the same folder


<button type="button" value="Submit" onclick="myclick()" >
Click here~!
<div id='mylink'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function myclick(){
    var myLink = document.getElementById('mylink');
    myLink.onclick = function(){
            var script = document.createElement("script");
            script.type = "text/javascript";
            script.src = "./test.js"; 
            return false;


alert('hello world')

Laravel Redirect Back with() Message

For Laravel 3

Just a heads up on @giannis christofakis answer; for anyone using Laravel 3 replace

return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['msg', 'The Message']);


return Redirect::back()->with_errors(['msg', 'The Message']);

window.location.href doesn't redirect

window.location.replace is the best way to emulate a redirect:

function ShowComments(){
    var movieShareId = document.getElementById('movieId');
    window.location.replace("/comments.aspx?id=" + (movieShareId.textContent || movieShareId.innerText) + "/");

More information about why window.location.replace is the best javascript redirect can be found right here.

How can I remove non-ASCII characters but leave periods and spaces using Python?

Working my way through Fluent Python (Ramalho) - highly recommended. List comprehension one-ish-liners inspired by Chapter 2:

onlyascii = ''.join([s for s in data if ord(s) < 127])
onlymatch = ''.join([s for s in data if s in

How Do I Replace/Change The Heading Text Inside <h3></h3>, Using jquery?


Just use method "text()".

The .text() method cannot be used on form inputs or scripts. To set or get the text value of input or textarea elements, use the .val() method. To get the value of a script element, use the .html() method.

What exactly do "u" and "r" string flags do, and what are raw string literals?

A "u" prefix denotes the value has type unicode rather than str.

Raw string literals, with an "r" prefix, escape any escape sequences within them, so len(r"\n") is 2. Because they escape escape sequences, you cannot end a string literal with a single backslash: that's not a valid escape sequence (e.g. r"\").

"Raw" is not part of the type, it's merely one way to represent the value. For example, "\\n" and r"\n" are identical values, just like 32, 0x20, and 0b100000 are identical.

You can have unicode raw string literals:

>>> u = ur"\n"
>>> print type(u), len(u)
<type 'unicode'> 2

The source file encoding just determines how to interpret the source file, it doesn't affect expressions or types otherwise. However, it's recommended to avoid code where an encoding other than ASCII would change the meaning:

Files using ASCII (or UTF-8, for Python 3.0) should not have a coding cookie. Latin-1 (or UTF-8) should only be used when a comment or docstring needs to mention an author name that requires Latin-1; otherwise, using \x, \u or \U escapes is the preferred way to include non-ASCII data in string literals.

Char array in a struct - incompatible assignment?

use strncpy to make sure you have no buffer overflow.

char name[]= "whatever_you_want";
strncpy( sara.first, name, sizeof(sara.first)-1 );
sara.first[sizeof(sara.first)-1] = 0;

Connecting to SQL Server with Visual Studio Express Editions

You should be able to choose the SQL Server Database file option to get the right kind of database (the provider), and then manually correct the connection string to point to your db.

I think the reasoning behind those db choices probably goes something like this:

  • If you're using the Express Edition, and you're not using Visual Web Developer, you're probably building a desktop program.
  • If you're building a desktop program, and you're using the express edition, you're probably a hobbyist or uISV-er working at home rather than doing development for a corporation.
  • If you're not developing for a corporation, your app is probably destined for the end-user and your data store is probably going on their local machine.
  • You really shouldn't be deploying server-class databases to end-user desktops. An in-process db like Sql Server Compact or MS Access is much more appropriate.

However, this logic doesn't quite hold. Even if each of those 4 points is true 90% of the time, by the time you apply all four of them it only applies to ~65% of your audience, which means up to 35% of the express market might legitimately want to talk to a server-class db, and that's a significant group. And so, the simplified (greedy) version:

  • A real db server (and the hardware to run it) costs real money. If you have access to that, you ought to be able to afford at least the standard edition of visual studio.

relative path in require_once doesn't work

In my case it doesn't work, even with __DIR__ or getcwd() it keeps picking the wrong path, I solved by defining a costant in every file I need with the absolute base path of the project:

if(!defined('THISBASEPATH')){ define('THISBASEPATH', '/mypath/'); }
require_once THISBASEPATH.'cache/crud.php';
/*every other require_once you need*/

I have MAMP with php 5.4.10 and my folder hierarchy is basilar:



The Import cannot be resolved

I tried the answer described here but it doesn´t worked for me. I have the last Android SDK tools ver. 23.0.2 and Android SDK Platform-tools ver. 20

The support library android-support-v4.jar is causing this conflict, just delete the library under /libs folder of your project, don´t be scared, the library is already contained in the library appcompat_v7, clean and build your project, and your project will work like a charm!

enter image description here

Calculating Waiting Time and Turnaround Time in (non-preemptive) FCFS queue

For non-preemptive system,

waitingTime = startTime - arrivalTime

turnaroundTime = burstTime + waitingTime = finishTime- arrivalTime

startTime = Time at which the process started executing

finishTime = Time at which the process finished executing

You can keep track of the current time elapsed in the system(timeElapsed). Assign all processors to a process in the beginning, and execute until the shortest process is done executing. Then assign this processor which is free to the next process in the queue. Do this until the queue is empty and all processes are done executing. Also, whenever a process starts executing, recored its startTime, when finishes, record its finishTime (both same as timeElapsed). That way you can calculate what you need.

How to implement a binary search tree in Python?

its easy to implement a BST using two classes, 1. Node and 2. Tree Tree class will be just for user interface, and actual methods will be implemented in Node class.

class Node():

    def __init__(self,val):
        self.value = val
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

    def _insert(self,data):
        if data == self.value:
            return False
        elif data < self.value:
            if self.left:
                return self.left._insert(data)
                self.left = Node(data)
                return True
            if self.right:
                return self.right._insert(data)
                self.right = Node(data)
                return True

    def _inorder(self):
        if self:
            if self.left:
            if self.right:

class Tree():

    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None

    def insert(self,data):
        if self.root:
            return self.root._insert(data)
            self.root = Node(data)
            return True
    def inorder(self):
        if self.root is not None:
            return self.root._inorder()
            return False

if __name__=="__main__":
    a = Tree()

Inorder function for checking whether BST is properly implemented.

How do I "shake" an Android device within the Android emulator to bring up the dev menu to debug my React Native app

If you're using the new emulator that comes with Android Studio 2.0, the keyboard shortcut for the menu key is now Cmd+M, just like in Genymotion.

Alternatively, you can always send a menu button press using adb in a terminal:

adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_MENU

Also note that the menu button shortcut isn't a strict requirement, it's just the default behavior provided by the ReactActivity Java class (which is used by default if you created your project with react-native init). Here's the relevant code from onKeyUp in

if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) {
  return true;

If you're adding React Native to an existing app (documentation here) and you aren't using ReactActivity, you'll need to hook the menu button up in a similar way. You can also call ReactInstanceManager.showDevOptionsDialog through any other mechanism. For example, in an app I'm working on, I added a dev-only Action Bar menu item that brings up the menu, since I find that more convenient than shaking the device when working on a physical device.

php, mysql - Too many connections to database error

If you need to increase MySQL Connections without MySQL restart do like below, also if you don't know configuration file, below use the mysqlworkbench or phpmyadmin or command prompt to run below queries.

mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 151   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET GLOBAL max_connections = 250;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 250   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

These settings will change at MySQL Restart.

For permanent changes add below line in my.cnf and restart MySQL.

max_connections = 151

remove item from stored array in angular 2

I think the Angular 2 way of doing this is the filter method: = => item !== data_item);

where data_item is the item that should be deleted

doGet and doPost in Servlets

Both GET and POST are used by the browser to request a single resource from the server. Each resource requires a separate GET or POST request.

  1. The GET method is most commonly (and is the default method) used by browsers to retrieve information from servers. When using the GET method the 3rd section of the request packet, which is the request body, remains empty.

The GET method is used in one of two ways: When no method is specified, that is when you or the browser is requesting a simple resource such as an HTML page, an image, etc. When a form is submitted, and you choose method=GET on the HTML tag. If the GET method is used with an HTML form, then the data collected through the form is sent to the server by appending a "?" to the end of the URL, and then adding all name=value pairs (name of the html form field and value entered in that field) separated by an "&" Example: GET /sultans/shop//form1.jsp?name=Sam%20Sultan&iceCream=vanilla HTTP/1.0 optional headeroptional header<< empty line >>>

The name=value form data will be stored in an environment variable called QUERY_STRING. This variable will be sent to a processing program (such as JSP, Java servlet, PHP etc.)

  1. The POST method is used when you create an HTML form, and request method=POST as part of the tag. The POST method allows the client to send form data to the server in the request body section of the request (as discussed earlier). The data is encoded and is formatted similar to the GET method, except that the data is sent to the program through the standard input.

Example: POST /sultans/shop//form1.jsp HTTP/1.0 optional headeroptional header<< empty line >>> name=Sam%20Sultan&iceCream=vanilla

When using the post method, the QUERY_STRING environment variable will be empty. Advantages/Disadvantages of GET vs. POST

Advantages of the GET method: Slightly faster Parameters can be entered via a form or by appending them after the URL Page can be bookmarked with its parameters

Disadvantages of the GET method: Can only send 4K worth of data. (You should not use it when using a textarea field) Parameters are visible at the end of the URL

Advantages of the POST method: Parameters are not visible at the end of the URL. (Use for sensitive data) Can send more that 4K worth of data to server

Disadvantages of the POST method: Can cannot be bookmarked with its data

finding multiples of a number in Python

If this is what you are looking for -

To find all the multiples between a given number and a limit

def find_multiples(integer, limit):
    return list(range(integer,limit+1, integer))

This should return -

Test.assert_equals(find_multiples(5, 25), [5, 10, 15, 20, 25])

Put byte array to JSON and vice versa

In line with @Qwertie's suggestion, but going further on the lazy side, you could just pretend that each byte is a ISO-8859-1 character. For the uninitiated, ISO-8859-1 is a single-byte encoding that matches the first 256 code points of Unicode.

So @Ash's answer is actually redeemable with a charset:

byte[] args2 = getByteArry();
String byteStr = new String(args2, Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"));

This encoding has the same readability as BAIS, with the advantage that it is processed faster than either BAIS or base64 as less branching is required. It might look like the JSON parser is doing a bit more, but it's fine because dealing with non-ASCII by escaping or by UTF-8 is part of a JSON parser's job anyways. It could map better to some formats like MessagePack with a profile.

Space-wise however, it is usually a loss, as nobody would be using UTF-16 for JSON. With UTF-8 each non-ASCII byte would occupy 2 bytes, while BAIS uses (2+4n + r?(r+1):0) bytes for every run of 3n+r such bytes (r is the remainder).

AngularJs ReferenceError: angular is not defined

Always make sure that js file (angular.min.js) is referenced first in the HTML file. For example:

----------------- This reference will THROW error -------------------------

< script src="otherXYZ.js"></script>
< script src="angular.min.js"></script>

----------------- This reference will WORK as expected -------------------

< script src="angular.min.js"></script>
< script src="otherXYZ.js"></script>

What does ** (double star/asterisk) and * (star/asterisk) do for parameters?


It packs arguments passed to the function into list and dict respectively inside the function body. When you define a function signature like this:

def func(*args, **kwds):
    # do stuff

it can be called with any number of arguments and keyword arguments. The non-keyword arguments get packed into a list called args inside the function body and the keyword arguments get packed into a dict called kwds inside the function body.

func("this", "is a list of", "non-keyowrd", "arguments", keyword="ligma", options=[1,2,3])

now inside the function body, when the function is called, there are two local variables, args which is a list having value ["this", "is a list of", "non-keyword", "arguments"] and kwds which is a dict having value {"keyword" : "ligma", "options" : [1,2,3]}

This also works in reverse, i.e. from the caller side. for example if you have a function defined as:

def f(a, b, c, d=1, e=10):
    # do stuff

you can call it with by unpacking iterables or mappings you have in the calling scope:

iterable = [1, 20, 500]
mapping = {"d" : 100, "e": 3}
f(*iterable, **mapping)
# That call is equivalent to
f(1, 20, 500, d=100, e=3)

Get type of a generic parameter in Java with reflection

Nope, that is not possible. Due to downwards compatibility issues, Java's generics are based on type erasure, i.a. at runtime, all you have is a non-generic List object. There is some information about type parameters at runtime, but it resides in class definitions (i.e. you can ask "what generic type does this field's definition use?"), not in object instances.

How to make UIButton's text alignment center? Using IB


You can set the key path in the storyboard

Set the text to your multiline title e.g. hello ? + ? multiline

You need to press ? + ? to move text to next line.

enter image description here

Then add the key path

titleLabel.textAlignment as Number and value 1, 1 means NSTextAlignmentCenter
titleLabel.numberOfLines as Number and value 0, 0 means any number of lines

enter image description here

This will not be reflected on IB/Xcode, but will be in centre at run time (device/simulator)

If you want to see the changes on Xcode you need to do the following: (remember you can skip these steps)

  1. Subclass the UIButton to make the button designable:

    import UIKit
    @IBDesignable class UIDesignableButton: UIButton {}

  2. Assign this designable subclass to the buttons you're modifying:

Showing how to change the class of the button using Interface Builder

  1. Iff done right, you will see the visual update in IB when the Designables state is "Up to date" (which can take several seconds):

Comparing the designable and default button in Interface Builder


If you want to write the code, then do the long process

1.Create IBOutlet for button
2.Write code in viewDidLoad

btn.titleLabel.textAlignment = .Center
btn.titleLabel.numberOfLines = 0


In newer version of xcode (mine is xcode 6.1) we have property attributed title
Select Attributed then select the text and press centre option below

P.S. The text was not coming multiline for that I have to set the

btn.titleLabel.numberOfLines = 0

enter image description here

Multiple selector chaining in jQuery?

I think you might see slightly better performance by doing it this way:

$("#Create, #Edit").find(".myClass").plugin(){
    // Options

Finding version of Microsoft C++ compiler from command-line (for makefiles)

Create a .c file containing just the line:




then pre-process with

cl /nologo /EP <filename>.c

It is easy to parse the output.

"The system cannot find the file C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe"

I got the same after installing java8 from a non-permissioned account. To fix I simply reinstalled from admin user account. This created the quoted directory with file links to java exes.

Using LIKE operator with stored procedure parameters

Your datatype for @location nchar(20) should be @location nvarchar(20), since nChar has a fixed length (filled with Spaces).
If Location is nchar too you will have to convert it:

 ... Cast(Location as nVarchar(200)) like '%'+@location+'%' ...   

To enable nullable parameters with and AND condition just use IsNull or Coalesce for comparison, which is not needed in your example using OR.

e.g. if you would like to compare for Location AND Date and Time.

@location nchar(20),
@time time,
@date date
select DonationsTruck.VechileId, Phone, Location, [Date], [Time]
from Vechile, DonationsTruck
where Vechile.VechileId = DonationsTruck.VechileId
and (((Location like '%'+IsNull(@location,Location)+'%')) and [Date]=IsNUll(@date,date) and [Time] = IsNull(@time,Time))

Send response to all clients except sender

Here is a more complete answer about what has changed from 0.9.x to 1.x.

 // send to current request socket client
 socket.emit('message', "this is a test");// Hasn't changed

 // sending to all clients, include sender
 io.sockets.emit('message', "this is a test"); // Old way, still compatible
 io.emit('message', 'this is a test');// New way, works only in 1.x

 // sending to all clients except sender
 socket.broadcast.emit('message', "this is a test");// Hasn't changed

 // sending to all clients in 'game' room(channel) except sender'game').emit('message', 'nice game');// Hasn't changed

 // sending to all clients in 'game' room(channel), include sender'game').emit('message', 'cool game');// Old way, DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE'game').emit('message', 'cool game');// New way'game').emit('message', 'cool game');// New way, "in" or "to" are the exact same: "And then simply use to or in (they are the same) when broadcasting or emitting:" from

 // sending to individual socketid, socketid is like a room
 io.sockets.socket(socketid).emit('message', 'for your eyes only');// Old way, DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE'message', 'for your eyes only');// New way

I wanted to edit the post of @soyuka but my edit was rejected by peer-review.

PHP + curl, HTTP POST sample code?

Examples of sending form and raw data:

$curlHandler = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curlHandler, [
    CURLOPT_URL => '',

     * Specify POST method
    CURLOPT_POST => true,

     * Specify array of form fields
        'foo' => 'bar',
        'baz' => 'biz',

$response = curl_exec($curlHandler);



How to handle an IF STATEMENT in a Mustache template?

Mustache templates are, by design, very simple; the homepage even says:

Logic-less templates.

So the general approach is to do your logic in JavaScript and set a bunch of flags:

if(notified_type == "Friendship")
    data.type_friendship = true;
else if(notified_type == "Other" && action == "invite")
    data.type_other_invite = true;

and then in your template:


If you want some more advanced functionality but want to maintain most of Mustache's simplicity, you could look at Handlebars:

Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration.

Mustache templates are compatible with Handlebars, so you can take a Mustache template, import it into Handlebars, and start taking advantage of the extra Handlebars features.

PHP removing a character in a string

I think that it's better to use simply str_replace, like the manual says:

If you don't need fancy replacing rules (like regular expressions), you should always use this function instead of ereg_replace() or preg_replace().

$badUrl = "";
$goodUrl = str_replace('?/', '?', $badUrl);

How to right align widget in horizontal linear layout Android?

Do not change the gravity of the LinearLayout to "right" if you don't want everything to be to the right.


  1. Change TextView's width to fill_parent
  2. Change TextView's gravity to right



Angular2 RC5: Can't bind to 'Property X' since it isn't a known property of 'Child Component'

I ran into the same error, when I just forgot to declare my custom component in my NgModule - check there, if the others solutions won't work for you.

Append data to a POST NSURLRequest

Any one looking for a swift solution

let url = NSURL(string: "")
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url!)
request.HTTPBody = "company=Locassa&quality=AWESOME!".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)

Is there a destructor for Java?

No, java.lang.Object#finalize is the closest you can get.

However, when (and if) it is called, is not guaranteed.
See: java.lang.Runtime#runFinalizersOnExit(boolean)

how to remove key+value from hash in javascript

Why do you use new Array(); for hash? You need to use new Object() instead.

And i think you will get what you want.

How do I detect the Python version at runtime?

Since all you are interested in is whether you have Python 2 or 3, a bit hackish but definitely the simplest and 100% working way of doing that would be as follows: python python_version_major = 3/2*2 The only drawback of this is that when there is Python 4, it will probably still give you 3.

When use ResponseEntity<T> and @RestController for Spring RESTful applications

ResponseEntity is meant to represent the entire HTTP response. You can control anything that goes into it: status code, headers, and body.

@ResponseBody is a marker for the HTTP response body and @ResponseStatus declares the status code of the HTTP response.

@ResponseStatus isn't very flexible. It marks the entire method so you have to be sure that your handler method will always behave the same way. And you still can't set the headers. You'd need the HttpServletResponse or a HttpHeaders parameter.

Basically, ResponseEntity lets you do more.

Center content vertically on Vuetify

Here's another approach using Vuetify grid system available in Vuetify 2.x:

    <v-row align="center">
        Hello I am center to vertically using "grid".

Creating hard and soft links using PowerShell

I found this the simple way without external help. Yes, it uses an archaic DOS command but it works, it's easy, and it's clear.

$target = cmd /c dir /a:l | ? { $_ -match "mySymLink \[.*\]$" } | % `
    $_.Split([char[]] @( '[', ']' ), [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]

This uses the DOS dir command to find all entries with the symbolic link attribute, filters on the specific link name followed by target "[]" brackets, and for each - presumably one - extracts just the target string.

How to force IE10 to render page in IE9 document mode

The hack is recursive. It is like IE itself uses the component that is used by many other processes which want "web component". Hence in registry we add IEXPLORE.exe. In effect it is a recursive hack.

Java Immutable Collections

Now java 9 has factory Methods for Immutable List, Set, Map and Map.Entry .

In Java SE 8 and earlier versions, We can use Collections class utility methods like unmodifiableXXX to create Immutable Collection objects.

However these Collections.unmodifiableXXX methods are very tedious and verbose approach. To overcome those shortcomings, Oracle corp has added couple of utility methods to List, Set and Map interfaces.

Now in java 9 :- List and Set interfaces have “of()” methods to create an empty or no-empty Immutable List or Set objects as shown below:

Empty List Example

List immutableList = List.of();

Non-Empty List Example

List immutableList = List.of("one","two","three");

How to make PDF file downloadable in HTML link?

This can be achieved using HTML.

<a href="myfile.pdf">Download Brochure</a>

Add download attribute to it: Here the file name will be myfile.pdf

<a href="myfile.pdf" download>Download Brochure</a>

Specify a value for the download attribute:

<a href="myfile.pdf" download="Brochure">Download Brochure</a>

Here the file name will be Brochure.pdf

How to send an email from JavaScript

It seems like one 'answer' to this is to implement an SMPT client. See email.js for a JavaScript library with an SMTP client.

Here's the GitHub repo for the SMTP client. Based on the repo's README, it appears that various shims or polyfills may be required depending on the client browser, but overall it does certainly seem feasible (if not actually significantly accomplished), tho not in a way that's easily describable by even a reasonably-long answer here.

How to change text color and console color in code::blocks?

Functions like textcolor worked in old compilers like turbo C and Dev C. In today's compilers these functions would not work. I am going to give two function SetColor and ChangeConsoleToColors. You copy paste these functions code in your program and do the following steps.The code I am giving will not work in some compilers.

The code of SetColor is -

 void SetColor(int ForgC)
     WORD wColor;

      HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

                       //We use csbi for the wAttributes word.
     if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi))
                 //Mask out all but the background attribute, and add in the forgournd     color
          wColor = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xF0) + (ForgC & 0x0F);
          SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor);

To use this function you need to call it from your program. For example I am taking your sample program -

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <dir.h>

int main(void)
  printf("\n \n \t This text is written in Red Color \n ");
  return 0;

void SetColor(int ForgC)
 WORD wColor;


                       //We use csbi for the wAttributes word.
 if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi))
                 //Mask out all but the background attribute, and add in the forgournd color
      wColor = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xF0) + (ForgC & 0x0F);
      SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor);

When you run the program you will get the text color in RED. Now I am going to give you the code of each color -

Name         | Value
Black        |   0
Blue         |   1
Green        |   2
Cyan         |   3
Red          |   4
Magenta      |   5
Brown        |   6
Light Gray   |   7
Dark Gray    |   8
Light Blue   |   9
Light Green  |   10
Light Cyan   |   11
Light Red    |   12
Light Magenta|   13
Yellow       |   14
White        |   15

Now I am going to give the code of ChangeConsoleToColors. The code is -

void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC)
 WORD wColor = ((BackC & 0x0F) << 4) + (ForgC & 0x0F);
               //Get the handle to the current output buffer...
                     //This is used to reset the carat/cursor to the top left.
 COORD coord = {0, 0};
                  //A return value... indicating how many chars were written
                    //   not used but we need to capture this since it will be
                      //   written anyway (passing NULL causes an access violation).
  DWORD count;

                               //This is a structure containing all of the console info
                      // it is used here to find the size of the console.
                 //Here we will set the current color
 SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor);
 if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi))
                          //This fills the buffer with a given character (in this case 32=space).
      FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdOut, (TCHAR) 32, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count);

      FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, csbi.wAttributes, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count );
                          //This will set our cursor position for the next print statement.
      SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, coord);

In this function you pass two numbers. If you want normal colors just put the first number as zero and the second number as the color. My example is -

#include <windows.h>          //header file for windows
#include <stdio.h>

void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC);

int main()
return 0;
void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC)
 WORD wColor = ((BackC & 0x0F) << 4) + (ForgC & 0x0F);
               //Get the handle to the current output buffer...
                     //This is used to reset the carat/cursor to the top left.
 COORD coord = {0, 0};
                  //A return value... indicating how many chars were written
                    //   not used but we need to capture this since it will be
                      //   written anyway (passing NULL causes an access violation).
 DWORD count;

                               //This is a structure containing all of the console info
                      // it is used here to find the size of the console.
                 //Here we will set the current color
 SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor);
 if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi))
                          //This fills the buffer with a given character (in this case 32=space).
      FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdOut, (TCHAR) 32, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count);

      FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, csbi.wAttributes, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count );
                          //This will set our cursor position for the next print statement.
      SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, coord);

In this case I have put the first number as zero and the second number as 15 so the console color will be white as the code for white is 15. This is working for me in code::blocks. Hope it works for you too.

How to change TextField's height and width?

use contentPadding, it will reduce the textbox or dropdown list height

                  decoration: InputDecoration(
                      errorStyle: TextStyle(
                          color: Colors.redAccent, fontSize: 16.0),
                      hintText: 'Please select expense',
                      border: OutlineInputBorder(
                        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(1.0),
                      contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(8)),//Add this edge option
                  child: DropdownButton(
                    isExpanded: true,
                    isDense: true,
                    itemHeight: 50.0,

                    hint: Text(
                        'Please choose a location'), // Not necessary for Option 1
                    value: _selectedLocation,
                    onChanged: (newValue) {
                      setState(() {
                        _selectedLocation = newValue;
                    items: {
                      return DropdownMenuItem(
                        child: new Text(,

"This project is incompatible with the current version of Visual Studio"

As for me, I realized there was another web project in the solution that my VS2017 was loading fine, so I copied over the ProjectTypeGuids element of it over to the project that wasn't loading. Its diff was:

-    <ProjectTypeGuids>{E3E379DF-F4C6-4180-9B81-6769533ABE47};{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21};{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}</ProjectTypeGuids>
+    <ProjectTypeGuids>{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21};{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}</ProjectTypeGuids>

After this, it loads. Don't ask me why.

Is it possible to access an SQLite database from JavaScript?

Up to date answer

My fork of sql.js has now be merged into the original version, on kriken's repo.

The good documentation is also available on the original repo.

Original answer (outdated)

You should use the newer version of sql.js. It is a port of sqlite 3.8, has a good documentation and is actively maintained (by me). It supports prepared statements, and BLOB data type.

How can I inspect element in an Android browser?

You can inspect elements of a website in your Android device using Chrome browser.

Open your Chrome browser and go to the website you want to inspect.

Go to the address bar and type "view-source:" before the "HTTP" and reload the page.

The whole elements of the page will be shown.

Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly while pushing back to git repository

Googled "Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly", first result an exact SO dupe:

GitHub: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly which links here in the accepted answer (from the original poster, no less):

How can I check if a date is the same day as

all(getattr(someTime,x)==getattr(today(),x) for x in ['year','month','day'])

One should compare using .date(), but I leave this method as an example in case one wanted to, for example, compare things by month or by minute, etc.

Getting number of days in a month

 int days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(int year,int month);


 int days=System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.GetDaysInMonth(int year,int month);

you have to pass year and month as int then days in month will be return on currespoting year and month

CSS rule to apply only if element has BOTH classes

Below applies to all tags with the following two classes {  
  width: 200px !important;

applies to div tags with the following two classes {  
  width: 200px !important;

If you wanted to modify this using jQuery

$(document).ready(function() {

cURL POST command line on WINDOWS RESTful service

One more alternative cross-platform solution on powershell 6.2.3:

$headers = @{
    'Authorization' = 'Token 12d119ad48f9b70ed53846f9e3d051dc31afab27'

$body = @"

$params = @{
    Uri         = 'http://local.vcs:9999/api/v1/version/'
    Headers     = $headers
    Method      = 'POST'
    Body        = $body
    ContentType = 'application/json'


Invoke-RestMethod @params

Rails.env vs RAILS_ENV

According to the docs, #Rails.env wraps RAILS_ENV:

    # File vendor/rails/railties/lib/initializer.rb, line 55
     def env
       @_env ||=

But, look at specifically how it's wrapped, using ActiveSupport::StringInquirer:

Wrapping a string in this class gives you a prettier way to test for equality. The value returned by Rails.env is wrapped in a StringInquirer object so instead of calling this:

Rails.env == "production"

you can call this:


So they aren't exactly equivalent, but they're fairly close. I haven't used Rails much yet, but I'd say #Rails.env is certainly the more visually attractive option due to using StringInquirer.

Java, looping through result set

Result Set are actually contains multiple rows of data, and use a cursor to point out current position. So in your case, rs4.getString(1) only get you the data in first column of first row. In order to change to next row, you need to call next()

a quick example

while ( {
    String sid = rs.getString(1);
    String lid = rs.getString(2);
    // Do whatever you want to do with these 2 values

there are many useful method in ResultSet, you should take a look :)

IntelliJ: Error:java: error: release version 5 not supported

You should do one more change by either below approaches:

1 Through IntelliJ GUI

As mentioned by 'tataelm':

Project Structure > Project Settings > Modules > Language level: > then change to your preferred language level

2 Edit IntelliJ config file directly

Open the <ProjectName>.iml file (it is created automatically in your project folder if you're using IntelliJ) directly by editing the following line,

From: <component name="NewModuleRootManager" LANGUAGE_LEVEL="JDK_1_5">

To: <component name="NewModuleRootManager" LANGUAGE_LEVEL="JDK_11">

As your approach is also meaning to edit this file. :)

Approach 1 is actually asking IntelliJ to help edit the .iml file instead of doing by you directly.

CSS set li indent

to indent a ul dropdown menu, use

/* Main Level */

/* Second Level */
ul ul{

/* Third Level */
ul ul ul{

/* and so on... */

You can indent the lis and (if applicable) the as (or whatever content elements you have) as well , each with differing effects. You could also use padding-left instead of margin-left, again depending on the effect you want.


By default, many browsers use padding-left to set the initial indentation. If you want to get rid of that, set padding-left: 0px;

Still, both margin-left and padding-left settings impact the indentation of lists in different ways. Specifically: margin-left impacts the indentation on the outside of the element's border, whereas padding-left affects the spacing on the inside of the element's border. (Learn more about the CSS box model here)

Setting padding-left: 0; leaves the li's bullet icons hanging over the edge of the element's border (at least in Chrome), which may or may not be what you want.

Examples of padding-left vs margin-left and how they can work together on ul:

How do I display image in Alert/confirm box in Javascript?

Alert boxes in JavaScript can only display pure text. You could use a JavaScript library like jQuery to display a modal instead?

This might be useful:

You can do it like this:

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>jQuery UI Dialog - Default functionality</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  body {
    font-family: "Trebuchet MS", "Helvetica", "Arial",  "Verdana", "sans-serif";
    font-size: 62.5%;

  $(function() {
    $( "#dialog" ).dialog();

<div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog">
  <img src="" alt="Placeholder Image" />



How do I add a new sourceset to Gradle?

Here's what works for me as of Gradle 4.0.

sourceSets {
  integrationTest {
    compileClasspath += sourceSets.test.compileClasspath
    runtimeClasspath += sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath

task integrationTest(type: Test) {
  description = "Runs the integration tests."
  group = 'verification'
  testClassesDirs = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDirs
  classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath

As of version 4.0, Gradle now uses separate classes directories for each language in a source set. So if your build script uses sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDir, you'll see the following deprecation warning.

Gradle now uses separate output directories for each JVM language, but this build assumes a single directory for all classes from a source set. This behaviour has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0

To get rid of this warning, just switch to sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDirs instead. For more information, see the Gradle 4.0 release notes.

How can one pull the (private) data of one's own Android app?

you can do:

adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Android/data//

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"Group")

After looking more, the root element has to be associated with a schema-namespace as Blaise is noting. Yet, I didnt have a package-info java. So without using the @XMLSchema annotation, I was able to correct this issue by using

@XmlRootElement (name="RetrieveMultipleSetsResponse", namespace = XMLCodeTable.NS1)
@XmlType(name = "ns0", namespace = XMLCodeTable.NS1)
public class RetrieveMultipleSetsResponse {//...}

Hope this helps!

How to Load an Assembly to AppDomain with all references recursively?

It took me a while to understand @user1996230's answer so I decided to provide a more explicit example. In the below example I make a proxy for an object loaded in another AppDomain and call a method on that object from another domain.

class ProxyObject : MarshalByRefObject
    private Type _type;
    private Object _object;

    public void InstantiateObject(string AssemblyPath, string typeName, object[] args)
        assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + AssemblyPath); //LoadFrom loads dependent DLLs (assuming they are in the app domain's base directory
        _type = assembly.GetType(typeName);
        _object = Activator.CreateInstance(_type, args); ;

    public void InvokeMethod(string methodName, object[] args)
        var methodinfo = _type.GetMethod(methodName);
        methodinfo.Invoke(_object, args);

static void Main(string[] args)
    AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
    setup.ApplicationBase = @"SomePathWithDLLs";
    AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("MyDomain", null, setup);
    ProxyObject proxyObject = (ProxyObject)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(typeof(ProxyObject).Assembly.Location,"ProxyObject");
    proxyObject.InstantiateObject("SomeDLL","SomeType", new object[] { "someArgs});
    proxyObject.InvokeMethod("foo",new object[] { "bar"});

Check for null variable in Windows batch

Late answer, but currently the accepted one is at least suboptimal.

Using quotes is ALWAYS better than using any other characters to enclose %1.
Because when %1 contains spaces or special characters like &, the IF [%1] == simply stops with a syntax error.

But for the case that %1 contains quotes, like in myBatch.bat "my file.txt", a simple IF "%1" == "" would fail.

But as you can't know if quotes are used or not, there is the syntax %~1, this removes enclosing quotes when necessary.

Therefore, the code should look like

set "file1=%~1"
IF "%~1"=="" set "file1=default file"

type "%file1%"   --- always enclose your variables in quotes

If you have to handle stranger and nastier arguments like myBatch.bat "This & will "^&crash
Then take a look at SO:How to receive even the strangest command line parameters?

C Programming: How to read the whole file contents into a buffer

Here is what I would recommend.

It should conform to C89, and be completely portable. In particular, it works also on pipes and sockets on POSIXy systems.

The idea is that we read the input in large-ish chunks (READALL_CHUNK), dynamically reallocating the buffer as we need it. We only use realloc(), fread(), ferror(), and free():

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

/* Size of each input chunk to be
   read and allocate for. */
#define  READALL_CHUNK  262144

#define  READALL_OK          0  /* Success */
#define  READALL_INVALID    -1  /* Invalid parameters */
#define  READALL_ERROR      -2  /* Stream error */
#define  READALL_TOOMUCH    -3  /* Too much input */
#define  READALL_NOMEM      -4  /* Out of memory */

/* This function returns one of the READALL_ constants above.
   If the return value is zero == READALL_OK, then:
     (*dataptr) points to a dynamically allocated buffer, with
     (*sizeptr) chars read from the file.
     The buffer is allocated for one extra char, which is NUL,
     and automatically appended after the data.
   Initial values of (*dataptr) and (*sizeptr) are ignored.
int readall(FILE *in, char **dataptr, size_t *sizeptr)
    char  *data = NULL, *temp;
    size_t size = 0;
    size_t used = 0;
    size_t n;

    /* None of the parameters can be NULL. */
    if (in == NULL || dataptr == NULL || sizeptr == NULL)
        return READALL_INVALID;

    /* A read error already occurred? */
    if (ferror(in))
        return READALL_ERROR;

    while (1) {

        if (used + READALL_CHUNK + 1 > size) {
            size = used + READALL_CHUNK + 1;

            /* Overflow check. Some ANSI C compilers
               may optimize this away, though. */
            if (size <= used) {
                return READALL_TOOMUCH;

            temp = realloc(data, size);
            if (temp == NULL) {
                return READALL_NOMEM;
            data = temp;

        n = fread(data + used, 1, READALL_CHUNK, in);
        if (n == 0)

        used += n;

    if (ferror(in)) {
        return READALL_ERROR;

    temp = realloc(data, used + 1);
    if (temp == NULL) {
        return READALL_NOMEM;
    data = temp;
    data[used] = '\0';

    *dataptr = data;
    *sizeptr = used;

    return READALL_OK;

Above, I've used a constant chunk size, READALL_CHUNK == 262144 (256*1024). This means that in the worst case, up to 262145 chars are wasted (allocated but not used), but only temporarily. At the end, the function reallocates the buffer to the optimal size. Also, this means that we do four reallocations per megabyte of data read.

The 262144-byte default in the code above is a conservative value; it works well for even old minilaptops and Raspberry Pis and most embedded devices with at least a few megabytes of RAM available for the process. Yet, it is not so small that it slows down the operation (due to many read calls, and many buffer reallocations) on most systems.

For desktop machines at this time (2017), I recommend a much larger READALL_CHUNK, perhaps #define READALL_CHUNK 2097152 (2 MiB).

Because the definition of READALL_CHUNK is guarded (i.e., it is defined only if it is at that point in the code still undefined), you can override the default value at compile time, by using (in most C compilers) -DREADALL_CHUNK=2097152 command-line option -- but do check your compiler options for defining a preprocessor macro using command-line options.

npm install errors with Error: ENOENT, chmod

The same error during global install (npm install -g mymodule) for package with a non-existing script.

In package.json:

    "bin": {
      "module": "./bin/module"

But the ./bin/module did not exist, as it was named modulejs.

Root password inside a Docker container

When you start the container, you will be root but you won't know what root's pw is. To set it to something you know simply use "passwd root". Snapshot/commit the container to save your actions.

Spacing between elements

In general we use margins on one of the elements, not spacer elements.

How to split a string between letters and digits (or between digits and letters)?

If you are looking for solution without using Java String functionality (i.e. split, match, etc.) then the following should help:

List<String> splitString(String string) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        String token = "";
        char curr;
        for (int e = 0; e < string.length() + 1; e++) {
            if (e == 0)
                curr = string.charAt(0);
            else {
                curr = string.charAt(--e);

            if (isNumber(curr)) {
                while (e < string.length() && isNumber(string.charAt(e))) {
                    token += string.charAt(e++);
                token = "";
            } else {
                while (e < string.length() && !isNumber(string.charAt(e))) {
                    token += string.charAt(e++);
                token = "";


        return list;

boolean isNumber(char c) {
        return c >= '0' && c <= '9';

This solution will split numbers and 'words', where 'words' are strings that don't contain numbers. However, if you like to have only 'words' containing English letters then you can easily modify it by adding more conditions (like isNumber method call) depending on your requirements (for example you may wish to skip words that contain non English letters). Also note that the splitString method returns ArrayList which later can be converted to String array.

How to check if android checkbox is checked within its onClick method (declared in XML)?

This will do the trick:

  public void itemClicked(View v) {
    if (((CheckBox) v).isChecked()) {
           "Checked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Remove excess whitespace from within a string

To expand on Sandip’s answer, I had a bunch of strings showing up in the logs that were mis-coded in They meant to code just the URL but put a twitter handle and some other stuff after a space. It looked like this

? productID =26%20via%20@LFS

Normally, that would‘t be a problem, but I’m getting a lot of SQL injection attempts, so I redirect anything that isn’t a valid ID to a 404. I used the preg_replace method to make the invalid productID string into a valid productID.


I look for a space in the URL and then remove everything after it.

Laravel - Return json along with http status code

I prefer the response helper myself:

    return response()->json(['message' => 'Yup. This request succeeded.'], 200);

How to use ng-repeat without an html element

If you use ng > 1.2, here is an example of using ng-repeat-start/end without generating unnecessary tags:

    <script src=""></script>_x000D_
      angular.module('mApp', []);_x000D_
  <body ng-app="mApp">_x000D_
    <table border="1" width="100%">_x000D_
      <tr ng-if="0" ng-repeat-start="elem in [{k: 'A', v: ['a1','a2']}, {k: 'B', v: ['b1']}, {k: 'C', v: ['c1','c2','c3']}]"></tr>_x000D_
        <td rowspan="{{elem.v.length}}">{{elem.k}}</td>_x000D_
      <tr ng-repeat="v in elem.v" ng-if="!$first">_x000D_
      <tr ng-if="0" ng-repeat-end></tr>_x000D_

The important point: for tags used for ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end set ng-if="0", to let not be inserted in the page. In this way the inner content will be handled exactly as it is in knockoutjs (using commands in <!--...-->), and there will be no garbage.

Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element

We can use RxJava (very powerful reactive extension library)

LinkedList<User> users = new LinkedList<>();
users.add(new User(1, "User1"));
users.add(new User(2, "User2"));
users.add(new User(3, "User3"));

User userFound =  Observable.from(users)
                  .filter((user) -> user.getId() == 1)

The single operator throws an exception if no user or more then one user is found.

How to start jenkins on different port rather than 8080 using command prompt in Windows?

Add the following two lines after DAEMON_ARGS in the file /etc/init.d/jenkins


Rendering raw html with reactjs

I needed to use a link with onLoad attribute in my head where div is not allowed so this caused me significant pain. My current workaround is to close the original script tag, do what I need to do, then open script tag (to be closed by the original). Hope this might help someone who has absolutely no other choice:

<script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: `</script>
   <link rel="preload" href="" as="style" onLoad="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'" crossOrigin="anonymous"/>

how to resolve DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. in ssis

Solution for this issue is:

  1. Create another connection manager for your excel or flat files else you just have to pass variable values in connection string:

  2. Right Click on Connection Manager>>properties>>Expression >>Select "ConnectionString" from drop down and pass the input variable like path , filename ..

PHP file_get_contents() and setting request headers

You can use this variable to retrieve response headers after file_get_contents() function.




array(9) {
  string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
  string(35) "Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 17:30:38 GMT"
  string(29) "Server: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)"
  string(44) "Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 13:24:10 GMT"
  string(27) "ETag: "280100-1b6-80bfd280""
  string(20) "Accept-Ranges: bytes"
  string(19) "Content-Length: 438"
  string(17) "Connection: close"
  string(38) "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"

selenium get current url after loading a page

Like you said since the xpath for the next button is the same on every page it won't work. It's working as coded in that it does wait for the element to be displayed but since it's already displayed then the implicit wait doesn't apply because it doesn't need to wait at all. Why don't you use the fact that the url changes since from your code it appears to change when the next button is clicked. I do C# but I guess in Java it would be something like:

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
String startURL = //a starting url;
String currentURL = null;
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);


/* go to next page */
    String previousURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();
    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    ExpectedCondition e = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
          public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) {
            return (d.getCurrentUrl() != previousURL);

    currentURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();

How to pass integer from one Activity to another?

Their are two methods you can use to pass an integer. One is as shown below.


Intent myIntent = new Intent(A.this, B.class);
myIntent.putExtra("intVariableName", intValue);


Intent intent = getIntent();
int intValue = intent.getIntExtra("intVariableName", 0);

The other method converts the integer to a string and uses the following code.


Intent intent = new Intent(A.this, B.class);
Bundle extras = new Bundle();
extras.putString("StringVariableName", intValue + "");

The code above will pass your integer value as a string to class B. On class B, get the string value and convert again as an integer as shown below.


   Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
   String stringVariableName = extras.getString("StringVariableName");
   int intVariableName = Integer.parseInt(stringVariableName);

HTTP authentication logout via PHP

The only effective way I've found to wipe out the PHP_AUTH_DIGEST or PHP_AUTH_USER AND PHP_AUTH_PW credentials is to call the header HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized.

function clear_admin_access(){
    header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
    die('Admin access turned off');

Delete file from internal storage

This is an old topic, but I will add my experience, maybe someone finds this helpful

>     2019-11-12 20:05:50.178 27764-27764/com.strba.myapplicationx I/File: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.strba.myapplicationx/files/Readings/JPEG_20191112_200550_4444350520538787768.jpg//file when it was created

2019-11-12 20:05:58.801 27764-27764/com.strba.myapplicationx I/File: content://com.strba.myapplicationx.fileprovider/my_images/JPEG_20191112_200550_4444350520538787768.jpg //same file when trying to delete it


              Uri uriDelete=Uri.parse (adapter.getNoteAt (viewHolder.getAdapterPosition ()).getImageuri ());//getter getImageuri on my object from adapter that returns String with content uri

here I initialize Content resolver and delete it with a passed parameter of that URI

            ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver ();
            contentResolver.delete (uriDelete,null ,null );

solution2(my first solution-from head in this time I do know that ): content resolver exists...

              String path = "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.strba.myapplicationx/files/Readings/" +
                    adapter.getNoteAt (viewHolder.getAdapterPosition ()).getImageuri ().substring (58);

            File file = new File (path);
            if (file != null) {
                file.delete ();

Hope that this will be helpful to someone happy coding

How to filter rows containing a string pattern from a Pandas dataframe

In [3]: df[df['ids'].str.contains("ball")]
     ids  vals
0  aball     1
1  bball     2
3  fball     4

Python - A keyboard command to stop infinite loop?

Ctrl+C is what you need. If it didn't work, hit it harder. :-) Of course, you can also just close the shell window.

Edit: You didn't mention the circumstances. As a last resort, you could write a batch file that contains taskkill /im python.exe, and put it on your desktop, Start menu, etc. and run it when you need to kill a runaway script. Of course, it will kill all Python processes, so be careful.

Draw in Canvas by finger, Android

tutorial to draw line use Bitmap, Canvas, and Paint class. draw-line-on-finger-touch and androiddraw

here one simple class to draw line using canvas as show below.

    public class TestLineView extends View {

    private Paint paint;
    private PointF startPoint, endPoint;
    private boolean isDrawing;

    public TestLineView(Context context)

    private void init()
        paint = new Paint();

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
            canvas.drawLine(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y, paint);

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
        switch (event.getAction())
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                startPoint = new PointF(event.getX(), event.getY());
                endPoint = new PointF();
                isDrawing = true;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                    endPoint.x = event.getX();
                    endPoint.y = event.getY();
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                    endPoint.x = event.getX();
                    endPoint.y = event.getY();
                    isDrawing = false;
        return true;

Best practices with STDIN in Ruby?

I am not quite sure what you need, but I would use something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

until ARGV.empty? do
  puts "From arguments: #{ARGV.shift}"

while a = gets
  puts "From stdin: #{a}"

Note that because ARGV array is empty before first gets, Ruby won't try to interpret argument as text file from which to read (behaviour inherited from Perl).

If stdin is empty or there is no arguments, nothing is printed.

Few test cases:

$ cat input.txt | ./myprog.rb
From stdin: line 1
From stdin: line 2

$ ./myprog.rb arg1 arg2 arg3
From arguments: arg1
From arguments: arg2
From arguments: arg3
From stdin: hi!

How to Generate unique file names in C#



or use new GUID().

Path.GetTempFilename() on MSDN.

How can I center an image in Bootstrap?

Three ways to align img in the center of its parent.

  1. img is an inline element, text-center aligns inline elements in the center of its container should the container be a block element.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container mt-5">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col text-center">_x000D_
      <img src="" alt="" class="img-fluid">_x000D_

  1. mx-auto centers block elements. In order to so, change display of the img from inline to block with d-block class.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container mt-5">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col">_x000D_
      <img src="" alt="" class="img-fluid d-block mx-auto">_x000D_

  1. Use d-flex and justify-content-center on its parent.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container mt-5">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col d-flex justify-content-center">_x000D_
      <img src="" alt="" class="img-fluid">_x000D_

Show div when radio button selected

I would handle it like so:

$(document).ready(function() {
   $('input[type="radio"]').click(function() {
       if($(this).attr('id') == 'watch-me') {

       else {

Bootstrap 3.0 Popovers and tooltips

Working with BOOTSTRAP 3 : Short and Simple

Check - JS Fiddle


<div id="myDiv">
<button class="btn btn-large btn-danger" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="" data-original-title="Tooltip on top">Tooltip on top</button>    


$(function () { 

How to solve java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError?

Check that if you have a static handler in your class. If so, please be careful, cause static handler only could be initiated in thread which has a looper, the crash could be triggered in this way:

1.firstly, create the instance of class in a simple thread and catch the crash.

2.then call the field method of Class in main thread, you will get the NoClassDefFoundError.

here is the test code:

public class MyClass{
       private static  Handler mHandler = new Handler();
       public static int num = 0;

in your onCrete method of Main activity, add test code part:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    //test code start
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
            } catch (Throwable e) {

    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    MyClass.num = 3;
    // end of test code

there is a simple way to fix it using a handlerThread to init handler:

private static Handler mHandler;
private static HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("newthread");
static {
    mHandler = new Handler(handlerThread.getLooper(), mHandlerCB);

Removing an item from a select box


function removeOptionsByValue(selectBox, value)_x000D_
  for (var i = selectBox.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {_x000D_
    if (selectBox[i].value == value) {_x000D_
function addOption(selectBox, text, value, selected)_x000D_
  selectBox.add(new Option(text, value || '', false, selected || false));_x000D_
var selectBox = document.getElementById('selectBox');_x000D_
removeOptionsByValue(selectBox, 'option3');_x000D_
addOption(selectBox, 'option5', 'option5', true);
<select name="selectBox" id="selectBox">_x000D_
    <option value="option1">option1</option>_x000D_
    <option value="option2">option2</option>_x000D_
    <option value="option3">option3</option>_x000D_
    <option value="option4">option4</option> _x000D_


jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    remove_options: function(value) {_x000D_
      return this.each(function() {_x000D_
        $('> option', this)_x000D_
          .filter(function() {_x000D_
            return this.value == value;_x000D_
    add_option: function(text, value, selected) {_x000D_
      return this.each(function() {_x000D_
        $(this).append(new Option(text, value || '', false, selected || false));_x000D_
jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    .add_option('option5', 'option5', true);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select name="selectBox" id="selectBox">_x000D_
    <option value="option1">option1</option>_x000D_
    <option value="option2">option2</option>_x000D_
    <option value="option3">option3</option>_x000D_
    <option value="option4">option4</option> _x000D_

git pull error :error: remote ref is at but expected

Try this, it worked for me. In your terminal: git remote prune origin.

onclick event pass <li> id or value

Try like this...

function getPaging(str) {
  $("#loading-content").load("dataSearch.php?"+str, hideLoader);

<li onclick="getPaging(" id="1">1</li>
<li onclick="getPaging(" id="2">2</li>

or unobtrusively

$(function() {
  $("li").on("click",function() {
    $("#loading-content").load("dataSearch.php?", hideLoader);

using just

<li id="1">1</li>
<li id="2">2</li>

JavaScript - Hide a Div at startup (load)

Barring the CSS solution. The fastest possible way is to hide it immediatly with a script.

<div id="hideme"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

In this case I would recommend the CSS solution by Vega. But if you need something more complex (like an animation) you can use this approach.

This has some complications (see comments below). If you want this piece of script to really run as fast as possible you can't use jQuery, use native JS only and defer loading of all other scripts.

How to make a div center align in HTML

how about something along these lines

<style type="text/css">
  #container {
    margin: 0 auto;
    text-align: center; /* for IE */

  #yourdiv {
    width: 400px;
    border: 1px solid #000;


<div id="container">
  <div id="yourdiv">

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (File is created but contains nothing)

Try This

string path = @"c:\mytext.txt";

if (File.Exists(path))

{ // Consider File Operation 1
    FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
    StreamWriter str = new StreamWriter(fs);
    str.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
    str.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " " + 
    string addtext = "this line is added" + Environment.NewLine;
    // Close the Stream then Individually you can access the file.

File.AppendAllText(path, addtext);  // File Operation 2

string readtext = File.ReadAllText(path); // File Operation 3


In every File Operation, The File will be Opened and must be Closed prior Opened. Like wise in the Operation 1 you must Close the File Stream for the Further Operations.

What's the -practical- difference between a Bare and non-Bare repository?

A bare repository is nothing but the .git folder itself i.e. the contents of a bare repository is same as the contents of .git folder inside your local working repository.

  • Use bare repository on a remote server to allow multiple contributors to push their work.
  • Non-bare - The one which has working tree makes sense on the local machine of each contributor of your project.

Can we import XML file into another XML file?

The other answers cover the 2 most common approaches, Xinclude and XML external entities. Microsoft has a really great writeup on why one should prefer Xinclude, as well as several example implementations. I've quoted the comparison below:


Why XInclude?

The first question one may ask is "Why use XInclude instead of XML external entities?" The answer is that XML external entities have a number of well-known limitations and inconvenient implications, which effectively prevent them from being a general-purpose inclusion facility. Specifically:

  • An XML external entity cannot be a full-blown independent XML document—neither standalone XML declaration nor Doctype declaration is allowed. That effectively means an XML external entity itself cannot include other external entities.
  • An XML external entity must be well formed XML (not so bad at first glance, but imagine you want to include sample C# code into your XML document).
  • Failure to load an external entity is a fatal error; any recovery is strictly forbidden.
  • Only the whole external entity may be included, there is no way to include only a portion of a document. -External entities must be declared in a DTD or an internal subset. This opens a Pandora's Box full of implications, such as the fact that the document element must be named in Doctype declaration and that validating readers may require that the full content model of the document be defined in DTD among others.

The deficiencies of using XML external entities as an inclusion mechanism have been known for some time and in fact spawned the submission of the XML Inclusion Proposal to the W3C in 1999 by Microsoft and IBM. The proposal defined a processing model and syntax for a general-purpose XML inclusion facility.

Four years later, version 1.0 of the XML Inclusions, also known as Xinclude, is a Candidate Recommendation, which means that the W3C believes that it has been widely reviewed and satisfies the basic technical problems it set out to solve, but is not yet a full recommendation.

Another good site which provides a variety of example implementations is Below is a common use case example from their site:

<book xmlns:xi="">

  <title>The Wit and Wisdom of George W. Bush</title>

  <xi:include href="malapropisms.xml"/>

  <xi:include href="mispronunciations.xml"/>

  <xi:include href="madeupwords.xml"/>


Purpose of Activator.CreateInstance with example?

Why would you use it if you already knew the class and were going to cast it? Why not just do it the old fashioned way and make the class like you always make it? There's no advantage to this over the way it's done normally. Is there a way to take the text and operate on it thusly:

label1.txt = "Pizza" 
Magic(label1.txt) p = new Magic(lablel1.txt)(arg1, arg2, arg3);

If I already know its a Pizza there's no advantage to:

p = (Pizza)somefancyjunk("Pizza"); over
Pizza p = new Pizza();

but I see a huge advantage to the Magic method if it exists.

jQuery’s .bind() vs. .on()

As of Jquery 3.0 and above .bind has been deprecated and they prefer using .on instead. As @Blazemonger answered earlier that it may be removed and its for sure that it will be removed. For the older versions .bind would also call .on internally and there is no difference between them. Please also see the api for more detail.

jQuery API documentation for .bind()

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC)

Some googling reveals that potentially you've got a corrupt file:

and that you can tell excel to open it anyway with the CorruptLoad parameter, with something like...

Workbook workbook = excelApplicationObject.Workbooks.Open(path, CorruptLoad: true);

How to generate a Dockerfile from an image?

It is not possible at this point (unless the author of the image explicitly included the Dockerfile).

However, it is definitely something useful! There are two things that will help to obtain this feature.

  1. Trusted builds (detailed in this docker-dev discussion
  2. More detailed metadata in the successive images produced by the build process. In the long run, the metadata should indicate which build command produced the image, which means that it will be possible to reconstruct the Dockerfile from a sequence of images.

How to Detect Browser Window /Tab Close Event?

You can't detect it with javascript.

Only events that do detect page unloading/closing are window.onbeforeunload and window.unload. Neither of these events can tell you the way that you closed the page.

Git diff says subproject is dirty

In my case I wasn't sure what had caused this to happen, but I knew I just wanted the submodules to be reset to their latest remote commit and be done with it. This involved combining answers from a couple of different questions on here:

git submodule update --recursive --remote --init


How do I revert my changes to a git submodule?

Easy way to pull latest of all git submodules

Get JSONArray without array name?

Here is a solution under 19API lvl:

  • First of all. Make a Gson obj. --> Gson gson = new Gson();

  • Second step is get your jsonObj as String with StringRequest(instead of JsonObjectRequest)

  • The last step to get JsonArray...

YoursObjArray[] yoursObjArray = gson.fromJson(response, YoursObjArray[].class);

Python 3 TypeError: must be str, not bytes with sys.stdout.write()

Python 3 handles strings a bit different. Originally there was just one type for strings: str. When unicode gained traction in the '90s the new unicode type was added to handle Unicode without breaking pre-existing code1. This is effectively the same as str but with multibyte support.

In Python 3 there are two different types:

  • The bytes type. This is just a sequence of bytes, Python doesn't know anything about how to interpret this as characters.
  • The str type. This is also a sequence of bytes, but Python knows how to interpret those bytes as characters.
  • The separate unicode type was dropped. str now supports unicode.

In Python 2 implicitly assuming an encoding could cause a lot of problems; you could end up using the wrong encoding, or the data may not have an encoding at all (e.g. it’s a PNG image).
Explicitly telling Python which encoding to use (or explicitly telling it to guess) is often a lot better and much more in line with the "Python philosophy" of "explicit is better than implicit".

This change is incompatible with Python 2 as many return values have changed, leading to subtle problems like this one; it's probably the main reason why Python 3 adoption has been so slow. Since Python doesn't have static typing2 it's impossible to change this automatically with a script (such as the bundled 2to3).

  • You can convert str to bytes with bytes('h€llo', 'utf-8'); this should produce b'H\xe2\x82\xacllo'. Note how one character was converted to three bytes.
  • You can convert bytes to str with b'H\xe2\x82\xacllo'.decode('utf-8').

Of course, UTF-8 may not be the correct character set in your case, so be sure to use the correct one.

In your specific piece of code, nextline is of type bytes, not str, reading stdout and stdin from subprocess changed in Python 3 from str to bytes. This is because Python can't be sure which encoding this uses. It probably uses the same as sys.stdin.encoding (the encoding of your system), but it can't be sure.

You need to replace:




or maybe:


You will also need to modify if nextline == '' to if nextline == b'' since:

>>> '' == b''

Also see the Python 3 ChangeLog, PEP 358, and PEP 3112.

1 There are some neat tricks you can do with ASCII that you can't do with multibyte character sets; the most famous example is the "xor with space to switch case" (e.g. chr(ord('a') ^ ord(' ')) == 'A') and "set 6th bit to make a control character" (e.g. ord('\t') + ord('@') == ord('I')). ASCII was designed in a time when manipulating individual bits was an operation with a non-negligible performance impact.

2 Yes, you can use function annotations, but it's a comparatively new feature and little used.

Fixing slow initial load for IIS

See this article for tips on how to help performance issues. This includes both performance issues related to starting up, under the "cold start" section. Most of this will matter no matter what type of server you are using, locally or in production.

If the application deserializes anything from XML (and that includes web services…) make sure SGEN is run against all binaries involved in deseriaization and place the resulting DLLs in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). This precompiles all the serialization objects used by the assemblies SGEN was run against and caches them in the resulting DLL. This can give huge time savings on the first deserialization (loading) of config files from disk and initial calls to web services.

If any IIS servers do not have outgoing access to the internet, turn off Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking for Authenticode binaries by adding generatePublisherEvidence=”false” into machine.config. Otherwise every worker processes can hang for over 20 seconds during start-up while it times out trying to connect to the internet to obtain a CRL list.

Consider using NGEN on all assemblies. However without careful use this doesn’t give much of a performance gain. This is because the base load addresses of all the binaries that are loaded by each process must be carefully set at build time to not overlap. If the binaries have to be rebased when they are loaded because of address clashes, almost all the performance gains of using NGEN will be lost.

Converting a double to an int in Javascript without rounding

A trick to truncate that avoids a function call entirely is

var number = 2.9
var truncated = number - number % 1;
console.log(truncated); // 2 

To round a floating-point number to the nearest integer, use the addition/subtraction trick. This works for numbers with absolute value < 2 ^ 51.

var number = 2.9
var rounded = number + 6755399441055744.0 - 6755399441055744.0;  // (2^52 + 2^51)
console.log(rounded); // 3 


Halfway values are rounded to the nearest even using "round half to even" as the tie-breaking rule. Thus, for example, +23.5 becomes +24, as does +24.5. This variant of the round-to-nearest mode is also called bankers' rounding.

The magic number 6755399441055744.0 is explained in the stackoverflow post "A fast method to round a double to a 32-bit int explained".

// Round to whole integers using arithmetic operators
let trunc = (v) => v - v % 1;
let ceil  = (v) => trunc(v % 1 > 0 ? v + 1 : v);
let floor = (v) => trunc(v % 1 < 0 ? v - 1 : v);
let round = (v) => trunc(v < 0 ? v - 0.5 : v + 0.5);

let roundHalfEven = (v) => v + 6755399441055744.0 - 6755399441055744.0; // (2^52 + 2^51)

console.log("number  floor   ceil  round  trunc");
var array = [1.5, 1.4, 1.0, -1.0, -1.4, -1.5];
array.forEach(x => {
    let f = x => (x).toString().padStart(6," ");
    console.log(`${f(x)} ${f(floor(x))} ${f(ceil(x))} ${f(round(x))} ${f(trunc(x))}`);  

SQL Server using wildcard within IN

I had a similar goal - and came to this solution:

select *
from jobdetails as JD
where not exists ( select code from table_of_codes as TC 
                      where JD.job_no like TC.code ) 

I'm assuming that your various codes ('0711%', '0712%', etc), including the %, are stored in a table, which I'm calling *table_of_codes*, with field code.

If the % is not stored in the table of codes, just concatenate the '%'. For example:

select *
from jobdetails as JD
where not exists ( select code from table_of_codes as TC 
                      where JD.job_no like concat(TC.code, '%') ) 

The concat() function may vary depending on the particular database, as far as I know.

I hope that it helps. I adapted it from:

Select info from table where row has max date

SELECT distinct
  max_date = MAX(date) OVER (PARTITION BY group), checks
FROM table

Should work.

Calculate mean across dimension in a 2D array

If you do this a lot, NumPy is the way to go.

If for some reason you can't use NumPy:

>>> map(lambda x:sum(x)/float(len(x)), zip(*a))
[45.0, 10.5]

how to set ulimit / file descriptor on docker container the image tag is phusion/baseimage-docker

After some searching I found this on a Google groups discussion:

docker currently inhibits this capability for enhanced safety.

That is because the ulimit settings of the host system apply to the docker container. It is regarded as a security risk that programs running in a container can change the ulimit settings for the host.

The good news is that you have two different solutions to choose from.

  1. Remove sys_resource from lxc_template.go and recompile docker. Then you'll be able to set the ulimit as high as you like.


  1. Stop the docker demon. Change the ulimit settings on the host. Start the docker demon. It now has your revised limits, and its child processes as well.

I applied the second method:

  1. sudo service docker stop;

  2. changed the limits in /etc/security/limits.conf

  3. reboot the machine

  4. run my container

  5. run ulimit -a in the container to confirm the open files limit has been inherited.


How to get a substring of text?

If you want a string, then the other answers are fine, but if what you're looking for is the first few letters as characters you can access them as a list:


FPDF utf-8 encoding (HOW-TO)

Not sure if it will do for Greek, but I had the same issue for Brazilian Portuguese characters and my solution was to use html entities. I had basically two cases:

  1. String may contain UTF-8 characters.

For these, I first encoded it to html entities with htmlentities() and then decoded them to iso-8859-1. Example:

$s = html_entity_decode(htmlentities($my_variable_text), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'iso-8859-1');
  1. Fixed string with html entities:

For these, I just left htmlentities() call out. Example:

$s = html_entity_decode("Treasurer/Tr&eacute;sorier", ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'iso-8859-1');

Then I passed $s to FPDF, like in this example:

$pdf->Cell(100, 20, $s, 0, 0, 'L');

Note: ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 is the standard value for parameter #2, as in

Hope that helps.

Is it possible to assign a base class object to a derived class reference with an explicit typecast?

No. A reference to a derived class must actually refer to an instance of the derived class (or null). Otherwise how would you expect it to behave?

For example:

object o = new object();
string s = (string) o;
int i = s.Length; // What can this sensibly do?

If you want to be able to convert an instance of the base type to the derived type, I suggest you write a method to create an appropriate derived type instance. Or look at your inheritance tree again and try to redesign so that you don't need to do this in the first place.

IntelliJ can't recognize JavaFX 11 with OpenJDK 11

Quick summary, you can do either:

  1. Include the JavaFX modules via --module-path and --add-modules like in José's answer.


  2. Once you have JavaFX libraries added to your project (either manually or via maven/gradle import), add the file similar to the one specified in this answer. (Note that this solution makes your app modular, so if you use other libraries, you will also need to add statements to require their modules inside the file).

This answer is a supplement to Jose's answer.

The situation is this:

  1. You are using a recent Java version, e.g. 13.
  2. You have a JavaFX application as a Maven project.
  3. In your Maven project you have the JavaFX plugin configured and JavaFX dependencies setup as per Jose's answer.
  4. You go to the source code of your main class which extends Application, you right-click on it and try to run it.
  5. You get an IllegalAccessError involving an "unnamed module" when trying to launch the app.

Excerpt for a stack trace generating an IllegalAccessError when trying to run a JavaFX app from Intellij Idea:

Exception in Application start method
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at java.base/sun.launcher.LauncherHelper$FXHelper.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception in Application start method
    at java.base/
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class com.sun.javafx.fxml.FXMLLoaderHelper (in unnamed module @0x45069d0e) cannot access class com.sun.javafx.util.Utils (in module because module does not export com.sun.javafx.util to unnamed module @0x45069d0e
    at com.sun.javafx.fxml.FXMLLoaderHelper.<clinit>(
    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.<clinit>(
    at org.jewelsea.demo.javafx.springboot.Main.start(
    at java.base/
Exception running application org.jewelsea.demo.javafx.springboot.Main

OK, now you are kind of stuck and have no clue what is going on.

What has actually happened is this:

  1. Maven has successfully downloaded the JavaFX dependencies for your application, so you don't need to separately download the dependencies or install a JavaFX SDK or module distribution or anything like that.
  2. Idea has successfully imported the modules as dependencies to your project, so everything compiles OK and all of the code completion and everything works fine.

So it seems everything should be OK. BUT, when you run your application, the code in the JavaFX modules is failing when trying to use reflection to instantiate instances of your application class (when you invoke launch) and your FXML controller classes (when you load FXML). Without some help, this use of reflection can fail in some cases, generating the obscure IllegalAccessError. This is due to a Java module system security feature which does not allow code from other modules to use reflection on your classes unless you explicitly allow it (and the JavaFX application launcher and FXMLLoader both require reflection in their current implementation in order for them to function correctly).

This is where some of the other answers to this question, which reference, come into the picture.

So let's take a crash course in Java modules:

The key part is this:

4.9. Opens

If we need to allow reflection of private types, but we don't want all of our code exposed, we can use the opens directive to expose specific packages.

But remember, this will open the package up to the entire world, so make sure that is what you want:

module my.module { opens; }

So, perhaps you don't want to open your package to the entire world, then you can do:

4.10. Opens … To

Okay, so reflection is great sometimes, but we still want as much security as we can get from encapsulation. We can selectively open our packages to a pre-approved list of modules, in this case, using the opens…to directive:

module my.module { opens to moduleOne, moduleTwo, etc.; }

So, you end up creating a src/main/java/ class which looks like this:

module org.jewelsea.demo.javafx.springboot {
    requires javafx.fxml;
    requires javafx.controls;
    opens org.jewelsea.demo.javafx.springboot to,javafx.fxml;

Where, org.jewelsea.demo.javafx.springboot is the name of the package which contains the JavaFX Application class and JavaFX Controller classes (replace this with the appropriate package name for your application). This tells the Java runtime that it is OK for classes in the and javafx.fxml to invoke reflection on the classes in your org.jewelsea.demo.javafx.springboot package. Once this is done, and the application is compiled and re-run things will work fine and the IllegalAccessError generated by JavaFX's use of reflection will no longer occur.

But what if you don't want to create a file

If instead of using the the Run button in the top toolbar of IDE to run your application class directly, you instead:

  1. Went to the Maven window in the side of the IDE.
  2. Chose the javafx maven plugin target
  3. Right-clicked on that and chose either Run Maven Build or Debug....

Then the app will run without the file. I guess this is because the maven plugin is smart enough to dynamically include some kind of settings which allows the app to be reflected on by the JavaFX classes even without a file, though I don't know how this is accomplished.

To get that setting transferred to the Run button in the top toolbar, right-click on the Maven target and choose the option to Create Run/Debug Configuration for the target. Then you can just choose Run from the top toolbar to execute the Maven target.

Is there any quick way to get the last two characters in a string?

theString.substring(theString.length() - 2)

How to split data into 3 sets (train, validation and test)?

Numpy solution. We will shuffle the whole dataset first (df.sample(frac=1, random_state=42)) and then split our data set into the following parts:

  • 60% - train set,
  • 20% - validation set,
  • 20% - test set

In [305]: train, validate, test = \
              np.split(df.sample(frac=1, random_state=42), 
                       [int(.6*len(df)), int(.8*len(df))])

In [306]: train
          A         B         C         D         E
0  0.046919  0.792216  0.206294  0.440346  0.038960
2  0.301010  0.625697  0.604724  0.936968  0.870064
1  0.642237  0.690403  0.813658  0.525379  0.396053
9  0.488484  0.389640  0.599637  0.122919  0.106505
8  0.842717  0.793315  0.554084  0.100361  0.367465
7  0.185214  0.603661  0.217677  0.281780  0.938540

In [307]: validate
          A         B         C         D         E
5  0.806176  0.008896  0.362878  0.058903  0.026328
6  0.145777  0.485765  0.589272  0.806329  0.703479

In [308]: test
          A         B         C         D         E
4  0.521640  0.332210  0.370177  0.859169  0.401087
3  0.333348  0.964011  0.083498  0.670386  0.169619

[int(.6*len(df)), int(.8*len(df))] - is an indices_or_sections array for numpy.split().

Here is a small demo for np.split() usage - let's split 20-elements array into the following parts: 80%, 10%, 10%:

In [45]: a = np.arange(1, 21)

In [46]: a
Out[46]: array([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20])

In [47]: np.split(a, [int(.8 * len(a)), int(.9 * len(a))])
[array([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]),
 array([17, 18]),
 array([19, 20])]

What is the difference between instanceof and Class.isAssignableFrom(...)?

Apart from basic differences mentioned above, there is a core subtle difference between instanceof operator and isAssignableFrom method in Class.

Read instanceof as “is this (the left part) the instance of this or any subclass of this (the right part)” and read x.getClass().isAssignableFrom(Y.class) as “Can I write X x = new Y()”. In other words, instanceof operator checks if the left object is same or subclass of right class, while isAssignableFrom checks if we can assign object of the parameter class (from) to the reference of the class on which the method is called.
Note that both of these consider the actual instance not the reference type.

Consider an example of 3 classes A, B and C where C extends B and B extends A.

B b = new C();

System.out.println(b instanceof A); //is b (which is actually class C object) instance of A, yes. This will return true.  
System.out.println(b instanceof B); // is b (which is actually class C object) instance of B, yes. This will return true.  
System.out.println(b instanceof C); // is b (which is actually class C object) instance of C, yes. This will return true. If the first statement would be B b = new B(), this would have been false.
System.out.println(b.getClass().isAssignableFrom(A.class));//Can I write C c = new A(), no. So this is false.
System.out.println(b.getClass().isAssignableFrom(B.class)); //Can I write C c = new B(), no. So this is false.
System.out.println(b.getClass().isAssignableFrom(C.class)); //Can I write C c = new C(), Yes. So this is true.

Java generics - why is "extends T" allowed but not "implements T"?

Probably because for both sides (B and C) only the type is relevant, not the implementation. In your example

public class A<B extends C>{}

B can be an interface as well. "extends" is used to define sub-interfaces as well as sub-classes.

interface IntfSub extends IntfSuper {}
class ClzSub extends ClzSuper {}

I usually think of 'Sub extends Super' as 'Sub is like Super, but with additional capabilities', and 'Clz implements Intf' as 'Clz is a realization of Intf'. In your example, this would match: B is like C, but with additional capabilities. The capabilities are relevant here, not the realization.

Checking cin input stream produces an integer

If istream fails to insert, it will set the fail bit.

int i = 0;
std::cin >> i; // type a and press enter
if (
    std::cout << "I failed, try again ..." << std::endl
    std::cin.clear(); // reset the failed state

You can set this up in a do-while loop to get the correct type (int in this case) propertly inserted.

For more information:

Java SSLException: hostname in certificate didn't match

The certificate verification process will always verify the DNS name of the certificate presented by the server, with the hostname of the server in the URL used by the client.

The following code

HttpPost post = new HttpPost("");

will result in the certificate verification process verifying whether the common name of the certificate issued by the server, i.e. matches the hostname i.e. Obviously, this is bound to result in failure (you could have verified this by browsing to the URL with a browser, and seen the resulting error yourself).

Supposedly, for the sake of security, you are hesitant to write your own TrustManager (and you musn't unless you understand how to write a secure one), you ought to look at establishing DNS records in your datacenter to ensure that all lookups to will resolve to; this ought to be done either in your local DNS servers or in the hosts file of your OS; you might need to add entries to other domains as well. Needless to say, you will need to ensure that this is consistent with the records returned by your ISP.

What does void do in java?

Void doesn't return anything; it tells the compiler the method doesn't have a return value.

Angular 6 Material mat-select change method removed

I have this issue today with mat-option-group. The thing which solved me the problem is using in other provided event of mat-select : valueChange

I put here a little code for understanding :

<mat-form-field >
  <mat-label>Filter By</mat-label>
  <mat-select  panelClass="" #choosedValue (valueChange)="doSomething1(choosedValue.value)"> <!-- (valueChange)="doSomething1(choosedValue.value)" instead of (change) or other event-->

    <mat-option >-- None --</mat-option>
      <mat-optgroup  *ngFor="let group of filterData" [label]="group.viewValue"
                    style = "background-color: #0c5460">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let option of group.options" [value]="option.value">

Mat Version:

"@angular/material": "^6.4.7",

How can I use LEFT & RIGHT Functions in SQL to get last 3 characters?

Here an alternative using SUBSTRING

            SUBSTRING([Field], LEN([Field]) - 2, 3) [Right3],
            SUBSTRING([Field], 0, LEN([Field]) - 2) [TheRest]

with fiddle

Change the mouse pointer using JavaScript

Look at this page: Looks like you can access cursor off of style. This page shows it being done with the entire page, but I'm sure a child element would work just as well. = 'wait';

Convert Char to String in C

Using fgetc(fp) only to be able to call strcpy(buffer,c); doesn't seem right.

You could simply build this buffer on your own:

char buffer[MAX_SIZE_OF_MY_BUFFER];

int i = 0;
char ch;
while (i < MAX_SIZE_OF_MY_BUFFER - 1 && (ch = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) {
    buffer[i++] = ch;
buffer[i] = '\0';  // terminating character

Note that this relies on the fact that you will read less than MAX_SIZE_OF_MY_BUFFER characters

How to get current time in python and break up into year, month, day, hour, minute?

Here's a one-liner that comes in just under the 80 char line max.

import time
year, month, day, hour, min = map(int, time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H %M").split())

How to append one file to another in Linux from the shell?

Just for reference, using ddrescue provides an interruptible way of achieving the task if, for example, you have large files and the need to pause and then carry on at some later point:

ddrescue -o $(wc --bytes file1 | awk '{ print $1 }') file2 file1 logfile

The logfile is the important bit. You can interrupt the process with Ctrl-C and resume it by specifying the exact same command again and ddrescue will read logfile and resume from where it left off. The -o A flag tells ddrescue to start from byte A in the output file (file1). So wc --bytes file1 | awk '{ print $1 }' just extracts the size of file1 in bytes (you can just paste in the output from ls if you like).

As pointed out by ngks in the comments, the downside is that ddrescue will probably not be installed by default, so you will have to install it manually. The other complication is that there are two versions of ddrescue which might be in your repositories: see this askubuntu question for more info. The version you want is the GNU ddrescue, and on Debian-based systems is the package named gddrescue:

sudo apt install gddrescue

For other distros check your package management system for the GNU version of ddrescue.

How to run the sftp command with a password from Bash script?

Bash program to wait for sftp to ask for a password then send it along:

expect -c "
spawn sftp username@your_host
expect \"Password\"
send \"your_password_here\r\"
interact "

You may need to install expect, change the wording of 'Password' to lowercase 'p' to match what your prompt receives. The problems here is that it exposes your password in plain text in the file as well as in the command history. Which nearly defeats the purpose of having a password in the first place.

is it possible to add colors to python output?

If your console (like your standard ubuntu console) understands ANSI color codes, you can use those.

Here an example:

print ('This is \x1b[31mred\x1b[0m.') 

Svn switch from trunk to branch

In my case, I wanted to check out a new branch that has cut recently but it's it big in size and I want to save time and internet bandwidth, as I'm in a slow metered network

so I copped the previous branch that I already checked in

I went to the working directory, and from svn info, I can see it's on the previous branch I did the following command (you can find this command from svn switch --help)

svn switch ^/branches/newBranchName

go check svn info again you can see it is becoming the newBranchName go ahead and svn up

and this how I got the new branch easily, quickly with minimum data transmitting over the internet

hope sharing my case helps and speeds up your work

How can I wrap text in a label using WPF?

We need to put some kind of control that can wrap text like textblock/textbox

 <Label Width="120" Height="100" >
        <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">
            this is a very long text inside a textblock and this needs to be on multiline.

Simple way to create matrix of random numbers

For creating an array of random numbers NumPy provides array creation using:

  1. Real numbers

  2. Integers

For creating array using random Real numbers: there are 2 options

  1. random.rand (for uniform distribution of the generated random numbers )
  2. random.randn (for normal distribution of the generated random numbers )


import numpy as np 
arr = np.random.rand(row_size, column_size) 


import numpy as np 
arr = np.random.randn(row_size, column_size) 

For creating array using random Integers:

import numpy as np
numpy.random.randint(low, high=None, size=None, dtype='l')


  • low = Lowest (signed) integer to be drawn from the distribution
  • high(optional)= If provided, one above the largest (signed) integer to be drawn from the distribution
  • size(optional) = Output shape i.e. if the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn
  • dtype(optional) = Desired dtype of the result.


The given example will produce an array of random integers between 0 and 4, its size will be 5*5 and have 25 integers

arr2 = np.random.randint(0,5,size = (5,5))

in order to create 5 by 5 matrix, it should be modified to

arr2 = np.random.randint(0,5,size = (5,5)), change the multiplication symbol* to a comma ,#

[[2 1 1 0 1][3 2 1 4 3][2 3 0 3 3][1 3 1 0 0][4 1 2 0 1]]


The given example will produce an array of random integers between 0 and 1, its size will be 1*10 and will have 10 integers

arr3= np.random.randint(2, size = 10)

[0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1]

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration

The other answers here are excellent and accurate. In the interest of adding to the list of things to try:

Double and triple-check that your app is using the right application ID and secret key. In my case, after trying many other things, I checked the application ID and secret key and found that I was using our production settings on our development system. Doh!

Using the correct application ID and secret key fixed the problem.

What does $_ mean in PowerShell?

$_ is an variable which iterates over each object/element passed from the previous | (pipe).

python: How do I know what type of exception occurred?

Just refrain from catching the exception and the traceback that Python prints will tell you what exception occurred.

How to make a submit out of a <a href...>...</a> link?

<input type="image" name="your_image_name" src="your_image_url.png" />

This will send the your_image_name.x and your_image_name.y values as it submits the form, which are the x and y coordinates of the position the user clicked the image.

Select rows which are not present in other table

this can also be tried...

SELECT l.ip, tbl2.ip as ip2, tbl2.hostname
FROM   login_log l 
LEFT   JOIN (SELECT ip_location.ip, ip_location.hostname
             FROM ip_location
             WHERE ip_location.ip is null)tbl2

How can I quickly and easily convert spreadsheet data to JSON?

Assuming you really mean easiest and are not necessarily looking for a way to do this programmatically, you can do this:

  1. Add, if not already there, a row of "column Musicians" to the spreadsheet. That is, if you have data in columns such as:

    Rory Gallagher      Guitar
    Gerry McAvoy        Bass
    Rod de'Ath          Drums
    Lou Martin          Keyboards
    Donkey Kong Sioux   Self-Appointed Semi-official Stomper

    Note: you might want to add "Musician" and "Instrument" in row 0 (you might have to insert a row there)

  2. Save the file as a CSV file.

  3. Copy the contents of the CSV file to the clipboard

  4. Go to

  5. Verify that the "First row is column names" checkbox is checked

  6. Paste the CSV data into the content area

  7. Mash the "Convert CSV to JSON" button

    With the data shown above, you will now have:

        "MUSICIAN":"Rory Gallagher",
        "MUSICIAN":"Gerry McAvoy",
        "MUSICIAN":"Rod D'Ath",
        "MUSICIAN":"Lou Martin",
        "MUSICIAN":"Donkey Kong Sioux",
        "INSTRUMENT":"Self-Appointed Semi-Official Stomper"

    With this simple/minimalistic data, it's probably not required, but with large sets of data, it can save you time and headache in the proverbial long run by checking this data for aberrations and abnormalcy.

  8. Go here:

  9. Paste the JSON into the content area

  10. Pres the "Validate" button.

If the JSON is good, you will see a "Valid JSON" remark in the Results section below; if not, it will tell you where the problem[s] lie so that you can fix it/them.

List file using ls command in Linux with full path

You can use

  ls -lrt -d -1 "$PWD"/{*,.*}   

It will also catch hidden files.

linux script to kill java process

If you just want to kill any/all java processes, then all you need is;

killall java

If, however, you want to kill the wskInterface process in particular, then you're most of the way there, you just need to strip out the process id;

PID=`ps -ef | grep wskInterface | awk '{ print $2 }'`
kill -9 $PID

Should do it, there is probably an easier way though...

iPhone/iPad browser simulator?

XCode does come with a simulator for the iPad and iPhone.

You can also use Safari on OS X to debug websites on your iOS device.

Delete all but the most recent X files in bash

Remove all but 5 (or whatever number) of the most recent files in a directory.

rm `ls -t | awk 'NR>5'`

What is the MySQL VARCHAR max size?

From MySQL documentation:

The effective maximum length of a VARCHAR in MySQL 5.0.3 and later is subject to the maximum row size (65,535 bytes, which is shared among all columns) and the character set used. For example, utf8 characters can require up to three bytes per character, so a VARCHAR column that uses the utf8 character set can be declared to be a maximum of 21,844 characters.

Limits for the VARCHAR varies depending on charset used. Using ASCII would use 1 byte per character. Meaning you could store 65,535 characters. Using utf8 will use 3 bytes per character resulting in character limit of 21,844. BUT if you are using the modern multibyte charset utf8mb4 which you should use! It supports emojis and other special characters. It will be using 4 bytes per character. This will limit the number of characters per table to 16,383. Note that other fields such as INT will also be counted to these limits.


utf8 maximum of 21,844 characters

utf8mb4 maximum of 16,383 characters

Color picker utility (color pipette) in Ubuntu

You can install the package gcolor2 for this:

sudo apt-get install gcolor2


Applications -> Graphics -> GColor2

How do I use an INSERT statement's OUTPUT clause to get the identity value?

You can either have the newly inserted ID being output to the SSMS console like this:

INSERT INTO MyTable(Name, Address, PhoneNo)
VALUES ('Yatrix', '1234 Address Stuff', '1112223333')

You can use this also from e.g. C#, when you need to get the ID back to your calling app - just execute the SQL query with .ExecuteScalar() (instead of .ExecuteNonQuery()) to read the resulting ID back.

Or if you need to capture the newly inserted ID inside T-SQL (e.g. for later further processing), you need to create a table variable:


INSERT INTO MyTable(Name, Address, PhoneNo)
VALUES ('Yatrix', '1234 Address Stuff', '1112223333')

This way, you can put multiple values into @OutputTbl and do further processing on those. You could also use a "regular" temporary table (#temp) or even a "real" persistent table as your "output target" here.

"The public type <<classname>> must be defined in its own file" error in Eclipse

Save this class in the file Also you cant have more than one public classes in one file.

Node.js: how to consume SOAP XML web service

I managed to use soap,wsdl and Node.js You need to install soap with npm install soap

Create a node server called server.js that will define soap service to be consumed by a remote client. This soap service computes Body Mass Index based on weight(kg) and height(m).

const soap = require('soap');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
 * this is remote service defined in this file, that can be accessed by clients, who will supply args
 * response is returned to the calling client
 * our service calculates bmi by dividing weight in kilograms by square of height in metres
const service = {
  BMI_Service: {
    BMI_Port: {
      calculateBMI(args) {
        const year = new Date().getFullYear();
        const n = args.weight / (args.height * args.height);
        return { bmi: n };
// xml data is extracted from wsdl file created
const xml = require('fs').readFileSync('./bmicalculator.wsdl', 'utf8');
//create an express server and pass it to a soap server
const server = app.listen(3030, function() {
  const host = '';
  const port = server.address().port;
soap.listen(server, '/bmicalculator', service, xml);

Next, create a client.js file that will consume soap service defined by server.js. This file will provide arguments for the soap service and call the url with SOAP's service ports and endpoints.

const express = require('express');
const soap = require('soap');
const url = 'http://localhost:3030/bmicalculator?wsdl';
const args = { weight: 65.7, height: 1.63 };
soap.createClient(url, function(err, client) {
  if (err) console.error(err);
  else {
    client.calculateBMI(args, function(err, response) {
      if (err) console.error(err);
      else {

Your wsdl file is an xml based protocol for data exchange that defines how to access a remote web service. Call your wsdl file bmicalculator.wsdl

<definitions name="HelloService" targetNamespace="" 

  <message name="getBMIRequest">
    <part name="weight" type="xsd:float"/>
    <part name="height" type="xsd:float"/>

  <message name="getBMIResponse">
    <part name="bmi" type="xsd:float"/>

  <portType name="Hello_PortType">
    <operation name="calculateBMI">
      <input message="tns:getBMIRequest"/>
      <output message="tns:getBMIResponse"/>

  <binding name="Hello_Binding" type="tns:Hello_PortType">
    <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
    <operation name="calculateBMI">
      <soap:operation soapAction="calculateBMI"/>
        <soap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:examples:helloservice" use="encoded"/>
        <soap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:examples:helloservice" use="encoded"/>

  <service name="BMI_Service">
    <documentation>WSDL File for HelloService</documentation>
    <port binding="tns:Hello_Binding" name="BMI_Port">
      <soap:address location="http://localhost:3030/bmicalculator/" />

Hope it helps

How to count number of unique values of a field in a tab-delimited text file?

awk -F '\t' '{ a[$1]++ } END { for (n in a) print n, a[n] } ' test.csv

Capture the screen shot using .NET

It's certainly possible to grab a screenshot using the .NET Framework. The simplest way is to create a new Bitmap object and draw into that using the Graphics.CopyFromScreen method.

Sample code:

using (Bitmap bmpScreenCapture = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, 
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenCapture))
                     0, 0,

Caveat: This method doesn't work properly for layered windows. Hans Passant's answer here explains the more complicated method required to get those in your screen shots.

How can I make XSLT work in chrome?

I had the same problem on localhost. Running around the Internet looking for the answer and I approve that adding --allow-file-access-from-files works. I work on Mac, so for me I had to go through terminal sudo /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --allow-file-access-from-files and enter your password (if you have one).

Another small thing - nothing will work unless you add to your .xml file the reference to your .xsl file as follows <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="<path to file>"?>. Another small thing I didn't realise immediately - you should be opening your .xml file in browser, no the .xsl.

Android: why setVisibility(View.GONE); or setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); do not work

You can think it as a CSS style visibility & display.

<div style="visibility:visible; display:block">
    This is View.VISIBLE : Content is displayed normally.

<div style="visibility:hidden; display:block">
    This is View.INVISIBLE : Content is not displayed, but div still takes up place, but empty.

<div style="display:none">
    This is View.GONE : Container div is not shown, you can say the content is not displayed.

How to submit an HTML form on loading the page?

You don't need Jquery here! The simplest solution here is (based on the answer from charles):

<body onload="document.frm1.submit()">
   <form action="" name="frm1">
      <input type="hidden" name="q" value="Hello world" />

How to search for an element in an stl list?

Besides using std::find (from algorithm), you can also use std::find_if (which is, IMO, better than std::find), or other find algorithm from this list

#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::list<int> myList{ 5, 19, 34, 3, 33 };

    auto it = std::find_if( std::begin( myList ),
                            std::end( myList ),
                            [&]( const int v ){ return 0 == ( v % 17 ); } );
    if ( myList.end() == it )
        std::cout << "item not found" << std::endl;
        const int pos = std::distance( myList.begin(), it ) + 1;
        std::cout << "item divisible by 17 found at position " << pos << std::endl;

How do I sort arrays using vbscript?

Some old school array sorting. Of course this only sorts single dimension arrays.


Option Explicit

Public Function Array_AdvancedBubbleSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByVal rstr_SortOrder)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 12/09/1999
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Creates a sorted Array from a one dimensional array
'                       in Ascending (default) or Descending order based on the rstr_SortOrder.
'   Variables       :
'                   rarr_ArrayToSort()     The array to sort and return.
'                   rstr_SortOrder   The order to sort in, default ascending or D for descending.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_AdvancedBubbleSort"
    Dim bln_Sorted
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim str_SortOrder
    Dim str_Temp

    bln_Sorted = False
    str_SortOrder = Left(UCase(rstr_SortOrder), 1) 'We only need to know if the sort order is A(SENC) or D(ESEND)...and for that matter we really only need to know if it's D because we are defaulting to Ascending.
    Do While (bln_Sorted = False)
       bln_Sorted = True
        str_Temp = ""
        If (str_SortOrder = "D") Then
            'Sort in descending order.
            For lng_Loop_01 = LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) To (UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1)
                If (rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) < rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1)) Then
                    bln_Sorted = False
                    str_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1) = str_Temp
                End If
                If (rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1)) > rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01)) Then
                    bln_Sorted = False
                    str_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1))
                    rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1)) = rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01) = str_Temp
                End If
            'Default to Ascending.
            For lng_Loop_01 = LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) To (UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1)
                If (rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) > rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1)) Then
                    bln_Sorted = False
                    str_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1) = str_Temp
                End If
                If (rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1)) < rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01)) Then
                    bln_Sorted = False
                    str_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1))
                    rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1)) = rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01) = str_Temp
                End If
        End If
End Function

Public Function Array_BubbleSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_BubbleSort"
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim lng_Loop_02
    Dim var_Temp

    For lng_Loop_01 = (UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) To 0 Step -1
        For lng_Loop_02 = 0 To lng_Loop_01
            If rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) > rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 + 1) Then
                var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 + 1)
                rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 + 1) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02)
                rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) = var_Temp
            End If
End Function

Public Function Array_GetDimensions(ByVal rarr_Array)
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_GetDimensions"
    Dim int_Dimensions
    Dim int_Result
    Dim str_Dimensions

    int_Result = 0
    If IsArray(rarr_Array) Then
        On Error Resume Next
            int_Dimensions = -2
            int_Dimensions = UBound(rarr_Array, int_Result + 1)
            If int_Dimensions > -2 Then
                int_Result = int_Result + 1
                If int_Result = 1 Then
                    str_Dimensions = str_Dimensions & int_Dimensions
                    str_Dimensions = str_Dimensions & ":" & int_Dimensions
                End If
            End If
        Loop Until int_Dimensions = -2
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If
    Array_GetDimensions = int_Result ' & ";" & str_Dimensions
End Function

Public Function Array_GetUniqueCombinations(ByVal rarr_Fields, ByRef robj_Combinations)
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_GetUniqueCombinations"
    Dim int_Element
    Dim str_Combination

    On Error Resume Next

    Array_GetUniqueCombinations = CBool(False)
    For int_Element = LBound(rarr_Fields) To UBound(rarr_Fields)
        str_Combination = rarr_Fields(int_Element)
        Call robj_Combinations.Add(robj_Combinations.Count & ":" & str_Combination, 0)
'        Call Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub(rarr_Fields, robj_Combinations, int_Element)
    Next 'int_Element
    For int_Element = LBound(rarr_Fields) To UBound(rarr_Fields)
        Call Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub(rarr_Fields, robj_Combinations, int_Element)
    Next 'int_Element
    Array_GetUniqueCombinations = CBool(True)
End Function 'Array_GetUniqueCombinations

Public Function Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub(ByVal rarr_Fields, ByRef robj_Combinations, ByRef rint_LBound)
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub"
    Dim int_Element
    Dim str_Combination

    On Error Resume Next

    Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub = CBool(False)
    str_Combination = rarr_Fields(rint_LBound)
    For int_Element = (rint_LBound + 1) To UBound(rarr_Fields)
        str_Combination = str_Combination & "," & rarr_Fields(int_Element)
        Call robj_Combinations.Add(robj_Combinations.Count & ":" & str_Combination, str_Combination)
    Next 'int_Element
    Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub = CBool(True)
End Function 'Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub

Public Function Array_HeapSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_HeapSort"
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim var_Temp
    Dim arr_Size

    arr_Size = UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) + 1
    For lng_Loop_01 = ((arr_Size / 2) - 1) To 0 Step -1
        Call Array_SiftDown(rarr_ArrayToSort, lng_Loop_01, arr_Size)
    For lng_Loop_01 = (arr_Size - 1) To 1 Step -1
        var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(0)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(0) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) = var_Temp
        Call Array_SiftDown(rarr_ArrayToSort, 0, (lng_Loop_01 - 1))
End Function

Public Function Array_InsertionSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_InsertionSort"
    Dim lng_ElementCount
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim lng_Loop_02
    Dim lng_Index

    lng_ElementCount = UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) + 1
    For lng_Loop_01 = 1 To (lng_ElementCount - 1)
        lng_Index = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
        lng_Loop_02 = lng_Loop_01
        Do While lng_Loop_02 > 0
            If rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 - 1) > lng_Index Then
                rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 - 1)
                lng_Loop_02 = (lng_Loop_02 - 1)
            End If
        rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) = lng_Index
End Function

Private Function Array_Merge(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByRef rarr_ArrayTemp(), ByVal rlng_Left, ByVal rlng_MiddleIndex, ByVal rlng_Right)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Merges an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_Merge"
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim lng_LeftEnd
    Dim lng_ElementCount
    Dim lng_TempPos

    lng_LeftEnd = (rlng_MiddleIndex - 1)
    lng_TempPos = rlng_Left
    lng_ElementCount = (rlng_Right - rlng_Left + 1)
    Do While (rlng_Left <= lng_LeftEnd) _
    And (rlng_MiddleIndex <= rlng_Right)
        If rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Left) <= rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_MiddleIndex) Then
            rarr_ArrayTemp(lng_TempPos) = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Left)
            lng_TempPos = (lng_TempPos + 1)
            rlng_Left = (rlng_Left + 1)
            rarr_ArrayTemp(lng_TempPos) = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_MiddleIndex)
            lng_TempPos = (lng_TempPos + 1)
            rlng_MiddleIndex = (rlng_MiddleIndex + 1)
        End If
    Do While rlng_Left <= lng_LeftEnd
        rarr_ArrayTemp(lng_TempPos) = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Left)
        rlng_Left = (rlng_Left + 1)
        lng_TempPos = (lng_TempPos + 1)
    Do While rlng_MiddleIndex <= rlng_Right
        rarr_ArrayTemp(lng_TempPos) = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_MiddleIndex)
        rlng_MiddleIndex = (rlng_MiddleIndex + 1)
        lng_TempPos = (lng_TempPos + 1)
    For lng_Loop_01 = 0 To (lng_ElementCount - 1)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Right) = rarr_ArrayTemp(rlng_Right)
        rlng_Right = (rlng_Right - 1)
End Function

Public Function Array_MergeSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByRef rarr_ArrayTemp(), ByVal rlng_FirstIndex, ByVal rlng_LastIndex)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   Note            :The rarr_ArrayTemp array that is passed in has to be dimensionalized to the same size
'                           as the rarr_ArrayToSort array that is passed in prior to calling the function.
'                           Also the rlng_FirstIndex variable should be the value of the LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
'                           and the rlng_LastIndex variable should be the value of the UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_MergeSort"
    Dim lng_MiddleIndex

    If rlng_LastIndex > rlng_FirstIndex Then
        ' Recursively sort the two halves of the list.
        lng_MiddleIndex = ((rlng_FirstIndex + rlng_LastIndex) / 2)
        Call Array_MergeSort(rarr_ArrayToSort, rarr_ArrayTemp, rlng_FirstIndex, lng_MiddleIndex)
        Call Array_MergeSort(rarr_ArrayToSort, rarr_ArrayTemp, lng_MiddleIndex + 1, rlng_LastIndex)
        '  Merge the results.
        Call Array_Merge(rarr_ArrayToSort, rarr_ArrayTemp, rlng_FirstIndex, lng_MiddleIndex + 1, rlng_LastIndex)
    End If
End Function

Public Function Array_Push(ByRef rarr_Array, ByVal rstr_Value, ByVal rstr_Delimiter)
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_Push"
    Dim int_Loop
    Dim str_Array_01
    Dim str_Array_02

    'If there is no delimiter passed in then set the default delimiter equal to a comma.
    If rstr_Delimiter = "" Then
        rstr_Delimiter = ","
    End If

    'Check to see if the rarr_Array is actually an Array.
    If IsArray(rarr_Array) = True Then
        'Verify that the rarr_Array variable is only a one dimensional array.
        If Array_GetDimensions(rarr_Array) <> 1 Then
            Array_Push = "ERR, the rarr_Array variable passed in was not a one dimensional array."
            Exit Function
        End If
        If IsArray(rstr_Value) = True Then
            'Verify that the rstr_Value variable is is only a one dimensional array.
            If Array_GetDimensions(rstr_Value) <> 1 Then
                Array_Push = "ERR, the rstr_Value variable passed in was not a one dimensional array."
                Exit Function
            End If
            str_Array_01 = Split(rarr_Array, rstr_Delimiter)
            str_Array_02 = Split(rstr_Value, rstr_Delimiter)
            rarr_Array = Join(str_Array_01 & rstr_Delimiter & str_Array_02)
            On Error Resume Next
            ReDim Preserve rarr_Array(UBound(rarr_Array) + 1)
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then ' "Subscript out of range"  An array that was passed in must have been Erased to re-create it with new elements (possibly when passing an array to be populated into a recursive function)
                ReDim rarr_Array(0)
            End If
            If IsObject(rstr_Value) = True Then
                Set rarr_Array(UBound(rarr_Array)) = rstr_Value
                rarr_Array(UBound(rarr_Array)) = rstr_Value
            End If
        End If
        'Check to see if the rstr_Value is an Array.
        If IsArray(rstr_Value) = True Then
            'Verify that the rstr_Value variable is is only a one dimensional array.
            If Array_GetDimensions(rstr_Value) <> 1 Then
                Array_Push = "ERR, the rstr_Value variable passed in was not a one dimensional array."
                Exit Function
            End If
            rarr_Array = rstr_Value
            rarr_Array = Split(rstr_Value, rstr_Delimiter)
        End If
    End If
    Array_Push = UBound(rarr_Array)
End Function

Public Function Array_QuickSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByVal rlng_Low, ByVal rlng_High)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   Note            :The rlng_Low variable should be the value of the LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
'                           and the rlng_High variable should be the value of the UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_QuickSort"
    Dim var_Pivot
    Dim lng_Swap
    Dim lng_Low
    Dim lng_High

    lng_Low = rlng_Low
    lng_High = rlng_High
    var_Pivot = rarr_ArrayToSort((rlng_Low + rlng_High) / 2)
    Do While lng_Low <= lng_High
        Do While (rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Low) < var_Pivot _
        And lng_Low < rlng_High)
            lng_Low = lng_Low + 1
        Do While (var_Pivot < rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_High) _
        And lng_High > rlng_Low)
            lng_High = (lng_High - 1)
        If lng_Low <= lng_High Then
            lng_Swap = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Low)
            rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Low) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_High)
            rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_High) = lng_Swap
            lng_Low = (lng_Low + 1)
            lng_High = (lng_High - 1)
        End If
    If rlng_Low < lng_High Then
        Call Array_QuickSort(rarr_ArrayToSort, rlng_Low, lng_High)
    End If
    If lng_Low < rlng_High Then
        Call Array_QuickSort(rarr_ArrayToSort, lng_Low, rlng_High)
    End If
End Function

Public Function Array_SelectionSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_SelectionSort"
    Dim lng_ElementCount
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim lng_Loop_02
    Dim lng_Min
    Dim var_Temp

    lng_ElementCount = UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) + 1
    For lng_Loop_01 = 0 To (lng_ElementCount - 2)
        lng_Min = lng_Loop_01
        For lng_Loop_02 = (lng_Loop_01 + 1) To lng_ElementCount - 1
            If rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) < rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Min) Then
            lng_Min = lng_Loop_02
            End If
        var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Min)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Min) = var_Temp
End Function

Public Function Array_ShellSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_ShellSort"
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim var_Temp
    Dim lng_Hold
    Dim lng_HValue

    lng_HValue = LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
        lng_HValue = (3 * lng_HValue + 1)
    Loop Until lng_HValue > UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
        lng_HValue = (lng_HValue / 3)
        For lng_Loop_01 = (lng_HValue + LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)) To UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
            var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
            lng_Hold = lng_Loop_01
            Do While rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Hold - lng_HValue) > var_Temp
                rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Hold) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Hold - lng_HValue)
                lng_Hold = (lng_Hold - lng_HValue)
                If lng_Hold < lng_HValue Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
            rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Hold) = var_Temp
    Loop Until lng_HValue = LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
End Function

Private Function Array_SiftDown(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByVal rlng_Root, ByVal rlng_Bottom)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sifts the elements down in an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_SiftDown"
    Dim bln_Done
    Dim max_Child
    Dim var_Temp

    bln_Done = False
    Do While ((rlng_Root * 2) <= rlng_Bottom) _
    And bln_Done = False
        If rlng_Root * 2 = rlng_Bottom Then
            max_Child = (rlng_Root * 2)
        ElseIf rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root * 2) > rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root * 2 + 1) Then
            max_Child = (rlng_Root * 2)
            max_Child = (rlng_Root * 2 + 1)
        End If
        If rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root) < rarr_ArrayToSort(max_Child) Then
            var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root)
            rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root) = rarr_ArrayToSort(max_Child)
            rarr_ArrayToSort(max_Child) = var_Temp
            rlng_Root = max_Child
            bln_Done = True
        End If
End Function

Apply CSS styles to an element depending on its child elements

Basically, no. The following would be what you were after in theory:

div.a < div { border: solid 3px red; }

Unfortunately it doesn't exist.

There are a few write-ups along the lines of "why the hell not". A well fleshed out one by Shaun Inman is pretty good:

How to calculate the sum of the datatable column in

Compute Sum of Column in Datatable , Works 100%

lbl_TotaAmt.Text = MyDataTable.Compute("Sum(BalAmt)", "").ToString();

if you want to have any conditions, use it like this

   lbl_TotaAmt.Text = MyDataTable.Compute("Sum(BalAmt)", "srno=1 or srno in(1,2)").ToString();

How do I run Python code from Sublime Text 2?

Tools -> Build System -> (choose) Python then:

To Run:

      Tools -> Build


      Ctrl + B

      CMD + B  (OSX)

This would start your file in the console which should be at the bottom of the editor.

To Stop:

       Ctrl + Break or Tools -> Cancel Build

       Fn + C (OSX)

You can find out where your Break key is here:

Note: CTRL + C will NOT work.

What to do when Ctrl + Break does not work:

Go to:

Preferences -> Key Bindings - User

and paste the line below:

{"keys": ["ctrl+shift+c"], "command": "exec", "args": {"kill": true} } 

Now, you can use ctrl+shift+c instead of CTRL+BREAK

How to read single Excel cell value

 //THIS IS WORKING CODE                        
 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range Range_Number,r2;
 Range_Number = wsheet.UsedRange.Find("smth");
 string f_number="";

 r2 = wsheet.Cells;

 int n_c = Range_Number.Column;
 int n_r = Range_Number.Row;
 var number = ((Range)r2[n_r + 1, n_c]).Value;

 f_number = (string)number;

Possible heap pollution via varargs parameter

@SafeVarargs does not prevent it from happening, however it mandates that the compiler is stricter when compiling code that uses it. explains this in futher detail.

Heap pollution is when you get a ClassCastException when doing an operation on a generic interface and it contains another type than declared.

Java; String replace (using regular expressions)?

Try this:

String str = "5 * x^3 - 6 * x^1 + 1";
String replacedStr = str.replaceAll("\\^(\\d+)", "<sup>\$1</sup>");

Be sure to import java.util.regex.

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use

This solution is for windows:

  1. Open command prompt in Administrator Mode.
  2. Goto path: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin
  3. Run below command: mysqldump -h 127.0.01 -u root -proot db table1 table2 > result.sql

What does java.lang.Thread.interrupt() do?

Thread.interrupt() method sets internal 'interrupt status' flag. Usually that flag is checked by Thread.interrupted() method.

By convention, any method that exists via InterruptedException have to clear interrupt status flag.

how to compare two elements in jquery

For the record, jQuery has an is() function for this:

Note that a is already a jQuery instance.

How to round down to nearest integer in MySQL?


SELECT FLOOR(your_field) FROM your_table

How to upload a project to Github

Follow the instruction from RishiKesh Pathak above, you can even short the push command by inserting this command line one time only:

git config --global push.default simple

So next time instead of using git push origin master you just need:

git push

See details here.

How to send cookies in a post request with the Python Requests library?

The latest release of Requests will build CookieJars for you from simple dictionaries.

import requests

cookies = {'enwiki_session': '17ab96bd8ffbe8ca58a78657a918558'}

r ='', cookies=cookies)

Enjoy :)

Cassandra cqlsh - connection refused

Try to change the rpc_address to point to the node's IP instead of and specify the IP while connecting to the cqlsh, as if the IP is and the rpc_port left to the default value 9160 then the following should work:

cqlsh 9160 



Also make sure that start_rpc is set to true in /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml configuration file.

How to implement authenticated routes in React Router 4?

I know it's been a while but I've been working on an npm package for private and public routes.

Here's how to make a private route:

<PrivateRoute exact path="/private" authed={true} redirectTo="/login" component={Title} text="This is a private route"/>

And you can also make Public routes that only unauthed user can access

<PublicRoute exact path="/public" authed={false} redirectTo="/admin" component={Title} text="This route is for unauthed users"/>

I hope it helps!

AndroidStudio gradle proxy

in file (project root directory)

You must set proxy for http and https

if you set proxy from File -> Settings ->HTTP Proxy(Under IDE Settings) it only define http proxy and does not set https proxy