[postgresql] I forgot the password I entered during postgres installation

FOR WINDOWS: (what has helped me)

This is the link I am referring to: https://qsartoolbox.org/content/documents/ResettingPostgreSQLPassword.pdf

  1. Open your cmd and go to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\data This is usually the right path. You might have it stored somewhere else. Note that, if you have a different postgresql version, there will be a different number. That doesn't matter.

  2. Find a pg_hba.conf file and copy it to somewhere else (That way you will have an unmodified version of this file, so you will be able to look at it after we make some changes)

  3. Open pg_hba.conf file (not the backup, but the original)

  4. Find the multiple lines that start with host near the bottom of the file:

    host all all md5

    host all all ::1/128 md5

    host replication all md5

    host replication all ::1/128 md5

  5. Replace md5 with trust:

    host all all trust

    host all all ::1/128 trust

    host replication all trust

    host replication all ::1/128 trust

  6. Close this file

  7. Go to your search bar on windows and open Services app. Find postgres and restart it. picture of services app

  8. Write cd.. in cmd and then cd bin. Your path should be C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin

  9. Enter: psql -U postgres -h localhost

  10. Enter: ALTER USER postgres with password '<your new password>';Make sure that you include ; at the end “ALTER ROLE” should be displayed as an indication that the previous line was executed successfully

  11. Open original pg_hba.conf file and change back from trust to md5

  12. Restart the server with Services app as before

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