[c#] How to change time in DateTime?

How can I change only the time in my DateTime variable "s"?

DateTime s = some datetime;

This question is related to c# datetime time

The answer is

one liner

var date = DateTime.Now.Date.Add(new TimeSpan(4, 30, 0));

would bring back todays date with a time of 4:30:00, replace DateTime.Now with any date object

In fact, you can't change the time once it's created. But you can create it easily with many constructors: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime.-ctor?view=netframework-4.7.2

For example, if you want to create a DateTime changing Seconds, you can just do this:

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime secondschanged = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, yourseconds);

I prefer this:

DateTime s = //get some datetime;
s = new DateTime(s.Year, s.Month,s.Day,s.Hour,s.Minute,0);

If you have a DateTime like 2014/02/05 18:19:51 and want just 2014/02/05, you can do that:

_yourDateTime = new DateTime(_yourDateTime.Year, _yourDateTime.Month, _yourDateTime.Day)

DateTime is an immutable type, so you can't change it.

However, you can create a new DateTime instance based on your previous instance. In your case, it sounds like you need the Date property, and you can then add a TimeSpan that represents the time of day.

Something like this:

var newDt = s.Date + TimeSpan.FromHours(2);

Try this one

var NewDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy")+" "+"10:15 PM")/*Add your time here*/;

Use Date.Add and add a New TimeSpan with the new time you want to add

DateTime dt = DateTime.Now
dt.Date.Add(new TimeSpan(12,15,00))

//The fastest way to copy time            

DateTime justDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1); // 1/1/2011 12:00:00AM the date you will be adding time to, time ticks = 0
DateTime timeSource = new DateTime(1999, 2, 4, 10, 15, 30); // 2/4/1999 10:15:30AM - time tick = x

justDate = new DateTime(justDate.Date.Ticks + timeSource.TimeOfDay.Ticks);

Console.WriteLine(justDate); // 1/1/2011 10:15:30AM

When you construct your DateTime object, use a constructor that allows you to specify time:

var myDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01, 13, 37, 42);  // 2000-01-01 13:37:42

If you already have a DateTime object and wish to change the time, uou can add minutes, hours or seconds to your DateTime using simple methods:

var myDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01);              // 2000-01-01 00:00:00
myDateTime = myDateTime.AddHours(13);                     // 2000-01-01 13:00:00
myDateTime = myDateTime.AddMinutes(37);                   // 2000-01-01 13:37:00
myDateTime = myDateTime.AddSecounds(42);                  // 2000-01-01 13:37:42

Notice how we have to "save" the result from each method call to the myDateTime variable. This is because the DateTime is immutable, and its methods simply create new instances with the extra hours/minutes/seconds added.

If you need to add both hours and minutes (and/or seconds) and the same time, you can simplify the code by adding a TimeSpan to the original DateTime instead:

var myDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01);              // 2000-01-01 00:00:00
myDateTime += new TimeSpan(13, 37, 42);                   // 2000-01-01 13:37:42

If you want to set absolute hours/minues/seconds, rather than adding to the existing values, you can use the aforementioned DateTime constructor, and reuse values for year/month/day from earlier:

myDateTime = new DateTime(myDateTime.Year, myDateTime.Month, myDateTime.Day,
                          20, 33, 19)                     // 2000-01-01 20:33:19

You can assign an initial value to a new DateTime value in many different ways:

  • Extension Method

Extension method DateTime

    public static DateTime ChangeTime(this DateTime dateTime, int hours, int minutes, int seconds = default, int milliseconds = default)
        return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, dateTime.Kind);

then using ChangeTime:

    DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now; //Your DateTime
    datetime = datetime.ChangeTime(12, 20, 10);
  • using the Add methods

    DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now; //Your DateTime
    datetime = datetime.Date.AddHours(12).AddMinutes(20).AddSeconds(10);
  • using the Timespan

    DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now; //Your DateTime
    datetime = datetime.Date.Add(new TimeSpan(12, 20, 10));
  • using initial value

    DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
    datetime = new DateTime(datetime.Year, datetime.Month, datetime.Day, 12, 20, 10);

What's wrong with DateTime.AddSeconds method where you can add or substract seconds?

s = s.Date.AddHours(x).AddMinutes(y).AddSeconds(z);

In this way you preserve your date, while inserting a new hours, minutes and seconds part to your liking.

Alright I'm diving in with my suggestion, an extension method:

public static DateTime ChangeTime(this DateTime dateTime, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds)
    return new DateTime(

Then call:

DateTime myDate = DateTime.Now.ChangeTime(10,10,10,0);

It's important to note that this extension returns a new date object, so you can't do this:

DateTime myDate = DateTime.Now;

But you can do this:

DateTime myDate = DateTime.Now;
myDate = myDate.ChangeTime(10,10,10,0);

Here is a method you could use to do it for you, use it like this

DateTime newDataTime = ChangeDateTimePart(oldDateTime, DateTimePart.Seconds, 0);

Here is the method, there is probably a better way, but I just whipped this up:

public enum DateTimePart { Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds };
public DateTime ChangeDateTimePart(DateTime dt, DateTimePart part, int newValue)
    return new DateTime(
        part == DateTimePart.Years ? newValue : dt.Year,
        part == DateTimePart.Months ? newValue : dt.Month,
        part == DateTimePart.Days ? newValue : dt.Day,
        part == DateTimePart.Hours ? newValue : dt.Hour,
        part == DateTimePart.Minutes ? newValue : dt.Minute,
        part == DateTimePart.Seconds ? newValue : dt.Second

 Using an extencion to DateTime:  

        public enum eTimeFragment
        public static DateTime ClearTimeFrom(this DateTime dateToClear, eTimeFragment etf)
            DateTime dtRet = dateToClear;
            switch (etf)
                case eTimeFragment.hours:
                    dtRet = dateToClear.Date;
                case eTimeFragment.minutes:
                    dtRet = dateToClear.AddMinutes(dateToClear.Minute * -1);
                    dtRet = dtRet.ClearTimeFrom(eTimeFragment.seconds);
                case eTimeFragment.seconds:
                    dtRet = dateToClear.AddSeconds(dateToClear.Second * -1);
                    dtRet = dtRet.ClearTimeFrom(eTimeFragment.milliseconds);
                case eTimeFragment.milliseconds:
                    dtRet = dateToClear.AddMilliseconds(dateToClear.Millisecond * -1);
            return dtRet;


Use like this:

Console.WriteLine (DateTime.Now.ClearTimeFrom(eTimeFragment.hours))

this has to return: 2016-06-06 00:00:00.000

Doesn't that fix your problems??

Dateime dt = DateTime.Now;
dt = dt.AddSeconds(10);

Simplest solution :

DateTime s = //some Datetime that you want to change time for 8:36:44 ;
s = new DateTime(s.Year, s.Month, s.Day, 8, 36, 44);

And if you need a specific Date and Time Format :

s = new DateTime(s.Year, s.Month, s.Day, 8, 36, 44).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h:mm:ss");

The best solution is:

currdate.AddMilliseconds(currdate.Millisecond * -1).AddSeconds(currdate.Second * -1).AddMinutes(currdate.Minute * -1).AddHours(currdate.Hour * -1);

int year = 2012;
int month = 12;
int day = 24;
int hour = 0;
int min = 0;
int second = 23;
DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, second);

I have just come across this post because I had a similar issue whereby I wanted to set the time for an Entity Framework object in MVC that gets the date from a view (datepicker) so the time component is 00:00:00 but I need it to be the current time. Based on the answers in this post I came up with:

myEntity.FromDate += DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;

Happened upon this post as I was looking for the same functionality this could possibly do what the guy wanted. Take the original date and replace the time part

DateTime dayOpen = DateTime.Parse(processDay.ToShortDateString() + " 05:00 AM");

Adding .Date to your date sets it to midnight (00:00).


Note The equivavalent SQL is CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(DATE, @MyDate))

What makes this method so good is that it's both quick to type and easy to read. A bonus is that there is no conversion from strings.

I.e. To set today's date to 23:30, use:


You can of course replace DateTime.Now or MyDate with any date of your choice.

DateTime ts = DateTime.Now;
ts = new DateTime ( ts.Year, ts.Month, ts.Day, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
Console.WriteLine ( "Today = " + ts.ToString("M/dd/yy HH:mm:ss") ) ;

Executed: Today = 9/04/15 00:00:00

here is a ghetto way, but it works :)

DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; //get a DateTime variable for the example
string newSecondsValue = "00";
dt = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:" + newSecondsValue));

  DateTime s;
//s = datevalue
                s = s.AddMilliseconds(10);
                s = s.AddMinutes(10);
                s = s.AddSeconds(10);
                s = s.AddHours(10);

you could add +ve/-ve values in parameter.

s.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 1, 1));

Since DateTime is immutable, a new instance has to be created when a date component needs to be changed. Unfortunately, there is no built-in functionality to set individual components of a DateTime instance.

Using the following extension methods

public static DateTime SetPart(this DateTime dateTime, int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? second)
    return new DateTime(
        year ?? dateTime.Year,
        month ?? dateTime.Month,
        day ?? dateTime.Day,
        hour ?? dateTime.Hour,
        minute ?? dateTime.Minute,
        second ?? dateTime.Second

public static DateTime SetYear(this DateTime dateTime, int year)
    return dateTime.SetPart(year, null, null, null, null, null);

public static DateTime SetMonth(this DateTime dateTime, int month)
    return dateTime.SetPart(null, month, null, null, null, null);

public static DateTime SetDay(this DateTime dateTime, int day)
    return dateTime.SetPart(null, null, day, null, null, null);

public static DateTime SetHour(this DateTime dateTime, int hour)
    return dateTime.SetPart(null, null, null, hour, null, null);

public static DateTime SetMinute(this DateTime dateTime, int minute)
    return dateTime.SetPart(null, null, null, null, minute, null);

public static DateTime SetSecond(this DateTime dateTime, int second)
    return dateTime.SetPart(null, null, null, null, null, second);

you can set individual DateTime components like

var now = DateTime.Now;


If you already have the time stored in another DateTime object you can use the Add method.

DateTime dateToUse = DateTime.Now();
DateTime timeToUse = new DateTime(2012, 2, 4, 10, 15, 30); //10:15:30 AM

DateTime dateWithRightTime = dateToUse.Date.Add(timeToUse.TimeOfDay);

The TimeOfDay property is a TimeSpan object and can be passed to the Add method. And since we use the Date property of the dateToUse variable we get just the date and add the time span.

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