[c#] Sorting a list using Lambda/Linq to objects

You could use reflection to access the property.

public List<Employee> Sort(List<Employee> list, String sortBy, String sortDirection)
   PropertyInfo property = list.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0].

   if (sortDirection == "ASC")
      return list.OrderBy(e => property.GetValue(e, null));
   if (sortDirection == "DESC")
      return list.OrderByDescending(e => property.GetValue(e, null));
      throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();


  1. Why do you pass the list by reference?
  2. You should use a enum for the sort direction.
  3. You could get a much cleaner solution if you would pass a lambda expression specifying the property to sort by instead of the property name as a string.
  4. In my example list == null will cause a NullReferenceException, you should catch this case.

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