This can be achieved through LINQ with grouping, here a list of items pointed as a data source to the actual grid view. Sample pseudo code which could help coding the actual.
var tabelDetails =(from li in dc.My_table
join m in dc.Table_One on li.ID equals m.ID
join c in dc.Table_two on li.OtherID equals c.ID
where //Condition
group new { m, li, c } by new
} into g
select new
Name = g.Key.FullName,
sponsorBonus= g.Where(s => s.c.Name == "sponsorBonus").Count(),
pairingBonus = g.Where(s => s.c.Name == "pairingBonus").Count(),
staticBonus = g.Where(s => s.c.Name == "staticBonus").Count(),
leftBonus = g.Where(s => s.c.Name == "leftBonus").Count(),
rightBonus = g.Where(s => s.c.Name == "rightBonus").Count(),
Total = g.Count() //Row wise Total
}).OrderBy(t => t.Name).ToList();
tabelDetails.Insert(tabelDetails.Count(), new //This data will be the last row of the grid
Name = "Total", //Column wise total
sponsorBonus = tabelDetails.Sum(s => s.sponsorBonus),
pairingBonus = tabelDetails.Sum(s => s.pairingBonus),
staticBonus = tabelDetails.Sum(s => s.staticBonus),
leftBonus = tabelDetails.Sum(s => s.leftBonus),
rightBonus = tabelDetails.Sum(s => s.rightBonus ),
Total = tabelDetails.Sum(s => s.Total)