[r] Select first and last row from grouped data

I know the question specified dplyr. But, since others already posted solutions using other packages, I decided to have a go using other packages too:

Base package:

df <- df[with(df, order(id, stopSequence, stopId)), ]
merge(df[!duplicated(df$id), ], 
      df[!duplicated(df$id, fromLast = TRUE), ], 
      all = TRUE)


df <-  setDT(df)
df[order(id, stopSequence)][, .SD[c(1,.N)], by=id]


min <- sqldf("SELECT id, stopId, min(stopSequence) AS StopSequence
      FROM df GROUP BY id 
      ORDER BY id, StopSequence, stopId")
max <- sqldf("SELECT id, stopId, max(stopSequence) AS StopSequence
      FROM df GROUP BY id 
      ORDER BY id, StopSequence, stopId")
sqldf("SELECT * FROM min
      SELECT * FROM max")

In one query:

sqldf("SELECT * 
        FROM (SELECT id, stopId, min(stopSequence) AS StopSequence
              FROM df GROUP BY id 
              ORDER BY id, StopSequence, stopId)
        SELECT *
        FROM (SELECT id, stopId, max(stopSequence) AS StopSequence
              FROM df GROUP BY id 
              ORDER BY id, StopSequence, stopId)")


  id stopId StopSequence
1  1      a            1
2  1      c            3
3  2      b            1
4  2      c            4
5  3      a            3
6  3      b            1