Programs & Examples On #Abcpdf

ABCpdf is WebSupergoo's software component for generating and manipulating PDF documents dynamically on Windows based systems, supporting the Microsoft .NET Framework and ASP/COM.

Wait until all jQuery Ajax requests are done?

To expand upon Alex's answer, I have an example with variable arguments and promises. I wanted to load images via ajax and display them on the page after they all loaded.

To do that, I used the following:

let urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL;

// Helper function for making ajax requests
let fetch = function(url) {
    return $.ajax({
        type: "get",
        xhrFields: {
            responseType: "blob"
        url: url,

// Map the array of urls to an array of ajax requests
let urls = ["", ""];
let files = => fetch(url));

// Use the spread operator to wait for all requests
$.when(...files).then(function() {
    // If we have multiple urls, then loop through
    if(urls.length > 1) {
        // Create image urls and tags for each result
        Array.from(arguments).forEach(data => {
            let imageUrl = urlCreator.createObjectURL(data[0]);
            let img = `<img src=${imageUrl}>`;
    else {
        // Create image source and tag for result
        let imageUrl = urlCreator.createObjectURL(arguments[0]);
        let img = `<img src=${imageUrl}>`;

Updated to work for either single or multiple urls:

VBA, if a string contains a certain letter

Not sure if this is what you're after, but it will loop through the range that you gave it and if it finds an "A" it will remove it from the cell. I'm not sure what oldStr is used for...

Private Sub foo()
Dim myString As String
RowCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))

For i = 2 To RowCount
    myString = Trim(Cells(i, 1).Value)
    If InStr(myString, "A") > 0 Then
        Cells(i, 1).Value = Left(myString, InStr(myString, "A"))
    End If
End Sub

How can I render repeating React elements?

You can put expressions inside braces. Notice in the compiled JavaScript why a for loop would never be possible inside JSX syntax; JSX amounts to function calls and sugared function arguments. Only expressions are allowed.

(Also: Remember to add key attributes to components rendered inside loops.)

JSX + ES2015:

render() {
  return (
    <table className="MyClassName">
          { =>
            <th key={title}>{title}</th>
        {, i) =>
          <tr key={i}>
            {, j) =>
              <td key={j}>{col}</td>


render: function() {
  return (
    React.DOM.table({className: "MyClassName"}, 
            return{key: title}, title);
      React.DOM.tbody(null,, i) {
          return (
  {key: i}, 
    , j) {
                return{key: j}, col);

File Upload In Angular?

This is useful tutorial, how to upload file using the ng2-file-upload and WITHOUT ng2-file-upload.

For me it helps a lot.

At the moment, tutorial contains a couple of mistakes:

1- Client should have same upload url as a server, so in app.component.ts change line

const URL = 'http://localhost:8000/api/upload';


const URL = 'http://localhost:3000';

2- Server send response as 'text/html', so in app.component.ts change

.post(URL, formData).map((res:Response) => res.json()).subscribe(
  //map the success function and alert the response
  (success) => {
  (error) => alert(error))


.post(URL, formData)  
.subscribe((success) => alert('success'), (error) => alert(error));

exception in initializer error in java when using Netbeans

Hope this helps...

class SomeClass{
  //Code snippet here...

Code snippet 1: Absolutely OK - all checked exceptions handled

static void m1(){
            throw new Exception();
        } catch(Exception e){

Code snippet 2: Won't compile - unreported checked exception

static void m1() throws Exception{
        throw new Exception();

Code snippet 3: OK (see code snippet 1)

static void m1() throws Exception{
        throw new Exception();
        catch(Exception e){
            //or whatever

Code snippet 4: Compilation error, initilalizer must be able to complete normally

        throw new RuntimeException();

Basically it boils down to this:

  1. Inside the static block, every checked exception MUST have a handler.
  2. If a RuntimeException were to occur, it would be wrapped in ExceptionInInitializerError and then the latter would be thrown.

This makes sense as A CLASS SHOULD BE ABLE TO COMPLETE INITIALIZATION NORMALLY. If this happens to be a problem, this should be categorized as an Error (from which recovery is usually difficult or impossible) rather than an Exception (which is usually recoverable)...

Node.js: get path from the request

var http = require('http');
var url  = require('url');
var fs   = require('fs');

var neededstats = [];

http.createServer(function(req, res) {
    if (req.url == '/index.html' || req.url == '/') {
        fs.readFile('./index.html', function(err, data) {
    } else {
        var p = __dirname + '/' + req.params.filepath;
        fs.stat(p, function(err, stats) {
            if (err) {
                throw err;
}).listen(8080, '');
console.log('Server running.');

I have not tested your code but other things works

If you want to get the path info from request url

 var url_parts = url.parse(req.url);

1.If you are getting the URL parameters still not able to read the file just correct your file path in my example. If you place index.html in same directory as server code it would work...

2.if you have big folder structure that you want to host using node then I would advise you to use some framework like expressjs

If you want raw solution to file path

var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");

function start() {
function onRequest(request, response) {
    var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
    console.log("Request for " + pathname + " received.");
    response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
    response.write("Hello World");

console.log("Server has started.");

exports.start = start;

source :

Load local javascript file in chrome for testing?

If you are trying to just test the functionality of your javascript file: create a blank html file, add a link to your js file as you would normally load a js file from html, and open the html file in Chrome. Go to the javascript console. You'll be able to interact with the functionality of your js code as usual. You wouldn't need to set up a server for this. If still not clear, here's an example:

            <script type = "text/javascript" src = "path/to/your/jsfile"></script>

Effect of NOLOCK hint in SELECT statements

1) Yes, a select with NOLOCK will complete faster than a normal select.

2) Yes, a select with NOLOCK will allow other queries against the effected table to complete faster than a normal select.

Why would this be?

NOLOCK typically (depending on your DB engine) means give me your data, and I don't care what state it is in, and don't bother holding it still while you read from it. It is all at once faster, less resource-intensive, and very very dangerous.

You should be warned to never do an update from or perform anything system critical, or where absolute correctness is required using data that originated from a NOLOCK read. It is absolutely possible that this data contains rows that were deleted during the query's run or that have been deleted in other sessions that have yet to be finalized. It is possible that this data includes rows that have been partially updated. It is possible that this data contains records that violate foreign key constraints. It is possible that this data excludes rows that have been added to the table but have yet to be committed.

You really have no way to know what the state of the data is.

If you're trying to get things like a Row Count or other summary data where some margin of error is acceptable, then NOLOCK is a good way to boost performance for these queries and avoid having them negatively impact database performance.

Always use the NOLOCK hint with great caution and treat any data it returns suspiciously.

Remove empty space before cells in UITableView

In the Storyboard , set the contentInsets of your tableview to Never

enter image description here

Postgresql, update if row with some unique value exists, else insert

If INSERTS are rare, I would avoid doing a NOT EXISTS (...) since it emits a SELECT on all updates. Instead, take a look at wildpeaks answer:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION upsert_tableName(arg1 type, arg2 type) RETURNS VOID AS $$ 
        UPDATE tableName SET col1 = value WHERE colX = arg1 and colY = arg2; 
        INSERT INTO tableName values (value, arg1, arg2); 
        END IF; 
    $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; 

This way Postgres will initially try to do a UPDATE. If no rows was affected, it will fall back to emitting an INSERT.

Visualizing decision tree in scikit-learn

I copy and change a part of your code as the below:

from pandas import read_csv, DataFrame
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from os import system

data = read_csv('D:/training.csv')
Y = data.Y
X = data.ix[:,"X0":"X33"]

dtree = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion = "entropy")
dtree =, Y)

After making sure you have dtree, which means that the above code runs well, you add the below code to visualize decision tree:

Remember to install graphviz first: pip install graphviz

import graphviz 
from graphviz import Source
dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(dtree, out_file=None, feature_names=X.columns)
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data) 
graph.render("name of file",view = True)

I tried with my data, visualization worked well and I got a pdf file viewed immediately.

Python 3: UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment

I don't like this behavior, but this is how Python works. The question has already been answered by others, but for completeness, let me point out that Python 2 has more such quirks.

def f(x):
    return x

def main():
    print f(3)
    if (True):
        print [f for f in [1, 2, 3]]


Python 2.7.6 returns an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
  File "", line 5, in main
    print f(3)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'f' referenced before assignment

Python sees the f is used as a local variable in [f for f in [1, 2, 3]], and decides that it is also a local variable in f(3). You could add a global f statement:

def f(x):
    return x

def main():
    global f
    print f(3)
    if (True):
        print [f for f in [1, 2, 3]]


It does work; however, f becomes 3 at the end... That is, print [f for f in [1, 2, 3]] now changes the global variable f to 3, so it is not a function any more.

Fortunately, it works fine in Python3 after adding the parentheses to print.

How do I create a HTTP Client Request with a cookie?

The use of http.createClient is now deprecated. You can pass Headers in options collection as below.

var options = { 
    hostname: '',
    path: '/somePath.php',
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {'Cookie': 'myCookie=myvalue'}
var results = ''; 
var req = http.request(options, function(res) {
    res.on('data', function (chunk) {
        results = results + chunk;
    res.on('end', function () {

req.on('error', function(e) {


Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

try to replace the text/javascript to text/html then save the note and reload browser then bring it back to text/javascript.. I don't know but for unknown reason this one works with me.. I am searching and copy-pasting and I just accidentally undo what I am typing then boom kablooey it worked 0.O by the way I am just noob.. sorry I just thought it could help though..

Checking if form has been submitted - PHP

Try this

 <form action="" method="POST" id="formaddtask">
      Add Task: <input type="text"name="newtaskname" />
      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

    //Check if the form is submitted
    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_POST['newtaskname'])){


How can I Convert HTML to Text in C#?

I've heard from a reliable source that, if you're doing HTML parsing in .Net, you should look at the HTML agility pack again..

Some sample on SO..

HTML Agility pack - parsing tables

How do I handle a click anywhere in the page, even when a certain element stops the propagation?

What you really want to do is bind the event handler for the capture phase of the event. However, that isn't supported in IE as far as I know, so that might not be all that useful.

Related questions:

How to get absolute value from double - c-language

I have found that using cabs(double), cabsf(float), cabsl(long double), __cabsf(float), __cabs(double), __cabsf(long double) is the solution

How can I echo the whole content of a .html file in PHP?

You should use readfile():


This will read the file and send it to the browser in one command. This is essentially the same as:

echo file_get_contents("/path/to/file");

except that file_get_contents() may cause the script to crash for large files, while readfile() won't.

Creating a chart in Excel that ignores #N/A or blank cells

One solution is that the chart/graph doesn't show the hidden rows.

You can test this features doing: 1)right click on row number 2)click on hide.

For doing it automatically, this is the simple code:

For Each r In worksheet.Range("A1:A200")
   If r.Value = "" Then 
      r.EntireRow.Hidden = True 
      r.EntireRow.Hidden = False

Angular Material: mat-select not selecting default


   optionsFG: FormGroup;
   this.optionsFG ={
       optionValue: [null, Validators.required]

   this.optionsFG.get('optionValue').setValue(option[0]); //option is the arrayName


   <div class="text-right" [formGroup]="optionsFG">
         <mat-select placeholder="Category" formControlName="optionValue">
           <mat-option *ngFor="let option of options;let i =index" [value]="option">

How to get annotations of a member variable?

Everybody describes issue with getting annotations, but the problem is in definition of your annotation. You should to add to your annotation definition a @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME):

public @interface MyAnnotation{
    int id();

How can I get javascript to read from a .json file?

Assuming you mean "file on a local filesystem" when you say .json file.

You'll need to save the json data formatted as jsonp, and use a file:// url to access it.

Your HTML will look like this:

<script src="file://c:\\data\\activity.jsonp"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  function updateMe(){
    var x = 0;
    var activity=jsonstr;
    foreach (i in activity) {
        date = document.getElementById( =;
        event = document.getElementById(i.event).innerHTML = activity.event;

And the file c:\data\activity.jsonp contains the following line:

jsonstr = [ {"date":"July 4th", "event":"Independence Day"} ];

How does numpy.newaxis work and when to use it?

What is np.newaxis?

The np.newaxis is just an alias for the Python constant None, which means that wherever you use np.newaxis you could also use None:

>>> np.newaxis is None

It's just more descriptive if you read code that uses np.newaxis instead of None.

How to use np.newaxis?

The np.newaxis is generally used with slicing. It indicates that you want to add an additional dimension to the array. The position of the np.newaxis represents where I want to add dimensions.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(10)
>>> a
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
>>> a.shape

In the first example I use all elements from the first dimension and add a second dimension:

>>> a[:, np.newaxis]
>>> a[:, np.newaxis].shape
(10, 1)

The second example adds a dimension as first dimension and then uses all elements from the first dimension of the original array as elements in the second dimension of the result array:

>>> a[np.newaxis, :]  # The output has 2 [] pairs!
array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]])
>>> a[np.newaxis, :].shape
(1, 10)

Similarly you can use multiple np.newaxis to add multiple dimensions:

>>> a[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]  # note the 3 [] pairs in the output
>>> a[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis].shape
(1, 10, 1)

Are there alternatives to np.newaxis?

There is another very similar functionality in NumPy: np.expand_dims, which can also be used to insert one dimension:

>>> np.expand_dims(a, 1)  # like a[:, np.newaxis]
>>> np.expand_dims(a, 0)  # like a[np.newaxis, :]

But given that it just inserts 1s in the shape you could also reshape the array to add these dimensions:

>>> a.reshape(a.shape + (1,))  # like a[:, np.newaxis]
>>> a.reshape((1,) + a.shape)  # like a[np.newaxis, :]

Most of the times np.newaxis is the easiest way to add dimensions, but it's good to know the alternatives.

When to use np.newaxis?

In several contexts is adding dimensions useful:

  • If the data should have a specified number of dimensions. For example if you want to use matplotlib.pyplot.imshow to display a 1D array.

  • If you want NumPy to broadcast arrays. By adding a dimension you could for example get the difference between all elements of one array: a - a[:, np.newaxis]. This works because NumPy operations broadcast starting with the last dimension 1.

  • To add a necessary dimension so that NumPy can broadcast arrays. This works because each length-1 dimension is simply broadcast to the length of the corresponding1 dimension of the other array.

1 If you want to read more about the broadcasting rules the NumPy documentation on that subject is very good. It also includes an example with np.newaxis:

>>> a = np.array([0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0])
>>> b = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
>>> a[:, np.newaxis] + b
array([[  1.,   2.,   3.],
       [ 11.,  12.,  13.],
       [ 21.,  22.,  23.],
       [ 31.,  32.,  33.]])

How to enable or disable an anchor using jQuery?

For situations where you must put text or html content within an anchor tag, but you simply don't want any action to be taken at all when that element is clicked (like when you want a paginator link to be in the disabled state because it's the current page), simply cut out the href. ;)

<a>3 (current page, I'm totally disabled!)</a>

The answer by @michael-meadows tipped me off to this, but his was still addressing scenarios where you still have to / are working with jQuery/JS. In this case, if you have control over writing the html itself, simply x-ing the href tag is all you need to do, so the solution is a pure HTML one!

Other solutions without jQuery finagling which keep the href require you to put a # in the href, but that causes the page to bounce to the top, and you just want it to be plain old disabled. Or leaving it empty, but depending on browser, that still does stuff like jump to the top, and, it is invalid HTML according to the IDEs. But apparently an a tag is totally valid HTML without an HREF.

Lastly, you might say: Okay, why not just dump the a tag altogether than? Because often you can't, the a tag is used for styling purposes in the CSS framework or control you're using, like Bootstrap's paginator:

How do I stop/start a scheduled task on a remote computer programmatically?

schtasks /change /disable /tn "Name Of Task" /s REMOTEMACHINENAME /u mydomain\administrator /p adminpassword 

Locate Git installation folder on Mac OS X

simply type in which git in your terminal window and it will show you exactly where it was installed.

Java HashMap performance optimization / alternative

Getting into the gray area of "on/off topic", but necessary to eliminate confusion regarding Oscar Reyes suggestion that more hash collisions is a good thing because it reduces the number of elements in the HashMap. I may misunderstand what Oscar is saying, but I don't seem to be the only one: kdgregory, delfuego, Nash0, and I all seem to share the same (mis)understanding.

If I understand what Oscar is saying about the same class with the same hashcode, he's proposing that only one instance of a class with a given hashcode will be inserted into the HashMap. Eg, if I have an instance of SomeClass with a hashcode of 1 and a second instance of SomeClass with a hashcode of 1, only one instance of SomeClass is inserted.

The Java pastebin example at seems to indicate the above correctly summarizes what Oscar is proposing.

Regardless of any understanding or misunderstanding, what happens is different instances of the same class do not get inserted only once into the HashMap if they have the same hashcode - not until it's determined whether the keys are equal or not. The hashcode contract requires that equal objects have the same hashcode; however, it doesn't require that unequal objects have different hashcodes (although this may be desirable for other reasons)[1].

The example (which Oscar refers to at least twice) follows, but modified slightly to use JUnit assertions rather than printlines. This example is used to support the proposal that the same hashcodes cause collisions and when the classes are the same only one entry is created (eg, only one String in this specific case):

public void shouldOverwriteWhenEqualAndHashcodeSame() {
    String s = new String("ese");
    String ese = new String("ese");
    // same hash right?
    assertEquals(s.hashCode(), ese.hashCode());
    // same class
    assertEquals(s.getClass(), ese.getClass());
    // AND equal

    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put(s, 1);
    map.put(ese, 2);
    SomeClass some = new SomeClass();
    // still  same hash right?
    assertEquals(s.hashCode(), ese.hashCode());
    assertEquals(s.hashCode(), some.hashCode());

    map.put(some, 3);
    // what would we get?
    assertEquals(2, map.size());

    assertEquals(2, map.get("ese"));
    assertEquals(3, map.get(some));

    assertTrue(s.equals(ese) && s.equals("ese"));

class SomeClass {
    public int hashCode() {
        return 100727;

However, the hashcode isn't the complete story. What the pastebin example neglects is the fact that both s and ese are equal: they are both the string "ese". Thus, inserting or getting the contents of the map using s or ese or "ese" as the key are all equivalent because s.equals(ese) && s.equals("ese").

A second test demonstrates it is erroneous to conclude that identical hashcodes on the same class is the reason the key -> value s -> 1 is overwritten by ese -> 2 when map.put(ese, 2) is called in test one. In test two, s and ese still have the same hashcode (as verified by assertEquals(s.hashCode(), ese.hashCode());) AND they are the same class. However, s and ese are MyString instances in this test, not Java String instances - with the only difference relevant for this test being the equals: String s equals String ese in test one above, whereas MyStrings s does not equal MyString ese in test two:

public void shouldInsertWhenNotEqualAndHashcodeSame() {
    MyString s = new MyString("ese");
    MyString ese = new MyString("ese");
    // same hash right?
    assertEquals(s.hashCode(), ese.hashCode());
    // same class
    assertEquals(s.getClass(), ese.getClass());
    // BUT not equal

    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put(s, 1);
    map.put(ese, 2);
    SomeClass some = new SomeClass();
    // still  same hash right?
    assertEquals(s.hashCode(), ese.hashCode());
    assertEquals(s.hashCode(), some.hashCode());

    map.put(some, 3);
    // what would we get?
    assertEquals(3, map.size());

    assertEquals(1, map.get(s));
    assertEquals(2, map.get(ese));
    assertEquals(3, map.get(some));

 * NOTE: equals is not overridden so the default implementation is used
 * which means objects are only equal if they're the same instance, whereas
 * the actual Java String class compares the value of its contents.
class MyString {
    String i;

    MyString(String i) {
        this.i = i;

    public int hashCode() {
        return 100727;

Based on a later comment, Oscar seems to reverse what he's said earlier and acknowledges the importance of equals. However, it still seems the notion that equals is what matters, not the "same class", is unclear (emphasis mine):

"Not really. The list is created only if the hash is the same, but the key is different. For instance if a String give hashcode 2345 and and Integer gives the same hashcode 2345, then the integer is inserted into the list because String.equals( Integer ) is false. But if you have the same class ( or at least .equals returns true ) then the same entry is used. For instance new String("one") and `new String("one") used as keys, will use the same entry. Actually this is the WHOLE point of HashMap in first place! See for yourself: – Oscar Reyes"

versus earlier comments that explicitly address the importance of identical class and same hashcode, with no mention of equals:

"@delfuego: See for yourself: So, in this question the same class is being used ( wait a minute, the same class is being used right? ) Which implies that when the same hash is used the same entry is used and there is not "list" of entries. – Oscar Reyes"


"Actually this would increase the performance. The more collisions eq less entries in the hashtable eq. less work to do. Is not the hash ( which looks fine ) nor the hashtable ( which works great ) I'd bet it is on the object creation where the performance is degrading. – Oscar Reyes"


"@kdgregory: Yes, but only if the collision happens with different classes, for the same class ( which is the case ) the same entry is used. – Oscar Reyes"

Again, I may misunderstand what Oscar was actually trying to say. However, his original comments have caused enough confusion that it seems prudent to clear everything up with some explicit tests so there are no lingering doubts.

[1] - From Effective Java, Second Edition by Joshua Bloch:

  • Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of an application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equal s comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.

  • If two objects are equal according to the equal s(Obj ect) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.

  • It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equal s(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables.

Switch on Enum in Java

You actually can switch on enums, but you can't switch on Strings until Java 7. You might consider using polymorphic method dispatch with Java enums rather than an explicit switch. Note that enums are objects in Java, not just symbols for ints like they are in C/C++. You can have a method on an enum type, then instead of writing a switch, just call the method - one line of code: done!

enum MyEnum {
        public void method() {
            System.out.println("first enum constant behavior!");
        public void method() {
            System.out.println("second enum constant behavior!");
    }; // note the semi-colon after the final constant, not just a comma!
    public abstract void method(); // could also be in an interface that MyEnum implements

void aMethodSomewhere(final MyEnum e) {
    e.method(); // here is where the switch would be, now it's one line of code!

laravel 5.4 upload image

Intervention Image is an open source PHP image handling and manipulation library

This library provides a lot of useful features:

Basic Examples

// open an image file
$img = Image::make('public/foo.jpg');

// now you are able to resize the instance
$img->resize(320, 240);

// and insert a watermark for example

// finally we save the image as a new file

Method chaining:

$img = Image::make('public/foo.jpg')->resize(320, 240)->insert('public/watermark.png');

Tips: (In your case)

Tips 1:

// Tell the validator input file should be an image & check this validation
$rules = array(
  'image' => 'mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,gif,svg  // allowed type
              |required                  // is required field
              |max:2048'               // max 2MB
              |min:1024               // min 1MB
// validator Rules
$validator = Validator::make($request->only('image'), $rules);

// Check validation (fail or pass)
if ($validator->fails())
    //Error do your staff
} else
    //Success do your staff

Tips 2:

   $this->validate($request, [
        'input_img' => 


function imageUpload(Request $request) {

   if ($request->hasFile('input_img')) {  //check the file present or not
       $image = $request->file('input_img'); //get the file
       $name = "//what every you want concatenate".'.'.$image->getClientOriginalExtension(); //get the  file extention
       $destinationPath = public_path('/images'); //public path folder dir
       $image->move($destinationPath, $name);  //mve to destination you mentioned 
       $image->save(); //

Different names of JSON property during serialization and deserialization

It's possible to have normal getter/setter pair. You just need to specify access mode in @JsonProperty

Here is unit test for that:

public class JsonPropertyTest {

  private static class TestJackson {

    private String color;

    @JsonProperty(value = "device_color", access = JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY)
    public String getColor() {
      return color;

    @JsonProperty(value = "color", access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY)
    public void setColor(String color) {
      this.color = color;


  public void shouldParseWithAccessModeSpecified() throws Exception {
    String colorJson = "{\"color\":\"red\"}";
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    TestJackson colotObject = mapper.readValue(colorJson, TestJackson.class);

    String ser = mapper.writeValueAsString(colotObject);
    System.out.println("Serialized colotObject: " + ser);

I got the output as follows:

Serialized colotObject: {"device_color":"red"}

Passing parameters in rails redirect_to

Route your path, and take the params, and return:

redirect_to controller: "client", action: "get_name", params: request.query_parameters and return

MySQL Error 1093 - Can't specify target table for update in FROM clause

If you can't do

UPDATE table SET a=value WHERE x IN
    (SELECT x FROM table WHERE condition);

because it is the same table, you can trick and do :

UPDATE table SET a=value WHERE x IN
    (SELECT * FROM (SELECT x FROM table WHERE condition) as t)

[update or delete or whatever]

How to check if an element does NOT have a specific class?

sdleihssirhc's answer is of course the correct one for the case in the question, but just as a reference if you need to select elements that don't have a certain class, you can use the not selector:

// select all divs that don't have class test
$( 'div' ).not( ".test" );
$( 'div:not(.test)' );  // <-- alternative 

Reading tab-delimited file with Pandas - works on Windows, but not on Mac

The biggest clue is the rows are all being returned on one line. This indicates line terminators are being ignored or are not present.

You can specify the line terminator for csv_reader. If you are on a mac the lines created will end with \rrather than the linux standard \n or better still the suspenders and belt approach of windows with \r\n.

pandas.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', lineterminator='\r')

You could also open all your data using the codecs package. This may increase robustness at the expense of document loading speed.

import codecs

doc ='document','rU','UTF-16') #open for reading with "universal" type set

df = pandas.read_csv(doc, sep='\t')

How to recover just deleted rows in mysql?

Unfortunately, no. If you were running the server in default config, go get your backups (you have backups, right?) - generally, a database doesn't keep previous versions of your data, or a revision of changes: only the current state.

(Alternately, if you have deleted the data through a custom frontend, it is quite possible that the frontend doesn't actually issue a DELETE: many tables have a is_deleted field or similar, and this is simply toggled by the frontend. Note that this is a "soft delete" implemented in the frontend app - the data is not actually deleted in such cases; if you actually issued a DELETE, TRUNCATE or a similar SQL command, this is not applicable.)

Get month and year from a datetime in SQL Server 2005

the best way to do that is with :


it will keep your datetime type

How to create a jQuery function (a new jQuery method or plugin)?

While there is a plethora of documentation / tutorials out there, the simple answer for your question is this:

// to create a jQuery function, you basically just extend the jQuery prototype
// (using the fn alias)

$.fn.myfunction = function () {
    // blah

Inside that function, the this variable corresponds to the jQuery wrapped set you called your function on. So something like:

$.fn.myfunction = function () {


... will flush to the console the number of elements with the class foo.

Of course, there is a bit more to semantics than that (as well as best practices, and all that jazz), so make sure you read up on it.

Is there a way to list all resources in AWS

You can use the Tag Editor.

  1. Go to AWS Console
  2. In the TOP Navigation Pane, click Resource Groups Dropdown
  3. Click Tag Editor AWS list all resources across all regions

Here we can select either a particular region in which we want to search or select all regions from the dropdown. Then we can select actual resources which we want to search or we can also click on individual resources.

enter image description here

how to setup ssh keys for jenkins to publish via ssh

For Windows:

  1. Install the necessary plugins for the repository (ex: GitHub install GitHub and GitHub Authentication plugins) in Jenkins.
  2. You can generate a key with Putty key generator, or by running the following command in git bash: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C [email protected]
  3. Private key must be OpenSSH. You can convert your private key to OpenSSH in putty key generator
  4. SSH keys come in pairs, public and private. Public keys are inserted in the repository to be cloned. Private keys are saved as credentials in Jenkins
  5. You need to copy the SSH URL not the HTTPS to work with ssh keys.

Place a button right aligned

This solution depends on Bootstrap 3, as pointed out by @günther-jena

Try <a class="btn text-right">Call to Action</a>. This way you don't need extra markup or rules to clear out floated elements.

Android charting libraries


You can create a plethora of different chart types relatively quickly with loads of customizable options.

Wait Until File Is Completely Written

When the file is writing in binary(byte by byte),create FileStream and above solutions Not working,because file is ready and wrotted in every bytes,so in this Situation you need other workaround like this: Do this when file created or you want to start processing on file

long fileSize = 0;
currentFile = new FileInfo(path);

while (fileSize < currentFile.Length)//check size is stable or increased
  fileSize = currentFile.Length;//get current size
  System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500);//wait a moment for processing copy
  currentFile.Refresh();//refresh length value

//Now file is ready for any process!

How can I position my div at the bottom of its container?

Yes you can do this without absolute positioning and without using tables (which screw with markup and such).

This is tested to work on IE>7, chrome, FF & is a really easy thing to add to your existing layout.

<div id="container">
    Some content you don't want affected by the "bottom floating" div
    <div>supports not just text</div>

    <div class="foot">
        Some other content you want kept to the bottom
        <div>this is in a div</div>
#container {
    display : table;

.foot {
    display : table-row;
    vertical-align : bottom;
    height : 1px;

It effectively does what float:bottom would, even accounting for the issue pointed out in @Rick Reilly's answer!

Initialize class fields in constructor or at declaration?

I think there is one caveat. I once committed such an error: Inside of a derived class, I tried to "initialize at declaration" the fields inherited from an abstract base class. The result was that there existed two sets of fields, one is "base" and another is the newly declared ones, and it cost me quite some time to debug.

The lesson: to initialize inherited fields, you'd do it inside of the constructor.

Can't install any packages in Node.js using "npm install"

I found the there is a certificate expired issue with:

npm set registry

So I made it http, not https :-

npm set registry

And have no problems so far.

Serialize Class containing Dictionary member

Dictionaries and Hashtables are not serializable with XmlSerializer. Therefore you cannot use them directly. A workaround would be to use the XmlIgnore attribute to hide those properties from the serializer and expose them via a list of serializable key-value pairs.

PS: constructing an XmlSerializer is very expensive, so always cache it if there is a chance of being able to re-use it.

What is Shelving in TFS?

That's right. If you create a shelf, other people doing a get latest won't see your code.

It puts your code changes onto the server, which is probably better backed up than your work PC.

It enables you to pick up your changes on another machine, should you feel the urge to work from home.

Others can see your shelves (though I think this may be optional) so they can review your code prior to a check-in.

C++, copy set to vector

set<T> s;
vector<T> v;
v.assign(s.begin(), s.end());

Find html label associated with a given input

I am bit surprised no one is suggesting to use the CSS relationship method?

in a style sheet you can reference a label from the element selector:


//for input element with class 'YYY'
input.YYY + label {}


if the checkbox has an id of 'XXX' then the label would be found through jQuery by:

$('#XXX + label');

You can also apply .find('+ label') to return the label from a jQuery checkbox element, ie useful when looping:

$('input[type=checkbox]').each( function(){
   $(this).find('+ label');

Angular 4 Pipe Filter

I know this is old, but i think i have good solution. Comparing to other answers and also comparing to accepted, mine accepts multiple values. Basically filter object with key:value search parameters (also object within object). Also it works with numbers etc, cause when comparing, it converts them to string.

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({name: 'filter'})
export class Filter implements PipeTransform {
    transform(array: Array<Object>, filter: Object): any {
        let notAllKeysUndefined = false;
        let newArray = [];

        if(array.length > 0) {
            for (let k in filter){
                if (filter.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                    if(filter[k] != undefined && filter[k] != '') {
                        for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
                            let filterRule = filter[k];

                            if(typeof filterRule === 'object') {
                                for(let fkey in filterRule) {
                                    if (filter[k].hasOwnProperty(fkey)) {
                                        if(filter[k][fkey] != undefined && filter[k][fkey] != '') {
                                            if(this.shouldPushInArray(array[i][k][fkey], filter[k][fkey])) {
                                            notAllKeysUndefined = true;
                            } else {
                                if(this.shouldPushInArray(array[i][k], filter[k])) {
                                notAllKeysUndefined = true;
            if(notAllKeysUndefined) {
                return newArray;

        return array;

    private shouldPushInArray(item, filter) {
        if(typeof filter !== 'string') {
            item = item.toString();
            filter = filter.toString();

        // Filter main logic
        item = item.toLowerCase();
        filter = filter.toLowerCase();
        if(item.indexOf(filter) !== -1) {
            return true;
        return false;

Oracle "SQL Error: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1"

I had a similar error on my side when I was using JDBC in Java code.

According to this website (the second awnser) it suggest that you are trying to execute the query with a missing parameter.

For instance :

exec SomeStoredProcedureThatReturnsASite( :L_kSite );

You are trying to execute the query without the last parameter.

Maybe in SQLPlus it doesn't have the same requirements, so it might have been a luck that it worked there.

Difference between Relative path and absolute path in javascript

Completely relative:

<img src="kitten.png"/>

this is a relative path indeed.

Absolute in all respects:

<img src=""/>

this is a URL, and it can be seen in some way as an absolute path, but it's not representative for this matter.

The difference between relative and absolute paths is that when using relative paths you take as reference the current working directory while with absolute paths you refer to a certain, well known directory. Relative paths are useful when you make some program that has to use resources from certain folders that can be opened using the working directory as a starting point.

Example of relative paths:

  • image.png, which is the equivalent to .\image.png (in Windows) or ./image.png (anywhere else). The . explicitly specifies that you're expressing a path relative to the current working directory, but this is implied whenever the path doesn't begin at a root directory (designated with a slash), so you don't have to use it necessarily (except in certain contexts where a default directory (or a list of directories to search) will be applied unless you explicitly specify some directory).

  • ..\images\image2.jpg This way you can access resources from directories one step up the folders tree.  The ..\ means you've exited the current folder, entering the directory that contains both the working and images folders.  Again, use \ in Windows and / anywhere else.

Example of absolute paths:

  • D:\documents\something.doc
  • E:\music\good_music.mp3

and so on.

How to plot multiple functions on the same figure, in Matplotlib?

Just use the function plot as follows

plot(t, a)
plot(t, b)
plot(t, c)

Javascript: how to validate dates in format MM-DD-YYYY?

If your date needs to match DD.MM.YYYY and use AngularJS, use the following code:

$scope.validDate = function(value){
            var matches = /^(\d{1,2})[.](\d{1,2})[.](\d{4})$/.exec(value);
            if (matches == null) return false;
            var d = matches[1];
            var m = matches[2] - 1;
            var y = matches[3];
            var composedDate = new Date(y, m, d);
            return composedDate.getDate() == d &&
                composedDate.getMonth() == m &&
                composedDate.getFullYear() == y;

More about the scope object can be found here. Without AngularJS, simply change the first line to:

ValidDate = new function(value) {

And call it using:

var MyDate= ValidDate('29.09.2016');

Setting Icon for wpf application (VS 08)

@742's answer works pretty well, but as outlined in the comments when running from the VS debugger the generic icon is still shown.

If you want to have your icon even when you're pressing F5, you can add in the Main Window:

<Window x:Class="myClass"

where you indicate the path to your icon (the icon can be *.png, *.ico.)

(Note you will still need to set the Application Icon or it'll still be the default in Explorer).

Creating default object from empty value in PHP?


    $res = (object)array("success"=>false); // $res->success = bool(false);

Or you could instantiate classes with:

    $res = (object)array(); // object(stdClass) -> recommended

    $res = (object)[];      // object(stdClass) -> works too

    $res = new \stdClass(); // object(stdClass) -> old method

and fill values with:

    $res->success = !!0;     // bool(false)

    $res->success = false;   // bool(false)

    $res->success = (bool)0; // bool(false)

More infos:

Unknown version of Tomcat was specified in Eclipse

I got the same error and resolved it by giving enough permissions to the folder. I gave full permissions by (you can try limited permissions which is enough for eclipse to run tomcat)

sudo chmod -R 777 apache-tomcat-8.5.33/

FYI, I encountered this error on my mac, but I think it should be same for ubuntu system too.

How do you force Visual Studio to regenerate the .designer files for aspx/ascx files?

I often found that copy/pasting caused this behaviour for me. Most cases can be solved by editing the ID of a server control (just add a character, then delete it).

Also remember that control inside things like Repeaters aren't visible in the designer file.

And yes, there are cases where you need to do the delete-the-file magic listed above - but the name-change solution will work most of the time.

Does Arduino use C or C++?

Both are supported. To quote the Arduino homepage,

The core libraries are written in C and C++ and compiled using avr-gcc

Note that C++ is a superset of C (well, almost), and thus can often look very similar. I am not an expert, but I guess that most of what you will program for the Arduino in your first year on that platform will not need anything but plain C.

Combining "LIKE" and "IN" for SQL Server

You need multiple LIKE clauses connected by OR.

column LIKE 'Text%' OR 
column LIKE 'Link%' OR 
column LIKE 'Hello%' OR 
column LIKE '%World%' OR 

Checkout old commit and make it a new commit

git rm -r .
git checkout HEAD~3 .
git commit

After the commit, files in the new HEAD will be the same as they were in the revision HEAD~3.

How do I import modules or install extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1+?

Postgrseql 9.1 provides for a new command CREATE EXTENSION. You should use it to install modules.

Modules provided in 9.1 can be found here.. The include,

adminpack , auth_delay , auto_explain , btree_gin , btree_gist
, chkpass , citext , cube , dblink , dict_int
, dict_xsyn , dummy_seclabel , earthdistance , file_fdw , fuzzystrmatch
, hstore , intagg , intarray , isn , lo
, ltree , oid2name , pageinspect , passwordcheck , pg_archivecleanup
, pgbench , pg_buffercache , pgcrypto , pg_freespacemap , pgrowlocks
, pg_standby , pg_stat_statements , pgstattuple , pg_test_fsync , pg_trgm
, pg_upgrade , seg , sepgsql , spi , sslinfo , tablefunc
, test_parser , tsearch2 , unaccent , uuid-ossp , vacuumlo
, xml2

If for instance you wanted to install earthdistance, simply use this command:

CREATE EXTENSION earthdistance;

If you wanted to install an extension with a hyphen in its name, like uuid-ossp, you need to enclose the extension name in double quotes:


PHP cURL error code 60

php --ini

This will tell you exactly which php.ini file is being loaded, so you know which one to modify. I wasted a lot of time changing the wrong php.ini file because I had WAMP and XAMPP installed.

Also, don't forget to restart the WAMP server (or whatever you use) after changing php.ini.

Why would a " Connection timed out" exception occur when URL is up?

There is a possibility that your IP/host are blocked by the remote host, especially if it thinks you are hitting it too hard.

Is it possible to refresh a single UITableViewCell in a UITableView?


func updateCell(path:Int){
    let indexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow: path, inSection: 1)

    tableView.reloadRowsAtIndexPaths([indexPath], withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic) //try other animations

Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView

use this below code :

int index,top;

protected void onPause() {
    index = mList.getFirstVisiblePosition();

    View v = challengeList.getChildAt(0);
    top = (v == null) ? 0 : (v.getTop() - mList.getPaddingTop());

and whenever your refresh your data use this below code :

mList.setSelectionFromTop(index, top);

Angular2, what is the correct way to disable an anchor element?

For [routerLink] you can use:

Adding this CSS should do what you want:

a.disabled {
   pointer-events: none;
   cursor: not-allowed; 

This should fix the issue mentioned by @MichelLiu in the comments:

<a href="#" [class.disabled]="isDisabled(link)"
    (keydown.enter)="!isDisabled(link)">{{ }}</a>

Another approach

<a [routerLink]="['Other']" *ngIf="!isDisabled(link)">{{ }}</a>
<a  *ngIf="isDisabled(link)">{{ }}</a>  

Plunker example

Send HTML in email via PHP

You can easily send the email with HTML content via PHP. Use the following script.

$to = '[email protected]';
$subject = "Send HTML Email Using PHP";

$htmlContent = '
    <h1>Send HTML Email Using PHP</h1>
    <p>This is a HTMl email using PHP by CodexWorld</p>

// Set content-type header for sending HTML email
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";

// Additional headers
$headers .= 'From: CodexWorld<[email protected]>' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Cc: [email protected]' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Bcc: [email protected]' . "\r\n";

// Send email
    $successMsg = 'Email has sent successfully.';
    $errorMsg = 'Email sending fail.';

Source code and live demo can be found from here - Send Beautiful HTML Email using PHP

XAMPP - Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

  1. Rename the folder mysql/data to mysql/data_old (you can use any name)
  2. Create a new folder mysql/data Copy the content that resides in mysql/backup to the new mysql/data folder
  3. Copy all your database folders that are in mysql/data_old to mysql/data (skipping the mysql, performance_schema, and phpmyadmin folders from data_old)
  4. Finally copy the ibdata1 file from mysql/data_old and replace it inside the mysql/data folder
  5. Start MySQL from the XAMPP control panel

Laravel Blade html image

In Laravel 5.x, you can also do like this .

<img class="img-responsive" src="{{URL::to('/')}}/img/stuvi-logo.png" alt=""/>

center MessageBox in parent form

But why stop with MessageBox-specific implementation? Use the class below like this:

    private void OnFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
        DialogResult dg;
        using (DialogCenteringService centeringService = new DialogCenteringService(this)) // center message box
            dg = MessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure?", "Confirm exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

        if (dg == DialogResult.No)
            e.Cancel = true;

The code that you can use with anything that shows dialog windows, even if they're owned by another thread (our app has multiple UI threads):

(Here is the updated code which takes monitor working areas into account, so that the dialog isn't centered between two monitors or is partly off-screen. With it you'll need enum SetWindowPosFlags, which is below)

public class DialogCenteringService : IDisposable
    private readonly IWin32Window owner;
    private readonly HookProc hookProc;
    private readonly IntPtr hHook = IntPtr.Zero;

    public DialogCenteringService(IWin32Window owner)
        if (owner == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");

        this.owner = owner;
        hookProc = DialogHookProc;

        hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROCRET, hookProc, IntPtr.Zero, GetCurrentThreadId());

    private IntPtr DialogHookProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
        if (nCode < 0)
            return CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);

        CWPRETSTRUCT msg = (CWPRETSTRUCT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(CWPRETSTRUCT));
        IntPtr hook = hHook;

        if (msg.message == (int)CbtHookAction.HCBT_ACTIVATE)

        return CallNextHookEx(hook, nCode, wParam, lParam);

    public void Dispose()

    private void CenterWindow(IntPtr hChildWnd)
        Rectangle recChild = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
        bool success = GetWindowRect(hChildWnd, ref recChild);

        if (!success)

        int width = recChild.Width - recChild.X;
        int height = recChild.Height - recChild.Y;

        Rectangle recParent = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
        success = GetWindowRect(owner.Handle, ref recParent);

        if (!success)

        Point ptCenter = new Point(0, 0);
        ptCenter.X = recParent.X + ((recParent.Width - recParent.X) / 2);
        ptCenter.Y = recParent.Y + ((recParent.Height - recParent.Y) / 2);

        Point ptStart = new Point(0, 0);
        ptStart.X = (ptCenter.X - (width / 2));
        ptStart.Y = (ptCenter.Y - (height / 2));

        //MoveWindow(hChildWnd, ptStart.X, ptStart.Y, width, height, false);
        Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SetWindowPos(hChildWnd, (IntPtr)0, ptStart.X, ptStart.Y, width, height, SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOSIZE | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOACTIVATE | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SetWindowPosFlags.SWP_NOZORDER));

    // some p/invoke

    // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
    public delegate IntPtr HookProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

    public delegate void TimerProc(IntPtr hWnd, uint uMsg, UIntPtr nIDEvent, uint dwTime);

    private const int WH_CALLWNDPROCRET = 12;

    // ReSharper disable EnumUnderlyingTypeIsInt
    private enum CbtHookAction : int
    // ReSharper restore EnumUnderlyingTypeIsInt
        // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Local
        HCBT_MOVESIZE = 0,
        HCBT_MINMAX = 1,
        HCBT_QS = 2,
        HCBT_CREATEWND = 3,
        HCBT_DESTROYWND = 4,
        HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5,
        HCBT_KEYSKIPPED = 7,
        HCBT_SYSCOMMAND = 8,
        HCBT_SETFOCUS = 9
        // ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Local

    static extern int GetCurrentThreadId();

    private static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, ref Rectangle lpRect);

    private static extern int MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);

    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    private static extern bool SetWindowPos(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, SetWindowPosFlags uFlags);

    public static extern UIntPtr SetTimer(IntPtr hWnd, UIntPtr nIDEvent, uint uElapse, TimerProc lpTimerFunc);

    public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

    public static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, HookProc lpfn, IntPtr hInstance, int threadId);

    public static extern int UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr idHook);

    public static extern IntPtr CallNextHookEx(IntPtr idHook, int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

    public static extern int GetWindowTextLength(IntPtr hWnd);

    public static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder text, int maxLength);

    public static extern int EndDialog(IntPtr hDlg, IntPtr nResult);

    public struct CWPRETSTRUCT
        public IntPtr lResult;
        public IntPtr lParam;
        public IntPtr wParam;
        public uint message;
        public IntPtr hwnd;
    // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming

public enum SetWindowPosFlags : uint
    // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming

    /// <summary>
    ///     If the calling thread and the thread that owns the window are attached to different input queues, the system posts the request to the thread that owns the window. This prevents the calling thread from blocking its execution while other threads process the request.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    ///     Prevents generation of the WM_SYNCPAINT message.
    /// </summary>
    SWP_DEFERERASE = 0x2000,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Draws a frame (defined in the window's class description) around the window.
    /// </summary>
    SWP_DRAWFRAME = 0x0020,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Applies new frame styles set using the SetWindowLong function. Sends a WM_NCCALCSIZE message to the window, even if the window's size is not being changed. If this flag is not specified, WM_NCCALCSIZE is sent only when the window's size is being changed.
    /// </summary>
    SWP_FRAMECHANGED = 0x0020,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Hides the window.
    /// </summary>
    SWP_HIDEWINDOW = 0x0080,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Does not activate the window. If this flag is not set, the window is activated and moved to the top of either the topmost or non-topmost group (depending on the setting of the hWndInsertAfter parameter).
    /// </summary>
    SWP_NOACTIVATE = 0x0010,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Discards the entire contents of the client area. If this flag is not specified, the valid contents of the client area are saved and copied back into the client area after the window is sized or repositioned.
    /// </summary>
    SWP_NOCOPYBITS = 0x0100,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Retains the current position (ignores X and Y parameters).
    /// </summary>
    SWP_NOMOVE = 0x0002,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Does not change the owner window's position in the Z order.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    ///     Does not redraw changes. If this flag is set, no repainting of any kind occurs. This applies to the client area, the nonclient area (including the title bar and scroll bars), and any part of the parent window uncovered as a result of the window being moved. When this flag is set, the application must explicitly invalidate or redraw any parts of the window and parent window that need redrawing.
    /// </summary>
    SWP_NOREDRAW = 0x0008,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Same as the SWP_NOOWNERZORDER flag.
    /// </summary>
    SWP_NOREPOSITION = 0x0200,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Prevents the window from receiving the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    ///     Retains the current size (ignores the cx and cy parameters).
    /// </summary>
    SWP_NOSIZE = 0x0001,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Retains the current Z order (ignores the hWndInsertAfter parameter).
    /// </summary>
    SWP_NOZORDER = 0x0004,

    /// <summary>
    ///     Displays the window.
    /// </summary>
    SWP_SHOWWINDOW = 0x0040,

    // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming

How can I link a photo in a Facebook album to a URL

You can only do this to you own photos. Due to recent upgrades, Facebook has made this more difficult. To do this, go to the album page where the photo is that you want to link to. You should see thumbnail images of the photos in the album. Hold down the "Control" or "Command" key while clicking the photo that you wish to link to. A new browser tab will open with the picture you clicked. Under the picture there is a URL that you can send to others to share the photo. You might have to have the privacy settings for that album set so that anyone can see the photos in that album. If you don't the person who clicks the link may have to be signed in and also be your "friend."

Here is an example of one of my photos: -it's my cat.


The link below the photo no longer appears. Once you open the photo in a new tab you can right click the photo (Control+click for Mac users) and click "Copy Image URL" or similar and then share this link. Based on my tests the person who clicks the link doesn't need to use Facebook. The photo will load without the Facebook interface. Like this -

Multiprocessing a for loop?


with Pool() as pool:, [name + '.fits' for name in datainput])

How do I find duplicate values in a table in Oracle?

You don't need to even have the count in the returned columns if you don't need to know the actual number of duplicates. e.g.

SELECT column_name
FROM table
GROUP BY column_name

How do I get TimeSpan in minutes given two Dates?

See TimeSpan.TotalMinutes:

Gets the value of the current TimeSpan structure expressed in whole and fractional minutes.

How to align the checkbox and label in same line in html?

Please try it

<input id="checkid" type="checkbox" value="test" style="float: left;">
<label style="word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 16px; float: left;">testdata</label>

How can I print to the same line?

In Linux, there is different escape sequences for control terminal. For example, there is special escape sequence for erase whole line: \33[2K and for move cursor to previous line: \33[1A. So all you need is to print this every time you need to refresh the line. Here is the code which prints Line 1 (second variant):

System.out.println("Line 1 (first variant)");
System.out.println("Line 1 (second variant)");

There are codes for cursor navigation, clearing screen and so on.

I think there are some libraries which helps with it (ncurses?).

How to plot all the columns of a data frame in R

With lattice:


df <- data.frame(time = 1:10,
                 a = cumsum(rnorm(10)),
                 b = cumsum(rnorm(10)),
                 c = cumsum(rnorm(10)))

form <- as.formula(paste(paste(names(df)[- 1],  collapse = ' + '),  
                         'time',  sep = '~'))

xyplot(form,  data = df,  type = 'b',  outer = TRUE)

How to get file path in iPhone app

Since it is your files in your app bundle, I think you can use pathForResource:ofType: to get the full pathname of your file.

Here is an example:

NSString* filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"your_file_name" 

jQuery Form Validation before Ajax submit

I think that i first validate form and if validation will pass, than i would make ajax post. Dont forget to add "return false" at the end of the script.

Loading another html page from javascript

Yes. In the javascript code:

window.location.href = "";

How to build and fill pandas dataframe from for loop?

I may be wrong, but I think the accepted answer by @amit has a bug.

from pandas import DataFrame as df
x = [1,2,3]
y = [7,8,9,10]

# this gives me a syntax error at 'for' (Python 3.7)
d1 = df[[a, "A", b, "B"] for a in x for b in y]

# this works
d2 = df([a, "A", b, "B"] for a in x for b in y)

# and if you want to add the column names on the fly
# note the additional parentheses
d3 = df(([a, "A", b, "B"] for a in x for b in y), columns = ("l","m","n","o"))

Google Chromecast sender error if Chromecast extension is not installed or using incognito

Update: After several attempts, it looks like this may have been fixed in latest Chrome builds (per Paul Irish's comment below). That would suggest we will see this fixed in stable Chrome June-July 2016. Let's see ...

This is a known bug with the official Chromecast JavaScript library. Instead of failing silently, it dumps these error messages in all non-Chrome browsers as well as Chrome browsers where the Chromecast extension isn't present.

The Chromecast team have indicated they won't fix this bug.

If you are a developer shipping with this library, you can't do anything about it according to Chromecast team. You can only inform users to ignore the errors. (I believe Chromecast team is not entirely correct as the library could, at the least, avoid requesting the extension scipt if the browser is not Chrome. And I suspect it could be possible to suppress the error even if it is Chrome, but haven't tried anything.)

If you are a user annoyed by these console messages, you can switch to Chrome if not using it already. Within Chrome, either:

Update [Nov 13, 2014]: The problem has now been acknowledged by Google. A member of the Chromecast team seems to suggest the issue will be bypassed by a change the team is currently working on.

Update 2 [Feb 17, 2015]: The team claim there's nothing they can do to remove the error logs as it's a standard Chrome network error and they are still working on a long-term fix. Public comments on the bug tracker were closed with that update.

Update 3 [Dec 4, 2015]: This has finally been fixed! In the end, Chrome team simply added some code to block out this specific error. Hopefully some combination of devtools and extensions API will be improved in the future to make it possible to fix this kind of problem without patching the browser. Chrome Canary already has the patch, so it should roll out to all users around mid-January. Additionally, the team has confirmed the issue no longer affects other browsers as the SDK was updated to only activate if it's in Chrome.

Update 4 (April 30): Nope, not yet anyway. Thankfully Google's developer relations team are more aware than certain other stakeholders how badly this has affected developer experience. More whitelist updates have recently been made to clobber these log messages. Current status at top of the post.

How do you declare an object array in Java?

This is the correct way:

You should declare the length of the array after "="

Veicle[] cars = new Veicle[N];

How do you access the matched groups in a JavaScript regular expression?

Your syntax probably isn't the best to keep. FF/Gecko defines RegExp as an extension of Function.
(FF2 went as far as typeof(/pattern/) == 'function')

It seems this is specific to FF -- IE, Opera, and Chrome all throw exceptions for it.

Instead, use either method previously mentioned by others: RegExp#exec or String#match.
They offer the same results:

var regex = /(?:^|\s)format_(.*?)(?:\s|$)/;
var input = "something format_abc";

regex(input);        //=> [" format_abc", "abc"]
regex.exec(input);   //=> [" format_abc", "abc"]
input.match(regex);  //=> [" format_abc", "abc"]

Javascript checkbox onChange

Use an onclick event, because every click on a checkbox actually changes it.

How to remove white space characters from a string in SQL Server

There may be 2 spaces after the text, please confirm. You can use LTRIM and RTRIM functions also right?


Maybe the extra space isn't ordinary spaces (ASCII 32, soft space)? Maybe they are "hard space", ASCII 160?

ltrim(rtrim(replace(ProductAlternateKey, char(160), char(32))))

Difference between jQuery .hide() and .css("display", "none")

Yes there is a difference in the performance of both: jQuery('#id').show() is slower than jQuery('#id').css("display","block") as in former case extra work is to be done for retrieving the initial state from the jquery cache as display is not a binary attribute it can be inline,block,none,table, etc. similar is the case with hide() method.


How to search by key=>value in a multidimensional array in PHP

Came back to post this update for anyone needing an optimisation tip on these answers, particulary John Kugelman's great answer up above.

His posted function work fine but I had to optimize this scenario for handling a 12 000 row resultset. The function was taking an eternal 8 secs to go through all records, waaaaaay too long.

I simply needed the function to STOP searching and return when match was found. Ie, if searching for a customer_id, we know we only have one in the resultset and once we find the customer_id in the multidimensional array, we want to return.

Here is the speed-optimised ( and much simplified ) version of this function, for anyone in need. Unlike other version, it can only handle only one depth of array, does not recurse and does away with merging multiple results.

// search array for specific key = value
public function searchSubArray(Array $array, $key, $value) {   
    foreach ($array as $subarray){  
        if (isset($subarray[$key]) && $subarray[$key] == $value)
          return $subarray;       

This brought down the the task to match the 12 000 records to a 1.5 secs. Still very costly but much more reasonable.

The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library - STS

I got the same problem and this is how i solved. :

  1. Right click your Spring MVC project, choose Run As -> Maven install. Observe the output console to see the installation progress. After the installation is finished, you can continue to the next step.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  1. Right click your Spring MVC project, choose Maven -> Update Project.

enter image description here

  1. Choose your project and click OK. Wait until update process is finished.
  2. The error still yet, then do Project->Clean and then be sure you have selected our project directory and then do the follow Project->Build.

Using Position Relative/Absolute within a TD?

This is because according to CSS 2.1, the effect of position: relative on table elements is undefined. Illustrative of this, position: relative has the desired effect on Chrome 13, but not on Firefox 4. Your solution here is to add a div around your content and put the position: relative on that div instead of the td. The following illustrates the results you get with the position: relative (1) on a div good), (2) on a td(no good), and finally (3) on a div inside a td (good again).

On Firefox 4

      <div style="position:relative;">_x000D_
        <span style="position:absolute; left:150px;">_x000D_
          Absolute span_x000D_
        Relative div_x000D_

Append text with .bat

Any line starting with a "REM" is treated as a comment, nothing is executed including the redirection.

Also, the %date% variable may contain "/" characters which are treated as path separator characters, leading to the system being unable to create the desired log file.

how to customise input field width in bootstrap 3

i solved with a max-width in my main css-file.

/* Set width on the form input elements since they're 100% wide by default */
textarea {
    max-width: 280px;

It's a simple solution with little "code"

How to get datas from List<Object> (Java)?

Thanks All for your responses. Good solution was to use 'brain`s' method:

List<Object> list = getHouseInfo();
for (int i=0; i<list.size; i++){
Object[] row = (Object[]) list.get(i);
System.out.println("Element "+i+Arrays.toString(row));

Problem solved. Thanks again.

What is the difference between HTTP status code 200 (cache) vs status code 304?

HTTP 304 is "not modified". Your web server is basically telling the browser "this file hasn't changed since the last time you requested it." Whereas an HTTP 200 is telling the browser "here is a successful response" - which should be returned when it's either the first time your browser is accessing the file or the first time a modified copy is being accessed.

For more info on status codes check out

Set Focus on EditText

 private void requestFocus(View view) {
        if (view.requestFocus()) {

//Function Call

How to redirect single url in nginx?

location ~ /issue([0-9]+) {
    return 301$1;

How to remove all characters after a specific character in python?

Assuming your separator is '...', but it can be any string.

text = 'some string... this part will be removed.'
head, sep, tail = text.partition('...')

>>> print head
some string

If the separator is not found, head will contain all of the original string.

The partition function was added in Python 2.5.

partition(...) S.partition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)

Searches for the separator sep in S, and returns the part before it,
the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the separator is not
found, returns S and two empty strings.

reading and parsing a TSV file, then manipulating it for saving as CSV (*efficiently*)

You should use the csv module to read the tab-separated value file. Do not read it into memory in one go. Each row you read has all the information you need to write rows to the output CSV file, after all. Keep the output file open throughout.

import csv

with open('sample.txt', newline='') as tsvin, open('new.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvout:
    tsvin = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t')
    csvout = csv.writer(csvout)

    for row in tsvin:
        count = int(row[4])
        if count > 0:
            csvout.writerows([row[2:4] for _ in range(count)])

or, using the itertools module to do the repeating with itertools.repeat():

from itertools import repeat
import csv

with open('sample.txt', newline='') as tsvin, open('new.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvout:
    tsvin = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t')
    csvout = csv.writer(csvout)

    for row in tsvin:
        count = int(row[4])
        if count > 0:
            csvout.writerows(repeat(row[2:4], count))

Java generics - ArrayList initialization

You can't assign a List<Number> to a reference of type List<Integer> because List<Number> allows types of numbers other than Integer. If you were allowed to do that, the following would be allowed:

List<Number> numbers = new ArrayList<Number>();
numbers.add(1.1); // add a double
List<Integer> ints = numbers;
Integer fail = ints.get(0); // ClassCastException!

The type List<Integer> is making a guarantee that anything it contains will be an Integer. That's why you're allowed to get an Integer out of it without casting. As you can see, if the compiler allowed a List of another type such as Number to be assigned to a List<Integer> that guarantee would be broken.

Assigning a List<Integer> to a reference of a type such as List<?> or List<? extends Number> is legal because the ? means "some unknown subtype of the given type" (where the type is Object in the case of just ? and Number in the case of ? extends Number).

Since ? indicates that you do not know what specific type of object the List will accept, it isn't legal to add anything but null to it. You are, however, allowed to retrieve any object from it, which is the purpose of using a ? extends X bounded wildcard type. Note that the opposite is true for a ? super X bounded wildcard type... a List<? super Integer> is "a list of some unknown type that is at least a supertype of Integer". While you don't know exactly what type of List it is (could be List<Integer>, List<Number>, List<Object>) you do know for sure that whatever it is, an Integer can be added to it.

Finally, new ArrayList<?>() isn't legal because when you're creating an instance of a paramterized class like ArrayList, you have to give a specific type parameter. You could really use whatever in your example (Object, Foo, it doesn't matter) since you'll never be able to add anything but null to it since you're assigning it directly to an ArrayList<?> reference.

How to read strings from a Scanner in a Java console application?

What you can do is use delimeter as new line. Till you press enter key you will be able to read it as string.

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

Hope this helps.

How to start anonymous thread class

You're already creating an instance of the Thread class - you're just not doing anything with it. You could call start() without even using a local variable:

new Thread()
    public void run() {

... but personally I'd normally assign it to a local variable, do anything else you want (e.g. setting the name etc) and then start it:

Thread t = new Thread() {
    public void run() {

python to arduino serial read & write

First you have to install a module call Serial. To do that go to the folder call Scripts which is located in python installed folder. If you are using Python 3 version it's normally located in location below,


Once you open that folder right click on that folder with shift key. Then click on 'open command window here'. After that cmd will pop up. Write the below code in that cmd window,

pip install PySerial

and press enter.after that PySerial module will be installed. Remember to install the module u must have an INTERNET connection.

after successfully installed the module open python IDLE and write down the bellow code and run it.

import serial
# "COM11" is the port that your Arduino board is connected.set it to port that your are using        
ser = serial.Serial("COM11", 9600)
while True:

Add shadow to custom shape on Android

This is my version of a drop shadow. I was going for a hazy shadow all around the shape and used this answer by Joakim Lundborg as my starting point. What I changed is to add corners to all the shadow items and to increase the radius of the corner for each subsequent shadow item. So here is the xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
    <!-- Drop Shadow Stack -->
            <padding android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" android:left="1dp" />
            <solid android:color="#02000000" />
            <corners android:radius="8dp" />
            <padding android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" android:left="1dp" />
            <solid android:color="#05000000" />
            <corners android:radius="7dp" />
            <padding android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" android:left="1dp" />
            <solid android:color="#10000000" />
            <corners android:radius="6dp" />
            <padding android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" android:left="1dp" />
            <solid android:color="#15000000" />
            <corners android:radius="5dp" />
            <padding android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" android:left="1dp" />
            <solid android:color="#20000000" />
            <corners android:radius="4dp" />
            <padding android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" android:left="1dp" />
            <solid android:color="#25000000" />
            <corners android:radius="3dp" />
            <padding android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" android:left="1dp" />
            <solid android:color="#30000000" />
            <corners android:radius="3dp" />

    <!-- Background -->
            <solid android:color="#0099CC" />
        <corners android:radius="3dp" />

New line in JavaScript alert box

I saw some people had trouble with this in MVC, so... a simple way to pass '\n' using the Model, and in my case even using a translated text, is to use HTML.Raw to insert the text. That fixed it for me. In the code below, Model.Alert can contains newlines, like "Hello\nWorld"...


Using CSS :before and :after pseudo-elements with inline CSS?

As mentioned before, you can't use inline elements for styling pseudo classes. Before and after pseudo classes are states of elements, not actual elements. You could only possibly use JavaScript for this.

How to COUNT rows within EntityFramework without loading contents?

This is my code:

IQueryable<AuctionRecord> records = db.AuctionRecord;
var count = records.Count();

Make sure the variable is defined as IQueryable then when you use Count() method, EF will execute something like

select count(*) from ...

Otherwise, if the records is defined as IEnumerable, the sql generated will query the entire table and count rows returned.

PHP class not found but it's included

Check to make sure your environment isn't being picky about your opening tags. My configuration requires:


If i try to use:


Then I get the same error as you.

npm not working after clearing cache

I try to

npm cache clean 

But npm said newer version on npm (> 5) has self healing Mechanism and every thing i need to do for checking npm is use verify

npm cache verify

npm message :

The npm cache self-heals from corruption issues and data extracted from the cache is guaranteed to be valid. 

If you want to make sure everything is consistent, use 'npm cache verify' instead.

but for forcing npm use this:

npm cache clean --force

Initialise a list to a specific length in Python

If the "default value" you want is immutable, @eduffy's suggestion, e.g. [0]*10, is good enough.

But if you want, say, a list of ten dicts, do not use [{}]*10 -- that would give you a list with the same initially-empty dict ten times, not ten distinct ones. Rather, use [{} for i in range(10)] or similar constructs, to construct ten separate dicts to make up your list.

How to remove \n from a list element?

This works to take out the \n (new line) off a item in a list it just takes the first item in string off

def remove_end(s):
    for i in s:

JSON Java 8 LocalDateTime format in Spring Boot

I added the com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jsr310:2.6.1 dependency and started to get the date in the following format:

"birthDate": [

which is not what I wanted but I was getting closer. I then added the following


to file which gave me the correct format that I needed.

"birthDate": "2016-01-25T21:34:55"

Permutations in JavaScript?

I used a string instead of an array and it seems like my algorithm consumes very less time. I am posting my algorithm here, am I measuring the time correctly?


var result = []

function swapper(toSwap){
    let start = toSwap[0]
    let end = toSwap.slice(1)
    return end + start

function perm(str){
    let i = str.length
    let filling = i - 1

    let buckets = i*filling
    let tmpSwap = ''
    for(let j=0; j<filling; j++){
          if(j === 1){
              tmpSwap = swapper(str.slice(1))
              result.push(str[0]+ tmpSwap)
              if(j === filling-1 && result.length < buckets){

              tmpSwap = swapper(tmpSwap)
              result.push(str[0]+ tmpSwap)
              if(j === filling-1 && result.length < buckets){

    if(result.length = buckets){
      return result
      return 'something went wrong'




Use a URL to link to a Google map with a marker on it

If working with Basic4Android and looking for an easy fix to the problem, try this it works both Google maps and Openstreet even though OSM creates a bit of a messy result and thanx to [yndolok] for the google marker


GooglemRute=""&[FrmLatt]&","&[FrmLong]&"/"&[ToLatt]&","&[FrmLong]&"/@"&[ScreenX]&","&[ScreenY]&",14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!4m1!3e0?hl=en"  'route ?hl=en



no matching function for call to ' '

You are passing pointers (Complex*) when your function takes references (const Complex&). A reference and a pointer are entirely different things. When a function expects a reference argument, you need to pass it the object directly. The reference only means that the object is not copied.

To get an object to pass to your function, you would need to dereference your pointers:

Complex::distanta(*firstComplexNumber, *secondComplexNumber);

Or get your function to take pointer arguments.

However, I wouldn't really suggest either of the above solutions. Since you don't need dynamic allocation here (and you are leaking memory because you don't delete what you have newed), you're better off not using pointers in the first place:

Complex firstComplexNumber(81, 93);
Complex secondComplexNumber(31, 19);
Complex::distanta(firstComplexNumber, secondComplexNumber);

How to update value of a key in dictionary in c#?

Have you tried just

dictionary["cat"] = 5;



dictionary["cat"] = 5+2;
dictionary["cat"] = dictionary["cat"]+2;
dictionary["cat"] += 2;

Beware of non-existing keys :)

How can I replace newlines using PowerShell?

If you want to remove all new line characters and replace them with some character (say comma) then you can use the following.

(Get-Content test.txt) -join ","

This works because Get-Content returns array of lines. You can see it as tokenize function available in many languages.

Find number of decimal places in decimal value regardless of culture

you can use the InvariantCulture

string priceSameInAllCultures = price.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

another possibility would be to do something like that:

private int GetDecimals(decimal d, int i = 0)
    decimal multiplied = (decimal)((double)d * Math.Pow(10, i));
    if (Math.Round(multiplied) == multiplied)
        return i;
    return GetDecimals(d, i+1);

Populating a dictionary using for loops (python)

>>> dict(zip(keys, values))
{0: 'Hi', 1: 'I', 2: 'am', 3: 'John'}

Force update of an Android app when a new version is available

It is better to define our own process to for upgrade.

  1. Create a web service which gives latest version for app (ios,android) from our server.
  2. Or Any web service that you used in app (e.g Login) will return latest app version from server.
  3. Once app will get version from #1 or 2. App will cross check it with local/cuurent appversion. if there is difference then we can show alert as follows,

Android & iOS : If latest app version available then it will show alert as “Latest version available with more features, To upgrade click on upgrade button” (Alert with “Upgarde” and “No. Thanks” button.) Then app will redirect to playstore/Appstore and it will open latest version.

 --- we can do upgrade compulsory or optionally.

Before Upgrade process please make sure that you handled proper db migration process if there is any db schema change.

Something like 'contains any' for Java set?

There's a bit rough method to do that. If and only if the A set contains some B's element than the call


will modify the A set. In this situation removeAll will return true (As stated at removeAll docs). But probably you don't want to modify the A set so you may think to act on a copy, like this way:

new HashSet(A).removeAll(B)

and the returning value will be true if the sets are not distinct, that is they have non-empty intersection.

Also see Apache Commons Collections

Corrupt jar file

It can be something so silly as you are transferring the file via FTP to a target machine, you go and run the .JAR file but this was so big that it has not yet been finished transferred :) Yes it happened to me..

How to declare an array of strings in C++?

You can concisely initialize a vector<string> from a statically-created char* array:

char* strarray[] = {"hey", "sup", "dogg"};
vector<string> strvector(strarray, strarray + 3);

This copies all the strings, by the way, so you use twice the memory. You can use Will Dean's suggestion to replace the magic number 3 here with arraysize(str_array) -- although I remember there being some special case in which that particular version of arraysize might do Something Bad (sorry I can't remember the details immediately). But it very often works correctly.

Also, if you're really gung-ho about the one line thingy, you can define a variadic macro so that a single line such as DEFINE_STR_VEC(strvector, "hi", "there", "everyone"); works.

String variable interpolation Java

If you're using Java 5 or higher, you can use String.format:

urlString += String.format("u1=%s;u2=%s;u3=%s;u4=%s;", u1, u2, u3, u4);

See Formatter for details.

How to read a file in Groovy into a string?

A slight variation...

new File('/path/to/file').eachLine { line ->
  println line

When is null or undefined used in JavaScript?

I might be missing something, but afaik, you get undefined only

Update: Ok, I missed a lot, trying to complete:

You get undefined...

... when you try to access properties of an object that don't exist:

var a = {} // undefined

... when you have declared a variable but not initialized it:

var a;
// a is undefined

... when you access a parameter for which no value was passed:

function foo (a, b) {
    // something

foo(42); // b inside foo is undefined

... when a function does not return a value:

function foo() {};
var a = foo(); // a is undefined

It might be that some built-in functions return null on some error, but if so, then it is documented. null is a concrete value in JavaScript, undefined is not.

Normally you don't need to distinguish between those. Depending on the possible values of a variable, it is sufficient to use if(variable) to test whether a value is set or not (both, null and undefined evaluate to false).

Also different browsers seem to be returning these differently.

Please give a concrete example.

JWT authentication for ASP.NET Web API

I think you should use some 3d party server to support the JWT token and there is no out of the box JWT support in WEB API 2.

However there is an OWIN project for supporting some format of signed token (not JWT). It works as a reduced OAuth protocol to provide just a simple form of authentication for a web site.

You can read more about it e.g. here.

It's rather long, but most parts are details with controllers and ASP.NET Identity that you might not need at all. Most important are

Step 9: Add support for OAuth Bearer Tokens Generation

Step 12: Testing the Back-end API

There you can read how to set up endpoint (e.g. "/token") that you can access from frontend (and details on the format of the request).

Other steps provide details on how to connect that endpoint to the database, etc. and you can chose the parts that you require.

Disabling swap files creation in vim

here are my personal ~/.vimrc backup settings

" backup to ~/.tmp 
set backup 
set backupdir=~/.vim-tmp,~/.tmp,~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp 
set backupskip=/tmp/*,/private/tmp/* 
set directory=~/.vim-tmp,~/.tmp,~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp 
set writebackup

Downcasting in Java

We can all see that the code you provided won't work at run time. That's because we know that the expression new A() can never be an object of type B.

But that's not how the compiler sees it. By the time the compiler is checking whether the cast is allowed, it just sees this:

variable_of_type_B = (B)expression_of_type_A;

And as others have demonstrated, that sort of cast is perfectly legal. The expression on the right could very well evaluate to an object of type B. The compiler sees that A and B have a subtype relation, so with the "expression" view of the code, the cast might work.

The compiler does not consider the special case when it knows exactly what object type expression_of_type_A will really have. It just sees the static type as A and considers the dynamic type could be A or any descendant of A, including B.

Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T> / IQueryable<T>

Convert List to IEnumerable or Iquerable, add using System.LINQ.Dynamic namespace, then u can mention the property names in comma seperated string to OrderBy Method which comes by default from System.LINQ.Dynamic.

Resolving tree conflict

Basically, tree conflicts arise if there is some restructure in the folder structure on the branch. You need to delete the conflict folder and use svn clean once. Hope this solves your conflict.

UIBarButtonItem in navigation bar programmatically?

In Swift 3.0+, UIBarButtonItem programmatically set up as follows:

   override func viewDidLoad() {
        let testUIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(named: "test.png"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(self.clickButton))
        self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem  = testUIBarButtonItem

   @objc func clickButton(){
            print("button click")

ORA-01882: timezone region not found

This issue happens as the code which is trying to connect to db, has a timezone which is not in db. It can also be resolved by setting the time zone as below or any valid time zone available in oracle db. valid time zone which can be found select * from v$version;

System.setProperty("user.timezone", "America/New_York"); TimeZone.setDefault(null);

How do I set adaptive multiline UILabel text?

Programmatically in Swift 5 with Xcode 10.2

Building on top of @La masse's solution, but using autolayout to support rotation

Set anchors for the view's position (left, top, centerY, centerX, etc). You can also set the width anchor or set the frame.width dynamically with the UIScreen extension provided (to support rotation)

label = UILabel()
label.numberOfLines = 0
label.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
label.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.leftAnchor, constant: 20).isActive = true
label.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.rightAnchor, constant: -20).isActive = true
label.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.topAnchor, constant: 20).isActive = true
// label.frame.size = CGSize(width: UIScreen.absoluteWidth() - 40.0, height: 0)

If setting frame.width dynamically using UIScreen:

    class func absoluteWidth() -> CGFloat {
        var width: CGFloat
        if UIScreen.main.bounds.width > UIScreen.main.bounds.height {
            width = self.main.bounds.height // Landscape
        } else {
            width = self.main.bounds.width // Portrait
        return width

The multi-part identifier could not be bound

I was having the same error from JDBC. Checked everything and my query was fine. Turned out, in where clause I have an argument:

where s.some_column = ?

And the value of the argument I was passing in was null. This also gives the same error which is misleading because when you search the internet you end up that something is wrong with the query structure but it's not in my case. Just thought someone may face the same issue

How to echo JSON in PHP

Native JSON support has been included in PHP since 5.2 in the form of methods json_encode() and json_decode(). You would use the first to output a PHP variable in JSON.

How to empty a list in C#?

you can do that

var list = new List<string>();

Open JQuery Datepicker by clicking on an image w/ no input field

Having a hidden input field leads to problems with datepicker dialog positioning (dialog is horizontally centered). You could alter the dialog's margin, but there's a better way.

Just create an input field and "hide" it by setting it's opacity to 0 and making it 1px wide. Also position it near (or under) the button, or where ever you want the datepicker to appear.

Then attach the datepicker to the "hidden" input field and show it when user presses the button.


<button id="date-button">Show Calendar</button>
<input type="text" name="date-field" id="date-field" value="">


#date-button {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 2;
    height 30px;

#date-field {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 1;
    width: 1px;
    height: 32px; // height of the button + a little margin
    opacity: 0;


$(function() {

   $('#date-button').on('click', function() {

Note: not tested with all browsers.

How to trigger ngClick programmatically

The syntax is the following:

function clickOnUpload() {
  $timeout(function() {

// Using Angular Extend
angular.extend($scope, {
  clickOnUpload: clickOnUpload

// OR Using scope directly
$scope.clickOnUpload = clickOnUpload;

More info on Angular Extend way here.

If you are using old versions of angular, you should use trigger instead of triggerHandler.

If you need to apply stop propagation you can use this method as follows:

<a id="myselector" ng-click="clickOnUpload(); $event.stopPropagation();">

installation app blocked by play protect

Try to create a new key store and replace with old one, then rebuild a new signed APK.

Update: Note that if you're using a http connection with server ,you should use SSL.

Take a look at:

Add text to Existing PDF using Python

If you're on Windows, this might work:

PDF Creator Pilot

There's also a whitepaper of a PDF creation and editing framework in Python. It's a little dated, but maybe can give you some useful info:

Using Python as PDF Editing and Processing Framework

How to overlay images

In CSS3, you can do the following:

.double-image {
    background-image: url(images/img1.png), url(images/img2.png);

Took from Can I have multiple background images using CSS?

Android Studio - No JVM Installation found

1 .Download 64 bit version of JDK from here

enter image description here

  1. As shown in next picture, go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables -> New (System variables)

  2. Then add variable name: JAVA_HOME and variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25

Please note that jdk1.8.0_25 may be vary depending on JDK version. enter image description here

  1. Click OK button on the rest of the windows left.

Programmatically obtain the phone number of the Android phone

Here's a combination of the solutions I've found (sample project here, if you want to also check auto-fill):


    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />


    implementation ""


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private lateinit var googleApiClient: GoogleApiClient

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        googleApiClient = GoogleApiClient.Builder(this).addApi(Auth.CREDENTIALS_API).build()
        if (phoneNumber.isEmpty()) {
            val hintRequest = HintRequest.Builder().setPhoneNumberIdentifierSupported(true).build()
            val intent = Auth.CredentialsApi.getHintPickerIntent(googleApiClient, hintRequest)
            try {
                startIntentSenderForResult(intent.intentSender, REQUEST_PHONE_NUMBER, null, 0, 0, 0);
            } catch (e: IntentSender.SendIntentException) {
                Toast.makeText(this, "failed to show phone picker", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
        } else


    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (requestCode == REQUEST_PHONE_NUMBER) {
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
                val cred: Credential? = data?.getParcelableExtra(Credential.EXTRA_KEY)
                phoneNumber = cred?.id ?: ""
                if (phoneNumber.isEmpty())
                    Toast.makeText(this, "failed to get phone number", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

    private fun onGotPhoneNumberToSendTo() {
        Toast.makeText(this, "got number:$phoneNumber", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

    companion object {
        private const val REQUEST_PHONE_NUMBER = 1
        private var phoneNumber = ""

        @SuppressLint("MissingPermission", "HardwareIds")
        private fun tryGetCurrentUserPhoneNumber(context: Context): String {
            if (phoneNumber.isNotEmpty())
                return phoneNumber
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
                val subscriptionManager = context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SUBSCRIPTION_SERVICE) as SubscriptionManager
                try {
                    subscriptionManager.activeSubscriptionInfoList?.forEach {
                        val number: String? = it.number
                        if (!number.isNullOrBlank()) {
                            phoneNumber = number
                            return number
                } catch (ignored: Exception) {
            try {
                val telephonyManager = context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE) as TelephonyManager
                val number = telephonyManager.line1Number ?: ""
                if (!number.isBlank()) {
                    phoneNumber = number
                    return number
            } catch (e: Exception) {
            return ""

How to set selectedIndex of select element using display text?

You can set the index by this code :

sel.selectedIndex = 0;

but remember a caution in this practice, You would not be able to call the server side onclick method if you select the previous value selected in the drop down..

Best way to log POST data in Apache?

An easier option may be to log the POST data before it gets to the server. For web applications, I use Burp Proxy and set Firefox to use it as an HTTP/S proxy, and then I can watch (and mangle) data 'on the wire' in real time.

For making API requests without a browser, SoapUI is very useful and may show similar info. I would bet that you could probably configure SoapUI to connect through Burp as well (just a guess though).

NSString property: copy or retain?

I try to follow this simple rule:

  • Do I want to hold on to the value of the object at the point in time when I am assigning it to my property? Use copy.

  • Do I want to hold on to the object and I don't care what its internal values currently are or will be in the future? Use strong (retain).

To illustrate: Do I want to hold on to the name "Lisa Miller" (copy) or to I want to hold on to the person Lisa Miller (strong)? Her name might later change to "Lisa Smith", but she will still be the same person.

Visual studio equivalent of java System.out

Try: Console.WriteLine (type out for a Visual Studio snippet)


Another way is to use System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine:


Debug.WriteLine may suit better for Output window in IDE because it will be rendered for both Console and Windows applications. Whereas Console.WriteLine won't be rendered in Output window but only in the Console itself in case of Console Application type.

Another difference is that Debug.WriteLine will not print anything in Release configuration.

How can I get all the request headers in Django?

For what it's worth, it appears your intent is to use the incoming HTTP request to form another HTTP request. Sort of like a gateway. There is an excellent module django-revproxy that accomplishes exactly this.

The source is a pretty good reference on how to accomplish what you are trying to do.

Curl GET request with json parameter

If you want to send your data inside the body, then you have to make a POST or PUT instead of GET.

For me, it looks like you're trying to send the query with uri parameters, which is not related to GET, you can also put these parameters on POST, PUT and so on.

The query is an optional part, separated by a question mark ("?"), that contains additional identification information that is not hierarchical in nature. The query string syntax is not generically defined, but it is commonly organized as a sequence of = pairs, with the pairs separated by a semicolon or an ampersand.

For example:

curl http://server:5050/a/c/getName?param0=foo&param1=bar

Generate a random point within a circle (uniformly)

You can also use your intuition.

The area of a circle is pi*r^2

For r=1

This give us an area of pi. Let us assume that we have some kind of function fthat would uniformly distrubute N=10 points inside a circle. The ratio here is 10 / pi

Now we double the area and the number of points

For r=2 and N=20

This gives an area of 4pi and the ratio is now 20/4pi or 10/2pi. The ratio will get smaller and smaller the bigger the radius is, because its growth is quadratic and the N scales linearly.

To fix this we can just say

x = r^2
sqrt(x) = r

If you would generate a vector in polar coordinates like this

length = random_0_1();
angle = random_0_2pi();

More points would land around the center.

length = sqrt(random_0_1());
angle = random_0_2pi();

length is not uniformly distributed anymore, but the vector will now be uniformly distributed.

How can I catch all the exceptions that will be thrown through reading and writing a file?

Catch the base exception 'Exception'

   try { 
         //some code
   } catch (Exception e) {
        //catches exception and all subclasses 

What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in?

I've been using IntelliJ IDEA for the last 12 months now as my main IDE, but I am often forced to use Eclipse as well. So when I have to work in Eclipse I start biting my nails. I will sum up my pros and cons.

Eclipse pros:
- visual editor. IDEA has one as well, but it's rather primitive. I suspect that this feature will soon be deleted as IDEA will improve its editor.
- many projects into one right pane (this is also my personal con as I like IDEA's one-project-per-pane thing)
- faster compiles Android projects. IDEA has made its compilation process faster, so I also soon expect to delete this Eclipse pro

IDEA pros:
- faster intellisense (if you like Resharper, then you know what I am talking about)
- smarter autocomplete - my friend and I decided to write the same class. I finished before him simply because IDEA faster reacts to my wishes
- incredibly smart - do not know what to do? just press Ctrl+Shift+Space and IDEA will tell you what should come there. It also recognizes naming scheme to if you're filling name object, it will first display getName method.
- will add more as I remember of them

IDEA cons:
- Still the only con is that if you open Eclipse Android project and edit any XML layout file, Eclipse will no longer be able to display edited file into its visual layout editor. This has not been fixed as of this day and it's IDEA's bug as it somehow messes the XML.

Bottom line: if you're a person who does not see advantages of ReSharper in .NET (and we all coded in .NET), then you'll probably stick to Eclipse. It's official Android IDE and you believe it's the best.
If you liked ReSharper and want to code faster, then you'll appreciate IDEA and will stick to it forever.

Get bottom and right position of an element

Vanilla Javascript Answer

var c = document.getElementById("myElement").getBoundingClientRect();
var bot = c.bottom;
var rgt = c.right;

To be clear the element can be anything so long as you have allocated an id to it <img> <div> <p> etc.

for example

    className='logoutImg img-button'

Why can't I reference System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations?

If using .NET Core or .NET Standard


Manage NuGet Packages..

Use Manage NuGet Packages

instead of:

Add Reference...

Don't use Add Reference

PHP Composer update "cannot allocate memory" error (using Laravel 4)

Try this:

/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024
/sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
/sbin/swapon /var/swap.1

This work for me on Centos 6

Where can I find the Java SDK in Linux after installing it?

update-java-alternatives -l

will tell you which java implementation is the default for your system and where in the filesystem it is installed. Check the manual for more options.

How to make grep only match if the entire line matches?

Most suggestions will fail if there so much as a single leading or trailing space, which would matter if the file is being edited by hand. This would make it less susceptible in that case:

grep '^[[:blank:]]*ABB\.log[[:blank:]]*$' a.tmp

A simple while-read loop in shell would do this implicitly:

while read file
  case $file in
    (ABB.log) printf "%s\n" "$file"
done < a.tmp

Quicksort: Choosing the pivot

It is entirely dependent on how your data is sorted to begin with. If you think it will be pseudo-random then your best bet is to either pick a random selection or choose the middle.

Visual Studio Post Build Event - Copy to Relative Directory Location

Would it not make sense to use msbuild directly? If you are doing this with every build, then you can add a msbuild task at the end? If you would just like to see if you can’t find another macro value that is not showed on the Visual Studio IDE, you could switch on the msbuild options to diagnostic and that will show you all of the variables that you could use, as well as their current value.

To switch this on in visual studio, go to Tools/Options then scroll down the tree view to the section called Projects and Solutions, expand that and click on Build and Run, at the right their is a drop down that specify the build output verbosity, setting that to diagnostic, will show you what other macro values you could use.

Because I don’t quite know to what level you would like to go, and how complex you want your build to be, this might give you some idea. I have recently been doing build scripts, that even execute SQL code as part of the build. If you would like some more help or even some sample build scripts, let me know, but if it is just a small process you want to run at the end of the build, the perhaps going the full msbuild script is a bit of over kill.

Hope it helps Rihan

How to combine two strings together in PHP?

$result = $data1 . $data2;

This is called string concatenation. Your example lacks a space though, so for that specifically, you would need:

$result = $data1 . ' ' . $data2;

How do I create a MongoDB dump of my database?

 Use -v to see progress of backup data
    mongodump -v --db dbname --out /pathforbackup/NewFolderforBackupData

 you can use it for restore also
    mongorestore -v --db dbname --drop /pathforbackup/NewFolderforBackupData/dbname

with multile v like -vvvv you will get more information

Javascript: console.log to html

This post has helped me a lot, and after a few iterations, this is what we use.

The idea is to post log messages and errors to HTML, for example if you need to debug JS and don't have access to the console.

You do need to change 'console.log' with 'logThis', as it is not recommended to change native functionality.

What you'll get:

  • A plain and simple 'logThis' function that will display strings and objects along with current date and time for each line
  • A dedicated window on top of everything else. (show it only when needed)
  • Can be used inside '.catch' to see relevant errors from promises.
  • No change of default console.log behavior
  • Messages will appear in the console as well.

function logThis(message) {
  // if we pass an Error object, message.stack will have all the details, otherwise give us a string
  if (typeof message === 'object') {
    message = message.stack || objToString(message);


  // create the message line with current time
  var today = new Date();
  var date = today.getFullYear() + '-' + (today.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + today.getDate();
  var time = today.getHours() + ':' + today.getMinutes() + ':' + today.getSeconds();
  var dateTime = date + ' ' + time + ' ';

  //insert line
  document.getElementById('logger').insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', dateTime + message + '<br>');

function objToString(obj) {
  var str = 'Object: ';
  for (var p in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
      str += p + '::' + obj[p] + ',\n';
  return str;

const object1 = {
  a: 'somestring',
  b: 42,
  c: false

logThis('And all the roads we have to walk are winding, And all the lights that lead us there are blinding')
#logWindow {
  overflow: auto;
  position: absolute;
  width: 90%;
  height: 90%;
  top: 5%;
  left: 5%;
  right: 5%;
  bottom: 5%;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  z-index: 20;
<div id="logWindow">
  <pre id="logger"></pre>

Thanks this answer too, JSON.stringify() didn't work for this.

AngularJS POST Fails: Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 404

Ok so here's how I figured this out. It all has to do with CORS policy. Before the POST request, Chrome was doing a preflight OPTIONS request, which should be handled and acknowledged by the server prior to the actual request. Now this is really not what I wanted for such a simple server. Hence, resetting the headers client side prevents the preflight:

app.config(function ($httpProvider) {
  $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common = {};
  $ = {};
  $httpProvider.defaults.headers.put = {};
  $httpProvider.defaults.headers.patch = {};

The browser will now send a POST directly. Hope this helps a lot of folks out there... My real problem was not understanding CORS enough.

Link to a great explanation:

Kudos to this answer for showing me the way.

Seaborn plots not showing up

My advice is just to give a

plt.figure() and give some sns plot. For example


Though it will look it doesnt show any plot, When you maximise the figure, you will be able to see the plot.

Remove characters after specific character in string, then remove substring?

The Uri class is generally your best bet for manipulating Urls.

Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature

Perhaps create a shared Fruit interface that provides isDecayed. fruits is now of type Fruit[] so the type can be explicit. Like this:

interface Fruit {
    isDecayed: boolean;

interface Apple extends Fruit {
    color: string;

interface Pear extends Fruit {
    weight: number;

interface FruitBasket {
    apples: Apple[];
    pears: Pear[];

const fruitBasket: FruitBasket = { apples: [], pears: [] };
const key: keyof FruitBasket = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'apples': 'pears'; 
const fruits: Fruit[] = fruitBasket[key];

const freshFruits = fruits.filter((fruit) => !fruit.isDecayed);

Time calculation in php (add 10 hours)?

strtotime() gives you a number back that represents a time in seconds. To increment it, add the corresponding number of seconds you want to add. 10 hours = 60*60*10 = 36000, so...

$date = date('h:i:s A', strtotime($today)+36000); // $today is today date

Edit: I had assumed you had a string time in $today - if you're just using the current time, even simpler:

$date = date('h:i:s A', time()+36000); // time() returns a time in seconds already

How to install/start Postman native v4.10.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit?

This is works for me on Ubuntu 18.04 with Postman v7.1.1 which is released on 20 May, 2019.

Download the latest version of Postman.

Most probably your downloaded file should be in Downloads folder.

# Postman-linux-x64-7.1.1.tar.gz is my downloaded file

cd /home/YOUR_USERNAME/Downloads/
tar -xzf Postman-linux-x64-7.1.1.tar.gz Postman/
sudo mv Postman /usr/share/postman
sudo ln -s /usr/share/postman/Postman /usr/bin/postman

If you get an error like this,

/usr/share/postman/Postman: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

please install libgconf-2-4.

sudo apt install libgconf-2-4

Just type postman in your terminal and hit enter to run latest version of Postman. Now we have to create an Unity desktop file for your launcher. For create postman.desktop file run the below command.

sudo nano ~/.local/share/applications/postman.desktop

Then paste below lines into the postman.desktop file.

[Desktop Entry]

Now you can see the "Postman" icon in your Unity launcher. If you miss any point please go through this video or comment below.

Postman 7.1.1

Mac OS X and multiple Java versions

Manage multiple java version in MAC using jenv

  1. Install homebrew using following command

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  1. install jenv and activate jenv

brew install jenv

echo 'eval "$(jenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile

  1. tap cask-versions

brew tap homebrew/cask-versions

  1. search available java version that can be installed

brew search java

  1. E.g. to install java6 use following command

brew install cask java6

  1. Add multiple versions of java in jenv

jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_231.jdk/Contents/Home

jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home

Note:- if you get error like “”ln: /Users//.jenv/versions/oracle64- No such file or directory, then run following:-

mkdir -p /Users//.jenv/versions/oracle64-

  1. Rehash jenv after adding jdk’s

jenv rehash

  1. List known versions of java to jenv

jenv versions

  1. Set default version

jenv global oracle64-

  1. Change java version for a project

jenv local oracle64-

  1. set JAVA_HOME with the same version as jenv

jenv exec bash


How to fill in form field, and submit, using javascript?

document.getElementById('username').value = 'foo';

Creating random numbers with no duplicates

There is algorithm of card batch: you create ordered array of numbers (the "card batch") and in every iteration you select a number at random position from it (removing the selected number from the "card batch" of course).

How to know if a Fragment is Visible?

Adding some information here that I experienced:

fragment.isVisible is only working (true/false) when you replaceFragment() otherwise if you work with addFragment(), isVisible always returns true whether the fragment is in behind of some other fragment.

How to test that a registered variable is not empty?

when: myvar | default('', true) | trim != ''

I use | trim != '' to check if a variable has an empty value or not. I also always add the | default(..., true) check to catch when myvar is undefined too.

Play audio as microphone input

Just as there are printer drivers that do not connect to a printer at all but rather write to a PDF file, analogously there are virtual audio drivers available that do not connect to a physical microphone at all but can pipe input from other sources such as files or other programs.

I hope I'm not breaking any rules by recommending free/donation software, but VB-Audio Virtual Cable should let you create a pair of virtual input and output audio devices. Then you could play an MP3 into the virtual output device and then set the virtual input device as your "microphone". In theory I think that should work.

If all else fails, you could always roll your own virtual audio driver. Microsoft provides some sample code but unfortunately it is not applicable to the older Windows XP audio model. There is probably sample code available for XP too.

How can I read input from the console using the Scanner class in Java?

You can flow this code:

Scanner obj= new Scanner(;
String s = obj.nextLine();

The Definitive C Book Guide and List


Introductory, no previous programming experience

  • C++ Primer * (Stanley Lippman, Josée Lajoie, and Barbara E. Moo) (updated for C++11) Coming at 1k pages, this is a very thorough introduction into C++ that covers just about everything in the language in a very accessible format and in great detail. The fifth edition (released August 16, 2012) covers C++11. [Review]

    * Not to be confused with C++ Primer Plus (Stephen Prata), with a significantly less favorable review.

  • Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup, 2nd Edition - May 25, 2014) (updated for C++11/C++14) An introduction to programming using C++ by the creator of the language. A good read, that assumes no previous programming experience, but is not only for beginners.

Introductory, with previous programming experience

  • A Tour of C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup) (2nd edition for C++17) The “tour” is a quick (about 180 pages and 14 chapters) tutorial overview of all of standard C++ (language and standard library, and using C++11) at a moderately high level for people who already know C++ or at least are experienced programmers. This book is an extended version of the material that constitutes Chapters 2-5 of The C++ Programming Language, 4th edition.

  • Accelerated C++ (Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo, 1st Edition - August 24, 2000) This basically covers the same ground as the C++ Primer, but does so on a fourth of its space. This is largely because it does not attempt to be an introduction to programming, but an introduction to C++ for people who've previously programmed in some other language. It has a steeper learning curve, but, for those who can cope with this, it is a very compact introduction to the language. (Historically, it broke new ground by being the first beginner's book to use a modern approach to teaching the language.) Despite this, the C++ it teaches is purely C++98. [Review]

Best practices

  • Effective C++ (Scott Meyers, 3rd Edition - May 22, 2005) This was written with the aim of being the best second book C++ programmers should read, and it succeeded. Earlier editions were aimed at programmers coming from C, the third edition changes this and targets programmers coming from languages like Java. It presents ~50 easy-to-remember rules of thumb along with their rationale in a very accessible (and enjoyable) style. For C++11 and C++14 the examples and a few issues are outdated and Effective Modern C++ should be preferred. [Review]

  • Effective Modern C++ (Scott Meyers) This is basically the new version of Effective C++, aimed at C++ programmers making the transition from C++03 to C++11 and C++14.

  • Effective STL (Scott Meyers) This aims to do the same to the part of the standard library coming from the STL what Effective C++ did to the language as a whole: It presents rules of thumb along with their rationale. [Review]


  • More Effective C++ (Scott Meyers) Even more rules of thumb than Effective C++. Not as important as the ones in the first book, but still good to know.

  • Exceptional C++ (Herb Sutter) Presented as a set of puzzles, this has one of the best and thorough discussions of the proper resource management and exception safety in C++ through Resource Acquisition is Initialization (RAII) in addition to in-depth coverage of a variety of other topics including the pimpl idiom, name lookup, good class design, and the C++ memory model. [Review]

  • More Exceptional C++ (Herb Sutter) Covers additional exception safety topics not covered in Exceptional C++, in addition to discussion of effective object-oriented programming in C++ and correct use of the STL. [Review]

  • Exceptional C++ Style (Herb Sutter) Discusses generic programming, optimization, and resource management; this book also has an excellent exposition of how to write modular code in C++ by using non-member functions and the single responsibility principle. [Review]

  • C++ Coding Standards (Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu) “Coding standards” here doesn't mean “how many spaces should I indent my code?” This book contains 101 best practices, idioms, and common pitfalls that can help you to write correct, understandable, and efficient C++ code. [Review]

  • C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (David Vandevoorde and Nicolai M. Josuttis) This is the book about templates as they existed before C++11. It covers everything from the very basics to some of the most advanced template metaprogramming and explains every detail of how templates work (both conceptually and at how they are implemented) and discusses many common pitfalls. Has excellent summaries of the One Definition Rule (ODR) and overload resolution in the appendices. A second edition covering C++11, C++14 and C++17 has been already published. [Review]

  • C++ 17 - The Complete Guide (Nicolai M. Josuttis) This book describes all the new features introduced in the C++17 Standard covering everything from the simple ones like 'Inline Variables', 'constexpr if' all the way up to 'Polymorphic Memory Resources' and 'New and Delete with overaligned Data'. [Review]

  • C++ in Action (Bartosz Milewski). This book explains C++ and its features by building an application from ground up. [Review]

  • Functional Programming in C++ (Ivan Cukic). This book introduces functional programming techniques to modern C++ (C++11 and later). A very nice read for those who want to apply functional programming paradigms to C++.

  • Professional C++ (Marc Gregoire, 5th Edition - Feb 2021) Provides a comprehensive and detailed tour of the C++ language implementation replete with professional tips and concise but informative in-text examples, emphasizing C++20 features. Uses C++20 features, such as modules and std::format throughout all examples.


  • Modern C++ Design (Andrei Alexandrescu) A groundbreaking book on advanced generic programming techniques. Introduces policy-based design, type lists, and fundamental generic programming idioms then explains how many useful design patterns (including small object allocators, functors, factories, visitors, and multi-methods) can be implemented efficiently, modularly, and cleanly using generic programming. [Review]

  • C++ Template Metaprogramming (David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy)

  • C++ Concurrency In Action (Anthony Williams) A book covering C++11 concurrency support including the thread library, the atomics library, the C++ memory model, locks and mutexes, as well as issues of designing and debugging multithreaded applications. A second edition covering C++14 and C++17 has been already published. [Review]

  • Advanced C++ Metaprogramming (Davide Di Gennaro) A pre-C++11 manual of TMP techniques, focused more on practice than theory. There are a ton of snippets in this book, some of which are made obsolete by type traits, but the techniques, are nonetheless useful to know. If you can put up with the quirky formatting/editing, it is easier to read than Alexandrescu, and arguably, more rewarding. For more experienced developers, there is a good chance that you may pick up something about a dark corner of C++ (a quirk) that usually only comes about through extensive experience.

Reference Style - All Levels

  • The C++ Programming Language (Bjarne Stroustrup) (updated for C++11) The classic introduction to C++ by its creator. Written to parallel the classic K&R, this indeed reads very much like it and covers just about everything from the core language to the standard library, to programming paradigms to the language's philosophy. [Review] Note: All releases of the C++ standard are tracked in the question "Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?".

  • C++ Standard Library Tutorial and Reference (Nicolai Josuttis) (updated for C++11) The introduction and reference for the C++ Standard Library. The second edition (released on April 9, 2012) covers C++11. [Review]

  • The C++ IO Streams and Locales (Angelika Langer and Klaus Kreft) There's very little to say about this book except that, if you want to know anything about streams and locales, then this is the one place to find definitive answers. [Review]

C++11/14/17/… References:

  • The C++11/14/17 Standard (INCITS/ISO/IEC 14882:2011/2014/2017) This, of course, is the final arbiter of all that is or isn't C++. Be aware, however, that it is intended purely as a reference for experienced users willing to devote considerable time and effort to its understanding. The C++17 standard is released in electronic form for 198 Swiss Francs.

  • The C++17 standard is available, but seemingly not in an economical form – directly from the ISO it costs 198 Swiss Francs (about $200 US). For most people, the final draft before standardization is more than adequate (and free). Many will prefer an even newer draft, documenting new features that are likely to be included in C++20.

  • Overview of the New C++ (C++11/14) (PDF only) (Scott Meyers) (updated for C++14) These are the presentation materials (slides and some lecture notes) of a three-day training course offered by Scott Meyers, who's a highly respected author on C++. Even though the list of items is short, the quality is high.

  • The C++ Core Guidelines (C++11/14/17/…) (edited by Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter) is an evolving online document consisting of a set of guidelines for using modern C++ well. The guidelines are focused on relatively higher-level issues, such as interfaces, resource management, memory management and concurrency affecting application architecture and library design. The project was announced at CppCon'15 by Bjarne Stroustrup and others and welcomes contributions from the community. Most guidelines are supplemented with a rationale and examples as well as discussions of possible tool support. Many rules are designed specifically to be automatically checkable by static analysis tools.

  • The C++ Super-FAQ (Marshall Cline, Bjarne Stroustrup and others) is an effort by the Standard C++ Foundation to unify the C++ FAQs previously maintained individually by Marshall Cline and Bjarne Stroustrup and also incorporating new contributions. The items mostly address issues at an intermediate level and are often written with a humorous tone. Not all items might be fully up to date with the latest edition of the C++ standard yet.

  • (C++03/11/14/17/…) (initiated by Nate Kohl) is a wiki that summarizes the basic core-language features and has extensive documentation of the C++ standard library. The documentation is very precise but is easier to read than the official standard document and provides better navigation due to its wiki nature. The project documents all versions of the C++ standard and the site allows filtering the display for a specific version. The project was presented by Nate Kohl at CppCon'14.

Classics / Older

Note: Some information contained within these books may not be up-to-date or no longer considered best practice.

  • The Design and Evolution of C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup) If you want to know why the language is the way it is, this book is where you find answers. This covers everything before the standardization of C++.

  • Ruminations on C++ - (Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo) [Review]

  • Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms (James Coplien) A predecessor of the pattern movement, it describes many C++-specific “idioms”. It's certainly a very good book and might still be worth a read if you can spare the time, but quite old and not up-to-date with current C++.

  • Large Scale C++ Software Design (John Lakos) Lakos explains techniques to manage very big C++ software projects. Certainly, a good read, if it only was up to date. It was written long before C++ 98 and misses on many features (e.g. namespaces) important for large-scale projects. If you need to work in a big C++ software project, you might want to read it, although you need to take more than a grain of salt with it. The first volume of a new edition is released in 2019.

  • Inside the C++ Object Model (Stanley Lippman) If you want to know how virtual member functions are commonly implemented and how base objects are commonly laid out in memory in a multi-inheritance scenario, and how all this affects performance, this is where you will find thorough discussions of such topics.

  • The Annotated C++ Reference Manual (Bjarne Stroustrup, Margaret A. Ellis) This book is quite outdated in the fact that it explores the 1989 C++ 2.0 version - Templates, exceptions, namespaces and new casts were not yet introduced. Saying that however, this book goes through the entire C++ standard of the time explaining the rationale, the possible implementations, and features of the language. This is not a book to learn programming principles and patterns on C++, but to understand every aspect of the C++ language.

  • Thinking in C++ (Bruce Eckel, 2nd Edition, 2000). Two volumes; is a tutorial style free set of intro level books. Downloads: vol 1, vol 2. Unfortunately they're marred by a number of trivial errors (e.g. maintaining that temporaries are automatically const), with no official errata list. A partial 3rd party errata list is available at, but it is apparently not maintained.

  • Scientific and Engineering C++: An Introduction to Advanced Techniques and Examples (John Barton and Lee Nackman) It is a comprehensive and very detailed book that tried to explain and make use of all the features available in C++, in the context of numerical methods. It introduced at the time several new techniques, such as the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP, also called Barton-Nackman trick). It pioneered several techniques such as dimensional analysis and automatic differentiation. It came with a lot of compilable and useful code, ranging from an expression parser to a Lapack wrapper. The code is still available online. Unfortunately, the books have become somewhat outdated in the style and C++ features, however, it was an incredible tour-de-force at the time (1994, pre-STL). The chapters on dynamics inheritance are a bit complicated to understand and not very useful. An updated version of this classic book that includes move semantics and the lessons learned from the STL would be very nice.

Notepad++: Multiple words search in a file (may be in different lines)?

You need a new version of notepad++. Looks like old versions don't support |.

Note: egrep "CAT|TOWN" will search for lines containing CATOWN. (CAT)|(TOWN) is the proper or extension (matching 1,3,4). Strangely you wrote and which is btw (CAT.*TOWN)|(TOWN.*CAT)

Equivalent of Oracle's RowID in SQL Server

ROWID is a hidden column on Oracle tables, so, for SQL Server, build your own. Add a column called ROWID with a default value of NEWID().

How to do that: Add column, with default value, to existing table in SQL Server

Why does the order in which libraries are linked sometimes cause errors in GCC?

(See the history on this answer to get the more elaborate text, but I now think it's easier for the reader to see real command lines).

Common files shared by all below commands

$ cat a.cpp
extern int a;
int main() {
  return a;

$ cat b.cpp
extern int b;
int a = b;

$ cat d.cpp
int b;

Linking to static libraries

$ g++ -c b.cpp -o b.o
$ ar cr libb.a b.o
$ g++ -c d.cpp -o d.o
$ ar cr libd.a d.o

$ g++ -L. -ld -lb a.cpp # wrong order
$ g++ -L. -lb -ld a.cpp # wrong order
$ g++ a.cpp -L. -ld -lb # wrong order
$ g++ a.cpp -L. -lb -ld # right order

The linker searches from left to right, and notes unresolved symbols as it goes. If a library resolves the symbol, it takes the object files of that library to resolve the symbol (b.o out of libb.a in this case).

Dependencies of static libraries against each other work the same - the library that needs symbols must be first, then the library that resolves the symbol.

If a static library depends on another library, but the other library again depends on the former library, there is a cycle. You can resolve this by enclosing the cyclically dependent libraries by -( and -), such as -( -la -lb -) (you may need to escape the parens, such as -\( and -\)). The linker then searches those enclosed lib multiple times to ensure cycling dependencies are resolved. Alternatively, you can specify the libraries multiple times, so each is before one another: -la -lb -la.

Linking to dynamic libraries

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. # not needed if libs go to /usr/lib etc
$ g++ -fpic -shared d.cpp -o
$ g++ -fpic -shared b.cpp -L. -ld -o # specifies its dependency!

$ g++ -L. -lb a.cpp # wrong order (works on some distributions)
$ g++ -Wl,--as-needed -L. -lb a.cpp # wrong order
$ g++ -Wl,--as-needed a.cpp -L. -lb # right order

It's the same here - the libraries must follow the object files of the program. The difference here compared with static libraries is that you need not care about the dependencies of the libraries against each other, because dynamic libraries sort out their dependencies themselves.

Some recent distributions apparently default to using the --as-needed linker flag, which enforces that the program's object files come before the dynamic libraries. If that flag is passed, the linker will not link to libraries that are not actually needed by the executable (and it detects this from left to right). My recent archlinux distribution doesn't use this flag by default, so it didn't give an error for not following the correct order.

It is not correct to omit the dependency of against when creating the former. You will be required to specify the library when linking a then, but a doesn't really need the integer b itself, so it should not be made to care about b's own dependencies.

Here is an example of the implications if you miss specifying the dependencies for

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. # not needed if libs go to /usr/lib etc
$ g++ -fpic -shared d.cpp -o
$ g++ -fpic -shared b.cpp -o # wrong (but links)

$ g++ -L. -lb a.cpp # wrong, as above
$ g++ -Wl,--as-needed -L. -lb a.cpp # wrong, as above
$ g++ a.cpp -L. -lb # wrong, missing
$ g++ a.cpp -L. -ld -lb # wrong order (works on some distributions)
$ g++ -Wl,--as-needed a.cpp -L. -ld -lb # wrong order (like static libs)
$ g++ -Wl,--as-needed a.cpp -L. -lb -ld # "right"

If you now look into what dependencies the binary has, you note the binary itself depends also on libd, not just libb as it should. The binary will need to be relinked if libb later depends on another library, if you do it this way. And if someone else loads libb using dlopen at runtime (think of loading plugins dynamically), the call will fail as well. So the "right" really should be a wrong as well.

How to add app icon within phonegap projects?

If you want an easy-to-use way to add icons automatically when building locally (cordova emulate ios, cordova run android, etc) have a look at this gist:

Hopefully this will start to work out of the box sometime in the future, here is the relevant bug report on the Cordova project:

window.location (JS) vs header() (PHP) for redirection

The result is same for all options. Redirect.

<meta> in HTML:

  • Show content of your site, and next redirect user after a few (or 0) seconds.
  • Don't need JavaScript enabled.
  • Don't need PHP.

window.location in JS:

  • Javascript enabled needed.
  • Don't need PHP.
  • Show content of your site, and next redirect user after a few (or 0) seconds.
  • Redirect can be dependent on any conditions if (1 === 1) { window.location.href = ''; }.

header('Location:') in PHP:

  • Don't need JavaScript enabled.
  • PHP needed.
  • Redirect will be executed first, user never see what is after. header() must be the first command in php script, before output any other. If you try output some before header, will receive an Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent

Binding Listbox to List<object> in WinForms

There are two main routes here:

1: listBox1.DataSource = yourList;

Do any manipulation (Add/Delete) to yourList and Rebind.
Set DisplayMember and ValueMember to control what is shown.

2: listBox1.Items.AddRange(yourList.ToArray());

(or use a for-loop to do Items.Add(...))

You can control Display by overloading ToString() of the list objects or by implementing the listBox1.Format event.

CSS styling in Django forms

For larger form instead of writing css classed for every field you could to this

class UserRegistration(forms.ModelForm):
   # list charfields

   class Meta:
      model = User
      fields = ('username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'password', 'password2')

   def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      super(UserRegistration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
      for field in self.fields:
         self.fields[field].widget.attrs['class'] = 'form-control'

Java: how to import a jar file from command line

you can try to export as "Runnable jar" in eclipse. I have also problems, when i export as "jar", but i have never problems when i export as "Runnable jar".

iTunes Connect Screenshots Sizes for all iOS (iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch) devices

For iPhone 5.5" display you need to change the simulator to "Physical Size" on iPhone 8 Plus

Physical size

Format an Excel column (or cell) as Text in C#?

//where [1] - column number which you want to make text

ExcelWorksheet.Columns[1].NumberFormat = "@";

//If you want to format a particular column in all sheets in a workbook - use below code. Remove loop for single sheet along with slight changes.

  //path were excel file is kept

     string ResultsFilePath = @"C:\\Users\\krakhil\\Desktop\\TGUW EXCEL\\TEST";

            Excel.Application ExcelApp = new Excel.Application();
            Excel.Workbook ExcelWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(ResultsFilePath);
            ExcelApp.Visible = true;

            //Looping through all available sheets
            foreach (Excel.Worksheet ExcelWorksheet in ExcelWorkbook.Sheets)
                //Selecting the worksheet where we want to perform action
                ExcelWorksheet.Columns[1].NumberFormat = "@";

            //saving excel file using Interop

            //closing file and releasing resources
            ExcelWorkbook.Close(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

How do you create a daemon in Python?

Probably not a direct answer to the question, but systemd can be used to run your application as a daemon. Here is an example:

Description=Python daemon

User=<run as user>
Group=<run as group group>
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python <python script home>/

# Give the script some time to startup


I prefer this method because a lot of the work is done for you, and then your daemon script behaves similarly to the rest of your system.


What is "Linting"?

Lint was the name of a program that would go through your C code and identify problems before you compiled, linked, and ran it. It was a static checker, much like FindBugs today for Java.

Like Google, "lint" became a verb that meant static checking your source code.

AngularJS: Basic example to use authentication in Single Page Application

I've created a github repo summing up this article basically:

ng-login Github repo


I'll try to explain as good as possible, hope I help some of you out there:

(1) app.js: Creation of authentication constants on app definition

var loginApp = angular.module('loginApp', ['ui.router', 'ui.bootstrap'])
/*Constants regarding user login defined here*/
.constant('USER_ROLES', {
    all : '*',
    admin : 'admin',
    editor : 'editor',
    guest : 'guest'
}).constant('AUTH_EVENTS', {
    loginSuccess : 'auth-login-success',
    loginFailed : 'auth-login-failed',
    logoutSuccess : 'auth-logout-success',
    sessionTimeout : 'auth-session-timeout',
    notAuthenticated : 'auth-not-authenticated',
    notAuthorized : 'auth-not-authorized'

(2) Auth Service: All following functions are implemented in auth.js service. The $http service is used to communicate with the server for the authentication procedures. Also contains functions on authorization, that is if the user is allowed to perform a certain action.

.factory('Auth', [ '$http', '$rootScope', '$window', 'Session', 'AUTH_EVENTS', 
function($http, $rootScope, $window, Session, AUTH_EVENTS) {

authService.login() = [...]
authService.isAuthenticated() = [...]
authService.isAuthorized() = [...]
authService.logout() = [...]

return authService;
} ]);

(3) Session: A singleton to keep user data. The implementation here depends on you.

angular.module('loginApp').service('Session', function($rootScope, USER_ROLES) {

    this.create = function(user) {
        this.user = user;
        this.userRole = user.userRole;
    this.destroy = function() {
        this.user = null;
        this.userRole = null;
    return this;

(4) Parent controller: Consider this as the "main" function of your application, all controllers inherit from this controller, and it's the backbone of the authentication of this app.

<body ng-controller="ParentController">

(5) Access control: To deny access on certain routes 2 steps have to be implemented:

a) Add data of the roles allowed to access each route, on ui router's $stateProvider service as can be seen below (same can work for ngRoute).

.config(function ($stateProvider, USER_ROLES) {
  $stateProvider.state('dashboard', {
    url: '/dashboard',
    templateUrl: 'dashboard/index.html',
    data: {
      authorizedRoles: [USER_ROLES.admin, USER_ROLES.editor]

b) On $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart') add the function to prevent state change if the user is not authorized.

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, next) {
    var authorizedRoles =;
    if (!Auth.isAuthorized(authorizedRoles)) {
      if (Auth.isAuthenticated()) {
        // user is not allowed
      } else {
        // user is not logged in

(6) Auth interceptor: This is implemented, but can't be checked on the scope of this code. After each $http request, this interceptor checks the status code, if one of the below is returned, then it broadcasts an event to force the user to log-in again.

.factory('AuthInterceptor', [ '$rootScope', '$q', 'Session', 'AUTH_EVENTS',
function($rootScope, $q, Session, AUTH_EVENTS) {
    return {
        responseError : function(response) {
                401 : AUTH_EVENTS.notAuthenticated,
                403 : AUTH_EVENTS.notAuthorized,
                419 : AUTH_EVENTS.sessionTimeout,
                440 : AUTH_EVENTS.sessionTimeout
            }[response.status], response);
            return $q.reject(response);
} ]);

P.S. A bug with the form data autofill as stated on the 1st article can be easily avoided by adding the directive that is included in directives.js.

P.S.2 This code can be easily tweaked by the user, to allow different routes to be seen, or display content that was not meant to be displayed. The logic MUST be implemented server-side, this is just a way to show things properly on your ng-app.

Eclipse returns error message "Java was started but returned exit code = 1"

I've encountered similar problems. The reason is that the path to my eclipse includes Chinese characters. Once those characters are deleted, the problem is solved. Please check if there are characters other than English in your path.

I have Python on my Ubuntu system, but gcc can't find Python.h

None of the answers worked for me. If you are running on Ubuntu, you can try:

With python3:

sudo apt-get install python3 python-dev python3-dev \
     build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev \
     libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev \

With Python 2:

sudo apt-get install python-dev  \
     build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev \
     libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev \

How to protect Excel workbook using VBA?

To lock whole workbook from opening, Thisworkbook.password option can be used in VBA.

If you want to Protect Worksheets, then you have to first Lock the cells with option Thisworkbook.sheets.cells.locked = True and then use the option Thisworkbook.sheets.protect password:="pwd".

Primarily search for these keywords: Thisworkbook.password or Thisworkbook.Sheets.Cells.Locked

Rename all files in a folder with a prefix in a single command

You can just use -i instead of -I {}

ls | xargs -i mv {} unix_{}

This also works perfectly.

  • ls - lists all the files in the directory
  • xargs - accepts all files line by line due to the -i option
  • {} is the placeholder for all files, necessary if xargs gets more than two arguments as input

Using awk:

ls -lrt | grep '^-' | awk '{print "mv "$9" unix_"$9""}' | sh

How to install mysql-connector via pip

First install setuptools

sudo pip install setuptools

Then install mysql-connector

sudo pip install mysql-connector

If using Python3, then replace pip by pip3

Using .Select and .Where in a single LINQ statement

Did you add the Select() after the Where() or before?

You should add it after, because of the concurrency logic:

 1 Take the entire table  
 2 Filter it accordingly  
 3 Select only the ID's  
 4 Make them distinct.  

If you do a Select first, the Where clause can only contain the ID attribute because all other attributes have already been edited out.

Update: For clarity, this order of operators should work:

db.Items.Where(x=> x.userid == user_ID).Select(x=>x.Id).Distinct();

Probably want to add a .toList() at the end but that's optional :)

How do I split a string, breaking at a particular character?

This isn't as good as the destructuring answer, but seeing as this question was asked 12 years ago, I decided to give it an answer that also would have worked 12 years ago.

function Record(s) {
    var keys = ["name", "address", "address2", "city", "state", "zip"], values = s.split("~"), i
    for (i = 0; i<keys.length; i++) {
        this[keys[i]] = values[i]

var record = new Record('john smith~123 Street~Apt 4~New York~NY~12345') // contains john smith
record.address // contains 123 Street
record.address2 // contains Apt 4 // contains New York
record.state // contains NY // contains zip

Python Pandas Counting the Occurrences of a Specific value

Try this:
