[c#] How to COUNT rows within EntityFramework without loading contents?

I'm trying to determine how to count the matching rows on a table using the EntityFramework.

The problem is that each row might have many megabytes of data (in a Binary field). Of course the SQL would be something like this:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [MyTable] WHERE [fkID] = '1';

I could load all of the rows and then find the Count with:

var owner = context.MyContainer.Where(t => t.ID == '1');
var count = owner.MyTable.Count();

But that is grossly inefficient. Is there a simpler way?

EDIT: Thanks, all. I've moved the DB from a private attached so I can run profiling; this helps but causes confusions I didn't expect.

And my real data is a bit deeper, I'll use Trucks carrying Pallets of Cases of Items -- and I don't want the Truck to leave unless there is at least one Item in it.

My attempts are shown below. The part I don't get is that CASE_2 never access the DB server (MSSQL).

var truck = context.Truck.FirstOrDefault(t => (t.ID == truckID));
if (truck == null)
    return "Invalid Truck ID: " + truckID;
var dlist = from t in ve.Truck
    where t.ID == truckID
    select t.Driver;
if (dlist.Count() == 0)
    return "No Driver for this Truck";

var plist = from t in ve.Truck where t.ID == truckID
    from r in t.Pallet select r;
if (plist.Count() == 0)
    return "No Pallets are in this Truck";
#if CASE_1
/// This works fine (using 'plist'):
var list1 = from r in plist
    from c in r.Case
    from i in c.Item
    select i;
if (list1.Count() == 0)
    return "No Items are in the Truck";

#if CASE_2
/// This never executes any SQL on the server.
var list2 = from r in truck.Pallet
        from c in r.Case
        from i in c.Item
        select i;
bool ok = (list.Count() > 0);
if (!ok)
    return "No Items are in the Truck";

#if CASE_3
/// Forced loading also works, as stated in the OP...
bool ok = false;
foreach (var pallet in truck.Pallet) {
    foreach (var kase in pallet.Case) {
        var item = kase.Item.FirstOrDefault();
        if (item != null) {
            ok = true;
    if (ok) break;
if (!ok)
    return "No Items are in the Truck";

And the SQL resulting from CASE_1 is piped through sp_executesql, but:

SELECT [Project1].[C1] AS [C1]
FROM   ( SELECT cast(1 as bit) AS X ) AS [SingleRowTable1]
    [GroupBy1].[A1] AS [C1]
        COUNT(cast(1 as bit)) AS [A1]
        FROM   [dbo].[PalletTruckMap] AS [Extent1]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[PalletCaseMap] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[PalletID] = [Extent2].[PalletID]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Item] AS [Extent3] ON [Extent2].[CaseID] = [Extent3].[CaseID]
        WHERE [Extent1].[TruckID] = '....'
    )  AS [GroupBy1] ) AS [Project1] ON 1 = 1

[I don't really have Trucks, Drivers, Pallets, Cases or Items; as you can see from the SQL the Truck-Pallet and Pallet-Case relationships are many-to-many -- although I don't think that matters. My real objects are intangibles and harder to describe, so I changed the names.]

This question is related to c# database entity-framework

The answer is

As I understand it, the selected answer still loads all of the related tests. According to this msdn blog, there is a better way.



using (var context = new UnicornsContext())

    var princess = context.Princesses.Find(1);

    // Count how many unicorns the princess owns 
    var unicornHaul = context.Entry(princess)
                      .Collection(p => p.Unicorns)

I think this should work...

var query = from m in context.MyTable
            where m.MyContainerId == '1' // or what ever the foreign key name is...
            select m;

var count = query.Count();

Use the ExecuteStoreQuery method of the entity context. This avoids downloading the entire result set and deserializing into objects to do a simple row count.

   int count;

    using (var db = new MyDatabase()){
      string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable where FkId = {0}";

      object[] myParams = {1};
      var cntQuery = db.ExecuteStoreQuery<int>(sql, myParams);

      count = cntQuery.First<int>();

This is my code:

IQueryable<AuctionRecord> records = db.AuctionRecord;
var count = records.Count();

Make sure the variable is defined as IQueryable then when you use Count() method, EF will execute something like

select count(*) from ...

Otherwise, if the records is defined as IEnumerable, the sql generated will query the entire table and count rows returned.

Well, even the SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table will be fairly inefficient, especially on large tables, since SQL Server really can't do anything but do a full table scan (clustered index scan).

Sometimes, it's good enough to know an approximate number of rows from the database, and in such a case, a statement like this might suffice:

    SUM(used_page_count) * 8 AS SizeKB,
    SUM(row_count) AS [RowCount], 
    OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID('YourTableNameHere')
    AND (index_id = 0 OR index_id = 1)

This will inspect the dynamic management view and extract the number of rows and the table size from it, given a specific table. It does so by summing up the entries for the heap (index_id = 0) or the clustered index (index_id = 1).

It's quick, it's easy to use, but it's not guaranteed to be 100% accurate or up to date. But in many cases, this is "good enough" (and put much less burden on the server).

Maybe that would work for you, too? Of course, to use it in EF, you'd have to wrap this up in a stored proc or use a straight "Execute SQL query" call.


I think you want something like

var count = context.MyTable.Count(t => t.MyContainer.ID == '1');

(edited to reflect comments)

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