Programs & Examples On #Unique id

Anything related to the generation and management of unique identifiers, i.e. pieces of information (such as strings, numbers, etc.) that (must/can) have no duplicate in some context (e.g. process IDs in a running PC, primary keys in a database table, user names in a networked system, etc.).

JavaScript Object Id

I've just come across this, and thought I'd add my thoughts. As others have suggested, I'd recommend manually adding IDs, but if you really want something close to what you've described, you could use this:

var objectId = (function () {
    var allObjects = [];

    var f = function(obj) {
        if (allObjects.indexOf(obj) === -1) {
        return allObjects.indexOf(obj);
    f.clear = function() {
      allObjects = [];
    return f;

You can get any object's ID by calling objectId(obj). Then if you want the id to be a property of the object, you can either extend the prototype: = function () {
    return objectId(this);

or you can manually add an ID to each object by adding a similar function as a method.

The major caveat is that this will prevent the garbage collector from destroying objects when they drop out of scope... they will never drop out of the scope of the allObjects array, so you might find memory leaks are an issue. If your set on using this method, you should do so for debugging purpose only. When needed, you can do objectId.clear() to clear the allObjects and let the GC do its job (but from that point the object ids will all be reset).

How can I generate a unique ID in Python?

You might want Python's UUID functions:

21.15. uuid — UUID objects according to RFC 4122


import uuid
print uuid.uuid4()


Populate unique values into a VBA array from Excel

Profiting from the MS Excel 365 function UNIQUE()

In order to enrich the valid solutions above:

Sub ExampleCall()
Dim rng As Range: Set rng = Sheet1.Range("A2:A11")   ' << change to your sheet's Code(Name)
Dim a: a = rng
a = getUniques(a)
arrInfo a
End Sub
Function getUniques(a, Optional ZeroBased As Boolean = True)
Dim tmp: tmp = Application.Transpose(WorksheetFunction.Unique(a))
If ZeroBased Then ReDim Preserve tmp(0 To UBound(tmp) - 1)
getUniques = tmp
End Function

How do I get the number of elements in a list?

In terms of how len() actually works, this is its C implementation:

static PyObject *
builtin_len(PyObject *module, PyObject *obj)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=fa7a270d314dfb6c input=bc55598da9e9c9b5]*/
    Py_ssize_t res;

    res = PyObject_Size(obj);
    if (res < 0) {
        return NULL;
    return PyLong_FromSsize_t(res);

Py_ssize_t is the maximum length that the object can have. PyObject_Size() is a function that returns the size of an object. If it cannot determine the size of an object, it returns -1. In that case, this code block will be executed:

    if (res < 0) {
        return NULL;

And an exception is raised as a result. Otherwise, this code block will be executed:

    return PyLong_FromSsize_t(res);

res which is a C integer, is converted into a Python int (which is still called a "Long" in the C code because Python 2 had two types for storing integers) and returned.

scp copy directory to another server with private key auth

The command looks quite fine. Could you try to run -v (verbose mode) and then we can figure out what it is wrong on the authentication?

Also as mention in the other answer, maybe could be this issue - that you need to convert the keys (answered already here): How to convert SSH keypairs generated using PuttyGen(Windows) into key-pairs used by ssh-agent and KeyChain(Linux) OR (depending what you need)

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader

-if not available then first add that file and add android.useDeprecatedNdk=true

-use this code in build.gradle

defaultConfig {
    applicationId 'com.example.application'
    minSdkVersion 16
    targetSdkVersion 21
    versionCode 11
    versionName "1.1"
    ndk {
        abiFilters "armeabi"


How could I create a list in c++?

You should really use the standard List class. Unless, of course, this is a homework question, or you want to know how lists are implemented by STL.

You'll find plenty of simple tutorials via google, like this one. If you want to know how linked lists work "under the hood", try searching for C list examples/tutorials rather than C++.

How to add a JAR in NetBeans

Right click 'libraries' in the project list, then click add.

Display a angular variable in my html page

In your template, you have access to all the variables that are members of the current $scope. So, tobedone should be $scope.tobedone, and then you can display it with {{tobedone}}, or [[tobedone]] in your case.

How can I convert a date into an integer?

You can run it through Number()

var myInt = Number(new Date(dates_as_int[0]));

If the parameter is a Date object, the Number() function returns the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC.

Use of Number()

Loading local JSON file

I'm surprised import from es6 has not been mentioned (use with small files)

Ex: import test from './test.json'

webpack 2< uses the json-loader as default for .json files.

For TypeScript:

import test from 'json-loader!./test.json';

TS2307 (TS) Cannot find module 'json-loader!./suburbs.json'

To get it working I had to declare the module first. I hope this will save a few hours for someone.

declare module "json-loader!*" {
  let json: any;
  export default json;


import test from 'json-loader!./test.json';

If I tried to omit loader from json-loader I got the following error from webpack:

BREAKING CHANGE: It's no longer allowed to omit the '-loader' suffix when using loaders. You need to specify 'json-loader' instead of 'json', see

PHP: How to remove all non printable characters in a string?

The regex into selected answer fail for Unicode: 0x1d (with php 7.4)

a solution:

        $ct = 'différents'."\r\n test";

        // fail for Unicode: 0x1d
        $ct = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x7F]$/u', '',$ct);

        // work for Unicode: 0x1d
        $ct =  preg_replace( '/[^\P{C}]+/u', "",  $ct);

        // work for Unicode: 0x1d and allow line break
        $ct =  preg_replace( '/[^\P{C}\n]+/u', "",  $ct);

        echo $ct;

from: UTF 8 String remove all invisible characters except newline

HTML5 Video // Completely Hide Controls

Like this:

<video width="300" height="200" autoplay="autoplay">
  <source src="video/supercoolvideo.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

controls is a boolean attribute:

Note: The values "true" and "false" are not allowed on boolean attributes. To represent a false value, the attribute has to be omitted altogether.

Server Document Root Path in PHP

$files = glob($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/myFolder/*");

How to sort with a lambda?

To much code, you can use it like this:


int main()
    std::array<int, 10> vec = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };

              [](int a, int b) {return a > b; });

    for (auto item : vec)
      std::cout << item << " ";

    return 0;

Replace "vec" with your class and that's it.

how to place last div into right top corner of parent div? (css)

.block1 {_x000D_
    color: red;_x000D_
    width: 100px;_x000D_
    border: 1px solid green;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
.block2 {_x000D_
    color: blue;_x000D_
    width: 70px;_x000D_
    border: 2px solid black;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0px;_x000D_
    right: 0px;_x000D_
<div class='block1'>_x000D_
  <div class='block2'>block2</div>_x000D_

Should do it. Assuming you don't need it to flow.

What data is stored in Ephemeral Storage of Amazon EC2 instance?

ephemeral is just another name of root volume when you launch Instance from AMI backed from Amazon EC2 instance store

So Everything will be stored on ephemeral.

if you have launched your instance from AMI backed by EBS volume then your instance does not have ephemeral.

No MediaTypeFormatter is available to read an object of type 'String' from content with media type 'text/plain'

I know this is an older question, but I felt the answer from t3chb0t led me to the best path and felt like sharing. You don't even need to go so far as implementing all the formatter's methods. I did the following for the content-type "application/vnd.api+json" being returned by an API I was using:

public class VndApiJsonMediaTypeFormatter : JsonMediaTypeFormatter
    public VndApiJsonMediaTypeFormatter()
        SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/vnd.api+json"));

Which can be used simply like the following:

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient("");
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync("person");

List<System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter> formatters = new List<System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter>();
formatters.Add(new System.Net.Http.Formatting.JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
formatters.Add(new VndApiJsonMediaTypeFormatter());

var responseObject = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Person>(formatters);

Super simple and works exactly as I expected.

importing jar libraries into android-studio

In the project right click

-> new -> module
-> import jar/AAR package
-> import select the jar file to import
-> click ok -> done

You can follow the screenshots below:


Step 1


enter image description here


enter image description here

You will see this:

enter image description here

JavaScript function to add X months to a date

This function handles edge cases and is fast:

function addMonthsUTC (date, count) {
  if (date && count) {
    var m, d = (date = new Date(+date)).getUTCDate()

    date.setUTCMonth(date.getUTCMonth() + count, 1)
    m = date.getUTCMonth()
    if (date.getUTCMonth() !== m) date.setUTCDate(0)
  return date


> d = new Date('2016-01-31T00:00:00Z');
Sat Jan 30 2016 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d = addMonthsUTC(d, 1);
Sun Feb 28 2016 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d = addMonthsUTC(d, 1);
Mon Mar 28 2016 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d.toISOString()

Update for non-UTC dates: (by A.Hatchkins)

function addMonths (date, count) {
  if (date && count) {
    var m, d = (date = new Date(+date)).getDate()

    date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + count, 1)
    m = date.getMonth()
    if (date.getMonth() !== m) date.setDate(0)
  return date


> d = new Date(2016,0,31);
Sun Jan 31 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d = addMonths(d, 1);
Mon Feb 29 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d = addMonths(d, 1);
Tue Mar 29 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d.toISOString()

T-SQL loop over query results

You could use a CURSOR in this case:


FROM   table

OPEN @getid
FROM @getid INTO @id, @name
    EXEC stored_proc @varName=@id, @otherVarName='test', @varForName=@name
    FROM @getid INTO @id, @name

CLOSE @getid

Modified to show multiple parameters from the table.

Activate a virtualenv with a Python script

Just a simple solution that works for me. I don't know why you need the Bash script which basically does a useless step (am I wrong ?)

import os
os.system('/bin/bash  --rcfile flask/bin/activate')

Which basically does what you need:

[hellsing@silence Foundation]$ python2.7
(flask)[hellsing@silence Foundation]$

Then instead of deactivating the virtual environment, just Ctrl + D or exit. Is that a possible solution or isn't that what you wanted?

How to set Java classpath in Linux?

export CLASSPATH=/home/appnetix/LOG4J_HOME/log4j-1.2.16.jar

or, if you already have some classpath set

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/appnetix/LOG4J_HOME/log4j-1.2.16.jar

and, if also you want to include current directory

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/appnetix/LOG4J_HOME/log4j-1.2.16.jar:.

C# equivalent of the IsNull() function in SQL Server

This is meant half as a joke, since the question is kinda silly.

public static bool IsNull (this System.Object o)
   return (o == null);

This is an extension method, however it extends System.Object, so every object you use now has an IsNull() method.

Then you can save tons of code by doing:

if (foo.IsNull())

instead of the super lame:

if (foo == null)

How do I connect to a SQL Server 2008 database using JDBC?

Simple Java Program which connects to the SQL Server.

NOTE: You need to add sqljdbc.jar into the build path

// localhost : local computer acts as a server

// 1433 : SQL default port number

// username : sa

// password: use password, which is used at the time of installing SQL server management studio, In my case, it is 'root'

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;

    public class Conn {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {

            Connection conn=null;
            try {
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=company", "sa", "root");

                    System.out.println("Database Successfully connected");

            } catch (SQLException e) {


How to avoid HTTP error 429 (Too Many Requests) python

Receiving a status 429 is not an error, it is the other server "kindly" asking you to please stop spamming requests. Obviously, your rate of requests has been too high and the server is not willing to accept this.

You should not seek to "dodge" this, or even try to circumvent server security settings by trying to spoof your IP, you should simply respect the server's answer by not sending too many requests.

If everything is set up properly, you will also have received a "Retry-after" header along with the 429 response. This header specifies the number of seconds you should wait before making another call. The proper way to deal with this "problem" is to read this header and to sleep your process for that many seconds.

You can find more information on status 429 here:

Get list of data-* attributes using javascript / jQuery

or convert gilly3's excellent answer to a jQuery method:

$ = function () {
    var data = {};
    [], function (attr) {
        if (/^data-/.test( {
            var camelCaseName =, function ($0, $1) {
                return $1.toUpperCase();
            data[camelCaseName] = attr.value;
    return data;

Using: $('.foo').info();

Faking an RS232 Serial Port

Another alternative, even though the OP did not ask for it:

There exist usb-to-serial adapters. Depending on the type of adapter, you may also need a nullmodem cable, too.

They are extremely easy to use under linux, work under windows, too, if you have got working drivers installed.

That way you can work directly with the sensors, and you do not have to try and emulate data. That way you are maybe even save from building an anemic system. (Due to your emulated data inputs not covering all cases, leading you to a brittle system.)

Its often better to work with the real stuff.

Printing HashMap In Java

keySet() only returns a set of keys from your hashmap, you should iterate this key set and the get the value from the hashmap using these keys.

In your example, the type of the hashmap's key is TypeKey, but you specified TypeValue in your generic for-loop, so it cannot be compiled. You should change it to :

for (TypeKey name: example.keySet()){
            String key = name.toString();
            String value = example.get(name).toString();  
            System.out.println(key + " " + value);  

Update for Java8:

    System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());  

If you don't require to print key value and just need the hashmap value, you can use others' suggestions.

Another question: Is this collection is zero base? I mean if it has 1 key and value will it size be 0 or 1?

The collection returned from keySet() is a Set.You cannot get the value from a Set using an index, so it is not a question of whether it is zero-based or one-based. If your hashmap has one key, the keySet() returned will have one entry inside, and its size will be 1.

Float sum with javascript

Once you read what What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic you could use the .toFixed() function:

var result = parseFloat('2.3') + parseFloat('2.4');

Python, add items from txt file into a list

f = open('file.txt','r')

for line in f:
    myNames.append(line.strip()) # We don't want newlines in our list, do we?

Java String encoding (UTF-8)

How is this different from the following?

This line of code here:

String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));

constructs a new String object (i.e. a copy of oldString), while this line of code:

String newString = oldString;

declares a new variable of type java.lang.String and initializes it to refer to the same String object as the variable oldString.

Is there any scenario in which the two lines will have different outputs?


String newString = oldString;
boolean isSameInstance = newString == oldString; // isSameInstance == true


String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));
 // isSameInstance == false (in most cases)    
boolean isSameInstance = newString == oldString;

a_horse_with_no_name (see comment) is right of course. The equivalent of

String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));


String newString = new String(oldString);

minus the subtle difference wrt the encoding that Peter Lawrey explains in his answer.

How do I ignore all files in a folder with a Git repository in Sourcetree?

In Sourcetree: Just ignore a file in specified folder. Sourcetree will ask if you like to ignore all files in that folder. It's perfect!

How to convert string to date to string in Swift iOS?

//String to Date Convert

var dateString = "2014-01-12"
var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let s = dateFormatter.dateFromString(dateString)

//CONVERT FROM NSDate to String  

let date = NSDate()
var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd" 
var dateString = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date)

How to uninstall with msiexec using product id guid without .msi file present

Thanks all for the help - turns out it was a WiX issue.

When the Product ID GUID was left explicit & hardcoded as in the question, the resulting .msi had no ProductCode property but a Product ID property instead when inspected with orca.

Once I changed the GUID to '*' to auto-generate, the ProductCode showed up and all works fine with syntax confirmed by the other answers.

Print Combining Strings and Numbers

if you are using 3.6 try this

 k = 250
 print(f"User pressed the: {k}")

Output: User pressed the: 250

How can I implement a theme from bootswatch or wrapbootstrap in an MVC 5 project?

I do have an article on MSDN - Creating ASP.NET MVC with custom bootstrap theme / layout using VS 2012, VS 2013 and VS 2015, also have a demo code sample attached.. Please refer below link.

How to remove an element slowly with jQuery?

If you need to hide and then remove the element use the remove method inside the callback function of hide method.

This should work

$target.hide("slow", function(){ $(this).remove(); })

ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor: Include JavaScript file in the head tag

You can use Named Sections.


    <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js")"></script>
    @RenderSection("JavaScript", required: false)


@section JavaScript
   <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/SomeScript.js")"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/AnotherScript.js")"></script>

How to call codeigniter controller function from view

Codeigniter is an MVC (Model - View - Controller) framework. It's really not a good idea to call a function from the view. The view should be used just for presentation, and all your logic should be happening before you get to the view in the controllers and models.

A good start for clarifying the best practice is to follow this tutorial:

It's simple, but it really lays out an excellent how-to.

I hope this helps!

Error: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed

I had a similar issue with 50,000 rdf/xml files in 5,000 directories (the Project Gutenberg catalog file). I solved it with riot (in the jena distribution)

the directory is cache/epub/NN/nn.rdf (where NN is a number)

in the directory above the directory where all the files are, i.e. in cache

riot epub/*/*.rdf --output=turtle > allTurtle.ttl

This produces possibly many warnings but the result is in a format which can be loaded into jena (using the fuseki web interface).

surprisingly simple (at least in this case).

Cannot add a project to a Tomcat server in Eclipse

  1. Right-click on project
  2. Go to properties => project factes
  3. Click on runtime tab
  4. Check the box of the server
  5. Then ok

Close the eclipse and start the server you will able to see and run the project.

How do I set the value property in AngularJS' ng-options?

Please use track by property which differentiate values and labels in select box.

Please try

<select ng-options="obj.text for obj in array track by obj.value"></select>

which will assign labels with text and value with value(from the array)

Simple JavaScript Checkbox Validation

You can do something like this:

<form action="../" onsubmit="return checkCheckBoxes(this);">
    <p><input type="CHECKBOX" name="MyCheckbox" value="This..."> This...</p>
    <p><input type="SUBMIT" value="Submit!"></p>

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function checkCheckBoxes(theForm) {
    if (
    theForm.MyCheckbox.checked == false) 
        alert ('You didn\'t choose any of the checkboxes!');
        return false;
    } else {    
        return true;

Although less legible imho, this can be done without a separate function definition like this:

<form action="../" onsubmit="if (this.MyCheckbox.checked == false) { alert ('You didn\'t choose any of the checkboxes!'); return false; } else { return true; }">
    <p><input type="CHECKBOX" name="MyCheckbox" value="This..."> This...</p>
    <p><input type="SUBMIT" value="Submit!"></p>

List all tables in postgresql information_schema

The "\z" COMMAND is also a good way to list tables when inside the interactive psql session.


# psql -d mcdb -U admin -p 5555
mcdb=# /z
                           Access privileges for database "mcdb"
 Schema |              Name              |   Type   |           Access privileges
 public | activities                     | table    |
 public | activities_id_seq              | sequence |
 public | activities_users_mapping       | table    |
 public | v_schedules_2                  | view     | {admin=arwdxt/admin,viewuser=r/admin}
 public | v_systems                      | view     |
 public | vapp_backups                   | table    |
 public | vm_client                      | table    |
 public | vm_datastore                   | table    |
 public | vmentity_hle_map               | table    |
(148 rows)

Finding out the name of the original repository you cloned from in Git

In the repository root, the .git/config file holds all information about remote repositories and branches. In your example, you should look for something like:

[remote "origin"]
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    url = server:gitRepo.git

Also, the Git command git remote -v shows the remote repository name and URL. The "origin" remote repository usually corresponds to the original repository, from which the local copy was cloned.

How to yum install Node.JS on Amazon Linux

Official Documentation for EC2-Instance works for me:

 1. curl -o- | bash
 2. . ~/.nvm/
 3. nvm ls-remote (=> find your version x.x.x =>) nvm install  x.x.x
 4. node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"

@synthesize vs @dynamic, what are the differences?

@synthesize will generate getter and setter methods for your property. @dynamic just tells the compiler that the getter and setter methods are implemented not by the class itself but somewhere else (like the superclass or will be provided at runtime).

Uses for @dynamic are e.g. with subclasses of NSManagedObject (CoreData) or when you want to create an outlet for a property defined by a superclass that was not defined as an outlet.

@dynamic also can be used to delegate the responsibility of implementing the accessors. If you implement the accessors yourself within the class then you normally do not use @dynamic.

Super class:

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSButton *someButton;
@synthesize someButton;


@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSButton *someButton;
@dynamic someButton;

How to delete a line from a text file in C#?

I extended what Markus Olsson suggested, and came up with this class that adds multiple search strings and a couple of event:

public static class TextLineRemover
    public static void RemoveTextLines(IList<string> linesToRemove, string filename, string tempFilename)
        // Initial values
        int lineNumber = 0;
        int linesRemoved = 0;
        DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

        // Read file
        using (var sr = new StreamReader(filename))
            // Write new file
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(tempFilename))
                // Read lines
                string line;
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    // Look for text to remove
                    if (!ContainsString(line, linesToRemove))
                        // Keep lines that does not match
                        // Ignore lines that DO match
                        InvokeOnRemovedLine(new RemovedLineArgs { RemovedLine = line, RemovedLineNumber = lineNumber});
        // Delete original file

        // ... and put the temp file in its place.
        File.Move(tempFilename, filename);

        // Final calculations
        DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
        InvokeOnFinished(new FinishedArgs {LinesRemoved = linesRemoved, TotalLines = lineNumber, TotalTime = endTime.Subtract(startTime)});

    private static bool ContainsString(string line, IEnumerable<string> linesToRemove)
        foreach (var lineToRemove in linesToRemove)
                return true;
        return false;

    public static event RemovedLine OnRemovedLine;
    public static event Finished OnFinished;

    public static void InvokeOnFinished(FinishedArgs args)
        Finished handler = OnFinished;
        if (handler != null) handler(null, args);

    public static void InvokeOnRemovedLine(RemovedLineArgs args)
        RemovedLine handler = OnRemovedLine;
        if (handler != null) handler(null, args);

public delegate void Finished(object sender, FinishedArgs args);

public class FinishedArgs
    public int TotalLines { get; set; }
    public int LinesRemoved { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan TotalTime { get; set; }

public delegate void RemovedLine(object sender, RemovedLineArgs args);

public class RemovedLineArgs
    public string RemovedLine { get; set; }
    public int RemovedLineNumber { get; set; }


TextLineRemover.OnRemovedLine += (o, removedLineArgs) => Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Removed \"{0}\" at line {1}", removedLineArgs.RemovedLine, removedLineArgs.RemovedLineNumber));
TextLineRemover.OnFinished += (o, finishedArgs) => Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} of {1} lines removed. Time used: {2}", finishedArgs.LinesRemoved, finishedArgs.TotalLines, finishedArgs.TotalTime.ToString()));
TextLineRemover.RemoveTextLines(new List<string> { "aaa", "bbb" }, fileName, fileName + ".tmp");

How to check the gradle version in Android Studio?

You can install andle for gradle version management.

It can help you sync to the latest version almost everything in gradle file.

Simple three step to update all project at once.

1. install:

    $ sudo pip install andle

2. set sdk:

    $ andle setsdk -p <sdk_path>

3. update depedency:

    $ andle update -p <project_path> [--dryrun] [--remote] [--gradle]

--dryrun: only print result in console

--remote: check version in jcenter and mavenCentral

--gradle: check gradle version

See for more information

Laravel 5.4 create model, controller and migration in single artisan command

Laravel 5.4 You can use

 php artisan make:model --migration --controller --resource Test

This will create 1) Model 2) controller with default resource function 3) Migration file

And Got Answer

Model created successfully.

Created Migration: 2018_04_30_055346_create_tests_table

Controller created successfully.

SQL Inner Join On Null Values

I'm pretty sure that the join doesn't even do what you want. If there are 100 records in table a with a null qid and 100 records in table b with a null qid, then the join as written should make a cross join and give 10,000 results for those records. If you look at the following code and run the examples, I think that the last one is probably more the result set you intended:

create table #test1 (id int identity, qid int)
create table #test2 (id int identity, qid int)

Insert #test1 (qid)
select null
union all
select null
union all
select 1
union all
select 2
union all
select null

Insert #test2 (qid)
select null
union all
select null
union all
select 1
union all
select 3
union all
select null

select * from #test2 t2
join #test1 t1 on t2.qid = t1.qid

select * from #test2 t2
join #test1 t1 on isnull(t2.qid, 0) = isnull(t1.qid, 0)

select * from #test2 t2
join #test1 t1 on 
 t1.qid = t2.qid OR ( t1.qid IS NULL AND t2.qid IS NULL )

select, t2.qid,, t1.qid from #test2 t2
join #test1 t1 on t2.qid = t1.qid
union all
select null, null,id, qid from #test1 where qid is null
union all
select id, qid, null, null from #test2  where qid is null

Navigation bar with UIImage for title

If you'd prefer to use autolayout, and want a permanent fixed image in the navigation bar, that doesn't animate in with each screen, this solution works well:

class CustomTitleNavigationController: UINavigationController {

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let logo = UIImage(named: "MyHeaderImage")

    let imageView = UIImageView(image:logo)
    imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
    imageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false


    navigationBar.addConstraint (navigationBar.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.leftAnchor, constant: 0))
    navigationBar.addConstraint (navigationBar.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.rightAnchor, constant: 0))
    navigationBar.addConstraint (navigationBar.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.topAnchor, constant: 0))
    navigationBar.addConstraint (navigationBar.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.bottomAnchor, constant: 0))

Uninstalling an MSI file from the command line without using msiexec

There are many ways to uninstall an MSI package. This is intended as a "reference".

In summary you can uninstall via: msiexec.exe, ARP, WMI, PowerShell, Deployment Systems such as SCCM, VBScript / COM Automation, DTF, or via hidden Windows cache folder, and a few other options presented below.

The first few paragraphs provide important MSI tidbits, then there are 14 sections with different ways to uninstall an MSI file. Puh.

"Babble, Babble - Over": Sections 1, 2 and 3 are the normal uninstall approaches (and hence recommended). Personally I use option 3 or 5 from section 3 (both options with logging, but option 5 runs silently as well). If you are very busy, skip all the babble and go for one of these - it will get the job done.

If you have problems uninstalling altogether and are looking for an alternative to the deprecated MsiZap.exe and / or Windows Installer CleanUp Utility (MSICUU2.exe), you can try the new FixIt tool from Microsoft (or the international page). May apparently work for other install issues as well.

Newer list of cleanup approaches: Cleaning out broken MSI uninstalls.

If you think MSI and Windows Installer is more trouble than it's worth, you might want to read about the corporate benefits of using MSI files.

Installscript MSI setups generally come wrapped in a setup.exe file. To read more about the parameters to use for uninstalling such setups please see these links: setup.exe pdf reference sheet, Setup.exe and Update.exe Command-Line Parameters.

Some MSI files are installed as part of bundles via mechanism such as Burn (WiX Toolkit) or InstallShield Suite projects. This can make uninstall slightly different from what is seen below. Here is an example for InstallShield Suite projects.

Be aware that running uninstall silently or interactively can cause different results (!). For a rather lengthy description of why this is the case, please read this post: Uninstall from Control Panel is different from Remove from .msi

If you are unexpectedly asked for the original installation media when trying to uninstall, please read this answer: Why does MSI require the original .msi file to proceed with an uninstall? and perhaps also section 12 below for some important technical details.

If you got CCleaner or similar cleanup tools installed, perhaps jump to section 11.

If uninstall is failing entirely (not possible to run), see sections 12 & 13 below for a potential way to "undo" the installation using system restore and / or cleanup tools.

1 - Using the original MSI

  • If you have access to the original MSI used for the installation, you can simply right click it in Windows Explorer and select Uninstall.
  • You can also uninstall via command line as explained in section 3.

2 - Using the old ARP Applet OR new Windows 8/10 Settings Interface

  • Just got to mention the normal approach(es) though it is obvious

  • ARP = Add / Remove Programs Applet (appwiz.cpl)

  • Windows 10 Settings Interface => New shell for same operation

  • ARP:

    • Go start ? run ? appwiz.cpl ? ENTER in order to open the add/remove programs applet (or click add/ remove programs in the control panel)
    • Click "Remove" for the product you want to uninstall
  • Settings Interface (Windows 8 / 10):

    • Use the new Settings GUI in Windows 8 / 10
      • Windows Key + Tap I => Apps & Features. Select entry and uninstall.
    • Direct shortcut:
      • Windows Key + Tap R => Type: ms-settings:appsfeatures and press Enter
    • Some reports of errors when invoking uninstall this way. Please add comments below if seen.

3 - Using msiexec.exe command line (directly or via a batch file)

  • You can uninstall via the command prompt (cmd.exe), batch file or or even from within an executable as a shell operation.
  • You do this by passing the product GUID (check below for how to find this GUID) or the path to the original MSI file, if available, to msiexec.exe.
  • For all the command lines below you can add /qn to make the uninstall run in silent mode. This is how an uninstall runs when triggered from the add/remove applet.

Option 3.1: Basic interactive uninstall (access to original MSI file):

msiexec.exe /x "c:\filename.msi"

Option 3.2: Basic interactive uninstall via product GUID (no access to original MSI file - here is how to find the product GUID - same link as below):

msiexec.exe /x {11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111X}

Option 3.3: Interactive uninstall with verbose log file:

msiexec.exe /x "c:\filename.msi" /L*V "C:\msilog.log"
msiexec.exe /x {11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111X} /L*V "C:\msilog.log"

Option 3.4: Interactive uninstall with flushed, verbose log file (verbose, flush to log option - write log continuously, can be very slow):

msiexec.exe /x "c:\filename.msi" /L*V! "C:\msilog.log"
msiexec.exe /x {11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111X} /L*V! "C:\msilog.log"
  • The flush to log option makes the uninstall slow because the log file is written continuously instead of in batches. This ensures no log-buffer is lost if the setup crashes.

  • In other words, enable this option if your setup is crashing and there is no helpful information in your verbose log file. Remove the exclamation mark to turn off the flush to log option and the uninstall will be much quicker. You still get verbose logging, but as stated some log buffer could be lost.

Option 3.5 (recommended): Silent uninstall with verbose log file - suppress reboots (no flush to log - see previous option for what this means):

msiexec.exe /x "c:\filename.msi" /QN /L*V "C:\msilog.log" REBOOT=R
msiexec.exe /x {11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111X} /QN /L*V "C:\msilog.log" REBOOT=R

Quick Parameter Explanation (since I recommend this option):

/X = run uninstall sequence
/QN = run completely silently
/L*V "C:\msilog.log"= verbose logging at path specified
{11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111X} = product guid of app to uninstall
REBOOT=R = prevent unexpected reboot of computer

Again, how to find the product guid: How can I find the product GUID of an installed MSI setup? (for uninstall if you don't have the original MSI to specify in the uninstall command).

4 - Using the cached MSI database in the super hidden cache folder

  • MSI strips out all cabs (older Windows versions) and caches each MSI installed in a super-hidden system folder at %SystemRoot%\Installer (you need to show hidden files to see it).
  • NB: This supper-hidden folder is now being treated differently in Windows 7 onwards. MSI files are now cached full-size. Read the linked thread for more details - recommended read for anyone who finds this answer and fiddles with dangerous Windows settings.
  • Avoid these huge cached files by using admin installations. On the topic of disk space: How can I get rid of huge cached MSI files (and other disk space cleanup tricks).
  • All the MSI files here will have a random name (hex format) assigned, but you can get information about each MSI by showing the Windows Explorer status bar (View -> Status Bar) and then selecting an MSI. The summary stream from the MSI will be visible at the bottom of the Windows Explorer window. Or as Christopher Galpin points out, turn on the "Comments" column in Windows Explorer and select the MSI file (see this article for how to do this).
  • Once you find the right MSI, just right click it and go Uninstall.
  • You can also use PowerShell to show the full path to the locally cached package along with the product name. This is the easiest option in my opinion.
  • To fire up PowerShell: hold down the Windows key, tap R, release the Windows key, type in "powershell" and press OK. Then maximize the PowerShell window and run the command below:
  get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Format-Table Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize

Enter image description here

5 - Using PowerShell

6 - Using the .NET DTF Class Library (part of the WiX toolkit)

    using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;

    public static void Uninstall( string productCode)
      Installer.ConfigureProduct(productCode, 0, InstallState.Absent, "REBOOT=\"R\"");

7 - Using the Windows Installer Automation API

8 - Using a Windows Installer major upgrade

  • A Windows Installer major upgrade may happen as part of the installation of another MSI file.
  • A major upgrade is authored by identifying related products in the MSI's "Upgrade table". These related setups are then handled as specified in the table. Generally that means they are uninstalled, but the main setup can also be aborted instead (typically used to detect higher versions of your own application present on the box).

9 - Using Deployment Systems / Remote Administration Systems

  • SCCM, CA Unicenter, IBM's Tivoli, Altiris Client Management Suite, and several others
  • These tools feature advanced client PC management, and this includes the install and uninstall of MSI files
  • These tools seem to use a combination of msiexec.exe, automation, WMI, etc... and even their own way of invoking installs and uninstalls.
  • In my experience these tools feature a lot of "personality" and you need to adapt to their different ways of doing things.

10 - Using WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation

11 - Using a third-party tool such as ccleaner or similar

  • Several Windows applications feature their own interface for uninstalling not just MSI packages, but legacy installers too.
  • I don't want to make any specific tool recommendations here (especially commercial ones), but the well known CCleaner features such an uninstall interface (and it has a free version). I should also add that this tool suffered a malware attack recently.
  • I guess we should all remember that even harmless software can be injected with malware in their download locations (FTP attack).
    • I use to check my downloads, and also Sysinternals Process Explorer to check running processes after installation - along with regular security software (whichever is available).
    • A surprising amount of "gray area" software is usually found with this approach (toolbars, smileys, adware, etc...), along with several false positives (they can also cause problems as security software block their access or quarantines them making a lot of fuzz). And certainly real malware as well.
    • Some usage tips for Process Explorer can be found here - a series of tweets - this Process Explorer tool hooks up to to check all running processes interactively - all you need is a few configuration steps.
    • I should note that Process Explorer yields a file signature check, but no heuristics - as far as I understand (no check for suspicious operations, just a check with 60+ security suites for flagged files). You need a regular security tool for interactive, online heuristic protection.
    • For what it is worth, I think some security software border on causing more false-positive problems than malware does damage. Famous last words in the era of ransom-ware...
    • That is a large enough digression - I just don't want to see people download malware. Do your check at least.
  • Uninstalling like this should work OK. I think these tools mess with too many things when you try their "cleanup features" though. Use with caution. If you only use the uninstall feature, you should be OK.

12 - Using a cleanup tool such as msizap or similar

  • For completeness msizap.exe should be mentioned though it is deprecated, unsupported and outdated. It should not be used on any newer Windows versions
  • This command line tool (msizap.exe) also had a GUI available (MSICUU2.exe). Both tools are deprectated.
  • The intended use of these tools was to clean out failing uninstalls:
  • Generally for the rare case when the cached MSI with the random name is erroneously missing and uninstall fails for this reason whilst asking for the original MSI. This is a rare problem, but I have seen it myself. Just a few potential causes: Moved to this answer.
    • Key words: system restore interference, bad cleanup apps, msiexec.exe crashing, power outage, security software interference, MSI development debugging blunders (identical package codes, etc...), user tinkering and hacking (what is in here? save space?), etc...
    • It could also be used to zap any MSI installation, though that is obviously not advisable.
    • More information: Why does MSI require the original .msi file to proceed with an uninstall?
  • This newer support tool (this tool is now also deprecated) can be tried on recent Windows versions if you have defunct MSI packages needing uninstall.
  • Some have suggested to use the tool linked to here by saschabeaumont: Uninstall without an MSI file. If you try it and it works, please be sure to let us know.
  • If you have access to the original MSI that was actually used to install the product, you can use this to run the uninstall. It must be the exact MSI that was used, and not just a similar one.

13 - Using system restore ("installation undo" - last resort IMHO)

  • This is strictly speaking not a way to "uninstall" but to "undo" the last install, or several installs for that matter.
  • Restoring via a restore point brings the system back to a previous installation state (you can find video demos of this on YouTube or a similar site).
  • Note that the feature can be disabled entirely or partly - it is possible to disable permanently for the whole machine, or adhoc per install.
  • I have seen new, unsolvable installation problems resulting from a system restore, but normally it works OK. Obviously don't use the feature for fun. It's a last resort and is best used for rollback of new drivers or setups that have just been installed and are found to cause immediate problems (bluescreen, reboots, instability, etc...).
  • The longer you go back the more rework you will create for yourself, and the higher the risk will be. Most systems feature only a few restore points, and most of them stretch back just a month or two I believe.
  • Be aware that system restore might affect Windows Updates that must then be re-applied - as well as many other system settings. Beyond pure annoyances, this can also cause security issues to resurface and you might want to run a specific security check on the target box(es) using Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer or similar tools.
  • Since I mentioned system restore I suppose I should mention the Last Known Good Configuration feature. This feature has nothing to do with uninstall or system restore, but it is the last boot configuration that worked or resulted in a running system. It can be used to get your system running again if it bluescreens or halts during booting. This often happens after driver installs.

14 - Windows Installer Functions (C++)

For completeness I guess we should mention the core of it all - the down-to-the-metal way: the Win32 Windows Installer API functions. These are likely the functions used by most, if not all of the other approaches listed above "under the hood". They are primarily used by applications or solutions dealing directly with MSI as a technology.

There is an answer on which may be of interest as

How to convert string to boolean in typescript Angular 4

Boolean("true") will do the work too

How to read file using NPOI

It might be helpful to rely on the Workbook factory to instantiate the workbook object since the factory method will do the detection of xls or xlsx for you. Reference:

IWorkbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(inputStream);

If you're not sure of the Sheet's name but you are sure of the index (0 based), you can grab the sheet like this:

ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(sheetIndex);

You can then iterate through the rows using code supplied by the accepted answer from mj82

How to convert an int array to String with toString method in Java

This function returns a array of int in the string form like "6097321041141011026"

private String IntArrayToString(byte[] array) {
        String strRet="";
        for(int i : array) {
        return strRet;

Python, HTTPS GET with basic authentication

Use the power of Python and lean on one of the best libraries around: requests

import requests

r = requests.get('', auth=('myusername', 'mybasicpass'))

Variable r (requests response) has a lot more parameters that you can use. Best thing is to pop into the interactive interpreter and play around with it, and/or read requests docs.

ubuntu@hostname:/home/ubuntu$ python3
Python 3.4.3 (default, Oct 14 2015, 20:28:29)
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get('', auth=('myusername', 'mybasicpass'))
>>> dir(r)
['__attrs__', '__bool__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__nonzero__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setstate__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_content', '_content_consumed', 'apparent_encoding', 'close', 'connection', 'content', 'cookies', 'elapsed', 'encoding', 'headers', 'history', 'iter_content', 'iter_lines', 'json', 'links', 'ok', 'raise_for_status', 'raw', 'reason', 'request', 'status_code', 'text', 'url']
>>> r.content
>>> r.text
>>> r.status_code
>>> r.headers
CaseInsensitiveDict({'x-powered-by': 'Express', 'content-length': '77', 'date': 'Fri, 20 May 2016 02:06:18 GMT', 'server': 'nginx/1.6.3', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'})

How do I set GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY for specific repos only?

for windows, if you want global config, then run

git config --global http.sslVerify false

How do you round UP a number in Python?

I am surprised nobody suggested

(numerator + denominator - 1) // denominator

for integer division with rounding up. Used to be the common way for C/C++/CUDA (cf. divup)

SQL Developer with JDK (64 bit) cannot find JVM

Step 1, go to C:\Users<you>\AppData\Roaming, delete the whole folder [sqldeveloper]

Step 2, click on your shortcut sqldeveloper to start Sql developer

Step 3, the window will popup again to ask for a JRE location, choose a suitable one.

If it still doesn't work, execute again from step 1 to 3, remember to change JRE location every time until it works.

Drag and drop elements from list into separate blocks

Dragging an object and placing in a different location is part of the standard of HTML5. All the objects can be draggable. But the Specifications of below web browser should be followed. API Chrome Internet Explorer Firefox Safari Opera Version 4.0 9.0 3.5 6.0 12.0

You can find example from below:

Add day(s) to a Date object

Note : Use it if calculating / adding days from current date.

Be aware: this answer has issues (see comments)

var myDate = new Date();
myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + AddDaysHere);

It should be like

var newDate = new Date(date.setTime( date.getTime() + days * 86400000 ));

How do I remove the passphrase for the SSH key without having to create a new key?

In windows for me it kept saying "id_ed25135: No such file or directory" upon entering above commands. So I went to the folder, copied the path within folder explorer and added "\id_ed25135" at the end.

This is what I ended up typing and worked:
ssh-keygen -p -f C:\Users\john\.ssh\id_ed25135

This worked. Because for some reason, in Cmder the default path was something like this C:\Users\capit/.ssh/id_ed25135 (some were backslashes: "\" and some were forward slashes: "/")

HTML5 input type range show range value

If you're using multiple slides, and you can use jQuery, you can do the follow to deal with multiple sliders easily:

function updateRangeInput(elem) {_x000D_
input { padding: 8px; border: 1px solid #ddd; color: #555; display: block; }_x000D_
input[type=text] { width: 100px; }_x000D_
input[type=range] { width: 400px; }
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="range" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateRangeInput(this)" value="0">_x000D_
<input type="text" value="0">_x000D_
<input type="range" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateRangeInput(this)" value="50">_x000D_
<input type="text" value="50">

Also, by using oninput on the <input type='range'> you'll receive events while dragging the range.

Can't escape the backslash with regex?

you can use ? at the end to skip one "\"


What are the performance characteristics of sqlite with very large database files?

I've created SQLite databases up to 3.5GB in size with no noticeable performance issues. If I remember correctly, I think SQLite2 might have had some lower limits, but I don't think SQLite3 has any such issues.

According to the SQLite Limits page, the maximum size of each database page is 32K. And the maximum pages in a database is 1024^3. So by my math that comes out to 32 terabytes as the maximum size. I think you'll hit your file system's limits before hitting SQLite's!

How do I restart my C# WinForm Application?

Unfortunately you can't use Process.Start() to start an instance of the currently running process. According to the Process.Start() docs: "If the process is already running, no additional process resource is started..."

This technique will work fine under the VS debugger (because VS does some kind of magic that causes Process.Start to think the process is not already running), but will fail when not run under the debugger. (Note that this may be OS-specific - I seem to remember that in some of my testing, it worked on either XP or Vista, but I may just be remembering running it under the debugger.)

This technique is exactly the one used by the last programmer on the project on which I'm currently working, and I've been trying to find a workaround for this for quite some time. So far, I've only found one solution, and it just feels dirty and kludgy to me: start a 2nd application, that waits in the background for the first application to terminate, then re-launches the 1st application. I'm sure it would work, but, yuck.

Edit: Using a 2nd application works. All I did in the second app was:

    static void RestartApp(int pid, string applicationName )
        // Wait for the process to terminate
        Process process = null;
            process = Process.GetProcessById(pid);
        catch (ArgumentException ex)
            // ArgumentException to indicate that the 
            // process doesn't exist?   LAME!!
        Process.Start(applicationName, "");

(This is a very simplified example. The real code has lots of sanity checking, error handling, etc)

Making a Windows shortcut start relative to where the folder is?

If you can set a system variable (something like %MyGameFolder%), then you can use that in your paths and shortcuts, and Windows will fill in rest of the path for you (that is, %MyGameFolder%\data\MyGame.exe).

Here is a small primer. You can either set this value via a batch file, or you can probably set it programmatically if you share how you're planning to create your shortcut.

How to find if a native DLL file is compiled as x64 or x86?

There is an easy way to do this with CorFlags. Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt and type "corflags [your assembly]". You'll get something like this:

c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC>corflags "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dll"

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework CorFlags Conversion Tool. Version 3.5.21022.8 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version : v2.0.50727 CLR Header: 2.5 PE : PE32 CorFlags : 24 ILONLY : 0 32BIT : 0 Signed : 1

You're looking at PE and 32BIT specifically.

  • Any CPU:

    PE: PE32
    32BIT: 0

  • x86:

    PE: PE32
    32BIT: 1

  • x64:

    PE: PE32+
    32BIT: 0

How Do I Replace/Change The Heading Text Inside <h3></h3>, Using jquery?


Just use method "text()".

The .text() method cannot be used on form inputs or scripts. To set or get the text value of input or textarea elements, use the .val() method. To get the value of a script element, use the .html() method.

Setting a timeout for socket operations

You can't control the timeout due to UnknownHostException. These are DNS timings. You can only control the connect timeout given a valid host. None of the preceding answers addresses this point correctly.

But I find it hard to believe that you are really getting an UnknownHostException when you specify an IP address rather than a hostname.

EDIT To control Java's DNS timeouts see this answer.

How to create full path with node's fs.mkdirSync?

I solved the problem this way - similar to other recursive answers but to me this is much easier to understand and read.

const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

function mkdirRecurse(inputPath) {
  if (fs.existsSync(inputPath)) {
  const basePath = path.dirname(inputPath);
  if (fs.existsSync(basePath)) {

How to find files modified in last x minutes (find -mmin does not work as expected)

Manual of find:

   Numeric arguments can be specified as

   +n     for greater than n,

   -n     for less than n,

   n      for exactly n.

   -amin n
          File was last accessed n minutes ago.

   -anewer file
          File was last accessed more recently than file was modified.  If file is a symbolic link and the -H option or the -L option is in effect, the access time of the file it points  to  is  always

   -atime n
          File  was  last  accessed  n*24 hours ago.  When find figures out how many 24-hour periods ago the file was last accessed, any fractional part is ignored, so to match -atime +1, a file has to
          have been accessed at least two days ago.

   -cmin n
          File's status was last changed n minutes ago.

   -cnewer file
          File's status was last changed more recently than file was modified.  If file is a symbolic link and the -H option or the -L option is in effect, the status-change time of the file it  points
          to is always used.

   -ctime n
          File's status was last changed n*24 hours ago.  See the comments for -atime to understand how rounding affects the interpretation of file status change times.


find /dir -cmin -60 # creation time
find /dir -mmin -60 # modification time
find /dir -amin -60 # access time

How to programmatically move, copy and delete files and directories on SD?

Move File or Folder:

public static void moveFile(File srcFileOrDirectory, File desFileOrDirectory) throws IOException {
    File newFile = new File(desFileOrDirectory, srcFileOrDirectory.getName());
    try (FileChannel outputChannel = new FileOutputStream(newFile).getChannel(); FileChannel inputChannel = new FileInputStream(srcFileOrDirectory).getChannel()) {
        inputChannel.transferTo(0, inputChannel.size(), outputChannel);

private static void deleteRecursive(File fileOrDirectory) {
    if (fileOrDirectory.isDirectory())
        for (File child : Objects.requireNonNull(fileOrDirectory.listFiles()))

REST response code for invalid data

I would recommend 422. It's not part of the main HTTP spec, but it is defined by a public standard (WebDAV) and it should be treated by browsers the same as any other 4xx status code.

From RFC 4918:

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

Float a div right, without impacting on design

What do you mean by impacts? Content will flow around a float. That's how they work.

If you want it to appear above your design, try setting:

z-index: 10;  
position: absolute;  
right: 0;  
top: 0;

How do I call Objective-C code from Swift?

  1. Create a .h file from NewFile -> Source -> header file
  2. Then save the name of file Your_Target_Name-Bridging-Header.h People here gets common mistake by taking their project name but it should be the Project's Target's name if in case both are different, generally they are same.
  3. Then in build settings search for Objective-C Bridging Header flag and put the address of your newly created bridging file, you can do it right click on the file -> show in finder -> drag the file in the text area then the address will be populated.
  4. Using #import Your_Objective-C_file.h
  5. In the swift file you can access the ObjC file but in swift language only.

How to select a drop-down menu value with Selenium using Python?

It works with option value:

from selenium import webdriver
b = webdriver.Firefox()

OAuth: how to test with local URLs?

For Mac users, edit the /etc/hosts file. You have to use sudo vi /etc/hosts if its read-only. After authorization, the oauth server sends the callback URL, and since that callback URL is rendered on your local browser, the local DNS setting will work:

Converting Dictionary to List?

You should use dict.items().

Here is a one liner solution for your problem:

[(k,v) for k,v in dict.items()]

and result:

[('Food', 'Fish&Chips'), ('2012', 'Olympics'), ('Capital', 'London')]

or you can do

[l.extend([k,v]) for k,v in dict.items()]


['Food', 'Fish&Chips', '2012', 'Olympics', 'Capital', 'London']

Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL':

My code was broken because I was using a deprecated technique. It used to be this:

video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(localMediaStream);;

Then I replaced that with this:

video.srcObject = localMediaStream;;

That worked beautifully.

EDIT: Recently localMediaStream has been deprecated and replaced with MediaStream. The latest code looks like this:

video.srcObject = new MediaStream();


  1. Deprecated technique:
  2. Modern deprecated technique:
  3. Modern technique:

What dependency is missing for org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping?

I had the same problem but I solved in other way (becouse at right click on project folder no Maven tab apears only if I do that on pom.xml I can see a Maven tab):

So I tink that you get that error because the IDE (Eclipse) didn`t import the dependecies from Maven. Since you are using Spring framework and you probably have STS allready installed right-click on project folder Spring Tools -> Update Maven Dependecies.

I`m using Eclipse JUNO m2eclipse 1.3.0 Spring IDEE 3.1

Append column to pandas dataframe

You can also use:

dat1 = pd.concat([dat1, dat2], axis=1)

Automapper missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping - Error

In my case, I had created the map, but was missing the ReverseMap function. Adding it got rid of the error.

      private static void RegisterServices(ContainerBuilder bldr)
         var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
            cfg.AddProfile(new CampMappingProfile());

      public CampMappingProfile()
         CreateMap<Talk, TalkModel>().ReverseMap();

Verilog: How to instantiate a module

This is all generally covered by Section 23.3.2 of SystemVerilog IEEE Std 1800-2012.

The simplest way is to instantiate in the main section of top, creating a named instance and wiring the ports up in order:

module top(
   input        clk,
   input        rst_n,
   input        enable,
   input  [9:0] data_rx_1,
   input  [9:0] data_rx_2,
   output [9:0] data_tx_2

subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name (
  clk, rst_n, data_rx_1, data_tx ); 


This is described in Section of SystemVerilog IEEE Std 1800-2012.

This has a few draw backs especially regarding the port order of the subcomponent code. simple refactoring here can break connectivity or change behaviour. for example if some one else fixs a bug and reorders the ports for some reason, switching the clk and reset order. There will be no connectivity issue from your compiler but will not work as intended.

module subcomponent(
  input        rst_n,       
  input        clk,

It is therefore recommended to connect using named ports, this also helps tracing connectivity of wires in the code.

module top(
   input        clk,
   input        rst_n,
   input        enable,
   input  [9:0] data_rx_1,
   input  [9:0] data_rx_2,
   output [9:0] data_tx_2

subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name (
  .clk(clk), .rst_n(rst_n), .data_rx(data_rx_1), .data_tx(data_tx) ); 


This is described in Section of SystemVerilog IEEE Std 1800-2012.

Giving each port its own line and indenting correctly adds to the readability and code quality.

subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name (
  .clk      ( clk       ), // input
  .rst_n    ( rst_n     ), // input
  .data_rx  ( data_rx_1 ), // input  [9:0]
  .data_tx  ( data_tx   )  // output [9:0]

So far all the connections that have been made have reused inputs and output to the sub module and no connectivity wires have been created. What happens if we are to take outputs from one component to another:

  .clk      ( clk_sub   ), // output
  .en       ( enable    )  // input

subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name (
  .clk      ( clk_sub   ), // input
  .rst_n    ( rst_n     ), // input 
  .data_rx  ( data_rx_1 ), // input  [9:0]
  .data_tx  ( data_tx   )  // output [9:0]

This nominally works as a wire for clk_sub is automatically created, there is a danger to relying on this. it will only ever create a 1 bit wire by default. An example where this is a problem would be for the data:

Note that the instance name for the second component has been changed

subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name (
  .clk      ( clk_sub   ), // input
  .rst_n    ( rst_n     ), // input 
  .data_rx  ( data_rx_1 ), // input  [9:0]
  .data_tx  ( data_temp )  // output [9:0]
subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name2 (
  .clk      ( clk_sub   ), // input
  .rst_n    ( rst_n     ), // input 
  .data_rx  ( data_temp ), // input  [9:0]
  .data_tx  ( data_tx   )  // output [9:0]

The issue with the above code is that data_temp is only 1 bit wide, there would be a compile warning about port width mismatch. The connectivity wire needs to be created and a width specified. I would recommend that all connectivity wires be explicitly written out.

wire [9:0] data_temp
subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name (
  .clk      ( clk_sub   ), // input
  .rst_n    ( rst_n     ), // input 
  .data_rx  ( data_rx_1 ), // input  [9:0]
  .data_tx  ( data_temp )  // output [9:0]
subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name2 (
  .clk      ( clk_sub   ), // input
  .rst_n    ( rst_n     ), // input 
  .data_rx  ( data_temp ), // input  [9:0]
  .data_tx  ( data_tx   )  // output [9:0]

Moving to SystemVerilog there are a few tricks available that save typing a handful of characters. I believe that they hinder the code readability and can make it harder to find bugs.

Use .port with no brackets to connect to a wire/reg of the same name. This can look neat especially with lots of clk and resets but at some levels you may generate different clocks or resets or you actually do not want to connect to the signal of the same name but a modified one and this can lead to wiring bugs that are not obvious to the eye.

module top(
   input        clk,
   input        rst_n,
   input        enable,
   input  [9:0] data_rx_1,
   input  [9:0] data_rx_2,
   output [9:0] data_tx_2

subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name (
  .clk,                    // input **Auto connect**
  .rst_n,                  // input **Auto connect**
  .data_rx  ( data_rx_1 ), // input  [9:0]
  .data_tx  ( data_tx   )  // output [9:0]


This is described in Section of SystemVerilog IEEE Std 1800-2012.

Another trick that I think is even worse than the one above is .* which connects unmentioned ports to signals of the same wire. I consider this to be quite dangerous in production code. It is not obvious when new ports have been added and are missing or that they might accidentally get connected if the new port name had a counter part in the instancing level, they get auto connected and no warning would be generated.

subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name (
  .*,                      // **Auto connect**
  .data_rx  ( data_rx_1 ), // input  [9:0]
  .data_tx  ( data_tx   )  // output [9:0]

This is described in Section of SystemVerilog IEEE Std 1800-2012.

What does this mean? "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM"

if you still need to use the double-colon then make sure your on PHP 5.3+

Initialize array of strings

Its fine to just do char **strings;, char **strings = NULL, or char **strings = {NULL}

but to initialize it you'd have to use malloc:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(){
    // allocate space for 5 pointers to strings
    char **strings = (char**)malloc(5*sizeof(char*));
    int i = 0;
    //allocate space for each string
    // here allocate 50 bytes, which is more than enough for the strings
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
        printf("%d\n", i);
        strings[i] = (char*)malloc(50*sizeof(char));
    //assign them all something
    sprintf(strings[0], "bird goes tweet");
    sprintf(strings[1], "mouse goes squeak");
    sprintf(strings[2], "cow goes moo");
    sprintf(strings[3], "frog goes croak");
    sprintf(strings[4], "what does the fox say?");
    // Print it out
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
        printf("Line #%d(length: %lu): %s\n", i, strlen(strings[i]),strings[i]);
    //Free each string
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    //finally release the first string
    return 0;

Commenting in a Bash script inside a multiline command

The backslash escapes the #, interpreting it as its literal character instead of a comment character.

What is the correct way to start a mongod service on linux / OS X?

Edit: you should now use brew services start mongodb, as in Gergo's answer...

When you install/upgrade mongodb, brew will tell you what to do:

To have launchd start mongodb at login:

    ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/mongodb/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents

Then to load mongodb now:

    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb.plist

Or, if you don't want/need launchctl, you can just run:


It works perfectly.

How to output oracle sql result into a file in windows?

Having the same chore on windows 10, and windows server 2012. I found the following solution:

echo quit |sqlplus schemaName/schemaPassword@sid @plsqlScript.sql > outputFile.log


echo quit | send the quit command to exit sqlplus after the script completes

sqlplus schemaName/schemaPassword@sid @plsqlScript.sql execute plssql script plsqlScript.sql in schema schemaName with password schemaPassword connecting to SID sid

> outputFile.log redirect sqlplus output to log file outputFile.log

Scroll to a div using jquery

OK guys, this is a small solution, but it works fine.

suppose the following code:

<div id='the_div_holder' style='height: 400px; overflow-y: scroll'>
  <div class='post'>1st post</div>
  <div class='post'>2nd post</div>
  <div class='post'>3rd post</div>

you want when a new post is added to 'the_div_holder' then it scrolls its inner content (the div's .post) to the last one like a chat. So, do the following whenever a new .post is added to the main div holder:

var scroll = function(div) {
    var totalHeight = 0;
       totalHeight += $(this).outerHeight();
  // call it:

What is the difference between $routeProvider and $stateProvider?

Both do the same work as they are used for routing purposes in SPA(Single Page Application).

1. Angular Routing - per $routeProvider docs

URLs to controllers and views (HTML partials). It watches $location.url() and tries to map the path to an existing route definition.


<div ng-view></div>

Above tag will render the template from the $routeProvider.when() condition which you had mentioned in .config (configuration phase) of angular


  • The page can only contain single ng-view on page
  • If your SPA has multiple small components on the page that you wanted to render based on some conditions, $routeProvider fails. (to achieve that, we need to use directives like ng-include, ng-switch, ng-if, ng-show, which looks bad to have them in SPA)
  • You can not relate between two routes like parent and child relationship.
  • You cannot show and hide a part of the view based on url pattern.

2. ui-router - per $stateProvider docs

AngularUI Router is a routing framework for AngularJS, which allows you to organize the parts of your interface into a state machine. UI-Router is organized around states, which may optionally have routes, as well as other behavior, attached.

Multiple & Named Views

Another great feature is the ability to have multiple ui-views in a template.

While multiple parallel views are a powerful feature, you'll often be able to manage your interfaces more effectively by nesting your views, and pairing those views with nested states.


<div ui-view>
    <div ui-view='header'></div>
    <div ui-view='content'></div>
    <div ui-view='footer'></div>

The majority of ui-router's power is it can manage nested state & views.


  • You can have multiple ui-view on single page
  • Various views can be nested in each other and maintained by defining state in routing phase.
  • We can have child & parent relationship here, simply like inheritance in state, also you could define sibling states.
  • You could change the ui-view="some" of state just by using absolute routing using @ with state name.
  • Another way you could do relative routing is by using only @ to change ui-view="some". This will replace the ui-view rather than checking if it is nested or not.
  • Here you could use ui-sref to create a href URL dynamically on the basis of URL mentioned in a state, also you could give a state params in the json format.

For more Information Angular ui-router

For better flexibility with various nested view with states, I'd prefer you to go for ui-router

Open URL in same window and in same tab

Exactly like this"","_self")

How to remove elements/nodes from angular.js array

I liked the solution provided by @madhead

However the problem I had is that it wouldn't work for a sorted list so instead of passing the index to the delete function I passed the item and then got the index via indexof


var index = $scope.items.indexOf(item);
$scope.items.splice(index, 1);

An updated version of madheads example is below: link to example


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-ng-app="demo">
    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="1.1.5" src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <script src="script.js"></script>
    <div data-ng-controller="DemoController">
        <li data-ng-repeat="item in items|orderBy:'toString()'">
          <button data-ng-click="removeItem(item)">Remove</button>
      <input data-ng-model="newItem"><button data-ng-click="addItem(newItem)">Add</button>


"use strict";

var demo = angular.module("demo", []);

function DemoController($scope){
  $scope.items = [

  $scope.addItem = function(item){
    $scope.newItem = null;

  $scope.removeItem = function(item){
    var index = $scope.items.indexOf(item);
    $scope.items.splice(index, 1);

How to find files that match a wildcard string in Java?

The Apache filter is built for iterating files in a known directory. To allow wildcards in the directory also, you would have to split the path on '\' or '/' and do a filter on each part separately.

Why does JPA have a @Transient annotation?

For Kotlin developers, remember the Java transient keyword becomes the built-in Kotlin @Transient annotation. Therefore, make sure you have the JPA import if you're using JPA @Transient in your entity:

import javax.persistence.Transient

How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version

Had this problem when I reverted to Java 6 and tried to run classes previously compiled with Java 7. What worked for me was Preferences > java > compiler --> set compliance level to 1.6 and crucially "configure project settings"..

Splitting templated C++ classes into .hpp/.cpp files--is it possible?

1) Remember the main reason to separate .h and .cpp files is to hide the class implementation as a separately-compiled Obj code that can be linked to the user’s code that included a .h of the class.

2) Non-template classes have all variables concretely and specifically defined in .h and .cpp files. So the compiler will have the need information about all data types used in the class before compiling/translating ? generating the object/machine code Template classes have no information about the specific data type before the user of the class instantiate an object passing the required data type:

        TClass<int> myObj;

3) Only after this instantiation, the complier generate the specific version of the template class to match the passed data type(s).

4) Therefore, .cpp Can NOT be compiled separately without knowing the users specific data type. So it has to stay as source code within “.h” until the user specify the required data type then, it can be generated to a specific data type then compiled

Unable to install packages in latest version of RStudio and R Version.3.1.1

What worked for me:

Preferences-General-Default working directory-Browse Switch from global to local mirror

Working on a Mac. 10.10.3

How do I convert from a money datatype in SQL server?

You can try like this:

SELECT PARSENAME('$'+ Convert(varchar,Convert(money,@MoneyValue),1),2)

Pad with leading zeros

An integer value is a mathematical representation of a number and is ignorant of leading zeroes.

You can get a string with leading zeroes like this:


LINQ: combining join and group by

Once you've done this

group p by p.SomeId into pg  

you no longer have access to the range variables used in the initial from. That is, you can no longer talk about p or bp, you can only talk about pg.

Now, pg is a group and so contains more than one product. All the products in a given pg group have the same SomeId (since that's what you grouped by), but I don't know if that means they all have the same BaseProductId.

To get a base product name, you have to pick a particular product in the pg group (As you are doing with SomeId and CountryCode), and then join to BaseProducts.

var result = from p in Products                         
 group p by p.SomeId into pg                         
 // join *after* group
 join bp in BaseProducts on pg.FirstOrDefault().BaseProductId equals bp.Id         
 select new ProductPriceMinMax { 
       SomeId = pg.FirstOrDefault().SomeId, 
       CountryCode = pg.FirstOrDefault().CountryCode, 
       MinPrice = pg.Min(m => m.Price), 
       MaxPrice = pg.Max(m => m.Price),
       BaseProductName = bp.Name  // now there is a 'bp' in scope

That said, this looks pretty unusual and I think you should step back and consider what you are actually trying to retrieve.

How can I check if a directory exists?

You can use opendir() and check if ENOENT == errno on failure:

#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>

DIR* dir = opendir("mydir");
if (dir) {
    /* Directory exists. */
} else if (ENOENT == errno) {
    /* Directory does not exist. */
} else {
    /* opendir() failed for some other reason. */

Better way to sum a property value in an array

I thought I'd drop my two cents on this: this is one of those operations that should always be purely functional, not relying on any external variables. A few already gave a good answer, using reduce is the way to go here.

Since most of us can already afford to use ES2015 syntax, here's my proposition:

const sumValues = (obj) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, value) => acc + obj[value], 0);

We're making it an immutable function while we're at it. What reduce is doing here is simply this: Start with a value of 0 for the accumulator, and add the value of the current looped item to it.

Yay for functional programming and ES2015! :)

Linq UNION query to select two elements


Ok I found why the int.ToString() in LINQtoEF fails, please read this post: Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities

This works on my side :

        List<string> materialTypes = (from u in result.Users
                                      select u.LastName)
                       .Union(from u in result.Users
                               select SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double) u.UserId)).ToList();

On yours it should be like this:

    IList<String> materialTypes = ((from tom in context.MaterialTypes
                                       where tom.IsActive == true
                                       select tom.Name)
                                       .Union(from tom in context.MaterialTypes
                                       where tom.IsActive == true
                                       select SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)tom.ID))).ToList();

Thanks, i've learnt something today :)

What does "restore purchases" in In-App purchases mean?

You will get rejection message from apple just because the product you have registered for inApp purchase might come under category Non-renewing subscriptions and consumable products. These type of products will not automatically renewable. you need to have explicit restore button in your application.

for other type of products it will automatically restore it.

Please read following text which will clear your concept about this :

Once a transaction has been processed and removed from the queue, your application normally never sees it again. However, if your application supports product types that must be restorable, you must include an interface that allows users to restore these purchases. This interface allows a user to add the product to other devices or, if the original device was wiped, to restore the transaction on the original device.

Store Kit provides built-in functionality to restore transactions for non-consumable products, auto-renewable subscriptions and free subscriptions. To restore transactions, your application calls the payment queue’s restoreCompletedTransactions method. The payment queue sends a request to the App Store to restore the transactions. In return, the App Store generates a new restore transaction for each transaction that was previously completed. The restore transaction object’s originalTransaction property holds a copy of the original transaction. Your application processes a restore transaction by retrieving the original transaction and using it to unlock the purchased content. After Store Kit restores all the previous transactions, it notifies the payment queue observers by calling their paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished: method.

If the user attempts to purchase a restorable product (instead of using the restore interface you implemented), the application receives a regular transaction for that item, not a restore transaction. However, the user is not charged again for that product. Your application should treat these transactions identically to those of the original transaction. Non-renewing subscriptions and consumable products are not automatically restored by Store Kit. Non-renewing subscriptions must be restorable, however. To restore these products, you must record transactions on your own server when they are purchased and provide your own mechanism to restore those transactions to the user’s devices

The multi-part identifier could not be bound

This error can also be caused by simply missing a comma , between the column names in the SELECT statement.


SELECT MyCol1, MyCol2 MyCol3 FROM SomeTable;

Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony 2

I had the same problem and I just tried using the following as a workaround. Seems to work so far. You can even create a dummy template that just contains references to all those static assets.

{% stylesheets
%}{% endstylesheets %}

Notice the omission of any output which means nothing shows up on the template. When I run assetic:dump the files are copied over to the desired location and the css includes work as expected.

How to change 1 char in the string?

Strings are immutable. You can use the string builder class to help!:

string str = "valta is the best place in the World";

StringBuilder strB = new StringBuilder(str);

strB[0] = 'M';

Create 3D array using Python

d3 = [[[0 for col in range(4)]for row in range(4)] for x in range(6)]

d3[1][2][1]  = 144

d3[4][3][0]  = 3.12

for x in range(len(d3)):
    print d3[x]

[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 144, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [3.12, 0, 0, 0]]
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]

SQL: How do I SELECT only the rows with a unique value on certain column?

Sorry old post I know but I had the same issue, couldn't get any of the above to work for me, however I figured it out.

This worked for me:

SELECT DISTINCT [column]As UniqueValues FROM [db].[dbo].[table]

AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute

value_counts work only for series. It won't work for entire DataFrame. Try selecting only one column and using this attribute. For example:


It also won't work if you have duplicate columns. This is because when you select a particular column, it will also represent the duplicate column and will return dataframe instead of series. At that time remove duplicate column by using

df = df.loc[:,~df.columns.duplicated()]

Sockets: Discover port availability using Java

For Java 7 you can use try-with-resource for more compact code:

private static boolean available(int port) {
    try (Socket ignored = new Socket("localhost", port)) {
        return false;
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
        return true;

Get next / previous element using JavaScript?

use the nextSibling and previousSibling properties:

<div id="foo1"></div>
<div id="foo2"></div>
<div id="foo3"></div>

document.getElementById('foo2').nextSibling; // #foo3
document.getElementById('foo2').previousSibling; // #foo1

However in some browsers (I forget which) you also need to check for whitespace and comment nodes:

var div = document.getElementById('foo2');
var nextSibling = div.nextSibling;
while(nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeType != 1) {
    nextSibling = nextSibling.nextSibling

Libraries like jQuery handle all these cross-browser checks for you out of the box.

Rails raw SQL example

You can also mix raw SQL with ActiveRecord conditions, for example if you want to call a function in a condition:

my_instances = MyModel.where.not(attribute_a: nil) \
  .where('crc32(attribute_b) = ?', slot) \

How to create a trie in Python

This version is using recursion

import pprint
from collections import deque

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

inp = raw_input("Enter a sentence to show as trie\n")
words = inp.split(" ")
trie = {}

def trie_recursion(trie_ds, word):
        letter = word.popleft()
        out = trie_recursion(trie_ds.get(letter, {}), word)
    except IndexError:
        # End of the word
        return {}

    # Dont update if letter already present
    if not trie_ds.has_key(letter):
        trie_ds[letter] = out

    return trie_ds

for word in words:
    # Go through each word
    trie = trie_recursion(trie, deque(word))



Coool <algos>  python
Enter a sentence to show as trie
foo bar baz fun
  'b': {
    'a': {
      'r': {},
      'z': {}
  'f': {
    'o': {
      'o': {}
    'u': {
      'n': {}

Using tr to replace newline with space

Best guess is you are on windows and your line ending settings are set for windows. See this topic: How to change line-ending settings

or use:

tr '\r\n' ' '

How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data


    Intent intent = new Intent(FirstScreen.this, SecondScreen.class);
    String keyIdentifier = null;
    intent.putExtra(strName, keyIdentifier);


    String keyIdentifier;
    if (savedInstanceState != null)
        keyIdentifier= (String) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(strName);
        keyIdentifier = getIntent().getExtras().getString(strName);

jQuery access input hidden value

There's a jQuery selector for that:

// Get all form fields that are hidden
var hidden_fields = $( this ).find( 'input:hidden' );

// Filter those which have a specific type
hidden_fields.attr( 'text' );

Will give you all hidden input fields and filter by those with a specific type="".

SSRS - Checking whether the data is null

Or in your SQL query wrap that field with IsNull or Coalesce (SQL Server).

Either way works, I like to put that logic in the query so the report has to do less.

Is it possible to have a default parameter for a mysql stored procedure?

If you look into CREATE PROCEDURE Syntax for latest MySQL version you'll see that procedure parameter can only contain IN/OUT/INOUT specifier, parameter name and type.

So, default values are still unavailable in latest MySQL version.

Letsencrypt add domain to existing certificate

I was able to setup a SSL certificated for a domain AND multiple subdomains by using using --cert-name combined with --expand options.

See official certbot-auto documentation at


certbot-auto certonly --cert-name \
--renew-by-default -a webroot -n --expand \
--webroot-path=/usr/share/nginx/html \
-d \
-d \
-d \
-d \

How can I copy the output of a command directly into my clipboard?

Add this to to your ~/.bashrc:

# Now `cclip' copies and `clipp' pastes'
alias cclip='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias clipp='xclip -selection clipboard -o'

Now clipp pastes and cclip copies — but you can also do fancier stuff:

clipp | sed 's/^/    /' | cclip

↑ indents your clipboard; good for sites without stack overflow's { } button

You can add it by running this:

printf "\nalias clipp=\'xclip -selection c -o\'\n" >> ~/.bashrc
printf "\nalias cclip=\'xclip -selection c -i\'\n" >> ~/.bashrc

Intel X86 emulator accelerator (HAXM installer) VT/NX not enabled

You might be running an older version of Intel HAXM (or haven't installed it at all). Go to and download/install the latest Intel HAXM package for MAC OS X.

EDIT: according to you should also make sure that Virtual PC/Parallel/VMWare is not running.

How to delete specific columns with VBA?

To answer the question How to delete specific columns in vba for excel. I use Array as below.

sub del_col()

dim myarray as variant
dim i as integer

myarray = Array(10, 9, 8)'Descending to Ascending
For i = LBound(myarray) To UBound(myarray)
Next i

end sub

Xcode Project vs. Xcode Workspace - Differences

Xcode Workspace vs Project

  1. What is the difference between the two of them?

Workspace is a set of projects

  1. What are they responsible for?

Workspace is responsible for dependencies between projects. Project is responsible for the source code.

  1. Which one of them should I work with when I'm developing my Apps in team/alone?

You choice should depends on a type of your project. For example if your project relies on CocoaPods dependency manager it creates a workspace.

  1. Is there anything else I should be aware of in matter of these two files?

A competitor of workspace is cross-project references[About]

[Xcode components]

Restart android machine

You can reboot the device by sending the following broadcast:

$ adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED

Accessing Object Memory Address

With ctypes, you can achieve the same thing with

>>> import ctypes
>>> a = (1,2,3)
>>> ctypes.addressof(a)


addressof(C instance) -> integer
Return the address of the C instance internal buffer

Note that in CPython, currently id(a) == ctypes.addressof(a), but ctypes.addressof should return the real address for each Python implementation, if

  • ctypes is supported
  • memory pointers are a valid notion.

Edit: added information about interpreter-independence of ctypes

Dataset - Vehicle make/model/year (free)

Apparently there is not much out there. And a lot of doubt that someone would be willing to provide such a repository. So I solved the problem myself, and am sharing my dataset with anyone else who finds themselves facing the same problem.

Visual Studio Code PHP Intelephense Keep Showing Not Necessary Error

I had the same issue and the following seemed to have addressed the issue.

a) Updated to latest version 1.3.5 and re-enabled all the diagnosis settings.

I was still getting the messages

b) Added the vendor folder with the dependent libraries to the workspace

This seems to have solved the problem.

Can RDP clients launch remote applications and not desktops

Another way is shown in this CodeProject article:

The basic idea is to create a virutal channel that sends the windows position of the app(s) you want to show, then only render that part of the window on the client.

PostgreSQL Autoincrement

Sorry, to rehash an old question, but this was the first Stack Overflow question/answer that popped up on Google.

This post (which came up first on Google) talks about using the more updated syntax for PostgreSQL 10:

which happens to be:

CREATE TABLE test_new (

Hope that helps :)

Skipping Iterations in Python

for i in iterator:
        # Do something.
        # Continue to next iteration.

Flutter: Trying to bottom-center an item in a Column, but it keeps left-aligning

Widget _bottom() {
    return Column(
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
      children: [
          child: Container(
            color: Colors.amberAccent,
            width: double.infinity,
            child: SingleChildScrollView(
              child: Column(
                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                children: new List<int>.generate(50, (index) => index + 1)
                    .map((item) {
                  return Text(
                    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
          child: Row(
            children: [
                style: TextStyle(fontSize: 33),

adb remount permission denied, but able to access super user in shell -- android

@echo off
color 0B
echo =============================================================================
echo              ClockworkMod Recovery for SAMSUNG GALAXY SIII E210L
echo                  ClockworkMod Recovery (v6.0.1.2 Touch)
echo     ¡ô¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¡ô
echo     ¨U                                                                  ¨U
echo     ¨U SAMSUNG GALAXY SIII E210L                                        ¨U
echo     ¡ô¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¨T¡ô
echo  1) (Settings\Developer options©¥ USB debugging)
echo  3) THANK!!!!!!
echo =============================================================================
echo                           ARE YOU READY? GO! ¡·¡·¡·
echo adb...
adb.exe kill-server
adb.exe wait-for-device
echo wiat¸!
echo conect...
adb.exe push IMG /data/local/tmp/
adb.exe shell su -c "dd if=/data/local/tmp/ of=/mnt/sdcard/Android/
adb.exe shell su -c "rm /data/local/tmp/bootloader.img"
adb.exe shell su -c "rm /data/local/tmp/recovery.img"

echo ===============================================================
echo     ClockworkMod Recovery!

How to set upload_max_filesize in .htaccess?

Both commands are correct

php_value post_max_size 30M 
php_value upload_max_filesize 30M 

BUT to use the .htaccess you have to enable rewrite_module in Apache config file. In httpd.conf find this line:

# LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

and remove the #.

Format in kotlin string templates

A couple of examples:

infix fun Double.f(fmt: String) = "%$fmt".format(this)
infix fun Double.f(fmt: Float) = "%${if (fmt < 1) fmt + 1 else fmt}f".format(this)

val pi = 3.14159265358979323

println("""pi = ${pi f ".2f"}""")
println("pi = ${pi f .2f}")

Is there a way I can capture my iPhone screen as a video?

I dont believe this is possible. Your best bet is to get something like iShowU and capture from the simulator.

Split function equivalent in T-SQL?

You've tagged this SQL Server 2008 but future visitors to this question (using SQL Server 2016+) will likely want to know about STRING_SPLIT.

With this new builtin function you can now just use

FROM   STRING_SPLIT ('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15', ',') 

Some restrictions of this function and some promising results of performance testing are in this blog post by Aaron Bertrand.

How can I get a list of locally installed Python modules?

on windows, Enter this in cmd

c:\python\libs>python -m pip freeze

Track a new remote branch created on GitHub

git fetch
git branch --track branch-name origin/branch-name

First command makes sure you have remote branch in local repository. Second command creates local branch which tracks remote branch. It assumes that your remote name is origin and branch name is branch-name.

--track option is enabled by default for remote branches and you can omit it.

Lua string to int

tonumber (e [, base])

tonumber takes two arguments, first is string which is converted to number and second is base of e.

Return value tonumber is in base 10.

If no base is provided it converts number to base 10.

> a = '101'
> tonumber(a)

If base is provided, it converts it to the given base.

> a = '101'
> tonumber(a, 2)
> tonumber(a, 8)
> tonumber(a, 10)
> tonumber(a, 16)

If e contains invalid character then it returns nil.

> --[[ Failed because base 2 numbers consist (0 and 1) --]]
> a = '112'
> tonumber(a, 2)
> --[[ similar to above one, this failed because --]]
> --[[ base 8 consist (0 - 7) --]]
> --[[ base 10 consist (0 - 9) --]]
> a = 'AB'
> tonumber(a, 8)
> tonumber(a, 10)
> tonumber(a, 16)

I answered considering Lua5.3

Where are include files stored - Ubuntu Linux, GCC

Karl answered your search-path question, but as far as the "source of the files" goes, one thing to be aware of is that if you install the libfoo package and want to do some development with it (i.e., use its headers), you will also need to install libfoo-dev. The standard library header files are already in /usr/include, as you saw.

Note that some libraries with a lot of headers will install them to a subdirectory, e.g., /usr/include/openssl. To include one of those, just provide the path without the /usr/include part, for example:

#include <openssl/aes.h>

How do I insert a JPEG image into a python Tkinter window?

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import Image,  ImageTk
win = tk. Tk()
image1 = Image. open("Aoran. jpg")
image2 =  ImageTk. PhotoImage(image1)
image_label = ttk. Label(win , image =.image2) = 0 , y = 0)

FragmentActivity to Fragment

first of all;

a Fragment must be inside a FragmentActivity, that's the first rule,

a FragmentActivity is quite similar to a standart Activity that you already know, besides having some Fragment oriented methods

second thing about Fragments, is that there is one important method you MUST call, wich is onCreateView, where you inflate your layout, think of it as the setContentLayout

here is an example:

    @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {     mView       = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_layout, container, false);       return mView; } 

and continu your work based on that mView, so to find a View by id, call mView.findViewById(..);

for the FragmentActivity part:

the xml part "must" have a FrameLayout in order to inflate a fragment in it

        <FrameLayout             android:id="@+id/content_frame"             android:layout_width="match_parent"             android:layout_height="match_parent"  >         </FrameLayout> 

as for the inflation part

getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, new YOUR_FRAGMENT, "TAG").commit();

begin with these, as there is tons of other stuf you must know about fragments and fragment activities, start of by reading something about it (like life cycle) at the android developer site

How to make an installer for my C# application?

There are several methods, two of which are as follows. Provide a custom installer or a setup project.

Here is how to create a custom installer

public class MyInstaller : Installer
    public HelloInstaller()
        : base()

    public override void Commit(IDictionary mySavedState)

    public override void Install(IDictionary stateSaver)

    public override void Uninstall(IDictionary savedState)

    public override void Rollback(IDictionary savedState)

To add a setup project

  • Menu file -> New -> Project --> Other Projects Types --> Setup and Deployment

  • Set properties of the project, using the properties window

The article How to create a Setup package by using Visual Studio .NET provides the details.

How can I use jQuery in Greasemonkey?

You might get Component unavailable if you import the jQuery script directly.

Maybe it's what @Conley was talking about...

You can use


which is an modified version to work on Greasemonkey, and then get the jQuery object

var $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
$("div").css("display", "none");

initializing strings as null vs. empty string

Empty-ness and "NULL-ness" are two different concepts. As others mentioned the former can be achieved via std::string::empty(), the latter can be achieved with boost::optional<std::string>, e.g.:

boost::optional<string> myStr;
if (myStr) { // myStr != NULL
    // ...

How can I change default dialog button text color in android 5

The simpliest solution is:; //Only after .show() was called

"column not allowed here" error in INSERT statement

Like Scaffman said - You are missing quotes. Always when you are passing a value to varchar2 use quotes


So one (') starts the string and the second (') closes it.

But if you want to add a quote symbol into a string for example:

My father told me: 'you have to be brave, son'.

You have to use a triple quote symbol like:

'My father told me: ''you have to be brave, son''.'

*adding quote method can vary on different db engines

How to run an EXE file in PowerShell with parameters with spaces and quotes

This worked for me:

& 'D:\Server\PSTools\PsExec.exe' @('\\', '-accepteula', '-d', '-i', $id, '-h', '-u', 'domain\user', '-p', 'password', '-w', 'C:\path\to\the\app', 'java', '-jar', 'app.jar')

Just put paths or connection strings in one array item and split the other things in one array item each.

There are a lot of other options here:

Microsoft should make this way simpler and compatible with command prompt syntax.

Android Horizontal RecyclerView scroll Direction

//in fragment page: 

 recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this.getActivity(), HORIZONTAL,true));

//this worked for me but before that please import :

implementation ''

MySQL table is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

Go to data_dir and remove the Your_table.TMP file after repairing <Your_table> table.

What is the difference between Linear search and Binary search?

A linear search looks down a list, one item at a time, without jumping. In complexity terms this is an O(n) search - the time taken to search the list gets bigger at the same rate as the list does.

A binary search is when you start with the middle of a sorted list, and see whether that's greater than or less than the value you're looking for, which determines whether the value is in the first or second half of the list. Jump to the half way through the sublist, and compare again etc. This is pretty much how humans typically look up a word in a dictionary (although we use better heuristics, obviously - if you're looking for "cat" you don't start off at "M"). In complexity terms this is an O(log n) search - the number of search operations grows more slowly than the list does, because you're halving the "search space" with each operation.

As an example, suppose you were looking for U in an A-Z list of letters (index 0-25; we're looking for the value at index 20).

A linear search would ask:

list[0] == 'U'? No.
list[1] == 'U'? No.
list[2] == 'U'? No.
list[3] == 'U'? No.
list[4] == 'U'? No.
list[5] == 'U'? No.
... list[20] == 'U'? Yes. Finished.

The binary search would ask:

Compare list[12] ('M') with 'U': Smaller, look further on. (Range=13-25)
Compare list[19] ('T') with 'U': Smaller, look further on. (Range=20-25)
Compare list[22] ('W') with 'U': Bigger, look earlier. (Range=20-21)
Compare list[20] ('U') with 'U': Found it! Finished.

Comparing the two:

  • Binary search requires the input data to be sorted; linear search doesn't
  • Binary search requires an ordering comparison; linear search only requires equality comparisons
  • Binary search has complexity O(log n); linear search has complexity O(n) as discussed earlier
  • Binary search requires random access to the data; linear search only requires sequential access (this can be very important - it means a linear search can stream data of arbitrary size)

How to convert Double to int directly?

int average_in_int = ( (Double) Math.ceil( sum/count ) ).intValue();

How do you check if a selector matches something in jQuery?

I think most of the people replying here didn't quite understand the question, or else I might be mistaken.

The question is "how to check whether or not a selector exists in jQuery."

Most people have taken this for "how to check whether an element exists in the DOM using jQuery." Hardly interchangeable.

jQuery allows you to create custom selectors, but see here what happens when you try to use on e before initializing it;

"Syntax error, unrecognized expression: YEAH"

After running into this, I realized it was simply a matter of checking

if ($.expr[':']['YEAH']) {
    // Query for your :YEAH selector with ease of mind.


Working copy XXX locked and cleanup failed in SVN

If you're on a Windows machine, View the repository through a browser and you may well see two files with the same filename but using different cases. Subversion is case sensitive and Windows isn't so you can get a lock when Windows thinks it's pulling down the same file and Subversion doesn't. Delete the duplicate file names on the repository and try again.

Get Time from Getdate()

select convert(varchar(10), GETDATE(), 108)

returned 17:36:56 when I ran it a few moments ago.

Shell script to delete directories older than n days


rm -rf `find /path/to/base/dir/* -type d -mtime +10`

Updated, faster version of it:

find /path/to/base/dir/* -mtime +10 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f

Creating and Update Laravel Eloquent

firstOrNew will create record if not exist and updating a row if already exist. You can also use updateOrCreate here is the full example

$flight = App\Flight::updateOrCreate(
    ['departure' => 'Oakland', 'destination' => 'San Diego'],
    ['price' => 99]

If there's a flight from Oakland to San Diego, set the price to $99. if not exist create new row

Reference Doc here: (

Convert Unix timestamp into human readable date using MySQL

Why bother saving the field as readable? Just us AS

SELECT theTimeStamp, FROM_UNIXTIME(theTimeStamp) AS readableDate
               FROM theTable
               WHERE theTable.theField = theValue;

EDIT: Sorry, we store everything in milliseconds not seconds. Fixed it.

Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android

Lots of answers so far, which are all excellent pointers to API's and tutorials. One thing I'd like to add is that I work out how far the markers are from my location using something like:

float distance = (float) loc.distanceTo(loc2);

Hope this helps refine the detail for your problem. It returns a rough estimate of distance (in m) between points, and is useful for getting rid of POI that might be too far away - good to declutter your map?

Regex to remove letters, symbols except numbers

Use /[^0-9.,]+/ if you want floats.

Sorting using Comparator- Descending order (User defined classes)

You can do the descending sort of a user-defined class this way overriding the compare() method,

Collections.sort(unsortedList,new Comparator<Person>() {
    public int compare(Person a, Person b) {
        return b.getName().compareTo(a.getName());

Or by using Collection.reverse() to sort descending as user Prince mentioned in his comment.

And you can do the ascending sort like this,

Collections.sort(unsortedList,new Comparator<Person>() {
    public int compare(Person a, Person b) {
        return a.getName().compareTo(b.getName());

Replace the above code with a Lambda expression(Java 8 onwards) we get concise:

Collections.sort(personList, (Person a, Person b) -> b.getName().compareTo(a.getName()));

As of Java 8, List has sort() method which takes Comparator as parameter(more concise) :


Here a and b are inferred as Person type by lambda expression.

How can I retrieve the remote git address of a repo?

The long boring solution, which is not involved with CLI, you can manually navigate to:

your local repo folder ? .git folder (hidden) ? config file

then choose your text editor to open it and look for url located under the [remote "origin"] section.

Escape quote in web.config connection string

Use &quot; That should work.

Converting list to numpy array

If you have a list of lists, you only needed to use ...

import numpy as np
npa = np.asarray(someListOfLists, dtype=np.float32)

per this LINK in the scipy / numpy documentation. You just needed to define dtype inside the call to asarray.

Using C# to check if string contains a string in string array

I used the following code to check if the string contained any of the items in the string array:

foreach (string s in stringArray)
    if (s != "")
        if (stringToCheck.Contains(s))
            Text = "matched";

How to differentiate single click event and double click event?

You need to use a timeout to check if there is an another click after the first click.

Here is the trick:

// Author:  Jacek Becela
// Source:
// License: MIT

jQuery.fn.single_double_click = function(single_click_callback, double_click_callback, timeout) {
  return this.each(function(){
    var clicks = 0, self = this;
      if (clicks == 1) {
          if(clicks == 1) {
  , event);
          } else {
  , event);
          clicks = 0;
        }, timeout || 300);


$("button").single_double_click(function () {
  alert("Try double-clicking me!")
}, function () {
  alert("Double click detected, I'm hiding")
<button>Click Me!</button>


As stated below, prefer using the native dblclick event:

Or the one provided by jQuery:

How to generate and manually insert a uniqueidentifier in sql server?

ApplicationId must be of type UniqueIdentifier. Your code works fine if you do:





Therefore I would say it is safe to assume that ApplicationId is not the correct data type.

gcloud command not found - while installing Google Cloud SDK

If running

source ~/.bashrc

results in "No such file or directory"

On windows:

  1. Go to c/Users/
  2. While holding shift, right-click .bashrc file and select "Copy as path"
  3. In bash: source <pasteCopiedPathHere> -> for example: source "C:\Users\John\.bashhrc"

How to add rows dynamically into table layout

You might be better off using a ListView with a CursorAdapter (or SimpleCursorAdapter).

These are built to show rows from a sqlite database and allow refreshing with minimal programming on your part.

Edit - here is a tutorial involving SimpleCursorAdapter and ListView including sample code.

How to specify 64 bit integers in c

How to specify 64 bit integers in c

Going against the usual good idea to appending LL.

Appending LL to a integer constant will insure the type is at least as wide as long long. If the integer constant is octal or hex, the constant will become unsigned long long if needed.

If ones does not care to specify too wide a type, then LL is OK. else, read on.

long long may be wider than 64-bit.

Today, it is rare that long long is not 64-bit, yet C specifies long long to be at least 64-bit. So by using LL, in the future, code may be specifying, say, a 128-bit number.

C has Macros for integer constants which in the below case will be type int_least64_t

#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

int main(void) {
  int64_t big = INT64_C(9223372036854775807);
  printf("%" PRId64 "\n", big);
  uint64_t jenny = INT64_C(0x08675309) << 32;  // shift was done on at least 64-bit type 
  printf("0x%" PRIX64 "\n", jenny);



How to download a file using a Java REST service and a data stream

Refer this:

@RequestMapping(value="download", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public void getDownload(HttpServletResponse response) {

// Get your file stream from wherever.
InputStream myStream = someClass.returnFile();

// Set the content type and attachment header.
response.addHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=myfilename.txt");

// Copy the stream to the response's output stream.
IOUtils.copy(myStream, response.getOutputStream());

Details at:

Count the items from a IEnumerable<T> without iterating?

It may not yield the best performance, but you can use LINQ to count the elements in an IEnumerable:

public int GetEnumerableCount(IEnumerable Enumerable)
    return (from object Item in Enumerable
            select Item).Count();

How to fix Array indexOf() in JavaScript for Internet Explorer browsers

With the Underscore.js

var arr=['a','a1','b'] _.filter(arr, function(a){ return a.indexOf('a') > -1; })

How to obtain values of request variables using Python and Flask

Adding more to Jason's more generalized way of retrieving the POST data or GET data

from flask_restful import reqparse

def parse_arg_from_requests(arg, **kwargs):
    parse = reqparse.RequestParser()
    parse.add_argument(arg, **kwargs)
    args = parse.parse_args()
    return args[arg]

form_field_value = parse_arg_from_requests('FormFieldValue')

How to upgrade Python version to 3.7?

Try this if you are on ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libpq-dev libssl-dev openssl libffi-dev zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3.7-dev
sudo apt-get install python3.7

In case you don't have the repository and so it fires a not-found package you first have to install this:

sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update

more info here:

Return positions of a regex match() in Javascript?

exec returns an object with a index property:

var match = /bar/.exec("foobar");_x000D_
if (match) {_x000D_
    console.log("match found at " + match.index);_x000D_

And for multiple matches:

var re = /bar/g,_x000D_
    str = "foobarfoobar";_x000D_
while ((match = re.exec(str)) != null) {_x000D_
    console.log("match found at " + match.index);_x000D_

Unable to use Intellij with a generated sources folder

Maybe you can add a step to the generate-sources phase that moves the folder?

Remove blank values from array using C#

I write below code to remove the blank value in the array string.

string[] test={"1","","2","","3"};
test= test.Except(new List<string> { string.Empty }).ToArray();

How do I retrieve an HTML element's actual width and height?

element.offsetWidth and element.offsetHeight should do, as suggested in previous post.

However, if you just want to center the content, there is a better way of doing so. Assuming you use xhtml strict DOCTYPE. set the margin:0,auto property and required width in px to the body tag. The content gets center aligned to the page.

What is href="#" and why is it used?

The problem with using href="#" for an empty link is that it will take you to the top of the page which may not be the desired action. To avoid this, for older browsers or non-HTML5 doctypes, use

<a href="javascript:void(0)">Goes Nowhere</a>

How do I set a textbox's text to bold at run time?

 txtText.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 8,FontStyle.Bold);
 //Font(Font Name,Font Size,Font.Style)

Closing pyplot windows

plt.close() will close current instance.

plt.close(2) will close figure 2

plt.close(plot1) will close figure with instance plot1

plt.close('all') will close all fiures

Found here.

Remember that is a blocking function, so in the example code you used above, plt.close() isn't being executed until the window is closed, which makes it redundant.

You can use plt.ion() at the beginning of your code to make it non-blocking, although this has other implications.


After our discussion in the comments, I've put together a bit of an example just to demonstrate how the plot functionality can be used.

Below I create a plot:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(0.75))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
par_plot, = plot(x_data,y_data, lw=2, color='red')

In this case, ax above is a handle to a pair of axes. Whenever I want to do something to these axes, I can change my current set of axes to this particular set by calling axes(ax).

par_plot is a handle to the line2D instance. This is called an artist. If I want to change a property of the line, like change the ydata, I can do so by referring to this handle.

I can also create a slider widget by doing the following:

axsliderA = axes([0.12, 0.85, 0.16, 0.075])
sA = Slider(axsliderA, 'A', -1, 1.0, valinit=0.5)

The first line creates a new axes for the slider (called axsliderA), the second line creates a slider instance sA which is placed in the axes, and the third line specifies a function to call when the slider value changes (update).

My update function could look something like this:

def update(val):
    A = sA.val
    B = sB.val
    C = sC.val
    y_data = A*x_data*x_data + B*x_data + C

The par_plot.set_ydata(y_data) changes the ydata property of the Line2D object with the handle par_plot.

The draw() function updates the current set of axes.

Putting it all together:

from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy

def update(val):
    A = sA.val
    B = sB.val
    C = sC.val
    y_data = A*x_data*x_data + B*x_data + C

x_data = numpy.arange(-100,100,0.1);

fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(0.75))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

ax.set_xlim(-100, 100);
ax.set_ylim(-100, 100);

axsliderA = axes([0.12, 0.85, 0.16, 0.075])
sA = Slider(axsliderA, 'A', -1, 1.0, valinit=0.5)

axsliderB = axes([0.43, 0.85, 0.16, 0.075])
sB = Slider(axsliderB, 'B', -30, 30.0, valinit=2)

axsliderC = axes([0.74, 0.85, 0.16, 0.075])
sC = Slider(axsliderC, 'C', -30, 30.0, valinit=1)

A = 1;
B = 2;
C = 1;
y_data = A*x_data*x_data + B*x_data + C;

par_plot, = plot(x_data,y_data, lw=2, color='red')


A note about the above: When I run the application, the code runs sequentially right through (it stores the update function in memory, I think), until it hits show(), which is blocking. When you make a change to one of the sliders, it runs the update function from memory (I think?).

This is the reason why show() is implemented in the way it is, so that you can change values in the background by using functions to process the data.

Turning multi-line string into single comma-separated

try this:

sedSelectNumbers='s".* \(+[0-9]*[.][0-9]*\) .*"\1,"'
cat file.txt |sed "$sedSelectNumbers" |tr -d "\n" |sed "$sedClearLastComma"

the good thing is the easy part of deleting newline "\n" characters!

EDIT: another great way to join lines into a single line with sed is this: |sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' got from here.

What is the command to truncate a SQL Server log file?

Another option altogether is to detach the database via Management Studio. Then simply delete the log file, or rename it and delete later.

Back in Management Studio attach the database again. In the attach window remove the log file from list of files.

The DB attaches and creates a new empty log file. After you check everything is all right, you can delete the renamed log file.

You probably ought not use this for production databases.

Remove columns from DataTable in C#

The question has already been marked as answered, But I guess the question states that the person wants to remove multiple columns from a DataTable.

So for that, here is what I did, when I came across the same problem.

string[] ColumnsToBeDeleted = { "col1", "col2", "col3", "col4" };

foreach (string ColName in ColumnsToBeDeleted)
    if (dt.Columns.Contains(ColName))

How can I set the background color of <option> in a <select> element?

select.list1 option.option2
    background-color: #007700;
<select class="list1">
  <option value="1">Option 1</option>
  <option value="2" class="option2">Option 2</option>

Vim 80 column layout concerns

As of vim 7.3, you can use set colorcolumn=80 (set cc=80 for short).

Since earlier versions do not support this, my .vimrc uses instead:

if exists('+colorcolumn')
  set colorcolumn=80
  au BufWinEnter * let w:m2=matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%>80v.\+', -1)

See also the online documentation on the colorcolumn option.

Where does Hive store files in HDFS?

It's also very possible that typing show create table <table_name> in the hive cli will give you the exact location of your hive table.

Should functions return null or an empty object?

It will vary based on context, but I will generally return null if I'm looking for one particular object (as in your example) and return an empty collection if I'm looking for a set of objects but there are none.

If you've made a mistake in your code and returning null leads to null pointer exceptions, then the sooner you catch that the better. If you return an empty object, initial use of it may work, but you may get errors later.

Transparent image - background color

If I understand you right, you can do this:

<img src="image.png" style="background-color:red;" />

In fact, you can even apply a whole background-image to the image, resulting in two "layers" without the need for multi-background support in the browser ;)

How can I make a weak protocol reference in 'pure' Swift (without @objc)

Supplemental Answer

I was always confused about whether delegates should be weak or not. Recently I've learned more about delegates and when to use weak references, so let me add some supplemental points here for the sake of future viewers.

  • The purpose of using the weak keyword is to avoid strong reference cycles (retain cycles). Strong reference cycles happen when two class instances have strong references to each other. Their reference counts never go to zero so they never get deallocated.

  • You only need to use weak if the delegate is a class. Swift structs and enums are value types (their values are copied when a new instance is made), not reference types, so they don't make strong reference cycles.

  • weak references are always optional (otherwise you would used unowned) and always use var (not let) so that the optional can be set to nil when it is deallocated.

  • A parent class should naturally have a strong reference to its child classes and thus not use the weak keyword. When a child wants a reference to its parent, though, it should make it a weak reference by using the weak keyword.

  • weak should be used when you want a reference to a class that you don't own, not just for a child referencing its parent. When two non-hierarchical classes need to reference each other, choose one to be weak. The one you choose depends on the situation. See the answers to this question for more on this.

  • As a general rule, delegates should be marked as weak because most delegates are referencing classes that they do not own. This is definitely true when a child is using a delegate to communicate with a parent. Using a weak reference for the delegate is what the documentation recommends. (But see this, too.)

  • Protocols can be used for both reference types (classes) and value types (structs, enums). So in the likely case that you need to make a delegate weak, you have to make it an object-only protocol. The way to do that is to add AnyObject to the protocol's inheritance list. (In the past you did this using the class keyword, but AnyObject is preferred now.)

    protocol MyClassDelegate: AnyObject {
        // ...
    class SomeClass {
        weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?

Further Study

Reading the following articles is what helped me to understand this much better. They also discuss related issues like the unowned keyword and the strong reference cycles that happen with closures.


Most efficient way to increment a Map value in Java

A little research in 2016:, benchmark source code

Best results per method (smaller is better):

                 time, ms
kolobokeCompile  18.8
koloboke         19.8
trove            20.8
fastutil         22.7
mutableInt       24.3
atomicInteger    25.3
eclipse          26.9
hashMap          28.0
hppc             33.6
hppcRt           36.5

Time\space results:

Python: Find a substring in a string and returning the index of the substring

Adding onto @demented hedgehog answer on using find()

In terms of efficiency

It may be worth first checking to see if s1 is in s2 before calling find().
This can be more efficient if you know that most of the times s1 won't be a substring of s2

Since the in operator is very efficient

 s1 in s2

It can be more efficient to convert:

index = s2.find(s1)


index = -1
if s1 in s2:
   index = s2.find(s1)

This is useful for when find() is going to be returning -1 a lot.

I found it substantially faster since find() was being called many times in my algorithm, so I thought it was worth mentioning

Import CSV into SQL Server (including automatic table creation)

You can create a temp table variable and insert the data into it, then insert the data into your actual table by selecting it from the temp table.

 declare @TableVar table 
    firstCol varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    secondCol varchar(50) NOT NULL


INSERT INTO dbo.ExistingTable
SELECT firstCol,
FROM @TableVar


How do I test axios in Jest?

For those looking to use axios-mock-adapter in place of the mockfetch example in the Redux documentation for async testing, I successfully used the following:

File actions.test.js:

describe('SignInUser', () => {
  var history = {
    push: function(str) {

  it('Dispatches authorization', () => {
    let mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
    mock.onPost(`${ROOT_URL}/auth/signin`, {
        email: '[email protected]',
        password: 'test'
    }).reply(200, {token: 'testToken' });

    const expectedActions = [ { type: types.AUTH_USER } ];
    const store = mockStore({ auth: [] });

    return store.dispatch(actions.signInUser({
        email: '[email protected]',
        password: 'test',
      }, history)).then(() => {


In order to test a successful case for signInUser in file actions/index.js:

export const signInUser = ({ email, password }, history) => async dispatch => {
  const res = await`${ROOT_URL}/auth/signin`, { email, password })
    .catch(({ response: { data } }) => {

  if (res) {
    dispatch({ type: AUTH_USER });                 // Test verified this
    localStorage.setItem('token',; // Test mocked this
    history.push('/feed');                         // Test mocked this

Given that this is being done with jest, the localstorage call had to be mocked. This was in file src/setupTests.js:

const localStorageMock = {
  removeItem: jest.fn(),
  getItem: jest.fn(),
  setItem: jest.fn(),
  clear: jest.fn()
global.localStorage = localStorageMock;

Heroku 'Permission denied (publickey) fatal: Could not read from remote repository' woes

I had the same issue. And I tried to reset my keys as everyone said, but it still didn't worked. For was because I renamed the app.

So what I did was to reset my keys and also rename app from console. Check this question for more information: Heroku push app problem