[verilog] Verilog: How to instantiate a module

If I have a Verilog module 'top' and a verilog module 'subcomponent' how do I instantiate subcomponent in top?


module top(
   input        clk,
   input        rst_n,
   input        enable,
   input  [9:0] data_rx_1,
   input  [9:0] data_rx_2,
   output [9:0] data_tx_2


module subcomponent(
   input        clk,
   input        rst_n,
   input  [9:0] data_rx,
   output [9:0] data_tx

This was written as a generic question that keeps cropping up now and again, it is following the self-answer format. Addition answers and updates are encouraged.

This question is related to verilog system-verilog

The answer is

Be sure to check out verilog-mode and especially verilog-auto. http://www.veripool.org/wiki/verilog-mode/ It is a verilog mode for emacs, but plugins exist for vi(m?) for example.

An instantiation can be automated with AUTOINST. The comment is expanded with M-x verilog-auto and can afterwards be manually edited.

subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name(/*AUTOINST*/);


subcomponent subcomponent_instance_name (/*AUTOINST*/
  .clk,         (clk)           
  .rst_n,       (rst_n)
  .data_rx      (data_rx_1[9:0]),
  .data_tx      (data_tx[9:0])

Implicit wires can be automated with /*AUTOWIRE*/. Check the link for further information.