Programs & Examples On #Treetable

Query plugin for displaying a tree structure in a (HTML) table, i.e. a directory structure or a nested list.

Java GUI frameworks. What to choose? Swing, SWT, AWT, SwingX, JGoodies, JavaFX, Apache Pivot?

Another option is to use Qt Jambi. It has nearly all the greatness of Qt (many components, good documentation, easy to use), without the hassle of C++. I used it 3-4 years ago for a small project, even then it was almost mature.

You might want to see the discussion about Swing vs. Qt here.

GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer

Update: In an effort to answer my own question, here is what I've been able to uncover so far. If anyone else out there has something, I'd still be interested to find out more.

Based on JSON Schema

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See Also

Initialize a Map containing arrays

Per Mozilla's Map documentation, you can initialize as follows:

private _gridOptions:Map<string, Array<string>> = 
    new Map([
        ["1", ["test"]],
        ["2", ["test2"]]

How do I get which JRadioButton is selected from a ButtonGroup

Use the isSelected() method. It will tell you the state of your radioButton. Using it in combination with a loop(say for loop) you can find which one has been selected.

Why do symbols like apostrophes and hyphens get replaced with black diamonds on my website?

What I really don't understand with this kind of problem is that the html page I ran as a local file displayed perfectly in Chromium browser, but as soon as I uploaded it to my website, it produced this error.

Even stranger, it displayed perfectly in the Vivaldi browser whether displayed from the local or remote file.

Is this something to do with the way Chromium reads the character set? But why only with a remote file?

I fixed the problem by retyping the text in a simple text editor and making sure the single quote mark was the one I used.

Transport security has blocked a cleartext HTTP


PList Screenshot to understand better

Add a new item, NSAppTransportSecurity, in the plist file with type Dictionary, then add sub item NSAllowsArbitraryLoads in dictionary of type Boolean, and set bool value YES. This works for me.

Different color for each bar in a bar chart; ChartJS

After looking into the Chart.Bar.js file I've managed to find the solution. I've used this function to generate a random color:

function getRandomColor() {
    var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split('');
    var color = '#';
    for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
        color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];
    return color;

I've added it to the end of the file and i called this function right inside the "fillColor:" under

                    //Add a new point for each piece of data, passing any required data to draw.

so now it looks like this:

                    //Add a new point for each piece of data, passing any required data to draw.

                    datasetObject.bars.push(new this.BarClass({
                        value : dataPoint,
                        label : data.labels[index],
                        datasetLabel: dataset.label,
                        strokeColor : dataset.strokeColor,
                        fillColor : getRandomColor(),
                        highlightFill : dataset.highlightFill || dataset.fillColor,
                        highlightStroke : dataset.highlightStroke || dataset.strokeColor

and it works I get different color for each bar.

Error when creating a new text file with python?

instead of using try-except blocks, you could use, if else

this will not execute if the file is non-existent, open(name,'r+')

if os.path.exists('location\filename.txt'):
    print "File exists"

   open("location\filename.txt", 'w')

'w' creates a file if its non-exis

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup

In case someone missed the obvious; note that if you build a GUI application and use
"-subsystem:windows" in the link-args, the application entry is WinMain@16. Not main(). Hence you can use this snippet to call your main():

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>

#ifdef __GNUC__
#define _stdcall  __attribute__((stdcall))

int _stdcall
WinMain (struct HINSTANCE__ *hInstance,
         struct HINSTANCE__ *hPrevInstance,
         char               *lpszCmdLine,
         int                 nCmdShow)
  return main (__argc, __argv);

How to find where javaw.exe is installed?

Try this

for %i in (javaw.exe) do @echo. %~$PATH:i

Allowed characters in filename

To be more precise about Mac OS X (now called MacOS) / in the Finder is interpreted to : in the Unix file system.

This was done for backward compatibility when Apple moved from Classic Mac OS.

It is legitimate to use a / in a file name in the Finder, looking at the same file in the terminal it will show up with a :.

And it works the other way around too: you can't use a / in a file name with the terminal, but a : is OK and will show up as a / in the Finder.

Some applications may be more restrictive and prohibit both characters to avoid confusion or because they kept logic from previous Classic Mac OS or for name compatibility between platforms.

XML Carriage return encoding

A browser isn't going to show you white space reliably. I recommend the Linux 'od' command to see what's really in there. Comforming XML parsers will respect all of the methods you listed.

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE"

Run package declaration and body separately.

What is the 'pythonic' equivalent to the 'fold' function from functional programming?

Starting Python 3.8, and the introduction of assignment expressions (PEP 572) (:= operator), which gives the possibility to name the result of an expression, we can use a list comprehension to replicate what other languages call fold/foldleft/reduce operations:

Given a list, a reducing function and an accumulator:

items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
f = lambda acc, x: acc * x
accumulator = 1

we can fold items with f in order to obtain the resulting accumulation:

[accumulator := f(accumulator, x) for x in items]
# accumulator = 120

or in a condensed formed:

acc = 1; [acc := acc * x for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
# acc = 120

Note that this is actually also a "scanleft" operation as the result of the list comprehension represents the state of the accumulation at each step:

acc = 1
scanned = [acc := acc * x for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
# scanned = [1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
# acc = 120

@Value annotation type casting to Integer from String

If you are using @Configuation then instantiate below static bean. If not static @Configutation is instantiated very early and and the BeanPostProcessors responsible for resolving annotations like @Value, @Autowired etc, cannot act on it. Refer here

public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigurer() {
   return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();

Align text in JLabel to the right

To me, it seems as if your actual intention is to put different words on different lines. But let me answer your first question:

JLabel lab=new JLabel("text");

And if you have an image:

JLabel lab=new Jlabel("text");
lab.setIcon(new ImageIcon("path//img.png"));

But, I believe you want to make the label such that there are only 2 words on 1 line.

In that case try this:

String urText="<html>You can<br>use basic HTML<br>in Swing<br> components," 
   +"Hope<br> I helped!";
JLabel lac=new JLabel(urText);

Using jQuery how to get click coordinates on the target element

In percentage :

$('.your-class').click(function (e){
    var $this = $(this); // or use $( in some cases;
    var offset = $this.offset();
    var width = $this.width();
    var height = $this.height();
    var posX = offset.left;
    var posY =;
    var x = e.pageX-posX;
        x = parseInt(x/width*100,10);
        x = x<0?0:x;
        x = x>100?100:x;
    var y = e.pageY-posY;
        y = parseInt(y/height*100,10);
        y = y<0?0:y;
        y = y>100?100:y;
    console.log(x+'% '+y+'%');

How to POST JSON Data With PHP cURL?


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array("customer"=>$data_string));


$data_string = json_encode(array("customer"=>$data));
//Send blindly the json-encoded string.
//The server, IMO, expects the body of the HTTP request to be in JSON
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);

I dont get what you meant by "other page", I hope it is the page at: 'url_to_post'. If that page is written in PHP, the JSON you just posted above will be read in the below way:

$jsonStr = file_get_contents("php://input"); //read the HTTP body.
$json = json_decode($jsonStr);

Prevent flex items from overflowing a container

One easy solution is to use overflow values other than visible to make the text flex basis width reset as expected.

  1. Here with value auto the text wraps as expected and the article content does not overflow main container.

  2. Also, the article flex value must either have a auto basis AND be able to shrink, OR, only grow AND explicit 0 basis

main, aside, article {_x000D_
  margin: 10px;_x000D_
  border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
  border-bottom: 0;_x000D_
  height: 50px;_x000D_
  overflow: auto; /* 1. overflow not `visible` */_x000D_
main {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
aside {_x000D_
  flex: 0 0 200px;_x000D_
article {_x000D_
  flex: 1 1 auto; /* 2. Allow auto width content to shrink */_x000D_
  /* flex: 1 0 0; /* Or, explicit 0 width basis that grows */_x000D_
  <aside>x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x </aside>_x000D_
  <article>don't let flex item overflow container.... y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y </article>_x000D_

Print empty line?

You can just do


to get an empty line.

check / uncheck checkbox using jquery?

For jQuery 1.6+ :

.attr() is deprecated for properties; use the new .prop() function instead as:

$('#myCheckbox').prop('checked', true); // Checks it
$('#myCheckbox').prop('checked', false); // Unchecks it

For jQuery < 1.6:

To check/uncheck a checkbox, use the attribute checked and alter that. With jQuery you can do:

$('#myCheckbox').attr('checked', true); // Checks it
$('#myCheckbox').attr('checked', false); // Unchecks it

Cause you know, in HTML, it would look something like:

<input type="checkbox" id="myCheckbox" checked="checked" /> <!-- Checked -->
<input type="checkbox" id="myCheckbox" /> <!-- Unchecked -->

However, you cannot trust the .attr() method to get the value of the checkbox (if you need to). You will have to rely in the .prop() method.

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?' in helpers.php 233

I had approximately the same problem with Laravel 5.5 on ubuntu, finally i've found a solution here to switch between the versions of php used by apache :

  1. sudo a2dismod php5
  2. sudo a2enmod php7.1
  3. sudo service apache2 restart

and it works

Creating a .dll file in C#.Net

Console Application is an application (.exe), not a Library (.dll). To make a library, create a new project, select "Class Library" in type of project, then copy the logic of your first code into this new project.

Or you can edit the Project Properties and select Class Library instead of Console Application in Output type.

As some code can be "console" dependant, I think first solution is better if you check your logic when you copy it.

setInterval in a React app

If anyone is looking for a React Hook approach to implementing setInterval. Dan Abramov talked about it on his blog. Check it out if you want a good read about the subject including a Class approach. Basically the code is a custom Hook that turns setInterval as declarative.

function useInterval(callback, delay) {
  const savedCallback = useRef();

  // Remember the latest callback.
  useEffect(() => {
    savedCallback.current = callback;
  }, [callback]);

  // Set up the interval.
  useEffect(() => {
    function tick() {
    if (delay !== null) {
      let id = setInterval(tick, delay);
      return () => clearInterval(id);
  }, [delay]);

Also posting the CodeSandbox link for convenience:


There is no create or replace table in Oracle.

You must:

CREATE TABLE foo (....);

How to define custom configuration variables in rails

Since Rails 4.2, without additional gems, you can load config/hi.yml simply by using Rails.application.config_for :hi.

For example:

  1. touch config/passwords.yml

          username: 'a'
          password: 'b'
          username: 'aa'
          password: 'bb'
  1. touch config/initializers/constants.rb

    AUTHENTICATION = Rails.application.config_for :passwords
  1. and now you can use AUTHENTICATION constant everywhere in your application:

    #rails c production
    :001> AUTHENTICATION['username'] => 'aa'
  2. then add passwords.yml to .gitignore: echo /config/passwords.yml >> .gitignore, create an example file for your comfort cp /config/passwords.yml /config/passwords.example.yml and then just edit your example file in your production console with actual production values.

How to pass a parameter to routerLink that is somewhere inside the URL?

In your particular example you'd do the following routerLink:

[routerLink]="['user',, 'details']"

To do so in a controller, you can inject Router and use:

router.navigate(['user',, 'details']);

More info in the Angular docs Link Parameters Array section of Routing & Navigation

Combine or merge JSON on node.js without jQuery

It can easy be done using Object.assign() method -

 var object1 = {name: "John"};
 var object2 = {location: "San Jose"};
 var object3 = Object.assign(object1,object2);

now object3 is { name: 'John', location: 'San Jose' }

Generating a drop down list of timezones with PHP

After trying all solutions presented here and not being satisfied, I have found a script which is matching my needs and it is more user friendly. For the record, I will save it as a possible solution. I love the copy/paste solutions :)

Script returns a select with whatever timezone you want preselected.

enter image description here


 * returns a HTML formated TimeZone select
 * PHP 5 >= 5.2.0
 * @param $selectedTimeZone string The timezone marked as "selected"
 * @return string
function displayTimeZoneSelect($selectedTimeZone = 'America/New_York'){
    $countryCodes = getCountryCodes();
    $return = null;
    foreach ($countryCodes as $country => $countryCode) {
        $timezone_identifiers = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY,$countryCode);
        foreach( $timezone_identifiers as $value ){
            /* getTimeZoneOffset returns minutes and we need to display hours */
            $offset = getTimeZoneOffset($value)/60;
            /* for the GMT+1 GMT-1 display */
            $offset = ( substr($offset,0,1) == "-" ? " (GMT" : " (GMT+" ) . $offset . ")";
            /* America/New_York -> America/New York */
            $displayValue = (str_replace('_',' ',$value));
            /* Find the city */
            $ex = explode("/",$displayValue);
            $city = ( ($ex[2]) ? $ex[2] : $ex[1] );
            /* For the special names */
            $displayValue = htmlentities($country." - ".$city.$offset); 
            /* handle the $selectedTimeZone in the select form */
            $selected = ( ($value == $selectedTimeZone) ? ' selected="selected"' : null );
            $return .= '<option value="' . $value . '"' . $selected . '>'
                . $displayValue
                . '</option>' . PHP_EOL;

    return $return;

 * ISO 3166 code list
 * @return array The country codes in 'COUNTRY' => 'CODE' format
 * @link ISO Website
function getCountryCodes(){
$return = array(
return $return;

 * Calculates the offset from UTC for a given timezone
 * @return integer
function getTimeZoneOffset($timeZone) {
    $dateTimeZoneUTC = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
    $dateTimeZoneCurrent = new DateTimeZone($timeZone);

    $dateTimeUTC = new DateTime("now",$dateTimeZoneUTC);
    $dateTimeCurrent = new DateTime("now",$dateTimeZoneCurrent);

    $offset = (($dateTimeZoneCurrent->getOffset($dateTimeUTC))/60);
    return $offset;

    <label for="timeZone">Timezone<br />
        <select id="timeZone" name="timeZone">
            <?php echo displayTimeZoneSelect("America/Toronto");?>

How do I print output in new line in PL/SQL?

You can concatenate the CR and LF:


(on windows)

or just:



dbms_output.put_line('Hi,'||chr(13)||chr(10) ||'good' || chr(13)||chr(10)|| 'morning' ||chr(13)||chr(10) || 'friends');

Extract substring from a string

use text untold class from android:
TextUtils.substring (charsequence source, int start, int end)

How to use default Android drawables

If you read through any of the discussions on the android development group you will see that they discourage the use of anything that isn't in the public SDK because the rest is subject to extensive change.

How do I put variables inside javascript strings?

Here is a Multi-line String Literal example in Node.js.

> let name = 'Fred'
> tm = `Dear ${name},
... This is to inform you, ${name}, that you are
... IN VIOLATION of Penal Code 64.302-4.
... Surrender yourself IMMEDIATELY!
... THIS MEANS YOU, ${name}!!!
... `
'Dear Fred,\nThis is to inform you, Fred, that you are\nIN VIOLATION of Penal Code 64.302-4.\nSurrender yourself IMMEDIATELY!\nTHIS MEANS YOU, Fred!!!\n\n'
Dear Fred,
This is to inform you, Fred, that you are
IN VIOLATION of Penal Code 64.302-4.
Surrender yourself IMMEDIATELY!


How do I do multiple CASE WHEN conditions using SQL Server 2008?

Just use this one, You have to use more when they are classes.

SELECT   Url='',
         WHEN 1 = 1 or 1 = 1 
            THEN 1 
         WHEN 2 = 2
             THEN 2
         WHEN 3 = 3
              THEN 3
          ELSE 0 
        END as Qty,
        [Status] = 0
  FROM  Product p (NOLOCK)

Stop all active ajax requests in jQuery

There is a dummy solution I use it to abort all ajax requests. This solution is reload the whole page. This solution is good if you don't like to assign an ID to each ajax request, and if you make ajax requests inside for-loop. This will make sure all ajax requests are killed.


Javascript add leading zeroes to date

The new modern way to do this is to use toLocaleDateString, because it allows you not only to format a date with proper localization, but even to pass format options to archive the desired result:

var date = new Date(2018, 2, 1);
var result = date.toLocaleDateString("en-GB", { // you can skip the first argument
  year: "numeric",
  month: "2-digit",
  day: "2-digit",
console.log(result); // outputs “01/03/2018”

When you skip the first argument it will detect the browser language, instead. Alternatively, you can use 2-digit on the year option, too.

If you don't need to support old browsers like IE10, this is the cleanest way to do the job. IE10 and lower versions won't understand the options argument.

Please note, there is also toLocaleTimeString, that allows you to localize and format the time of a date.

How do I clone a github project to run locally?

I use @Thiho answer but i get this error:

'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command

For solving that i use this steps:

I add the following paths to PATH:

  • C:\Program Files\Git\bin\

  • C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\

In windows 7:

  1. Right-click "Computer" on the Desktop or Start Menu.
  2. Select "Properties".
  3. On the very far left, click the "Advanced system settings" link.
  4. Click the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom.
  5. Double-click the "Path" entry under "System variables".
  6. At the end of "Variable value", insert a ; if there is not already one, and then C:\Program Files\Git\bin\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd. Do not put a space between ; and the entry.

Finally close and re-open your console.

How do I get a plist as a Dictionary in Swift?

You can use that, I create a simple extension for Dictionary in github

extension Dictionary {
        Load a Plist file from the app bundle into a new dictionary

        :param: File name
        :return: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>?
    static func loadPlistFromProject(filename: String) -> Dictionary<String, AnyObject>? {

        if let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("GameParam", ofType: "plist") {
            return NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path) as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>
        println("Could not find file: \(filename)")
        return nil

And you can use that for load

  Example function for load Files Plist

  :param: Name File Plist
func loadPlist(filename: String) -> ExampleClass? {
    if let dictionary = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>.loadPlistFromProject(filename) {
        let stringValue = (dictionary["name"] as NSString)
        let intergerValue = (dictionary["score"] as NSString).integerValue
        let doubleValue = (dictionary["transition"] as NSString).doubleValue

        return ExampleClass(stringValue: stringValue, intergerValue: intergerValue, doubleValue: doubleValue)
    return nil

Checkbox angular material checked by default

// in component.ts
checked: boolean = true;
indeterminate:boolean = false;
disabled:boolean = false;

onCheck() {
    this.label = this.checked?'ON':'OFF';

// in component.html`enter code here`
<mat-checkbox class="example-margin" [color]="primary" [(ngModel)]="checked" [(indeterminate)]="indeterminate" [labelPosition]="after" [disabled]="disabled" (change)="onCheck()">

The above code should work fine. Mat checkbox allows you to make it checked/unchecked, disabled, set indeterminate state, do some operation onChange of the state etc. Refer API for more details.

How to collapse blocks of code in Eclipse?

In Preferences, you'll find General > Keys. It's for setting your keyboard shortcuts.

What I use it for more often, though, is to find stuff in Eclipse. You should see an input box labelled "type filter text." It's as close as Eclipse comes to a search feature for every Eclipse command.

Fastest way to remove non-numeric characters from a VARCHAR in SQL Server

In case you didn't want to create a function, or you needed just a single inline call in T-SQL, you could try:

set @Phone = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@Phone,'(',''),' ',''),'-',''),')','')

Of course this is specific to removing phone number formatting, not a generic remove all special characters from string function.

How to SHA1 hash a string in Android?

final MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
result = digest.digest(stringToHash.getBytes("UTF-8"));

// Another way to construct HEX, my previous post was only the method like your solution
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

for (byte b : result) // This is your byte[] result..
    sb.append(String.format("%02X", b));

String messageDigest = sb.toString();

Creating a singleton in Python

Method 3 seems to be very neat, but if you want your program to run in both Python 2 and Python 3, it doesn't work. Even protecting the separate variants with tests for the Python version fails, because the Python 3 version gives a syntax error in Python 2.

Thanks to Mike Watkins: If you want the program to work in both Python 2 and Python 3, you need to do something like:

class Singleton(type):
    _instances = {}
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls not in cls._instances:
            cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instances[cls]

MC = Singleton('MC', (object), {})

class MyClass(MC):
    pass    # Code for the class implementation

I presume that 'object' in the assignment needs to be replaced with the 'BaseClass', but I haven't tried that (I have tried code as illustrated).

Python: subplot within a loop: first panel appears in wrong position

Using your code with some random data, this would work:

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,5, figsize=(15, 6), facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = .5, wspace=.001)

axs = axs.ravel()

for i in range(10):


The layout is off course a bit messy, but that's because of your current settings (the figsize, wspace etc).

enter image description here

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 20: ordinal not in range(128)

You need to read the Python Unicode HOWTO. This error is the very first example.

Basically, stop using str to convert from unicode to encoded text / bytes.

Instead, properly use .encode() to encode the string:

p.agent_info = u' '.join((agent_contact, agent_telno)).encode('utf-8').strip()

or work entirely in unicode.

Why doesn't JavaScript support multithreading?

Without proper language support for thread syncronization, it doesn't even make sense for new implementations to try. Existing complex JS apps (e.g. anything using ExtJS) would most likely crash unexpectedly, but without a synchronized keyword or something similar, it would also be very hard or even impossible to write new programs that behave correctly.

How to run Spring Boot web application in Eclipse itself?

Just run the main method which is in the class SampleWebJspApplication. Spring Boot will take care of all the rest (starting the embedded tomcat which will host your sample application).

Recursion in Python? RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

That's the error you get when a function makes too many recursive calls to itself. It might be doing this because the base case is never met (and therefore it gets stuck in an infinite loop) or just by making an large number of calls to itself. You could replace the recursive calls with while loops.

Upload file to FTP using C#

public void UploadFtpFile(string folderName, string fileName)

    FtpWebRequest request;

    string folderName; 
    string fileName;
    string absoluteFileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName);

    request = WebRequest.Create(new Uri(string.Format(@"ftp://{0}/{1}/{2}", "", folderName, absoluteFileName))) as FtpWebRequest;
    request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
    request.UseBinary = 1;
    request.UsePassive = 1;
    request.KeepAlive = 1;
    request.Credentials =  new NetworkCredential(user, pass);
    request.ConnectionGroupName = "group"; 

    using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(fileName))
        byte[] buffer = new byte[fs.Length];
        fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
        requestStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

How to use

UploadFtpFile("testFolder", "E:\\filesToUpload\\test.img");

use this in your foreach

and you only need to create folder one time

to create a folder

request = WebRequest.Create(new Uri(string.Format(@"ftp://{0}/{1}/", "", "testFolder"))) as FtpWebRequest;
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.MakeDirectory;
FtpWebResponse ftpResponse = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

How do I keep jQuery UI Accordion collapsed by default?

Add the active: false option (documentation)..

$("#accordion").accordion({ header: "h3", collapsible: true, active: false });

How to import local packages without gopath

Since the introduction of go.mod , I think both local and external package management becomes easier. Using go.mod, it is possible to have go project outside the GOPATH as well.

Import local package:

Create a folder demoproject and run following command to generate go.mod file

go mod init demoproject

I have a project structure like below inside the demoproject directory.

+-- go.mod
+-- src
    +-- main.go
    +-- model
        +-- model.go

For the demo purpose, insert the following code in the model.go file.

package model

type Employee struct {
    Id          int32
    FirstName   string
    LastName    string
    BadgeNumber int32

In main.go, I imported Employee model by referencing to "demoproject/src/model"

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Main Function")

    var employee = model.Employee{
        Id:          1,
        FirstName:   "First name",
        LastName:    "Last Name",
        BadgeNumber: 1000,

Import external dependency:

Just run go get command inside the project directory.

For example:

go get -u

It should include module dependency in the go.mod file

module demoproject

go 1.13

require ( v0.0.0-20200114155413-6afb5195e5aa // indirect v0.0.0-20200124204421-9fbb57f87de9 // indirect v0.3.2 // indirect v0.0.0-20200122232147-0452cf42e150 // indirect v1.26.0 // indirect

How to output a comma delimited list in jinja python template?

You want your if check to be:

{% if not loop.last %}
{% endif %}

Note that you can also shorten the code by using If Expression:

{{ ", " if not loop.last else "" }}

How to edit default.aspx on SharePoint site without SharePoint Designer

You can always use Sharepoint Solution Generator to create a project and edit in VS2008.

You can find the Generator along with Sharepoint Developer tools.

SecurityError: The operation is insecure - window.history.pushState()

In my case I was missing 'www.' from the url I was pushing. It must be exact match, if you're working on, you must push to and not

Eclipse "Server Locations" section disabled and need to change to use Tomcat installation

Make sure that there is no project Deploy in server. If so ,please right click on server ,select add and remove ,Then remove all project. After this you can double click on server and the option will be enabled for you.

How to get a Docker container's IP address from the host

Just another classic solution:

docker ps -aq | xargs docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} - {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}'

How to reverse a singly linked list using only two pointers?

Robert Sedgewick, "Algorithms in C", Addison-Wesley, 3rd Edition, 1997, [Section 3.4]

In case that is not a cyclic list ,hence NULL is the last link.

typedef struct node* link;

struct node{ int item; link next; };

/* you send the existing list to reverse() and returns the reversed one */

link reverse(link x){ link t, y = x, r = NULL; while(y != NULL){ t = y->next; y-> next = r; r = y; y = t; } return r; }

How to decrypt the password generated by wordpress

This is one of the proposed solutions found in the article Jacob mentioned, and it worked great as a manual way to change the password without having to use the email reset.

  1. In the DB table wp_users, add a key, like abc123 to the user_activation column.
  2. Visit
  3. You will be prompted to enter a new password.

How to convert latitude or longitude to meters?

To convert latitude and longitude in x and y representation you need to decide what type of map projection to use. As for me, Elliptical Mercator seems very well. Here you can find an implementation (in Java too).

Array from dictionary keys in swift

dict.allKeys is not a String. It is a [String], exactly as the error message tells you (assuming, of course, that the keys are all strings; this is exactly what you are asserting when you say that).

So, either start by typing componentArray as [AnyObject], because that is how it is typed in the Cocoa API, or else, if you cast dict.allKeys, cast it to [String], because that is how you have typed componentArray.

Starting of Tomcat failed from Netbeans

Also, it is very likely, that problem with proxy settings.

Any who didn't overcome Tomact starting problrem, - try in NetBeans choose No Proxy in the Tools -> Options -> General tab.

It helped me.

How to send custom headers with requests in Swagger UI?

Golang/go-swagger example:

// swagger:parameters opid
type XRequestIdHeader struct {
    // in: header
    // required: true
    XRequestId string `json:"X-Request-Id"`

    // swagger:operation POST /endpoint/ opid
    // Parameters:
    // - $ref: #/parameters/XRequestIDHeader

How does the class_weight parameter in scikit-learn work?

The first answer is good for understanding how it works. But I wanted to understand how I should be using it in practice.


  • for moderately imbalanced data WITHOUT noise, there is not much of a difference in applying class weights
  • for moderately imbalanced data WITH noise and strongly imbalanced, it is better to apply class weights
  • param class_weight="balanced" works decent in the absence of you wanting to optimize manually
  • with class_weight="balanced" you capture more true events (higher TRUE recall) but also you are more likely to get false alerts (lower TRUE precision)
    • as a result, the total % TRUE might be higher than actual because of all the false positives
    • AUC might misguide you here if the false alarms are an issue
  • no need to change decision threshold to the imbalance %, even for strong imbalance, ok to keep 0.5 (or somewhere around that depending on what you need)


The result might differ when using RF or GBM. sklearn does not have class_weight="balanced" for GBM but lightgbm has LGBMClassifier(is_unbalance=False)


# scikit-learn==0.21.3
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, classification_report
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# case: moderate imbalance
X, y = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=50*15, n_features=5, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, random_state=1, weights=[0.8]) #,flip_y=0.1,class_sep=0.5)
np.mean(y) # 0.2

LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.184
(LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).mean() # 0.184 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:0.5,1:0.5}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.184 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:2,1:8}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.296 => seems to make things worse?
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.292 => seems to make things worse?

roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.83
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:2,1:8}).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.86 => about the same
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.86 => about the same

# case: strong imbalance
X, y = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=50*15, n_features=5, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, random_state=1, weights=[0.95])
np.mean(y) # 0.06

LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.02
(LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).mean() # 0.02 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:0.5,1:0.5}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.02 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:1,1:20}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.25 => huh??
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.22 => huh??
(LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).mean() # same as last

roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.64
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:1,1:20}).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.84 => much better
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.85 => similar to manual
roc_auc_score(y,(LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).astype(int)) # same as last

pd.crosstab(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X),margins=True,normalize='index') # few prediced TRUE with only 28% TRUE recall and 86% TRUE precision so 6%*28%~=2%

pd.crosstab(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X),margins=True,normalize='index') # 88% TRUE recall but also lot of false positives with only 23% TRUE precision, making total predicted % TRUE > actual % TRUE

How merge two objects array in angularjs?


var a=[{a:4}], b=[{b:5}]

angular.merge(a,b) // [{a:4, b:5}]

Tested on angular 1.4.1

Entity Framework Queryable async

There is a massive difference in the example you have posted, the first version:

var urls = await context.Urls.ToListAsync();

This is bad, it basically does select * from table, returns all results into memory and then applies the where against that in memory collection rather than doing select * from table where... against the database.

The second method will not actually hit the database until a query is applied to the IQueryable (probably via a linq .Where().Select() style operation which will only return the db values which match the query.

If your examples were comparable, the async version will usually be slightly slower per request as there is more overhead in the state machine which the compiler generates to allow the async functionality.

However the major difference (and benefit) is that the async version allows more concurrent requests as it doesn't block the processing thread whilst it is waiting for IO to complete (db query, file access, web request etc).

How to iterate over a std::map full of strings in C++

iter->first and iter->second are variables, you are attempting to call them as methods.

How to quickly and conveniently create a one element arraylist

Seeing as Guava gets a mention, I thought I would also suggest Eclipse Collections (formerly known as GS Collections).

The following examples all return a List with a single item.

Lists.mutable.of("Just one item");
Lists.mutable.with("Or use with");
Lists.immutable.of("Maybe it must be immutable?");
Lists.immutable.with("And use with if you want");

There are similar methods for other collections.

With CSS, use "..." for overflowed block of multi-lines

javascript solution will be better

  • get the lines number of text
  • toggle is-ellipsis class if the window resize or elment change


Element.getClientRects() works like this

enter image description here

each rects in the same row has the same top value, so find out the rects with different top value, like this

enter image description here

function getRowRects(element) {
    var rects = [],
        clientRects = element.getClientRects(),
        len = clientRects.length,
        clientRect, top, rectsLen, rect, i;

    for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
        has = false;
        rectsLen = rects.length;
        clientRect = clientRects[i];
        top =;
        while(rectsLen--) {
            rect = rects[rectsLen];
            if ( == top) {
                has = true;
        if(has) {
            rect.right = rect.right > clientRect.right ? rect.right : clientRect.right;
            rect.width = rect.right - rect.left;
        else {
                right: clientRect.right,
                bottom: clientRect.bottom,
                left: clientRect.left,
                width: clientRect.width,
                height: clientRect.height
    return rects;

float ...more

like this

enter image description here

detect window resize or element changed

like this

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Launch custom android application from android browser

There should also be <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/> added to the intent filter to make the activity recognized properly from the link.

PostgreSQL database default location on Linux

Default in Debian 8.1 and PostgreSQL 9.4 after the installation with the package manager apt-get

ps auxw |  grep postgres | grep -- -D
postgres 17340  0.0  0.5 226700 21756 ?        S    09:50   0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf

so apparently /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main.

How to access at request attributes in JSP?

EL expression:


There are several implicit objects in JSP EL. See Expression Language under the "Implicit Objects" heading.

Set Date in a single line

Why don't you just write a simple utility method:

public final class DateUtils {
    private DateUtils() {

    public static Calendar calendarFor(int year, int month, int day) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
        cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, month);
        cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day);
        return cal;

    // ... maybe other utility methods

And then call that everywhere in the rest of your code:

Calendar cal = DateUtils.calendarFor(2010, Calendar.MAY, 21);

Is there an alternative to string.Replace that is case-insensitive?

$0 - "Substitutes the last substring matched by group number number (decimal)."

In .NET Regular expressions group 0 is always the entire match. For a literal $ you need to

string value = Regex.Replace("%PolicyAmount%", "%PolicyAmount%", @"$$0", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

How to read a configuration file in Java

Create a configuration file and put your entries there.


You can load this file using Properties.load(fileName) and retrieved values you get(key);

How are Anonymous inner classes used in Java?

An Anonymous Inner Class is used to create an object that will never be referenced again. It has no name and is declared and created in the same statement. This is used where you would normally use an object's variable. You replace the variable with the new keyword, a call to a constructor and the class definition inside { and }.

When writing a Threaded Program in Java, it would usually look like this

ThreadClass task = new ThreadClass();
Thread runner = new Thread(task);

The ThreadClass used here would be user defined. This class will implement the Runnable interface which is required for creating threads. In the ThreadClass the run() method (only method in Runnable) needs to be implemented as well. It is clear that getting rid of ThreadClass would be more efficient and that's exactly why Anonymous Inner Classes exist.

Look at the following code

Thread runner = new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        //Thread does it's work here

This code replaces the reference made to task in the top most example. Rather than having a separate class, the Anonymous Inner Class inside the Thread() constructor returns an unnamed object that implements the Runnable interface and overrides the run() method. The method run() would include statements inside that do the work required by the thread.

Answering the question on whether Anonymous Inner Classes is one of the advantages of Java, I would have to say that I'm not quite sure as I am not familiar with many programming languages at the moment. But what I can say is it is definitely a quicker and easier method of coding.

References: Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days Seventh Edition

Get login username in java

Using JNA its simple:

String username = Advapi32Util.getUserName();

Advapi32Util.Account account = Advapi32Util.getAccountByName(username);

How to check if a textbox is empty using javascript

The most simple way to do it without using javascript is using required=""

<input type="text" ID="txtName"  Width="165px" required=""/>

When adding a Javascript library, Chrome complains about a missing source map, why?

I get this warning in Angular if I run:

ng serve --sourceMap=false

To fix:

ng serve

jQuery equivalent to Prototype array.last()

See these test cases The most effective way is throug .pop method (in V8), but loses the last element of the array

Python: How to check if keys exists and retrieve value from Dictionary in descending priority

If we encapsulate that in a function we could use recursion and state clearly the purpose by naming the function properly (not sure if getAny is actually a good name):

def getAny(dic, keys, default=None):
    return (keys or default) and dic.get(keys[0], 
                                         getAny( dic, keys[1:], default=default))

or even better, without recursion and more clear:

def getAny(dic, keys, default=None):
    for k in keys: 
        if k in dic:
           return dic[k]
    return default

Then that could be used in a way similar to the dict.get method, like:

getAny(myDict, keySet)

and even have a default result in case of no keys found at all:

getAny(myDict, keySet, "not found")

How do you wait for input on the same Console.WriteLine() line?

Use Console.Write instead, so there's no newline written:

Console.Write("What is your name? ");
var name = Console.ReadLine();

How do I install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7?

Well I was able to install it by :

sudo apt-get install php-curl

on my system. This will install a dependency package, which depends on the default php version.

After that restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart

Executing periodic actions in Python

At the end of foo(), create a Timer which calls foo() itself after 10 seconds.
Because, Timer create a new thread to call foo().
You can do other stuff without being blocked.

import time, threading
def foo():
    threading.Timer(10, foo).start()


#Thu Dec 22 14:46:08 2011
#Thu Dec 22 14:46:18 2011
#Thu Dec 22 14:46:28 2011
#Thu Dec 22 14:46:38 2011

How to check if a String contains another String in a case insensitive manner in Java?

Yes, contains is case sensitive. You can use java.util.regex.Pattern with the CASE_INSENSITIVE flag for case insensitive matching:

Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(wantedStr), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(source).find();

EDIT: If s2 contains regex special characters (of which there are many) it's important to quote it first. I've corrected my answer since it is the first one people will see, but vote up Matt Quail's since he pointed this out.

Call a method of a controller from another controller using 'scope' in AngularJS

The best approach for you to communicate between the two controllers is to use events.

Scope Documentation

In this check out $on, $broadcast and $emit.

In general use case the usage of angular.element(catapp).scope() was designed for use outside the angular controllers, like within jquery events.

Ideally in your usage you would write an event in controller 1 as:

$scope.$on("myEvent", function (event, args) {
   $scope.rest_id = args.username;

And in the second controller you'd just do

$scope.initRestId = function(){
   $scope.$broadcast("myEvent", {username: $scope.user.username });

Edit: Realised it was communication between two modules

Can you try including the firstApp module as a dependency to the secondApp where you declare the angular.module. That way you can communicate to the other app.

Moving matplotlib legend outside of the axis makes it cutoff by the figure box

Here is another, very manual solution. You can define the size of the axis and paddings are considered accordingly (including legend and tickmarks). Hope it is of use to somebody.

Example (axes size are the same!):

enter image description here


# Plot table

colmap = [(0,0,1) #blue
         ,(1,0,0) #red
         ,(0,1,0) #green
         ,(1,1,0) #yellow
         ,(1,0,1) #magenta
         ,(1,0.5,0.5) #pink
         ,(0.5,0.5,0.5) #gray
         ,(0.5,0,0) #brown
         ,(1,0.5,0) #orange

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import collections
df = collections.OrderedDict()
df['labels']        = ['GWP100a\n[kgCO2eq]\n\nasedf\nasdf\nadfs','human\n[pts]','ressource\n[pts]'] 
df['all-petroleum long name'] = [3,5,2]
df['all-electric']  = [5.5, 1, 3]
df['HEV']           = [3.5, 2, 1]
df['PHEV']          = [3.5, 2, 1]

numLabels = len(df.values()[0])
numItems = len(df)-1
posX = np.arange(numLabels)+1
width = 1.0/(numItems+1)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2,2))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for iiItem in range(1,numItems+1):*width, df.values()[iiItem], width, color=colmap[iiItem-1], label=df.keys()[iiItem])
ax.set(xticks=posX+width*(0.5*numItems), xticklabels=df['labels'])

# Change padding and margins, insert legend

fig.tight_layout() #tight margins
leg = ax.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1), borderaxespad=0)
plt.draw() #to know size of legend

padLeft   = ax.get_position().x0 * fig.get_size_inches()[0]
padBottom = ax.get_position().y0 * fig.get_size_inches()[1]
padTop    = ( 1 - ax.get_position().y0 - ax.get_position().height ) * fig.get_size_inches()[1]
padRight  = ( 1 - ax.get_position().x0 - ax.get_position().width ) * fig.get_size_inches()[0]
dpi       = fig.get_dpi()
padLegend = ax.get_legend().get_frame().get_width() / dpi 

widthAx = 3 #inches
heightAx = 3 #inches
widthTot = widthAx+padLeft+padRight+padLegend
heightTot = heightAx+padTop+padBottom

# resize ipython window (optional)
posScreenX = 1366/2-10 #pixel
posScreenY = 0 #pixel
canvasPadding = 6 #pixel
canvasBottom = 40 #pixel
ipythonWindowSize = '{0}x{1}+{2}+{3}'.format(int(round(widthTot*dpi))+2*canvasPadding
plt.draw() #to resize ipython window. Has to be done BEFORE figure resizing!

# set figure size and ax position
ax.set_position([padLeft/widthTot, padBottom/heightTot, widthAx/widthTot, heightAx/heightTot])

How to remove a build from itunes connect?

I had this problem. I'll share my ride on the learning curve.

First, I couldn't find how to reject the binary but remembered seeing it earlier today in the iTunesConnect App. So using the App I rejected the binary.

If you "mouse over" the rejected binary under the "Build" section you'll notice that a red circle icon with a - (i.e. a delete button) appears. Tap on this and then hit the save button at the top of the screen. Submitted binary is now gone.

You should now get all the notifications for the app being in state "Prepare for Upload" (email, App notification etc).

Xcode organiser was still giving me "Redundant Binary". After a bit of research I now understand the difference between "Version" & "Build". Version is what iTunes displays and the user sees. Build is just the internal tracking number. I had both at 2.3.0, I changed build to and re-Archive. Now it validates and I can upload the new binary and re-submit. Hope that helps others!

System.Timers.Timer vs System.Threading.Timer

I found a short comparison from MSDN

The .NET Framework Class Library includes four classes named Timer, each of which offers different functionality:

System.Timers.Timer, which fires an event and executes the code in one or more event sinks at regular intervals. The class is intended for use as a server-based or service component in a multithreaded environment; it has no user interface and is not visible at runtime.

System.Threading.Timer, which executes a single callback method on a thread pool thread at regular intervals. The callback method is defined when the timer is instantiated and cannot be changed. Like the System.Timers.Timer class, this class is intended for use as a server-based or service component in a multithreaded environment; it has no user interface and is not visible at runtime.

System.Windows.Forms.Timer, a Windows Forms component that fires an event and executes the code in one or more event sinks at regular intervals. The component has no user interface and is designed for use in a single-threaded environment.

System.Web.UI.Timer, an ASP.NET component that performs asynchronous or synchronous web page postbacks at a regular interval.

How to initialize to empty

Try initializing with null value.

private java.util.Date date2 = null;

Also private java.util.Date date2 = ""; will not work as "" is a string.

How to fill the whole canvas with specific color?

You know what, there is an entire library for canvas graphics. It is called p5.js You can add it with just a single line in your head element and an additional sketch.js file.

Do this to your html and body tags first:

<html style="margin:0 ; padding:0">
<body style="margin:0 ; padding:0">

Add this to your head:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sketch.js"></script>

The sketch.js file

function setup() {
    createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
    background(r, g, b);

Move SQL Server 2008 database files to a new folder location

To add the privileges needed to the files add and grant right to the following local user: SQLServerMSSQLUser$COMPUTERNAME$INSTANCENAME, where COMPUTERNAME and INSTANCENAME has to be replaced with name of computer and MSSQL instance respectively.

Cause of a process being a deadlock victim

Although @Remus Rusanu's is already an excelent answer, in case one is looking forward a better insight on SQL Server's Deadlock causes and trace strategies, I would suggest you to read Brad McGehee's How to Track Down Deadlocks Using SQL Server 2005 Profiler

Table fixed header and scrollable body

It is easier with css

table tbody { display:block; max-height:450px; overflow-y:scroll; }
table thead, table tbody tr { display:table; width:100%; table-layout:fixed; }

Float right and position absolute doesn't work together

Generally speaking, float is a relative positioning statement, since it specifies the position of the element relative to its parent container (floating to the right or left). This means it's incompatible with the position:absolute property, because position:absolute is an absolute positioning statement. You can either float an element and allow the browser to position it relative to its parent container, or you can specify an absolute position and force the element to appear in a certain position regardless of its parent. If you want an absolutely-positioned element to appear on the right side of the screen, you can use position: absolute; right: 0;, but this will cause the element to always appear on the right edge of the screen regardless of how wide its parent div is (so it won't be "at the right of its parent div").

Serializing with Jackson (JSON) - getting "No serializer found"?

adding setter and getter will also solve the issue as it fixed for me. For Ex:

public class TestA {
    String SomeString = "asd";

    public String getSomeString () {        return SomeString ;     }

    public void setSomeString (String SS ) {        SomeString = SS ;   } 

Use jQuery to hide a DIV when the user clicks outside of it

Live demo with ESC functionality

Works on both Desktop and Mobile

var notH = 1,
    $pop = $('.form_wrapper').hover(function(){ notH^=1; });

$(document).on('mousedown keydown', function( e ){
  if(notH||e.which==27) $pop.hide();

If for some case you need to be sure that your element is really visible when you do clicks on the document: if($':visible') && (notH||e.which==27)) $pop.hide();

How to convert a string or integer to binary in Ruby?

You would naturally use Integer#to_s(2), String#to_i(2) or "%b" in a real program, but, if you're interested in how the translation works, this method calculates the binary representation of a given integer using basic operators:

def int_to_binary(x)
  p = 0
  two_p = 0
  output = ""

  while two_p * 2 <= x do
    two_p = 2 ** p
    output << ((two_p & x == two_p) ? "1" : "0")
    p += 1

  #Reverse output to match the endianness of %b

To check it works:

1.upto(1000) do |n|
  built_in, custom = ("%b" % n), int_to_binary(n)
  if built_in != custom
    puts "I expected #{built_in} but got #{custom}!"
    exit 1
  puts custom

Unit test naming best practices

I think one of the most important things is be consistent in your naming convention (and agree it with other members of your team). To many times I see loads of different conventions used in the same project.

Load a bitmap image into Windows Forms using open file dialog

It's simple. Just add:

PictureBox1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;

What does "subject" mean in certificate?

My typical expectation is than when "subject" is used a context like this, it means the target of the certificate. If you think of a certificate as a cryptographically secured description of a thing (person, device, communication channel, etc), then the subject is the stuff related to that thing.

It's not the thing itself. For example, no one would say "the subject takes his SmartCard and authenticates his PIN". That would be the "user".

But it usually relates to the various data items related to that that thing. For example:

  • Subject DN = Subject Distinguished Name = the unique identifier for what this thing is. Includes information about the thing being certified, including common name, organization, organization unit, country codes, etc.
  • Subject Key = part (or all) of the certificate's private/public key pair. If it's coming from the certificate, it's the public key. If it's coming from a key store in a secure location, it's probably the private key. Either part of the key is the cryptographic data used by the thing that received the certificate.
  • Subject certificate - the end point for the transaction - this is the thing requesting some secure capability - like integrity checking, authentication, privacy, etc.

Usually, it's used to distinguish between the other players in the PKI world. Namely the "issuer" and the "root". The issuer is the CA that issued the cert (to the subject), and the root is the CA that is end point of all the trust in the heirarchy. The typical relationship is root--->issuer--->subject.

A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013

After making no changes to a production server we began receiving this error. After trying several different things and thinking that perhaps there were DNS issues, restarting IIS fixed the issue (restarting only the site did not fix the issue). It likely won't work for everyone but if we tried that first it would have saved a lot of time.

Float to String format specifier

In C#, float is an alias for System.Single (a bit like intis an alias for System.Int32).

R error "sum not meaningful for factors"

The error comes when you try to call sum(x) and x is a factor.

What that means is that one of your columns, though they look like numbers are actually factors (what you are seeing is the text representation)

simple fix, convert to numeric. However, it needs an intermeidate step of converting to character first. Use the following:

family[, 1] <- as.numeric(as.character( family[, 1] ))
family[, 3] <- as.numeric(as.character( family[, 3] ))

For a detailed explanation of why the intermediate as.character step is needed, take a look at this question: How to convert a factor to integer\numeric without loss of information?

Java: random long number in 0 <= x < n range

How about this:

public static long nextLong(@NonNull Random r, long min, long max) {
    if (min > max)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("min>max");
    if (min == max)
        return min;
    long n = r.nextLong();
    //abs (use instead of Math.abs, which might return min value) :
    n = n == Long.MIN_VALUE ? 0 : n < 0 ? -n : n;
    //limit to range:
    n = n % (max - min);
    return min + n;


Exception.Message vs Exception.ToString()

I'd say @Wim is right. You should use ToString() for logfiles - assuming a technical audience - and Message, if at all, to display to the user. One could argue that even that is not suitable for a user, for every exception type and occurance out there (think of ArgumentExceptions, etc.).

Also, in addition to the StackTrace, ToString() will include information you will not get otherwise. For example the output of fusion, if enabled to include log messages in exception "messages".

Some exception types even include additional information (for example from custom properties) in ToString(), but not in the Message.

Java default constructor

I hope you got your answer regarding which is default constructor. But I am giving below statements to correct the comments given.

  • Java does not initialize any local variable to any default value. So if you are creating an Object of a class it will call default constructor and provide default values to Object.

  • Default constructor provides the default values to the object like 0, null etc. depending on the type.

Please refer below link for more details.

Task continuation on UI thread

If you have a return value you need to send to the UI you can use the generic version like this:

This is being called from an MVVM ViewModel in my case.

var updateManifest = Task<ShippingManifest>.Run(() =>
        Thread.Sleep(5000);  // prove it's really working!

        // GenerateManifest calls service and returns 'ShippingManifest' object 
        return GenerateManifest();  

    .ContinueWith(manifest =>
        // MVVM property
        this.ShippingManifest = manifest.Result;

        // or if you are not using MVVM...
        // txtShippingManifest.Text = manifest.Result.ToString();    

        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("UI manifest updated - " + DateTime.Now);

    }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());

How to convert numbers to words without using num2word library?

Convert numbers to words:
Here is an example in which numbers have been converted into words using the dictionary.

string = input("Enter a string: ")
my_dict = {'0': 'zero', '1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five', '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine'}
for item in string:
  if item in my_dict.keys():
    string = string.replace(item, my_dict[item])


How can I generate an apk that can run without server with react-native?

for React Native 0.49 and over

you should go to project directory on terminal and run that command

1 - mkdir android/app/src/main/assets
2 - react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

if under 0.49

  1 - mkdir android/app/src/main/assets
  2 - react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

Then Use android studio to open the 'android' folder in you react native app directory, it will ask to upgrade gradle and some other stuff. go to build-> Generate signed APK and follow the instructions from there. That okey.

Limiting number of displayed results when using ngRepeat

store all your data initially

function PhoneListCtrl($scope, $http) {
  $http.get('phones/phones.json').success(function(data) {
    $scope.phones = data.splice(0, 5);
    $scope.allPhones = data;

  $scope.orderProp = 'age';
  $scope.howMany = 5;
  //then here watch the howMany variable on the scope and update the phones array accordingly
  $scope.$watch("howMany", function(newValue, oldValue){
    $scope.phones = $scope.allPhones.splice(0,newValue)

EDIT had accidentally put the watch outside the controller it should have been inside.

Twitter Bootstrap - how to center elements horizontally or vertically

for bootstrap4 vertical center of few items

d-flex for flex rules

flex-column for vertical direction on items

justify-content-center for centering

style='height: 300px;' must have for set points where center be calc or use h-100 class

<div class="d-flex flex-column justify-content-center bg-secondary" style="
    height: 300px;
    <div class="p-2 bg-primary">Flex item</div>
    <div class="p-2 bg-primary">Flex item</div>
    <div class="p-2 bg-primary">Flex item</div>

Align two inline-blocks left and right on same line

Displaying left middle and right of there parents. If you have more then 3 elements then use nth-child() for them.

enter image description here

HTML sample:

    <ul class="nav-tabs">
        <li><a  id="btn-tab-business" class="btn-tab nav-tab-selected"  onclick="openTab('business','btn-tab-business')"><i class="fas fa-th"></i>Business</a></li>
        <li><a  id="btn-tab-expertise" class="btn-tab" onclick="openTab('expertise', 'btn-tab-expertise')"><i class="fas fa-th"></i>Expertise</a></li>
        <li><a  id="btn-tab-quality" class="btn-tab" onclick="openTab('quality', 'btn-tab-quality')"><i class="fas fa-th"></i>Quality</a></li>

CSS sample:

  position: relative;
  padding-bottom: 50px;

.nav-tabs li {
  display: inline-block;  
  position: absolute;
  list-style: none;
.nav-tabs li:first-child{
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
.nav-tabs li:last-child{
  top: 0px;
  right: 0px;
.nav-tabs li:nth-child(2){
  top: 0px;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, 0%);

JSLint is suddenly reporting: Use the function form of "use strict"

I think everyone missed the "suddenly" part of this question. Most likely, your .jshintrc has a syntax error, so it's not including the 'browser' line. Run it through a json validator to see where the error is.

Returning a boolean from a Bash function

Use the true or false commands immediately before your return, then return with no parameters. The return will automatically use the value of your last command.

Providing arguments to return is inconsistent, type specific and prone to error if you are not using 1 or 0. And as previous comments have stated, using 1 or 0 here is not the right way to approach this function.


function test_for_cat {
    if [ $1 = "cat" ];

for i in cat hat;
    echo "${i}:"
    if test_for_cat "${i}";
        echo "- True"
        echo "- False"


$ bash

- True
- False

Difference between List, List<?>, List<T>, List<E>, and List<Object>

Problem 2 is OK, because " System.out.println(set);" means "System.out.println(set.toString());" set is an instance of List, so complier will call List.toString();

public static void test(List<?> set){
set.add(new Long(2)); //--> Error  
set.add("2");    //--> Error
Element ? will not promise Long and String, so complier will  not accept Long and String Object

public static void test(List<String> set){
set.add(new Long(2)); //--> Error
set.add("2");    //--> Work
Element String promise it a String, so complier will accept String Object

Problem 3: these symbols are same, but you can give them differet specification. For example:

public <T extends Integer,E extends String> void p(T t, E e) {}

Problem 4: Collection does not allow type parameter covariance. But array does allow covariance.

Replace all double quotes within String

I think a regex is a little bit of an overkill in this situation. If you just want to remove all the quotes in your string I would use this code:

details = details.replace("\"", "");

Forcing to download a file using PHP

Configure your server to send the file with the media type application/octet-stream.

What is the Maximum Size that an Array can hold?

I think it is linked with your RAM (or probably virtual memory) space and for the absolute maximum constrained to your OS version (e.g. 32 bit or 64 bit)

Gradle to execute Java class (without modifying build.gradle)

There is no direct equivalent to mvn exec:java in gradle, you need to either apply the application plugin or have a JavaExec task.

application plugin

Activate the plugin:

plugins {
    id 'application'

Configure it as follows:

application {
    mainClassName = project.hasProperty("mainClass") ? getProperty("mainClass") : "NULL"

On the command line, write

$ gradle -PmainClass=Boo run

JavaExec task

Define a task, let's say execute:

task execute(type:JavaExec) {
   main = project.hasProperty("mainClass") ? getProperty("mainClass") : "NULL"
   classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath

To run, write gradle -PmainClass=Boo execute. You get

$ gradle -PmainClass=Boo execute
:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
I am BOO!

mainClass is a property passed in dynamically at command line. classpath is set to pickup the latest classes.

If you do not pass in the mainClass property, both of the approaches fail as expected.

$ gradle execute

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file 'xxxx/build.gradle' line: 4

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'Foo'.
> Could not find property 'mainClass' on task ':execute'.

Where to place the 'assets' folder in Android Studio?

Select the app folder and then:

File > New > folder > assets Folder ,

enter image description here

the default location is inside /main folder

enter image description here

Mockito matcher and array of primitives

You can always create a custom Matcher using argThat

Mockito.verify(yourMockHere).methodCallToBeVerifiedOnYourMockHere(ArgumentMatchers.argThat(new ArgumentMatcher<Object>() {
    public boolean matches(Object argument) {
        YourTypeHere[] yourArray = (YourTypeHere[]) argument;
        // Do whatever you like, here is an example:
        if (!yourArray[0].getStringValue().equals("first_arr_val")) {
            return false;
        return true;

Can you target an elements parent element using

function getParent(event)

Examples: 1. document.body.addEventListener("click", getParent, false); returns the parent element of the current element that you have clicked.

  1. If you want to use inside any function then pass your event and call the function like this : function yourFunction(event){ var parentElement = getParent(event); }

possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR

I had this same issue and found that pkg-config package was missing.

After installing the package, everything generated correctly.

What is the use of static synchronized method in java?

In general, synchronized methods are used to protect access to resources that are accessed concurrently. When a resource that is being accessed concurrently belongs to each instance of your class, you use a synchronized instance method; when the resource belongs to all instances (i.e. when it is in a static variable) then you use a synchronized static method to access it.

For example, you could make a static factory method that keeps a "registry" of all objects that it has produced. A natural place for such registry would be a static collection. If your factory is used from multiple threads, you need to make the factory method synchronized (or have a synchronized block inside the method) to protect access to the shared static collection.

Note that using synchronized without a specific lock object is generally not the safest choice when you are building a library to be used in code written by others. This is because malicious code could synchronize on your object or a class to block your own methods from executing. To protect your code against this, create a private "lock" object, instance or static, and synchronize on that object instead.

SQL time difference between two dates result in hh:mm:ss

If you need a zero padded difference between 2 dates:

SELECT convert(varchar(2),FORMAT(DATEDIFF(s, @startDate, @endDate)/3600,'0#'))+':'    
   +convert(varchar(2),FORMAT(DATEDIFF(s, @startDate, @endDate)%3600/60,'0#'))+':'
   +convert(varchar(2),FORMAT(DATEDIFF(s, @startDate, @endDate)%60,'0#')) AS Duration

Difference between \w and \b regular expression meta characters

@Mahender, you probably meant the difference between \W (instead of \w) and \b. If not, then I would agree with @BoltClock and @jwismar above. Otherwise continue reading.

\W would match any non-word character and so its easy to try to use it to match word boundaries. The problem is that it will not match the start or end of a line. \b is more suited for matching word boundaries as it will also match the start or end of a line. Roughly speaking (more experienced users can correct me here) \b can be thought of as (\W|^|$). [Edit: as @?mega mentions below, \b is a zero-length match so (\W|^|$) is not strictly correct, but hopefully helps explain the diff]

Quick example: For the string Hello World, .+\W would match Hello_ (with the space) but will not match World. .+\b would match both Hello and World.

How do I convert special UTF-8 chars to their iso-8859-1 equivalent using javascript?

Actually, everything is typically stored as Unicode of some kind internally, but lets not go into that. I'm assuming you're getting the iconic "åäö" type strings because you're using an ISO-8859 as your character encoding. There's a trick you can do to convert those characters. The escape and unescape functions used for encoding and decoding query strings are defined for ISO characters, whereas the newer encodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent which do the same thing, are defined for UTF8 characters.

escape encodes extended ISO-8859-1 characters (UTF code points U+0080-U+00ff) as %xx (two-digit hex) whereas it encodes UTF codepoints U+0100 and above as %uxxxx (%u followed by four-digit hex.) For example, escape("å") == "%E5" and escape("?") == "%u3042".

encodeURIComponent percent-encodes extended characters as a UTF8 byte sequence. For example, encodeURIComponent("å") == "%C3%A5" and encodeURIComponent("?") == "%E3%81%82".

So you can do:

fixedstring = decodeURIComponent(escape(utfstring));

For example, an incorrectly encoded character "å" becomes "Ã¥". The command does escape("Ã¥") == "%C3%A5" which is the two incorrect ISO characters encoded as single bytes. Then decodeURIComponent("%C3%A5") == "å", where the two percent-encoded bytes are being interpreted as a UTF8 sequence.

If you'd need to do the reverse for some reason, that works too:

utfstring = unescape(encodeURIComponent(originalstring));

Is there a way to differentiate between bad UTF8 strings and ISO strings? Turns out there is. The decodeURIComponent function used above will throw an error if given a malformed encoded sequence. We can use this to detect with a great probability whether our string is UTF8 or ISO.

var fixedstring;

    // If the string is UTF-8, this will work and not throw an error.
    // If it isn't, an error will be thrown, and we can assume that we have an ISO string.

Java JSON serialization - best practice

Well, when writing it out to file, you do know what class T is, so you can store that in dump. Then, when reading it back in, you can dynamically call it using reflection.

public JSONObject dump() throws JSONException {
    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
    JSONArray a = new JSONArray();
    for(T i : items){
        // inside this i.dump(), store "class-name"
    result.put("items", a);
    return result;

public void load(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException {
    JSONArray arrayItems = obj.getJSONArray("items");
    for (int i = 0; i < arrayItems.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject item = arrayItems.getJSONObject(i);
        String className = item.getString("class-name");
        try {
            Class<?> clazzy = Class.forName(className);
            T newItem = (T) clazzy.newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            // whatever
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            // whatever
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // whatever

How to find the length of an array list?


Since no elements are in the list

output => 0

myList.add("newString");  // use myList.add() to insert elements to the arraylist

Since one element is added to the list

output => 1

How to add default value for html <textarea>?

If you want to bring information from a database into a textarea tag for editing: The input tag not to display data that occupy several lines: rows no work, tag input is one line.

<!--input class="article-input" id="article-input" type="text" rows="5" value="{{article}}" /-->

The textarea tag has no value, but work fine with handlebars

<textarea class="article-input" id="article-input" type="text" rows="9" >{{article}}</textarea> 

Best way to convert strings to symbols in hash

A modification to @igorsales answer

class Object
  def deep_symbolize_keys
    return self.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v.deep_symbolize_keys; memo} if self.is_a? Hash
    return self.inject([]){|memo,v    | memo           << v.deep_symbolize_keys; memo} if self.is_a? Array
    return self

How to display images from a folder using php - PHP

Here is a possible solution the solution #3 on my comments to blubill's answer:

    $dir = '/home/user/Pictures';
    $file_display = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif');

    if (file_exists($dir) == false) 
        echo 'Directory "', $dir, '" not found!';
        $dir_contents = scandir($dir);

        foreach ($dir_contents as $file) 
            $file_type = strtolower(end(explode('.', $file)));
            if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && in_array($file_type, $file_display) == true)     
                $name = basename($file);
                echo "<img src='img.php?name={$name}' />";

    $name = $_GET['name'];
    $mimes = array
        'jpg' => 'image/jpg',
        'jpeg' => 'image/jpg',
        'gif' => 'image/gif',
        'png' => 'image/png'

    $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $name)));

    $file = '/home/users/Pictures/'.$name;
    header('content-type: '. $mimes[$ext]);
    header('content-disposition: inline; filename="'.$name.'";');

How to remove specific element from an array using python

Using filter() and lambda would provide a neat and terse method of removing unwanted values:

newEmails = list(filter(lambda x : x != '[email protected]', emails))

This does not modify emails. It creates the new list newEmails containing only elements for which the anonymous function returned True.

How to set up ES cluster?

It is usually handled automatically.

If autodiscovery doesn't work. Edit the elastic search config file, by enabling unicast discovery

Node 1: mycluster "node1"
    node.master: true true false [""]

Node 2: mycluster "node2"
    node.master: false true false [""]

and so on for node 3,4,5. Make node 1 master, and the rest only as data nodes.

Edit: Please note that by ES rule, if you have N nodes, then by convention, N/2+1 nodes should be masters for fail-over mechanisms They may or may not be data nodes, though.

Also, in case auto-discovery doesn't work, most probable reason is because the network doesn't allow it (and therefore disabled). If too many auto-discovery pings take place across multiple servers, the resources to manage those pings will prevent other services from running correctly.

For ex, think of a 10,000 node cluster and all 10,000 nodes doing the auto-pings.

Python JSON serialize a Decimal object

For anybody that wants a quick solution here is how I removed Decimal from my queries in Django

total_development_cost_var = process_assumption_objects.values('total_development_cost').aggregate(sum_dev = Sum('total_development_cost', output_field=FloatField()))
total_development_cost_var = list(total_development_cost_var.values())
  • Step 1: use , output_field=FloatField() in you r query
  • Step 2: use list eg list(total_development_cost_var.values())

Hope it helps

IIS7 Settings File Locations

It sounds like you're looking for applicationHost.config, which is located in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config.

Yes, it's an XML file, and yes, editing the file by hand will affect the IIS config after a restart. You can think of IIS Manager as a GUI front-end for editing applicationHost.config and web.config.

HTML "overlay" which allows clicks to fall through to elements behind it

I was having this issue when viewing my website on a phone. While I was trying to close the overlay, I was pretty much clicking on anything under the overlay. A solution that I found working for myself is to just add a tag around the entire overlay

How do I check if a Sql server string is null or empty

This caters for spaces as well.

(len(rtrim(ltrim(isnull(MyField,'')))) !=0

How to implement and do OCR in a C# project?

Here's one: (check out or for more info)

using MODI;
static void Main(string[] args)
    DocumentClass myDoc = new DocumentClass();
    myDoc.Create(@"theDocumentName.tiff"); //we work with the .tiff extension
    myDoc.OCR(MiLANGUAGES.miLANG_ENGLISH, true, true);

    foreach (Image anImage in myDoc.Images)
        Console.WriteLine(anImage.Layout.Text); //here we cout to the console.

Angular 5 - Copy to clipboard

Use navigator.clipboard.writeText to copy the content to clipboard

navigator.clipboard.writeText(content).then().catch(e => console.error(e));

ListBox with ItemTemplate (and ScrollBar!)

I pasted your code into test project, added about 20 items and I get usable scroll bars, no problem, and they work as expected. When I only add a couple items (such that scrolling is unnecessary) I get no usable scrollbar. Could this be the case? that you are not adding enough items?

If you remove the ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" then the scroll bars only appear when you have need of them.

When to use EntityManager.find() vs EntityManager.getReference() with JPA

Sssuming you have a parent Post entity and a child PostComment as illustrated in the following diagram:

enter image description here

If you call find when you try to set the @ManyToOne post association:

PostComment comment = new PostComment();
comment.setReview("Just awesome!");
Post post = entityManager.find(Post.class, 1L);

Hibernate will execute the following statements:

SELECT AS id1_0_0_,
       p.title AS title2_0_0_
FROM   post p
INSERT INTO post_comment (post_id, review, id)
VALUES (1, 'Just awesome!', 1)

The SELECT query is useless this time because we don’t need the Post entity to be fetched. We only want to set the underlying post_id Foreign Key column.

Now, if you use getReference instead:

PostComment comment = new PostComment();
comment.setReview("Just awesome!");
Post post = entityManager.getReference(Post.class, 1L);

This time, Hibernate will issue just the INSERT statement:

INSERT INTO post_comment (post_id, review, id)
VALUES (1, 'Just awesome!', 1)

Unlike find, the getReference only returns an entity Proxy which only has the identifier set. If you access the Proxy, the associated SQL statement will be triggered as long as the EntityManager is still open.

However, in this case, we don’t need to access the entity Proxy. We only want to propagate the Foreign Key to the underlying table record so loading a Proxy is sufficient for this use case.

When loading a Proxy, you need to be aware that a LazyInitializationException can be thrown if you try to access the Proxy reference after the EntityManager is closed.

How to select the first element of a set with JSTL?

Using ${mySet.toArray[0]} does not work.

I do not think it is possible without having forEach loop at least one iteration.

Vuex - Computed property "name" was assigned to but it has no setter

I was facing exact same error

Computed property "callRingtatus" was assigned to but it has no setter

here is a sample code according to my scenario

computed: {

            return this.$store.getters['chat/callState']===2


I change the above code into the following way

computed: {

       return this.$

fetch values from vuex store state instead of getters inside the computed hook

Editing in the Chrome debugger

Chrome DevTools has a Snippets panel where you can create and edit JavaScript code as you would in an editor, and execute it. Open DevTools, then select the Sources panel, then select the Snippets tab.

enter image description here

Bootstrap: How do I identify the Bootstrap version?

That comment looks like it is a custom version of Bootstrap v2.3.3, here is the default header in the .css, notice the last comment line:

 * Bootstrap v2.3.2
 * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc
 * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0
 * Designed and built with all the love in the world by @mdo and @fat.

What are you trying to accomplish? If it's customization then you have a set of files to work with though that seems like a bad idea. Otherwise, I would suggest going with the full build of v4.1.x since that is the current release.

did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option

Since you have applied different name for the components:

components: {
      'i-tabs' : Tabs,
      'i-tab-pane': Tabpane

You also need to have same name while you export: (Check to name in your Tabpane component)

name: 'Tabpane'

From the error, what I can say is you have not defined the name in your component Tabpane. Make sure to verify the name and it should work fine with no error.

Pandas: Setting no. of max rows

Personally, I like setting the options directly with an assignment statement as it is easy to find via tab completion thanks to iPython. I find it hard to remember what the exact option names are, so this method works for me.

For instance, all I have to remember is that it begins with pd.options


enter image description here

Most of the options are available under display


enter image description here

From here, I usually output what the current value is like this:


I then set it to what I want it to be:

pd.options.display.max_rows = 100

Also, you should be aware of the context manager for options, which temporarily sets the options inside of a block of code. Pass in the option name as a string followed by the value you want it to be. You may pass in any number of options in the same line:

with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 100, 'display.max_columns', 10):
    some pandas stuff

You can also reset an option back to its default value like this:


And reset all of them back:


It is still perfectly good to set options via pd.set_option. I just find using the attributes directly is easier and there is less need for get_option and set_option.

How to overwrite files with Copy-Item in PowerShell

Robocopy is designed for reliable copying with many copy options, file selection restart, etc.

/xf to excludes files and /e for subdirectories:

robocopy $copyAdmin $AdminPath /e /xf "web.config" "Deploy"

String variable interpolation Java

Just to add that there is also java.text.MessageFormat with the benefit of having numeric argument indexes.

Appending the 1st example from the documentation

int planet = 7;
String event = "a disturbance in the Force";

String result = MessageFormat.format(
    "At {1,time} on {1,date}, there was {2} on planet {0,number,integer}.",
    planet, new Date(), event);


At 12:30 PM on Jul 3, 2053, there was a disturbance in the Force on planet 7.

Error:(23, 17) Failed to resolve: junit:junit:4.12

Probably your gradle is incomplete, I recommend you add the following

    repositories {
    maven { url '' }

but in some cases won't work , you can completely delete it from you dependencies in your gradle.

I think it will be OK if you reinstall the android studio with the deleting gradle folder condition which is in user folder .gradle

UNIX export command

export is a built-in command of the bash shell and other Bourne shell variants. It is used to mark a shell variable for export to child processes.

Set value of hidden field in a form using jQuery's ".val()" doesn't work

I had same problem. oddly enough google chrome and possibly others (not sure) did not like


input type="hidden" id="thing" name="thing" value="1" />

(no change)


input type="hidden" id="thing" name="thing" value="1" />

(no change)

but this works!!!!


input type="hidden" id="thing" name="thing" value="no" />



input type="hidden" id="thing" name="thing" value="yes" />


must be a "string thing"

Change the selected value of a drop-down list with jQuery

With hidden field you need to use like this:




How to position two elements side by side using CSS

You can float the elements (the map wrapper, and the paragraph), or use inline-block on both of them.

How to store Configuration file and read it using React

If you used Create React App, you can set an environment variable using a .env file. The documentation is here:

Basically do something like this in the .env file at the project root.


Note that the variable name must start with REACT_APP_

You can access it from your component with


How do I order my SQLITE database in descending order, for an android app?

return database.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + DbHandler.TABLE_ORDER_DETAIL +
                         " ORDER BY "+DbHandler.KEY_ORDER_CREATED_AT + " DESC"
                         , new String[] {});

Is there a Public FTP server to test upload and download?

I have found an FTP server and its working. I was successfully able to upload a file to this FTP server and then see file created by hitting same url. Visit here and read properly before use. Good luck...!

Edit: link is now dead, but the FTP server is still up! Connect with the username "anonymous" and an email address as a password:

BUT FIRST read this before using it

Regular expression to remove HTML tags from a string

You should not attempt to parse HTML with regex. HTML is not a regular language, so any regex you come up with will likely fail on some esoteric edge case. Please refer to the seminal answer to this question for specifics. While mostly formatted as a joke, it makes a very good point.

The following examples are Java, but the regex will be similar -- if not identical -- for other languages.

String target = someString.replaceAll("<[^>]*>", "");

Assuming your non-html does not contain any < or > and that your input string is correctly structured.

If you know they're a specific tag -- for example you know the text contains only <td> tags, you could do something like this:

String target = someString.replaceAll("(?i)<td[^>]*>", "");

Edit: Omega brought up a good point in a comment on another post that this would result in multiple results all being squished together if there were multiple tags.

For example, if the input string were <td>Something</td><td>Another Thing</td>, then the above would result in SomethingAnother Thing.

In a situation where multiple tags are expected, we could do something like:

String target = someString.replaceAll("(?i)<td[^>]*>", " ").replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim();

This replaces the HTML with a single space, then collapses whitespace, and then trims any on the ends.

Using Powershell to stop a service remotely without WMI or remoting

Based on the built-in Powershell examples, this is what Microsoft suggests. Tested and verified:

To stop:

(Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -filter "name='IPEventWatcher'" -ComputerName Server01).StopService()

To start:

(Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -filter "name='IPEventWatcher'" -ComputerName Server01).StartService()

Modify SVG fill color when being served as Background-Image

In some (very specific) situations this might be achieved by using a filter. For example, you can change a blue SVG image to purple by rotating the hue 45 degrees using filter: hue-rotate(45deg);. Browser support is minimal but it's still an interesting technique.


How to pass object from one component to another in Angular 2?

From component

import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';_x000D_
    import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';_x000D_
    import { dataService } from "src/app/service/data.service";_x000D_
    @Component( {_x000D_
        selector: 'app-sideWidget',_x000D_
        templateUrl: './sideWidget.html',_x000D_
        styleUrls: ['./linked-widget.component.css']_x000D_
    } )_x000D_
    export class sideWidget{_x000D_
    TableColumnNames: object[];_x000D_
    SelectedtableName: string = "patient";_x000D_
    constructor( private LWTableColumnNames: dataService ) { _x000D_
    ngOnInit() {_x000D_ 'getColumns', this.SelectedtableName )_x000D_
            ( data: object[] ) => {_x000D_
                this.TableColumnNames = data;_x000D_
     this.LWTableColumnNames.refLWTableColumnNames = this.TableColumnNames; //this line of code will pass the value through data service_x000D_
            } );_x000D_
    }    _x000D_


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';_x000D_
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs';_x000D_
export class dataService {_x000D_
    refLWTableColumnNames: object;//creating an object for the data_x000D_

To Component

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';_x000D_
import { dataService } from "src/app/service/data.service";_x000D_
@Component( {_x000D_
    selector: 'app-linked-widget',_x000D_
    templateUrl: './linked-widget.component.html',_x000D_
    styleUrls: ['./linked-widget.component.css']_x000D_
} )_x000D_
export class LinkedWidgetComponent implements OnInit {_x000D_
    constructor(private LWTableColumnNames: dataService) { }_x000D_
    ngOnInit() {_x000D_
        console.log(this.LWTableColumnNames.refLWTableColumnNames);// calling the object from another component_x000D_

github changes not staged for commit

I kept receiving the same message no matter what i did.

To fix this, i removed .gitignore and i am not getting the Github changes not staged for commit message anymore. Before it would allow me to commit once when i ran git add . and then after it would bring up the same message.

Im not sure why the .gitignore file was causing a problem but i added on my local machine and most likely didn't sync it up properly.

Setting mime type for excel document

For anyone who is still stumbling with this after using all of the possible MIME types listed in the question:

I have found that iMacs tend to also throw a MIME type of "text/xls" for XLS Excel files, hope this helps.

Object creation on the stack/heap?

The two forms are the same with one exception: temporarily, the new (Object *) has an undefined value when the creation and assignment are separate. The compiler may combine them back together, since the undefined pointer is not particularly useful. This does not relate to global variables (unless the declaration is global, in which case it's still true for both forms).

What are the special dollar sign shell variables?

  • $_ last argument of last command
  • $# number of arguments passed to current script
  • $* / $@ list of arguments passed to script as string / delimited list

off the top of my head. Google for bash special variables.

How to get a context in a recycler view adapter

First globally declare

Context mContext;

pass context with the constructor, by modifying it.

public FeedAdapter(List<Post> myDataset, Context context) {
    mDataset = myDataset;
    this.mContext = context;

then use the mContext whereever you need it

MVC ajax json post to controller action method

Below is how I got this working.

The Key point was: I needed to use the ViewModel associated with the view in order for the runtime to be able to resolve the object in the request.

[I know that that there is a way to bind an object other than the default ViewModel object but ended up simply populating the necessary properties for my needs as I could not get it to work]

  public ActionResult GetDataForInvoiceNumber(MyViewModel myViewModel)  
     var invoiceNumberQueryResult = _viewModelBuilder.HydrateMyViewModelGivenInvoiceDetail(myViewModel.InvoiceNumber, myViewModel.SelectedCompanyCode);
     return Json(invoiceNumberQueryResult, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);

The JQuery script used to call this action method:

var requestData = {
         InvoiceNumber: $.trim(this.value),
         SelectedCompanyCode: $.trim($('#SelectedCompanyCode').val())

         url: '/en/myController/GetDataForInvoiceNumber',
         type: 'POST',
         data: JSON.stringify(requestData),
         dataType: 'json',
         contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
         error: function (xhr) {
            alert('Error: ' + xhr.statusText);
         success: function (result) {
         async: true,
         processData: false

What is the maximum length of a table name in Oracle?

The maximum length of the table and column name is 128 bytes or 128 characters. This limit is for using sybase database users. I verified this answer thoroughly, so that I have posted this answer confidently.

Creating stored procedure with declare and set variables

You should try this syntax - assuming you want to have @OrderID as a parameter for your stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.YourStoredProcNameHere
   @OrderID INT
 DECLARE @AppointmentID AS INT
 DECLARE @PurchaseOrderID AS INT
 DECLARE @PurchaseOrderItemID AS INT

 SELECT @OrderItemID = OrderItemID 
 FROM [OrderItem] 
 WHERE OrderID = @OrderID

 SELECT @AppointmentID = AppoinmentID 
 FROM [Appointment] 
 WHERE OrderID = @OrderID

 SELECT @PurchaseOrderID = PurchaseOrderID 
 FROM [PurchaseOrder] 
 WHERE OrderID = @OrderID


OF course, that only works if you're returning exactly one value (not multiple values!)

Setting a global PowerShell variable from a function where the global variable name is a variable passed to the function

The first suggestion in latkin's answer seems good, although I would suggest the less long-winded way below.

PS c:\temp> $global:test="one"

PS c:\temp> $test

PS c:\temp> function changet() {$global:test="two"}

PS c:\temp> changet

PS c:\temp> $test

His second suggestion however about being bad programming practice, is fair enough in a simple computation like this one, but what if you want to return a more complicated output from your variable? For example, what if you wanted the function to return an array or an object? That's where, for me, PowerShell functions seem to fail woefully. Meaning you have no choice other than to pass it back from the function using a global variable. For example:

PS c:\temp> function changet([byte]$a,[byte]$b,[byte]$c) {$global:test=@(($a+$b),$c,($a+$c))}

PS c:\temp> changet 1 2 3

PS c:\temp> $test

PS C:\nb> $test[2]

I know this might feel like a bit of a digression, but I feel in order to answer the original question we need to establish whether global variables are bad programming practice and whether, in more complex functions, there is a better way. (If there is one I'd be interested to here it.)

Passing string parameter in JavaScript function

The question has been answered, but for your future coding reference you might like to consider this.

In your HTML, add the name as an attribute to the button and remove the onclick reference.

<button id="button" data-name="Mathew" type="button">click</button>

In your JavaScript, grab the button using its ID, assign the function to the button's click event, and use the function to display the button's data-name attribute.

var button = document.getElementById('button');

button.onclick = myfunction;

function myfunction() {
  var name = this.getAttribute('data-name');


Beautiful Soup and extracting a div and its contents by ID

Most probably because of the default beautifulsoup parser has problem. Change a different parser, like 'lxml' and try again.

alternative to "!is.null()" in R

If it's just a matter of easy reading, you could always define your own function :

is.not.null <- function(x) !is.null(x)

So you can use it all along your program.


Adding a UISegmentedControl to UITableView

   self.tableView.tableHeaderView = segmentedControl; 

If you want it to obey your width and height properly though enclose your segmentedControl in a UIView first as the tableView likes to mangle your view a bit to fit the width.

enter image description here enter image description here

install beautiful soup using pip

If you have more than one version of python installed, run the respective pip command.

For example for python3.6 run the following

pip3.6 install beautifulsoup4

To check the available command/version of pip and python on Mac run

ls /usr/local/bin

How should I pass multiple parameters to an ASP.Net Web API GET?

I think the easiest way is to simply use AttributeRouting.

It's obvious within your controller, why would you want this in your Global WebApiConfig file?


    public string Get(int paramOne, int paramTwo)
        return "The [Route] with multiple params worked";

The {} names need to match your parameters.

Simple as that, now you have a separate GET that handles multiple params in this instance.

Ruby sleep or delay less than a second?

Pass float to sleep, like sleep 0.1

how to fetch array keys with jQuery?

Use an object (key/value pairs, the nearest JavaScript has to an associative array) for this and not the array object. Other than that, I believe that is the most elegant way

var foo = {};
foo['alfa'] = "first item";
foo['beta'] = "second item";

for (var key in foo) {

Note: JavaScript doesn't guarantee any particular order for the properties. So you cannot expect the property that was defined first to appear first, it might come last.


In response to your comment, I believe that this article best sums up the cases for why arrays in JavaScript should not be used in this fashion -

VideoView Full screen in android application

Try code below here.

if (!isFullScreen())
            Log.v("Full screen", "-----------is full screen------------");  
            DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
              int height = displaymetrics.heightPixels;
              int width = displaymetrics.widthPixels;
              android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams params = (android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams) videoSurface.getLayoutParams();
              params.width = width;
              params.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

            Log.v("Full screen", "-----------small screen------------");    

            DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
              int height = displaymetrics.heightPixels;
              int width = displaymetrics.widthPixels;
              android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams params = (android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams) videoSurface.getLayoutParams();
              params.width = width;
              params.height=height / 3;
              params.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

BAT file: Open new cmd window and execute a command in there

You may already find your answer because it was some time ago you asked. But I tried to do something similar when coding ror. I wanted to run "rails server" in a new cmd window so I don't have to open a new cmd and then find my path again.

What I found out was to use the K switch like this:

start cmd /k echo Hello, World!

start before "cmd" will open the application in a new window and "/K" will execute "echo Hello, World!" after the new cmd is up.

You can also use the /C switch for something similar.

start cmd /C pause

This will then execute "pause" but close the window when the command is done. In this case after you pressed a button. I found this useful for "rails server", then when I shutdown my dev server I don't have to close the window after.

Use the following in your batch file:

start cmd.exe /c "more-batch-commands-here"


start cmd.exe /k "more-batch-commands-here"

/c Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates

/k Carries out the command specified by string but remains

The /c and /k options controls what happens once your command finishes running. With /c the terminal window will close automatically, leaving your desktop clean. With /k the terminal window will remain open. It's a good option if you want to run more commands manually afterwards.

Consult the cmd.exe documentation using cmd /? for more details.

Escaping Commands with White Spaces

The proper formatting of the command string becomes more complicated when using arguments with spaces. See the examples below. Note the nested double quotes in some examples.


Run a program and pass a filename parameter:
CMD /c write.exe c:\docs\sample.txt

Run a program and pass a filename which contains whitespace:
CMD /c write.exe "c:\sample documents\sample.txt"

Spaces in program path:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe""

Spaces in program path + parameters:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo.cmd"" Parameter1 Param2
CMD /k ""c:\batch files\demo.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""

Launch demo1 and demo2:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo1.cmd" & "c:\Program Files\demo2.cmd""


Draw a line in a div

Its working for me

width: 112px;_x000D_
height: 47px;_x000D_
border-bottom: 1px solid black;_x000D_
position: absolute;_x000D_
<div class="line"></div>

How to update array value javascript?

So I had a problem I needed solved. I had an array object with values. One of those values I needed to update if the value == X.I needed X value to be updated to the Y value. Looking over examples here none of them worked for what I needed or wanted. I finally figured out a simple solution to the problem and was actually surprised it worked. Now normally I like to put the full code solution into these answers but due to its complexity I wont do that here. If anyone finds they cant make this solution work or need more code let me know and I will attempt to update this at some later date to help. For the most part if the array object has named values this solution should work.

            $scope.model.ticketsArr.forEach(function (Ticket) {
                if (Ticket.AppointmentType == 'CRASH_TECH_SUPPORT') {
                    Ticket.AppointmentType = '360_SUPPORT'

Full example below _____________________________________________________

   var Students = [
        { ID: 1, FName: "Ajay", LName: "Test1", Age: 20 },
        { ID: 2, FName: "Jack", LName: "Test2", Age: 21 },
        { ID: 3, FName: "John", LName: "Test3", age: 22 },
        { ID: 4, FName: "Steve", LName: "Test4", Age: 22 }

    Students.forEach(function (Student) {
        if (Student.LName == 'Test1') {
            Student.LName = 'Smith'
        if (Student.LName == 'Test2') {
            Student.LName = 'Black'

    Students.forEach(function (Student) {
        document.write(Student.FName + " " + Student.LName + "<BR>");

Error when trying vagrant up

I faced same issue when I ran following commands

vagrant init
vagrant up  
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Box 'base' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
    default: Box Provider: virtualbox
    default: Box Version: >= 0
==> default: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...
==> default: Adding box 'base' (v0) for provider: virtualbox
    default: Downloading: base
An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error
message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try

Couldn't open file /home/...../base

I corrected with

>vagrant init laravel/homestead
>Vagrant up

It worked for me.

Happy coding

git: patch does not apply

My issue is that I ran git diff, then ran git reset --hard HEAD, then realized I wanted to undo, so I tried copying the output from git diff into a file and using git apply, but I got an error that "patch does not apply". After switching to patch and trying to use it, I realized that a chunk of the diff was repeated for some reason, and after removing the duplicate, patch (and presumably also git apply) worked.

ffmpeg usage to encode a video to H264 codec format

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ffmpegX86shared\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "C:\testfile.ts" -an -vcodec libx264 -g 75 -keyint_min 12 -vb 4000k -vprofile high -level 40 -s 1920x1080 -y -threads 0 -r 25 "C:\testfile.h264"

The above worked for me on a Windows machine using a FFmpeg Win32 shared build by Kyle Schwarz. The build was compiled on: Feb 22 2013, at: 01:09:53

Note that -an defines that audio should be skipped.

Copy all files with a certain extension from all subdirectories

--parents is copying the directory structure, so you should get rid of that.

The way you've written this, the find executes, and the output is put onto the command line such that cp can't distinguish between the spaces separating the filenames, and the spaces within the filename. It's better to do something like

$ find . -name \*.xls -exec cp {} newDir \;

in which cp is executed for each filename that find finds, and passed the filename correctly. Here's more info on this technique.

Instead of all the above, you could use zsh and simply type

$ cp **/*.xls target_directory

zsh can expand wildcards to include subdirectories and makes this sort of thing very easy.

Get source JARs from Maven repository

Configuring and running the maven-eclipse plugin, (for example from the command line mvn eclipse:eclipse )


Defining a HTML template to append using JQuery

Old question, but since the question asks "using jQuery", I thought I'd provide an option that lets you do this without introducing any vendor dependency.

While there are a lot of templating engines out there, many of their features have fallen in to disfavour recently, with iteration (<% for), conditionals (<% if) and transforms (<%= myString | uppercase %>) seen as microlanguage at best, and anti-patterns at worst. Modern templating practices encourage simply mapping an object to its DOM (or other) representation, e.g. what we see with properties mapped to components in ReactJS (especially stateless components).

Templates Inside HTML

One property you can rely on for keeping the HTML for your template next to the rest of your HTML, is by using a non-executing <script> type, e.g. <script type="text/template">. For your case:

<script type="text/template" data-template="listitem">
    <a href="${url}" class="list-group-item">
                <td><img src="${img}"></td>
                <td><p class="list-group-item-text">${title}</p></td>

On document load, read your template and tokenize it using a simple String#split

var itemTpl = $('script[data-template="listitem"]').text().split(/\$\{(.+?)\}/g);

Notice that with our token, you get it in the alternating [text, property, text, property] format. This lets us nicely map it using an Array#map, with a mapping function:

function render(props) {
  return function(tok, i) { return (i % 2) ? props[tok] : tok; };

Where props could look like { url: '', img: '/images/bar.png', title: 'Lorem Ipsum' }.

Putting it all together assuming you've parsed and loaded your itemTpl as above, and you have an items array in-scope:

$('.search').keyup(function () {
  $('.list-items').append( (item) {

This approach is also only just barely jQuery - you should be able to take the same approach using vanilla javascript with document.querySelector and .innerHTML.


Templates inside JS

A question to ask yourself is: do you really want/need to define templates as HTML files? You can always componentize + re-use a template the same way you'd re-use most things you want to repeat: with a function.

In es7-land, using destructuring, template strings, and arrow-functions, you can write downright pretty looking component functions that can be easily loaded using the $.fn.html method above.

const Item = ({ url, img, title }) => `
  <a href="${url}" class="list-group-item">
    <div class="image">
      <img src="${img}" />
    <p class="list-group-item-text">${title}</p>

Then you could easily render it, even mapped from an array, like so:

  { url: '/foo', img: 'foo.png', title: 'Foo item' },
  { url: '/bar', img: 'bar.png', title: 'Bar item' },

Oh and final note: don't forget to sanitize your properties passed to a template, if they're read from a DB, or someone could pass in HTML (and then run scripts, etc.) from your page.

How should I read a file line-by-line in Python?

There is exactly one reason why the following is preferred:

with open('filename.txt') as fp:
    for line in fp:
        print line

We are all spoiled by CPython's relatively deterministic reference-counting scheme for garbage collection. Other, hypothetical implementations of Python will not necessarily close the file "quickly enough" without the with block if they use some other scheme to reclaim memory.

In such an implementation, you might get a "too many files open" error from the OS if your code opens files faster than the garbage collector calls finalizers on orphaned file handles. The usual workaround is to trigger the GC immediately, but this is a nasty hack and it has to be done by every function that could encounter the error, including those in libraries. What a nightmare.

Or you could just use the with block.

Bonus Question

(Stop reading now if are only interested in the objective aspects of the question.)

Why isn't that included in the iterator protocol for file objects?

This is a subjective question about API design, so I have a subjective answer in two parts.

On a gut level, this feels wrong, because it makes iterator protocol do two separate things—iterate over lines and close the file handle—and it's often a bad idea to make a simple-looking function do two actions. In this case, it feels especially bad because iterators relate in a quasi-functional, value-based way to the contents of a file, but managing file handles is a completely separate task. Squashing both, invisibly, into one action, is surprising to humans who read the code and makes it more difficult to reason about program behavior.

Other languages have essentially come to the same conclusion. Haskell briefly flirted with so-called "lazy IO" which allows you to iterate over a file and have it automatically closed when you get to the end of the stream, but it's almost universally discouraged to use lazy IO in Haskell these days, and Haskell users have mostly moved to more explicit resource management like Conduit which behaves more like the with block in Python.

On a technical level, there are some things you may want to do with a file handle in Python which would not work as well if iteration closed the file handle. For example, suppose I need to iterate over the file twice:

with open('filename.txt') as fp:
    for line in fp:
    for line in fp:

While this is a less common use case, consider the fact that I might have just added the three lines of code at the bottom to an existing code base which originally had the top three lines. If iteration closed the file, I wouldn't be able to do that. So keeping iteration and resource management separate makes it easier to compose chunks of code into a larger, working Python program.

Composability is one of the most important usability features of a language or API.

Do you get charged for a 'stopped' instance on EC2?


You get charged for:

  1. Online time
  2. Storage space (assumably you store the image on S3 [EBS])
  3. Elastic IP addresses
  4. Bandwidth

So... if you stop the EC2 instance you will only have to pay for the storage of the image on S3 (assuming you store an image ofcourse) and any IP addresses you've reserved.

Webpack.config how to just copy the index.html to the dist folder

I would say the answer is: you can't. (or at least: you shouldn't). This is not what Webpack is supposed to do. Webpack is a bundler, and it should not be used for other tasks (in this case: copying static files is another task). You should use a tool like Grunt or Gulp to do such tasks. It is very common to integrate Webpack as a Grunt task or as a Gulp task. They both have other tasks useful for copying files like you described, for example, grunt-contrib-copy or gulp-copy.

For other assets (not the index.html), you can just bundle them in with Webpack (that is exactly what Webpack is for). For example, var image = require('assets/my_image.png');. But I assume your index.html needs to not be a part of the bundle, and therefore it is not a job for the bundler.

Is there Selected Tab Changed Event in the standard WPF Tab Control

That is the correct event. Maybe it's not wired up correctly?

<TabControl SelectionChanged="TabControl_SelectionChanged">
    <TabItem Header="One"/>
    <TabItem Header="2"/>
    <TabItem Header="Three"/>

in the codebehind....

private void TabControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    int i = 34;

if I set a breakpoint on the i = 34 line, it ONLY breaks when i change tabs, even when the tabs have child elements and one of them is selected.

Using global variables in a function

Globals are fine - Except with Multiprocessing

Globals in connection with multiprocessing on different platforms/envrionments as Windows/Mac OS on the one side and Linux on the other are troublesome.

I will show you this with a simple example pointing out a problem which I run into some time ago.

If you want to understand, why things are different on Windows/MacOs and Linux you need to know that, the default mechanism to start a new process on ...

  • Windows/MacOs is 'spawn'
  • Linux is 'fork'

They are different in Memory allocation an initialisation ... (but I don't go into this here).

Let's have a look at the problem/example ...

import multiprocessing

counter = 0

def do(task_id):
    global counter
    counter +=1
    print(f'task {task_id}: counter = {counter}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4)
    task_ids = list(range(4)), task_ids)


If you run this on Windows (And I suppose on MacOS too), you get the following output ...

task 0: counter = 1
task 1: counter = 2
task 2: counter = 3
task 3: counter = 4


If you run this on Linux, you get the following instead.

task 0: counter = 1
task 1: counter = 1
task 2: counter = 1
task 3: counter = 1

What are database normal forms and can you give examples?

Here's a quick, admittedly butchered response, but in a sentence:

1NF : Your table is organized as an unordered set of data, and there are no repeating columns.

2NF: You don't repeat data in one column of your table because of another column.

3NF: Every column in your table relates only to your table's key -- you wouldn't have a column in a table that describes another column in your table which isn't the key.

For more detail, see wikipedia...

How do I convert a list of ascii values to a string in python?

You are probably looking for 'chr()':

>>> L = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
>>> ''.join(chr(i) for i in L)
'hello, world'

Passing parameter via url to sql server reporting service


Pass parameter to the report with server authentication