[bash] What are the special dollar sign shell variables?

In Bash, there appear to be several variables which hold special, consistently-meaning values. For instance,

./myprogram &; echo $!

will return the PID of the process which backgrounded myprogram. I know of others, such as $? which I think is the current TTY. Are there others?

This question is related to bash environment-variables dollar-sign

The answer is

To help understand what do $#, $0 and $1, ..., $n do, I use this script:


for ((i=0; i<=$#; i++)); do
  echo "parameter $i --> ${!i}"

Running it returns a representative output:

$ ./myparams.sh "hello" "how are you" "i am fine"
parameter 0 --> myparams.sh
parameter 1 --> hello
parameter 2 --> how are you
parameter 3 --> i am fine

Take care with some of the examples; $0 may include some leading path as well as the name of the program. Eg save this two line script as ./mytry.sh and the execute it.


echo "parameter 0 --> $0" ; exit 0


parameter 0 --> ./mytry.sh

This is on a current (year 2016) version of Bash, via Slackware 14.2

  • $_ last argument of last command
  • $# number of arguments passed to current script
  • $* / $@ list of arguments passed to script as string / delimited list

off the top of my head. Google for bash special variables.