You can reinvent the wheel as well:
def fold(f, l, a):
f: the function to apply
l: the list to fold
a: the accumulator, who is also the 'zero' on the first call
return a if(len(l) == 0) else fold(f, l[1:], f(a, l[0]))
print "Sum:", fold(lambda x, y : x+y, [1,2,3,4,5], 0)
print "Any:", fold(lambda x, y : x or y, [False, True, False], False)
print "All:", fold(lambda x, y : x and y, [False, True, False], True)
# Prove that result can be of a different type of the list's elements
print "Count(x==True):",
print fold(lambda x, y : x+1 if(y) else x, [False, True, True], 0)