[ios] Transport security has blocked a cleartext HTTP

What setting do I need to put in my info.plist to enable HTTP mode as per the following error message?

Transport security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file.


Assume that my domain is example.com.

This question is related to ios xcode ios9 ios10 app-transport-security

The answer is

By default, iOS only allows HTTPS API. Since HTTP is not secure, you will have to disable App transport security. There are two ways to disable ATS:-

1. Adding source code in project info.plist and add the following code in root tag.


2. Using project info.

Click on project on the project on the left pane, select the project as target and choose info tab. You have to add the dictionary in the following structure.

enter image description here


PList Screenshot to understand better

Add a new item, NSAppTransportSecurity, in the plist file with type Dictionary, then add sub item NSAllowsArbitraryLoads in dictionary of type Boolean, and set bool value YES. This works for me.

Using NSExceptionDomains may not apply an effect simultaneously due to target site may load resources (e.g. js files) from external domains over http. It can be resolved by adding these external domains to NSExceptionDomains as well.

To inspect which resources cannot be loaded try to use Remote debugging. Here is a tutorial: http://geeklearning.io/apache-cordova-and-remote-debugging-on-ios/

On 2015-09-25 (after Xcode updates on 2015-09-18):

I used a non-lazy method, but it didn't work. The followings are my tries.



And second,


Finally, I used the lazy method:


It might be a little insecure, but I couldn't find other solutions.

In swift 4 and xocde 10 is change the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads to Allow Arbitrary Loads. so it is going to be look like this :

<key>App Transport Security Settings</key>
     <key>Allow Arbitrary Loads</key><true/>

Like many have noted, this is a feature issue that comes with iOS 9.0. They have added a thing called App Transport Security, and I too was annoyed when it broke my Apps.

You can bandage it with the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key to YES under NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary in your .plist file, but ultimately you will need to re-write the code that forms your URLs to form the HTTPS:// prefix.

Apple has re-written the NSUrlConnection class in iOS 9.0. You can read about it in NSURLConnection.

Else, you may have to back out of iOS 9.0 until you have time to implement the correct solution.

Figuring out what settings to use can be performed automatically, as mentioned in this technote:

/usr/bin/nscurl --ats-diagnostics --verbose https://your-domain.com

Go to your Info.plist

  1. Right Click on empty space and Click on Add Row
  2. Write the Key Name as NSAppTransportSecurity, Under it
  3. Select Exception Domains, Add a new item to this
  4. Write down your domain name that needs to get accessed
  5. Change the Domain type from String to Dictionary, add a new Item
  6. NSTemporaryExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads, that will be a boolean with a true value. Look at the picture to follow it correctly

For those who came here trying to find the reason why their WKWebView is always white and loads nothing (exactly as described here how do I get WKWebView to work in swift and for an macOS App) :

If all the rocket science above does not work for you check the obvious: the sandbox settings

sandbox settings]

Being new to swift and cocoa, but pretty experienced in programming I've spend about 20 hours to find this solution. None of dozens hipster-iOS-tutorials nor apple keynotes – nothing mentions this small checkbox.

It may be worth mentioning how to get there...

Info.plist is one of the files below the Main.storyboard or viewController.swift.

When you click on it the first time, it usually is in a table format, so right click the file and 'open as' Source code and then add the code below towards the end, i.e.:


Copy paste the code just above


which is at the end.

Transport security is available on iOS 9.0 or later. You may have this warning when trying to call a WS inside your application:

Application Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file.

Adding the following to your Info.plist will disable ATS:


For Cordova, if you want to add it into your ios.json, do the following:

"NSAppTransportSecurity": [
      "xml": "<dict><key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key><true /></dict>"

And it should be inside of:

"*-Info.plist": {
   "parents": {

This is a quick workaround (but not recommended) to add this in the plist:


Which means (according to Apple's documentation):

A Boolean value used to disable App Transport Security for any domains not listed in the NSExceptionDomains dictionary. Listed domains use the settings specified for that domain.

The default value of NO requires the default App Transport Security behaviour for all connections.

I really recommend links:

which help me understand reasons and all the implications.

The XML (in file Info.plist) below will:


disallow arbitrary calls for all pages, but for PAGE_FOR_WHICH_SETTINGS_YOU_WANT_TO_OVERRIDE will allow that connections use the HTTP protocol.

To the XML above you can add:


if you want to allow insecure connections for the subdomains of the specified address.

The best approach is to block all arbitrary loads (set to false) and add exceptions to allow only addresses we know are fine.

For interested readers

2018 Update:

Apple is not recommending switching this off - more information can be found in 207 session WWDC 2018 with more things explained in regards to security

Leaving the original answer for historic reasons and development phase

NOTE: The exception domain in your plist should be in LOWER-CASE.

Example: you have named your machine "MyAwesomeMacbook" under Settings->Sharing; your server (for test purposes) is running on MyAwesomeMacbook.local:3000, and your app needs to send a request to http://MyAwesomeMacbook.local:3000/files..., your plist you will need to specify "myawesomemacbook.local" as the exception domain.


Your info.plist would contain...

      <!--Include to allow subdomains-->
      <!--Include to allow HTTP requests-->

** Finally!!! Resolved App transport Security **

  1. Follow the follow the screen shot. Do it in Targets info Section.

enter image description here

Development Example

Here is a screenshot of a plist which keeps ATS intact (=secure), but allows that connections to localhost can be made via HTTP instead of HTTPS. It works in Xcode 7.1.1.

Enter image description here

This was tested and was working on iOS 9 GM seed - this is the configuration to allow a specific domain to use HTTP instead of HTTPS:

            <key>example.com</key> <!--Include your domain at this line -->

NSAllowsArbitraryLoads must be false, because it disallows all insecure connection, but the exceptions list allows connection to some domains without HTTPS.

Update for Xcode 7.1, facing problem 27.10.15:

The new value in the Info.plist is "App Transport Security Settings". From there, this dictionary should contain:

  • Allow Arbitrary Loads = YES
  • Exception Domains (insert here your http domain)

Apple Document 1

Apple Document 2

There are two solutions for this :

Solutions 1 :

  1. In Info.plist file add a dictionary with key 'NSAppTransportSecurity'
  2. Add another element inside dictionary with key 'Allow Arbitrary Loads'

Plist structure should appear as shown in below image.

Solution 1

Solution 2 :

  1. In Info.plist file add a dictionary with key 'NSAppTransportSecurity'
  2. Add another element inside dictionary with key 'NSExceptionDomains'
  3. Add element with key 'MyDomainName.com' of type NSDictionary
  4. Add element with key 'NSIncludesSubdomains' of type Boolean and value set as YES
  5. Add element with key 'NSTemporaryExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads' of type Boolean and value set as YES

Plist structure should appear as shown in below image.

Solution 2

Solution 2 is preferred since it allows only selected domain whereas solution 1 allows all insecure HTTP connections.

According to Apple, generally disabling ATS will lead to app rejection, unless you have a good reason to do so. Even then, you should add exceptions for domains that you can access safely.

Apple has an excellent tool that tells you exactly what settings to use: In Terminal, enter

/usr/bin/nscurl --ats-diagnostics --verbose https://www.example.com/whatever

and nscurl will check whether this request fails, and then try a variety of settings and tell you exactly which one passes, and what to do. For example, for some third-party URL that I visit, this command told me that this dictionary passes:

    NSExceptionDomains = {
        "www.example.com" = {
            NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false;

To distinguish between your own sites and third-party sites that are out of your control, use, for example, the key NSThirdPartyExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy.

Here are the settings visually:

visual settings for NSAllowsArbitraryLoads in info.plist via Xcode GUI

Use NSAppTransportSecurity:

Enter image description here

You have to set the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key to YES under NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary in your info.plist file.

Plist configuration

See the forum post Application Transport Security?.

Also the page Configuring App Transport Security Exceptions in iOS 9 and OSX 10.11.

For example, you can add a specific domain like:

      <!--Include to allow subdomains-->
      <!--Include to allow HTTP requests-->
      <!--Include to specify minimum TLS version-->

The lazy option is:

  <!--Include to allow all connections (DANGER)-->


info.plist is an XML file so you can place this code more or less anywhere inside the file.

I do not like editing the plist directly. You can easily add it to the plist using the GUI:

  • Click on the Info.plist in the Navigator on the left.
  • Now change the data in the main area:

    • On the last line add the +
    • Enter the name of the group: App Transport Security Settings
    • Right click on the group and select Add Row
    • Enter Allow Arbitrary Loads
    • Set the value on the right to YES


For those of you who want a more context on why this is happening, in addition to how to fix it, then read below.

With the introduction of iOS 9, to improve the security of connections between an app and web services, secure connections between an app and its web service must follow best practices. The best practices behavior is enforced by the App Transport Security to:

  • prevent accidental disclosure, and
  • provide a default behavior that is secure.

As explained in the App Transport Security Technote, when communicating with your web service, App Transport Security now has the following requirements and behavior:

  • The server must support at least Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.2.
  • Connection ciphers are limited to those that provide forward secrecy (see the list of ciphers below.)
  • Certificates must be signed using a SHA256 or better signature hash algorithm, with either a 2048 bit or greater RSA key or a 256 bit or greater Elliptic-Curve (ECC) key.
  • Invalid certificates result in a hard failure and no connection.

In other words, your web service request should: a.) use HTTPS and b.) be encrypted using TLS v1.2 with forward secrecy.

However, as was mentioned in other posts, you can override this new behavior from App Transport Security by specifying the insecure domain in the Info.plist of your app.

To override, you will need to add the NSAppTransportSecurity > NSExceptionDomains dictionary properties to your Info.plist. Next, you will add your web service's domain to the NSExceptionDomains dictionary.

For example, if I want to bypass the App Transport Security behavior for a web service on the host www.yourwebservicehost.com then I would do the following:

  1. Open your app in Xcode.

  2. Find the Info.plist file in Project Navigator and "right-mouse" click on it and choose the Open As > Source Code menu option. The property list file will appear in the right pane.

  3. Put the following properties block inside of the main properties dictionary (under the first <dict>).


If you need to provide exceptions for additional domains then you would add another dictionary property beneath NSExceptionDomains.

To find out more about the keys referenced above, read this already mentioned technote.

?? Set Allow Arbitrary Loads to NO !!!

You must always use HTTPS for your networking stuff. But if you really can't, just add an exception to the info.plist

For example, if you are using http://google.com and getting that error, You MUST change it to https://google.com (with s) since it supports perfectly.

But if you can't somehow, (and you cant convince backend developers to support SSL), add JUST this unsecured domain to the info.plist (instead of making it available for ALL UNSECURE NET!)


How to fix it?

enter image description here

Below steps to fix it.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

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