[ios] Hide strange unwanted Xcode logs

Alright. There seems to be a lot of commotion about this one, so I'll give y'all a way to persist it without using that scheme trick. I'll address the iOS Simulator specifically, but this also might need to be applied for the TV Sim as well which is located in a different dir.

The problem that is causing all of this stuff are plists located within the Xcode directory. There is a process that gets launched called configd_sim when the Sim starts that reads the plists in and prints debugging information if the plists specify they should be logged.

The plists are located here:


If you are playing around with a beta, take note that the dir will be different.

You will see numerous plists in this directory. Now, build and run your application and observe the logs. You are looking for the content immediately followed by the subsystem: part. It is the name immediately following this that represents the corresponding problematic plist.

enter image description here

From there, either modify the plist to knock out the debugging [Level] key/value which is a dictionary containing the "Enable" => "Default" key/value... or just simply delete the plist. Note, that you will need to be root to do either of these since they're located in the Xcode application.

the plutil -p command might be of use to you as well. i.e.

plutil -p /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/AppleTVSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/AppleTVSimulator.sdk/System/Library/Preferences/Logging/Subsystems/com.apple.BackBoardServices.fence.plist

This gave me one of the problematic plists which contained:

{ "DEFAULT-OPTIONS" => { "Level" => { "Enable" => "Default" }}}

Good luck :]

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