Programs & Examples On #Setup kit

Angular 2 - Using 'this' inside setTimeout

You need to use Arrow function ()=> ES6 feature to preserve this context within setTimeout.

// var that = this;                             // no need of this line
this.messageSuccess = true;

setTimeout(()=>{                           //<<<---using ()=> syntax
      this.messageSuccess = false;
 }, 3000);

android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException with android 4.2

Use StrictMode Something like this:-

   if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
        StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();


entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker. while adding related objects to entity in Entity Framework 4.1

In my case, I was using the ASP.NET Identity Framework. I had used the built in UserManager.FindByNameAsync method to retrieve an ApplicationUser entity. I then tried to reference this entity on a newly created entity on a different DbContext. This resulted in the exception you originally saw.

I solved this by creating a new ApplicationUser entity with only the Id from the UserManager method and referencing that new entity.

How to convert date to timestamp?

Simply performing some arithmetic on a Date object will return the timestamp as a number. This is useful for compact notation. I find this is the easiest way to remember, as the method also works for converting numbers cast as string types back to number types.

let d = new Date();
console.log(d, d * 1);

Combine multiple results in a subquery into a single comma-separated value

I tried the solution priyanka.sarkar mentioned and the didn't quite get it working as the OP asked. Here's the solution I ended up with:

            SELECT ',' + T2.SomeColumn
            FROM  @T T2 
            WHERE WHERE =
            FOR XML PATH('')), 2, 1000000)
    FROM @T T1

WAMP Server ERROR "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server."

None of the above answers worked for me, or where unsafe (as some pointed out, using Allow from all can make your files and data accessible to the outside world).

Open the c:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin.conf file and change

Allow from


Allow from  ::1


  • On most computer systems, localhost resolves to the IP address, which is the most commonly used IPv4 loopback address, and to the IPv6 loopback address ::1 (source:
  • The resolution of the name localhost into one or more IP addresses is configured by the following lines in the operating system's hosts file:    localhost
    ::1          localhost
  • to see your hosts file, go to c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\HOSTS

  • notice the above lines are commented out with the note: # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

On my machine, on Win7, I also noticed the following:

  • localhost\phpmyadmin did not work on Chrome, but worked on IE11
  •\phpmyadmin worked on Chrome

Maven Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:

I tried all of the above suggestions, which did not work for me, but I found how to fix the error in my case.

The following steps made the project compile succesfully:

In project explorer, right-click on project, select “properties” In the tree on the right, go to Java build path. Select the tab “libraries”. Click “Add library”. Select JRE system library. Click next. Select radio button Alternate JRE. Click “installed JRE’s”. Select the JRE with the right version. Click Appy and close. In the next screen, click finish. In the properties window, click Apply and close. In the project explorer, right-click your pom.xml and select run as > maven build In the goal textbox, write “install”. Click Run.

This made the project build succesfully in my case.

enable cors in .htaccess

Will be work 100%, Apply in .htaccess:

# Enable cross domain access control
SetEnvIf Origin "^http(s)?://(.+\.)?(1xyz\.com|2xyz\.com)$" REQUEST_ORIGIN=$0
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin %{REQUEST_ORIGIN}e env=REQUEST_ORIGIN
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "x-test-header, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"

# Force to request 200 for options
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* / [R=200,L]

android - How to get view from context?

For example you can find any textView:

TextView textView = (TextView) ((Activity) context).findViewById(;

Should operator<< be implemented as a friend or as a member function?

It should be implemented as a free, non-friend functions, especially if, like most things these days, the output is mainly used for diagnostics and logging. Add const accessors for all the things that need to go into the output, and then have the outputter just call those and do formatting.

I've actually taken to collecting all of these ostream output free functions in an "ostreamhelpers" header and implementation file, it keeps that secondary functionality far away from the real purpose of the classes.

Pretty graphs and charts in Python

You didn't mention what output format you need but reportlab is good at creating charts both in pdf and bitmap (e.g. png) format.

Here is a simple example of a barchart in png and pdf format:

from import Drawing
from import VerticalBarChart

d = Drawing(300, 200)

chart = VerticalBarChart()
chart.width = 260
chart.height = 160
chart.x = 20
chart.y = 20 = [[1,2], [3,4]]
chart.categoryAxis.categoryNames = ['foo', 'bar']
chart.valueAxis.valueMin = 0

d.add(chart)'test', formats=['png', 'pdf'])

alt text

Note: the image has been converted to jpg by the image host.

Update some specific field of an entity in android Room

If you need to update user information for a specific user ID "x",

  1. you need to create a dbManager class that will initialise the database in its constructor and acts as a mediator between your viewModel and DAO, and also .
  2. The ViewModel will initialize an instance of dbManager to access the database. The code should look like this:

        class User{
        String userId;
        String username;
        Interface UserDao{
        void updateUser(User user)
        Class DbManager{
        //AppDatabase gets the static object o roomDatabase.
        AppDatabase appDatabase;
        UserDao userDao;
        public DbManager(Application application ){
        appDatabase = AppDatabase.getInstance(application);
        //getUserDao is and abstract method of type UserDao declared in AppDatabase //class
        userDao = appDatabase.getUserDao();
        public void updateUser(User user, boolean isUpdate){
        new InsertUpdateUserAsyncTask(userDao,isUpdate).execute(user);
        public static class InsertUpdateUserAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<User, Void, Void> {
         private UserDao userDAO;
         private boolean isInsert;
         public InsertUpdateBrandAsyncTask(BrandDAO userDAO, boolean isInsert) {
           this. userDAO = userDAO;
           this.isInsert = isInsert;
         protected Void doInBackground(User... users) {
           if (isInsert)
        //for update
        //try {
        //  Thread.sleep(1000);
        //} catch (InterruptedException e) {
        //  e.printStackTrace();
           return null;
         Class UserViewModel{
         DbManager dbManager;
         public UserViewModel(Application application){
         dbmanager = new DbMnager(application);
         public void updateUser(User user, boolean isUpdate){
    Now in your activity or fragment initialise your UserViewModel like this:
    UserViewModel userViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(UserViewModel.class);

    Then just update your user item this way, suppose your userId is 1122 and userName is "xyz" which has to be changed to "zyx".

    Get an userItem of id 1122 User object

User user = new user();
 if(user.getUserId() == 1122){

This is a raw code, hope it helps you.

Happy coding

How to add a new line in textarea element?

Try this one:

    <textarea cols='60' rows='8'>This is my statement one.&#13;&#10;This is my statement2</textarea>

&#10; Line Feed and &#13; Carriage Return are HTML entitieswikipedia. This way you are actually parsing the new line ("\n") rather than displaying it as text.

Put icon inside input element in a form

A simple and easy way to position an Icon inside of an input is to use the position CSS property as shown in the code below. Note: I have simplified the code for clarity purposes.

  1. Create the container surrounding the input and icon.
  2. Set the container position as relative
  3. Set the icon as position absolute. This will position the icon relative to the surrounding container.
  4. Use either top, left, bottom, right to position the icon in the container.
  5. Set the padding inside the input so the text does not overlap the icon.

#input-container {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
#input-container > img {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 12px;_x000D_
  left: 15px;_x000D_
#input-container > input {_x000D_
  padding-left: 40px;_x000D_
<div id="input-container">_x000D_

jquery change button color onclick


Use class, Demo:-


if you want to toggle the color each click, you can try this:-



Updated answer for your comment.


Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android

To declare different layouts and bitmaps you'd like to use for the different screens, you must place these alternative resources in separate directories/folders.

This means that if you generate a 200x200 image for xhdpi devices, you should generate the same resource in 150x150 for hdpi, 100x100 for mdpi, and 75x75 for ldpi devices.

Then, place the files in the appropriate drawable resource directory:


Any time you reference @drawable/awesomeimage, the system selects the appropriate bitmap based on the screen's density.

importing pyspark in python shell

I had the same problem.

Also make sure you are using right python version and you are installing it with right pip version. in my case: I had both python 2.7 and 3.x. I have installed pyspark with

pip2.7 install pyspark

and it worked.

Passing variables to the next middleware using next() in Express.js

The trick is pretty simple... The request cycle is still pretty much alive. You can just add a new variable that will create a temporary, calling

app.get('some/url/endpoint', middleware1, middleware2);

Since you can handle your request in the first middleware

(req, res, next) => {
    var yourvalue = anyvalue

In middleware 1 you handle your logic and store your value like below:

req.anyvariable = yourvalue

In middleware 2 you can catch this value from middleware 1 doing the following:

(req, res, next) => {
    var storedvalue = req.yourvalue

How to write a full path in a batch file having a folder name with space?

Put double quotes around the path that has spaces like this:

REGSVR32 "E:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\xyz.dll"

What is the purpose of mvnw and mvnw.cmd files?

By far the best option nowadays would be using a maven container as a builder tool. A script like this would be enough:

docker run --rm -ti \
 -v $(pwd):/opt/app \
 -w /opt/app \
 -e TERM=xterm \
 -v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 \
 maven mvn "$@"

How can I catch all the exceptions that will be thrown through reading and writing a file?

If you want, you can add throws clauses to your methods. Then you don't have to catch checked methods right away. That way, you can catch the exceptions later (perhaps at the same time as other exceptions).

The code looks like:

public void someMethode() throws SomeCheckedException {

    //  code


Then later you can deal with the exceptions if you don't wanna deal with them in that method.

To catch all exceptions some block of code may throw you can do: (This will also catch Exceptions you wrote yourself)

try {

    // exceptional block of code ...

    // ...

} catch (Exception e){

    // Deal with e as you please.
    //e may be any type of exception at all.


The reason that works is because Exception is the base class for all exceptions. Thus any exception that may get thrown is an Exception (Uppercase 'E').

If you want to handle your own exceptions first simply add a catch block before the generic Exception one.

}catch(MyOwnException me){
}catch(Exception e){

How to run a C# console application with the console hidden

If you wrote the console application you can make it hidden by default.

Create a new console app then then change the "Output Type" type to "Windows Application" (done in the project properties)

How to send an email from JavaScript

JavaScript can't send email from a web browser. However, stepping back from the solution you've already tried to implement, you can do something that meets the original requirement:

send an email without refreshing the page

You can use JavaScript to construct the values that the email will need and then make an AJAX request to a server resource that actually sends the email. (I don't know what server-side languages/technologies you're using, so that part is up to you.)

If you're not familiar with AJAX, a quick Google search will give you a lot of information. Generally you can get it up and running quickly with jQuery's $.ajax() function. You just need to have a page on the server that can be called in the request.

Simple way to change the position of UIView?

The solution in the selected answer does not work in case of using Autolayout. If you are using Autolayout for views take a look at this answer.

How can I call a method in Objective-C?

calling the method is like this

[className methodName] 

however if you want to call the method in the same class you can use self

[self methodName] 

all the above is because your method was not taking any parameters

however if your method takes parameters you will need to do it like this

[self methodName:Parameter]

onclick event function in JavaScript

Yes you should change the name of your function. Javascript has reserved methods and onclick = >>>> click() <<<< is one of them so just rename it, add an 's' to the end of it or something. strong text`

php exec() is not executing the command

You might also try giving the full path to the binary you're trying to run. That solved my problem when trying to use ImageMagick.

Convert a tensor to numpy array in Tensorflow?

Any tensor returned by or eval is a NumPy array.

>>> print(type(tf.Session().run(tf.constant([1,2,3]))))
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>


>>> sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
>>> print(type(tf.constant([1,2,3]).eval()))
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

Or, equivalently:

>>> sess = tf.Session()
>>> with sess.as_default():
>>>    print(type(tf.constant([1,2,3]).eval()))
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

EDIT: Not any tensor returned by or eval() is a NumPy array. Sparse Tensors for example are returned as SparseTensorValue:

>>> print(type(tf.Session().run(tf.SparseTensor([[0, 0]],[1],[1,2]))))
<class 'tensorflow.python.framework.sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue'>

Why do I have ORA-00904 even when the column is present?

Its due to mismatch between column name defined in entity and the column name of table (in SQL db )

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00904: "table_name"."column_name": invalid identifier ORA-00904: "STUDENT"."NAME": invalid identifier

issue can be like in file) 
You have mentioned column name as "NAME" only.
But in STUDENT table ,column name is lets say "NMAE"

Expand and collapse with angular js


function CollapseDemoCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.isCollapsed = false;

<div ng-controller="CollapseDemoCtrl">
    <button class="btn" ng-click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed">Toggle collapse</button>
    <div collapse="isCollapsed">
        <div class="well well-large">Some content</div> 

Create two threads, one display odd & other even numbers

Yes it is fine. But in this case, I don't think you need 2 threads are all, because the operation is simple. However, if you are practicing threads, it is OK

Pythonic way to add and datetime.time objects

It's in the python docs.

import datetime
datetime.datetime.combine(, 1, 1), 
                          datetime.time(10, 23))


datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 10, 23)

Start/Stop and Restart Jenkins service on Windows

To Start Jenkins through Command Line

  1. Run CMD with admin

  2. You can run following commands

    "net start servicename" to start

    "net restart servicename" to restart

    "net stop servicename" to stop service

for more reference

Send POST data via raw json with postman

I was facing the same problem, following code worked for me:

$params = (array) json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), TRUE);

How to update std::map after using the find method?

I would use the operator[].

map <char, int> m1;

m1['G'] ++;  // If the element 'G' does not exist then it is created and 
             // initialized to zero. A reference to the internal value
             // is returned. so that the ++ operator can be applied.

// If 'G' did not exist it now exist and is 1.
// If 'G' had a value of 'n' it now has a value of 'n+1'

So using this technique it becomes really easy to read all the character from a stream and count them:

map <char, int>                m1;
std::ifstream                  file("Plop");
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> end;

for(std::istreambuf_iterator<char> loop(file); loop != end; ++loop)
    ++m1[*loop]; // prefer prefix increment out of habbit

How to add reference to a method parameter in javadoc?

The correct way of referring to a method parameter is like this:

enter image description here

How to set Apache Spark Executor memory

The answer submitted by Grega helped me to solve my issue. I am running Spark locally from a python script inside a Docker container. Initially I was getting a Java out-of-memory error when processing some data in Spark. However, I was able to assign more memory by adding the following line to my script:

conf.set("spark.driver.memory", "4g") 

Here is a full example of the python script which I use to start Spark:

import os
import sys
import glob

spark_home = '<DIRECTORY WHERE SPARK FILES EXIST>/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7/'

if 'SPARK_HOME' not in os.environ:
    os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = spark_home 

SPARK_HOME = os.environ['SPARK_HOME']

for lib in glob.glob(os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "python", "lib", "*.zip")):

from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext

conf.set("spark.executor.memory", "4g")
conf.set("spark.driver.memory", "4g")
conf.set("spark.cores.max", "2")

sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf)

spark = SQLContext(sc)

Negative regex for Perl string pattern match

Sample text:

Clinton said
Bush used crayons
Reagan forgot

Just omitting a Bush match:

$ perl -ne 'print if /^(Clinton|Reagan)/' textfile
Clinton said
Reagan forgot

Or if you really want to specify:

$ perl -ne 'print if /^(?!Bush)(Clinton|Reagan)/' textfile
Clinton said
Reagan forgot

How do I clear only a few specific objects from the workspace?

Following command will do


How to import or copy images to the "res" folder in Android Studio?

For Mac + Android Studio 2.1, I found the best way is to save the image and then copy (cmd + c) the image file in Finder and then click on the the drawable directory and cmd + v to paste in that directory. Copying the image directly from a website using cmd + c (or right click then copy) doesn't seem to work.

Using GitLab token to clone without authentication

Use the token instead of the password (the token needs to have "api" scope for clone to be allowed):

git clone https://username:[email protected]/user/repo.git

Tested against 11.0.0-ee.

HTML5 Local storage vs. Session storage

performance wise, my (crude) measurements found no difference on 1000 writes and reads

security wise, intuitively it would seem the localStore might be shut down before the sessionStore, but have no concrete evidence - maybe someone else does?

functional wise, concur with digitalFresh above

What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java?

The solution posted by Stu Thompson is valid in Java 5.0 and later. But I would prefer not to use it because I think it is error prone.

It's easy to forget the volatile statement and difficult to understand why it is necessary. Without the volatile this code would not be thread safe any more due to the double-checked locking antipattern. See more about this in paragraph 16.2.4 of Java Concurrency in Practice. In short: This pattern (prior to Java 5.0 or without the volatile statement) could return a reference to the Bar object that is (still) in an incorrect state.

This pattern was invented for performance optimization. But this is really not a real concern any more. The following lazy initialization code is fast and - more importantly - easier to read.

class Bar {
    private static class BarHolder {
        public static Bar bar = new Bar();

    public static Bar getBar() {

Presenting modal in iOS 13 fullscreen

This worked for me:

yourViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.fullScreen

HttpServlet cannot be resolved to a type .... is this a bug in eclipse?

It means that servlet jar is missing .

check the libraries for your project. Configure your buildpath download **


** and import it in your project.

MySQL select one column DISTINCT, with corresponding other columns

SELECT DISTINCT (column1), column2
FROM table1
GROUP BY column1

What is LDAP used for?

That's a rather large question.

LDAP is a protocol for accessing a directory. A directory contains objects; generally those related to users, groups, computers, printers and so on; company structure information (although frankly you can extend it and store anything in there).

LDAP gives you query methods to add, update and remove objects within a directory (and a bunch more, but those are the central ones).

What LDAP does not do is provide a database; a database provides LDAP access to itself, not the other way around. It is much more than signup.

How to disable RecyclerView scrolling?

There is a realy simple answer.

LinearLayoutManager lm = new LinearLayoutManager(getContext()) {
                public boolean canScrollVertically() {
                    return false;

The above code disables RecyclerView vertically scrolling.

Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.Splitfn", or the name is ambiguous

A general answer

select * from [dbo].[SplitString]('1,2',',') -- Will work 


select [dbo].[SplitString]('1,2',',')  -- will not work and throws this error

How can foreign key constraints be temporarily disabled using T-SQL?

Right click the table design and go to Relationships and choose the foreign key on the left-side pane and in the right-side pane, set Enforce foreign key constraint to 'Yes' (to enable foreign key constraints) or 'No' (to disable it). enter image description here

How do I temporarily disable triggers in PostgreSQL?

SET session_replication_role = replica; 

It doesn't work with PostgreSQL 9.4 on my Linux machine if i change a table through table editor in pgAdmin and works if i change table through ordinary query. Manual changes in pg_trigger table also don't work without server restart but dynamic query like on ENABLE / DISABLE ALL TRIGGERS IN DATABASE works. It could be useful when you need some tuning.

For example if you have tables in a particular namespace it could be:

create or replace function disable_triggers(a boolean, nsp character varying) returns void as
act character varying;
r record;
    if(a is true) then
        act = 'disable';
        act = 'enable';
    end if;

    for r in select c.relname from pg_namespace n
        join pg_class c on c.relnamespace = n.oid and c.relhastriggers = true
        where n.nspname = nsp
        execute format('alter table %I %s trigger all', r.relname, act); 
    end loop;
language plpgsql;

If you want to disable all triggers with certain trigger function it could be:

create or replace function disable_trigger_func(a boolean, f character varying) returns void as
act character varying;
r record;
    if(a is true) then
        act = 'disable';
        act = 'enable';
    end if;

    for r in select c.relname from pg_proc p 
        join pg_trigger t on t.tgfoid = p.oid
        join pg_class c on c.oid = t.tgrelid
        where p.proname = f
        execute format('alter table %I %s trigger all', r.relname, act); 
    end loop;
language plpgsql;

PostgreSQL documentation for system catalogs

There are another control options of trigger firing process:

ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER ... - trigger will fire in replica mode only.

ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER ... - trigger will fire always (obviously)

printf a variable in C

Your printf needs a format string:

printf("%d\n", x);

This reference page gives details on how to use printf and related functions.

Loop through files in a directory using PowerShell

Other answers are great, I just want to add... a different approach usable in PowerShell: Install GNUWin32 utils and use grep to view the lines / redirect the output to file

This overwrites the new file every time:

grep "step[49]" logIn.log > logOut.log 

This appends the log output, in case you overwrite the logIn file and want to keep the data:

grep "step[49]" logIn.log >> logOut.log 

Note: to be able to use GNUWin32 utils globally you have to add the bin folder to your system path.

POST data to a URL in PHP

cURL-less you can use in php5

$url = 'URL';
$data = array('field1' => 'value', 'field2' => 'value');
$options = array(
        'http' => array(
        'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
        'method'  => 'POST',
        'content' => http_build_query($data),

$context  = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

Check if url contains string with JQuery

if(window.location.href.indexOf("?added-to-cart=555") >= 0)

It's window.location.href, not window.location.

How to sort an array of integers correctly

For a normal array of elements values only:

function sortArrayOfElements(arrayToSort) {
    function compareElements(a, b) {
        if (a < b)
            return -1;
        if (a > b)
            return 1;
        return 0;

    return arrayToSort.sort(compareElements);

e.g. 1:
var array1 = [1,2,545,676,64,2,24]
**output : [1, 2, 2, 24, 64, 545, 676]**

var array2 = ["v","a",545,676,64,2,"24"]
**output: ["a", "v", 2, "24", 64, 545, 676]**

For an array of objects:

function sortArrayOfObjects(arrayToSort, key) {
    function compareObjects(a, b) {
        if (a[key] < b[key])
            return -1;
        if (a[key] > b[key])
            return 1;
        return 0;

    return arrayToSort.sort(compareObjects);

e.g. 1: var array1= [{"name": "User4", "value": 4},{"name": "User3", "value": 3},{"name": "User2", "value": 2}]

**output : [{"name": "User2", "value": 2},{"name": "User3", "value": 3},{"name": "User4", "value": 4}]**

Javascript Array inside Array - how can I call the child array name?

Yes it is. You can use


to get the size "S"



to get the color "Red"

How do I discard unstaged changes in Git?

2019 update

You can now discard unstaged changes in one tracked file with:

git restore <file>

and in all tracked files in the current directory (recursively) with:

git restore .

If you run the latter from the root of the repo, it will discard unstaged changes in all tracked files.


  • git restore was introduced in July 2019 and released in version 2.23 as part of a split of the git checkout command into git restore for files and git switch for branches.
  • git checkout still behaves as it used to and the older answers remain perfectly valid.
  • When running git status with unstaged changes in the working tree, this is now what Git suggests to use to discard them (instead of git checkout -- <file> as it used to prior to v2.23).
  • As with git checkout -- ., this only discards changes in tracked files. So Mariusz Nowak's answer still applies and if you want to discard all unstaged changes, including untracked files, you could run, as he suggests, an additional git clean -df.

MySQL foreach alternative for procedure

This can be done with MySQL, although it's highly unintuitive:

  SET b = 1;
  OPEN cur_1;
    FETCH cur_1 INTO a;
    UNTIL b = 1
  CLOSE cur_1;
  SET return_val = a;

Check out this guide: mysql-storedprocedures.pdf

Entity Framework code-first: migration fails with update-database, forces unneccessary(?) add-migration

Entity Framework does have some issues around identity fields.

You can't add GUID identity on existing table

Migrations: does not detect changes to DatabaseGeneratedOption

Reverse engineering does not mark GUID keys with default NEWSEQUENTIALID() as store generated identities

None of these describes your issue exactly and the Down() method in your extra migration is interesting because it appears to be attempting to remove IDENTITY from the column when your CREATE TABLE in the initial migration appears to set it!

Furthermore, if you use Update-Database -Script or Update-Database -Verbose to view the sql that is run from these AlterColumn methods you will see that the sql is identical in Up and Down, and actually does nothing. IDENTITY remains unchanged (for the current version - EF 6.0.2 and below) - as described in the first 2 issues I linked to.

I think you should delete the redundant code in your extra migration and live with an empty migration for now. And you could subscribe to/vote for the issues to be addressed.


Change IDENTITY option does diddly squat

Switch Identity On/Off With A Custom Migration Operation

Calculating distance between two geographic locations

    private static Double _MilesToKilometers = 1.609344;
    private static Double _MilesToNautical = 0.8684;

    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the distance between two points of latitude and longitude.
    /// Great Link -
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="coordinate1">First coordinate.</param>
    /// <param name="coordinate2">Second coordinate.</param>
    /// <param name="unitsOfLength">Sets the return value unit of length.</param>
    public static Double Distance(Coordinate coordinate1, Coordinate coordinate2, UnitsOfLength unitsOfLength)

        double theta = coordinate1.getLongitude() - coordinate2.getLongitude();
        double distance = Math.sin(ToRadian(coordinate1.getLatitude())) * Math.sin(ToRadian(coordinate2.getLatitude())) +
                       Math.cos(ToRadian(coordinate1.getLatitude())) * Math.cos(ToRadian(coordinate2.getLatitude())) *

        distance = Math.acos(distance);
        distance = ToDegree(distance);
        distance = distance * 60 * 1.1515;

        if (unitsOfLength == UnitsOfLength.Kilometer)
            distance = distance * _MilesToKilometers;
        else if (unitsOfLength == UnitsOfLength.NauticalMiles)
            distance = distance * _MilesToNautical;

        return (distance);


How do I find out what keystore my JVM is using?

Mac OS X 10.12 with Java 1.8:




From there it's in:


I have a cacerts keystore in there.

To specify this as a VM option:

I'm not saying this is the correct way (Why doesn't java know to look within JAVA_HOME?), but this is what I had to do to get it working.

How to add image in Flutter

When you adding assets directory in pubspec.yaml file give more attention in to spaces

this is wrong

    - assets/images/lake.jpg

This is the correct way,

    - assets/images/

Django Reverse with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found

Resolve is also more straightforward

from django.urls import resolve

resolve('edit_project', project_id=4)

Documentation on this shortcut

ImportError: No module named 'Tkinter'

You should try this :

pip install tkinter

I hope this would solve the issue.

Component is part of the declaration of 2 modules

Remove the declaration from AppModule, but update the AppModule configuration to import your AddEventModule.

import { AddEventModule } from './add-event.module';  // <-- don't forget to import the AddEventModule class

  declarations: [
    //AddEvent,  <--- remove this

  imports: [
    AddEventModule,  // <--- add this import here
  bootstrap: [IonicApp],
  entryComponents: [
  providers: [
    {provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler}, Eventdata, AuthProvider
export class AppModule {}


Note that it's important that your AddEventModule exports the AddEvent component if you want to use it outside that module. Luckily, you already have that configured, but if it was omitted, you would've gotten an error if you tried to use the AddEvent component in another component of your AppModule

Insert null/empty value in sql datetime column by default

  1. define it like your_field DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL
  2. dont insert a blank string, insert a NULL INSERT INTO x(your_field)VALUES(NULL)

How to assign a heredoc value to a variable in Bash?

this is variation of Dennis method, looks more elegant in the scripts.

function definition:

define(){ IFS='\n' read -r -d '' ${1} || true; }


define VAR <<'EOF'

echo "$VAR"


p.s. made a 'read loop' version for shells that do not support read -d. should work with set -eu and unpaired backticks, but not tested very well:

define(){ o=; while IFS="\n" read -r a; do o="$o$a"'
'; done; eval "$1=\$o"; }

How to check a string against null in java?

string == null compares if the object is null. string.equals("foo") compares the value inside of that object. string == "foo" doesn't always work, because you're trying to see if the objects are the same, not the values they represent.

Longer answer:

If you try this, it won't work, as you've found:

String foo = null;
if (foo.equals(null)) {
    // That fails every time. 

The reason is that foo is null, so it doesn't know what .equals is; there's no object there for .equals to be called from.

What you probably wanted was:

String foo = null;
if (foo == null) {
    // That will work.

The typical way to guard yourself against a null when dealing with Strings is:

String foo = null;
String bar = "Some string";
if (foo != null && foo.equals(bar)) {
    // Do something here.

That way, if foo was null, it doesn't evaluate the second half of the conditional, and things are all right.

The easy way, if you're using a String literal (instead of a variable), is:

String foo = null;
if ("some String".equals(foo)) {
    // Do something here.

If you want to work around that, Apache Commons has a class - StringUtils - that provides null-safe String operations.

if (StringUtils.equals(foo, bar)) {
    // Do something here.

Another response was joking, and said you should do this:

boolean isNull = false;
try {
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
    isNull = true;

Please don't do that. You should only throw exceptions for errors that are exceptional; if you're expecting a null, you should check for it ahead of time, and not let it throw the exception.

In my head, there are two reasons for this. First, exceptions are slow; checking against null is fast, but when the JVM throws an exception, it takes a lot of time. Second, the code is much easier to read and maintain if you just check for the null pointer ahead of time.

Wait for a process to finish

Blocking solution

Use the wait in a loop, for waiting for terminate all processes:

function anywait()

    for pid in "$@"
        wait $pid
        echo "Process $pid terminated"
    echo 'All processes terminated'

This function will exits immediately, when all processes was terminated. This is the most efficient solution.

Non-blocking solution

Use the kill -0 in a loop, for waiting for terminate all processes + do anything between checks:

function anywait_w_status()
    for pid in "$@"
        while kill -0 "$pid"
            echo "Process $pid still running..."
            sleep 1
    echo 'All processes terminated'

The reaction time decreased to sleep time, because have to prevent high CPU usage.

A realistic usage:

Waiting for terminate all processes + inform user about all running PIDs.

function anywait_w_status2()
    while true
        for pid in "$@"
            kill -0 "$pid" 2>/dev/null \
                && alive_pids+="$pid "

        if [ ${#alive_pids[@]} -eq 0 ]

        echo "Process(es) still running... ${alive_pids[@]}"
        sleep 1
    echo 'All processes terminated'


These functions getting PIDs via arguments by $@ as BASH array.

Referencing Row Number in R

These are present by default as rownames when you create a data.frame.

R> df = data.frame('a' = rnorm(10), 'b' = runif(10), 'c' = letters[1:10])
R> df
            a          b c
1   0.3336944 0.39746731 a
2  -0.2334404 0.12242856 b
3   1.4886706 0.07984085 c
4  -1.4853724 0.83163342 d
5   0.7291344 0.10981827 e
6   0.1786753 0.47401690 f
7  -0.9173701 0.73992239 g
8   0.7805941 0.91925413 h
9   0.2469860 0.87979229 i
10  1.2810961 0.53289335 j

and you can access them via the rownames command.

R> rownames(df)
 [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"

if you need them as numbers, simply coerce to numeric by adding as.numeric, as in as.numeric(rownames(df)).

You don't need to add them, as if you know what you are looking for (say item df$c == 'i', you can use the which command:

R> which(df$c =='i')
[1] 9

or if you don't know the column

R> which(df == 'i', arr.ind=T)
     row col
[1,]   9   3

you may access the element using df[9, 'c'], or df$c[9].

If you wanted to add them you could use df$rownumber <- as.numeric(rownames(df)), though this may be less robust than df$rownumber <- 1:nrow(df) as there are cases when you might have assigned to rownames so they will no longer be the default index numbers (the which command will continue to return index numbers even if you do assign to rownames).

How do you get the file size in C#?

It returns the file contents length

How to choose an AES encryption mode (CBC ECB CTR OCB CFB)?

  1. Anything but ECB.
  2. If using CTR, it is imperative that you use a different IV for each message, otherwise you end up with the attacker being able to take two ciphertexts and deriving a combined unencrypted plaintext. The reason is that CTR mode essentially turns a block cipher into a stream cipher, and the first rule of stream ciphers is to never use the same Key+IV twice.
  3. There really isn't much difference in how difficult the modes are to implement. Some modes only require the block cipher to operate in the encrypting direction. However, most block ciphers, including AES, don't take much more code to implement decryption.
  4. For all cipher modes, it is important to use different IVs for each message if your messages could be identical in the first several bytes, and you don't want an attacker knowing this.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

put your javascript at the bottom of the page (ie after the element getting defined..)

Pip freeze vs. pip list

Look at the pip documentation, which describes the functionality of both as:

pip list

List installed packages, including editables.

pip freeze

Output installed packages in requirements format.

So there are two differences:

  1. Output format, freeze gives us the standard requirement format that may be used later with pip install -r to install requirements from.

  2. Output content, pip list include editables which pip freeze does not.

Write applications in C or C++ for Android?

There is a plan to allow C/C++ libraries in the next SDK version of Android (Codename Eclair?)To date, it's not possible through the Android Java SDK. However, you can grab the HUGE open source project, roll your own libraries, and then flash your own device...but anyone who wants to use your library will have to flash your custom build as well.

How to start nginx via different port(other than 80)

You will need to change the configure port of either Apache or Nginx. After you do this you will need to restart the reconfigured servers, using the 'service' command you used.



sudo subl /etc/apache2/ports.conf 

and change the 80 on the following line to something different :

Listen 80

If you just change the port or add more ports here, you will likely also have to change the VirtualHost statement in

sudo subl /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

and change the 80 on the following line to something different :

<VirtualHost *:80>

then restart by :

sudo service apache2 restart




and change the 80 on the following line :

listen 80;

then restart by :

sudo service nginx restart

Unknown Column In Where Clause

I had the same problem, I found this useful.

mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `user_name`='$user'");

remember to put $user in ' ' single quotes.

What is the standard way to add N seconds to datetime.time in Python?

Old question, but I figured I'd throw in a function that handles timezones. The key parts are passing the datetime.time object's tzinfo attribute into combine, and then using timetz() instead of time() on the resulting dummy datetime. This answer partly inspired by the other answers here.

def add_timedelta_to_time(t, td):
    """Add a timedelta object to a time object using a dummy datetime.

    :param t: datetime.time object.
    :param td: datetime.timedelta object.

    :returns: datetime.time object, representing the result of t + td.

    NOTE: Using a gigantic td may result in an overflow. You've been
    # Create a dummy date object.
    dummy_date = date(year=100, month=1, day=1)

    # Combine the dummy date with the given time.
    dummy_datetime = datetime.combine(date=dummy_date, time=t, tzinfo=t.tzinfo)

    # Add the timedelta to the dummy datetime.
    new_datetime = dummy_datetime + td

    # Return the resulting time, including timezone information.
    return new_datetime.timetz()

And here's a really simple test case class (using built-in unittest):

import unittest
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta, time

class AddTimedeltaToTimeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test add_timedelta_to_time."""

    def test_wraps(self):
        t = time(hour=23, minute=59)
        td = timedelta(minutes=2)
        t_expected = time(hour=0, minute=1)
        t_actual = add_timedelta_to_time(t=t, td=td)
        self.assertEqual(t_expected, t_actual)

    def test_tz(self):
        t = time(hour=4, minute=16, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
        td = timedelta(hours=10, minutes=4)
        t_expected = time(hour=14, minute=20, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
        t_actual = add_timedelta_to_time(t=t, td=td)
        self.assertEqual(t_expected, t_actual)

if __name__ == '__main__':

How to get Javascript Select box's selected text

Just use

$('#SelectBoxId option:selected').text(); For Getting text as listed

$('#SelectBoxId').val(); For Getting selected Index value

How do you change the datatype of a column in SQL Server?

Try this:

ALTER TABLE "table_name"
MODIFY "column_name" "New Data Type";

How to use subprocess popen Python

Use sh, it'll make things a lot easier:

import sh
print sh.swfdump("/tmp/filename.swf", "-d")


I rely on NDEBUG, because it's the only one whose behavior is standardized across compilers and implementations (see documentation for the standard assert macro). The negative logic is a small readability speedbump, but it's a common idiom you can quickly adapt to.

To rely on something like _DEBUG would be to rely on an implementation detail of a particular compiler and library implementation. Other compilers may or may not choose the same convention.

The third option is to define your own macro for your project, which is quite reasonable. Having your own macro gives you portability across implementations and it allows you to enable or disable your debugging code independently of the assertions. Though, in general, I advise against having different classes of debugging information that are enabled at compile time, as it causes an increase in the number of configurations you have to build (and test) for arguably small benefit.

With any of these options, if you use third party code as part of your project, you'll have to be aware of which convention it uses.

Casting interfaces for deserialization in JSON.NET

Suppose an autofac setting like the following:

public class AutofacContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
    private readonly IContainer _container;

    public AutofacContractResolver(IContainer container)
        _container = container;

    protected override JsonObjectContract CreateObjectContract(Type objectType)
        JsonObjectContract contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType);

        // use Autofac to create types that have been registered with it
        if (_container.IsRegistered(objectType))
           contract.DefaultCreator = () => _container.Resolve(objectType);

        return contract;

Then, suppose your class is like this:

public class TaskController
    private readonly ITaskRepository _repository;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public TaskController(ITaskRepository repository, ILogger logger)
        _repository = repository;
        _logger = logger;

    public ITaskRepository Repository
        get { return _repository; }

    public ILogger Logger
        get { return _logger; }

Therefore, the usage of the resolver in deserialization could be like:

ContainerBuilder builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register(c => new LogService(new DateTime(2000, 12, 12))).As<ILogger>();

IContainer container = builder.Build();

AutofacContractResolver contractResolver = new AutofacContractResolver(container);

string json = @"{
      'Logger': {

// ITaskRespository and ILogger constructor parameters are injected by Autofac 
TaskController controller = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TaskController>(json, new JsonSerializerSettings
    ContractResolver = contractResolver


You can see more details in

CSS word-wrapping in div

It's pretty hard to say definitively without seeing what the rendered html looks like and what styles are being applied to the elements within the treeview div, but the thing that jumps out at me right away is the

overflow-x: scroll;

What happens if you remove that?

Clearing Magento Log Data

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_export;
TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_import;
TRUNCATE log_customer;
TRUNCATE log_quote;
TRUNCATE log_summary;
TRUNCATE log_summary_type;
TRUNCATE log_url;
TRUNCATE log_url_info;
TRUNCATE log_visitor;
TRUNCATE log_visitor_info;
TRUNCATE log_visitor_online;
TRUNCATE report_viewed_product_index;
TRUNCATE report_compared_product_index;
TRUNCATE report_event;
TRUNCATE index_event;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

Add items in array angular 4

Your empList is object type but you are trying to push strings

Try this


The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred on server

I've fixed it. I had the following section in web.config :

httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough"

When I remove it, I got a real error

How to mount a host directory in a Docker container

On Mac OS, to mount a folder /Users/<name>/projects/ on your mac at the root of your container:

docker run -it -v /Users/<name>/projects/:/projects <container_name> bash

ls /projects

Build Step Progress Bar (css and jquery)

There are a lot of very nice answers on this page and I googled for some more, but none of the answers ticked all the checkboxes on my wish list:

  • CSS only, no Javascript
  • Stick to Tom Kenny's Best Design Practices
  • Layout like the other answers
  • Each step has a name and a number
  • Responsive layout: font size independent
  • Fluid layout: the list and its items scale with the available width
  • The names and numbers are centered in their block
  • The "done" color goes up to and including the active item, but not past it.
  • The active item should stand out graphically

So I mixed the code of several examples, fixed the things that I needed and here is the result:

Progress Tracker v2

I used the following CSS and HTML:

/* Progress Tracker v2 */_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="2"] li { width: 49%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="3"] li { width: 33%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="4"] li { width: 24%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="5"] li { width: 19%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="6"] li { width: 16%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="7"] li { width: 14%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="8"] li { width: 12%; }_x000D_
ol.progress[data-steps="9"] li { width: 11%; }_x000D_
.progress {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    list-style: none;_x000D_
    list-style-image: none;_x000D_
    margin: 20px 0 20px 0;_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
.progress li {_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
.progress .name {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    vertical-align: bottom;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    margin-bottom: 1em;_x000D_
    color: black;_x000D_
    opacity: 0.3;_x000D_
.progress .step {_x000D_
    color: black;_x000D_
    border: 3px solid silver;_x000D_
    background-color: silver;_x000D_
    border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
    line-height: 1.2;_x000D_
    width: 1.2em;_x000D_
    height: 1.2em;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    z-index: 0;_x000D_
.progress .step span {_x000D_
    opacity: 0.3;_x000D_
.progress .active .name,_x000D_
.progress .active .step span {_x000D_
    opacity: 1;_x000D_
.progress .step:before {_x000D_
    content: "";_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    background-color: silver;_x000D_
    height: 0.4em;_x000D_
    width: 50%;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    bottom: 0.6em;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    z-index: -1;_x000D_
.progress .step:after {_x000D_
    content: "";_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    background-color: silver;_x000D_
    height: 0.4em;_x000D_
    width: 50%;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    bottom: 0.6em;_x000D_
    right: 0;_x000D_
    z-index: -1;_x000D_
.progress li:first-of-type .step:before {_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
.progress li:last-of-type .step:after {_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
.progress .done .step,_x000D_
.progress .done .step:before,_x000D_
.progress .done .step:after,_x000D_
.progress .active .step,_x000D_
.progress .active .step:before {_x000D_
    background-color: yellowgreen;_x000D_
.progress .done .step,_x000D_
.progress .active .step {_x000D_
    border: 3px solid yellowgreen;_x000D_
<!-- Progress Tracker v2 -->_x000D_
<ol class="progress" data-steps="4">_x000D_
    <li class="done">_x000D_
        <span class="name">Foo</span>_x000D_
        <span class="step"><span>1</span></span>_x000D_
    <li class="done">_x000D_
        <span class="name">Bar</span>_x000D_
        <span class="step"><span>2</span></span>_x000D_
    <li class="active">_x000D_
        <span class="name">Baz</span>_x000D_
        <span class="step"><span>3</span></span>_x000D_
        <span class="name">Quux</span>_x000D_
        <span class="step"><span>4</span></span>_x000D_

As can be seen in the example above, there are now two list item classes to take note of: active and done. Use class="active" for the current step, use class="done" for all steps before it.

Also note the data-steps="4" in the ol tag; set this to the total number of steps to apply the correct size to all list items.

Feel free to play around with the JSFiddle. Enjoy!

How to create materialized views in SQL Server?

When indexed view is not an option, and quick updates are not necessary, you can create a hack cache table:

select * into cachetablename from myviewname
alter table cachetablename add primary key (columns)
-- OR alter table cachetablename add rid bigint identity primary key
create index...

then sp_rename view/table or change any queries or other views that reference it to point to the cache table.

schedule daily/nightly/weekly/whatnot refresh like

begin transaction
truncate table cachetablename
insert into cachetablename select * from viewname
commit transaction

NB: this will eat space, also in your tx logs. Best used for small datasets that are slow to compute. Maybe refactor to eliminate "easy but large" columns first into an outer view.

Can I make 'git diff' only the line numbers AND changed file names?

Have you tried using :

git dif | grep -B <number of before lines to show> <regex>

In my case, i try to search where do i put a debug statement in the many files, i need to see which file already got this debug statement like this :

git diff | grep -B 5 dd\(

Bootstrap 3 Navbar Collapse

I am concerned about maintenance and upgrade problems down the road from customizing Bootstrap. I can document the customization steps today and hope that the person upgrading Bootstrap three years from now will find the documentation and reapply the steps (that may or may not work at that point). An argument can be made either way, I suppose, but I prefer keeping any customizations in my code.

I don't quite understand how Seb33300's approach can work, though. It certainly did not work with Bootstrap 4.0.3. For the nav bar to expand at 1200 instead of 768, rules for both media queries must be overridden to prevent expanding at 768 and force expanding at 1200.

I have a longer menu that would wrap on the iPad in Portrait mode. The following keeps the menu collapsed until the 1200 breakpoint:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    .navbar-header {
        float: none; }
    .navbar-toggle {
        display: block; }
    .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-collapse, 
    .navbar-static-top .navbar-collapse, 
    .navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-collapse {
        padding-right: 15px;
        padding-left: 15px; }
    .navbar-collapse.collapse {
        display: none !important; } { 
        display: block!important; 
        margin-top: 0px; }
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
    .navbar-header {
        float: left; }
    .navbar-toggle {
    display: none; }
    .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-collapse, 
    .navbar-static-top .navbar-collapse, 
    .navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-collapse {
        display: block !important; }

HTML5 Canvas vs. SVG vs. div

The short answer:

SVG would be easier for you, since selection and moving it around is already built in. SVG objects are DOM objects, so they have "click" handlers, etc.

DIVs are okay but clunky and have awful performance loading at large numbers.

Canvas has the best performance hands-down, but you have to implement all concepts of managed state (object selection, etc) yourself, or use a library.

The long answer:

HTML5 Canvas is simply a drawing surface for a bit-map. You set up to draw (Say with a color and line thickness), draw that thing, and then the Canvas has no knowledge of that thing: It doesn't know where it is or what it is that you've just drawn, it's just pixels. If you want to draw rectangles and have them move around or be selectable then you have to code all of that from scratch, including the code to remember that you drew them.

SVG on the other hand must maintain references to each object that it renders. Every SVG/VML element you create is a real element in the DOM. By default this allows you to keep much better track of the elements you create and makes dealing with things like mouse events easier by default, but it slows down significantly when there are a large number of objects

Those SVG DOM references mean that some of the footwork of dealing with the things you draw is done for you. And SVG is faster when rendering really large objects, but slower when rendering many objects.

A game would probably be faster in Canvas. A huge map program would probably be faster in SVG. If you do want to use Canvas, I have some tutorials on getting movable objects up and running here.

Canvas would be better for faster things and heavy bitmap manipulation (like animation), but will take more code if you want lots of interactivity.

I've run a bunch of numbers on HTML DIV-made drawing versus Canvas-made drawing. I could make a huge post about the benefits of each, but I will give some of the relevant results of my tests to consider for your specific application:

I made Canvas and HTML DIV test pages, both had movable "nodes." Canvas nodes were objects I created and kept track of in Javascript. HTML nodes were movable Divs.

I added 100,000 nodes to each of my two tests. They performed quite differently:

The HTML test tab took forever to load (timed at slightly under 5 minutes, chrome asked to kill the page the first time). Chrome's task manager says that tab is taking up 168MB. It takes up 12-13% CPU time when I am looking at it, 0% when I am not looking.

The Canvas tab loaded in one second and takes up 30MB. It also takes up 13% of CPU time all of the time, regardless of whether or not one is looking at it. (2013 edit: They've mostly fixed that)

Dragging on the HTML page is smoother, which is expected by the design, since the current setup is to redraw EVERYTHING every 30 milliseconds in the Canvas test. There are plenty of optimizations to be had for Canvas for this. (canvas invalidation being the easiest, also clipping regions, selective redrawing, etc.. just depends on how much you feel like implementing)

There is no doubt you could get Canvas to be faster at object manipulation as the divs in that simple test, and of course far faster in the load time. Drawing/loading is faster in Canvas and has far more room for optimizations, too (ie, excluding things that are off-screen is very easy).


  • SVG is probably better for applications and apps with few items (less than 1000? Depends really)
  • Canvas is better for thousands of objects and careful manipulation, but a lot more code (or a library) is needed to get it off the ground.
  • HTML Divs are clunky and do not scale, making a circle is only possible with rounded corners, making complex shapes is possible but involves hundreds of tiny tiny pixel-wide divs. Madness ensues.

Selecting element by data attribute with jQuery

I haven't seen a JavaScript answer without jQuery. Hopefully it helps someone.

var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-customerID="22"]');_x000D_
elements[0].innerHTML = 'it worked!';
<a data-customerID='22'>test</a>


Injecting @Autowired private field during testing

Sometimes you can refactor your @Component to use constructor or setter based injection to setup your testcase (you can and still rely on @Autowired). Now, you can create your test entirely without a mocking framework by implementing test stubs instead (e.g. Martin Fowler's MailServiceStub):

public class MyLauncher {

    private MyService myService;

    MyLauncher(MyService myService) {
        this.myService = myService;

    // other methods

public class MyServiceStub implements MyService {
    // ...

public class MyLauncherTest
    private MyLauncher myLauncher;
    private MyServiceStub myServiceStub;

    public void setUp() {
        myServiceStub = new MyServiceStub();
        myLauncher = new MyLauncher(myServiceStub);

    public void someTest() {


This technique especially useful if the test and the class under test is located in the same package because then you can use the default, package-private access modifier to prevent other classes from accessing it. Note that you can still have your production code in src/main/java but your tests in src/main/test directories.

If you like Mockito then you will appreciate the MockitoJUnitRunner. It allows you to do "magic" things like @Manuel showed you:

public class MyLauncherTest
    private MyLauncher myLauncher; // no need to call the constructor

    private MyService myService;

    public void someTest() {


Alternatively, you can use the default JUnit runner and call the MockitoAnnotations.initMocks() in a setUp() method to let Mockito initialize the annotated values. You can find more information in the javadoc of @InjectMocks and in a blog post that I have written.

Difference between File.separator and slash in paths

With the Java libraries for dealing with files, you can safely use / (slash, not backslash) on all platforms. The library code handles translating things into platform-specific paths internally.

You might want to use File.separator in UI, however, because it's best to show people what will make sense in their OS, rather than what makes sense to Java.

Update: I have not been able, in five minutes of searching, to find the "you can always use a slash" behavior documented. Now, I'm sure I've seen it documented, but in the absense of finding an official reference (because my memory isn't perfect), I'd stick with using File.separator because you know that will work.

How to change the docker image installation directory?

With recent versions of Docker, you would set the value of the data-root parameter to your custom path, in /etc/docker/daemon.json (according to

With older versions, you can change Docker's storage base directory (where container and images go) using the -goption when starting the Docker daemon. (check docker --help). You can have this setting applied automatically when Docker starts by adding it to /etc/default/docker

JavaScript: Class.method vs. Class.prototype.method

Yes, the first one is a static method also called class method, while the second one is an instance method.

Consider the following examples, to understand it in more detail.

In ES5

function Person(firstName, lastName) {
   this.firstName = firstName;
   this.lastName = lastName;

Person.isPerson = function(obj) {
   return obj.constructor === Person;

Person.prototype.sayHi = function() {
   return "Hi " + this.firstName;

In the above code, isPerson is a static method, while sayHi is an instance method of Person.

Below, is how to create an object from Person constructor.

var aminu = new Person("Aminu", "Abubakar");

Using the static method isPerson.

Person.isPerson(aminu); // will return true

Using the instance method sayHi.

aminu.sayHi(); // will return "Hi Aminu"

In ES6

class Person {
   constructor(firstName, lastName) {
      this.firstName = firstName;
      this.lastName = lastName;

   static isPerson(obj) {
      return obj.constructor === Person;

   sayHi() {
      return `Hi ${this.firstName}`;

Look at how static keyword was used to declare the static method isPerson.

To create an object of Person class.

const aminu = new Person("Aminu", "Abubakar");

Using the static method isPerson.

Person.isPerson(aminu); // will return true

Using the instance method sayHi.

aminu.sayHi(); // will return "Hi Aminu"

NOTE: Both examples are essentially the same, JavaScript remains a classless language. The class introduced in ES6 is primarily a syntactical sugar over the existing prototype-based inheritance model.

What determines the monitor my app runs on?

So I agree there are some apps that you can configured to open on one screen by maximizing or right clicking and moving/sizing screen, then close and reopen. However, there are others that will only open on the main screen.

What I've done to resolve: set the monitor you prefer stubborn apps to open on, as monitor 1 and the your other monitor as 2, then change your monitor 2 to be the primary - so your desktop settings and start bar remain. Hope this helps.

Invalid shorthand property initializer

Change the = to : to fix the error.

var makeRequest = function(message) {<br>
 var options = {<br>
  host: 'localhost',<br>
  port : 8080,<br>
  path : '/',<br>
  method: 'POST'<br>

Pass parameters in setInterval function

I have had the same problem with Vue app. In my case this solution is only works if anonymous function has declared as arrow function, regarding declaration at mounted () life circle hook.

How to copy a huge table data into another table in SQL Server

I have been working with our DBA to copy an audit table with 240M rows to another database.

Using a simple select/insert created a huge tempdb file.

Using a the Import/Export wizard worked but copied 8M rows in 10min

Creating a custom SSIS package and adjusting settings copied 30M rows in 10Min

The SSIS package turned out to be the fastest and most efficent for our purposes


How to copy sheets to another workbook using vba?

Here is one you might like it uses the Windows FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) to browse to a closed workbook on your desktop, then copies all of the worksheets to your open workbook:

Sub CopyWorkBookFullv2()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim x As Integer
Dim closedBook As Workbook
Dim cell As Range
Dim numSheets As Integer
Dim LString As String
Dim LArray() As String
Dim dashpos As Long
Dim FileName As String

numSheets = 0

For Each ws In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If ws.Name <> "Sheet1" Then
       Sheets.Add.Name = "Sheet1"
   End If

Dim fileExplorer As FileDialog
Set fileExplorer = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
Dim MyString As String

fileExplorer.AllowMultiSelect = False

  With fileExplorer
     If .Show = -1 Then 'Any file is selected
     MyString = .SelectedItems.Item(1)

     Else ' else dialog is cancelled
        MsgBox "You have cancelled the dialogue"
        [filePath] = "" ' when cancelled set blank as file path.
        End If
    End With

    LString = Range("A1").Value
    dashpos = InStr(1, LString, "\") + 1
    LArray = Split(LString, "\")
    'MsgBox LArray(dashpos - 1)
    FileName = LArray(dashpos)

strFileName = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").specialfolders("Desktop") & "\" & FileName

Set closedBook = Workbooks.Open(strFileName)
closedBook.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
numSheets = closedBook.Sheets.Count

        For x = 1 To numSheets
            closedBook.Sheets(x).Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
        x = x + 1
                 If x = numSheets Then
                    GoTo 1000
                 End If


closedBook.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

How do I change the ID of a HTML element with JavaScript?

That seems to work for me:

#monkey {color:blue}
#ape {color:purple}
<span id="monkey" onclick="changeid()">
function changeid ()
var e = document.getElementById("monkey"); = "ape";

The expected behaviour is to change the colour of the word "fruit".

Perhaps your document was not fully loaded when you called the routine?

How to create a temporary directory?

For a more robust solution i use something like the following. That way the temp dir will always be deleted after the script exits.

The cleanup function is executed on the EXIT signal. That guarantees that the cleanup function is always called, even if the script aborts somewhere.


# the directory of the script
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

# the temp directory used, within $DIR
# omit the -p parameter to create a temporal directory in the default location
WORK_DIR=`mktemp -d -p "$DIR"`

# check if tmp dir was created
if [[ ! "$WORK_DIR" || ! -d "$WORK_DIR" ]]; then
  echo "Could not create temp dir"
  exit 1

# deletes the temp directory
function cleanup {      
  rm -rf "$WORK_DIR"
  echo "Deleted temp working directory $WORK_DIR"

# register the cleanup function to be called on the EXIT signal
trap cleanup EXIT

# implementation of script starts here

Directory of bash script from here.

Bash traps.

Using jQuery Fancybox or Lightbox to display a contact form

Greybox cannot handle forms inside it on its own. It requires a forms plugin. No iframes or external html files needed. Don't forget to download the greybox.css file too as the page misses that bit out.

Kiss Jquery UI goodbye and a lightbox hello. You can get it here.

How can I remove the outline around hyperlinks images?

If the solution above doesn't work for anyone. Give this a try as well

a {
 box-shadow: none;

What is the native keyword in Java for?

As SLaks answered, the native keyword is for calling native code.

It also used by GWT for implementing javascript methods.

Checking if a date is valid in javascript

Try this:

var date = new Date();
console.log(date instanceof Date && !isNaN(date.valueOf()));

This should return true.

UPDATED: Added isNaN check to handle the case commented by Julian H. Lam

How to trim a file extension from a String in JavaScript?

Not sure what would perform faster but this would be more reliable when it comes to extension like .jpeg or .html

x.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")

single line comment in HTML

TL;DR For conforming browsers, yes; but there are no conforming browsers, so no.

According to the HTML 4 specification, <!------> hello--> is a perfectly valid comment. However, I've not found a browser which implements this correctly (i.e. per the specification) due to developers not knowing, nor following, the standards (as digitaldreamer pointed out).

You can find the definition of a comment for HTML4 on the w3c's website:

Another thing that many browsers get wrong is that -- > closes a comment just like -->.

How to square all the values in a vector in R?

Try this (faster and simpler):

newData <- data^2

Javascript regular expression password validation having special characters

When you remake account password make shure it's 8-20 characters include numbers and special characters like ##/* characters like this then verify new password and re enter exact same and should solve the issues with the password verification

Phonegap + jQuery Mobile, real world sample or tutorial

This is a nice 5-part tutorial that covers a lot of useful material:
(Anyone else noticing a trend forming here??? hehehee )

And this will definitely be of use to all developers:

Edit I just finished a nice four part tutorial building an app to write, save, edit, & delete notes using jQuery mobile (only), it was very practical & useful, but it was also only for jQM. So, I looked to see what else they had on DZone.

I'm now going to start sorting through these search results. At a glance, it looks really promising. I remembered this post; so I thought I'd steer people to it. ?

Show hide divs on click in HTML and CSS without jQuery

I like Roko's answer, and added a few lines to it so that you get a triangle that points right when the element is hidden, and down when it is displayed:

.collapse { font-weight: bold; display: inline-block; }
.collapse + input:after { content: " \25b6"; display: inline-block; }
.collapse + input:checked:after { content: " \25bc"; display: inline-block; }
.collapse + input { display: inline-block; -webkit-appearance: none; -o-appearance:none; -moz-appearance:none;  }
.collapse + input + * { display: none; }
.collapse + input:checked + * { display: block; }

How best to include other scripts?

I know I am late to the party, but this should work no matter how you start the script and uses builtins exclusively:

if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi
. "$DIR/"
. "$DIR/"

. (dot) command is an alias to source, $PWD is the Path for the Working Directory, BASH_SOURCE is an array variable whose members are the source filenames, ${string%substring} strips shortest match of $substring from back of $string

Use jQuery to change an HTML tag?

I came up with an approach where you use a string representation of your jQuery object and replace the tag name using regular expressions and basic JavaScript. You will not loose any content and don't have to loop over each attribute/property.

 * replaceTag
 * @return {$object} a new object with replaced opening and closing tag
function replaceTag($element, newTagName) {

  // Identify opening and closing tag
  var oldTagName = $element[0].nodeName,
    elementString = $element[0].outerHTML,
    openingRegex = new RegExp("^(<" + oldTagName + " )", "i"),
    openingTag = elementString.match(openingRegex),
    closingRegex = new RegExp("(<\/" + oldTagName + ">)$", "i"),
    closingTag = elementString.match(closingRegex);

  if (openingTag && closingTag && newTagName) {
    // Remove opening tag
    elementString = elementString.slice(openingTag[0].length);
    // Remove closing tag
    elementString = elementString.slice(0, -(closingTag[0].length));
    // Add new tags
    elementString = "<" + newTagName + " " + elementString + "</" + newTagName + ">";

  return $(elementString);

Finally, you can replace the existing object/node as follows:

var $newElement = replaceTag($rankingSubmit, 'a');

Get the device width in javascript

check it

const mq = window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 500px)" );

if (mq.matches) {
  // window width is at least 500px
} else {
  // window width is less than 500px

PHP array printing using a loop

Additionally, if you are debugging as Tom mentioned, you can use var_dump to see the array.

Making Maven run all tests, even when some fail

A quick answer:

mvn -fn test

Works with nested project builds.

How can I run Android emulator for Intel x86 Atom without hardware acceleration on Windows 8 for API 21 and 19?

Is there any way that I can start android emulator for intel x86 atom Without hardware acceleration on windows 8

Not with the standard Android SDK emulator, as it requires Intel's HAXM, and HAXM wants virtualization extensions to be enabled.

Whether Genymotion or something else from another independent developer can support your desired combination, I cannot say.

Constantly print Subprocess output while process is running

None of the answers here addressed all of my needs.

  1. No threads for stdout (no Queues, etc, either)
  2. Non-blocking as I need to check for other things going on
  3. Use PIPE as I needed to do multiple things, e.g. stream output, write to a log file and return a string copy of the output.

A little background: I am using a ThreadPoolExecutor to manage a pool of threads, each launching a subprocess and running them concurrency. (In Python2.7, but this should work in newer 3.x as well). I don't want to use threads just for output gathering as I want as many available as possible for other things (a pool of 20 processes would be using 40 threads just to run; 1 for the process thread and 1 for stdout...and more if you want stderr I guess)

I'm stripping back a lot of exception and such here so this is based on code that works in production. Hopefully I didn't ruin it in the copy and paste. Also, feedback very much welcome!

import time
import fcntl
import subprocess
import time

proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

# Make stdout non-blocking when using read/readline
proc_stdout = proc.stdout
fl = fcntl.fcntl(proc_stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL)
fcntl.fcntl(proc_stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)

def handle_stdout(proc_stream, my_buffer, echo_streams=True, log_file=None):
    """A little inline function to handle the stdout business. """
    # fcntl makes readline non-blocking so it raises an IOError when empty
        for s in iter(proc_stream.readline, ''):   # replace '' with b'' for Python 3

            if echo_streams:

            if log_file:
    except IOError:

# The main loop while subprocess is running
stdout_parts = []
while proc.poll() is None:
    handle_stdout(proc_stdout, stdout_parts)

    # ...Check for other things here...
    # For example, check a multiprocessor.Value('b') to proc.kill()


# Not sure if this is needed, but run it again just to be sure we got it all?
handle_stdout(proc_stdout, stdout_parts)

stdout_str = "".join(stdout_parts)  # Just to demo

I'm sure there is overhead being added here but it is not a concern in my case. Functionally it does what I need. The only thing I haven't solved is why this works perfectly for log messages but I see some print messages show up later and all at once.

TypeError: You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable

I was also facing the same issue when i was calling a method inside switchMap, apparently I found that if we use method inside switchMap it must return observable.

i used pipe to return observable and map to perform operations inside pipe for an api call which i was doing inside method rather than subscribing to it.

Checking Maven Version


mvn -v


mvn --version


Apache Maven 3.0.5 (...)
Maven home: ...
Java version: 1.8.0_60, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: ...
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 7", version: "6.1", arch: "amd64", family: "dos"

The other command (mvn -version) works because it starts with mvn -v.
You can also try mvn -v123 and you'll get the same output.


mvn -h


mvn --help


-V,--show-version                      Display version information
                                       WITHOUT stopping build
-v,--version                           Display version information

Command is not recognized

Probably you are in one of the following 2 situations:

  1. You didn't add the Maven to the Path
    (run ECHO.%PATH:;= & ECHO.% in cmd to see if you are in this situation).
    • go to Control Panel\User Accounts\User Accounts
      (or click on your photo from the start menu)
    • click Change my environment variables
    • click on New... and add:
      • M2_HOME=<your_path>
      • MAVEN_HOME=%M2_HOME%
      • MAVEN_BIN=%M2_HOME%\bin
    • click on Edit... and add the ;%MAVEN_BIN% at the end of the Path
  2. You added it to the Path, but you didn't open a new command prompt.
    • open a new command prompt, because the environment variables are not updated automatically

Jquery split function

Try this. It uses the split function which is a core part of javascript, nothing to do with jQuery.

var parts = html.split(":-"),
    i, l
for (i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i += 2) {
    $("#" + parts[i]).text(parts[i + 1]);

Xamarin 2.0 vs Appcelerator Titanium vs PhoneGap

I haven't worked much with Appcelerator Titanium, but I'll put my understanding of it at the end.

I can speak a bit more to the differences between PhoneGap and Xamarin, as I work with these two 5 (or more) days a week.

If you are already familiar with C# and JavaScript, then the question I guess is, does the business logic lie in an area more suited to JavaScript or C#?


PhoneGap is designed to allow you to write your applications using JavaScript and HTML, and much of the functionality that they do provide is designed to mimic the current proposed specifications for the functionality that will eventually be available with HTML5. The big benefit of PhoneGap in my opinion is that since you are doing the UI with HTML, it can easily be ported between platforms. The downside is, because you are porting the same UI between platforms, it won't feel quite as at home in any of them. Meaning that, without further tweaking, you can't have an application that feels fully at home in iOS and Android, meaning that it has the iOS and Android styling. The majority of your logic can be written using JavaScript, which means it too can be ported between platforms. If the current PhoneGap API does most of what you want, then it's pretty easy to get up and running. If however, there are things you need from the device that are not in the API, then you get into the fun of Plugin Development, which will be in the native device's development language of choice (with one caveat, but I'll get to that), which means you would likely need to get up to speed quickly in Objective-C, Java, etc. The good thing about this model, is you can usually adapt many different native libraries to serve your purpose, and many libraries already have PhoneGap Plugins. Although you might not have much experience with these languages, there will at least be a plethora of examples to work from.


Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android (also known as MonoTouch and MonoDroid), are designed to allow you to have one library of business logic, and use this within your application, and hook it into your UI. Because it's based on .NET 4.5, you get some awesome lambda notations, LINQ, and a whole bunch of other C# awesomeness, which can make writing your business logic less painful. The downside here is that Xamarin expects that you want to make your applications truly feel native on the device, which means that you will likely end up rewriting your UI for each platform, before hooking it together with the business logic. I have heard about MvvmCross, which is designed to make this easier for you, but I haven't really had an opportunity to look into it yet. If you are familiar with the MVVM system in C#, you may want to have a look at this. When it comes to native libraries, MonoTouch becomes interesting. MonoTouch requires a Binding library to tell your C# code how to link into the underlying Objective-C and Java code. Some of these libraries will already have bindings, but if yours doesn't, creating one can be, interesting. Xamarin has made a tool called Objective Sharpie to help with this process, and for the most part, it will get you 95% of the way there. The remaining 5% will probably take 80% of your time attempting to bind a library.


As noted in the comments below, Xamarin has released Xamarin Forms which is a cross platform abstraction around the platform specific UI components. Definitely worth the look.

PhoneGap / Xamarin Hybrid

Now because I said I would get to it, the caveat mentioned in PhoneGap above, is a Hybrid approach, where you can use PhoneGap for part, and Xamarin for part. I have quite a bit of experience with this, and I would caution you against it. Highly. The problem with this, is it is such a no mans' land that if you ever run into issues, almost no one will have come close to what you're doing, and will question what you're trying to do greatly. It is doable, but it's definitely not fun.

Appcelerator Titanium

As I mentioned before, I haven't worked much with Appcelerator Titanium, So for the differences between them, I will suggest you look at Comparing Titanium and Phonegap or Comparison between Corona, Phonegap, Titanium as it has a very thorough description of the differences. Basically, it appears that though they both use JavaScript, how that JavaScript is interpreted is slightly different. With Titanium, you will be writing your JavaScript to the Titanium SDK, whereas with PhoneGap, you will write your application using the PhoneGap API. As PhoneGap is very HTML5 and JavaScript standards compliant, you can use pretty much any JavaScript libraries you want, such as JQuery. With PhoneGap your user interface will be composed of HTML and CSS. With Titanium, you will benefit from their Cross-platform XML which appears to generate Native components. This means it will definitely have a better native look and feel.

Make Error 127 when running trying to compile code

Error 127 means one of two things:

  1. file not found: the path you're using is incorrect. double check that the program is actually in your $PATH, or in this case, the relative path is correct -- remember that the current working directory for a random terminal might not be the same for the IDE you're using. it might be better to just use an absolute path instead.
  2. ldso is not found: you're using a pre-compiled binary and it wants an interpreter that isn't on your system. maybe you're using an x86_64 (64-bit) distro, but the prebuilt is for x86 (32-bit). you can determine whether this is the answer by opening a terminal and attempting to execute it directly. or by running file -L on /bin/sh (to get your default/native format) and on the compiler itself (to see what format it is).

if the problem is (2), then you can solve it in a few diff ways:

  1. get a better binary. talk to the vendor that gave you the toolchain and ask them for one that doesn't suck.
  2. see if your distro can install the multilib set of files. most x86_64 64-bit distros allow you to install x86 32-bit libraries in parallel.
  3. build your own cross-compiler using something like crosstool-ng.
  4. you could switch between an x86_64 & x86 install, but that seems a bit drastic ;).

Inline JavaScript onclick function

Based on the answer that @Mukund Kumar gave here's a version that passes the event argument to the anonymous function:

<a href="#" onClick="(function(e){
    alert('Hey i am calling');
    return false;
})(arguments[0]);return false;">click here</a>

How to encode text to base64 in python

It looks it's essential to call decode() function to make use of actual string data even after calling base64.b64decode over base64 encoded string. Because never forget it always return bytes literals.

import base64
conv_bytes = bytes('your string', 'utf-8')
print(conv_bytes)                                 # b'your string'
encoded_str = base64.b64encode(conv_bytes)
print(encoded_str)                                # b'eW91ciBzdHJpbmc='
print(base64.b64decode(encoded_str))              # b'your string'
print(base64.b64decode(encoded_str).decode())     # your string

$(document).on('click', '#id', function() {}) vs $('#id').on('click', function(){})

The first example demonstrates event delegation. The event handler is bound to an element higher up the DOM tree (in this case, the document) and will be executed when an event reaches that element having originated on an element matching the selector.

This is possible because most DOM events bubble up the tree from the point of origin. If you click on the #id element, a click event is generated that will bubble up through all of the ancestor elements (side note: there is actually a phase before this, called the 'capture phase', when the event comes down the tree to the target). You can capture the event on any of those ancestors.

The second example binds the event handler directly to the element. The event will still bubble (unless you prevent that in the handler) but since the handler is bound to the target, you won't see the effects of this process.

By delegating an event handler, you can ensure it is executed for elements that did not exist in the DOM at the time of binding. If your #id element was created after your second example, your handler would never execute. By binding to an element that you know is definitely in the DOM at the time of execution, you ensure that your handler will actually be attached to something and can be executed as appropriate later on.

What is this Javascript "require"?

So what is this "require?"

require() is not part of the standard JavaScript API. But in Node.js, it's a built-in function with a special purpose: to load modules.

Modules are a way to split an application into separate files instead of having all of your application in one file. This concept is also present in other languages with minor differences in syntax and behavior, like C's include, Python's import, and so on.

One big difference between Node.js modules and browser JavaScript is how one script's code is accessed from another script's code.

  • In browser JavaScript, scripts are added via the <script> element. When they execute, they all have direct access to the global scope, a "shared space" among all scripts. Any script can freely define/modify/remove/call anything on the global scope.

  • In Node.js, each module has its own scope. A module cannot directly access things defined in another module unless it chooses to expose them. To expose things from a module, they must be assigned to exports or module.exports. For a module to access another module's exports or module.exports, it must use require().

In your code, var pg = require('pg'); loads the pg module, a PostgreSQL client for Node.js. This allows your code to access functionality of the PostgreSQL client's APIs via the pg variable.

Why does it work in node but not in a webpage?

require(), module.exports and exports are APIs of a module system that is specific to Node.js. Browsers do not implement this module system.

Also, before I got it to work in node, I had to do npm install pg. What's that about?

NPM is a package repository service that hosts published JavaScript modules. npm install is a command that lets you download packages from their repository.

Where did it put it, and how does Javascript find it?

The npm cli puts all the downloaded modules in a node_modules directory where you ran npm install. Node.js has very detailed documentation on how modules find other modules which includes finding a node_modules directory.

Calculate the center point of multiple latitude/longitude coordinate pairs

This is is the same as a weighted average problem where all the weights are the same, and there are two dimensions.

Find the average of all latitudes for your center latitude and the average of all longitudes for the center longitude.

Caveat Emptor: This is a close distance approximation and the error will become unruly when the deviations from the mean are more than a few miles due to the curvature of the Earth. Remember that latitudes and longitudes are degrees (not really a grid).

How to get file extension from string in C++

This is a solution I came up with. Then, I noticed that it is similar to what @serengeor posted.

It works with std::string and find_last_of, but the basic idea will also work if modified to use char arrays and strrchr. It handles hidden files, and extra dots representing the current directory. It is platform independent.

string PathGetExtension( string const & path )
  string ext;

  // Find the last dot, if any.
  size_t dotIdx = path.find_last_of( "." );
  if ( dotIdx != string::npos )
    // Find the last directory separator, if any.
    size_t dirSepIdx = path.find_last_of( "/\\" );

    // If the dot is at the beginning of the file name, do not treat it as a file extension.
    // e.g., a hidden file:  ".alpha".
    // This test also incidentally avoids a dot that is really a current directory indicator.
    // e.g.:  "alpha/./bravo"
    if ( dotIdx > dirSepIdx + 1 )
      ext = path.substr( dotIdx );

  return ext;

Unit test:

int TestPathGetExtension( void )
  int errCount = 0;

  string tests[][2] = 
    { "/alpha/bravo.txt", ".txt" },
    { "/alpha/.bravo", "" },
    { ".alpha", "" },
    { "./alpha.txt", ".txt" },
    { "alpha/./bravo", "" },
    { "alpha/./bravo.txt", ".txt" },
    { "./alpha", "" },
    { "c:\\alpha\\\\charlie.txt", ".txt" },

  int n = sizeof( tests ) / sizeof( tests[0] );

  for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
    string ext = PathGetExtension( tests[i][0] );
    if ( ext != tests[i][1] )

  return errCount;

Redirect from an HTML page

Just use the onload event of the body tag:

<body onload="window.location = ''">

Foreign key constraints: When to use ON UPDATE and ON DELETE

You'll need to consider this in context of the application. In general, you should design an application, not a database (the database simply being part of the application).

Consider how your application should respond to various cases.

The default action is to restrict (i.e. not permit) the operation, which is normally what you want as it prevents stupid programming errors. However, on DELETE CASCADE can also be useful. It really depends on your application and how you intend to delete particular objects.

Personally, I'd use InnoDB because it doesn't trash your data (c.f. MyISAM, which does), rather than because it has FK constraints.

Read each line of txt file to new array element

    $file = file("links.txt");

This will be accept the txt file as array. So write anything to the links.txt file (use one line for one element) after, run this page :) your array will be $file

Why would anybody use C over C++?

Because they're writing a plugin and C++ has no standard ABI.

webpack is not recognized as a internal or external command,operable program or batch file

npx webpack

It is worked for me. I'm using Windows 10 and I installed webpack locally.

Set an environment variable in git bash

A normal variable is set by simply assigning it a value; note that no whitespace is allowed around the =:


An environment variable is a regular variable that has been marked for export to the environment.

export HOME

You can combine the assignment with the export statement.

export HOME=c

Connecting to a network folder with username/password in Powershell

This is not a PowerShell-specific answer, but you could authenticate against the share using "NET USE" first:

net use \\server\share /user:<domain\username> <password>

And then do whatever you need to do in PowerShell...

How do I hide the bullets on my list for the sidebar?

You have a selector ul on line 252 which is setting list-style: square outside none (a square bullet). You'll have to change it to list-style: none or just remove the line.

If you only want to remove the bullets from that specific instance, you can use the specific selector for that list and its items as follows:

ul#groups-list.items-list { list-style: none }

Should I use Java's String.format() if performance is important?

Here is modified version of hhafez entry. It includes a string builder option.

public class BLA
public static final String BLAH = "Blah ";
public static final String BLAH2 = " Blah";
public static final String BLAH3 = "Blah %d Blah";

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i = 0;
    long prev_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long time;
    int numLoops = 1000000;

    for( i = 0; i< numLoops; i++){
        String s = BLAH + i + BLAH2;
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - prev_time;

    System.out.println("Time after for loop " + time);

    prev_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for( i = 0; i<numLoops; i++){
        String s = String.format(BLAH3, i);
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - prev_time;
    System.out.println("Time after for loop " + time);

    prev_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for( i = 0; i<numLoops; i++){
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String s = sb.toString();
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - prev_time;
    System.out.println("Time after for loop " + time);



Time after for loop 391 Time after for loop 4163 Time after for loop 227

Can someone explain the dollar sign in Javascript?

In your example the $ has no special significance other than being a character of the name.

However, in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) the $ may represent a Template Literal

var user = 'Bob'
console.log(`We love ${user}.`); //Note backticks
// We love Bob.

Class name does not name a type in C++

Aren't you missing the #include "B.h" in A.h?

How do I check if a Sql server string is null or empty

To prevent the records with Empty or Null value in SQL result

we can simply add ..... WHERE Column_name != '' or 'null'

Getting full URL of action in ASP.NET MVC

This question is specific to ASP .NET however I am sure some of you will benefit of system agnostic javascript which is beneficial in many situations.

UPDATE: The way to get url formed outside of the page itself is well described in answers above.

Or you could do a oneliner like following:

new UrlHelper(actionExecutingContext.RequestContext).Action(
    "SessionTimeout", "Home", 
    new {area = string.Empty}, 
    actionExecutingContext.Request.Url!= null? 
    actionExecutingContext.Request.Url.Scheme : "http"

from filter or:

new UrlHelper(this.Request.RequestContext).Action(
    new { area = productType }, 
    this.Request.Url!= null? this.Request.Url.Scheme : "http"

However quite often one needs to get the url of current page, for those cases using Html.Action and putting he name and controller of page you are in to me feels awkward. My preference in such cases is to use JavaScript instead. This is especially good in systems that are half re-written MVT half web-forms half vb-script half God knows what - and to get URL of current page one needs to use different method every time.

One way is to use JavaScript to get URL is window.location.href another - document.URL

Python: How to check if keys exists and retrieve value from Dictionary in descending priority

One option if the number of keys is small is to use chained gets:

value = myDict.get('lastName', myDict.get('firstName', myDict.get('userName')))

But if you have keySet defined, this might be clearer:

value = None
for key in keySet:
    if key in myDict:
        value = myDict[key]

The chained gets do not short-circuit, so all keys will be checked but only one used. If you have enough possible keys that that matters, use the for loop.

How do I connect to a MySQL Database in Python?

MySQLdb is the straightforward way. You get to execute SQL queries over a connection. Period.

My preferred way, which is also pythonic, is to use the mighty SQLAlchemy instead. Here is a query related tutorial, and here is a tutorial on ORM capabilities of SQLALchemy.

JS how to cache a variable

check out my js lib for caching:

My blog post: New way to cache your data with Javascript


  • Conveniently use array as key for saving cache
  • Support array and localStorage
  • Clear cache by context (clear all blog posts with authorId="abc")
  • No dependency

Basic usage:

Saving cache:

cacheJS.set({blogId:1,type:'view'},'<h1>Blog 1</h1>');
cacheJS.set({blogId:2,type:'view'},'<h1>Blog 2</h1>', null, {author:'hoangnd'});
cacheJS.set({blogId:3,type:'view'},'<h1>Blog 3</h1>', 3600, {author:'hoangnd',categoryId:2});

Retrieving cache:

cacheJS.get({blogId: 1,type: 'view'});

Flushing cache

cacheJS.removeByKey({blogId: 1,type: 'view'});
cacheJS.removeByKey({blogId: 2,type: 'view'});


Switching provider

cacheJS.use('array').set({blogId:1},'<h1>Blog 1</h1>')};

Fastest method of screen capturing on Windows

I wrote a video capture software, similar to FRAPS for DirectX applications. The source code is available and my article explains the general technique. Look at

Respect to your questions related to performance,

  • DirectX should be faster than GDI except when you are reading from the frontbuffer which is very slow. My approach is similar to FRAPS (reading from backbuffer). I intercept a set of methods from Direct3D interfaces.

  • For video recording in realtime (with minimal application impact), a fast codec is essential. FRAPS uses it's own lossless video codec. Lagarith and HUFFYUV are generic lossless video codecs designed for realtime applications. You should look at them if you want to output video files.

  • Another approach to recording screencasts could be to write a Mirror Driver. According to Wikipedia: When video mirroring is active, each time the system draws to the primary video device at a location inside the mirrored area, a copy of the draw operation is executed on the mirrored video device in real-time. See mirror drivers at MSDN:

adding line break

The correct answer is to use Environment.NewLine, as you've noted. It is environment specific and provides clarity over "\r\n" (but in reality makes no difference).

foreach (var item in FirmNameList) 
    if (FirmNames != "")
        FirmNames += ", " + Environment.NewLine;
    FirmNames += item; 

How do I perform a GROUP BY on an aliased column in MS-SQL Server?

Sorry, this is not possible with MS SQL Server (possible though with PostgreSQL):

select lastname + ', ' + firstname as fullname
from person
group by fullname

Otherwise just use this:

select x.fullname
    select lastname + ', ' + firstname as fullname
    from person
) as x
group by x.fullname

Or this:

select lastname + ', ' + firstname as fullname
from person
group by lastname, firstname  -- no need to put the ', '

The above query is faster, groups the fields first, then compute those fields.

The following query is slower (it tries to compute first the select expression, then it groups the records based on that computation).

select lastname + ', ' + firstname as fullname
from person
group by lastname + ', ' + firstname

Xml serialization - Hide null values

In my case the nullable variables/elements were all String type. So, I simply performed a check and assigned them string.Empty in case of NULL. This way I got rid of the unnecessary nil and xmlns attributes (p3:nil="true" xmlns:p3="

// Example:

myNullableStringElement = varCarryingValue ?? string.Empty

// OR

myNullableStringElement = myNullableStringElement ?? string.Empty

Best way to compare two complex objects

If you don't want to implement IEquatable, you can always use Reflection to compare all the properties: - if they're value type, just compare them -if they are reference type, call the function recursively to compare its "inner" properties.

I'm not thinking about performace, but about simplicity. It depends, however on the exact design of your objects. It could get complicated depending on your objects shape (for example if there are cyclic dependencies between properties). There are, however, several solutions out there that you can use, like this one:

Another option is to serialize the object as text, for example using JSON.NET, and comparing the serialization result. (JSON.NET can handle Cyclic dependencies between properties).

I don't know if by fastest you mean the fastest way to implement it or a code that runs fast. You should not optimize before knowing if you need to. Premature optimization is the root of all evil

Try-catch-finally-return clarification

Here is some code that show how it works.

class Test
    public static void main(String args[]) 

    public static String test()
        try {
            throw new Exception();
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return "return"; 
        } finally {  
            return "return in finally"; 

The results is:

return in finally

.htaccess redirect www to non-www with SSL/HTTPS

This worked for me:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

How to get the concrete class name as a string?

you can also create a dict with the classes themselves as keys, not necessarily the classnames

    int:lambda x: x*2,
    str:lambda s:'(*(%s)*)'%s

def transform (param):
    print typefunc[type(param)](param)

transform (1)
>>> 2
transform ("hi")
>>> (*(hi)*)

here typefunc is a dict that maps a function for each type. transform gets that function and applies it to the parameter.

of course, it would be much better to use 'real' OOP

Reading a key from the Web.Config using ConfigurationManager

I found this solution to be quite helpful. It uses C# 4.0 DynamicObject to wrap the ConfigurationManager. So instead of accessing values like this:


you access them as a property:

dynamic appSettings = new AppSettingsWrapper();

EDIT: Adding code snippet in case link becomes stale:

public class AppSettingsWrapper : DynamicObject
     private NameValueCollection _items;

    public AppSettingsWrapper()
        _items = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;

     public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
        result = _items[binder.Name];
        return result != null;

Removing border from table cells

Change your table declaration to:

<table style="border: 1px dashed; width: 500px;">

Here is the sample in action:

numpy: most efficient frequency counts for unique values in an array

Even though it has already been answered, I suggest a different approach that makes use of numpy.histogram. Such function given a sequence it returns the frequency of its elements grouped in bins.

Beware though: it works in this example because numbers are integers. If they where real numbers, then this solution would not apply as nicely.

>>> from numpy import histogram
>>> y = histogram (x, bins=x.max()-1)
>>> y
(array([5, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 array([  1.,   2.,   3.,   4.,   5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.,  11.,
        12.,  13.,  14.,  15.,  16.,  17.,  18.,  19.,  20.,  21.,  22.,
        23.,  24.,  25.]))

XPath to select multiple tags

Why not a/b/(c|d|e)? I just tried with Saxon XML library (wrapped up nicely with some Clojure goodness), and it seems to work. abc.xml is the doc described by OP.

(require '[saxon :as xml])
(def abc-doc (xml/compile-xml (slurp "abc.xml")))
(xml/query "a/b/(c|d|e)" abc-doc)
=> (#<XdmNode <c>C1</c>>
    #<XdmNode <d>D1</d>>
    #<XdmNode <e>E1</e>>
    #<XdmNode <c>C2</c>>
    #<XdmNode <d>D2</d>>
    #<XdmNode <e>E1</e>>)

How can I extract a predetermined range of lines from a text file on Unix?

Quick and dirty:

head -16428 < | tail -259 > file.out

Probably not the best way to do it but it should work.

BTW: 259 = 16482-16224+1.

Set initial value in datepicker with jquery?

Use setDate

.datepicker( "setDate" , date )

Sets the current date for the datepicker. The new date may be a Date object or a string in the current date format (e.g. '01/26/2009'), a number of days from today (e.g. +7) or a string of values and periods ('y' for years, 'm' for months, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, e.g. '+1m +7d'), or null to clear the selected date.

Regex Explanation ^.*$


literally just means select everything

"^"  // anchors to the beginning of the line
".*" // zero or more of any character
"$"  // anchors to end of line

shift a std_logic_vector of n bit to right or left

I would not suggest to use sll or srl with std_logic_vector.

During simulation sll gave me 'U' value for those bits, where I expected 0's.

Use shift_left(), shift_right() functions.

For example:

OP1 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal accum: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

accum <= std_logic_vector(shift_left(unsigned(accum), to_integer(unsigned(OP1)))); accum <= std_logic_vector(shift_right(unsigned(accum), to_integer(unsigned(OP1))));

Excel: Use a cell value as a parameter for a SQL query

If you are using microsoft query, you can add "?" to your query...

select name from user where id= ?

that will popup a small window asking for the cell/data/etc when you go back to excel.

In the popup window, you can also select "always use this cell as a parameter" eliminating the need to define that cell every time you refresh your data. This is the easiest option.

How do you read scanf until EOF in C?


while(scanf("%15s", words) != EOF)

You need to compare scanf output with EOF

Since you are specifying a width of 15 in the format string, you'll read at most 15 char. So the words char array should be of size 16 ( 15 +1 for null char). So declare it as:

char words[16];

How to get all count of mongoose model?

The highest voted answers here are perfectly fine I just want to add up the use of await so that the functionality asked for can be archived:

const documentCount = await userModel.count({});
console.log( "Number of users:", documentCount );

It's recommended to use countDocuments() over 'count()' as it will be deprecated going on. So, for now, the perfect code would be:

const documentCount = await userModel.countDocuments({});
console.log( "Number of users:", documentCount );

How can I change Mac OS's default Java VM returned from /usr/libexec/java_home

I actually looked at this a little in the disassembler, since source isn't available.

/usr/bin/java and /usr/libexec/java_home both make use of JavaLaunching.framework. The JAVA_HOME environment variable is indeed checked first by /usr/bin/java and friends (but not /usr/libexec/java_home.) The framework uses the JAVA_VERSION and JAVA_ARCH envirionment variables to filter the available JVMs. So, by default:

$ /usr/libexec/java_home -V
Matching Java Virtual Machines (2):
    11.0.5, x86_64: "Amazon Corretto 11"    /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/amazon-corretto-11.jdk/Contents/Home
    1.8.0_232, x86_64:  "Amazon Corretto 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/amazon-corretto-8.jdk/Contents/Home


But setting, say, JAVA_VERSION can override the default:

$ JAVA_VERSION=1.8 /usr/libexec/java_home

You can also set JAVA_LAUNCHER_VERBOSE=1 to see some additional debug logging as far as search paths, found JVMs, etc., with both /usr/bin/java and /usr/libexec/java_home.

In the past, JavaLaunching.framework actually used the preferences system (under the domain) to set the preferred JVM order, allowing the default JVM to be set with PlistBuddy - but as best as I can tell, that code has been removed in recent versions of macOS. Environment variables seem to be the only way (aside from editing the Info.plist in the JDK bundles themselves.)

Setting default environment variables can of course be done through your .profile or via launchd, if you need them be set at a session level.

How to discard uncommitted changes in SourceTree?

Do as follow,

  • Click on commit
  • Select all by pressing CMD+A that you want to delete or discard
  • Right click on the selected uncommitted files that you want to delete
  • Select Remove from the drop-down list

ASP.NET MVC Razor: How to render a Razor Partial View's HTML inside the controller action

I saw that someone was wondering how to do it for another controller.

In my case I had all of my email templates in the Views/Email folder, but you could modify this to pass in the controller in which you have views associated for.

public static string RenderViewToString(Controller controller, string viewName, object model)
        var oldController = controller.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();

        if (controller.GetType() != typeof(EmailController))
            controller.RouteData.Values["controller"] = "Email";

        var oldModel = controller.ViewData.Model;
        controller.ViewData.Model = model;
            using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                var viewResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(controller.ControllerContext, viewName,

                var viewContext = new ViewContext(controller.ControllerContext, viewResult.View, controller.ViewData, controller.TempData, sw);
                viewResult.View.Render(viewContext, sw);

                controller.ViewData.Model = oldModel;
                controller.RouteData.Values["controller"] = oldController;

                return sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();
        catch (Exception ex)

            throw ex;

Essentially what this does is take a controller, such as AccountController and modify it to think it's an EmailController so that the code will look in the Views/Email folder. It's necessary to do this because the FindView method doesn't take a straight up path as a parameter, it wants a ControllerContext.

Once done rendering the string, it returns the AccountController back to its initial state to be used by the Response object.

Are vectors passed to functions by value or by reference in C++

A vector is functionally same as an array. But, to the language vector is a type, and int is also a type. To a function argument, an array of any type (including vector[]) is treated as pointer. A vector<int> is not same as int[] (to the compiler). vector<int> is non-array, non-reference, and non-pointer - it is being passed by value, and hence it will call copy-constructor.

So, you must use vector<int>& (preferably with const, if function isn't modifying it) to pass it as a reference.

How can I change all input values to uppercase using Jquery?

Use css text-transform to display text in all input type text. In Jquery you can then transform the value to uppercase on blur event.


input[type=text] {
    text-transform: uppercase;


$(document).on('blur', "input[type=text]", function () {
    $(this).val(function (_, val) {
        return val.toUpperCase();

What is the definition of "interface" in object oriented programming

In Programming, an interface defines what the behavior a an object will have, but it will not actually specify the behavior. It is a contract, that will guarantee, that a certain class can do something.

Consider this piece of C# code here:

using System;

public interface IGenerate
    int Generate();

// Dependencies
public class KnownNumber : IGenerate
    public int Generate() 
        return 5;

public class SecretNumber : IGenerate
    public int Generate()
        return new Random().Next(0, 10);

// What you care about
class Game
    public Game(IGenerate generator) 

new Game(new SecretNumber());
new Game(new KnownNumber());

The Game class requires a secret number. For the sake of testing it, you would like to inject what will be used as a secret number (this principle is called Inversion of Control).

The game class wants to be "open minded" about what will actually create the random number, therefore it will ask in its constructor for "anything, that has a Generate method".

First, the interface specifies, what operations an object will provide. It just contains what it looks like, but no actual implementation is given. This is just the signature of the method. Conventionally, in C# interfaces are prefixed with an I. The classes now implement the IGenerate Interface. This means that the compiler will make sure, that they both have a method, that returns an int and is called Generate. The game now is being called two different object, each of which implementant the correct interface. Other classes would produce an error upon building the code.

Here I noticed the blueprint analogy you used:

A class is commonly seen as a blueprint for an object. An Interface specifies something that a class will need to do, so one could argue that it indeed is just a blueprint for a class, but since a class does not necessarily need an interface, I would argue that this metaphor is breaking. Think of an interface as a contract. The class that "signs it" will be legally required (enforced by the compiler police), to comply to the terms and conditions in the contract. This means that it will have to do, what is specified in the interface.

This is all due to the statically typed nature of some OO languages, as it is the case with Java or C#. In Python on the other hand, another mechanism is used:

import random

# Dependencies
class KnownNumber(object):
    def generate(self):
        return 5

class SecretNumber(object):
    def generate(self):
        return random.randint(0,10)

# What you care about
class SecretGame(object):
    def __init__(self, number_generator):
        number = number_generator.generate()
        print number

Here, none of the classes implement an interface. Python does not care about that, because the SecretGame class will just try to call whatever object is passed in. If the object HAS a generate() method, everything is fine. If it doesn't: KAPUTT! This mistake will not be seen at compile time, but at runtime, so possibly when your program is already deployed and running. C# would notify you way before you came close to that.

The reason this mechanism is used, naively stated, because in OO languages naturally functions aren't first class citizens. As you can see, KnownNumber and SecretNumber contain JUST the functions to generate a number. One does not really need the classes at all. In Python, therefore, one could just throw them away and pick the functions on their own:

# OO Approach

# Functional Approach

# Dependencies
class SecretGame(object):
    def __init__(self, generate):
        number =  generate()
        print number

SecretGame(lambda: random.randint(0,10))
SecretGame(lambda: 5)

A lambda is just a function, that was declared "in line, as you go". A delegate is just the same in C#:

class Game
    public Game(Func<int> generate) 

new Game(() => 5);
new Game(() => new Random().Next(0, 10));

Side note: The latter examples were not possible like this up to Java 7. There, Interfaces were your only way of specifying this behavior. However, Java 8 introduced lambda expressions so the C# example can be converted to Java very easily (Func<int> becomes java.util.function.IntSupplier and => becomes ->).

How to make a view with rounded corners?

You can use an androidx.cardview.widget.CardView like so:






<shape xmlns:android=""

    <solid android:color="#f6eef1" />

        android:color="#000000" />

        android:top="5dp" />

    <corners android:radius="5dp" />


and inside you layout




How do I find where JDK is installed on my windows machine?

In windows the default is: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14 (where the numbers may differ, as they're the version).

Get all photos from Instagram which have a specific hashtag with PHP

To get more than 20 you can use a load more button.


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>Instagram more button example</title>
    Instagram PHP API class @ Github
    article, aside, figure, footer, header, hgroup, 
    menu, nav, section { display: block; }
    ul {
      width: 950px;
    ul > li {
      float: left;
      list-style: none;
      padding: 4px;
    #more {
      bottom: 8px;
      margin-left: 80px;
      position: fixed;
      font-size: 13px;
      font-weight: 700;
      line-height: 20px;
  <script src=""></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
      $('#more').click(function() {
        var tag   = $(this).data('tag'),
            maxid = $(this).data('maxid');

          type: 'GET',
          url: 'ajax.php',
          data: {
            tag: tag,
            max_id: maxid
          dataType: 'json',
          cache: false,
          success: function(data) {
            // Output data
            $.each(data.images, function(i, src) {
              $('ul#photos').append('<li><img src="' + src + '"></li>');

            // Store new maxid
            $('#more').data('maxid', data.next_id);

   * Instagram PHP API

   require_once 'instagram.class.php';

    // Initialize class with client_id
    // Register at and replace client_id with your own
    $instagram = new Instagram('ENTER CLIENT ID HERE');

    // Get latest photos according to geolocation for Växjö
    // $geo = $instagram->searchMedia(56.8770413, 14.8092744);

    $tag = 'sweden';

    // Get recently tagged media
    $media = $instagram->getTagMedia($tag);

    // Display first results in a <ul>
    echo '<ul id="photos">';

    foreach ($media->data as $data) 
        echo '<li><img src="'.$data->images->thumbnail->url.'"></li>';
    echo '</ul>';

    // Show 'load more' button
    echo '<br><button id="more" data-maxid="'.$media->pagination->next_max_id.'" data-tag="'.$tag.'">Load more ...</button>';



     * Instagram PHP API

     require_once 'instagram.class.php';

      // Initialize class for public requests
      $instagram = new Instagram('ENTER CLIENT ID HERE');

      // Receive AJAX request and create call object
      $tag = $_GET['tag'];
      $maxID = $_GET['max_id'];
      $clientID = $instagram->getApiKey();

      $call = new stdClass;
      $call->pagination->next_max_id = $maxID;
      $call->pagination->next_url = "{$tag}/media/recent?client_id={$clientID}&max_tag_id={$maxID}";

      // Receive new data
      $media = $instagram->getTagMedia($tag,$auth=false,array('max_tag_id'=>$maxID));

      // Collect everything for json output
      $images = array();
      foreach ($media->data as $data) {
        $images[] = $data->images->thumbnail->url;

      echo json_encode(array(
        'next_id' => $media->pagination->next_max_id,
        'images'  => $images


Find the function getTagMedia() and replace with:

public function getTagMedia($name, $auth=false, $params=null) {
    return $this->_makeCall('tags/' . $name . '/media/recent', $auth, $params);

How can I stop float left?

Okay I just realized the answer is to remove the first float left from the first DIV. Don't know why I didn't see that before.

How to center a "position: absolute" element

If you want to center an absolute element

#div {
    width:300px; /* Assign a value */
    height:500px; /* Assign a value */

If you want a container to be centered left to right, but not with top to bottom

#div {
    width:300px; /* Assign a value */
    height:500px; /* Assign a value */

If you want a container to be centered top to bottom, regardless of being left to right

#div {
    width:300px; /* Assign a value */
    height:500px; /* Assign a value */

Update as of December 15, 2015

Well I learnt this another new trick few months ago. Assuming that you have a relative parent element.

Here goes your absolute element.

.absolute-element { 
    transform:translate(-50%, -50%); 
    width:50%; /* You can specify ANY width values here */ 

With this, I think it's a better answer than my old solution. Since you don't have to specify width AND height. This one it adapts the content of the element itself.

What is the default value for Guid?

You can use these methods to get an empty guid. The result will be a guid with all it's digits being 0's - "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000".

new Guid()



Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Apache\htdocs\test.php on line 2

Uncomment the line extension=php_mysql.dll in your "php.ini" file and restart Apache.

Additionally, "libmysql.dll" file must be available to Apache, i.e., it must be either in available in Windows systems PATH or in Apache working directory.

See more about installing MySQL extension in manual.

P.S. I would advise to consider MySQL extension as deprecated and to use MySQLi or even PDO for working with databases (I prefer PDO).

Getting the thread ID from a thread

From managed code you have access to instances of the Thread type for each managed thread. Thread encapsulates the concept of an OS thread and as of the current CLR there's a one-to-one correspondance with managed threads and OS threads. However, this is an implementation detail, that may change in the future.

The ID displayed by Visual Studio is actually the OS thread ID. This is not the same as the managed thread ID as suggested by several replies.

The Thread type does include a private IntPtr member field called DONT_USE_InternalThread, which points to the underlying OS structure. However, as this is really an implementation detail it is not advisable to pursue this IMO. And the name sort of indicates that you shouldn't rely on this.

PostgreSQL: export resulting data from SQL query to Excel/CSV

If you have error like "ERROR: could not open server file "/file": Permission denied" you can fix it that:

Ran through the same problem, and this is the solution I found: Create a new folder (for instance, tmp) under /home $ cd /home make postgres the owner of that folder $ chown -R postgres:postgres tmp copy in tmp the files you want to write into the database, and make sure they also are owned by postgres. That's it. You should be in business after that.

Completely uninstall PostgreSQL 9.0.4 from Mac OSX Lion?

This blog post explains very well:

(just replace 9.X by your version. e.g: 9.6)

A. If installed PostgreSQL with homebrew, enter brew uninstall postgresql

B. If you used the EnterpriseDB installer, follow the following step.

Run the uninstaller on terminal window: sudo /Library/PostgreSQL/9.X/

C. If installed with Postgres Installer, do:

open /Library/PostgreSQL/9.X/

Remove the PostgreSQL and data folders. The Wizard will notify you that these were not removed.

sudo rm -rf /Library/PostgreSQL

Remove the ini file:

sudo rm /etc/postgres-reg.ini

Remove the PostgreSQL user using System Preferences -> Users & Groups.

Unlock the settings panel by clicking on the padlock and entering your password. Select the PostgreSQL user and click on the minus button. Restore your shared memory settings: sudo rm /etc/sysctl.conf

Download files in laravel using Response::download

File downloads are super simple in Laravel 5.

As @Ashwani mentioned Laravel 5 allows file downloads with response()->download() to return file for download. We no longer need to mess with any headers. To return a file we simply:

return response()->download(public_path('file_path/from_public_dir.pdf'));

from within the controller.

Reusable Download Route/Controller

Now let's make a reusable file download route and controller so we can server up any file in our public/files directory.

Create the controller:

php artisan make:controller --plain DownloadsController

Create the route in app/Http/routes.php:

Route::get('/download/{file}', 'DownloadsController@download');

Make download method in app/Http/Controllers/DownloadsController:

class DownloadsController extends Controller
  public function download($file_name) {
    $file_path = public_path('files/'.$file_name);
    return response()->download($file_path);

Now simply drops some files in the public/files directory and you can server them up by linking to /download/filename.ext:

<a href="/download/filename.ext">File Name</a> // update to your own "filename.ext"

If you pulled in Laravel Collective's Html package you can use the Html facade:

{!! Html::link('download/filename.ext', 'File Name') !!}

Pushing to Git returning Error Code 403 fatal: HTTP request failed

This has happened to me because the repository was disabled (a repository can be disabled by the owner or Github may disable all private repositories of an account if the account does not pay it's bill).

So you should contact the repository owner and inform him that the repository is disabled.

How to calculate the median of an array?

return (numArray[size/2] + numArray[(size-1)/2]) / 2;

Docker build gives "unable to prepare context: context must be a directory: /Users/tempUser/git/docker/Dockerfile"

It's simple, whenever Docker build is run, docker wants to know, what's the image name, so we need to pass -t : . Now make sure you are in the same directory where you have your Dockerfile and run

docker build -t <image_name>:<version> . Example docker build -t my_apache:latest . assuming you are in the same directory as your Dockerfile otherwise pass -f flag and the Dockerfile.

docker build -t my_apache:latest -f ~/Users/documents/myapache/Dockerfile

Should methods in a Java interface be declared with or without a public access modifier?

I prefer skipping it, I read somewhere that interfaces are by default, public and abstract.

To my surprise the book - Head First Design Patterns, is using public with interface declaration and interface methods... that made me rethink once again and I landed up on this post.

Anyways, I think redundant information should be ignored.

Using app.config in .Net Core

It is possible to use your usual System.Configuration even in .NET Core 2.0 on Linux. Try this test example:

  1. Created a .NET Standard 2.0 Library (say MyLib.dll)
  2. Added the NuGet package System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager v4.4.0. This is needed since this package isn't covered by the meta-package NetStandard.Library v2.0.0 (I hope that changes)
  3. All your C# classes derived from ConfigurationSection or ConfigurationElement go into MyLib.dll. For example MyClass.cs derives from ConfigurationSection and MyAccount.cs derives from ConfigurationElement. Implementation details are out of scope here but Google is your friend.
  4. Create a .NET Core 2.0 app (e.g. a console app, MyApp.dll). .NET Core apps end with .dll rather than .exe in Framework.
  5. Create an app.config in MyApp with your custom configuration sections. This should obviously match your class designs in #3 above. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <section name="myCustomConfig" type="MyNamespace.MyClass, MyLib" />
    <myAccount id="007" />

That's it - you'll find that the app.config is parsed properly within MyApp and your existing code within MyLib works just fine. Don't forget to run dotnet restore if you switch platforms from Windows (dev) to Linux (test).

Additional workaround for test projects

If you're finding that your App.config is not working in your test projects, you might need this snippet in your test project's .csproj (e.g. just before the ending </Project>). It basically copies App.config into your output folder as testhost.dll.config so dotnet test picks it up.

  <!-- START: This is a buildtime work around for -->
  <Target Name="CopyCustomContent" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">
    <Copy SourceFiles="App.config" DestinationFiles="$(OutDir)\testhost.dll.config" />
  <!-- END: This is a buildtime work around for -->

Python subprocess.Popen "OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory"

Maybe you can simply

$ sudo bash -c "echo vm.overcommit_memory=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf"
$ sudo sysctl -p

It works for my case.


How to store Java Date to Mysql datetime with JPA

see in the link :

The following code just solved the problem:

java.util.Date dt = new java.util.Date();

java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = 
     new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

String currentTime = sdf.format(dt);

This 'currentTime' was inserted into the column whose type was DateTime and it was successful.

How to efficiently count the number of keys/properties of an object in JavaScript?


Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)

You can either add it to all your objects:

Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "length", {
    enumerable: false,
    get: function() {
        return Object.keys(this).length;

Or a single object:

var myObj = {};
Object.defineProperty(myObj, "length", {
    enumerable: false,
    get: function() {
        return Object.keys(this).length;


var myObj = {};  = "John Doe"; = "[email protected]";
myObj.length; //output: 2

Added that way, it won't be displayed in loops:

for(var i in myObj) {
     console.log(i + ":" + myObj[i]);


name:John Doe
email:[email protected]

Note: it does not work in < IE9 browsers.

How to enumerate a range of numbers starting at 1

Python 3

Official Python documentation: enumerate(iterable, start=0)

You don't need to write your own generator as other answers here suggest. The built-in Python standard library already contains a function that does exactly what you want:

>>> seasons = ['Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall', 'Winter']
>>> list(enumerate(seasons))
[(0, 'Spring'), (1, 'Summer'), (2, 'Fall'), (3, 'Winter')]
>>> list(enumerate(seasons, start=1))
[(1, 'Spring'), (2, 'Summer'), (3, 'Fall'), (4, 'Winter')]

The built-in function is equivalent to this:

def enumerate(sequence, start=0):
  n = start
  for elem in sequence:
    yield n, elem
    n += 1

Mockito How to mock and assert a thrown exception?

Use Mockito's doThrow and then catch the desired exception to assert it was thrown later.

public void fooShouldThrowMyException() {
    // given
    val myClass = new MyClass();
    val arg = mock(MyArgument.class);
    Exception exception = null;

    // when
    try {;
    } catch (MyException t) {
        exception = t;

    // then