[javascript] Expand and collapse with angular js

You can solve this fully in the html:

  <input ng-model=collapse type=checkbox>Title
  <div ng-show=collapse>
     Only shown when checkbox is clicked

This also works well with ng-repeat since it will create a local scope for each member.

  <tbody ng-repeat='m in members'>
       <td><input type=checkbox ng-model=collapse></td>
    <tr ng-show=collapse>
      <td> </td>
      <td>{{ m.content }}</td>

Be aware that even though a repeat has its own scope, initially it will inherit the value from collapse from super scopes. This allows you to set the initial value in one place but it can be surprising.

You can of course restyle the checkbox. See http://jsfiddle.net/azD5m/5/

Updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/azD5m/374/ Original fiddle used closing </input> tags to add the HTML text label instead of using <label> tags.

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