[c#] Entity Framework code-first: migration fails with update-database, forces unneccessary(?) add-migration

I understand this is a very old thread. However, wanted to share how I encountered the message in my scenario and in case it might help others

  1. I created an Add-Migration <Migration_name> on my local machine. Didn't run the update-database yet.
  2. Meanwhile, there were series of commits in parent branch that I must down merge. The merge also had a migration to it and when I fixed conflicts, I ended up having 2 migrations that are added to my project but are not executed via update-database.
  3. Now I don't use enable-migrations -force in my application. Rather my preferred way is execute the update-database -script command to control the target migrations I need.
  4. So, when I attempted the above command, I get the error in question.

My solution was to run update-database -Script -TargetMigration <migration_name_from_merge> and then my update-database -Script -TargetMigration <migration_name> which generated 2 scripts that I was able to run manually on my local db.

Needless to say above experience is on my local machine.

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