[c#] Entity Framework Migrations renaming tables and columns

If you don't like writing/changing the required code in the Migration class manually, you can follow a two-step approach which automatically make the RenameColumn code which is required:

Step One Use the ColumnAttribute to introduce the new column name and then add-migration (e.g. Add-Migration ColumnChanged)

public class ReportPages
    [Column("Section_Id")]                 //Section_Id
    public int Group_Id{get;set}

Step-Two change the property name and again apply to same migration (e.g. Add-Migration ColumnChanged -force) in the Package Manager Console

public class ReportPages
    [Column("Section_Id")]                 //Section_Id
    public int Section_Id{get;set}

If you look at the Migration class you can see the automatically code generated is RenameColumn.

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