Programs & Examples On #Service name

Java JDBC - How to connect to Oracle using Service Name instead of SID

This discussion helped me resolve the issue I was struggling with for days. I looked around all over the internet until I found the answered by Jim Tough on May 18 '11 at 15:17. With that answer I was able to connect. Now I want to give back and help others with a complete example. Here goes:

import java.sql.*; 

public class MyDBConnect {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {

        try { 
            String dbURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=whatEverYourHostNameIs)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=yourServiceName)))";
            String strUserID = "yourUserId";
            String strPassword = "yourPassword";
            Connection myConnection=DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,strUserID,strPassword);

            Statement sqlStatement = myConnection.createStatement();
            String readRecordSQL = "select * from sa_work_order where WORK_ORDER_NO = '1503090' ";  
            ResultSet myResultSet = sqlStatement.executeQuery(readRecordSQL);
            while ( {
                System.out.println("Record values: " + myResultSet.getString("WORK_ORDER_NO"));

        } catch (Exception e) {

NameError: global name is not defined

That's How Python works. Try this :

from sqlitedbx import SqliteDBzz

Such that you can directly use the name without the enclosing module.Or just import the module and prepend 'sqlitedbx.' to your function,class etc

How to capitalize the first character of each word in a string

public static String toTitleCase(String word){
    return Character.toUpperCase(word.charAt(0)) + word.substring(1);

public static void main(String[] args){
    String phrase = "this is to be title cased";
    String[] splitPhrase = phrase.split(" ");
    String result = "";

    for(String word: splitPhrase){
        result += toTitleCase(word) + " ";

How to programmatically take a screenshot on Android?

Short way is

FrameLayout layDraw = (FrameLayout) findViewById(; /*Your root view to be part of screenshot*/
Bitmap bmp = layDraw.getDrawingCache();

Convert binary to ASCII and vice versa

if you don'y want to import any files you can use this:

with open("Test1.txt", "r") as File1:
St = (' '.join(format(ord(x), 'b') for x in
StrList = St.split(" ")

to convert a text file to binary.

and you can use this to convert it back to string:

StrOrgList = StrOrgMsg.split(" ")

for StrValue in StrOrgList:
    if(StrValue != ""):
        StrMsg += chr(int(str(StrValue),2))

hope that is helpful, i've used this with some custom encryption to send over TCP.

How do I check if a SQL Server text column is empty?

Actually, you just have to use the LIKE operator.

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mytextfield LIKE ''

Awk if else issues

Try the code

awk '{s=($3==0)?"-":$3/$4; print s}'

How to use Oracle's LISTAGG function with a unique filter?

Super simple answer - solved!

my full answer here it is now built in in some oracle versions.

select group_id, 
    listagg(name, ',') within group (order by name)
    ,'([^,]+)(,\1)*(,|$)', '\1\3')
from demotable
group by group_id;  

This only works if you specify the delimiter to ',' not ', ' ie works only for no spaces after the comma. If you want spaces after the comma - here is a example how.

     regexp_replace('BBall, BBall, BBall, Football, Ice Hockey ',',\s*',',')            
    ,'([^,]+)(,\1)*(,|$)', '\1\3')
,',',', ') 
from dual

gives BBall, Football, Ice Hockey

CSS :not(:last-child):after selector

For me it work fine

            text-transform: uppercase;

ASP.NET MVC How to pass JSON object from View to Controller as Parameter

You say "I am not using a forms to manipulate the data." But you are doing a POST. Therefore, you are, in fact, using a form, even if it's empty.

$.ajax's dataType tells jQuery what type the server will return, not what you are passing. POST can only pass a form. jQuery will convert data to key/value pairs and pass it as a query string. From the docs:

Data to be sent to the server. It is converted to a query string, if not already a string. It's appended to the url for GET-requests. See processData option to prevent this automatic processing. Object must be Key/Value pairs. If value is an Array, jQuery serializes multiple values with same key i.e. {foo:["bar1", "bar2"]} becomes '&foo=bar1&foo=bar2'.


  1. You aren't passing JSON to the server. You're passing JSON to jQuery.
  2. Model binding happens in the same way it happens in any other case.

Detect HTTP or HTTPS then force HTTPS in JavaScript

You should check this:

Add this meta tag to your index.html inside head

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">

Hope it helped.

Html encode in PHP

By encode, do you mean: Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities?

htmlspecialchars or htmlentities

You can also use strip_tags if you want to remove all HTML tags :


Note: this will NOT stop all XSS attacks

Match at every second occurrence

Use grouping.


How to add a new schema to sql server 2008?

Use the CREATE SCHEMA syntax or, in SSMS, drill down through Databases -> YourDatabaseName -> Security -> Schemas. Right-click on the Schemas folder and select "New Schema..."

WebApi's {"message":"an error has occurred"} on IIS7, not in IIS Express

None of the other answers worked for me.

This did: (in Startup.cs)

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        var config = new HttpConfiguration();


        // Here: 
        config.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always;

(or you can put it in WebApiConfig.cs):

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Web API routes

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

        // Here: 
        config.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always;

Convert base class to derived class

I have found one solution to this, not saying it's the best one, but it feels clean to me and doesn't require any major changes to my code. My code looked similar to yours until I realized it didn't work.

My Base Class

public class MyBaseClass
   public string BaseProperty1 { get; set; }
   public string BaseProperty2 { get; set; }
   public string BaseProperty3 { get; set; }
   public string BaseProperty4 { get; set; }
   public string BaseProperty5 { get; set; }

My Derived Class

public class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
   public string DerivedProperty1 { get; set; }
   public string DerivedProperty2 { get; set; }
   public string DerivedProperty3 { get; set; }

Previous method to get a populated base class

public MyBaseClass GetPopulatedBaseClass()
   var myBaseClass = new MyBaseClass();

   myBaseClass.BaseProperty1 = "Something"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty2 = "Something else"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty3 = "Something more"

   return myBaseClass;

Before I was trying this, which gave me a unable to cast error

public MyDerivedClass GetPopulatedDerivedClass()
   var newDerivedClass = (MyDerivedClass)GetPopulatedBaseClass();

   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty1 = "Some One";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty2 = "Some Thing";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty3 = "Some Thing Else";

   return newDerivedClass;

I changed my code as follows bellow and it seems to work and makes more sense now:


public MyBaseClass GetPopulatedBaseClass()
   var myBaseClass = new MyBaseClass();

   myBaseClass.BaseProperty1 = "Something"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty2 = "Something else"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty3 = "Something more"

   return myBaseClass;


public void FillBaseClass(MyBaseClass myBaseClass)
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty1 = "Something"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty2 = "Something else"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty3 = "Something more"


public MyDerivedClass GetPopulatedDerivedClass()
   var newDerivedClass = (MyDerivedClass)GetPopulatedBaseClass();

   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty1 = "Some One";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty2 = "Some Thing";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty3 = "Some Thing Else";

   return newDerivedClass;


public MyDerivedClass GetPopulatedDerivedClass()
   var newDerivedClass = new MyDerivedClass();


   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty1 = "Some One";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty2 = "Some Thing";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty3 = "Some Thing Else";

   return newDerivedClass;

Set the location in iPhone Simulator

in iOS Simulator menu, go to Debug -> Location -> Custom Location. There you can set the latitude and longitude and test the app accordingly. This works with mapkit and also with CLLocationManager.

How to integrate Dart into a Rails app

If you run pub build --mode=debug the build directory contains the application without symlinks. The Dart code should be retained when --mode=debug is used.

Here is some discussion going on about this topic too Dart and it's place in Rails Assets Pipeline

Custom bullet symbol for <li> elements in <ul> that is a regular character, and not an image

try this

    ul.a {_x000D_
        list-style-type: circle;_x000D_
    ul.b {_x000D_
        list-style-type: square;_x000D_
    ol.c {_x000D_
        list-style-type: upper-roman;_x000D_
    ol.d {_x000D_
        list-style-type: lower-alpha;_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <p>Example of unordered lists:</p>_x000D_
    <ul class="a">_x000D_
      <li>Coca Cola</li>_x000D_
    <ul class="b">_x000D_
      <li>Coca Cola</li>_x000D_
    <p>Example of ordered lists:</p>_x000D_
    <ol class="c">_x000D_
      <li>Coca Cola</li>_x000D_
    <ol class="d">_x000D_
      <li>Coca Cola</li>_x000D_

How to set size for local image using knitr for markdown?

You can also read the image using png package for example and plot it like a regular plot using grid.raster from the grid package.

```{r fig.width=1, fig.height=10,echo=FALSE}
img <- readPNG("path/to/your/image")

With this method you have full control of the size of you image.

Mismatch Detected for 'RuntimeLibrary'

(This is already answered in comments, but since it lacks an actual answer, I'm writing this.)

This problem arises in newer versions of Visual C++ (the older versions usually just silently linked the program and it would crash and burn at run time.) It means that some of the libraries you are linking with your program (or even some of the source files inside your program itself) are using different versions of the CRT (the C RunTime library.)

To correct this error, you need to go into your Project Properties (and/or those of the libraries you are using,) then into C/C++, then Code Generation, and check the value of Runtime Library; this should be exactly the same for all the files and libraries you are linking together. (The rules are a little more relaxed for linking with DLLs, but I'm not going to go into the "why" and into more details here.)

There are currently four options for this setting:

  1. Multithreaded Debug
  2. Multithreaded Debug DLL
  3. Multithreaded Release
  4. Multithreaded Release DLL

Your particular problem seems to stem from you linking a library built with "Multithreaded Debug" (i.e. static multithreaded debug CRT) against a program that is being built using the "Multithreaded Debug DLL" setting (i.e. dynamic multithreaded debug CRT.) You should change this setting either in the library, or in your program. For now, I suggest changing this in your program.

Note that since Visual Studio projects use different sets of project settings for debug and release builds (and 32/64-bit builds) you should make sure the settings match in all of these project configurations.

For (some) more information, you can see these (linked from a comment above):

  1. Linker Tools Warning LNK4098 on MSDN
  2. /MD, /ML, /MT, /LD (Use Run-Time Library) on MSDN
  3. Build errors with VC11 Beta - mixing MTd libs with MDd exes fail to link on Bugzilla@Mozilla

UPDATE: (This is in response to a comment that asks for the reason that this much care must be taken.)

If two pieces of code that we are linking together are themselves linking against and using the standard library, then the standard library must be the same for both of them, unless great care is taken about how our two code pieces interact and pass around data. Generally, I would say that for almost all situations just use the exact same version of the standard library runtime (regarding debug/release, threads, and obviously the version of Visual C++, among other things like iterator debugging, etc.)

The most important part of the problem is this: having the same idea about the size of objects on either side of a function call.

Consider for example that the above two pieces of code are called A and B. A is compiled against one version of the standard library, and B against another. In A's view, some random object that a standard function returns to it (e.g. a block of memory or an iterator or a FILE object or whatever) has some specific size and layout (remember that structure layout is determined and fixed at compile time in C/C++.) For any of several reasons, B's idea of the size/layout of the same objects is different (it can be because of additional debug information, natural evolution of data structures over time, etc.)

Now, if A calls the standard library and gets an object back, then passes that object to B, and B touches that object in any way, chances are that B will mess that object up (e.g. write the wrong field, or past the end of it, etc.)

The above isn't the only kind of problems that can happen. Internal global or static objects in the standard library can cause problems too. And there are more obscure classes of problems as well.

All this gets weirder in some aspects when using DLLs (dynamic runtime library) instead of libs (static runtime library.)

This situation can apply to any library used by two pieces of code that work together, but the standard library gets used by most (if not almost all) programs, and that increases the chances of clash.

What I've described is obviously a watered down and simplified version of the actual mess that awaits you if you mix library versions. I hope that it gives you an idea of why you shouldn't do it!

Functions that return a function

Assigning a variable to a function (without the parenthesis) copies the reference to the function. Putting the parenthesis at the end of a function name, calls the function, returning the functions return value.


function a() {
//alerts 'A', returns undefined

function b() {
    return a;
//alerts 'B', returns function a

function c() {
    return a();
//alerts 'C', alerts 'A', returns undefined

alert("Function 'a' returns " + a());
alert("Function 'b' returns " + b());
alert("Function 'c' returns " + c());

In your example, you are also defining functions within a function. Such as:

function d() {
    function e() {
    return e;
//alerts 'E'

The function is still callable. It still exists. This is used in JavaScript all the time. Functions can be passed around just like other values. Consider the following:

function counter() {
    var count = 0;
    return function() {
var count = counter();

The function count can keep the variables that were defined outside of it. This is called a closure. It's also used a lot in JavaScript.

How to permanently export a variable in Linux?

If it suits anyone, here are some brief guidelines for adding environment variables permanently.

vi ~/.bash_profile

Add the variables to the file:

export DISPLAY=:0
export JAVA_HOME=~/opt/openjdk11

Immediately apply all changes:

source ~/.bash_profile


Right way to split an std::string into a vector<string>

i made this custom function that will convert the line to vector

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main(){

    string line;
    getline(cin, line);
    int len = line.length();
    vector<string> subArray;

    for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < len; j++) {
        if (line[j] == ' ') {
            string ch = line.substr(k, j - k);
            k = j+1;
        if (j == len - 1) {
            string ch = line.substr(k, j - k+1);

    return 0;

What is the difference between background and background-color

Comparison of 18 color swatches rendered 100 times on a page as small rectangles, once with background and once with background-color.

I recreated the CSS performance experiment and the results are significantly different nowadays.


Chrome 54: 443 (µs/div)

Firefox 49: 162 (µs/div)

Edge 10: 56 (µs/div)


Chrome 54: 449 (µs/div)

Firefox 49: 171 (µs/div)

Edge 10: 58 (µs/div)

As you see - there's almost no difference.

What are the best practices for using a GUID as a primary key, specifically regarding performance?

If you use GUID as primary key and create clustered index then I suggest use the default of NEWSEQUENTIALID() value for it.

How to inherit constructors?

Yes, you will have to implement the constructors that make sense for each derivation and then use the base keyword to direct that constructor to the appropriate base class or the this keyword to direct a constructor to another constructor in the same class.

If the compiler made assumptions about inheriting constructors, we wouldn't be able to properly determine how our objects were instantiated. In the most part, you should consider why you have so many constructors and consider reducing them to only one or two in the base class. The derived classes can then mask out some of them using constant values like null and only expose the necessary ones through their constructors.


In C#4 you could specify default parameter values and use named parameters to make a single constructor support multiple argument configurations rather than having one constructor per configuration.

What is the best Java library to use for HTTP POST, GET etc.?

I want to mention the Ning Async Http Client Library. I've never used it but my colleague raves about it as compared to the Apache Http Client, which I've always used in the past. I was particularly interested to learn it is based on Netty, the high-performance asynchronous i/o framework, with which I am more familiar and hold in high esteem.

How to get a shell environment variable in a makefile?

for those who want some official document to confirm the behavior

Variables in make can come from the environment in which make is run. Every environment variable that make sees when it starts up is transformed into a make variable with the same name and value. However, an explicit assignment in the makefile, or with a command argument, overrides the environment. (If the ‘-e’ flag is specified, then values from the environment override assignments in the makefile.

CSS /JS to prevent dragging of ghost image?

Very simple don't make it complicated with lots of logic use simple attribute draggable and make it false

<img draggable="false" src="img/magician.jpg" alt="" />

How do I force Maven to use my local repository rather than going out to remote repos to retrieve artifacts?

Use mvn --help and you can see the options list.

There is an option like -nsu,--no-snapshot-updates Suppress SNAPSHOT updates

So use command mvn install -nsu can force compile with local repository.

Remove privileges from MySQL database

As a side note, the reason revoke usage on *.* from 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost'; does not work is quite simple : There is no grant called USAGE.

The actual named grants are in the MySQL Documentation

The grant USAGE is a logical grant. How? 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost' has an entry in mysql.user where user='phpmyadmin' and host='localhost'. Any row in mysql.user semantically means USAGE. Running DROP USER 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost'; should work just fine. Under the hood, it's really doing this:

DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user='phpmyadmin' and host='localhost';
DELETE FROM mysql.db   WHERE user='phpmyadmin' and host='localhost';

Therefore, the removal of a row from mysql.user constitutes running REVOKE USAGE, even though REVOKE USAGE cannot literally be executed.

SelectSingleNode returning null for known good xml node path using XPath

Well... I had the same issue and it was a headache. Since I didn't care much about the namespace or the xml schema, I just deleted this data from my xml and it solved all my issues. May not be the best answer? Probably, but if you don't want to deal with all of this and you ONLY care about the data (and won't be using the xml for some other task) deleting the namespace may solve your problems.

XmlDocument vinDoc = new XmlDocument();
string vinInfo = "your xml string";

vinDoc.InnerXml = vinDoc.InnerXml.Replace("xmlns=\"\/\", "");

Angular 2: How to access an HTTP response body?

This should work. You can get body using response.json() if its a json response.

      subscribe((res: Response.json()) => {

XML string to XML document

This code sample is taken from, written by Jan Slama:

To find nodes in an XML file you can use XPath expressions. Method XmlNode.Selec­tNodes returns a list of nodes selected by the XPath string. Method XmlNode.Selec­tSingleNode finds the first node that matches the XPath string.




XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
xml.LoadXml(myXmlString); // suppose that myXmlString contains "<Names>...</Names>"

XmlNodeList xnList = xml.SelectNodes("/Names/Name");
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
  string firstName = xn["FirstName"].InnerText;
  string lastName = xn["LastName"].InnerText;
  Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} {1}", firstName, lastName);

MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds

By my experiences when it happens on light queries there is a way to solve the problem. It seems when you start or restart mysql after apache this problem starts to appear and the source of the problem is confused open sockets in the php process. To solve it:

  1. First restart mysql service

  2. Then restart apache service

How can I go back/route-back on vue-router?

If you're using Vuex you can use

Just initialize it in your main file with:

import VuexRouterSync from 'vuex-router-sync';
VuexRouterSync.sync(store, router);

Each route change will update route state object in Vuex. You can next create getter to use the from Object in route state or just use the state (better is to use getters, but it's other story, so in short it would be (inside components methods/values):


You can also just place it in <router-link> component:

<router-link :to="{ path: $store.state.route.from.fullPath }"> 

So when you use code above, link to previous path would be dynamically generated.

What does the @Valid annotation indicate in Spring?

IIRC @Valid isn't a Spring annotation but a JSR-303 annotation (which is the Bean Validation standard). What it does is it basically checks if the data that you send to the method is valid or not (it will validate the scriptFile for you).

Hide "NFC Tag type not supported" error on Samsung Galaxy devices

Before Android 4.4

What you are trying to do is simply not possible from an app (at least not on a non-rooted/non-modified device). The message "NFC tag type not supported" is displayed by the Android system (or more specifically the NFC system service) before and instead of dispatching the tag to your app. This means that the NFC system service filters MIFARE Classic tags and never notifies any app about them. Consequently, your app can't detect MIFARE Classic tags or circumvent that popup message.

On a rooted device, you may be able to bypass the message using either

  1. Xposed to modify the behavior of the NFC service, or
  2. the CSC (Consumer Software Customization) feature configuration files on the system partition (see /system/csc/. The NFC system service disables the popup and dispatches MIFARE Classic tags to apps if the CSC feature <CscFeature_NFC_EnableSecurityPromptPopup> is set to any value but "mifareclassic" or "all". For instance, you could use:


    You could add this entry to, for instance, the file "/system/csc/others.xml" (within the section <FeatureSet> ... </FeatureSet> that already exists in that file).

Since, you asked for the Galaxy S6 (the question that you linked) as well: I have tested this method on the S4 when it came out. I have not verified if this still works in the latest firmware or on other devices (e.g. the S6).

Since Android 4.4

This is pure guessing, but according to this (link no longer available), it seems that some apps (e.g. NXP TagInfo) are capable of detecting MIFARE Classic tags on affected Samsung devices since Android 4.4. This might mean that foreground apps are capable of bypassing that popup using the reader-mode API (see NfcAdapter.enableReaderMode) possibly in combination with NfcAdapter.FLAG_READER_SKIP_NDEF_CHECK.

When should I write the keyword 'inline' for a function/method?

C++ inline function is powerful concept that is commonly used with classes. If a function is inline, the compiler places a copy of the code of that function at each point where the function is called at compile time.

Any change to an inline function could require all clients of the function to be recompiled because compiler would need to replace all the code once again otherwise it will continue with old functionality.

To inline a function, place the keyword inline before the function name and define the function before any calls are made to the function. The compiler can ignore the inline qualifier in case defined function is more than a line.

A function definition in a class definition is an inline function definition, even without the use of the inline specifier.

Following is an example, which makes use of inline function to return max of two numbers

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

inline int Max(int x, int y) { return (x > y)? x : y; }

// Main function for the program
int main() {
   cout << "Max (100,1010): " << Max(100,1010) << endl;

   return 0;

for more information see here.

How to set the margin or padding as percentage of height of parent container?

A 50% padding wont center your child, it will place it below the center. I think you really want a padding-top of 25%. Maybe you're just running out of space as your content gets taller? Also have you tried setting the margin-top instead of padding-top?

EDIT: Nevermind, the w3schools site says

% Specifies the padding in percent of the width of the containing element

So maybe it always uses width? I'd never noticed.

What you are doing can be acheived using display:table though (at least for modern browsers). The technique is explained here.

Semi-transparent color layer over background-image?

Another one with an SVG as inline overlay-image (note: if you use # inside the svg-code you have to urlencode that!):

background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1 1"><path fill="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)" d="M0 0h1v1H0z"/></svg>')
                no-repeat center center/cover, 
            url('overlayed-image.jpg') no-repeat center center/cover;

IF - ELSE IF - ELSE Structure in Excel

When FIND returns #VALUE!, it is an error, not a string, so you can't compare FIND(...) with "#VALUE!", you need to check if FIND returns an error with ISERROR. Also FIND can work on multiple characters.

So a simplified and working version of your formula would be:

=IF(ISERROR(FIND("abc",A1))=FALSE, "Green", IF(ISERROR(FIND("xyz",A1))=FALSE, "Yellow", "Red"))

Or, to remove the double negations:

=IF(ISERROR(FIND("abc",A1)), IF(ISERROR(FIND("xyz",A1)), "Red", "Yellow"),"Green")

Postgres manually alter sequence

The parentheses are misplaced:

SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21, true);  # next value will be 22

Otherwise you're calling setval with a single argument, while it requires two or three.

How to duplicate a whole line in Vim?

Default is yyp, but I've been using this rebinding for a year or so and love it:

" set Y to duplicate lines, works in visual mode as well. nnoremap Y yyp vnoremap Y y`>pgv

Passing multiple variables to another page in url

Your first variable declartion must start with a ? while any additional must be concatenated with a &

Handlebars/Mustache - Is there a built in way to loop through the properties of an object?

Thanks for Ben's solution, my use case to display only particular fields in order

with object


    handlebars.registerHelper('eachToDisplayProperty', function(context, toDisplays, options) {
    var ret = "";
    var toDisplayKeyList = toDisplays.split(",");
    for(var i = 0; i < toDisplayKeyList.length; i++) {
        toDisplayKey = toDisplayKeyList[i];
        if(context[toDisplayKey]) {
            ret = ret + options.fn({
                property : toDisplayKey,
                value : context[toDisplayKey]

    return ret;

Source object:

   { locationDesc:"abc", name:"ghi", description:"def", four:"you wont see this"}


{{#eachToDisplayProperty this "locationDesc,description,name"}}
        {{property}} --- {{value}}


locationDesc --- abc
description --- def
name --- ghi

IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

Since I realize there's no answer specific to spyder,I'll add one: Basically, carefully look at your if statement and make sure all if, elif and else have the same spacing that is they're in the same line at the start like so:

def your_choice(answer):
    if answer>5:
        print("You're overaged")
    elif answer<=5 and answer>1: 
            print("Welcome to the toddler's club!")
            print("No worries mate!")

How do I get the MAX row with a GROUP BY in LINQ query?

var q = from s in db.Serials
        group s by s.Serial_Number into g
        select new {Serial_Number = g.Key, MaxUid = g.Max(s => s.uid) }

AngularJS - difference between pristine/dirty and touched/untouched

$pristine/$dirty tells you whether the user actually changed anything, while $touched/$untouched tells you whether the user has merely been there/visited.

This is really useful for validation. The reason for $dirty was always to avoid showing validation responses until the user has actually visited a certain control. But, by using only the $dirty property, the user wouldn't get validation feedback unless they actually altered the value. So, an $invalid field still wouldn't show the user a prompt if the user didn't change/interact with the value. If the user entirely ignored a required field, everything looked OK.

With Angular 1.3 and ng-touched, you can now set a particular style on a control as soon as the user has blurred, regardless of whether they actually edited the value or not.

Here's a CodePen that shows the difference in behavior.

How to combine 2 plots (ggplot) into one plot?

Creating a single combined plot with your current data set up would look something like this

p <- ggplot() +
      # blue plot
      geom_point(data=visual1, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED)) + 
      geom_smooth(data=visual1, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED), fill="blue",
        colour="darkblue", size=1) +
      # red plot
      geom_point(data=visual2, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED)) + 
      geom_smooth(data=visual2, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED), fill="red",
        colour="red", size=1)

however if you could combine the data sets before plotting then ggplot will automatically give you a legend, and in general the code looks a bit cleaner

visual1$group <- 1
visual2$group <- 2

visual12 <- rbind(visual1, visual2)

p <- ggplot(visual12, aes(x=ISSUE_DATE, y=COUNTED, group=group, col=group, fill=group)) +
      geom_point() +

Using querySelectorAll to retrieve direct children

Does anyone know how to write a selector which gets just the direct children of the element that the selector is running on?

The correct way to write a selector that is "rooted" to the current element is to use :scope.

var myDiv = getElementById("myDiv");
var fooEls = myDiv.querySelectorAll(":scope > .foo");

However, browser support is limited and you'll need a shim if you want to use it. I built scopedQuerySelectorShim for this purpose.

PHP: Split string

The following will return you the "a" letter:

$a = array_shift(explode('.', 'a.b'));

How to start/stop/restart a thread in Java?

Sometimes if a Thread was started and it loaded a downside dynamic class which is processing with lots of Thread/currentThread sleep while ignoring interrupted Exception catch(es), one interrupt might not be enough to completely exit execution.

In that case, we can supply these loop-based interrupts:

    log.trace("Still processing Internally; Sending Interrupt;");
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

How to know Hive and Hadoop versions from command prompt?

This should certainly work:

hive --version

size of struct in C

Your default alignment is probably 4 bytes. Either the 30 byte element got 32, or the structure as a whole was rounded up to the next 4 byte interval.

Open links in new window using AngularJS

It works for me. Inject $window service in to your controller.

$"somepath/", "_blank")

Get GPS location from the web browser

Let's use the latest fat arrow functions:

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((loc) => {
  console.log('The location in lat lon format is: [', loc.coords.latitude, ',', loc.coords.longitude, ']');

How to calculate an angle from three points?

there IS a simple answer for this using high school math..

Let say that you have 3 points

To get angle from point A to B

angle = atan2(A.x - B.x, B.y - A.y)

To get angle from point B to C

angle2 = atan2(B.x - C.x, C.y - B.y)

Answer = 180 + angle2 - angle
If (answer < 0){
    return answer + 360
    return answer

I just used this code in the recent project that I made, change the B to P1.. you might as well remove the "180 +" if you want

SQL statement to get column type

Another option for MS SQL is to replace the select query here with the query you want the types for:

declare @sql varchar(4000);

set @sql = 'select ''hi'' as greeting';

select * from master.sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set (@sql, Null, 0);

Shell - Write variable contents to a file

None of the answers above work if your variable:

  • starts with -e
  • starts with -n
  • starts with -E
  • contains a \ followed by an n
  • should not have an extra newline appended after it

and so they cannot be relied upon for arbitrary string contents.

In bash, you can use "here strings" as:

cat <<< "$var" > "$destdir"

As noted in the comment below, @Trebawa's answer (formulated in the same room as mine!) using printf is a better approach.

Python int to binary string?

Python 3.6 added a new string formatting approach called formatted string literals or “f-strings”. Example:

name = 'Bob'
number = 42
f"Hello, {name}, your number is {number:>08b}"

Output will be 'Hello, Bob, your number is 00001010!'

A discussion of this question can be found here - Here

Visualizing branch topology in Git

Check out SmartGit. It very much reminds me of the TortoiseHg branch visualization and it's free for non-commercial use.

The definitive guide to form-based website authentication

Definitive Article

Sending credentials

The only practical way to send credentials 100% securely is by using SSL. Using JavaScript to hash the password is not safe. Common pitfalls for client-side password hashing:

  • If the connection between the client and server is unencrypted, everything you do is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. An attacker could replace the incoming javascript to break the hashing or send all credentials to their server, they could listen to client responses and impersonate the users perfectly, etc. etc. SSL with trusted Certificate Authorities is designed to prevent MitM attacks.
  • The hashed password received by the server is less secure if you don't do additional, redundant work on the server.

There's another secure method called SRP, but it's patented (although it is freely licensed) and there are few good implementations available.

Storing passwords

Don't ever store passwords as plaintext in the database. Not even if you don't care about the security of your own site. Assume that some of your users will reuse the password of their online bank account. So, store the hashed password, and throw away the original. And make sure the password doesn't show up in access logs or application logs. OWASP recommends the use of Argon2 as your first choice for new applications. If this is not available, PBKDF2 or scrypt should be used instead. And finally if none of the above are available, use bcrypt.

Hashes by themselves are also insecure. For instance, identical passwords mean identical hashes--this makes hash lookup tables an effective way of cracking lots of passwords at once. Instead, store the salted hash. A salt is a string appended to the password prior to hashing - use a different (random) salt per user. The salt is a public value, so you can store them with the hash in the database. See here for more on this.

This means that you can't send the user their forgotten passwords (because you only have the hash). Don't reset the user's password unless you have authenticated the user (users must prove that they are able to read emails sent to the stored (and validated) email address.)

Security questions

Security questions are insecure - avoid using them. Why? Anything a security question does, a password does better. Read PART III: Using Secret Questions in @Jens Roland answer here in this wiki.

Session cookies

After the user logs in, the server sends the user a session cookie. The server can retrieve the username or id from the cookie, but nobody else can generate such a cookie (TODO explain mechanisms).

Cookies can be hijacked: they are only as secure as the rest of the client's machine and other communications. They can be read from disk, sniffed in network traffic, lifted by a cross-site scripting attack, phished from a poisoned DNS so the client sends their cookies to the wrong servers. Don't send persistent cookies. Cookies should expire at the end of the client session (browser close or leaving your domain).

If you want to autologin your users, you can set a persistent cookie, but it should be distinct from a full-session cookie. You can set an additional flag that the user has auto-logged in, and needs to log in for real for sensitive operations. This is popular with shopping sites that want to provide you with a seamless, personalized shopping experience but still protect your financial details. For example, when you return to visit Amazon, they show you a page that looks like you're logged in, but when you go to place an order (or change your shipping address, credit card etc.), they ask you to confirm your password.

Financial websites such as banks and credit cards, on the other hand, only have sensitive data and should not allow auto-login or a low-security mode.

List of external resources

How to position one element relative to another with jQuery?

This works for me:

var posPersonTooltip = function(event) {
var tPosX = event.pageX - 5;
var tPosY = event.pageY + 10;
$('#personTooltipContainer').css({top: tPosY, left: tPosX});

When is the init() function run?

Here is another example -

package main

import (

func callOut() int {
    fmt.Println("Outside is beinge executed")
    return 1

var test = callOut()

func init() {
    fmt.Println("Init3 is being executed")

func init() {
    fmt.Println("Init is being executed")

func init() {
    fmt.Println("Init2 is being executed")

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Do your thing !")

Output of the above program

$ go run init/init.go
Outside is being executed
Init3 is being executed
Init is being executed
Init2 is being executed
Do your thing !

Is there a template engine for Node.js?

There is a port of the Django templating engine to JavaScript. However, its not been updated for a long time but it may still have enough features.

When to choose mouseover() and hover() function?

As you can read at

The mouseenter JavaScript event is proprietary to Internet Explorer. Because of the event's general utility, jQuery simulates this event so that it can be used regardless of browser. This event is sent to an element when the mouse pointer enters the element. Any HTML element can receive this event.

possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR

i also had similar problem.. my solution is to

apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

(i had libcurl allready installed ) worked for me at least..

SQL - How do I get only the numbers after the decimal?

one way, works also for negative values

declare @1 decimal(4,3)
select @1 = 2.938

select PARSENAME(@1,1)

Number input type that takes only integers?

Currently, it is not possible to prevent a user from writing decimal values in your input with HTML only. You have to use javascript.

How to pass data to view in Laravel?

You can pass data to the view using the with method.

return View::make('blog')->with('posts', $posts);

How to get datas from List<Object> (Java)?

System.out.println("Element "+i+list.get(0));}

Should be

System.out.println("Element "+i+list.get(i));}

To use the JSF tags, you give the dataList value attribute a reference to your list of elements, and the var attribute is a local name for each element of that list in turn. Inside the dataList, you use properties of the object (getters) to output the information about that individual object:

<t:dataList id="myDataList" value="#{houseControlList}" var="element" rows="3" >
<t:outputText id="houseId" value="#{element.houseId}"/>

Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found


Even though i should know better and swear i did, make sure you restart studio after making these changes as it clearly does not check them on every build (which to me makes sense that system/user variables should only be read once on startup)

Anyway, yea... Make sure you restart after you make these changes..

Path = to the bin folder in the jdk folder (path already exists)

JAVA_HOME = to the jdk folder

List all sequences in a Postgres db 8.1 with SQL

Here is an example how to use psql to get a list of all sequences with their last_value:

psql -U <username> -d <database> -t -c "SELECT 'SELECT ''' || c.relname || ''' as sequence_name, last_value FROM ' || c.relname || ';' FROM pg_class c WHERE (c.relkind = 'S')" | psql -U <username> -d <database> -t

How to clear an ImageView in Android?

This works for me.


This crashes in runtime.


Converting string to date in mongodb

How about using a library like momentjs by writing a script like this:

function get_moment(){
    // shim to get UMD module to load as CommonJS
    var module = {exports:{}};

    copy your favorite UMD module (i.e. moment.js) here

    return module.exports
//load the module generator into the stored procedures: {
        value: get_moment,

Then load the script at the command line like so:

> mongo install_moment.js

Finally, in your next mongo session, use it like so:


var moment = get_moment();

// parse a date-time string
var a = moment("23 Feb 1997 at 3:23 pm","DD MMM YYYY [at] hh:mm a");

// reformat the string as you wish:
a.format("[The] DDD['th day of] YYYY"): //"The 54'th day of 1997"

String to object in JS

Here is my approach to handle some edge cases like having whitespaces and other primitive types as values

const str = " c:234 , d:sdfg ,e: true, f:null, g: undefined, h:name "; 

const strToObj = str
  .reduce((acc, item) => {
    const [key, val = ""] = item.trim().split(":");
    let newVal = val.trim();

    if (newVal == "null") {
      newVal = null;
    } else if (newVal == "undefined") {
      newVal = void 0;
    } else if (!Number.isNaN(Number(newVal))) {
      newVal = Number(newVal);
    }else if (newVal == "true" || newVal == "false") {
      newVal = Boolean(newVal);
    return { ...acc, [key.trim()]: newVal };
  }, {});

Kill some processes by .exe file name

You can Kill a specific instance of MS Word.

foreach (var process in Process.GetProcessesByName("WINWORD"))
    // Temp is a document which you need to kill.
    if (process.MainWindowTitle.Contains("Temp")) 

Forward host port to docker container

I had a similar problem accessing a LDAP-Server from a docker container. I set a fixed IP for the container and added a firewall rule.


version: '2'
    image: dockerImageName:latest
      - "dockerhost:"
      - subnet:

iptables rule:

iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp -s -d $ --dport portnumberOnHost

Inside the container access dockerhost:portnumberOnHost

Error: Cannot find module 'ejs'

Add dependency in package.json and then run npm install

  "dependencies": {
    "express": "*",
    "ejs": "*",

How to set ssh timeout?

ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10  <hostName>

Where 10 is time in seconds. This Timeout applies only to the creation of the connection.

jQuery UI dialog box not positioned center screen

I had to add this to the top of my HTML file: <!doctype html>. I did not need to set the position property. This is with jQuery 3.2.1. In 1.7.1, that was not needed.

PHP - count specific array values

To count a value in a two dimensional array, here is the useful snippet to process and get count of a particular value-

    $list = [
      ['id' => 1, 'userId' => 5],
      ['id' => 2, 'userId' => 5],
      ['id' => 3, 'userId' => 6],

    $userId = 5;
    echo array_count_values(array_column($list, 'userId'))[$userId]; // outputs: 2

Angular2 QuickStart npm start is not working correctly

I had the same error on windows 10. It looks like it's problem with concurrently npm package. I found 2 options how to solve this error:

  • 1. Run both commands in 2 separate cmds:

    • in the first one run: npm run tsc:w
    • in the second one: npm run lite
  • 2. Change package.json

    • just change the start option to this: "start": "tsc && npm run tsc:w | npm run lite",

Seconds CountDown Timer

You need a public class for Form1 to initialize.

See this code:

namespace TimerApp
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private int counter = 60;
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Insert your code from before

        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Again insert your code

I've tried this and it all worked fine

If you need anymore help feel free to comment :)

How to pass prepareForSegue: an object

My solution is similar.

// In destination class: 
var AddressString:String = String()

// In segue:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
   if (segue.identifier == "seguetobiddetailpagefromleadbidder")
        let secondViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! BidDetailPage
        secondViewController.AddressString = pr.address as String

Count number of occurrences for each unique value

Yes, you can use GROUP BY:

SELECT time,
FROM table
GROUP BY time, activities;

show all tags in git log

Note about tag of tag (tagging a tag), which is at the origin of your issue, as Charles Bailey correctly pointed out in the comment:

Make sure you study this thread, as overriding a signed tag is not as easy:

  • if you already pushed a tag, the git tag man page seriously advised against a simple git tag -f B to replace a tag name "A"
  • don't try to recreate a signed tag with git tag -f (see the thread extract below)

    (it is about a corner case, but quite instructive about tags in general, and it comes from another SO contributor Jakub Narebski):

Please note that the name of tag (heavyweight tag, i.e. tag object) is stored in two places:

  • in the tag object itself as a contents of 'tag' header (you can see it in output of "git show <tag>" and also in output of "git cat-file -p <tag>", where <tag> is heavyweight tag, e.g. v1.6.3 in git.git repository),
  • and also is default name of tag reference (reference in "refs/tags/*" namespace) pointing to a tag object.
    Note that the tag reference (appropriate reference in the "refs/tags/*" namespace) is purely local matter; what one repository has in 'refs/tags/v0.1.3', other can have in 'refs/tags/sub/v0.1.3' for example.

So when you create signed tag 'A', you have the following situation (assuming that it points at some commit)

  35805ce   <--- 5b7b4ead  <=== refs/tags/A
  (commit)       tag A

Please also note that "git tag -f A A" (notice the absence of options forcing it to be an annotated tag) is a noop - it doesn't change the situation.

If you do "git tag -f -s A A": note that you force owerwriting a tag (so git assumes that you know what you are doing), and that one of -s / -a / -m options is used to force annotated tag (creation of tag object), you will get the following situation

  35805ce   <--- 5b7b4ea  <--- ada8ddc  <=== refs/tags/A
  (commit)       tag A         tag A
                 (tag)         (tag)

Note also that "git show A" would show the whole chain down to the non-tag object...

bootstrap 4 responsive utilities visible / hidden xs sm lg not working

With Bootstrap 4 .hidden-* classes were completely removed (yes, they were replaced by hidden-*-* but those classes are also gone from v4 alphas).

Starting with v4-beta, you can combine .d-*-none and .d-*-block classes to achieve the same result.

visible-* was removed as well; instead of using explicit .visible-* classes, make the element visible by not hiding it (again, use combinations of .d-none .d-md-block). Here is the working example:

<div class="col d-none d-sm-block">
    <span class="vcard">
<div class="col d-none d-xl-block">
    <div class="d-none d-md-block">
    <div class="d-none d-sm-block">

class="hidden-xs" becomes class="d-none d-sm-block" (or d-none d-sm-inline-block) ...

<span class="d-none d-sm-inline">hidden-xs</span>

<span class="d-none d-sm-inline-block">hidden-xs</span>

An example of Bootstrap 4 responsive utilities:

<div class="d-none d-sm-block"> hidden-xs           
  <div class="d-none d-md-block"> visible-md and up (hidden-sm and down)
    <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> visible-lg and up  (hidden-md and down)
      <div class="d-none d-xl-block"> visible-xl </div>

<div class="d-sm-none"> eXtra Small <576px </div>
<div class="d-none d-sm-block d-md-none d-lg-none d-xl-none"> SMall =576px </div>
<div class="d-none d-md-block d-lg-none d-xl-none"> MeDium =768px </div>
<div class="d-none d-lg-block d-xl-none"> LarGe =992px </div>
<div class="d-none d-xl-block"> eXtra Large =1200px </div>

<div class="d-xl-none"> hidden-xl (visible-lg and down)         
  <div class="d-lg-none d-xl-none"> visible-md and down (hidden-lg and up)
    <div class="d-md-none d-lg-none d-xl-none"> visible-sm and down  (or hidden-md and up)
      <div class="d-sm-none"> visible-xs </div>


How to truncate a foreign key constrained table?

If the database engine for tables differ you will get this error so change them to InnoDB


Javascript set img src

Pure JavaScript to Create img tag and add attributes manually ,

var image = document.createElement("img");
var imageParent = document.getElementById("body"); = "id";
image.className = "class";
image.src = searchPic.src;            // image.src = "IMAGE URL/PATH"

Set src in pic1

document["#pic1"].src = searchPic.src;

or with getElementById

document.getElementById("pic1").src= searchPic.src;

j-Query to archive this,

$("#pic1").attr("src", searchPic.src);

Wait until an HTML5 video loads

In response to the final part of your question, which is still unanswered... When you write $('#video').duration, you're asking for the duration property of the jQuery collection object, which doesn't exist. The native DOM video element does have the duration. You can get that in a few ways.

Here's one:

// get the native element directly

Here's another:

// get it out of the jQuery object

And another:

// use the event object
v.bind('loadeddata', function(e) {

"Proxy server connection failed" in google chrome

Internet explorer has a reset to factory button and luckily so does chrome! try the link below and let us know. the other option is to stop chrome and delete the c:\users\%username%\appdata\local\google folder entirely then reinstall chrome but this will loose all you local settings and data.

Google doc on how to factory reset:

Determine the number of lines within a text file

Use this:

    int get_lines(string file)
        var lineCount = 0;
        using (var stream = new StreamReader(file))
            while (stream.ReadLine() != null)
        return lineCount;

What is a user agent stylesheet?

What are the target browsers? Different browsers set different default CSS rules. Try including a CSS reset, such as the meyerweb CSS reset or normalize.css, to remove those defaults. Google "CSS reset vs normalize" to see the differences.

Bad operand type for unary +: 'str'

The code works for me. (after adding missing except clause / import statements)

Did you put \ in the original code?

urlToVisit = '' \
              + stock + '/chartdata;type=quote;range=5d/csv'

If you omit it, it could be a cause of the exception:

>>> stock = 'GOOG'
>>> urlToVisit = ''
>>> + stock + '/chartdata;type=quote;range=5d/csv'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: bad operand type for unary +: 'str'

BTW, string(e) should be str(e).

SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame

Same-origin policy

You can't access an <iframe> with different origin using JavaScript, it would be a huge security flaw if you could do it. For the same-origin policy browsers block scripts trying to access a frame with a different origin.

Origin is considered different if at least one of the following parts of the address isn't maintained:


Protocol, hostname and port must be the same of your domain if you want to access a frame.

NOTE: Internet Explorer is known to not strictly follow this rule, see here for details.


Here's what would happen trying to access the following URLs from

URL                                             RESULT       -> Success -> Success                    -> Success (default port for HTTP)                  -> Failure: different port       -> Failure: different hostname   -> Failure: different protocol                     -> Failure: different protocol & port       -> Failure: different protocol, port & hostname 


Even though same-origin policy blocks scripts from accessing the content of sites with a different origin, if you own both the pages, you can work around this problem using window.postMessage and its relative message event to send messages between the two pages, like this:

  • In your main page:

    const frame = document.getElementById('your-frame-id');
    frame.contentWindow.postMessage(/*any variable or object here*/, '');

    The second argument to postMessage() can be '*' to indicate no preference about the origin of the destination. A target origin should always be provided when possible, to avoid disclosing the data you send to any other site.

  • In your <iframe> (contained in the main page):

    window.addEventListener('message', event => {
        // IMPORTANT: check the origin of the data! 
        if (event.origin.startsWith('')) { 
            // The data was sent from your site.
            // Data sent with postMessage is stored in
        } else {
            // The data was NOT sent from your site! 
            // Be careful! Do not use it. This else branch is
            // here just for clarity, you usually shouldn't need it.

This method can be applied in both directions, creating a listener in the main page too, and receiving responses from the frame. The same logic can also be implemented in pop-ups and basically any new window generated by the main page (e.g. using as well, without any difference.

Disabling same-origin policy in your browser

There already are some good answers about this topic (I just found them googling), so, for the browsers where this is possible, I'll link the relative answer. However, please remember that disabling the same-origin policy will only affect your browser. Also, running a browser with same-origin security settings disabled grants any website access to cross-origin resources, so it's very unsafe and should NEVER be done if you do not know exactly what you are doing (e.g. development purposes).

count number of lines in terminal output

Putting the comment of EaterOfCode here as an answer.

grep itself also has the -c flag which just returns the count

So the command and output could look like this.

$ grep -Rl "curl" ./ -c


Although this answer might be shorter and thus might seem better than the accepted answer (that is using wc). I do not agree with this anymore. I feel like remembering that you can count lines by piping to wc -l is much more useful as you can use it with other programs than grep as well.

PHP class not found but it's included

It 'happened to me! The problem is that somehow you include a file with the same file name of the class thus invalidating the same class!

Check the path of inclusion and these checks files with the same name!

Measuring code execution time

If you use the Stopwatch class, you can use the .StartNew() method to reset the watch to 0. So you don't have to call .Reset() followed by .Start(). Might come in handy.

How can I use goto in Javascript?

Actually, I see that ECMAScript (JavaScript) DOES INDEED have a goto statement. However, the JavaScript goto has two flavors!

The two JavaScript flavors of goto are called labeled continue and labeled break. There is no keyword "goto" in JavaScript. The goto is accomplished in JavaScript using the break and continue keywords.

And this is more or less explicitly stated on the w3schools website here

I find the documentation of the labeled continue and labeled break somewhat awkwardly expressed.

The difference between the labeled continue and labeled break is where they may be used. The labeled continue can only be used inside a while loop. See w3schools for some more information.


Another approach that will work is to have a giant while statement with a giant switch statement inside:

while (true)
    switch (goto_variable)
        case 1:
            // some code
            goto_variable = 2
        case 2:
            goto_variable = 5   // case in etc. below
        case 3:
            goto_variable = 1

         etc. ...


Redirect output of mongo query to a csv file

Extending other answers:

I found @GEverding's answer most flexible. It also works with aggregation:



    { $match: {} }
]).forEach(function(user) {

Execute the following command to export results:

mongo test_db < ./test_db.js >> ./test_db.csv

Unfortunately, it adds additional text to the CSV file which requires processing the file before we can use it:

MongoDB shell version: 3.2.10 
connecting to: test_db

But we can make mongo shell stop spitting out those comments and only print what we have asked for by passing the --quiet flag

mongo --quiet test_db < ./test_db.js >> ./test_db.csv

How do I perform query filtering in django templates

You can't do this, which is by design. The Django framework authors intended a strict separation of presentation code from data logic. Filtering models is data logic, and outputting HTML is presentation logic.

So you have several options. The easiest is to do the filtering, then pass the result to render_to_response. Or you could write a method in your model so that you can say {% for object in data.filtered_set %}. Finally, you could write your own template tag, although in this specific case I would advise against that.

How to Convert Boolean to String

I'm not a fan of the accepted answer as it converts anything which evaluates to false to "false" no just boolean and vis-versa.

Anyway here's my O.T.T answer, it uses the var_export function.

var_export works with all variable types except resource, I have created a function which will perform a regular cast to string ((string)), a strict cast (var_export) and a type check, depending on the arguments provided..


    function to_string($var, $strict = false, $expectedtype = null){

            return trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given', E_USER_WARNING);
        if($expectedtype !== null  && gettype($var) !== $expectedtype){
            return trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '() expects parameter 1 to be ' . $expectedtype .', ' . gettype($var) . ' given', E_USER_WARNING);
            return $var;
        if($strict && !is_resource($var)){
            return var_export($var, true);
        return (string) $var;


    function bool_to_string($var){
        return func_num_args() ? to_string($var, true, 'boolean') : to_string();        


    function object_to_string($var){
        return func_num_args() ? to_string($var, true, 'object') : to_string();        


    function array_to_string($var){
        return func_num_args() ? to_string($var, true, 'array') : to_string();        

How to convert a byte array to Stream

I am using as what John Rasch said:

Stream streamContent = taxformUpload.FileContent;

What are the undocumented features and limitations of the Windows FINDSTR command?

FINDSTR has a color bug that I described and solved at

To summarize that thread, the bug is that if input is piped to FINDSTR within a parenthesized block of code, inline ANSI escape colorcodes stop working in commands executed later. An example of inline colorcodes is: echo %magenta%Alert: Something bad happened%yellow% (where magenta and yellow are vars defined earlier in the .bat file as the corresponding ANSI escape colorcodes).

My initial solution was to call a do-nothing subroutine after the FINDSTR. Somehow the call or the return "resets" whatever needs to be reset.

Later I discovered another solution that presumably is more efficient: place the FINDSTR phrase within parentheses, as in the following example: echo success | ( FINDSTR /R success ) Placing the FINDSTR phrase within a nested block of code appears to isolate FINDSTR's colorcode bug so it won't affect what's outside the nested block. Perhaps this technique will solve some other undesired FINDSTR side effects too.

command/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1- code sign error

Rebooting didn't work for me.

Just try with downloading and adding the Certificate again to keyChain. That worked for me. When I checked Keychain Access the respective certificate was missing. Got the problem solve when I reinstalled the certificate.

Making interface implementations async

Neither of these options is correct. You're trying to implement a synchronous interface asynchronously. Don't do that. The problem is that when DoOperation() returns, the operation won't be complete yet. Worse, if an exception happens during the operation (which is very common with IO operations), the user won't have a chance to deal with that exception.

What you need to do is to modify the interface, so that it is asynchronous:

interface IIO
    Task DoOperationAsync(); // note: no async here

class IOImplementation : IIO
    public async Task DoOperationAsync()
        // perform the operation here

This way, the user will see that the operation is async and they will be able to await it. This also pretty much forces the users of your code to switch to async, but that's unavoidable.

Also, I assume using StartNew() in your implementation is just an example, you shouldn't need that to implement asynchronous IO. (And new Task() is even worse, that won't even work, because you don't Start() the Task.)

How to reverse an animation on mouse out after hover

lol, it has a very easy solution with CSS only. Here you go

#thing { padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px;

/* HOVER OFF */ -webkit-transition: padding 2s; }

#thing:hover { padding: 20px; border-radius: 15px;

/* HOVER ON */ -webkit-transition: border-radius 2s; }

Causes of getting a java.lang.VerifyError

In my case, I was getting verify error with below stack trace

jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.0-bin\buildomatic\build.xml:61: The following error occurred while executing this line:
TIB_js-jrs-cp_6.4.0_bin\jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.0-bin\buildomatic\bin\setup.xml:320: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64OutputStream, method: <init> signature: (Ljava/io/OutputStream;ZI[B)V) Incompatible argument to function
    at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.crypto.KeystoreManager.createKeystore(
    at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.crypto.KeystoreManager.init(
    at com.jaspersoft.buildomatic.crypto.KeystoreTask.execute(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

I got it resolved by removing classpath entry for commons-codec-1.3.jar, there was a mismatch in version of this jar with the one comes with Jasper.

Adding an onclicklistener to listview (android)

If your Activity extends ListActivity, you can simply override the OnListItemClick() method like so:

/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int pos, long id) {  
    super.onListItemClick(l, v, pos, id);

    // TODO : Logic

How can I clear the Scanner buffer in Java?

Try this:


This advances the Scanner to the next line.

Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":21". - Trying to run headless Google Chrome

It seems that when this error appears it is an indication that the selenium-java plugin for maven is out-of-date.

Changing the version in the pom.xml should fix the problem

How to change ViewPager's page?

I'm not sure that I fully understand the question, but from the title of your question, I'm guessing that what you're looking for is pager.setCurrentItem( num ). That allows you to programatically switch to another page within the ViewPager.

I'd need to see a stack trace from logcat to be more specific if this is not the problem.

Mail not sending with PHPMailer over SSL using SMTP

Firstly, use these settings for Google:

$mail->Host = "";
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "tls"; //edited from tsl
$mail->Username = "myEmail";
$mail->Password = "myPassword";
$mail->Port = "587";

But also, what firewall have you got set up?

If you're filtering out TCP ports 465/995, and maybe 587, you'll need to configure some exceptions or take them off your rules list.

How to install a specific version of package using Composer?

In your composer.json, you can put:

    "require": {
        "vendor/package": "version"

then run composer install or composer update from the directory containing composer.json. Sometimes, for me, composer is hinky, so I'll start with composer clear-cache; rm -rf vendor; rm composer.lock before composer install to make sure it's getting fresh stuff.

Of course, as the other answers point out you can run the following from the terminal:

composer require vendor/package:version

And on versioning:
- Composer's official versions article
- Ecosia Search

How to set a JavaScript breakpoint from code in Chrome?

It is possible and there are many reasons you might want to do this. For example debugging a javascript infinite loop close to the start of the page loading, that stops the chrome developer toolset (or firebug) from loading correctly.

See section 2 of

or just add a line containing the word debugger to your code at the required test point.

Sequence Permission in Oracle

Just another bit. in some case i found no result on all_tab_privs! i found it indeed on dba_tab_privs. I think so that this last table is better to check for any grant available on an object (in case of impact analysis). The statement becomes:

    select * from dba_tab_privs where table_name = 'sequence_name';

Add column to SQL Server

Add new column to Table

ADD Column1 Datatype



If User wants to make it auto incremented then


How can I change my Cygwin home folder after installation?

I did something quite simple. I did not want to change the windows 7 environment variable. So I directly edited the Cygwin.bat file.

@echo off
set HOME=C:\path\to\home
chdir C:\apps\cygwin\bin
bash --login -i

This just starts the local shell with this home directory; that is what I wanted. I am not going to remotely access this, so this worked for me.

"SELECT ... IN (SELECT ...)" query in CodeIgniter

Note that these solutions use the Code Igniter Active Records Class

This method uses sub queries like you wish but you should sanitize $countryId yourself!

         ->where('`locationId` in', '(select `locationId` from `locations` where `countryId` = '.$countryId.')', false)

Or this method would do it using joins and will sanitize the data for you (recommended)!

         ->join('locations', 'users.locationid = locations.locationid', 'inner')
         ->where('countryid', $countryId)

Iterate through object properties

To add ES2015's usage of Reflect.ownKeys(obj) and also iterating over the properties via an iterator.

For example:

let obj = { a: 'Carrot', b: 'Potato', Car: { doors: 4 } };

can be iterated over by

// logs each key
Reflect.ownKeys(obj).forEach(key => console.log(key));

If you would like to iterate directly over the values of the keys of an object, you can define an iterator, just like JavaScipts's default iterators for strings, arrays, typed arrays, Map and Set.

JS will attempt to iterate via the default iterator property, which must be defined as Symbol.iterator.

If you want to be able to iterate over all objects you can add it as a prototype of Object:

Object.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function*() { 
    for(p of Reflect.ownKeys(this)){ yield this[p]; }

This would enable you to iterate over the values of an object with a for...of loop, for example:

for(val of obj) { console.log('Value is:' + val ) }

Caution: As of writing this answer (June 2018) all other browsers, but IE, support generators and for...of iteration via Symbol.iterator

How to build a 2 Column (Fixed - Fluid) Layout with Twitter Bootstrap?

- Another Update -

Since Twitter Bootstrap version 2.0 - which saw the removal of the .container-fluid class - it has not been possible to implement a two column fixed-fluid layout using just the bootstrap classes - however I have updated my answer to include some small CSS changes that can be made in your own CSS code that will make this possible

It is possible to implement a fixed-fluid structure using the CSS found below and slightly modified HTML code taken from the Twitter Bootstrap Scaffolding : layouts documentation page:


<div class="container-fluid fill">
    <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="fixed">  <!-- we want this div to be fixed width -->
        <div class="hero-unit filler">  <!-- we have removed spanX class -->


/* CSS for fixed-fluid layout */

.fixed {
    width: 150px;  /* the fixed width required */
    float: left;

.fixed + div {
     margin-left: 150px;  /* must match the fixed width in the .fixed class */
     overflow: hidden;

/* CSS to ensure sidebar and content are same height (optional) */

html, body {
    height: 100%;

.fill { 
    min-height: 100%;
    position: relative;

    bottom: 0;
    content: "";
    height: auto;
    min-height: 100%;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    width: inherit;
    z-index: -1;  

I have kept the answer below - even though the edit to support 2.0 made it a fluid-fluid solution - as it explains the concepts behind making the sidebar and content the same height (a significant part of the askers question as identified in the comments)


Answer below is fluid-fluid

Update As pointed out by @JasonCapriotti in the comments, the original answer to this question (created for v1.0) did not work in Bootstrap 2.0. For this reason, I have updated the answer to support Bootstrap 2.0

To ensure that the main content fills at least 100% of the screen height, we need to set the height of the html and body to 100% and create a new css class called .fill which has a minimum-height of 100%:

html, body {
    height: 100%;

.fill { 
    min-height: 100%;

We can then add the .fill class to any element that we need to take up 100% of the sceen height. In this case we add it to the first div:

<div class="container-fluid fill">

To ensure that the Sidebar and the Content columns have the same height is very difficult and unnecessary. Instead we can use the ::after pseudo selector to add a filler element that will give the illusion that the two columns have the same height:

.filler::after {
    background-color: inherit;
    bottom: 0;
    content: "";
    right: 0;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    width: inherit;
    z-index: -1;  

To make sure that the .filler element is positioned relatively to the .fill element we need to add position: relative to .fill:

.fill { 
    min-height: 100%;
    position: relative;

And finally add the .filler style to the HTML:


<div class="container-fluid fill">
    <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span3">
        <div class="span9 hero-unit filler">


  • If you need the element on the left of the page to be the filler then you need to change right: 0 to left: 0.

return in for loop or outside loop

The code is valid (i.e, will compile and execute) in both cases.

One of my lecturers at Uni told us that it is not desirable to have continue, return statements in any loop - for or while. The reason for this is that when examining the code, it is not not immediately clear whether the full length of the loop will be executed or the return or continue will take effect.

See Why is continue inside a loop a bad idea? for an example.

The key point to keep in mind is that for simple scenarios like this it doesn't (IMO) matter but when you have complex logic determining the return value, the code is 'generally' more readable if you have a single return statement instead of several.

With regards to the Garbage Collection - I have no idea why this would be an issue.

How do I enter a multi-line comment in Perl?

POD is the official way to do multi line comments in Perl,


The quick-and-dirty way to comment out more than one line of Perl is to surround those lines with Pod directives. You have to put these directives at the beginning of the line and somewhere where Perl expects a new statement (so not in the middle of statements like the # comments). You end the comment with =cut, ending the Pod section:


my $object = NotGonnaHappen->new();


$wont_be_assigned = 37;


The quick-and-dirty method only works well when you don't plan to leave the commented code in the source. If a Pod parser comes along, your multiline comment is going to show up in the Pod translation. A better way hides it from Pod parsers as well.

The =begin directive can mark a section for a particular purpose. If the Pod parser doesn't want to handle it, it just ignores it. Label the comments with comment. End the comment using =end with the same label. You still need the =cut to go back to Perl code from the Pod comment:

=begin comment

my $object = NotGonnaHappen->new();


$wont_be_assigned = 37;

=end comment


How to read integer values from text file

Try this:-

File file = new File("contactids.txt");
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
  // Read values here like long input = scanner.nextLong();

Maintaining Session through Angular.js

You can also try to make service based on window.sessionStorage or window.localStorage to keep state information between page reloads. I use it in the web app which is partially made in AngularJS and page URL is changed in "the old way" for some parts of workflow. Web storage is supported even by IE8. Here is angular-webstorage for convenience.

How can I set the default timezone in node.js?

Unfortunately, setting process.env.TZ doesn't work really well - basically it's indeterminate when the change will be effective).

So setting the system's timezone before starting node is your only proper option.

However, if you can't do that, it should be possible to use node-time as a workaround: get your times in local or UTC time, and convert them to the desired timezone. See How to use timezone offset in Nodejs? for details.

github markdown colspan

There is no way to do so. Either use an HTML table, or put the same text on several cells.

like this:

| Can Reorder | 2nd operation |2nd operation |2nd operation |
| :---: | --- |
|1st operation|Normal Load <br/>Normal Store| Volatile Load <br/>MonitorEnter|Volatile Store<br/> MonitorExit|
|Normal Load <br/> Normal Store| | | No|
|Volatile Load <br/> MonitorEnter| No|No|No|
|Volatile store <br/> MonitorExit| | No|No|

which looks like

HTML table

Format Float to n decimal places

I think what you want ist

return value.toString();

and use the return value to display.


will always return 625.3 because its mainly used to calculate something.

How do I remove diacritics (accents) from a string in .NET?

I needed something that converts all major unicode characters and the voted answer leaved a few out so I've created a version of CodeIgniter's convert_accented_characters($str) into C# that is easily customisable:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public static class Strings
    static Dictionary<string, string> foreign_characters = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "äæ?", "ae" },
        { "öœ", "oe" },
        { "ü", "ue" },
        { "Ä", "Ae" },
        { "Ü", "Ue" },
        { "Ö", "Oe" },
        { "ÀÁÂÃÄÅ?AAAA??????????????", "A" },
        { "àáâãå?aaaaªa??????????????", "a" },
        { "?", "B" },
        { "?", "b" },
        { "ÇCCCC", "C" },
        { "çcccc", "c" },
        { "?", "D" },
        { "?", "d" },
        { "ÐDÐ?", "Dj" },
        { "ðddd", "dj" },
        { "ÈÉÊËEEEEE????????????", "E" },
        { "èéêëeeeee?e??????????", "e" },
        { "?", "F" },
        { "?", "f" },
        { "GGGGG??", "G" },
        { "gggg???", "g" },
        { "HH", "H" },
        { "hh", "h" },
        { "ÌÍÎÏIIIIII?????????", "I" },
        { "ìíîïiiiiii??????????", "i" },
        { "J", "J" },
        { "j", "j" },
        { "K??", "K" },
        { "k??", "k" },
        { "LLL?L??", "L" },
        { "lll?l??", "l" },
        { "?", "M" },
        { "?", "m" },
        { "ÑNNN??", "N" },
        { "ñnnn???", "n" },
        { "ÒÓÔÕOOOOOØ???O??????????????", "O" },
        { "òóôõoooooø?º?????????????????", "o" },
        { "?", "P" },
        { "?", "p" },
        { "RRR??", "R" },
        { "rrr??", "r" },
        { "SSS?ŠS?", "S" },
        { "sss?š?s??", "s" },
        { "?TTTt?", "T" },
        { "?ttt?", "t" },
        { "ÙÚÛUUUUUUUUUUUUU????????", "U" },
        { "ùúûuuuuuuuuuuuu???????????", "u" },
        { "ÝŸY????????", "Y" },
        { "ýÿy?????", "y" },
        { "?", "V" },
        { "?", "v" },
        { "W", "W" },
        { "w", "w" },
        { "ZZŽ??", "Z" },
        { "zzž??", "z" },
        { "Æ?", "AE" },
        { "ß", "ss" },
        { "?", "IJ" },
        { "?", "ij" },
        { "Œ", "OE" },
        { "ƒ", "f" },
        { "?", "ks" },
        { "p", "p" },
        { "ß", "v" },
        { "µ", "m" },
        { "?", "ps" },
        { "?", "Yo" },
        { "?", "yo" },
        { "?", "Ye" },
        { "?", "ye" },
        { "?", "Yi" },
        { "?", "Zh" },
        { "?", "zh" },
        { "?", "Kh" },
        { "?", "kh" },
        { "?", "Ts" },
        { "?", "ts" },
        { "?", "Ch" },
        { "?", "ch" },
        { "?", "Sh" },
        { "?", "sh" },
        { "?", "Shch" },
        { "?", "shch" },
        { "????", "" },
        { "?", "Yu" },
        { "?", "yu" },
        { "?", "Ya" },
        { "?", "ya" },

    public static char RemoveDiacritics(this char c){
        foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in foreign_characters)
            if(entry.Key.IndexOf (c) != -1)
                return entry.Value[0];
        return c;

    public static string RemoveDiacritics(this string s) 
        //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
        string text = "";

        foreach (char c in s)
            int len = text.Length;

            foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in foreign_characters)
                if(entry.Key.IndexOf (c) != -1)
                    text += entry.Value;

            if (len == text.Length) {
                text += c;  
        return text;


// for strings
"crème brûlée".RemoveDiacritics (); // creme brulee

// for chars
"Ã"[0].RemoveDiacritics (); // A

Split string using a newline delimiter with Python

str.splitlines method should give you exactly that.

>>> data = """a,b,c
... d,e,f
... g,h,i
... j,k,l"""
>>> data.splitlines()
['a,b,c', 'd,e,f', 'g,h,i', 'j,k,l']

How to get all selected values of a multiple select box?

Here is an ES6 implementation:

value = Array(...el.options).reduce((acc, option) => {
  if (option.selected === true) {
  return acc;
}, []);

npm can't find package.json

I think, npm init will create your missing package.json file. It works for me for the same case.

How to define global variable in Google Apps Script

I'm using a workaround by returning a function with an object of my global variables:

function globalVariables(){
  var variables = {
    sheetName: 'Sheet1',
    variable1: 1,
    variable2: 2
  return variables;

function functionThatUsesVariable (){
  var sheet =   SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(globalVariables().sheetName);

What is the best way to access redux store outside a react component?

It might be a bit late but i think the best way is to use axios.interceptors as below. Import urls might change based on your project setup.


import axios from 'axios';
import setupAxios from './redux/setupAxios';
import store from './redux/store';

// some other codes

setupAxios(axios, store);


export default function setupAxios(axios, store) {
        (config) => {
            const {
                auth: { tokens: { authorization_token } },
            } = store.getState();

            if (authorization_token) {
                config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${authorization_token}`;

            return config;
       (err) => Promise.reject(err)

How to insert an item into a key/value pair object?

Do you need to look up objects by the key? If not, consider using List<Tuple<string, string>> or List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> if you're not using .NET 4.

Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title'

TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title appears to have been added in API Level 13. Make sure your build target is set to 13, not just 11.

How to transform numpy.matrix or array to scipy sparse matrix

There are several sparse matrix classes in scipy.

bsr_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy, blocksize]) Block Sparse Row matrix
coo_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) A sparse matrix in COOrdinate format.
csc_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Compressed Sparse Column matrix
csr_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Compressed Sparse Row matrix
dia_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Sparse matrix with DIAgonal storage
dok_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Dictionary Of Keys based sparse matrix.
lil_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Row-based linked list sparse matrix

Any of them can do the conversion.

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

(0, 0)  1
(0, 2)  1
(1, 2)  1

See .

process.env.NODE_ENV is undefined

For me, the issue was that I was using the pkg library to turn my app into an executable binary. In that case, the accepted solutions didn't work. However, using the following code solved my problem:

const NODE_ENV = (<any>process).pkg ? 'production' : process.env.NODE_ENV;

I found this solution here on GitHub.

An item with the same key has already been added

In MVC 5 I found that temporarily commenting out references to an Entity Framework model, and recompiling the project side stepped this error when scaffolding. Once I finish scaffolding I uncomment the code.

public Guid CreatedById { get; private set; }
// Commented out so I can scaffold: 
// public virtual UserBase CreatedBy { get; private set; }

What is the difference between "JPG" / "JPEG" / "PNG" / "BMP" / "GIF" / "TIFF" Image?

The named ones are all raster graphics, but beside that don't forget the more and more important vectorgraphics. There are compressed and uncompressed types (in a more or less way), but they're all lossless. Most important are:

Efficient iteration with index in Scala

It has been mentioned that Scala does have syntax for for loops:

for (i <- 0 until xs.length) ...

or simply

for (i <- xs.indices) ...

However, you also asked for efficiency. It turns out that the Scala for syntax is actually syntactic sugar for higher order methods such as map, foreach, etc. As such, in some cases these loops can be inefficient, e.g. How to optimize for-comprehensions and loops in Scala?

(The good news is that the Scala team is working on improving this. Here's the issue in the bug tracker:

For utmost efficiency, one can use a while loop or, if you insist on removing uses of var, tail recursion:

import scala.annotation.tailrec

@tailrec def printArray(i: Int, xs: Array[String]) {
  if (i < xs.length) {
    println("String #" + i + " is " + xs(i))
    printArray(i+1, xs)
printArray(0, Array("first", "second", "third"))

Note that the optional @tailrec annotation is useful for ensuring that the method is actually tail recursive. The Scala compiler translates tail-recursive calls into the byte code equivalent of while loops.

What is the difference between gravity and layout_gravity in Android?

The basic difference between the two is that-

android:gravity is used for child elements of the view.

android:layout_gravity is used for this element with respect to parent view.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xef in position 1

It's fine to use the below code in the top of your script as Andrei Krasutski suggested.

import sys

But I will suggest you to also add # -*- coding: utf-8 -* line at very top of the script.

Omitting it throws below error in my case when I try to execute

$ python
  File "", line 14
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xd9' in file on line 14, but no encoding declared; see for details

The following is the code present in which throws above error.

code with error

from pylatex import Document, Section, Subsection, Command, Package
from pylatex.utils import italic, NoEscape

import sys

def fill_document(doc):
    with doc.create(Section('?? ???????')):
        doc.append('??? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????')
        doc.append(italic('????? ???????? ??? ???? ????'))

        with doc.create(Subsection('??? ???????????')):
            doc.append('?????? ????? ??????????: $&#{}')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Basic document
    doc = Document('basic')

Then I added # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- line at very top and executed. It worked.

code without error

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pylatex import Document, Section, Subsection, Command, Package
from pylatex.utils import italic, NoEscape

import sys

def fill_document(doc):
    with doc.create(Section('?? ???????')):
        doc.append('??? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????')
        doc.append(italic('????? ???????? ??? ???? ????'))

        with doc.create(Subsection('??? ???????????')):
            doc.append('?????? ????? ??????????: $&#{}')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Basic document
    doc = Document('basic')


How can I disable the default console handler, while using the java logging API?

You must instruct your logger not to send its messages on up to its parent logger:

import java.util.logging.*;
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());

However, this should be done before adding any more handlers to logger.

How may I sort a list alphabetically using jQuery?

If you are using jQuery you can do this:

$(function() {_x000D_
  var $list = $("#list");_x000D_
  $list.children().detach().sort(function(a, b) {_x000D_
    return $(a).text().localeCompare($(b).text());_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<ul id="list">_x000D_

Note that returning 1 and -1 (or 0 and 1) from the compare function is absolutely wrong.

Using multiple delimiters in awk

Good news! awk field separator can be a regular expression. You just need to use -F"<separator1>|<separator2>|...":

awk -F"/|=" -vOFS='\t' '{print $3, $5, $NF}' file


tc0001  tomcat7.1
tc0001  tomcat7.2
tc0001  tomcat7.5


  • -F"/|=" sets the input field separator to either / or =. Then, it sets the output field separator to a tab.

  • -vOFS='\t' is using the -v flag for setting a variable. OFS is the default variable for the Output Field Separator and it is set to the tab character. The flag is necessary because there is no built-in for the OFS like -F.

  • {print $3, $5, $NF} prints the 3rd, 5th and last fields based on the input field separator.

See another example:

$ cat file

This file has two fields separators, # and _. If we want to print the second field regardless of the separator being one or the other, let's make both be separators!

$ awk -F"#|_" '{print $2}' file

Where the files are numbered as follows:

hello#how_are_you           i#am_very#well_thank#you
^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^           ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^
  1    2   3   4            1  2   3    4    5    6

How to use S_ISREG() and S_ISDIR() POSIX Macros?

You're using S_ISREG() and S_ISDIR() correctly, you're just using them on the wrong thing.

In your while((dit = readdir(dip)) != NULL) loop in main, you're calling stat on currentPath over and over again without changing currentPath:

if(stat(currentPath, &statbuf) == -1) {
    return errno;

Shouldn't you be appending a slash and dit->d_name to currentPath to get the full path to the file that you want to stat? Methinks that similar changes to your other stat calls are also needed.

Find all tables containing column with specified name - MS SQL Server

We can also use the following syntax:-

where COLUMN_NAME like '%clientid%' 
order by TABLE_NAME

How do I send an HTML email?

Since JavaMail version 1.4, there is an overload of setText method that accepts the subtype.

// Passing null for second argument in order for the method to determine
// the actual charset on-the fly.
// If you know the charset, pass it. "utf-8" should be fine
msg.setText( message, null, "html" );


If you're running on a Mac you could just search for Install Certificates.command on the spotlight and hit enter.

Bootstrap: How do I identify the Bootstrap version?

Method 1 - Very Simple

In Package.json - you'll see bootstrap package installed with version mentioned.

"dependencies": {
    // ...
   "bootstrap": "x.x.x"
    // ...

Method 2

  1. Open node_modules folder and under that
  2. Search and open bootstrap folder
  3. Now you'll be able to see version number in the following files
    • package.json
    • scss/bootstrap.scss or css/bootstrap.css

How to get the response of XMLHttpRequest?

You can get it by XMLHttpRequest.responseText in XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange when XMLHttpRequest.readyState equals to XMLHttpRequest.DONE.

Here's an example (not compatible with IE6/7).

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
}'GET', '', true);

For better crossbrowser compatibility, not only with IE6/7, but also to cover some browser-specific memory leaks or bugs, and also for less verbosity with firing ajaxical requests, you could use jQuery.

$.get('', function(responseText) {

Note that you've to take the Same origin policy for JavaScript into account when not running at localhost. You may want to consider to create a proxy script at your domain.

The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library - STS

I have solved it using "force update", pressing Alt+F5 as it is mentioned in the following link.

This Row already belongs to another table error when trying to add rows?


It's because the row you're copying doesn't have the same TableName:

For example, try:

Table1.TableName = "Table1";
Table2.TableName = "Table2";

How to break lines at a specific character in Notepad++?

Let's assume ], is the character where we wanted to break at

  1. Open notePad++
  2. Open Find window Ctrl+F
  3. Switch to Replace Tab
  4. Choose Search Mode to Extended
  5. Type ], in Find What field
  6. Type \nin Replace with field
  7. Hit Replace All
  8. Boom

How to prevent browser to invoke basic auth popup and handle 401 error using Jquery?

You can suppress basic auth popup with request url looking like this:

https://username:[email protected]/admin/...

If you get 401 error (wrong username or password) it will be correctly handled with jquery error callback. It can cause some security issues (in case of http protocol instead of https), but it's works.

UPD: This solution support will be removed in Chrome 59

SimpleXml to string

Actually asXML() converts the string into xml as it name says:


This will display normally on a web page but it will cause problems when you matching values with something else.

You may use strip_tags function to get real value of the field like:

$newString = strip_tags($xml->asXML());

PS: if you are working with integers or floating numbers, you need to convert it into integer with intval() or floatval().

$newNumber = intval(strip_tags($xml->asXML()));

Buiding Hadoop with Eclipse / Maven - Missing artifact

If you can live without tools.jar and it's only included as a chained dependency, you can exclude it from the offending project:


Phone Number Validation MVC

The phone number data annotation attribute is for the data type, which is not related to the data display format. It's just a misunderstanding. Phone number means you can accept numbers and symbols used for phone numbers for this locale, but is not checking the format, length, range, or else. For display string format use the javascript to have a more dynamic user interaction, or a plugin for MVC mask, or just use a display format string properly.

If you are new to MVC programming put this code at the very end of your view file (.cshtml) and see the magic:

<script src="" integrity="sha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $("#the_id_of_your_field_control").keyup(function () {
            $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/^(\d{2})(\d{5})(\d{4})+$/, "($1) $2-$3"));

This format is currently used for mobile phones in Brazil. Adapt for your standard.

This will add the parenthesis and spaces to your field, which will increase the string length of your input data. If you want to save just the numbers you will have to trim out the non-numbers from the string before saving.

How do I get the current date in JavaScript?

Date.prototype.toLocalFullDateStringYYYYMMDDHHMMSS = function () {
if (this != null && this != undefined) {
    let str = this.getFullYear();
    str += "-" + round(this.getMonth() + 1);
    str += "-" + round(this.getDate());
    str += "T";
    str += round(this.getHours());
    str += ":" + round(this.getMinutes());
    str += ":" + round(this.getSeconds());
    return str;
} else {
    return this;

function round(n){
    if(n < 10){
        return "0" + n;
    else return n;

Convert an image (selected by path) to base64 string

You can use Server.Map path to give relative path and then you can either create image using base64 conversion or you can just add base64 string to image src.

byte[] imageArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Server.MapPath("~/Images/Upload_Image.png"));

string base64ImageRepresentation = Convert.ToBase64String(imageArray);

What is the difference between $routeProvider and $stateProvider?

$route: This is used for deep-linking URLs to controllers and views (HTML partials) and watches $location.url() in order to map the path from an existing definition of route.

When we use ngRoute, the route is configured with $routeProvider and when we use ui-router, the route is configured with $stateProvider and $urlRouterProvider.

<div ng-view></div>
        .when('/contact/', {
            templateUrl: 'app/views/core/contact/contact.html',
            controller: 'ContactCtrl'

<div ui-view>
    <div ui-view='abc'></div>
    <div ui-view='abc'></div>
        .state("contact", {
            url: "/contact/",
            templateUrl: '/app/Aisel/Contact/views/contact.html',
            controller: 'ContactCtrl'

Visual studio code CSS indentation and formatting

Beautify (Github) & Prettier (Github) are the best plugin for web development in Visual Studio Code.

error : expected unqualified-id before return in c++

if (chapeau) {

You forgot the ending brace to this if statement, so the subsequent else if is considered a syntax error. You need to add the brace when the if statement body is complete:

if (chapeau) {
    cout << "le Professeur Violet";
else if (moustaches) {
    cout << "le Colonel Moutarde";
// ...

Node.js check if path is file or directory

The following should tell you. From the docs:


Objects returned from fs.stat() and fs.lstat() are of this type.

stats.isSymbolicLink() (only valid with fs.lstat())


The above solution will throw an Error if; for ex, the file or directory doesn't exist.

If you want a true or false approach, try fs.existsSync(dirPath) && fs.lstatSync(dirPath).isDirectory(); as mentioned by Joseph in the comments below.

Visual Studio 2008 Product Key in Registry?

For Visual Studio 2005:

If you do have an installed Visual Studio 2005 however, and want to find out the serial number you’ve used to install it because you don’t have a clue where you put that shiny sticker, you can. It is, like most things in Windows, in the registry.


In order to convert the value in that key to an actual serial number you have to put a dash ( – ) after evert 5 characters of the code.


For Visual Studio 2008 it's supposed to be:


However I noted that the the Data field for PIDKEY is only filled in the 1000.0x000 (or 2000.0x000) sub folder of the above paths.

How to check if an NSDictionary or NSMutableDictionary contains a key?

if ( [dictionary[@"data"][@"action"] isKindOfClass:NSNull.class ] ){
   //do something if doesn't exist

This is for nested dictionary structure

Aliases in Windows command prompt

Alternatively you can use cmder which lets you add aliases just like linux:

alias subl="C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\subl.exe" $*

Get query string parameters url values with jQuery / Javascript (querystring)

I wrote a little function where you only have to parse the name of the query parameter. So if you have: ?Project=12&Mode=200&date=2013-05-27 and you want the 'Mode' parameter you only have to parse the 'Mode' name into the function:

function getParameterByName( name ){
    var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)", 
  regex = new RegExp( regexS ),
  results = regex.exec( );
  if( results == null ){
    return "";
  } else{
    return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));

// example caller:
var result =  getParameterByName('Mode');

Convert Char to String in C

To answer the question without reading too much else into it i would

char str[2] = "\0"; /* gives {\0, \0} */
str[0] = fgetc(fp);

You could use the second line in a loop with what ever other string operations you want to keep using char's as strings.

Java SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'") gives timezone as IST

For Java 8: You can use inbuilt java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter to reduce any chance of typos, like

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME;

ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME represents 2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris] is one of the bundled standard DateTime formats provided by Oracle link

Get all child views inside LinearLayout at once

Use getChildCount() and getChildAt(int index).


LinearLayout ll = …
final int childCount = ll.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
      View v = ll.getChildAt(i);
      // Do something with v.
      // …

Do I need to pass the full path of a file in another directory to open()?

If you are just looking for the files in a single directory (ie you are not trying to traverse a directory tree, which it doesn't look like), why not simply use os.listdir():

import os  
for fn in os.listdir('.'):
     if os.path.isfile(fn):
        print (fn)

in place of os.walk(). You can specify a directory path as a parameter for os.listdir(). os.path.isfile() will determine if the given filename is for a file.

HTTP GET request in JavaScript?

function get(path) {
    var form = document.createElement("form");
    form.setAttribute("method", "get");
    form.setAttribute("action", path);


Same thing can be done for post request as well.
Have a look at this link JavaScript post request like a form submit

angular2: Error: TypeError: Cannot read property '...' of undefined

Safe navigation operator or Existential Operator or Null Propagation Operator is supported in Angular Template. Suppose you have Component class

  myObj:any = {
    doSomething: function () { console.log('doing something'); return 'doing something'; },
  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.myArray = [this.myObj];

You can use it in template html file as following:

<div>test-1: {{  myObj?.doSomething()}}</div>
<div>test-2: {{  myArray[0].doSomething()}}</div>
<div>test-3: {{  myArray[2]?.doSomething()}}</div>

How do you set a JavaScript onclick event to a class with css

Here is my solution through CSS, It does not use any JavaScript at all


<a href="#openModal">Open Modal</a>

<div id="openModal" class="modalDialog">
        <div>   <a href="#close" title="Close" class="close">X</a>

                <h2>Modal Box</h2>

            <p>This is a sample modal box that can be created using the powers of CSS3.</p>
            <p>You could do a lot of things here like have a pop-up ad that shows when your website loads, or create a login/register form for users.</p>


.modalDialog {
    position: fixed;
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
    z-index: 99999;
    -webkit-transition: opacity 400ms ease-in;
    -moz-transition: opacity 400ms ease-in;
    transition: opacity 400ms ease-in;
    pointer-events: none;
.modalDialog:target {
    pointer-events: auto;
.modalDialog > div {
    width: 400px;
    position: relative;
    margin: 10% auto;
    padding: 5px 20px 13px 20px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    background: #fff;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(#fff, #999);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#fff, #999);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(#fff, #999);
.close {
    background: #606061;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    line-height: 25px;
    position: absolute;
    right: -12px;
    text-align: center;
    top: -10px;
    width: 24px;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-weight: bold;
    -webkit-border-radius: 12px;
    -moz-border-radius: 12px;
    border-radius: 12px;
    -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000;
.close:hover {
    background: #00d9ff;

CSS alert No JavaScript Just pure HTML and CSS

I believe that it will do the trick for you as it has for me

javaw.exe cannot find path

Just update your eclipse.ini file (you can find it in the root-directory of eclipse) by this:


for example:

C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_09/jre/bin/javaw.exe


Join on one-to-many relation in JPQL looks as follows:

select b.fname, b.lname from Users b JOIN b.groups c where c.groupName = :groupName 

When several properties are specified in select clause, result is returned as Object[]:

Object[] temp = (Object[]) em.createNamedQuery("...")
    .setParameter("groupName", groupName)
String fname = (String) temp[0];
String lname = (String) temp[1];

By the way, why your entities are named in plural form, it's confusing. If you want to have table names in plural, you may use @Table to specify the table name for the entity explicitly, so it doesn't interfere with reserved words:

@Entity @Table(name = "Users")     
public class User implements Serializable { ... } 

Show datalist labels but submit the actual value

When clicking on the button for search you can find it without a loop.
Just add to the option an attribute with the value you need (like id) and search for it specific.

$('#search_wrapper button').on('click', function(){
$('#autocomplete_input').val() +'"]').data('value'));

Loading .sql files from within PHP

Some guys (Plahcinski) suggested this code:

$file_content = file('myfile.sql');
$query = "";
foreach($file_content as $sql_line){
  if(trim($sql_line) != "" && strpos($sql_line, "--") === false){
    $query .= $sql_line;
    if (substr(rtrim($query), -1) == ';'){
      echo $query;
      $result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());
      $query = "";

but I would update it with the one which worked for me:

 //selecting my database
    $database = 'databaseTitleInFile';
    $selectDatabase = mysql_select_db($database, $con);
    if(! $selectDatabase )
      die('Could not select the database: ' . mysql_error());
    echo "The database " . $database . " selected successfully\n";
//reading the file
        echo "File Not Exists";
    $file_content = file_get_contents($file_path);
    $array = explode("\n", $file_content)
//making queries
    $query = "";
        foreach($array as $sql_line){
          if($sql_line != "" && substr($sql_line, 0, 2) === "--" && strpos($sql_line, "/*") === false){
            $query .= $sql_line;
            if (substr(rtrim($query), -1) == ';'){
              $result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());
              $query = "";

because it is more comprehensive. ;-)

How to get the location of the DLL currently executing?

You are looking for System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()

string assemblyFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
string xmlFileName = Path.Combine(assemblyFolder,"AggregatorItems.xml");


The .Location property returns the location of the currently running DLL file.

Under some conditions the DLL is shadow copied before execution, and the .Location property will return the path of the copy. If you want the path of the original DLL, use the Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase property instead.

.CodeBase contains a prefix (file:\), which you may need to remove.

How to find the kth largest element in an unsorted array of length n in O(n)?

iterate through the list. if the current value is larger than the stored largest value, store it as the largest value and bump the 1-4 down and 5 drops off the list. If not,compare it to number 2 and do the same thing. Repeat, checking it against all 5 stored values. this should do it in O(n)

Pip install - Python 2.7 - Windows 7

This is one way of installing pip on a Windows system.

  1. Download the "get-pip" python script from here:

  2. Save the file as

  3. Run it from cmd: python install

How can I select from list of values in Oracle

Starting from Oracle 12.2, you don't need the TABLE function, you can directly select from the built-in collection.

SQL> select * FROM sys.odcinumberlist(5,2,6,3,78);


SQL> select * FROM sys.odcivarchar2list('A','B','C','D');


Python equivalent for HashMap

You need a dict:

my_dict = {'cheese': 'cake'}

Example code (from the docs):

>>> a = dict(one=1, two=2, three=3)
>>> b = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
>>> c = dict(zip(['one', 'two', 'three'], [1, 2, 3]))
>>> d = dict([('two', 2), ('one', 1), ('three', 3)])
>>> e = dict({'three': 3, 'one': 1, 'two': 2})
>>> a == b == c == d == e

You can read more about dictionaries here.

Twig for loop for arrays with keys

These are extended operations (e.g., sort, reverse) for one dimensional and two dimensional arrays in Twig framework:

1D Array

Without Key Sort and Reverse

{% for key, value in array_one_dimension %}
    <div>{{ key }}</div>
    <div>{{ value }}</div>
{% endfor %}

Key Sort

{% for key, value in array_one_dimension|keys|sort %}
    <div>{{ key }}</div>
    <div>{{ value }}</div>
{% endfor %}

Key Sort and Reverse

{% for key, value in array_one_dimension|keys|sort|reverse %}
    <div>{{ key }}</div>
    <div>{{ value }}</div>
{% endfor %}

2D Arrays

Without Key Sort and Reverse

{% for key_a, value_a in array_two_dimension %}
    {% for key_b, value_b in array_two_dimension[key_a] %}
        <div>{{ key_b }}</div>
        <div>{{ value_b }}</div>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Key Sort on Outer Array

{% for key_a, value_a in array_two_dimension|keys|sort %}
    {% for key_b, value_b in array_two_dimension[key_a] %}
        <div>{{ key_b }}</div>
        <div>{{ value_b }}</div>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Key Sort on Both Outer and Inner Arrays

{% for key_a, value_a in array_two_dimension|keys|sort %}
    {% for key_b, value_b in array_two_dimension[key_a]|keys|sort %}
        <div>{{ key_b }}</div>
        <div>{{ value_b }}</div>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Key Sort on Outer Array & Key Sort and Reverse on Inner Array

{% for key_a, value_a in array_two_dimension|keys|sort %}
    {% for key_b, value_b in array_two_dimension[key_a]|keys|sort|reverse %}
        <div>{{ key_b }}</div>
        <div>{{ value_b }}</div>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Key Sort and Reverse on Outer Array & Key Sort on Inner Array

{% for key_a, value_a in array_two_dimension|keys|sort|reverse %}
    {% for key_b, value_b in array_two_dimension[key_a]|keys|sort %}
        <div>{{ key_b }}</div>
        <div>{{ value_b }}</div>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Key Sort and Reverse on Both Outer and Inner Array

{% for key_a, value_a in array_two_dimension|keys|sort|reverse %}
    {% for key_b, value_b in array_two_dimension[key_a]|keys|sort|reverse %}
        <div>{{ key_b }}</div>
        <div>{{ value_b }}</div>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Replace specific text with a redacted version using Python

You can do it using named-entity recognition (NER). It's fairly simple and there are out-of-the-shelf tools out there to do it, such as spaCy.

NER is an NLP task where a neural network (or other method) is trained to detect certain entities, such as names, places, dates and organizations.


Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!
I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.


NER with spacy

Just be aware that this is not 100%!

Here are a little snippet for you to try out:

import spacy

phrases = ['Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!', 'I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.']
nlp = spacy.load('en')
for phrase in phrases:
   doc = nlp(phrase)
   replaced = ""
   for token in doc:
      if token in doc.ents:
         replaced+="XXXX "
         replaced+=token.text+" "

Read more here:

You could, instead of replacing with XXXX, replace based on the entity type, like:

if ent.label_ == "PERSON":
   replaced += "<PERSON> "


import re, random

personames = ["Jack", "Mike", "Bob", "Dylan"]

phrase = re.replace("<PERSON>", random.choice(personames), phrase)

jQuery override default validation error message display (Css) Popup/Tooltip like

Add following css to your .validate method to change the css or functionality

 errorElement: "div",
    wrapper: "div",
    errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
        offset = element.offset();

Delete all local git branches

Try the following shell command:

git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D


  • Get all branches (except for the master) via git branch | grep -v "master" command
  • Select every branch with xargs command
  • Delete branch with xargs git branch -D

remove white space from the end of line in linux

Try this:

sed -i 's/\s*$//' youfile.txt

Slack clean all messages (~8K) in a channel

There is a slack tool to delete all slack messages on your workspace. Check it out:

Device not detected in Eclipse when connected with USB cable

On a kitkat Google Nexus 7, I tired everything here, and did not succeed. The device did previously connect properly to this computer.

Then I hit settings - developer-options - Revoke USB debugging authorisations and confirmed that I really did want to revoke them.

I unplugged and plugged the USB. The tablet beeped and asked if wanted to authorise the computer for debugging. I said "Yes" and everything worked again.

Ignore mapping one property with Automapper

Hello All Please Use this it's working fine... for auto mapper use multiple .ForMember in C#

        if (promotionCode.Any())
            Mapper.CreateMap<PromotionCode, PromotionCodeEntity>().ForMember(d => d.serverTime, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.promotionCodeId == null ? "date" : String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt}", DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(7.0))))
                .ForMember(d =>, p => p.MapFrom(s => s.code != "" ? LeftTime(Convert.ToInt32(s.quantity), Convert.ToString(s.expiryDate), Convert.ToString(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(7.0))) : "Day"))
                .ForMember(d => d.subCategoryname, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.subCategoryId == 0 ? "" : Convert.ToString(subCategory.Where(z => z.subCategoryId.Equals(s.subCategoryId)).FirstOrDefault().subCategoryName)))
                .ForMember(d => d.optionalCategoryName, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.optCategoryId == 0 ? "" : Convert.ToString(optionalCategory.Where(z => z.optCategoryId.Equals(s.optCategoryId)).FirstOrDefault().optCategoryName)))
                .ForMember(d => d.logoImg, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.vendorId == 0 ? "" : Convert.ToString(vendorImg.Where(z => z.vendorId.Equals(s.vendorId)).FirstOrDefault().logoImg)))
                .ForMember(d => d.expiryDate, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.expiryDate == null ? "" : String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt}", s.expiryDate))); 
            var userPromotionModel = Mapper.Map<List<PromotionCode>, List<PromotionCodeEntity>>(promotionCode);
            return userPromotionModel;
        return null;

Python dictionary get multiple values

If you have pandas installed you can turn it into a series with the keys as the index. So something like

import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series(my_dict)

s[['key1', 'key3', 'key2']]

How to get height of <div> in px dimension

Use .height() like this:

var result = $("#myDiv").height();

There's also .innerHeight() and .outerHeight() depending on exactly what you want.

You can test it here, play with the padding/margins/content to see how it changes around.