I'd like to report a bug regarding the section Source of data to search in the first answer when using en dash (–) or em dash (—) within the filename.
More specifically, if you are about to use the first option - filenames specified as arguments, the file won't be found. As soon as you use either option 2 - stdin via redirection or 3 - data stream from a pipe, findstr will find the file.
For example, this simple batch script:
echo off
chcp 1250 > nul
set INTEXTFILE1=filename with – dash.txt
set INTEXTFILE2=filename with — dash.txt
rem 3 way of findstr use with en dashed filename
echo Filename with en dash:
echo 1. As argument
findstr . "%INTEXTFILE1%"
echo 2. As stdin via redirection
findstr . < "%INTEXTFILE1%"
echo 3. As datastream from a pipe
type "%INTEXTFILE1%" | findstr .
rem The same set of operations with em dashed filename
echo Filename with em dash:
echo 1. As argument
findstr . "%INTEXTFILE2%"
echo 2. As stdin via redirection
findstr . < "%INTEXTFILE2%"
echo 3. As datastream from a pipe
type "%INTEXTFILE2%" | findstr .
will print:
Filename with en dash:
As argument
FINDSTR: Cannot open filename with - dash.txt
As stdin via redirection
I am the file with an en dash.
As datastream from a pipe
I am the file with an en dash.
Filename with em dash:
As argument
FINDSTR: Cannot open filename with - dash.txt
As stdin via redirection
I am the file with an em dash.
As datastream from a pipe
I am the file with an em dash.
Hope it helps.