[awk] Using multiple delimiters in awk

Perl one-liner:

perl -F'/[\/=]/' -lane 'print "$F[2]\t$F[4]\t$F[7]"' file

These command-line options are used:

  • -n loop around every line of the input file, put the line in the $_ variable, do not automatically print every line

  • -l removes newlines before processing, and adds them back in afterwards

  • -a autosplit mode – perl will automatically split input lines into the @F array. Defaults to splitting on whitespace

  • -F autosplit modifier, in this example splits on either / or =

  • -e execute the perl code

Perl is closely related to awk, however, the @F autosplit array starts at index $F[0] while awk fields start with $1.

Examples related to awk

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Examples related to text-processing

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