[command-line] How to use sed to replace only the first occurrence in a file?

I would like to update a large number of C++ source files with an extra include directive before any existing #includes. For this sort of task, I normally use a small bash script with sed to re-write the file.

How do I get sed to replace just the first occurrence of a string in a file rather than replacing every occurrence?

If I use

sed s/#include/#include "newfile.h"\n#include/

it replaces all #includes.

Alternative suggestions to achieve the same thing are also welcome.

This question is related to command-line sed text-processing

The answer is

As an alternative suggestion you may want to look at the ed command.

man 1 ed

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

# for in-place file editing use "ed -s file" and replace ",p" with "w"
# cf. http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/howto/edit-ed
cat <<-'EOF' | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' | ed -s <(echo "$teststr")
   /# *include/i
   #include "newfile.h"

The use case can perhaps be that your occurences are spread throughout your file, but you know your only concern is in the first 10, 20 or 100 lines.

Then simply adressing those lines fixes the issue - even if the wording of the OP regards first only.

sed '1,10s/#include/#include "newfile.h"\n#include/'

I know this is an old post but I had a solution that I used to use:

grep -E -m 1 -n 'old' file | sed 's/:.*$//' - | sed 's/$/s\/old\/new\//' - | sed -f - file

Basically use grep to print the first occurrence and stop there. Additionally print line number ie 5:line. Pipe that into sed and remove the : and anything after so you are just left with a line number. Pipe that into sed which adds s/.*/replace to the end number, which results in a 1 line script which is piped into the last sed to run as a script on the file.

so if regex = #include and replace = blah and the first occurrence grep finds is on line 5 then the data piped to the last sed would be 5s/.*/blah/.

Works even if first occurrence is on the first line.

I finally got this to work in a Bash script used to insert a unique timestamp in each item in an RSS feed:

        sed "1,/====RSSpermalink====/s/====RSSpermalink====/${nowms}/" \
            production-feed2.xml.tmp2 > production-feed2.xml.tmp.$counter

It changes the first occurrence only.

${nowms} is the time in milliseconds set by a Perl script, $counter is a counter used for loop control within the script, \ allows the command to be continued on the next line.

The file is read in and stdout is redirected to a work file.

The way I understand it, 1,/====RSSpermalink====/ tells sed when to stop by setting a range limitation, and then s/====RSSpermalink====/${nowms}/ is the familiar sed command to replace the first string with the second.

In my case I put the command in double quotation marks becauase I am using it in a Bash script with variables.

This might work for you (GNU sed):

sed -si '/#include/{s//& "newfile.h\n&/;:a;$!{n;ba}}' file1 file2 file....

or if memory is not a problem:

sed -si ':a;$!{N;ba};s/#include/& "newfile.h\n&/' file1 file2 file...

sed -e 's/pattern/REPLACEMENT/1' <INPUTFILE

The following command removes the first occurrence of a string, within a file. It removes the empty line too. It is presented on an xml file, but it would work with any file.

Useful if you work with xml files and you want to remove a tag. In this example it removes the first occurrence of the "isTag" tag.


sed -e 0,/'<isTag>false<\/isTag>'/{s/'<isTag>false<\/isTag>'//}  -e 's/ *$//' -e  '/^$/d'  source.txt > output.txt

Source file (source.txt)


Result file (output.txt)


ps: it didn't work for me on Solaris SunOS 5.10 (quite old), but it works on Linux 2.6, sed version 4.1.5

A possible solution here might be to tell the compiler to include the header without it being mentioned in the source files. IN GCC there are these options:

   -include file
       Process file as if "#include "file"" appeared as the first line of
       the primary source file.  However, the first directory searched for
       file is the preprocessor's working directory instead of the
       directory containing the main source file.  If not found there, it
       is searched for in the remainder of the "#include "..."" search
       chain as normal.

       If multiple -include options are given, the files are included in
       the order they appear on the command line.

   -imacros file
       Exactly like -include, except that any output produced by scanning
       file is thrown away.  Macros it defines remain defined.  This
       allows you to acquire all the macros from a header without also
       processing its declarations.

       All files specified by -imacros are processed before all files
       specified by -include.

Microsoft's compiler has the /FI (forced include) option.

This feature can be handy for some common header, like platform configuration. The Linux kernel's Makefile uses -include for this.

You could use awk to do something similar..

awk '/#include/ && !done { print "#include \"newfile.h\""; done=1;}; 1;' file.c


/#include/ && !done

Runs the action statement between {} when the line matches "#include" and we haven't already processed it.

{print "#include \"newfile.h\""; done=1;}

This prints #include "newfile.h", we need to escape the quotes. Then we set the done variable to 1, so we don't add more includes.


This means "print out the line" - an empty action defaults to print $0, which prints out the whole line. A one liner and easier to understand than sed IMO :-)

i would do this with an awk script:

BEGIN {i=0}
(i==0) && /#include/ {print "#include \"newfile.h\""; i=1}
{print $0}    
END {}

then run it with awk:

awk -f awkscript headerfile.h > headerfilenew.h

might be sloppy, I'm new to this.

Using FreeBSD ed and avoid ed's "no match" error in case there is no include statement in a file to be processed:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

# using FreeBSD ed
# to avoid ed's "no match" error, see
# *emphasized text*http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/11917 
cat <<-'EOF' | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' | ed -s <(echo "$teststr")
   ,g/# *include/u\
   #include "newfile.h"\

sed '0,/pattern/s/pattern/replacement/' filename

this worked for me.


sed '0,/<Menu>/s/<Menu>/<Menu><Menu>Sub menu<\/Menu>/' try.txt > abc.txt

Editor's note: both work with GNU sed only.

An overview of the many helpful existing answers, complemented with explanations:

The examples here use a simplified use case: replace the word 'foo' with 'bar' in the first matching line only.
Due to use of ANSI C-quoted strings ($'...') to provide the sample input lines, bash, ksh, or zsh is assumed as the shell.

GNU sed only:

Ben Hoffstein's anwswer shows us that GNU provides an extension to the POSIX specification for sed that allows the following 2-address form: 0,/re/ (re represents an arbitrary regular expression here).

0,/re/ allows the regex to match on the very first line also. In other words: such an address will create a range from the 1st line up to and including the line that matches re - whether re occurs on the 1st line or on any subsequent line.

  • Contrast this with the POSIX-compliant form 1,/re/, which creates a range that matches from the 1st line up to and including the line that matches re on subsequent lines; in other words: this will not detect the first occurrence of an re match if it happens to occur on the 1st line and also prevents the use of shorthand // for reuse of the most recently used regex (see next point).1

If you combine a 0,/re/ address with an s/.../.../ (substitution) call that uses the same regular expression, your command will effectively only perform the substitution on the first line that matches re.
sed provides a convenient shortcut for reusing the most recently applied regular expression: an empty delimiter pair, //.

$ sed '0,/foo/ s//bar/' <<<$'1st foo\nUnrelated\n2nd foo\n3rd foo' 
1st bar         # only 1st match of 'foo' replaced
2nd foo
3rd foo

A POSIX-features-only sed such as BSD (macOS) sed (will also work with GNU sed):

Since 0,/re/ cannot be used and the form 1,/re/ will not detect re if it happens to occur on the very first line (see above), special handling for the 1st line is required.

MikhailVS's answer mentions the technique, put into a concrete example here:

$ sed -e '1 s/foo/bar/; t' -e '1,// s//bar/' <<<$'1st foo\nUnrelated\n2nd foo\n3rd foo'
1st bar         # only 1st match of 'foo' replaced
2nd foo
3rd foo


  • The empty regex // shortcut is employed twice here: once for the endpoint of the range, and once in the s call; in both cases, regex foo is implicitly reused, allowing us not to have to duplicate it, which makes both for shorter and more maintainable code.

  • POSIX sed needs actual newlines after certain functions, such as after the name of a label or even its omission, as is the case with t here; strategically splitting the script into multiple -e options is an alternative to using an actual newlines: end each -e script chunk where a newline would normally need to go.

1 s/foo/bar/ replaces foo on the 1st line only, if found there. If so, t branches to the end of the script (skips remaining commands on the line). (The t function branches to a label only if the most recent s call performed an actual substitution; in the absence of a label, as is the case here, the end of the script is branched to).

When that happens, range address 1,//, which normally finds the first occurrence starting from line 2, will not match, and the range will not be processed, because the address is evaluated when the current line is already 2.

Conversely, if there's no match on the 1st line, 1,// will be entered, and will find the true first match.

The net effect is the same as with GNU sed's 0,/re/: only the first occurrence is replaced, whether it occurs on the 1st line or any other.

NON-range approaches

potong's answer demonstrates loop techniques that bypass the need for a range; since he uses GNU sed syntax, here are the POSIX-compliant equivalents:

Loop technique 1: On first match, perform the substitution, then enter a loop that simply prints the remaining lines as-is:

$ sed -e '/foo/ {s//bar/; ' -e ':a' -e '$!{n;ba' -e '};}' <<<$'1st foo\nUnrelated\n2nd foo\n3rd foo'
1st bar
2nd foo
3rd foo

Loop technique 2, for smallish files only: read the entire input into memory, then perform a single substitution on it.

$ sed -e ':a' -e '$!{N;ba' -e '}; s/foo/bar/' <<<$'1st foo\nUnrelated\n2nd foo\n3rd foo'
1st bar
2nd foo
3rd foo

1 1.61803 provides examples of what happens with 1,/re/, with and without a subsequent s//:

  • sed '1,/foo/ s/foo/bar/' <<<$'1foo\n2foo' yields $'1bar\n2bar'; i.e., both lines were updated, because line number 1 matches the 1st line, and regex /foo/ - the end of the range - is then only looked for starting on the next line. Therefore, both lines are selected in this case, and the s/foo/bar/ substitution is performed on both of them.
  • sed '1,/foo/ s//bar/' <<<$'1foo\n2foo\n3foo' fails: with sed: first RE may not be empty (BSD/macOS) and sed: -e expression #1, char 0: no previous regular expression (GNU), because, at the time the 1st line is being processed (due to line number 1 starting the range), no regex has been applied yet, so // doesn't refer to anything.
    With the exception of GNU sed's special 0,/re/ syntax, any range that starts with a line number effectively precludes use of //.

i would do this with an awk script:

BEGIN {i=0}
(i==0) && /#include/ {print "#include \"newfile.h\""; i=1}
{print $0}    
END {}

then run it with awk:

awk -f awkscript headerfile.h > headerfilenew.h

might be sloppy, I'm new to this.

Quite a comprehensive collection of answers on linuxtopia sed FAQ. It also highlights that some answers people provided won't work with non-GNU version of sed, eg

sed '0,/RE/s//to_that/' file

in non-GNU version will have to be

sed -e '1s/RE/to_that/;t' -e '1,/RE/s//to_that/'

However, this version won't work with gnu sed.

Here's a version that works with both:

-e '/RE/{s//to_that/;:a' -e '$!N;$!ba' -e '}'


sed -e '/Apple/{s//Banana/;:a' -e '$!N;$!ba' -e '}' filename

If anyone came here to replace a character for the first occurrence in all lines (like myself), use this:

sed '/old/s/old/new/1' file

-bash-4.2$ cat file
-bash-4.2$ sed '/a/s/a/b/1' file

By changing 1 to 2 for example, you can replace all the second a's only instead.

A possible solution:

    #include "newfile.h"


  • read lines until we find the #include, print these lines then start new cycle
  • insert the new include line
  • enter a loop that just reads lines (by default sed will also print these lines), we won't get back to the first part of the script from here

#!/bin/sed -f
1,/^#include/ {
#include "newfile.h"

How this script works: For lines between 1 and the first #include (after line 1), if the line starts with #include, then prepend the specified line.

However, if the first #include is in line 1, then both line 1 and the next subsequent #include will have the line prepended. If you are using GNU sed, it has an extension where 0,/^#include/ (instead of 1,) will do the right thing.

With GNU sed's -z option you could process the whole file as if it was only one line. That way a s/…/…/ would only replace the first match in the whole file. Remember: s/…/…/ only replaces the first match in each line, but with the -z option sed treats the whole file as a single line.

sed -z 's/#include/#include "newfile.h"\n#include'

In the general case you have to rewrite your sed expression since the pattern space now holds the whole file instead of just one line. Some examples:

  • s/text.*// can be rewritten as s/text[^\n]*//. [^\n] matches everything except the newline character. [^\n]* will match all symbols after text until a newline is reached.
  • s/^text// can be rewritten as s/(^|\n)text//.
  • s/text$// can be rewritten as s/text(\n|$)//.

A sed script that will only replace the first occurrence of "Apple" by "Banana"


     Input:      Output:

     Apple       Banana
     Apple       Apple
     Orange      Orange
     Apple       Apple

This is the simple script: Editor's note: works with GNU sed only.

sed '0,/Apple/{s/Apple/Banana/}' input_filename

The first two parameters 0 and /Apple/ are the range specifier. The s/Apple/Banana/ is what is executed within that range. So in this case "within the range of the beginning (0) up to the first instance of Apple, replace Apple with Banana. Only the first Apple will be replaced.

Background: In traditional sed the range specifier is also "begin here" and "end here" (inclusive). However the lowest "begin" is the first line (line 1), and if the "end here" is a regex, then it is only attempted to match against on the next line after "begin", so the earliest possible end is line 2. So since range is inclusive, smallest possible range is "2 lines" and smallest starting range is both lines 1 and 2 (i.e. if there's an occurrence on line 1, occurrences on line 2 will also be changed, not desired in this case). GNU sed adds its own extension of allowing specifying start as the "pseudo" line 0 so that the end of the range can be line 1, allowing it a range of "only the first line" if the regex matches the first line.

Or a simplified version (an empty RE like // means to re-use the one specified before it, so this is equivalent):

sed '0,/Apple/{s//Banana/}' input_filename

And the curly braces are optional for the s command, so this is also equivalent:

sed '0,/Apple/s//Banana/' input_filename

All of these work on GNU sed only.

You can also install GNU sed on OS X using homebrew brew install gnu-sed.

Nothing new but perhaps a little more concrete answer: sed -rn '0,/foo(bar).*/ s%%\1%p'

Example: xwininfo -name unity-launcher produces output like:

xwininfo: Window id: 0x2200003 "unity-launcher"

  Absolute upper-left X:  -2980
  Absolute upper-left Y:  -198
  Relative upper-left X:  0
  Relative upper-left Y:  0
  Width: 2880
  Height: 98
  Depth: 24
  Visual: 0x21
  Visual Class: TrueColor
  Border width: 0
  Class: InputOutput
  Colormap: 0x20 (installed)
  Bit Gravity State: ForgetGravity
  Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
  Backing Store State: NotUseful
  Save Under State: no
  Map State: IsViewable
  Override Redirect State: no
  Corners:  +-2980+-198  -2980+-198  -2980-1900  +-2980-1900
  -geometry 2880x98+-2980+-198

Extracting window ID with xwininfo -name unity-launcher|sed -rn '0,/^xwininfo: Window id: (0x[0-9a-fA-F]+).*/ s%%\1%p' produces:


Just add the number of occurrence at the end:

sed s/#include/#include "newfile.h"\n#include/1

POSIXly (also valid in sed), Only one regex used, need memory only for one line (as usual):

sed '/\(#include\).*/!b;//{h;s//\1 "newfile.h"/;G};:1;n;b1'


sed '
/\(#include\).*/!b          # Only one regex used. On lines not matching
                            # the text  `#include` **yet**,
                            # branch to end, cause the default print. Re-start.
//{                         # On first line matching previous regex.
    h                       # hold the line.
    s//\1 "newfile.h"/      # append ` "newfile.h"` to the `#include` matched.
    G                       # append a newline.
  }                         # end of replacement.
:1                          # Once **one** replacement got done (the first match)
n                           # Loop continually reading a line each time
b1                          # and printing it by default.
'                           # end of sed script.

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