[c++] When should I write the keyword 'inline' for a function/method?

When should I write the keyword inline for a function/method in C++?

After seeing some answers, some related questions:

  • When should I not write the keyword 'inline' for a function/method in C++?

  • When will the compiler not know when to make a function/method 'inline'?

  • Does it matter if an application is multithreaded when one writes 'inline' for a function/method?

This question is related to c++ inline one-definition-rule

The answer is

You still need to explicitly inline your function when doing template specialization (if specialization is in .h file)

When one should inline :

1.When one want to avoid overhead of things happening when function is called like parameter passing , control transfer, control return etc.

2.The function should be small,frequently called and making inline is really advantageous since as per 80-20 rule,try to make those function inline which has major impact on program performance.

As we know that inline is just a request to compiler similar to register and it will cost you at Object code size.

When developing and debugging code, leave inline out. It complicates debugging.

The major reason for adding them is to help optimize the generated code. Typically this trades increased code space for speed, but sometimes inline saves both code space and execution time.

Expending this kind of thought about performance optimization before algorithm completion is premature optimization.

C++ inline is totally different to C inline.

#include <iostream>
extern inline int i[];
int i [5];
struct c {
  int function (){return 1;} //implicitly inline
  static inline int j = 3; //explicitly inline
int main() {
  c j;
  std::cout << i;

inline on its own affects the compiler, assembler and the linker. It is a directive to the compiler saying only emit a symbol for this function/data if it's used in the translation unit, and if it is, then like class methods, tell the assembler to store them in the section .section .text.c::function(),"axG",@progbits,c::function(),comdat or .section .bss.i,"awG",@nobits,i,comdat for data. Template instantiations also go in their own comdat groups.

This follows .section name, "flags"MG, @type, entsize, GroupName[, linkage]. For instance, the section name is .text.c::function(). axG means the section is allocatable, executable and in a group i.e. a group name will be specified (and there is no M flag so no entsize will be specified); @progbits means the section contains data and isn't blank; c::function() is the group name and the group has comdat linkage meaning that in all object files, all sections encountered with this group name tagged with comdat will be removed from the final executable except for 1 i.e. the compiler makes sure that there is only one definition in the translation unit and then tells the assembler to put it in its own group in the object file (1 section in 1 group) and then the linker will make sure that if any object files have a group with the same name, then only include one in the final .exe. The difference between inline and not using inline is now visible to the assembler and as a result the linker, because it's not stored in the regular .data or .text etc by the assembler due to their directives.

static inline in a class means this it a type definition and not declaration (allows static member to be defined in the class) and make it inline; it now behaves as above.

static inline at file scope only affects the compiler. It means to the compiler: only emit a symbol for this function/data if it's used in the translation unit and do so as a regular static symbol (store in.text /.data without .globl directive). To the assembler there is now no difference between static and static inline

extern inline is a declaration that means you must define this symbol in the translation unit or throw compiler error; if it's defined then treat it as a regular inline and to the assembler and linker there will be no difference between extern inline and inline, so this is a compiler guard only.

extern inline int i[];
extern int i[]; //allowed repetition of declaration with incomplete type, inherits inline property
extern int i[5]; //declaration now has complete type
extern int i[5]; //allowed redeclaration if it is the same complete type or has not yet been completed
extern int i[6]; //error, redeclaration with different complete type
int i[5]; //definition, must have complete type and same complete type as the declaration if there is a declaration with a complete type

The whole of the above without the error line collapses to inline int i[5]. Obviously if you did extern inline int i[] = {5}; then extern would be ignored due to the explicit definition through assignment.

inline on a namespace, see this and this

You want to put it in the very beginning, before return type. But most Compilers ignore it. If it's defined, and it has a smaller block of code, most compilers consider it inline anyway.

1) Nowadays, pretty much never. If it's a good idea to inline a function, the compiler will do it without your help.

2) Always. See #1.

(Edited to reflect that you broke your question into two questions...)

When should I not write the keyword 'inline' for a function/method in C++?

If the function is declared in the header and defined in the .cpp file, you should not write the keyword.

When will the the compiler not know when to make a function/method 'inline'?

There is no such situation. The compiler cannot make a function inline. All it can do is to inline some or all calls to the function. It can't do so if it hasn't got the code of the function (in that case the linker needs to do it if it is able to do so).

Does it matter if an application is multithreaded when one writes 'inline' for a function/method?

No, that does not matter at all.

gcc by default does not inline any functions when compiling without optimization enabled. I don't know about visual studio – deft_code

I checked this for Visual Studio 9 (15.00.30729.01) by compiling with /FAcs and looking at the assembly code: The compiler produced calls to member functions without optimization enabled in debug mode. Even if the function is marked with __forceinline, no inline runtime code is produced.

I'd like to contribute to all of the great answers in this thread with a convincing example to disperse any remaining misunderstanding.

Given two source files, such as:

  • inline111.cpp:

    #include <iostream>
    void bar();
    inline int fun() {
      return 111;
    int main() {
      std::cout << "inline111: fun() = " << fun() << ", &fun = " << (void*) &fun;
  • inline222.cpp:

    #include <iostream>
    inline int fun() {
      return 222;
    void bar() {
      std::cout << "inline222: fun() = " << fun() << ", &fun = " << (void*) &fun;

  • Case A:


    g++ -std=c++11 inline111.cpp inline222.cpp


    inline111: fun() = 111, &fun = 0x4029a0
    inline222: fun() = 111, &fun = 0x4029a0


    1. Even thou you ought to have identical definitions of your inline functions, C++ compiler does not flag it if that is not the case (actually, due to separate compilation it has no ways to check it). It is your own duty to ensure this!

    2. Linker does not complain about One Definition Rule, as fun() is declared as inline. However, because inline111.cpp is the first translation unit (which actually calls fun()) processed by compiler, the compiler instantiates fun() upon its first call-encounter in inline111.cpp. If compiler decides not to expand fun() upon its call from anywhere else in your program (e.g. from inline222.cpp), the call to fun() will always be linked to its instance produced from inline111.cpp (the call to fun() inside inline222.cpp may also produce an instance in that translation unit, but it will remain unlinked). Indeed, that is evident from the identical &fun = 0x4029a0 print-outs.

    3. Finally, despite the inline suggestion to the compiler to actually expand the one-liner fun(), it ignores your suggestion completely, which is clear because fun() = 111 in both of the lines.

  • Case B:

    Compile (notice reverse order):

    g++ -std=c++11 inline222.cpp inline111.cpp


    inline111: fun() = 222, &fun = 0x402980
    inline222: fun() = 222, &fun = 0x402980


    1. This case asserts what have been discussed in Case A.

    2. Notice an important point, that if you comment out the actual call to fun() in inline222.cpp (e.g. comment out cout-statement in inline222.cpp completely) then, despite the compilation order of your translation units, fun() will be instantiated upon it's first call encounter in inline111.cpp, resulting in print-out for Case B as inline111: fun() = 111, &fun = 0x402980.

  • Case C:

    Compile (notice -O2):

    g++ -std=c++11 -O2 inline222.cpp inline111.cpp


    g++ -std=c++11 -O2 inline111.cpp inline222.cpp


    inline111: fun() = 111, &fun = 0x402900
    inline222: fun() = 222, &fun = 0x402900


    1. As is described here, -O2 optimization encourages compiler to actually expand the functions that can be inlined (Notice also that -fno-inline is default without optimization options). As is evident from the outprint here, the fun() has actually been inline expanded (according to its definition in that particular translation unit), resulting in two different fun() print-outs. Despite this, there is still only one globally linked instance of fun() (as required by the standard), as is evident from identical &fun print-out.

C++ inline function is powerful concept that is commonly used with classes. If a function is inline, the compiler places a copy of the code of that function at each point where the function is called at compile time.

Any change to an inline function could require all clients of the function to be recompiled because compiler would need to replace all the code once again otherwise it will continue with old functionality.

To inline a function, place the keyword inline before the function name and define the function before any calls are made to the function. The compiler can ignore the inline qualifier in case defined function is more than a line.

A function definition in a class definition is an inline function definition, even without the use of the inline specifier.

Following is an example, which makes use of inline function to return max of two numbers

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

inline int Max(int x, int y) { return (x > y)? x : y; }

// Main function for the program
int main() {
   cout << "Max (100,1010): " << Max(100,1010) << endl;

   return 0;

for more information see here.

  • When will the the compiler not know when to make a function/method 'inline'?

This depends on the compiler used. Do not blindly trust that nowadays compilers know better then humans how to inline and you should never use it for performance reasons, because it's linkage directive rather than optimization hint. While I agree that ideologically are these arguments correct encountering reality might be a different thing.

After reading multiple threads around I tried out of curiosity the effects of inline on the code I'm just working and the results were that I got measurable speedup for GCC and no speed up for Intel compiler.

(More detail: math simulations with few critical functions defined outside class, GCC 4.6.3 (g++ -O3), ICC 13.1.0 (icpc -O3); adding inline to critical points caused +6% speedup with GCC code).

So if you qualify GCC 4.6 as a modern compiler the result is that inline directive still matters if you write CPU intensive tasks and know where exactly is the bottleneck.

In reality, pretty much never. All you're doing is suggesting that the compiler make a given function inline (e.g., replace all calls to this function /w its body). There are no guarantees, of course: the compiler may ignore the directive.

The compiler will generally do a good job of detecting + optimizing things like this.

Unless you are writing a library or have special reasons, you can forget about inline and use link-time optimization instead. It removes the requirement that a function definition must be in a header for it to be considered for inlining across compilation units, which is precisely what inline allows.

(But see Is there any reason why not to use link time optimization?)

Inline keyword requests the compiler to replace the function call with the body of the function ,it first evaluates the expression and then passed.It reduces the function call overhead as there is no need to store the return address and stack memory is not required for function arguments.

When to use:

  • To Improve performance
  • To reduce call overhead .
  • As it's just a request to the compiler, certain functions won't be inlined *large functions
    • functions having too many conditional arguments
    • recursive code and code with loops etc.