[c#] SelectSingleNode returning null for known good xml node path using XPath

Just to build upon solving the namespace issues, in my case I've been running into documents with multiple namespaces and needed to handle namespaces properly. I wrote the function below to get a namespace manager to deal with any namespace in the document:

private XmlNamespaceManager GetNameSpaceManager(XmlDocument xDoc)
        XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xDoc.NameTable);
        XPathNavigator RootNode = xDoc.CreateNavigator();
        IDictionary<string, string> NameSpaces = RootNode.GetNamespacesInScope(XmlNamespaceScope.All);

        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in NameSpaces)
            nsm.AddNamespace(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

        return nsm;

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