Programs & Examples On #Preset

Preset may refer to something set in advance, or set as a default.

How to set a value to a file input in HTML?

Define in html:

<input type="hidden" name="image" id="image"/>

In JS:

ajax.jsonRpc("/consulta/dni", 'call', {'document_number': document_number})
    .then(function (data) {
        if (data.error){
        else {


<input type="hidden" name="image" id="image" value="/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8U..."/>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

How to remove all non-alpha numeric characters from a string in MySQL?

The fastest way I was able to find (and using ) is with convert().

from Doc. CONVERT() with USING is used to convert data between different character sets.


convert(string USING ascii)

In your case the right character set will be self defined

NOTE from Doc. The USING form of CONVERT() is available as of 4.1.0.

Unable to load script from assets on windows

I've had this same issue for a number of months now. I initially used @Jerry's solution however, this was a false resolution as it didn't fully fix the problem. Instead, what it did was take every build as a production build meaning that any slight change you made in the app would mean that rebuilding the entire app is necessary.

While this is a temporal solution, it works horribly in the long term as you are no longer able to avail of React Native's amazing development tools such as hot reloading etc.

A proper solution is a shown:

In your file, replace the following:

public boolean getUseDeveloperSupport() {
    return BuildConfig.DEBUG;


public boolean getUseDeveloperSupport() {
    return true;

as for some reason BuildConfig.DEBUG always returned false and resulted in a bundle file in the assets directory.

By manually setting this to true, you're forcing the app to use the packager. This WON't work in production so be sure to change it to false or the default value.

Don't forget also to run

$ adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081

Killing a process using Java

AFAIU java.lang.Process is the process created by java itself (like Runtime.exec('firefox'))

You can use system-dependant commands like

 Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
  if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") > -1) 
     rt.exec("taskkill " +....);
     rt.exec("kill -9 " +....);

The OutputPath property is not set for this project

In my case the built address of my app was set to another computer that was turned off so i turned it on and restart VS and problem solved.

Javascript Debugging line by line using Google Chrome

...How can I step through my javascript code line by line using Google Chromes developer tools without it going into javascript libraries?...

For the record: At this time (Feb/2015) both Google Chrome and Firefox have exactly what you (and I) need to avoid going inside libraries and scripts, and go beyond the code that we are interested, It's called Black Boxing:

enter image description here

When you blackbox a source file, the debugger will not jump into that file when stepping through code you're debugging.

More info:

How to detect a remote side socket close?

You can also check for socket output stream error while writing to client socket.

    throw new Exception("Error transmitting data.");

How to specify legend position in matplotlib in graph coordinates

The loc parameter specifies in which corner of the bounding box the legend is placed. The default for loc is loc="best" which gives unpredictable results when the bbox_to_anchor argument is used.
Therefore, when specifying bbox_to_anchor, always specify loc as well.

The default for bbox_to_anchor is (0,0,1,1), which is a bounding box over the complete axes. If a different bounding box is specified, is is usually sufficient to use the first two values, which give (x0, y0) of the bounding box.

Below is an example where the bounding box is set to position (0.6,0.5) (green dot) and different loc parameters are tested. Because the legend extents outside the bounding box, the loc parameter may be interpreted as "which corner of the legend shall be placed at position given by the 2-tuple bbox_to_anchor argument".

enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 6, 3
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3)
locs = ["upper left", "lower left", "center right"]
for l, ax in zip(locs, axes.flatten()):
    ax.plot([1,2,3],[2,3,1], "b-", label="blue")
    ax.plot([1,2,3],[1,2,1], "r-", label="red")
    ax.legend(loc=l, bbox_to_anchor=(0.6,0.5))
    ax.scatter((0.6),(0.5), s=81, c="limegreen", transform=ax.transAxes)


See especially this answer for a detailed explanation and the question What does a 4-element tuple argument for 'bbox_to_anchor' mean in matplotlib? .

If you want to specify the legend position in other coordinates than axes coordinates, you can do so by using the bbox_transform argument. If may make sense to use figure coordinates

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,0), loc="lower right",  bbox_transform=fig.transFigure)

It may not make too much sense to use data coordinates, but since you asked for it this would be done via bbox_transform=ax.transData.

What is the { get; set; } syntax in C#?

Basically, it's a shortcut of:

class Genre{
    private string genre;
    public string getGenre() {
        return this.genre;
    public void setGenre(string theGenre) {
        this.genre = theGenre;
//In Main method
genre g1 = new Genre();
g1.getGenre(); //Female

No value accessor for form control with name: 'recipient'

Make sure you import MaterialModule as well since you are using md-input which does not belong to FormsModule

How to use multiprocessing queue in Python?

My main problem is that I really don't know how to implement multiprocessing.queue correctly, you cannot really instantiate the object for each process since they will be separate queues, how do you make sure that all processes relate to a shared queue (or in this case, queues)

This is a simple example of a reader and writer sharing a single queue... The writer sends a bunch of integers to the reader; when the writer runs out of numbers, it sends 'DONE', which lets the reader know to break out of the read loop.

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import time
import sys

def reader_proc(queue):
    ## Read from the queue; this will be spawned as a separate Process
    while True:
        msg = queue.get()         # Read from the queue and do nothing
        if (msg == 'DONE'):

def writer(count, queue):
    ## Write to the queue
    for ii in range(0, count):
        queue.put(ii)             # Write 'count' numbers into the queue

if __name__=='__main__':
    pqueue = Queue() # writer() writes to pqueue from _this_ process
    for count in [10**4, 10**5, 10**6]:             
        ### reader_proc() reads from pqueue as a separate process
        reader_p = Process(target=reader_proc, args=((pqueue),))
        reader_p.daemon = True
        reader_p.start()        # Launch reader_proc() as a separate python process

        _start = time.time()
        writer(count, pqueue)    # Send a lot of stuff to reader()
        reader_p.join()         # Wait for the reader to finish
        print("Sending {0} numbers to Queue() took {1} seconds".format(count, 
            (time.time() - _start)))

How to check if a string is a number?

if ( strlen(str) == strlen( itoa(atoi(str)) ) ) {
    //its an integer

As atoi converts string to number skipping letters other than digits, if there was no other than digits its string length has to be the same as the original. This solution is better than innumber() if the check is for integer.

Should I use past or present tense in git commit messages?

does it matter? people are generally smart enough to interpret messages correctly, if they aren't you probably shouldn't let them access your repository anyway!

Adding values to Arraylist

The second form is preferred:

ArrayList<Object> arr = new ArrayList<Object>();

Always specify generic arguments when using generic types (such as ArrayList<T>). This rules out the first form.

As to the last form, it is more verbose and does extra work for no benefit.

no such file to load -- rubygems (LoadError)

Try starting the project with:


instead of script/server if you are using ruby 1.9.2 (from strange inability to require config/boot after upgrading to ruby 1.9.2)

Download image with JavaScript

The problem is that jQuery doesn't trigger the native click event for <a> elements so that navigation doesn't happen (the normal behavior of an <a>), so you need to do that manually. For almost all other scenarios, the native DOM event is triggered (at least attempted to - it's in a try/catch).

To trigger it manually, try:

var a = $("<a>")
    .attr("href", "")
    .attr("download", "img.png")




Relevant line in current jQuery source:

if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( eventPath.pop(), data ) === false) &&
        jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {

Can I set text box to readonly when using Html.TextBoxFor?

In case if you have to apply your custom class you can use

  @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Birthday,   new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"readonly", "true"}, {"class", "commonField"} } )

Where are

commonField is CSS class

and Birthday could be string field that you probably can use to keep jQuery Datapicker date :)

             $(function () {


That's a real life example.

Add attribute 'checked' on click jquery

If .attr() isn't working for you (especially when checking and unchecking boxes in succession), use .prop() instead of .attr().

Oracle "(+)" Operator

That's Oracle specific notation for an OUTER JOIN, because the ANSI-89 format (using a comma in the FROM clause to separate table references) didn't standardize OUTER joins.

The query would be re-written in ANSI-92 syntax as:

   SELECT ...
     FROM a

This link is pretty good at explaining the difference between JOINs.

It should also be noted that even though the (+) works, Oracle recommends not using it:

Oracle recommends that you use the FROM clause OUTER JOIN syntax rather than the Oracle join operator. Outer join queries that use the Oracle join operator (+) are subject to the following rules and restrictions, which do not apply to the FROM clause OUTER JOIN syntax:

Android: How to Enable/Disable Wifi or Internet Connection Programmatically

A complete solution:

try {
    WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) 

    WifiConfiguration wc = new WifiConfiguration();
    wc.SSID = "\"SSIDName\"";
    wc.preSharedKey  = "\"password\"";
    wc.hiddenSSID = true;
    wc.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED; 



    boolean b=wifi.isWifiEnabled();
    if (b) {
        Toast.makeText(context, "yes", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    } else {
        Toast.makeText(context, "no", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    //Log.d("WifiPreference", "enableNetwork returned " + b );

} catch (Exception e) {


Limit the size of a file upload (html input element)

var uploadField = document.getElementById("file");

uploadField.onchange = function() {
    if(this.files[0].size > 2097152){
       alert("File is too big!");
       this.value = "";

This example should work fine. I set it up for roughly 2MB, 1MB in Bytes is 1,048,576 so you can multiply it by the limit you need.

Here is the jsfiddle example for more clearence:

How to Sort Date in descending order From Arraylist Date in android?

Create Arraylist<Date> of Date class. And use Collections.sort() for ascending order.

See sort(List<T> list)

Sorts the specified list into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.

For Sort it in descending order See Collections.reverseOrder()

Collections.sort(yourList, Collections.reverseOrder());

What's the difference between commit() and apply() in SharedPreferences

From javadoc:

Unlike commit(), which writes its preferences out to persistent storage synchronously, apply() commits its changes to the in-memory SharedPreferences immediately but starts an asynchronous commit to disk and you won't be notified of any failures. If another editor on this SharedPreferences does a regular commit() while a > apply() is still outstanding, the commit() will block until all async commits are completed as well as the commit itself

Regex doesn't work in String.matches()

I have faced the same problem once:

Pattern ptr = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z][\\']?[a-zA-Z\\s]+$");

The above failed!

Pattern ptr = Pattern.compile("(^[a-zA-Z][\\']?[a-zA-Z\\s]+$)");

The above worked with pattern within ( and ).

Converting newline formatting from Mac to Windows

  1. Install dos2unix with homebrew
  2. Run find ./ -type f -exec dos2unix {} \; to recursively convert all line-endings within current folder

How to use ArrayAdapter<myClass>

Here's a quick and dirty example of how to use an ArrayAdapter if you don't want to bother yourself with extending the mother class:

class MyClass extends Activity {
    private ArrayAdapter<String> mAdapter = null;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(getApplicationContext(),

        final ListView list = (ListView) findViewById(;

        //Add Some Items in your list:
        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
            mAdapter.add("Item " + i);

        // And if you want selection feedback:
        list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
                //Do whatever you want with the selected item
                Log.d(TAG, mAdapter.getItem(position) + " has been selected!");

Android Endless List

Just wanted to contribute a solution that I used for my app.

It is also based on the OnScrollListener interface, but I found it to have a much better scrolling performance on low-end devices, since none of the visible/total count calculations are carried out during the scroll operations.

  1. Let your ListFragment or ListActivity implement OnScrollListener
  2. Add the following methods to that class:

    public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem,
            int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
        //leave this empty
    public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView listView, int scrollState) {
        if (scrollState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
            if (listView.getLastVisiblePosition() >= listView.getCount() - 1 - threshold) {
                //load more list items:

    where currentPage is the page of your datasource that should be added to your list, and threshold is the number of list items (counted from the end) that should, if visible, trigger the loading process. If you set threshold to 0, for instance, the user has to scroll to the very end of the list in order to load more items.

  3. (optional) As you can see, the "load-more check" is only called when the user stops scrolling. To improve usability, you may inflate and add a loading indicator to the end of the list via listView.addFooterView(yourFooterView). One example for such a footer view:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
        android:padding="10dp" >
            android:layout_gravity="center_vertical" />
            android:text="@string/loading_text" />
  4. (optional) Finally, remove that loading indicator by calling listView.removeFooterView(yourFooterView) if there are no more items or pages.

Openssl is not recognized as an internal or external command

Steps to create Hash Key. 
1: Download openssl from Openssl for Windows . I downloaded the Win64 version 
2:Unzip and copy all the files in the bin folder including openssl.exe(All file of bin folder) 
3:Goto to the folder where you installed JDK for me it’s C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin 
4:Paste all the files you copied from Openssl’s bin folder to the Jdk folder. 

then go C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin and press shift key and right click and open cmd

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin>//cmd path 

that is for Sha1 past this
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\User\ABC\.android.keystore" | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
//and ABC is system name put own system name

How to do IF NOT EXISTS in SQLite

If you want to ignore the insertion of existing value, there must be a Key field in your Table. Just create a table With Primary Key Field Like:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TblUsers (UserId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, UserName varchar(100), ContactName varchar(100),Password varchar(100));

And Then Insert Or Replace / Insert Or Ignore Query on the Table Like:

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO TblUsers (UserId, UserName, ContactName ,Password) VALUES('1','UserName','ContactName','Password');

It Will Not Let it Re-Enter The Existing Primary key Value... This Is how you can Check Whether a Value exists in the table or not.

How to check if a string contains only numbers?

You could use a regular expression like this

If Regex.IsMatch(number, "^[0-9 ]+$") Then


End If

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 7: ordinal not in range(128)

You need to encode Unicode explicitly before writing to a file, otherwise Python does it for you with the default ASCII codec.

Pick an encoding and stick with it:

f.write(printinfo.encode('utf8') + '\n')

or use to create a file object that'll encode for you as you write to the file:

import io

f =, 'w', encoding='utf8')

You may want to read:

before continuing.

header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); not doing anything

After writing

header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');

add one more header for any inexisting page on your site. It works, for sure.

header("Location: http://yoursite/nowhere");

Select all DIV text with single mouse click

Niko Lay: How about this simple solution? :)

`<input style="background-color:white; border:1px white solid;" onclick=";" id="selectable" value="">`


Code before:

<textarea rows="20" class="codearea" style="padding:5px;" readonly="readonly">

Code after:

<textarea rows="20" class="codearea" style="padding:5px;" readonly="readonly" onclick=";" id="selectable">

Just this part onclick=";" id="selectable" in my code worked fine. Selects all in my code box with one mouse click.

Thanks for help Niko Lay!

How to move a git repository into another directory and make that directory a git repository?

It's even simpler than that. Just did this (on Windows, but it should work on other OS):

  1. Create newrepo.
  2. Move gitrepo1 into newrepo.
  3. Move .git from gitrepo1 to newrepo (up one level).
  4. Commit changes (fix tracking as required).

Git just sees you added a directory and renamed a bunch of files. No biggie.

Android Studio with Google Play Services

I copied the play libs files from the google-play-services_lib to my project libs directory:

  • google-play-services.jar

Then selected them, right-click, "Add as libraries".

How to do a less than or equal to filter in Django queryset?

Less than or equal:


Greater than or equal:


Likewise, lt for less than and gt for greater than. You can find them all in the documentation.

Linq UNION query to select two elements


Ok I found why the int.ToString() in LINQtoEF fails, please read this post: Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities

This works on my side :

        List<string> materialTypes = (from u in result.Users
                                      select u.LastName)
                       .Union(from u in result.Users
                               select SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double) u.UserId)).ToList();

On yours it should be like this:

    IList<String> materialTypes = ((from tom in context.MaterialTypes
                                       where tom.IsActive == true
                                       select tom.Name)
                                       .Union(from tom in context.MaterialTypes
                                       where tom.IsActive == true
                                       select SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)tom.ID))).ToList();

Thanks, i've learnt something today :)

Using an HTML button to call a JavaScript function

Your code is failing on this line:

var RUnits = Math.abs(document.all.Capacity.RUnits.value);

i tried stepping though it with firebug and it fails there. that should help you figure out the problem.

you have jquery referenced. you might as well use it in all these functions. it'll clean up your code significantly.

How can I list all commits that changed a specific file?

git log path should do what you want. From the git log man:

[--] <path>…

Show only commits that affect any of the specified paths. To prevent confusion with 
options and branch names, paths may need to be prefixed with "-- " to separate them
from options or refnames.

How to know that a string starts/ends with a specific string in jQuery?

One option is to use regular expressions:

if (str.match("^Hello")) {
   // do this if begins with Hello

if (str.match("World$")) {
   // do this if ends in world

Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

I got this error while using the web app with firebase. It was due to not including the desired libraries in the index.html

To fix this in the development environment, I added following line of code in the index.html

<script src=""></script>

Use the necessary libraries instead of importing all the js sdk when you are planning to deploy for production.

Postgresql Select rows where column = array

For dynamic SQL use:

'IN(' ||array_to_string(some_array, ',')||')'



    some_array bigint[];
    sql_statement text;


    SELECT array[1, 2] INTO some_array;
    RAISE NOTICE '%', some_array;

    sql_statement := 'SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column IN(' ||array_to_string(some_array, ',')||')';
    RAISE NOTICE '%', sql_statement;



Result: NOTICE: {1,2} NOTICE: SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column IN(1,2)

How to pass a user / password in ansible command

As mentioned before you can use --extra-vars (-e) , but instead of specifying the pwd on the commandline so it doesn't end up in the history files you can save it to an environment variable. This way it also goes away when you close the session.

read -s PASS
ansible windows -i hosts -m win_ping -e "ansible_password=$PASS"

In WPF, what are the differences between the x:Name and Name attributes?

They're both the same thing, a lot of framework elements expose a name property themselves, but for those that don't you can use x:name - I usually just stick with x:name because it works for everything.

Controls can expose name themselves as a Dependency Property if they want to (because they need to use that Dependency Property internally), or they can choose not to.

More details in msdn here and here:

Some WPF framework-level applications might be able to avoid any use of the x:Name attribute, because the Name dependency property as specified within the WPF namespace for several of the important base classes such as FrameworkElement/FrameworkContentElement satisfies this same purpose. There are still some common XAML and framework scenarios where code access to an element with no Name property is necessary, most notably in certain animation and storyboard support classes. For instance, you should specify x:Name on timelines and transforms created in XAML, if you intend to reference them from code.

If Name is available as a property on the class, Name and x:Name can be used interchangeably as attributes, but an error will result if both are specified on the same element.

Format SQL in SQL Server Management Studio

Late answer, but hopefully worthwhile: The Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter is an open-source (free) T-SQL formatter with complete T-SQL batch/script support (any DDL, any DML), SSMS Plugin, command-line bulk formatter, and other options.

It's available for immediate/online use at, and just today graduated to "version 1.0" (it was in beta version for a few months), having just acquired support for MERGE statements, OUTPUT clauses, and other finicky stuff.

The SSMS Add-in allows you to set your own hotkey (default is Ctrl-K, Ctrl-F, to match Visual Studio), and formats the entire script or just the code you have selected/highlighted, if any. Output formatting is customizable.

In SSMS 2008 it combines nicely with the built-in intelli-sense, effectively providing more-or-less the same base functionality as Red Gate's SQL Prompt (SQL Prompt does, of course, have extra stuff, like snippets, quick object scripting, etc).

Feedback/feature requests are more than welcome, please give it a whirl if you get the chance!

Disclosure: This is probably obvious already but I wrote this library/tool/site, so this answer is also shameless self-promotion :)

How to convert JSON data into a Python object

You could try this:

class User(object):
    def __init__(self, name, username, *args, **kwargs): = name
        self.username = username

import json
j = json.loads(your_json)
u = User(**j)

Just create a new Object, and pass the parameters as a map.

div with dynamic min-height based on browser window height

to get dynamic height based on browser window. Use vh instead of %

e.g: pass following height: 100vh; to the specific div

"Proxy server connection failed" in google chrome

Try following these steps:

  1. Run Chrome as Administrator.
  2. Go to the settings in Chrome.
  3. Go to Advanced Settings (its all the way down).
  4. Scroll to Network Section and click on ''Change proxy settings''.
  5. A window will pop up with the name ''Internet Properties''
  6. Click on ''LAN settings''
  7. Un-check ''Use a proxy server for your LAN''
  8. Check ''Automatically detect settings''
  9. Click everything ''OK'' and you are done!

Android SDK folder taking a lot of disk space. Do we need to keep all of the System Images?

By deleting all emulator, sometime memory will not be reduce to our expectation. So open below mention path in you c drive


In this avd folder, you can able to see all the avd's which you created earlier. So you need to delete all avd's that will remove all the unused spaces grab by your emulator's. Than create the fresh emulator for you works.

How to break nested loops in JavaScript?

See Aaron's. Otherwise: j=5;i=5 instead of break.

How to use BeanUtils.copyProperties?

There are two BeanUtils.copyProperties(parameter1, parameter2) in Java.

One is

org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.copyProperties(Object dest, Object orig)

Another is

org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.copyProperties(Object source, Object target)

Pay attention to the opposite position of parameters.

Finding element in XDocument?

The Elements() method returns an IEnumerable<XElement> containing all child elements of the current node. For an XDocument, that collection only contains the Root element. Therefore the following is required:

var query = from c in xmlFile.Root.Elements("Band")
            select c;

Ubuntu - Run command on start-up with "sudo"

You can add the command in the /etc/rc.local script that is executed at the end of startup.

Write the command before exit 0. Anything written after exit 0 will never be executed.

Pygame mouse clicking detection

I was looking for the same answer to this question and after much head scratching this is the answer I came up with:

#Python 3.4.3 with Pygame
import pygame

window = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))

# Draw Once
Rectplace = pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 0, 0),(100, 100, 100, 100))
# Main Loop
while True:
    # Mouse position and button clicking.
    pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    pressed1, pressed2, pressed3 = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
    # Check if the rect collided with the mouse pos
    # and if the left mouse button was pressed.
    if Rectplace.collidepoint(pos) and pressed1:
        print("You have opened a chest!")
    # Quit pygame.
            for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

CMake not able to find OpenSSL library

Same problem, and fixed it on my centos 6.5 using the following command.

yum install openssl-devel

How to check cordova android version of a cordova/phonegap project?


cordova -v 

to see the currently running version. Run the npm info command

npm info cordova

for a longer listing that includes the current version along with other available version numbers

List of special characters for SQL LIKE clause

You should add that you have to add an extra ' to escape an exising ' in SQL Server:

smith's -> smith''s

How to center the text in PHPExcel merged cell

    /** Error reporting */
    ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
    ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);

    /** Include PHPExcel */
    require_once '../Classes/PHPExcel.php';

    $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
    $sheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
    $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(0, 1, "test");
    $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');

How to change ProgressBar's progress indicator color in Android

If you only want to change the progress bar color, you can simply use a color filter in your Activity's onCreate() method:

ProgressBar progressbar = (ProgressBar) findViewById(;
int color = 0xFF00FF00;
progressbar.getIndeterminateDrawable().setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
progressbar.getProgressDrawable().setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);

Idea from here.

You only need to do this for pre-lollipop versions. On Lollipop you can use the colorAccent style attribute.

How to pad a string to a fixed length with spaces in Python?

string = ""
name = raw_input() #The value at the field
length = input() #the length of the field
string += name
string += " "*(length-len(name)) # Add extra spaces

This will add the number of spaces needed, provided the field has length >= the length of the name provided

Download JSON object as a file from browser

Found an answer.

var obj = {a: 123, b: "4 5 6"};
var data = "text/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(obj));

$('<a href="data:' + data + '" download="data.json">download JSON</a>').appendTo('#container');

seems to work fine for me.

** All credit goes to @cowboy-ben-alman, who is the author of the code above **

Convert NaN to 0 in javascript

NaN is the only value in JS which is not equals to itself so we can use this information in our favour

const x = NaN;
let y = x!=x && 0; 
y = Number.isNaN(x) && 0

We can also use Number.isNaN instead of isNaN function as latter coerces its argument to number

isNaN('string')        // true which is incorrect because 'string'=='string'
Number.isNaN('string') // false 

Can I get the name of the currently running function in JavaScript?

For non-anonymous functions

function foo()

But in case of an error handler the result would be the name of the error handler function, wouldn't it?

Remove secure warnings (_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) from projects by default in Visual Studio

just copy " _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS " paste it on projects->properties->c/c++->preprocessor->preprocessor definitions click will work

How to find top three highest salary in emp table in oracle?

      SELECT  ename, sal,
      FROM emp 
    emp1 WHERE emprank <=5

How do I redirect to another webpage?

There are three main ways to do this,




The last one is best, for a traditional redirect, because it will not save the page you went to before being redirected in your search history. However, if you just want to open a tab with JavaScript, you can use any of the above.1

EDIT: The window prefix is optional.

How to subtract X days from a date using Java calendar?

You could use the add method and pass it a negative number. However, you could also write a simpler method that doesn't use the Calendar class such as the following

public static void addDays(Date d, int days)
    d.setTime( d.getTime() + (long)days*1000*60*60*24 );

This gets the timestamp value of the date (milliseconds since the epoch) and adds the proper number of milliseconds. You could pass a negative integer for the days parameter to do subtraction. This would be simpler than the "proper" calendar solution:

public static void addDays(Date d, int days)
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
    c.add(Calendar.DATE, days);
    d.setTime( c.getTime().getTime() );

Note that both of these solutions change the Date object passed as a parameter rather than returning a completely new Date. Either function could be easily changed to do it the other way if desired.

MongoDB/Mongoose querying at a specific date?

...5+ years later, I strongly suggest using date-fns instead

import endOfDayfrom 'date-fns/endOfDay'
import startOfDay from 'date-fns/startOfDay'

  createdAt: {
    $gte: startOfDay(new Date()),
    $lte: endOfDay(new Date())

For those of us using Moment.js

const moment = require('moment')

const today = moment().startOf('day')

  createdAt: {
    $gte: today.toDate(),
    $lte: moment(today).endOf('day').toDate()

Important: all moments are mutable!

tomorrow = today.add(1, 'days') does not work since it also mutates today. Calling moment(today) solves that problem by implicitly cloning today.

Stopping a thread after a certain amount of time

If you want to use a class:

from datetime import datetime,timedelta

class MyThread(): 

    def __init__(self, name, timeLimit):        = name
        self.timeLimit = timeLimit
    def run(self): 
        # get the start time
        startTime =
        while True:
           # stop if the time limit is reached :

mt = MyThread('aThread',timedelta(microseconds=20000))

Enable tcp\ip remote connections to sql server express already installed database with code or script(query)

I recommend to use SMO (Enable TCP/IP Network Protocol for SQL Server). However, it was not available in my case.

I rewrote the WMI commands from Krzysztof Kozielczyk to PowerShell.

# Enable TCP/IP

Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/Microsoft/SqlServer/ComputerManagement10 -ClassName ServerNetworkProtocol -Filter "InstanceName = 'SQLEXPRESS' and ProtocolName = 'Tcp'" |
Invoke-CimMethod -Name SetEnable

# Open the right ports in the firewall
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS' -Direction Inbound -Action Allow -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 1433

# Modify TCP/IP properties to enable an IP address

$properties = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/Microsoft/SqlServer/ComputerManagement10 -ClassName ServerNetworkProtocolProperty -Filter "InstanceName='SQLEXPRESS' and ProtocolName = 'Tcp' and IPAddressName='IPAll'"
$properties | ? { $_.PropertyName -eq 'TcpPort' } | Invoke-CimMethod -Name SetStringValue -Arguments @{ StrValue = '1433' }
$properties | ? { $_.PropertyName -eq 'TcpPortDynamic' } | Invoke-CimMethod -Name SetStringValue -Arguments @{ StrValue = '' }

# Restart SQL Server

Restart-Service 'MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS'

How do I cast a string to integer and have 0 in case of error in the cast with PostgreSQL?

If the data is supposed to be integers, and you only need those values as integers, why don't you go the whole mile and convert the column into an integer column?

Then you could do this conversion of illegal values into zeroes just once, at the point of the system where the data is inserted into the table.

With the above conversion you are forcing Postgres to convert those values again and again for each single row in each query for that table - this can seriously degrade performance if you do a lot of queries against this column in this table.

How to create a global variable?

From the official Swift programming guide:

Global variables are variables that are defined outside of any function, method, closure, or type context. Global constants and variables are always computed lazily.

You can define it in any file and can access it in current module anywhere. So you can define it somewhere in the file outside of any scope. There is no need for static and all global variables are computed lazily.

 var yourVariable = "someString"

You can access this from anywhere in the current module.

However you should avoid this as Global variables are not good for application state and mainly reason of bugs.

As shown in this answer, in Swift you can encapsulate them in struct and can access anywhere. You can define static variables or constant in Swift also. Encapsulate in struct

struct MyVariables {
    static var yourVariable = "someString"

You can use this variable in any class or anywhere

let string = MyVariables.yourVariable
println("Global variable:\(string)")

//Changing value of it
MyVariables.yourVariable = "anotherString"

Set Font Color, Font Face and Font Size in PHPExcel

I recommend you start reading the documentation (4.6.18. Formatting cells). When applying a lot of formatting it's better to use applyFromArray() According to the documentation this method is also suppose to be faster when you're setting many style properties. There's an annex where you can find all the possible keys for this function.

This will work for you:

$phpExcel = new PHPExcel();

$styleArray = array(
    'font'  => array(
        'bold'  => true,
        'color' => array('rgb' => 'FF0000'),
        'size'  => 15,
        'name'  => 'Verdana'

$phpExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('A1')->setValue('Some text');

To apply font style to complete excel document:

 $styleArray = array(
   'font'  => array(
        'bold'  => true,
        'color' => array('rgb' => 'FF0000'),
        'size'  => 15,
        'name'  => 'Verdana'

How do I edit $PATH (.bash_profile) on OSX?

A bit more detailed for beginners:

Before you begin with .bash_profile on Mac, please be aware that since macOS Catalina zsh (z shell) is the default shell. Therefore stuff we used to put in the .bash_profile now belongs to the .zshenv or the .zshrc file.

.zshenv .zshrc ? (Found here)

.zshenv: invocations of the shell. Often contains exported variables that should be available to other programs. For example, $PATH.

.zshrc: Sourced in interactive shells only. It should contain commands to set up aliases, functions, options, key bindings, etc.


Make sure the .bash_profile file is existing? (or the .zshenv of course) Remember that the .bash_profile file isn't there by default. You have to create it on your own.

Go into your user folder in finder. The .bash_profile file should be findable there. -> HD/Users/[USERNAME]

Remember: Files with a point at the beginning '.' are hidden by default.

To show hidden files in Mac OS Finder:

Press: Command + Shift + .

If it's not existing, you have to create .bash_profile on your own.

Open terminal app and switch into user folder with simple command:


If it's not existing, use this command to create the file:

touch .bash_profile


If you can't memorise the nerdy commands for save and close in vim, nano etc (the way recommended above) the easiest way to edit is to open .bash_profile (or the .zshenv) file in your favored code editor (Sublime, Visual Studio Code, etc.).

Finder -> User folder. Right click -> open with : Visual Studio Code (or other code editor). Or drag it on app in dock.

… and there you can edit it, pass export commands in new lines.

How to fix Git error: object file is empty?

Here is a way to solve the problem if your public repo on is working, but your local repo is corrupt. Be aware that you will loose all the commits you've done in the local repo.

Alright, so I have one repo locally that is giving me this object empty error, and the same repo on, but without this error. So what I simply did was to clone the repo that is working from github, and then copied everything from the corrupt repo (except the .git folder), and paste it the cloned repo that is working.

This may not be a practical solution (since you delete the local commits), however, you maintain the code and a repaired version control.

Remember to back-up before applying this approach.

Can I limit the length of an array in JavaScript?

arr.length = Math.min(arr.length, 5)

Passing variables to the next middleware using next() in Express.js

The trick is pretty simple... The request cycle is still pretty much alive. You can just add a new variable that will create a temporary, calling

app.get('some/url/endpoint', middleware1, middleware2);

Since you can handle your request in the first middleware

(req, res, next) => {
    var yourvalue = anyvalue

In middleware 1 you handle your logic and store your value like below:

req.anyvariable = yourvalue

In middleware 2 you can catch this value from middleware 1 doing the following:

(req, res, next) => {
    var storedvalue = req.yourvalue

Set database timeout in Entity Framework

You can use DbContext.Database.CommandTimeout = 180; // seconds

It's pretty simple and no cast required.

Is it possible to use std::string in a constexpr?

C++20 will add constexpr strings and vectors

The following proposal has been accepted apparently: and it adds constructors such as:

//, construct/copy/destroy
basic_string() noexcept(noexcept(Allocator())) : basic_string(Allocator()) { }
explicit basic_string(const Allocator& a) noexcept;
basic_string(const basic_string& str);
basic_string(basic_string&& str) noexcept;

in addition to constexpr versions of all / most methods.

There is no support as of GCC 9.1.0, the following fails to compile:

#include <string>

int main() {
    constexpr std::string s("abc");


g++-9 -std=c++2a main.cpp

with error:

error: the type ‘const string’ {aka ‘const std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>’} of ‘constexpr’ variable ‘s’ is not literal

std::vector discussed at: Cannot create constexpr std::vector

Tested in Ubuntu 19.04.

How to get address of a pointer in c/c++?

You can use %p in C

In C:


In C++:

cout<<"Address of pointer p is: "<<p

Xcode 6 Storyboard the wrong size?

In Storyboard, select your ViewController and go to Atribute Inspector. At the very top, under Simulated Metrics you have Size and Orientation properties which are set to Inferred. Change them to desired values.

In order for an application to display properly on another screen size, you also have to setup constraints, as described by Can Poyrazoglu in the first post.

How to name an object within a PowerPoint slide?


Here's a way to list id's in the active presentation to the immediate window (Ctrl + G) in VBA editor:

Sub ListAllShapes()

    Dim curSlide As Slide
    Dim curShape As Shape

    For Each curSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides
        Debug.Print curSlide.SlideID
        For Each curShape In curSlide.Shapes

                If curShape.TextFrame.HasText Then
                    Debug.Print curShape.Id
                End If

        Next curShape
    Next curSlide
End Sub

How can I remove an SSH key?

If you're trying to perform an SSH-related operation and get the following error:

$ git fetch
no such identity: <ssh key path>: No such file or directory

You can remove the missing SSH key from your SSH agent with the following:

$ eval `ssh-agent -s`  # start ssh agent
$ ssh-add -D <ssh key path>  # delete ssh key

How to join multiple collections with $lookup in mongodb

According to the documentation, $lookup can join only one external collection.

What you could do is to combine userInfo and userRole in one collection, as provided example is based on relational DB schema. Mongo is noSQL database - and this require different approach for document management.

Please find below 2-step query, which combines userInfo with userRole - creating new temporary collection used in last query to display combined data. In last query there is an option to use $out and create new collection with merged data for later use.

create collections

    "_id" : ObjectId("5684f3c454b1fd6926c324fd"),
        "email" : "[email protected]",
        "userId" : "AD",
        "userName" : "admin"

    "_id" : ObjectId("56d82612b63f1c31cf906003"),
    "userId" : "AD",
    "phone" : "0000000000"

    "_id" : ObjectId("56d82612b63f1c31cf906003"),
    "userId" : "AD",
    "role" : "admin"

"join" them all :-)

           from: "sivaUserRole",
           localField: "userId",
           foreignField: "userId",
           as: "userRole"
            "userId" : 1,
            "phone" : 1,
            "role" :"$userRole.role"

           from: "sivaUser",
           localField: "userId",
           foreignField: "userId",
           as: "user"
            "userId" : 1,
            "phone" : 1,
            "role" :1,
            "email" : "$",
            "userName" : "$user.userName"

How to do relative imports in Python?

Here is the solution which works for me:

I do the relative imports as from ..sub2 import mod2 and then, if I want to run then I go to the parent directory of app and run the module using the python -m switch as python -m app.sub1.mod1.

The real reason why this problem occurs with relative imports, is that relative imports works by taking the __name__ property of the module. If the module is being directly run, then __name__ is set to __main__ and it doesn't contain any information about package structure. And, thats why python complains about the relative import in non-package error.

So, by using the -m switch you provide the package structure information to python, through which it can resolve the relative imports successfully.

I have encountered this problem many times while doing relative imports. And, after reading all the previous answers, I was still not able to figure out how to solve it, in a clean way, without needing to put boilerplate code in all files. (Though some of the comments were really helpful, thanks to @ncoghlan and @XiongChiamiov)

Hope this helps someone who is fighting with relative imports problem, because going through PEP is really not fun.

Canvas width and height in HTML5

A canvas has 2 sizes, the dimension of the pixels in the canvas (it's backingstore or drawingBuffer) and the display size. The number of pixels is set using the the canvas attributes. In HTML

<canvas width="400" height="300"></canvas>

Or in JavaScript

someCanvasElement.width = 400;
someCanvasElement.height = 300;

Separate from that are the canvas's CSS style width and height


canvas {  /* or some other selector */
   width: 500px;
   height: 400px;

Or in JavaScript = "500px"; = "400px";

The arguably best way to make a canvas 1x1 pixels is to ALWAYS USE CSS to choose the size then write a tiny bit of JavaScript to make the number of pixels match that size.

function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;

   // If it's resolution does not match change it
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {
     canvas.width = width;
     canvas.height = height;
     return true;

   return false;

Why is this the best way? Because it works in most cases without having to change any code.

Here's a full window canvas:

const ctx = document.querySelector("#c").getContext("2d");_x000D_
function render(time) {_x000D_
  time *= 0.001;_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = "#DDE";_x000D_
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);_x000D_;_x000D_
  const spacing = 64;_x000D_
  const size = 48;_x000D_
  const across = ctx.canvas.width / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const down = ctx.canvas.height / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const s = Math.sin(time);_x000D_
  const c = Math.cos(time);_x000D_
  for (let y = 0; y < down; ++y) {_x000D_
    for (let x = 0; x < across; ++x) {_x000D_
      ctx.setTransform(c, -s, s, c, x * spacing, y * spacing);_x000D_
      ctx.strokeRect(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size);_x000D_
function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {_x000D_
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed_x000D_
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;_x000D_
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;_x000D_
   // If it's resolution does not match change it_x000D_
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {_x000D_
     canvas.width = width;_x000D_
     canvas.height = height;_x000D_
     return true;_x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
body { margin: 0; }_x000D_
canvas { display: block; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; }
<canvas id="c"></canvas>

And Here's a canvas as a float in a paragraph

const ctx = document.querySelector("#c").getContext("2d");_x000D_
function render(time) {_x000D_
  time *= 0.001;_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = "#DDE";_x000D_
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);_x000D_;_x000D_
  const spacing = 64;_x000D_
  const size = 48;_x000D_
  const across = ctx.canvas.width  / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const down   = ctx.canvas.height / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const s = Math.sin(time);_x000D_
  const c = Math.cos(time);_x000D_
  for (let y = 0; y <= down; ++y) {_x000D_
    for (let x = 0; x <= across; ++x) {_x000D_
      ctx.setTransform(c, -s, s, c, x * spacing, y * spacing);_x000D_
      ctx.strokeRect(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size);_x000D_
function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {_x000D_
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed_x000D_
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;_x000D_
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;_x000D_
   // If it's resolution does not match change it_x000D_
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {_x000D_
     canvas.width = width;_x000D_
     canvas.height = height;_x000D_
     return true;_x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
span { _x000D_
   width: 250px; _x000D_
   height: 100px; _x000D_
   float: left; _x000D_
   padding: 1em 1em 1em 0;_x000D_
   display: inline-block;_x000D_
canvas {_x000D_
   width: 100%;_x000D_
   height: 100%;_x000D_
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent cursus venenatis metus. Mauris ac nibh at odio scelerisque scelerisque. Donec ut enim <span class="diagram"><canvas id="c"></canvas></span>_x000D_
vel urna gravida imperdiet id ac odio. Aenean congue hendrerit eros id facilisis. In vitae leo ullamcorper, aliquet leo a, vehicula magna. Proin sollicitudin vestibulum aliquet. Sed et varius justo._x000D_
Quisque tempor metus in porttitor placerat. Nulla vehicula sem nec ipsum commodo, at tincidunt orci porttitor. Duis porttitor egestas dui eu viverra. Sed et ipsum eget odio pharetra semper. Integer tempor orci quam, eget aliquet velit consectetur sit amet. Maecenas maximus placerat arcu in varius. Morbi semper, quam a ullamcorper interdum, augue nisl sagittis urna, sed pharetra lectus ex nec elit. Nullam viverra lacinia tellus, bibendum maximus nisl dictum id. Phasellus mauris quam, rutrum ut congue non, hendrerit sollicitudin urna._x000D_

Here's a canvas in a sizable control panel

const ctx = document.querySelector("#c").getContext("2d");_x000D_
function render(time) {_x000D_
  time *= 0.001;_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = "#DDE";_x000D_
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);_x000D_;_x000D_
  const spacing = 64;_x000D_
  const size = 48;_x000D_
  const across = ctx.canvas.width / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const down = ctx.canvas.height / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const s = Math.sin(time);_x000D_
  const c = Math.cos(time);_x000D_
  for (let y = 0; y < down; ++y) {_x000D_
    for (let x = 0; x < across; ++x) {_x000D_
      ctx.setTransform(c, -s, s, c, x * spacing, y * spacing);_x000D_
      ctx.strokeRect(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size);_x000D_
function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {_x000D_
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed_x000D_
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;_x000D_
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;_x000D_
   // If it's resolution does not match change it_x000D_
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {_x000D_
     canvas.width = width;_x000D_
     canvas.height = height;_x000D_
     return true;_x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
// ----- the code above related to the canvas does not change ----_x000D_
// ---- the code below is related to the slider ----_x000D_
const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);_x000D_
const left = $(".left");_x000D_
const slider = $(".slider");_x000D_
let dragging;_x000D_
let lastX;_x000D_
let startWidth;_x000D_
slider.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {_x000D_
 lastX = e.pageX;_x000D_
 dragging = true;_x000D_
window.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {_x000D_
 dragging = false;_x000D_
window.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {_x000D_
  if (dragging) {_x000D_
    const deltaX = e.pageX - lastX;_x000D_ = left.clientWidth + deltaX + "px";_x000D_
    lastX = e.pageX;_x000D_
body { _x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
.frame {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  align-items: space-between;_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
.left {_x000D_
  width: 70%;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  bottom: 0;_x000D_
}  _x000D_
canvas {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
pre {_x000D_
  padding: 1em;_x000D_
.slider {_x000D_
  width: 10px;_x000D_
  background: #000;_x000D_
.right {_x000D_
  flex 1 1 auto;_x000D_
<div class="frame">_x000D_
  <div class="left">_x000D_
     <canvas id="c"></canvas>_x000D_
  <div class="slider">_x000D_
  <div class="right">_x000D_
* controls_x000D_
* go _x000D_
* here_x000D_
&lt;- drag this_x000D_

here's a canvas as a background

const ctx = document.querySelector("#c").getContext("2d");_x000D_
function render(time) {_x000D_
  time *= 0.001;_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = "#DDE";_x000D_
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);_x000D_;_x000D_
  const spacing = 64;_x000D_
  const size = 48;_x000D_
  const across = ctx.canvas.width / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const down = ctx.canvas.height / spacing + 1;_x000D_
  const s = Math.sin(time);_x000D_
  const c = Math.cos(time);_x000D_
  for (let y = 0; y < down; ++y) {_x000D_
    for (let x = 0; x < across; ++x) {_x000D_
      ctx.setTransform(c, -s, s, c, x * spacing, y * spacing);_x000D_
      ctx.strokeRect(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size);_x000D_
function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {_x000D_
   // look up the size the canvas is being displayed_x000D_
   const width = canvas.clientWidth;_x000D_
   const height = canvas.clientHeight;_x000D_
   // If it's resolution does not match change it_x000D_
   if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {_x000D_
     canvas.width = width;_x000D_
     canvas.height = height;_x000D_
     return true;_x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
body { margin: 0; }_x000D_
canvas { _x000D_
  display: block; _x000D_
  width: 100vw; _x000D_
  height: 100vh;  _x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
#content {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  margin: 0 1em;_x000D_
  font-size: xx-large;_x000D_
  font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  text-shadow: 2px  2px 0 #FFF, _x000D_
              -2px -2px 0 #FFF,_x000D_
              -2px  2px 0 #FFF,_x000D_
               2px -2px 0 #FFF;_x000D_
<canvas id="c"></canvas>_x000D_
<div id="content">_x000D_
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent cursus venenatis metus. Mauris ac nibh at odio scelerisque scelerisque. Donec ut enim vel urna gravida imperdiet id ac odio. Aenean congue hendrerit eros id facilisis. In vitae leo ullamcorper, aliquet leo a, vehicula magna. Proin sollicitudin vestibulum aliquet. Sed et varius justo._x000D_
Quisque tempor metus in porttitor placerat. Nulla vehicula sem nec ipsum commodo, at tincidunt orci porttitor. Duis porttitor egestas dui eu viverra. Sed et ipsum eget odio pharetra semper. Integer tempor orci quam, eget aliquet velit consectetur sit amet. Maecenas maximus placerat arcu in varius. Morbi semper, quam a ullamcorper interdum, augue nisl sagittis urna, sed pharetra lectus ex nec elit. Nullam viverra lacinia tellus, bibendum maximus nisl dictum id. Phasellus mauris quam, rutrum ut congue non, hendrerit sollicitudin urna._x000D_

Because I didn't set the attributes the only thing that changed in each sample is the CSS (as far as the canvas is concerned)


  • Don't put borders or padding on a canvas element. Computing the size to subtract from the number of dimensions of the element is troublesome

Why does Maven have such a bad rep?

Good question. I've just started a large project at work and part of previous projects was to introduce modularity to our code-base.

I've heard bad things about maven. In fact, it's all I've ever heard about it. I looked at introducing it to solve the dependency nightmare we're currently experiencing. The problem I've seen with Maven is that it is quite rigid in its structure, i.e. you need to conform to its project layout for it to work for you.

I know what most people will say - you don't have to conform to the structure. Indeed that's true but you won't know this until you're over the initial learning curve at which point you've invested too much time to go and throw it all away.

Ant is used a lot these days, and I love it. Taking that into account I stumbled across a little known dependency manager called Apache Ivy. Ivy integrates into Ant very well and it's quick and easy to get basic JAR retrieval setup and working. Another benefit of Ivy is that it's very powerful yet quite transparent; you can transfer builds using mechanisms such as scp or ssh quite easily; 'chain' dependency retrieval over filesystems or remote repositories (Maven repo compatibility is one of its popular features).

That all said, I found it very frustrating to use in the end - the documentation is aplenty, but it's written in bad English which can add to frustration when debugging or attempting to work out what's gone wrong.

I'm going to revisit Apache Ivy at some point during this project and I hope to get it working properly. One thing it did do was allow us as a team to work out what libraries we're dependent on and get a documented list.

Ultimately I think it all comes down to how you work as an individual/team and what you need to resolve your dependency issues.

You might find the following resources relating to Ivy useful:

Getting "method not valid without suitable object" error when trying to make a HTTP request in VBA?

I had to use Debug.print instead of Print, which works in the Immediate window.

Sub SendEmail()
    'Dim objHTTP As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
    'Set objHTTP = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
    'Dim objHTTP As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
    Dim objHTTP As New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
    'Set objHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    'Set objHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    URL = "http://localhost:8888/rest/mail/send"
    objHTTP.Open "POST", URL, False
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
    objHTTP.send ("{""key"":null,""from"":""[email protected]"",""to"":null,""cc"":null,""bcc"":null,""date"":null,""subject"":""My Subject"",""body"":null,""attachments"":null}")
    Debug.Print objHTTP.Status
    Debug.Print objHTTP.ResponseText

End Sub

Is there a performance difference between a for loop and a for-each loop?

Well, performance impact is mostly insignificant, but isn't zero. If you look at JavaDoc of RandomAccess interface:

As a rule of thumb, a List implementation should implement this interface if, for typical instances of the class, this loop:

for (int i=0, n=list.size(); i < n; i++)

runs faster than this loop:

for (Iterator i=list.iterator(); i.hasNext(););

And for-each loop is using version with iterator, so for ArrayList for example, for-each loop isn't fastest.

Comparing object properties in c#

I ended up doing this:

    public static string ToStringNullSafe(this object obj)
        return obj != null ? obj.ToString() : String.Empty;
    public static bool Compare<T>(T a, T b)
        int count = a.GetType().GetProperties().Count();
        string aa, bb;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            aa = a.GetType().GetProperties()[i].GetValue(a, null).ToStringNullSafe();
            bb = b.GetType().GetProperties()[i].GetValue(b, null).ToStringNullSafe();
            if (aa != bb)
                return false;
        return true;


    if (Compare<ObjectType>(a, b))


If you want to ignore some properties by name:

    public static string ToStringNullSafe(this object obj)
        return obj != null ? obj.ToString() : String.Empty;
    public static bool Compare<T>(T a, T b, params string[] ignore)
        int count = a.GetType().GetProperties().Count();
        string aa, bb;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            aa = a.GetType().GetProperties()[i].GetValue(a, null).ToStringNullSafe();
            bb = b.GetType().GetProperties()[i].GetValue(b, null).ToStringNullSafe();
            if (aa != bb && ignore.Where(x => x == a.GetType().GetProperties()[i].Name).Count() == 0)
                return false;
        return true;


    if (MyFunction.Compare<ObjType>(a, b, "Id","AnotherProp"))

How to replace comma with a dot in the number (or any replacement)

From the function's definition (

The replace() method searches a string for a specified value, or a regular expression, and returns a new string where the specified values are replaced.

This method does not change the original string.

Hence, the line: tt.replace(/,/g, '.') does not change the value of tt; it just returns the new value.

You need to replace this line with: tt = tt.replace(/,/g, '.')

Commit only part of a file in Git

With TortoiseGit:

right click on the file and use Context Menu ? Restore after commit. This will create a copy of the file as it is. Then you can edit the file, e.g. in TortoiseGitMerge and undo all the changes you don't want to commit. After saving those changes you can commit the file.

WPF Button with Image

You want to do something like this instead:

        <Image Source="Pictures/apple.jpg" />
        <TextBlock>Disconnect from Server</TextBlock>

Daemon Threads Explanation

When your second thread is non-Daemon, your application's primary main thread cannot quit because its exit criteria is being tied to the exit also of non-Daemon thread(s). Threads cannot be forcibly killed in python, therefore your app will have to really wait for the non-Daemon thread(s) to exit. If this behavior is not what you want, then set your second thread as daemon so that it won't hold back your application from exiting.

Casting a variable using a Type variable

After not finding anything to get around "Object must implement IConvertible" exception when using Zyphrax's answer (except for implementing the interface).. I tried something a little bit unconventional and worked for my situation.

Using the Newtonsoft.Json nuget package...

var castedObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObject), myType);

Export Postgresql table data using pgAdmin

  1. Right-click on your table and pick option Backup..
  2. On File Options, set Filepath/Filename and pick PLAIN for Format
  3. Ignore Dump Options #1 tab
  4. In Dump Options #2 tab, check USE INSERT COMMANDS
  5. In Dump Options #2 tab, check Use Column Inserts if you want column names in your inserts.
  6. Hit Backup button

What does the "no version information available" error from linux dynamic linker mean?

Fwiw, I had this problem when running check_nrpe on a system that had the zenoss monitoring system installed. To add to the confusion, it worked fine as root user but not as zenoss user.

I found out that the zenoss user had an LD_LIBRARY_PATH that caused it to use zenoss libraries, which issue these warnings. Ie:

root@monitoring:$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

su - zenoss
zenoss@monitoring:/root$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
zenoss@monitoring:/root$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H -p 6969 -c check_mq
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe: /usr/local/zenoss/common/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/
zenoss@monitoring:/root$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H -p 6969 -c check_mq

So anyway, what I'm trying to say: check your variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_PRELOAD etc as well.

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake

I had a similar issue where I couldn't connect to a database and tried the recommendations here.

At the end of the day this is what worked for me:

Used the SQL Server Configuration Manager tool to enable the TCP/IP and/or the Named Pipes protocols on the SQL Server client computer.

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, and click SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Click to expand SQL Server Network Configuration and then click Client Protocols.
  3. Right-click the TCP/IP protocol and then click Enable.
  4. Right-click the Named Pipes protocol and then click Enable.
  5. Restart the SQL server service if prompted to do so.

I am still not sure why or when this was disabled.

Select unique values with 'select' function in 'dplyr' library

Just to add to the other answers, if you would prefer to return a vector rather than a dataframe, you have the following options:

dplyr < 0.7.0

Enclose the dplyr functions in a parentheses and combine it with $ syntax:

(mtcars %>% distinct(cyl))$cyl

dplyr >= 0.7.0

Use the pull verb:

mtcars %>% distinct(cyl) %>% pull()

Calculate rolling / moving average in C++

One way can be to circularly store the values in the buffer array. and calculate average this way.

int j = (int) (counter % size);
buffer[j] = mostrecentvalue;
avg = (avg * size - buffer[j - 1 == -1 ? size - 1 : j - 1] + buffer[j]) / size;


// buffer[j - 1 == -1 ? size - 1 : j - 1] is the oldest value stored

The whole thing runs in a loop where most recent value is dynamic.

Size of Matrix OpenCV

Note that apart from rows and columns there is a number of channels and type. When it is clear what type is, the channels can act as an extra dimension as in CV_8UC3 so you would address a matrix as

uchar a =<Vec3b>(y, x)[i];

So the size in terms of elements of elementary type is M.rows * M.cols *

To find the max element one can use

Mat src;
double minVal, maxVal;
minMaxLoc(src, &minVal, &maxVal);

Truncate to three decimals in Python

Okay, this is just another approach to solve this working on the number as a string and performing a simple slice of it. This gives you a truncated output of the number instead of a rounded one.

num = str(1324343032.324325235)
i = num.index(".")
truncated = num[:i + 4]



Of course then you can parse:


How to Generate a random number of fixed length using JavaScript?

For the length of 6, recursiveness doesn't matter a lot.

function random(len) {_x000D_
  let result = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(10, len));_x000D_
  return (result.toString().length < len) ? random(len) : result;_x000D_

Real mouse position in canvas

You need to get the mouse position relative to the canvas

To do that you need to know the X/Y position of the canvas on the page.

This is called the canvas’s “offset”, and here’s how to get the offset. (I’m using jQuery in order to simplify cross-browser compatibility, but if you want to use raw javascript a quick Google will get that too).

    var canvasOffset=$("#canvas").offset();
    var offsetX=canvasOffset.left;

Then in your mouse handler, you can get the mouse X/Y like this:

  function handleMouseDown(e){

Here is an illustrating code and fiddle that shows how to successfully track mouse events on the canvas:

<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/reset.css" /> <!-- reset css -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    body{ background-color: ivory; }
    canvas{border:1px solid red;}


    var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
    var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");

    var canvasOffset=$("#canvas").offset();
    var offsetX=canvasOffset.left;

    function handleMouseDown(e){
      $("#downlog").html("Down: "+ mouseX + " / " + mouseY);

      // Put your mousedown stuff here


    function handleMouseUp(e){
      $("#uplog").html("Up: "+ mouseX + " / " + mouseY);

      // Put your mouseup stuff here

    function handleMouseOut(e){
      $("#outlog").html("Out: "+ mouseX + " / " + mouseY);

      // Put your mouseOut stuff here

    function handleMouseMove(e){
      $("#movelog").html("Move: "+ mouseX + " / " + mouseY);

      // Put your mousemove stuff here



}); // end $(function(){});


    <p>Move, press and release the mouse</p>
    <p id="downlog">Down</p>
    <p id="movelog">Move</p>
    <p id="uplog">Up</p>
    <p id="outlog">Out</p>
    <canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=300></canvas>


'Field required a bean of type that could not be found.' error spring restful API using mongodb

I followed all steps and instructions followed by OP here, took care of blank space around username and password(even though spring takes care of whitespaces in properties file), still was either facing

could not find bean for ___Repository

(you interface which extends JPARepository)

OR after adding @EnableJPARepository

could not find bean for EntityManagerFactory

i solved it by changing spring boot starter parent version from 2.3.2 to 2.2.1 in pom.xml

    <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

and adding following dependency


I did not need to add any of following, spring boot does it itself

  1. @EnableJPAReposity - since i already had all class with same root package
  2. in
  3. spring.datasource.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver in application properties

Error inflating class

In my case, I had the same error when I run the app in kitkat API 19 version device. I figured out the problem; I had some drawable resources which was in the drawable-v21 directory (Which is used for versions from API 21 Lollipop). I just put the same resources in the "Drawable" folder to work with the version below API 21. It works. You can put it on the corresponding directory

How to create a String with carriage returns?

The fastest way I know to generate a new-line character in Java is: String.format("%n")

Of course you can put whatever you want around the %n like:


Or even if you have a lot of lines:

String.format("%s%n%s%n%s%n%s", "line1", "line2", "line3", "line4")

Mongoose: Find, modify, save

If you want to use find, like I would for any validation you want to do on the client side.

find returns an ARRAY of objects

findOne returns only an object

Adding user = user[0] made the save method work for me.

Here is where you put it.

User.find({username: oldUsername}, function (err, user) {
    user = user[0];
    user.username = newUser.username;
    user.password = newUser.password;
    user.rights = newUser.rights; (err) {
        if(err) {

SQL LIKE condition to check for integer?

I'm late to the party here, but if you're dealing with integers of a fixed length you can just do integer comparison:

SELECT * FROM books WHERE price > 89999 AND price < 90100;

Detecting Browser Autofill

The problem is autofill is handled differently by different browsers. Some dispatch the change event, some don't. So it is almost impossible to hook onto an event which is triggered when browser autocompletes an input field.

  • Change event trigger for different browsers:

    • For username/password fields:

      1. Firefox 4, IE 7, and IE 8 don't dispatch the change event.
      2. Safari 5 and Chrome 9 do dispatch the change event.
    • For other form fields:

      1. IE 7 and IE 8 don't dispatch the change event.
      2. Firefox 4 does dispatch the change change event when users select a value from a list of suggestions and tab out of the field.
      3. Chrome 9 does not dispatch the change event.
      4. Safari 5 does dispatch the change event.

You best options are to either disable autocomplete for a form using autocomplete="off" in your form or poll at regular interval to see if its filled.

For your question on whether it is filled on or before document.ready again it varies from browser to browser and even version to version. For username/password fields only when you select a username password field is filled. So altogether you would have a very messy code if you try to attach to any event.

You can have a good read on this HERE

svn list of files that are modified in local copy

Right click folder -> Click Tortoise SVN -> Check for modification

$(this).attr("id") not working

your using this in a function, when you should be using the parameter.

You only use $(this) in callbacks... from selections like

$('a').click(function() {

In closing, the proper way (using your code example) would be to do this


How to list records with date from the last 10 days? shows operators you can use for working with dates and times (and intervals).

So you want

SELECT "date"
FROM "Table"
WHERE "date" > (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '10 days');

The operators/functions above are documented in detail:

reading external sql script in python

A very simple way to read an external script into an sqlite database in python is using executescript():

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('csc455_HW3.db')

with open('ZooDatabase.sql', 'r') as sql_file:


How to download the latest artifact from Artifactory repository?

Something like the following bash script will retrieve the lastest snapshot from the snapshot repo:

# Artifactory location

# Maven artifact location
version=$(curl -s $path/maven-metadata.xml | grep latest | sed "s/.*<latest>\([^<]*\)<\/latest>.*/\1/")
build=$(curl -s $path/$version/maven-metadata.xml | grep '<value>' | head -1 | sed "s/.*<value>\([^<]*\)<\/value>.*/\1/")

# Download
echo $url
wget -q -N $url

It feels a bit dirty, yes, but it gets the job done.

Head and tail in one line

Python 2, using lambda

>>> head, tail = (lambda lst: (lst[0], lst[1:]))([1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55])
>>> head
>>> tail
[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

Typescript: How to define type for a function callback (as any function type, not universal any) used in a method parameter

There are four abstract function types, you can use them separately when you know your function will take an argument(s) or not, will return a data or not.

export declare type fEmptyVoid = () => void;
export declare type fEmptyReturn = () => any;
export declare type fArgVoid = (...args: any[]) => void;
export declare type fArgReturn = (...args: any[]) => any;

like this:

public isValid: fEmptyReturn = (): boolean => true;
public setStatus: fArgVoid = (status: boolean): void => this.status = status;

For use only one type as any function type we can combine all abstract types together, like this:

export declare type fFunction = fEmptyVoid | fEmptyReturn | fArgVoid | fArgReturn;

then use it like:

public isValid: fFunction = (): boolean => true;
public setStatus: fFunction = (status: boolean): void => this.status = status;

In the example above everything is correct. But the usage example in bellow is not correct from the point of view of most code editors.

// you can call this function with any type of function as argument
public callArgument(callback: fFunction) {

    // but you will get editor error if call callback argument like this

Correct call for editors is like this:

public callArgument(callback: fFunction) {

    // pay attention in this part, for fix editor(s) error
    (callback as fFunction)();

How to extract extension from filename string in Javascript?

A variant that works with all of the following inputs:

  • ""
  • "file.txt"
  • "file"
  • ""
  • null
  • undefined

would be:

var re = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/;

var ext = re.exec("")[1];   // "txt"
var ext = re.exec("file.txt")[1];                  // "txt"
var ext = re.exec("file")[1];                      // undefined
var ext = re.exec("")[1];                          // undefined
var ext = re.exec(null)[1];                        // undefined
var ext = re.exec(undefined)[1];                   // undefined


(?:         # begin non-capturing group
  \.        #   a dot
  (         #   begin capturing group (captures the actual extension)
    [^.]+   #     anything except a dot, multiple times
  )         #   end capturing group
)?          # end non-capturing group, make it optional
$           # anchor to the end of the string

Is it ok to use `any?` to check if an array is not empty?

Avoid any? for large arrays.

  • any? is O(n)
  • empty? is O(1)

any? does not check the length but actually scans the whole array for truthy elements.

static VALUE
rb_ary_any_p(VALUE ary)
  long i, len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
  const VALUE *ptr = RARRAY_CONST_PTR(ary);

  if (!len) return Qfalse;
  if (!rb_block_given_p()) {
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (RTEST(ptr[i])) return Qtrue;
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); ++i) {
        if (RTEST(rb_yield(RARRAY_AREF(ary, i)))) return Qtrue;
  return Qfalse;

empty? on the other hand checks the length of the array only.

static VALUE
rb_ary_empty_p(VALUE ary)
  if (RARRAY_LEN(ary) == 0)
    return Qtrue;
  return Qfalse;

The difference is relevant if you have "sparse" arrays that start with lots of nil values, like for example an array that was just created.

Display open transactions in MySQL

By using this query you can see all open transactions.

List All:


if you want to kill a hang transaction copy transaction id and kill transaction by using this command:

KILL <id>    // e.g KILL 16543

How to position the Button exactly in CSS

So, the trick here is to use absolute positioning calc like this:

top: calc(50% - XYpx);
left: calc(50% - XYpx);

where XYpx is half the size of your image, in my case, the image was a square. Of course, in this now obsolete case, the image must also change its size proportionally in response to window resize to be able to remain at the center without looking out of proportion.

How to forcefully set IE's Compatibility Mode off from the server-side?

I found problems with the two common ways of doing this:

  1. Doing this with custom headers (<customHeaders>) in web.config allows different deployments of the same application to have this set differently. I see this as one more thing that can go wrong, so I think it's better if the application specifies this in code. Also, IIS6 doesn't support this.

  2. Including an HTML <meta> tag in a Web Forms Master Page or MVC Layout Page seems better than the above. However, if some pages don't inherit from these then the tag needs to be duplicated, so there's a potential maintainability and reliability problem.

  3. Network traffic could be reduced by only sending the X-UA-Compatible header to Internet Explorer clients.

Well-Structured Applications

If your application is structured in a way that causes all pages to ultimately inherit from a single root page, include the <meta> tag as shown in the other answers.

Legacy Applications

Otherwise, I think the best way to do this is to automatically add the HTTP header to all HTML responses. One way to do this is using an IHttpModule:

public class IeCompatibilityModeDisabler : IHttpModule
    public void Init(HttpApplication context)
        context.PreSendRequestHeaders += (sender, e) => DisableCompatibilityModeIfApplicable();

    private void DisableCompatibilityModeIfApplicable()
        if (IsIe && IsPage)

    private void DisableCompatibilityMode()
        var response = Context.Response;
        response.AddHeader("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=edge");

    private bool IsIe { get { return Context.Request.Browser.IsBrowser("IE"); } }

    private bool IsPage { get { return Context.Handler is Page; } }

    private HttpContext Context { get { return HttpContext.Current; } }

    public void Dispose() { }

IE=edge indicates that IE should use its latest rendering engine (rather than compatibility mode) to render the page.

It seems that HTTP modules are often registered in the web.config file, but this brings us back to the first problem. However, you can register them programmatically in Global.asax like this:

public class Global : HttpApplication
    private static IeCompatibilityModeDisabler module;

    void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
        module = new IeCompatibilityModeDisabler();

    public override void Init()

Note that it is important that the module is static and not instantiated in Init so that there is only one instance per application. Of course, in a real-world application an IoC container should probably be managing this.


  • Overcomes the problems outlined at the start of this answer.


  • Website admins don't have control over the header value. This could be a problem if a new version of Internet Explorer comes out and adversely affects the rendering of the website. However, this could be overcome by having the module read the header value from the application's configuration file instead of using a hard-coded value.
  • This may require modification to work with ASP.NET MVC.
  • This doesn't work for static HTML pages.
  • The PreSendRequestHeaders event in the above code doesn't seem to fire in IIS6. I haven't figured out how to resolve this bug yet.

Extract a single (unsigned) integer from a string

You can use following function:

function extract_numbers($string)
   preg_match_all('/([\d]+)/', $string, $match);

   return $match[0];

Expand div to max width when float:left is set

Elements that are floated are taken out of the normal flow layout, and block elements, such as DIV's, no longer span the width of their parent. The rules change in this situation. Instead of reinventing the wheel, check out this site for some possible solutions to create the two column layout you are after:

Specifically, the "Liquid Two-Column layout".


Node.js global variables

I agree that using the global/GLOBAL namespace for setting anything global is bad practice and don't use it at all in theory (in theory being the operative word). However (yes, the operative) I do use it for setting custom Error classes:

// Some global/configuration file that gets called in initialisation

global.MyError = [Function of MyError];

Yes, it is taboo here, but if your site/project uses custom errors throughout the place, you would basically need to define it everywhere, or at least somewhere to:

  1. Define the Error class in the first place
  2. In the script where you're throwing it
  3. In the script where you're catching it

Defining my custom errors in the global namespace saves me the hassle of require'ing my customer error library. Imaging throwing a custom error where that custom error is undefined.

Re-order columns of table in Oracle

I followed the solution above from Jonas and it worked well until I needed to add a second column. What I found is that when making the columns visible again Oracle does not necessarily set them visible in the order listed in the statement.

To demonstrate this follow Jonas' example above. As he showed, once the steps are complete the table is in the order that you'd expect. Things then break down when you add another column as shown below:

Example (continued from Jonas'):

Add another column which is to be inserted before column C.


Use the technique demonstrated above to move the newly added B2 column before column C.




As shown above column C has moved to the end. It seems that the ALTER TABLE statement above processed the columns in the order D, E, C rather than in the order specified in the statement (perhaps in physical table order). To ensure that the column is placed where desired it is necessary to make the columns visible one by one in the desired order.




How to refresh app upon shaking the device?

I have written a small example for detecting vertical and horizontal shakes and showing a Toast.

public class Accelerometerka2Activity extends Activity implements SensorEventListener { 
    private float mLastX, mLastY, mLastZ;
    private boolean mInitialized;
    private SensorManager mSensorManager;
    private Sensor mAccelerometer;
    private final float NOISE = (float) 8.0;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mInitialized = false;
        mSensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
        mAccelerometer = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
        mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mAccelerometer , SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);

    protected void onResume() {
        mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mAccelerometer, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);

    protected void onPause() {

    public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
        // can be safely ignored for this demo

    public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
        float x = event.values[0];
        float y = event.values[1];
        float z = event.values[2];
        if (!mInitialized) {
            mLastX = x;
            mLastY = y;
            mLastZ = z;
            mInitialized = true;
        } else {
            float deltaX = Math.abs(mLastX - x);
            float deltaY = Math.abs(mLastY - y);
            float deltaZ = Math.abs(mLastZ - z);
            if (deltaX < NOISE) deltaX = (float)0.0;
            if (deltaY < NOISE) deltaY = (float)0.0;
            if (deltaZ < NOISE) deltaZ = (float)0.0;
            mLastX = x;
            mLastY = y;
            mLastZ = z;
            if (deltaX > deltaY) {
                Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Horizental", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            } else if (deltaY > deltaX) {
                Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Vertical", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

adding css class to multiple elements

.button input,
.button a {

Import SQL file by command line in Windows 7

First open Your cmd pannel And enter mysql -u root -p (And Hit Enter) After cmd ask's for mysql password (if you have mysql password so enter now and hit enter again) now type source mysqldata.sql(Hit Enter) Your database will import without any error

Uncaught SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode

This means that you must declare strict mode by writing "use strict" at the beginning of the file or the function to use block-scope declarations.


function test(){
    "use strict";
    let a = 1;

Making the iPhone vibrate

I had great trouble with this for devices that had vibration turned off in some manner, but we needed it to work regardless, because it is critical to our application functioning, and since it is just an integer to a documented method call, it will pass validation. So I have tried some sounds that were outside of the well documented ones here: TUNER88/iOSSystemSoundsLibrary

I have then stumbled upon 1352, which is working regardless of the silent switch or the settings on the device (Settings->vibrate on ring, vibrate on silent).

- (void)vibratePhone;
     if([[UIDevice currentDevice].model isEqualToString:@"iPhone"])
         AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (1352); //works ALWAYS as of this post
          // Not an iPhone, so doesn't have vibrate
          // play the less annoying tick noise or one of your own
          AudioServicesPlayAlertSound (1105);

Find duplicate characters in a String and count the number of occurances using Java

public class CountChar 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      String ch;
      BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
      System.out.print("Enter the Statement:");
      int count=0,len=0;
          char name[]=ch.toCharArray();
              for(int j=0;j<len;j++)
                System.out.println(name[0]+" "+count+" Times");
          catch(Exception ex){}



Enter the Statement:asdf23123sfsdf

a 1 Times

s 3 Times

d 2 Times

f 3 Times

Jquery: How to check if the element has certain css class/style

i've found one solution:


but somehow i believe that there's a better way!

How to get file URL using Storage facade in laravel 5?

Another solution I found is this:


Will return the url with the base path of the documents Storage

CSS hide scroll bar if not needed

.container {overflow:auto;} will do the trick. If you want to control specific direction, you should set auto for that specific axis. A.E.

.container {overflow-y:auto;} .container {overflow-x:hidden;}

The above code will hide any overflow in the x-axis and generate a scroll-bar when needed on the y-axis.But you have to make sure that you content default height smaller than the container height; if not, the scroll-bar will not be hidden.

How can strings be concatenated?

Just a comment, as someone may find it useful - you can concatenate more than one string in one go:

>>> a='rabbit'
>>> b='fox'
>>> print '%s and %s' %(a,b)
rabbit and fox

Render Content Dynamically from an array map function in React Native

lapsList() {

    return => {
      return (

You forgot to return the map. this code will resolve the issue.

How do I get an object's unqualified (short) class name?

Here is simple solution for PHP 5.4+

namespace {
    trait Names {
        public static function getNamespace() {
            return implode('\\', array_slice(explode('\\', get_called_class()), 0, -1));

        public static function getBaseClassName() {
            return basename(str_replace('\\', '/', get_called_class()));

What will be return?

namespace x\y\z {
    class SomeClass {
        use \Names;

    echo \x\y\z\SomeClass::getNamespace() . PHP_EOL; // x\y\z
    echo \x\y\z\SomeClass::getBaseClassName() . PHP_EOL; // SomeClass

Extended class name and namespace works well to:

namespace d\e\f {

    class DifferentClass extends \x\y\z\SomeClass {


    echo \d\e\f\DifferentClass::getNamespace() . PHP_EOL; // d\e\f
    echo \d\e\f\DifferentClass::getBaseClassName() . PHP_EOL; // DifferentClass

What about class in global namespace?

namespace {

    class ClassWithoutNamespace {
        use \Names;

    echo ClassWithoutNamespace::getNamespace() . PHP_EOL; // empty string
    echo ClassWithoutNamespace::getBaseClassName() . PHP_EOL; // ClassWithoutNamespace

Shell script to send email

Well, the easiest solution would of course be to pipe the output into mail:

vs@lambda:~$ cat
sleep 3 && echo test | mail -s test your@address
vs@lambda:~$ nohup sh
nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'

I guess sh & will do just as fine normally.

Checkout remote branch using git svn

Standard Subversion layout

Create a git clone of that includes your Subversion trunk, tags, and branches with

git svn clone -T trunk -b branches -t tags

The --stdlayout option is a nice shortcut if your Subversion repository uses the typical structure:

git svn clone --stdlayout

Make your git repository ignore everything the subversion repo does:

git svn show-ignore >> .git/info/exclude

You should now be able to see all the Subversion branches on the git side:

git branch -r

Say the name of the branch in Subversion is waldo. On the git side, you'd run

git checkout -b waldo-svn remotes/waldo

The -svn suffix is to avoid warnings of the form

warning: refname 'waldo' is ambiguous.

To update the git branch waldo-svn, run

git checkout waldo-svn
git svn rebase

Starting from a trunk-only checkout

To add a Subversion branch to a trunk-only clone, modify your git repository's .git/config to contain

[svn-remote "svn-mybranch"]
        url =
        fetch = :refs/remotes/mybranch

You'll need to develop the habit of running

git svn fetch --fetch-all

to update all of what git svn thinks are separate remotes. At this point, you can create and track branches as above. For example, to create a git branch that corresponds to mybranch, run

git checkout -b mybranch-svn remotes/mybranch

For the branches from which you intend to git svn dcommit, keep their histories linear!

Further information

You may also be interested in reading an answer to a related question.

Fuzzy matching using T-SQL

In addition to the other good info here, you might want to consider using the Double Metaphone phonetic algorithm which is generally considered to be better than SOUNDEX.

Tim Pfeiffer details an implementation in SQL in his article Double Metaphone Sounds Great Convert the C++ Double Metaphone algorithm to T-SQL (originally in SQL Mag & then in SQL Server Pro).

That will assist in matching names with slight misspellings, e.g., Carl vs. Karl.

Update: The actual downloadable code seems to be gone, but here's an implementation found on a github repo that appears to have cloned the original code

C++ calling base class constructors

Why the base class' default constructor is called? Turns out it's not always be the case. Any constructor of the base class (with different signatures) can be invoked from the derived class' constructor. In your case, the default constructor is called because it has no parameters so it's default.

When a derived class is created, the order the constructors are called is always Base -> Derived in the hierarchy. If we have:

class A {..}
class B : A {...}
class C : B {...}
C c;

When c is create, the constructor for A is invoked first, and then the constructor for B, and then the constructor for C.

To guarantee that order, when a derived class' constructor is called, it always invokes the base class' constructor before the derived class' constructor can do anything else. For that reason, the programmer can manually invoke a base class' constructor in the only initialisation list of the derived class' constructor, with corresponding parameters. For instance, in the following code, Derived's default constructor will invoke Base's constructor Base::Base(int i) instead of the default constructor.

Derived() : Base(5)

If there's no such constructor invoked in the initialisation list of the derived class' constructor, then the program assumes a base class' constructor with no parameters. That's the reason why a constructor with no parameters (i.e. the default constructor) is invoked.

Restore a deleted file in the Visual Studio Code Recycle Bin

While pushing a repository to Github through Vs Studio code I deleted whole folder and they were not available in Recycle bin also. Here is how I recovered those files. For Windows.

The method is to restore the previous version of the Drive in which the deleted file existed

I had deleted files from G: drive, the below images are self explanatory

Open properties menu of the drive

enter image description here

In properties go to previous versions tab, where you can find the previously stored versions of that drive along with date at time of backup use open or click on restore to get the previous version of that drive.

enter image description here

Note: Manipulations in the drive after restore point won't be available

Eliminating NAs from a ggplot

From my point of view this error "Error: Aesthetics must either be length one, or the same length as the data" refers to the argument aes(x,y) I tried the na.omit() and worked just fine to me.

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

(I found this answer from a video:

  1. Download msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll from the web.

  2. Save them to your C:\Windows\System32 folder.

  3. Save them to your C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder as well (if you have a 64-bit operating system).

Now try running your code file in Python and it will load the graph in couple of seconds.

Send text to specific contact programmatically (whatsapp)

It lets you open WhatsApp conversation screen for that specific user you are trying to communicate with:

private void openWhatsApp() {
    String smsNumber = "91XXXXXXXX20";
    boolean isWhatsappInstalled = whatsappInstalledOrNot("com.whatsapp");
    if (isWhatsappInstalled) {

        Intent sendIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.MAIN");
        sendIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.whatsapp", "com.whatsapp.Conversation"));
        sendIntent.putExtra("jid", PhoneNumberUtils.stripSeparators(smsNumber) + "");//phone number without "+" prefix

    } else {
        Uri uri = Uri.parse("market://details?id=com.whatsapp");
        Intent goToMarket = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
        Toast.makeText(this, "WhatsApp not Installed",

private boolean whatsappInstalledOrNot(String uri) {
    PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
    boolean app_installed = false;
    try {
        pm.getPackageInfo(uri, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);
        app_installed = true;
    } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        app_installed = false;
    return app_installed;

Ansible: deploy on multiple hosts in the same time

Check out this POC or MVP of running in parallel one-host-from-every-group (for all hosts)

you may get the inspiration

CSS hide scroll bar, but have element scrollable

Similar to Kiloumap L'artélon's answer,

::-webkit-scrollbar {

works too

Iterate through dictionary values?

You could search for the corresponding key or you could "invert" the dictionary, but considering how you use it, it would be best if you just iterated over key/value pairs in the first place, which you can do with items(). Then you have both directly in variables and don't need a lookup at all:

for key, value in PIX0.items():
    NUM = input("What is the Resolution of %s?"  % key)
    if NUM == value:

You can of course use that both ways then.

Or if you don't actually need the dictionary for something else, you could ditch the dictionary and have an ordinary list of pairs.

How to create a remote Git repository from a local one?

A remote repository is generally a bare repository — a Git repository that has no working directory. Because the repository is only used as a collaboration point, there is no reason to have a snapshot checked out on disk; it’s just the Git data. In the simplest terms, a bare repository is the contents of your project’s .git directory and nothing else.

You can make a bare git repository with the following code:

$ git clone --bare /path/to/project project.git

One options for having a remote git repository is using SSH protocol:

A common transport protocol for Git when self-hosting is over SSH. This is because SSH access to servers is already set up in most places — and if it isn’t, it’s easy to do. SSH is also an authenticated network protocol and, because it’s ubiquitous, it’s generally easy to set up and use.

To clone a Git repository over SSH, you can specify an ssh:// URL like this:

$ git clone ssh://[user@]server/project.git

Or you can use the shorter scp-like syntax for the SSH protocol:

$ git clone [user@]server:project.git

In both cases above, if you don’t specify the optional username, Git assumes the user you’re currently logged in as.

The Pros

The pros of using SSH are many. First, SSH is relatively easy to set up — SSH daemons are commonplace, many network admins have experience with them, and many OS distributions are set up with them or have tools to manage them. Next, access over SSH is secure — all data transfer is encrypted and authenticated. Last, like the HTTPS, Git and Local protocols, SSH is efficient, making the data as compact as possible before transferring it.

The Cons

The negative aspect of SSH is that it doesn’t support anonymous access to your Git repository. If you’re using SSH, people must have SSH access to your machine, even in a read-only capacity, which doesn’t make SSH conducive to open source projects for which people might simply want to clone your repository to examine it. If you’re using it only within your corporate network, SSH may be the only protocol you need to deal with. If you want to allow anonymous read-only access to your projects and also want to use SSH, you’ll have to set up SSH for you to push over but something else for others to fetch from.

For more information, check the reference: Git on the Server - The Protocols

How to edit hosts file via CMD?

echo >> %WINDIR%\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts

the >> appends the output of echo to the file.

Note that there are two reasons this might not work like you want it to. You may be aware of these, but I mention them just in case.

First, it won't affect a web browser, for example, that already has the current, "real" IP address resolved. So, it won't always take effect right away.

Second, it requires you to add an entry for every host name on a domain; just adding will not block, for example.

How do I check if a type is a subtype OR the type of an object?

I'm posting this answer with the hope of someone sharing with me if and why it would be a bad idea. In my application, I have a property of Type that I want to check to be sure it is typeof(A) or typeof(B), where B is any class derived from A. So my code:

public class A

public class B : A

public class MyClass
    private Type _helperType;
    public Type HelperType
        get { return _helperType; }
            var testInstance = (A)Activator.CreateInstance(value);
            if (testInstance==null)
                throw new InvalidCastException("HelperType must be derived from A");
            _helperType = value;

I feel like I might be a bit naive here so any feedback would be welcome.

MySQL - Get row number on select

SELECT @rn:=@rn+1 AS rank, itemID, ordercount
  SELECT itemID, COUNT(*) AS ordercount
  FROM orders
  ORDER BY ordercount DESC
) t1, (SELECT @rn:=0) t2;

How do I print bytes as hexadecimal?

If you want to use C++ streams rather than C functions, you can do the following:

int ar[] = { 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 };
const int siz_ar = sizeof(ar) / sizeof(int);

for (int i = 0; i < siz_ar; ++i)
    cout << ar[i] << " ";
cout << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < siz_ar; ++i)
    cout << hex << setfill('0') << setw(2) << ar[i] << " ";
cout << endl;

Very simple.


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
14 1e 28 32 3c 46 50 5a 

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

If you have resource with woff extension and getting error then add following code in your web.config application will help to fix.

   <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/x-font-woff" />

For Resources like JavaScript or CSS not found then provide the path of adding link or script in following way

<link ref="@(Url.Content("path of css"))" rel="stylesheet">

<script src="@(Url.Content("path of js"))" type="text/javascript"></script>

How to read the Stock CPU Usage data

So far this has been the most helpful source of information regarding this I could find. Apparently the numbers do NOT reperesent load average in %:

find path of current folder - cmd

Use This Code

@echo off
:: Get the current directory

for /f "tokens=* delims=/" %%A in ('cd') do set CURRENT_DIR=%%A


(echo this To confirm this code works fine)

Force Intellij IDEA to reread all maven dependencies

If you are using version ranges for any dependencies, make sure that IntelliJ is using Maven 3 to import the project. You can find this setting in: Settings > Maven > Importing > Use Maven3 to import project. Otherwise you may find that SNAPSHOT versions are not imported correctly.

React - Display loading screen while DOM is rendering?

I also used @Ori Drori's answer and managed to get it to work. As your React code grows, so will the bundles compiled that the client browser will have to download on first time access. This imposes a user experience issue if you don't handle it well.

What I added to @Ori answer was to add and execute the onload function in the index.html on onload attribute of the body tag, so that the loader disappear after everything has been fully loaded in the browse, see the snippet below:

       .loader:empty {
          position: absolute;
          top: calc(50% - 4em);
          left: calc(50% - 4em);
          width: 6em;
          height: 6em;
          border: 1.1em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
          border-left: 1.1em solid #000000;
          border-radius: 50%;
          animation: load8 1.1s infinite linear;
        @keyframes load8 {
          0% {
           transform: rotate(0deg);
          100% {
           transform: rotate(360deg);
       function onLoad() {
         var loader = document.getElementById("cpay_loader");loader.className = "";}
   <body onload="onLoad();">
     more html here.....

Most efficient way to check if a file is empty in Java on Windows

Now both these methods fail at times when the log file is empty (has no content), yet the file size is not zero (2 bytes).

Actually, I think you will find that the file is NOT empty. Rather I think that you will find that those two characters are a CR and a NL; i.e. the file consists of one line that is empty.

If you want to test if a file is either empty or has a single empty line then a simple, relatively efficient way is:

try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(FileReader(fileName))) {
    String line = br.readLine();
    if (line == null || 
        (line.length() == 0 && br.readLine() == null)) {
        System.out.println("NO ERRORS!");
    } else {
        System.out.println("SOME ERRORS!");

Can we do this more efficiently? Possibly. It depends on how often you have to deal with the three different cases:

  • a completely empty file
  • a file consisting of a single empty line
  • a file with a non-empty line, or multiple lines.

You can probably do better by using Files.length() and / or reading just the first two bytes. However, the problems include:

  • If you both test the file size AND read the first few bytes then you are making 2 syscalls.
  • The actual line termination sequence could be CR, NL or CR NL, depending on the platform. (I know you say this is for Windows, but what happens if you need to port your application? Or if someone sends you a non-Windows file?)
  • It would be nice to avoid setting up stream / reader stack, but the file's character encoding could map CR and NL to something other than the bytes 0x0d and 0x0a. (For example ... UTF-16)
  • Then there's the annoying habit of some Windows utilities have putting BOM markers into UTF-8 encoded files. (This would even mess up the simple version above!)

All of this means that the most efficient possible solution is going to be rather complicated.

Possible reasons for timeout when trying to access EC2 instance

enter image description here


Note That ssh ip

  • IS NOT aws instance IP ADDRESS

  • It Is not your local ip

  • It Is not your local ip localhost


Its Your public ip address of your personal Computer from which you trying to access aws instance

  1. Go to whatever ip address put in ssh

IF YOU WANT TO FULLY OPEN SSH TO ALL IP ADDRESS enter image description here


THIS IS WHAT I AM USING IN PRODUCTION enter image description here

Shell Scripting: Using a variable to define a path

Don't use spaces...


SPTH = '/home/Foo/Documents/Programs/ShellScripts/Butler'



convert string to date in sql server

if you datatype is datetime of the table.col , then database store data contain two partial : 1 (date) 2 (time)

Just in display data use convert or cast.


create table #test(part varchar(10),lastTime datetime)

insert into #test (part ,lastTime )
values('A','2012-11-05 ')

insert into #test (part ,lastTime )
values('B','2012-11-05 10:30')


select * from #test 

A   2012-11-05 00:00:00.000
B   2012-11-05 10:30:00.000

select part,CONVERT (varchar,lastTime,111) from #test

A   2012/11/05
B   2012/11/05

select part,CONVERT (varchar(10),lastTime,20) from #test 

A   2012-11-05
B   2012-11-05

How to insert a new line in Linux shell script?

echo $'Create the snapshots\nSnapshot created\n'

How to parse JSON without JSON.NET library?

You can use DataContractJsonSerializer. See this link for more details.

Why is Node.js single threaded?

Long story short, node draws from V8, which is internally single-threaded. There are ways to work around the constraints for CPU-intensive tasks.

At one point (0.7) the authors tried to introduce isolates as a way of implementing multiple threads of computation, but were ultimately removed:!msg/nodejs/zLzuo292hX0/F7gqfUiKi2sJ

How to get current value of RxJS Subject or Observable?

const observable = of('response')

function hasValue(value: any) {
  return value !== null && value !== undefined;

function getValue<T>(observable: Observable<T>): Promise<T> {
  return observable

const result = await getValue(observable)
// Do the logic with the result
// .................
// .................
// .................

You can check the full article on how to implement it from here.

Extreme wait-time when taking a SQL Server database offline

In my case i stopped Tomcat server . then immediately the DB went offline .

How do I connect to a SQL Server 2008 database using JDBC?

I am also using mssql server 2008 and jtds.In my case I am using the following connect string and it works.

Class.forName( "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" );
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<your server ip     
address>:1433/zacmpf", userName, password );
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

Guzzle 6: no more json() method for responses

If you guys still interested, here is my workaround based on Guzzle middleware feature:

  1. Create JsonAwaraResponse that will decode JSON response by Content-Type HTTP header, if not - it will act as standard Guzzle Response:

    namespace GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
    class JsonAwareResponse extends Response
         * Cache for performance
         * @var array
        private $json;
        public function getBody()
            if ($this->json) {
                return $this->json;
            // get parent Body stream
            $body = parent::getBody();
            // if JSON HTTP header detected - then decode
            if (false !== strpos($this->getHeaderLine('Content-Type'), 'application/json')) {
                return $this->json = \json_decode($body, true);
            return $body;
  2. Create Middleware which going to replace Guzzle PSR-7 responses with above Response implementation:

    $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
    /** @var HandlerStack $handler */
    $handler = $client->getConfig('handler');
    $handler->push(\GuzzleHttp\Middleware::mapResponse(function (\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) {
        return new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\JsonAwareResponse(
    }), 'json_decode_middleware');

After this to retrieve JSON as PHP native array use Guzzle as always:

$jsonArray = $client->get('')->getBody();

Tested with guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.3.3

how to iterate through dictionary in a dictionary in django template?

Lets say your data is -

data = {'a': [ [1, 2] ], 'b': [ [3, 4] ],'c':[ [5,6]] }

You can use the data.items() method to get the dictionary elements. Note, in django templates we do NOT put (). Also some users mentioned values[0] does not work, if that is the case then try values.items.


    {% for key, values in data.items %}
        {% for v in values[0] %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

Am pretty sure you can extend this logic to your specific dict.

To iterate over dict keys in a sorted order - First we sort in python then iterate & render in django template.

return render_to_response('some_page.html', {'data': sorted(data.items())})

In template file:

{% for key, value in data %}
        <td> Key: {{ key }} </td> 
        <td> Value: {{ value }} </td>
{% endfor %}

String concatenation with Groovy

Reproducing tim_yates answer on current hardware and adding leftShift() and concat() method to check the finding:

  'String leftShift' {
    foo << bar << baz
  'String concat' {

The outcome shows concat() to be the faster solution for a pure String, but if you can handle GString somewhere else, GString template is still ahead, while honorable mention should go to leftShift() (bitwise operator) and StringBuffer() with initial allocation:

* Groovy: 2.4.8
* JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.191-b12, Oracle Corporation)
    * JRE: 1.8.0_191
    * Total Memory: 238 MB
    * Maximum Memory: 3504 MB
* OS: Linux (4.19.13-300.fc29.x86_64, amd64)

* Warm Up: Auto (- 60 sec)
* CPU Time Measurement: On

                                    user  system  cpu  real

String adder                         453       7  460   469
String leftShift                     287       2  289   295
String concat                        169       1  170   173
GString template                      24       0   24    24
Readable GString template             32       0   32    32
GString template toString            400       0  400   406
Readable GString template toString   412       0  412   419
StringBuilder                        325       3  328   334
StringBuffer                         390       1  391   398
StringBuffer with Allocation         259       1  260   265

How do I make HttpURLConnection use a proxy?

Since java 1.5 you can also pass a instance to the openConnection(proxy) method:

//Proxy instance, proxy ip = with port 8080
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("", 8080));
conn = new URL(urlString).openConnection(proxy);

If your proxy requires authentication it will give you response 407.

In this case you'll need the following code:

    Authenticator authenticator = new Authenticator() {

        public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
            return (new PasswordAuthentication("user",

Passing a callback function to another class

Delegate is just the base class so you can't use it like that. You could do something like this though:

public void DoRequest(string request, Action<string> callback)
     // do stuff....

How to select all checkboxes with jQuery?

Here's a basic jQuery plugin I wrote that selects all checkboxes on the page, except the checkbox/element that is to be used as the toggle:

(function($) {
    // Checkbox toggle function for selecting all checkboxes on the page
    $.fn.toggleCheckboxes = function() {
        // Get all checkbox elements
        checkboxes = $(':checkbox').not(this);

        // Check if the checkboxes are checked/unchecked and if so uncheck/check them
        if(':checked')) {
            checkboxes.prop('checked', true);
        } else {
            checkboxes.prop('checked', false);

Then simply call the function on your checkbox or button element:

// Check all checkboxes
$('.check-all').change(function() {

Is it possible to use jQuery .on and hover?

I'm not sure what the rest of your Javascript looks like, so I won't be able to tell if there is any interference. But .hover() works just fine as an event with .on().

$("#foo").on("hover", function() {
  // disco

If you want to be able to utilize its events, use the returned object from the event:

$("#foo").on("hover", function(e) {
  if(e.type == "mouseenter") {
  else if (e.type == "mouseleave") {

Hot deploy on JBoss - how do I make JBoss "see" the change?

Solution for Netbeans 8.02 and 8.1 IDE and JBOSS EAP 6.4:

  1. From the services tab of Netbeans, add JBOSS server to your "servers" node.
  2. If you are using MAVEN, netbeans compiles files and maven copies files to ./target directory. You need to create a symbolic link from .\target to JBOSS_HOME\standalone\deployments. Under windows, an example command would be

    cd %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\deployments mklink /d MyWebApplication.war %PROJECTS_HOME%\MyWebApplication\target\MyWebApplication-1.0.0

    The above creates a symbolic link from %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\deployments\MyWebApplication.war to \target\MyWebApplication-1.0.0 which is where maven transfers all files after compilation, or after a jsp, html or any other file changes.

  3. Last think to do is to create a CentralManagement.war.dodeploy file in %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\deployments. This file will tell JBOSS to deploy the war "file" as a web application

How to programmatically empty browser cache?

On Chrome, you should be able to do this using the benchmarking extension. You need to start your chrome with the following switches:

./chrome --enable-benchmarking --enable-net-benchmarking 

In Chrome's console now you can do the following:


As you can tell from above commands, it not only clears the browser cache, but also clears the DNS cache and closes network connections. These are great when you're doing page load time benchmarking. Obviously you don't have to use them all if not needed (e.g. clearCache() should suffice if you need to clear the cache only and don't care about DNS cache and connections).

How to install ia32-libs in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)

The problem is that in many cases the packages are multiarch already so the i386 package is not available, but other packages still depend on the i386 package only. This is a problem in the repository, and the managers of the repos should fix it

Using an integer as a key in an associative array in JavaScript

Sometimes I use a prefixes for my keys. For example:

var pre = 'foo',
    key = pre + 1234

obj = {};

obj[key] = val;

Now you don't have any problem accessing them.

Best practices for copying files with Maven

If someone wants total control over the path of the source and destination paths, then using maven-antrun-plugin's copy task is the best option. This approach will allow you to copy between any paths on the system, irrespective of the concerned paths being within the mvn project or not. I had a situation where I had to do some unusual stuff like copy generated source files from target directory back to the src directory for further processing. In my situation, this was the only option that worked without fuss. Sample code snippet from pom.xml:

                    <copy file="${basedir}/target/myome/minifyJsSrcDir/myome.min.js" todir="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/app/minifyJsSrcDir"/>

How to use onClick event on react Link component?

You are passing hello() as a string, also hello() means execute hello immediately.



Which ORM should I use for Node.js and MySQL?

May I suggest Node ORM?

There's documentation on the Readme, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

MongoDB is available since version 2.1.x (released in July 2013)

UPDATE: This package is no longer maintained, per the project's README. It instead recommends bookshelf and sequelize

Read Numeric Data from a Text File in C++

you could read and write to a seperately like others. But if you want to write into the same one, you could try with this:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

    double data[size of your data];

    std::ifstream input("file.txt");

    for (int i = 0; i < size of your data; i++) {
        input >> data[i];
        std::cout<< data[i]<<std::endl;


Set HTML dropdown selected option using JSTL

In Servlet do:

String selectedRole = "rat"; // Or "cat" or whatever you'd like.
request.setAttribute("selectedRole", selectedRole);

Then in JSP do:

<select name="roleName">
    <c:forEach items="${roleNames}" var="role">
        <option value="${role}" ${role == selectedRole ? 'selected' : ''}>${role}</option>

It will print the selected attribute of the HTML <option> element so that you end up like:

<select name="roleName">
    <option value="cat">cat</option>
    <option value="rat" selected>rat</option>
    <option value="unicorn">unicorn</option>

Apart from the problem: this is not a combo box. This is a dropdown. A combo box is an editable dropdown.

Chrome Extension - Get DOM content

For those who tried gkalpak answer and it did not work,

be aware that chrome will add the content script to a needed page only when your extension enabled during chrome launch and also a good idea restart browser after making these changes

Bootstrap carousel multiple frames at once

This is a working twitter bootstrap 3.

Here is the javascript:

    interval: 10000

$('.carousel .item').each(function(){
    var next = $(this).next();

    if (!next.length) {
        next = $(this).siblings(':first');


    if (>0) {':first-child').clone().appendTo($(this));
    else {

And the css:

.carousel-inner .active.left  { left: -33%;             }
.carousel-inner .active.right { left: 33%;              }
.carousel-inner .next         { left: 33%               }
.carousel-inner .prev         { left: -33%              }
.carousel-control.left        { background-image: none; }
.carousel-control.right       { background-image: none; }
.carousel-inner .item         { background: white;      }

You can see it in action at this Jsfiddle

The reason i added this answer because the other ones don't work entirely. I found 2 bugs inside them, one of them was that the left arrow generated a strange effect and the other was about the text getting bold in some situations witch can be resolved by setting the background color so the bottom item wont be visible while the transition effect.

How to get a list of images on docker registry v2

Get catalogs

Default, registry api return 100 entries of catalog, there is the code:

When you curl the registry api:

curl --cacert domain.crt https://your.registry:5000/v2/_catalog

it equivalents with:

curl --cacert domain.crt https://your.registry:5000/v2/_catalog?n=100

This is a pagination methond.

When the sum of entries beyond 100, you can do in two ways:

First: give a bigger number

curl --cacert domain.crt https://your.registry:5000/v2/_catalog?n=2000

Sencond: parse the next linker url

curl --cacert domain.crt https://your.registry:5000/v2/_catalog

A link element contained in response header:

curl --cacert domain.crt https://your.registry:5000/v2/_catalog

response header:

Link: </v2/_catalog?last=pro-octopus-ws&n=100>; rel="next"

The link element have the last entry of this request, then you can request the next 'page':

curl --cacert domain.crt https://your.registry:5000/v2/_catalog?last=pro-octopus-ws

If the response header contains link element, you can do it in a loop.

Get Images

When you get the result of catalog, it like follows:

{ "repositories": [ "busybox", "ceph/mds" ] }

you can get the images in every catalog:

curl --cacert domain.crt https://your.registry:5000/v2/busybox/tags/list



Remove carriage return in Unix

I made this shell-script to remove the \r character. It works in solaris and red-hat:



for File in `ls ${LOCALPATH}`
   od -bc ${ARCACT}|sed -n 'p;n'|sed 's/015/012/g'|awk '{$1=""; print $0}'|sed 's/ /\\/g'|awk '{printf $0;}'>${ARCACT}.TMP
   printf "`cat ${ARCACT}.TMP`"|sed '/^$/d'>${ARCACT}
   rm ${ARCACT}.TMP

exit 0

Injecting @Autowired private field during testing

You can absolutely inject mocks on MyLauncher in your test. I am sure if you show what mocking framework you are using someone would be quick to provide an answer. With mockito I would look into using @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) and using annotations for myLauncher. It would look something like what is below.

public class MyLauncherTest
    private MyLauncher myLauncher = new MyLauncher();

    private MyService myService;

    public void someTest() {


How can I call the 'base implementation' of an overridden virtual method?

You can't do it by C#, but you can edit MSIL.

IL code of your Main method:

.method private hidebysig static void Main() cil managed
    .maxstack 1
    .locals init (
        [0] class MsilEditing.A a)
    L_0000: nop 
    L_0001: newobj instance void MsilEditing.B::.ctor()
    L_0006: stloc.0 
    L_0007: ldloc.0 
    L_0008: callvirt instance void MsilEditing.A::X()
    L_000d: nop 
    L_000e: ret 

You should change opcode in L_0008 from callvirt to call

L_0008: call instance void MsilEditing.A::X()

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.view.View.getImportantForAccessibility()' on a null object reference

in your baseadapter class constructor try to initialize LayoutInflater, normally i preferred this way,

public ClassBaseAdapter(Context context,ArrayList<Integer> listLoanAmount) {
    this.context = context;
    this.listLoanAmount = listLoanAmount;
    this.layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

at the top of the class create LayoutInflater variable, hope this will help you

How can I get my webapp's base URL in ASP.NET MVC?

Simply in one line get BaseUrl

string baseUrl = new Uri(Request.Url, Url.Content("~")).AbsoluteUri;

//output example:

Insert Data Into Temp Table with Query

Personally, I needed a little hand holding figuring out how to use this and it is really, awesome.

        SELECT *
            INTO #TEMP
            FROM (
            The query you want to use many times
            ) AS X



What are the differences between LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, and AbsoluteLayout?

LinearLayout - In LinearLayout, views are organized either in vertical or horizontal orientation.

RelativeLayout - RelativeLayout is way more complex than LinearLayout, hence provides much more functionalities. Views are placed, as the name suggests, relative to each other.

FrameLayout - It behaves as a single object and its child views are overlapped over each other. FrameLayout takes the size of as per the biggest child element.

Coordinator Layout - This is the most powerful ViewGroup introduced in Android support library. It behaves as FrameLayout and has a lot of functionalities to coordinate amongst its child views, for example, floating button and snackbar, Toolbar with scrollable view.

Benefits of inline functions in C++?

In archaic C and C++, inline is like register: a suggestion (nothing more than a suggestion) to the compiler about a possible optimization.

In modern C++, inline tells the linker that, if multiple definitions (not declarations) are found in different translation units, they are all the same, and the linker can freely keep one and discard all the other ones.

inline is mandatory if a function (no matter how complex or "linear") is defined in a header file, to allow multiple sources to include it without getting a "multiple definition" error by the linker.

Member functions defined inside a class are "inline" by default, as are template functions (in contrast to global functions).

inline void afunc()
{ std::cout << "this is afunc" << std::endl; }

#include "fileA.h"
void acall()
{ afunc(); }

#include "fileA.h"
void acall();

int main()

this is afunc
this is afunc

Note the inclusion of fileA.h into two .cpp files, resulting in two instances of afunc(). The linker will discard one of them. If no inline is specified, the linker will complain.

How to close a JavaFX application on window close?

stage.setOnCloseRequest(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() {
    public void handle(WindowEvent event) {