Programs & Examples On #Premature optimization

Count words in a string method?

import java.util.; import;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    File f=new File("src/");
    String value=null;
    int i=0;
    int j=0;
    int k=0;
try {
    Scanner  in =new Scanner(f);
    String a=in.nextLine();
    char chars[]=a.toCharArray();
    i +=chars.length;
    Scanner in2=new Scanner(f);


    System.out.println("the number of chars is :"+i);
    System.out.println("the number of words is :"+j);
    System.out.println("the number of lines is :"+k);

catch (Exception e) {




Remove Rows From Data Frame where a Row matches a String

I had a column(A) in a data frame with 3 values in it (yes, no, unknown). I wanted to filter only those rows which had a value "yes" for which this is the code, hope this will help you guys as well --

df <- df [(!(df$A=="no") & !(df$A=="unknown")),]

Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment?

What I tend to do, and I believe this is what Google intended for developers to do too, is to still get the extras from an Intent in an Activity and then pass any extra data to fragments by instantiating them with arguments.

There's actually an example on the Android dev blog that illustrates this concept, and you'll see this in several of the API demos too. Although this specific example is given for API 3.0+ fragments, the same flow applies when using FragmentActivity and Fragment from the support library.

You first retrieve the intent extras as usual in your activity and pass them on as arguments to the fragment:

public static class DetailsActivity extends FragmentActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // (omitted some other stuff)

        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
            // During initial setup, plug in the details fragment.
            DetailsFragment details = new DetailsFragment();
          , details).commit();

In stead of directly invoking the constructor, it's probably easier to use a static method that plugs the arguments into the fragment for you. Such a method is often called newInstance in the examples given by Google. There actually is a newInstance method in DetailsFragment, so I'm unsure why it isn't used in the snippet above...

Anyways, all extras provided as argument upon creating the fragment, will be available by calling getArguments(). Since this returns a Bundle, its usage is similar to that of the extras in an Activity.

public static class DetailsFragment extends Fragment {
     * Create a new instance of DetailsFragment, initialized to
     * show the text at 'index'.
    public static DetailsFragment newInstance(int index) {
        DetailsFragment f = new DetailsFragment();

        // Supply index input as an argument.
        Bundle args = new Bundle();
        args.putInt("index", index);

        return f;

    public int getShownIndex() {
        return getArguments().getInt("index", 0);

    // (other stuff omitted)


How can I make my website's background transparent without making the content (images & text) transparent too?

There is a css3 solution here if that is acceptable. It supports the graceful degradation approach where css3 isn't supported. you just won't have any transparency.

body {
    font-family: tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    text-align: center;
    background: #000;
    color: #ddd4d4;
    padding-top: 12px;
    line-height: 2;
    background-image: url('images/background.jpg');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-size: 100%;
    background: rgb(0, 0, 0); /* for older browsers */
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); /* R, G, B, A */
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#CC000000, endColorstr=#CC0000); /* AA, RR, GG, BB */


to get the hex equivalent of 80% (CC) take (pct / 100) * 255 and convert to hex.

Linux error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

While what I write below is true as a general answer about shared libraries, I think the most frequent cause of these sorts of message is because you've installed a package, but not installed the "-dev" version of that package.

Well, it's not lying - there is no in that listing. You probably need to re-configure and re-build it so that it depends on the library you have, or install whatever provides

Generally, the numbers after the .so are version numbers, and you'll often find that they are symlinks to each other, so if you have version 1.1 of, you'll have a real file, and symlinks and pointing to the And if you install version 1.1 without removing the other one, you'll have a, and and will now point to the new one, but any code that requires that exact version can use the file. Code that just relies on the version 1 API, but doesn't care if it's 1.0 or 1.1 will specify As orip pointed out in the comments, this is explained well at

In your case, you might get away with symlinking to No guarantees that it won't break your code and eat your TV dinners, though.

AngularJS check if form is valid in controller

The BusinessCtrl is initialised before the createBusinessForm's FormController. Even if you have the ngController on the form won't work the way you wanted. You can't help this (you can create your ngControllerDirective, and try to trick the priority.) this is how angularjs works.

See this plnkr for example:

How permission can be checked at runtime without throwing SecurityException?

You can use Context.checkCallingorSelfPermission() function for this. Here is an example:

private boolean checkWriteExternalPermission()
    String permission = android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE;
    int res = getContext().checkCallingOrSelfPermission(permission);
    return (res == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED);            

jQuery UI autocomplete with item and id

You need to use the ui.item.label (the text) and ui.item.value (the id) properties

    source: url,
    select: function (event, ui) {
        $("#txtAllowSearch").val(ui.item.label); // display the selected text
        $("#txtAllowSearchID").val(ui.item.value); // save selected id to hidden input

$('#button').click(function() {
    alert($("#txtAllowSearchID").val()); // get the id from the hidden input

[Edit] You also asked how to create the multi-dimensional array...

You should be able create the array like so:

var $local_source = [[0,"c++"], [1,"java"], [2,"php"], [3,"coldfusion"], 
                     [4,"javascript"], [5,"asp"], [6,"ruby"]];

Read more about how to work with multi-dimensional arrays here:

Is it possible to insert HTML content in XML document?

so long as your html content doesn't need to contain a CDATA element, you can contain the HTML in a CDATA element, otherwise you'll have to escape the XML entities.

<element><![CDATA[<p>your html here</p>]]></element>


<element>&lt;p&gt;your html here&lt;/p&gt;</element>

Correct way to convert size in bytes to KB, MB, GB in JavaScript

I originally used @Aliceljm's answer for a file upload project I was working on, but recently ran into an issue where a file was 0.98kb but being read as 1.02mb. Here's the updated code I'm now using.

function formatBytes(bytes){
  var kb = 1024;
  var ndx = Math.floor( Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(kb) );
  var fileSizeTypes = ["bytes", "kb", "mb", "gb", "tb", "pb", "eb", "zb", "yb"];

  return {
    size: +(bytes / kb / kb).toFixed(2),
    type: fileSizeTypes[ndx]

The above would then be called after a file was added like so

// In this case `file.size` equals `26060275` 
// returns `{ size: 24.85, type: "mb" }`

Granted, Windows reads the file as being 24.8mb but I'm fine with the extra precision.

ECONNREFUSED error when connecting to mongodb from node.js

very strange, but in my case, i switch wifi connection...

I use some public wifi and switch to my phone connection

How to purge tomcat's cache when deploying a new .war file? Is there a config setting?

I have a bad time putting my war file at /etc/tomcat7/webapps but the real path was /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps. May you want to use sudo find / -type f -name "my-war-file.war" to know where is it.

And remove this folders /tmp/hsperfdata_* and /tmp/tomcat7-tomcat7-tmp.

accessing a variable from another class

I hope I'm understanding the problem correctly, but it looks like you don't have a reference back to your DrawFrame object from DrawCircle.

Try this:

Change your constructor signature for DrawCircle to take in a DrawFrame object. Within the constructor, set the class variable "d" to the DrawFrame object you just took in. Now add the getWidth/getHeight methods to DrawFrame as mentioned in previous answers. See if that allows you to get what you're looking for.

Your DrawCircle constructor should be changed to something like:

public DrawCircle(DrawFrame frame)
    d = frame;
    w = 400;
    h = 400;
    diBig = 300;
    diSmall = 10;
    maxRad = (diBig/2) - diSmall;
    xSq = 50;
    ySq = 50;
    xPoint = 200;
    yPoint = 200;

The last line of code in DrawFrame should look something like:

contentPane.add(new DrawCircle(this));

Then, try using d.getheight(), d.getWidth() and so on within DrawCircle. This assumes you still have those methods available on DrawFrame to access them, of course.

Javascript find json value

I suggest using JavaScript's Array method filter() to identify an element by value. It filters data by using a "function to test each element of the array. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise.."

The following function filters the data, returning data for which the callback returns true, i.e. where data.code equals the requested country code.

function getCountryByCode(code) {
  return data.filter(
      function(data){ return data.code == code }

var found = getCountryByCode('DZ');

See the demonstration below:

var data = [{_x000D_
  "name": "Afghanistan",_x000D_
  "code": "AF"_x000D_
}, {_x000D_
  "name": "Åland Islands",_x000D_
  "code": "AX"_x000D_
}, {_x000D_
  "name": "Albania",_x000D_
  "code": "AL"_x000D_
}, {_x000D_
  "name": "Algeria",_x000D_
  "code": "DZ"_x000D_
function getCountryByCode(code) {_x000D_
  return data.filter(_x000D_
    function(data) {_x000D_
      return data.code == code_x000D_
var found = getCountryByCode('DZ');_x000D_
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = found[0].name;
<div id="output"></div>

Here's a JSFiddle.

How do I run a docker instance from a DockerFile?

While other answers were usable, this really helped me, so I am putting it also here.

From the documentation:

Instead of specifying a context, you can pass a single Dockerfile in the URL or pipe the file in via STDIN. To pipe a Dockerfile from STDIN:

$ docker build - < Dockerfile

With Powershell on Windows, you can run:

Get-Content Dockerfile | docker build -

When the build is done, run command:

docker image ls

You will see something like this:

REPOSITORY                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
<none>                     <none>              123456789        39 seconds ago      422MB

Copy your actual IMAGE ID and then run

docker run 123456789

Where the number at the end is the actual Image ID from previous step

If you do not want to remember the image id, you can tag your image by

docker tag 123456789 pavel/pavel-build

Which will tag your image as pavel/pavel-build

MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE for multiple rows insert in single query

I was looking for the same behavior using jdbi's BindBeanList and found the syntax is exactly the same as Peter Lang's answer above. In case anybody is running into this question, here's my code:

  @SqlUpdate("INSERT INTO table_one (col_one, col_two) VALUES <beans> ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE col_one=VALUES(col_one), col_two=VALUES(col_two)")
void insertBeans(@BindBeanList(value = "beans", propertyNames = {"colOne", "colTwo"}) List<Beans> beans);

One key detail to note is that the propertyName you specify within @BindBeanList annotation is not same as the column name you pass into the VALUES() call on update.

How to export/import PuTTy sessions list?

For those who don't want to mess with the registry, a variation of putty that saves to file has been created. It is located here:

It would be nice if the putty team would take this as an option into the main distribution.

ToList()-- does it create a new list?

A new list is created but the items in it are references to the orginal items (just like in the original list). Changes to the list itself are independent, but to the items will find the change in both lists.

Simulating a click in jQuery/JavaScript on a link

Try this

function submitRequest(buttonId) {
    if (document.getElementById(buttonId) == null
            || document.getElementById(buttonId) == undefined) {
    if (document.getElementById(buttonId).dispatchEvent) {
        var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
        e.initEvent("click", true, true);
    } else {

and you can use it like


A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found... (again)

After wasting my half day I got this working.

Select Target > Edit Scheme > Select Run > Change Build Configuration to debug

How to access to a child method from the parent in vue.js

Ref and event bus both has issues when your control render is affected by v-if. So, I decided to go with a simpler method.

The idea is using an array as a queue to send methods that needs to be called to the child component. Once the component got mounted, it will process this queue. It watches the queue to execute new methods.

(Borrowing some code from Desmond Lua's answer)

Parent component code:

import ChildComponent from './components/ChildComponent'

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    item: {},
    childMethodsQueue: [],
  template: `
     <ChildComponent :item="item" :methods-queue="childMethodsQueue" />
     <button type="submit" @click.prevent="submit">Post</button>
  methods: {
    submit() {
      this.childMethodsQueue.push({name:, params: {}})
  components: { ChildComponent },

This is code for ChildComponent


export default {
  name: 'ChildComponent',
  props: {
    methodsQueue: { type: Array },
  watch: {
    methodsQueue: function () {
  mounted() {
  methods: {
    save() {
        console.log("Child saved...")
    processMethodsQueue() {
      if (!this.methodsQueue) return
      let len = this.methodsQueue.length
      for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        let method = this.methodsQueue.shift()

And there is a lot of room for improvement like moving processMethodsQueue to a mixin...

Get only filename from url in php without any variable values which exist in the url

Following steps shows total information about how to get file, file with extension, file without extension. This technique is very helpful for me. Hope it will be helpful to you too.

  $url = '';
        $file = file_get_contents($url); // to get file
        $name = basename($url); // to get file name
        $ext = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // to get extension
        $name2 =pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_FILENAME); //file name without extension

How to convert datetime to integer in python

It depends on what the integer is supposed to encode. You could convert the date to a number of milliseconds from some previous time. People often do this affixed to 12:00 am January 1 1970, or 1900, etc., and measure time as an integer number of milliseconds from that point. The datetime module (or others like it) will have functions that do this for you: for example, you can use int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()).

If you want to semantically encode the year, month, and day, one way to do it is to multiply those components by order-of-magnitude values large enough to juxtapose them within the integer digits:

2012-06-13 --> 20120613 = 10,000 * (2012) + 100 * (6) + 1*(13)

def to_integer(dt_time):
    return 10000*dt_time.year + 100*dt_time.month +


In [1]: import datetime

In [2]: %cpaste
Pasting code; enter '--' alone on the line to stop or use Ctrl-D.
:def to_integer(dt_time):
:    return 10000*dt_time.year + 100*dt_time.month +
:    # Or take the appropriate chars from a string date representation.

In [3]: to_integer(, 6, 13))
Out[3]: 20120613

If you also want minutes and seconds, then just include further orders of magnitude as needed to display the digits.

I've encountered this second method very often in legacy systems, especially systems that pull date-based data out of legacy SQL databases.

It is very bad. You end up writing a lot of hacky code for aligning dates, computing month or day offsets as they would appear in the integer format (e.g. resetting the month back to 1 as you pass December, then incrementing the year value), and boiler plate for converting to and from the integer format all over.

Unless such a convention lives in a deep, low-level, and thoroughly tested section of the API you're working on, such that everyone who ever consumes the data really can count on this integer representation and all of its helper functions, then you end up with lots of people re-writing basic date-handling routines all over the place.

It's generally much better to leave the value in a date context, like, for as long as you possibly can, so that the operations upon it are expressed in a natural, date-based context, and not some lone developer's personal hack into an integer.


Complementary at @Radu answer, As in SQL, you can add the table name in the parameter if you have many table with the same attribute.

.order_by(" desc")

How to delete a file or folder?

shutil.rmtree is the asynchronous function, so if you want to check when it complete, you can use while...loop

import os
import shutil


while os.path.exists(path):


Changing background color of selected cell?

// animate between regular and selected state
- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated {

    [super setSelected:selected animated:animated];

    if (selected) {
        self.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:234.0f/255 green:202.0f/255 blue:255.0f/255 alpha:1.0f];
    else {
        self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

How to silence output in a Bash script?

For output only on error:

so [command]


How do I catch an Ajax query post error?

you attach the .onerror handler to the ajax object, why people insist on posting JQuery for responses when vanila works cross platform...

quickie example:

ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); "POST", "/url/to/handler.php", true );
ajax.onerror = function(){
    alert("Oops! Something went wrong...");
ajax.send(someWebFormToken );

How to determine the Boost version on a system?

Depending on how you have installed boost and what OS you are running you could also try the following:

dpkg -s libboost-dev | grep 'Version'

changing visibility using javascript

function loadpage (page_request, containerid)
  var loading = document.getElementById ( "loading" ) ;

  // when connecting to server
  if ( page_request.readyState == 1 ) = "visible" ;

  // when loaded successfully
  if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1))
      document.getElementById(containerid).innerHTML=page_request.responseText ; = "hidden" ;

PHP create key => value pairs within a foreach

Something like this?

foreach ($Offer as $key => $value) { 
  $offerArray[$key] = $value[4];

BeautifulSoup: extract text from anchor tag

>>> txt = '<a class="title" href="">Nikon COOLPIX L26 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 5x Zoom NIKKOR Glass Lens and 3-inch LCD (Red)</a> '
>>> fragment = bs4.BeautifulSoup(txt)
>>> fragment
<a class="title" href="">Nikon COOLPIX L26 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 5x Zoom NIKKOR Glass Lens and 3-inch LCD (Red)</a> 
>>> fragment.find('a', {'class': 'title'})
<a class="title" href="">Nikon COOLPIX L26 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 5x Zoom NIKKOR Glass Lens and 3-inch LCD (Red)</a>
>>> fragment.find('a', {'class': 'title'}).string
u'Nikon COOLPIX L26 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 5x Zoom NIKKOR Glass Lens and 3-inch LCD (Red)'

How to recursively list all the files in a directory in C#?

In Framework 2.0 you can use (It list files of root folder, it's best the most popular answer):

static void DirSearch(string dir)
        foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(dir))
        foreach (string d in Directory.GetDirectories(dir))

    catch (System.Exception ex)

Centering a canvas

As to the CSS suggestion:

#myCanvas { 
 width: 100%;
 height: 100%;

By the standard, CSS does not size the canvas coordinate system, it scales the content. In Chrome, the CSS mentioned will scale the canvas up or down to fit the browser's layout. In the typical case where the coordinate system is smaller than the browser's dimensions in pixels, this effectively lowers the resolution of your drawing. It most likely results in non-proportional drawing as well.

Pygame mouse clicking detection

The MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event occurs once when you click the mouse button and the MOUSEBUTTONUP event occurs once when the mouse button is released. The pygame.event.Event() object has two attributes that provide information about the mouse event. pos is a tuple that stores the position that was clicked. button stores the button that was clicked. Each mouse button is associated a value. For instance the value of the attributes is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for the left mouse button, middle mouse button, right mouse button, mouse wheel up respectively mouse wheel down. When multiple keys are pressed, multiple mouse button events occur. Further explanations can be found in the documentation of the module pygame.event.

Use the rect attribute of the pygame.sprite.Sprite object and the collidepoint method to see if the Sprite was clicked. Pass the list of events to the update method of the pygame.sprite.Group so that you can process the events in the Sprite class:

class SpriteObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    # [...]

    def update(self, event_list):

        for event in event_list:
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if self.rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
                    # [...]

my_sprite = SpriteObject()
group = pygame.sprite.Group(my_sprite)

# [...]

run = True
while run:
    event_list = pygame.event.get()
    for event in event_list:
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False 


    # [...]

Minimal example:

import pygame

class SpriteObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, x, y, color):
        self.original_image = pygame.Surface((50, 50), pygame.SRCALPHA), color, (25, 25), 25)
        self.click_image = pygame.Surface((50, 50), pygame.SRCALPHA), color, (25, 25), 25), (255, 255, 255), (25, 25), 25, 4)
        self.image = self.original_image 
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center = (x, y))
        self.clicked = False

    def update(self, event_list):
        for event in event_list:
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if self.rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
                    self.clicked = not self.clicked

        self.image = self.click_image if self.clicked else self.original_image

window = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

sprite_object = SpriteObject(*window.get_rect().center, (128, 128, 0))
group = pygame.sprite.Group([
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() // 3, window.get_height() // 3, (128, 0, 0)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() * 2 // 3, window.get_height() // 3, (0, 128, 0)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() // 3, window.get_height() * 2 // 3, (0, 0, 128)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() * 2// 3, window.get_height() * 2 // 3, (128, 128, 0)),

run = True
while run:
    event_list = pygame.event.get()
    for event in event_list:
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False 




See further Creating multiple sprites with different update()'s from the same sprite class in Pygame

The current position of the mouse can be determined via pygame.mouse.get_pos(). The return value is a tuple that represents the x and y coordinates of the mouse cursor. pygame.mouse.get_pressed() returns a list of Boolean values ??that represent the state (True or False) of all mouse buttons. The state of a button is True as long as a button is held down. When multiple buttons are pressed, multiple items in the list are True. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd elements in the list represent the left, middle and right mouse buttons.

Detect evaluate the mouse states in the Update method of the pygame.sprite.Sprite object:

class SpriteObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    # [...]

    def update(self, event_list):

        mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        mouse_buttons = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()

        if  self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos) and any(mouse_buttons):
            # [...]

my_sprite = SpriteObject()
group = pygame.sprite.Group(my_sprite)

# [...]

run = True
while run:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False


    # [...]

Minimal example:

import pygame

class SpriteObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, x, y, color):
        self.original_image = pygame.Surface((50, 50), pygame.SRCALPHA), color, (25, 25), 25)
        self.hover_image = pygame.Surface((50, 50), pygame.SRCALPHA), color, (25, 25), 25), (255, 255, 255), (25, 25), 25, 4)
        self.image = self.original_image 
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center = (x, y))
        self.hover = False

    def update(self):
        mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        mouse_buttons = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()

        #self.hover = self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos)
        self.hover = self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos) and any(mouse_buttons)

        self.image = self.hover_image if self.hover else self.original_image

window = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

sprite_object = SpriteObject(*window.get_rect().center, (128, 128, 0))
group = pygame.sprite.Group([
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() // 3, window.get_height() // 3, (128, 0, 0)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() * 2 // 3, window.get_height() // 3, (0, 128, 0)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() // 3, window.get_height() * 2 // 3, (0, 0, 128)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() * 2// 3, window.get_height() * 2 // 3, (128, 128, 0)),

run = True
while run:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False 




How to specify an element after which to wrap in css flexbox?


Here's an article with your full list of options:

EDIT: This is really easy to do with Grid now:


I don't think you can break after a specific item. The best you can probably do is change the flex-basis at your breakpoints. So:

ul {
  flex-flow: row wrap;
  display: flex;

li {
  flex-grow: 1;
  flex-shrink: 0;
  flex-basis: 50%;

@media (min-width: 40em;){
li {
  flex-basis: 30%;

Here's a sample:


EDIT: You CAN break after a specific element! Heydon Pickering unleashed some css wizardry in an A List Apart article:

EDIT 2: Please have a look at this answer: Line break in multi-line flexbox

@luksak also provides a great answer

What is the meaning of curly braces?

Dictionaries in Python are data structures that store key-value pairs. You can use them like associative arrays. Curly braces are used when declaring dictionaries:

d = {'One': 1, 'Two' : 2, 'Three' : 3 }
print d['Two'] # prints "2"

Curly braces are not used to denote control levels in Python. Instead, Python uses indentation for this purpose.

I think you really need some good resources for learning Python in general. See

CSS: Fix row height

You can also try this, if this is what you need:

<style type="text/css">
   table td div {height:20px;overflow-y:hidden;}
   table td.col1 div {width:100px;}
   table td.col2 div {width:300px;}

    <tr><td class="col1"><div>test</div></td></tr>
    <tr><td class="col2"><div>test</div></td></tr>

Error: More than one module matches. Use skip-import option to skip importing the component into the closest module

Angular CLI: 8.3.4 Node : 10.16.3 Angualr : 4.2.5

I used "dotnet new angular" command to generate the project, and it has generated 3 different modules in app folder (Although a simple test with ng new project-name just generates a single module.

see the modules in your project and decide wich module you want - then specify the name

ng g c componentName --module=[name-of-your-module]

You can read more about modules here:

SQL Server - Convert varchar to another collation (code page) to fix character encoding

We may need more information. Here is what I did to reproduce on SQL Server 2008:

    NAME = N'Test'
    , FILENAME = N'...Test.mdf' 
    , SIZE = 3072KB 
    , FILEGROWTH = 1024KB 
    LOG ON 
    NAME = N'Test_log'
    , FILENAME = N'...Test_log.ldf' 
    , SIZE = 1024KB 
    , FILEGROWTH = 10%
    COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN2
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable]
    [SomeCol] [varchar](50) NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
Insert MyTable( SomeCol )
Select '±' Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
Select SomeCol, SomeCol Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
From MyTable

Results show the original character. Declaring collation in the query should return the proper character from SQL Server's perspective however it may be the case that the presentation layer is then converting to something yet different like UTF-8.

Convert string to datetime in

Pass the decode pattern to ParseExact

Dim d as string = "201210120956"
Dim dt = DateTime.ParseExact(d, "yyyyMMddhhmm", Nothing)

ParseExact is available only from Net FrameWork 2.0.
If you are still on 1.1 you could use Parse, but you need to provide the IFormatProvider adequate to your string

batch file Copy files with certain extensions from multiple directories into one directory

Brandon, short and sweet. Also flexible.

set dSource=C:\Main directory\sub directory
set dTarget=D:\Documents
set fType=*.doc
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /a-d /b /s "%dSource%\%fType%"') do (
    copy /V "%%f" "%dTarget%\" 2>nul

Hope this helps.

I would add some checks after the copy (using '||') but i'm not sure how "copy /v" reacts when it encounters an error.

you may want to try this:

copy /V "%%f" "%dTarget%\" 2>nul|| echo En error occured copying "%%F".&& exit /b 1

As the copy line. let me know if you get something out of it (in no position to test a copy failure atm..)

MySQL - Trigger for updating same table after insert

It seems that you can't do all this in a trigger. According to the documentation:

Within a stored function or trigger, it is not permitted to modify a table that is already being used (for reading or writing) by the statement that invoked the function or trigger.

According to this answer, it seems that you should:

create a stored procedure, that inserts into/Updates the target table, then updates the other row(s), all in a transaction.

With a stored proc you'll manually commit the changes (insert and update). I haven't done this in MySQL, but this post looks like a good example.

How can I extract all values from a dictionary in Python?

Normal Dict.values()

will return something like this



If you want only Values use

  • Use this

list(Dict.values())[0] # Under the List

AngularJS access parent scope from child controller

When you are using as syntax, like ParentController as parentCtrl, to define a controller then to access parent scope variable in child controller use following :

var id = $;

Where parentCtrl is name of parent controller using as syntax and id is a variable defined in same controller.

Getting attributes of a class

Another simple solution:

class Color(const):
    BLUE = 0
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2

    def get_all(cls):
        return [cls.BLUE, cls.RED, cls.GREEN]

Usage: Color.get_all()

Check if an element has event listener on it. No jQuery

You don't need to. Just slap it on there as many times as you want and as often as you want. MDN explains identical event listeners:

If multiple identical EventListeners are registered on the same EventTarget with the same parameters, the duplicate instances are discarded. They do not cause the EventListener to be called twice, and they do not need to be removed manually with the removeEventListener method.

javascript variable reference/alias

In JavaScript, primitive types such as integers and strings are passed by value whereas objects are passed by reference. So in order to achieve this you need to use an object:

// declare an object with property x
var obj = { x: 1 };
var aliasToObj = obj;
aliasToObj.x ++;
alert( obj.x ); // displays 2

Encrypt Password in Configuration Files?

Yes, definitely don't write your own algorithm. Java has lots of cryptography APIs.

If the OS you are installing upon has a keystore, then you could use that to store your crypto keys that you will need to encrypt and decrypt the sensitive data in your configuration or other files.

How do I run a bat file in the background from another bat file?

Actually is quite easy with this option at the end:

c:\start BATCH.bat -WindowStyle Hidden

Place API key in Headers or URL

If you want an argument that might appeal to a boss: Think about what a URL is. URLs are public. People copy and paste them. They share them, they put them on advertisements. Nothing prevents someone (knowingly or not) from mailing that URL around for other people to use. If your API key is in that URL, everybody has it.

List all files and directories in a directory + subdirectories

I am afraid, the GetFiles method returns list of files but not the directories. The list in the question prompts me that the result should include the folders as well. If you want more customized list, you may try calling GetFiles and GetDirectories recursively. Try this:

List<string> AllFiles = new List<string>();
void ParsePath(string path)
    string[] SubDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(path);
    foreach (string subdir in SubDirs)

Tip: You can use FileInfo and DirectoryInfo classes if you need to check any specific attribute.

NodeJs : TypeError: require(...) is not a function

For me, I got similar error when switched between branches - one used newer ("typescriptish") version of @google-cloud/datastore packages which returns object with Datastore constructor as one of properties of exported object and I switched to other branch for a task, an older datastore version was used there, which exports Datastore constructor "directly" as module.exports value. I got the error because node_modules still had newer modules used by branch I switched from.

Turn off constraints temporarily (MS SQL)

You can actually disable all database constraints in a single SQL command and the re-enable them calling another single command. See:

I am currently working with SQL Server 2005 but I am almost sure that this approach worked with SQL 2000 as well

Android Endless List

Here is a solution that also makes it easy to show a loading view in the end of the ListView while it's loading.

You can see the classes here: - Helper to make it possible to use the features without extending from SimpleListViewWithLoadingIndicator. - Listener that starts loading data when the user is about to reach the bottom of the ListView. - The EndlessListView. You can use this class directly or extend from it.

How to handle authentication popup with Selenium WebDriver using Java

This should work for Firefox by using AutoAuth plugin:

FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new ProfilesIni().getProfile("default");
File ffPluginAutoAuth = new File("D:\\autoauth-2.1-fx+fn.xpi");
driver = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxProfile);

Can't find bundle for base name

BalusC is right. Version 1.0.13 is current, but 1.0.9 appears to have the required bundles:

$ jar tf lib/jfreechart-1.0.9.jar | grep 

Count unique values in a column in Excel

Here's an elegant array formula (which I found here that does the trick nicely:



and confirm with CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER

Git error on git pull (unable to update local ref)

What happened over here? The local references to your remote branches were changed and hence when you run git pull, git doesn't find any corresponding remote branches and hence it fails.

git remote prune origin

actually cleans this local references and then run git pull again.

Suggestion - Please run with --dry-run option for safety

Testing javascript with Mocha - how can I use console.log to debug a test?

You may have also put your console.log after an expectation that fails and is uncaught, so your log line never gets executed.

Keyboard shortcuts are not active in Visual Studio with Resharper installed

This worked for me.

Setting to Resharper / Options / KeyBoard & Menus / None / Apply and Save

and then

Resharper / Options / KeyBoard & Menus / Set to Visual Studio / Apply and Save

How to properly compare two Integers in Java?

tl;dr my opinion is to use a unary + to trigger the unboxing on one of the operands when checking for value equality, and simply use the maths operators otherwise. Rationale follows:

It has been mentioned already that == comparison for Integer is identity comparison, which is usually not what a programmer want, and that the aim is to do value comparison; still, I've done a little science about how to do that comparison most efficiently, both in term of code compactness, correctness and speed.

I used the usual bunch of methods:

public boolean method1() {
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1.equals( i2 );

public boolean method2() {
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1.intValue() == i2.intValue();

public boolean method3() {
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1.intValue() == i2;

public boolean method4() {
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1 == +i2;

public boolean method5() { // obviously not what we want..
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1 == i2;

and got this code after compilation and decompilation:

public boolean method1() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    return var1.equals( var2 );

public boolean method2() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    if ( var2.intValue() == var1.intValue() ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

public boolean method3() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    if ( var2.intValue() == var1.intValue() ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

public boolean method4() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    if ( var2.intValue() == var1.intValue() ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

public boolean method5() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    if ( var2 == var1 ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

As you can easily see, method 1 calls Integer.equals() (obviously), methods 2-4 result in exactly the same code, unwrapping the values by means of .intValue() and then comparing them directly, and method 5 just triggers an identity comparison, being the incorrect way to compare values.

Since (as already mentioned by e.g. JS) equals() incurs an overhead (it has to do instanceof and an unchecked cast), methods 2-4 will work with exactly the same speed, noticingly better than method 1 when used in tight loops, since HotSpot is not likely to optimize out the casts & instanceof.

It's quite similar with other comparison operators (e.g. </>) - they will trigger unboxing, while using compareTo() won't - but this time, the operation is highly optimizable by HS since intValue() is just a getter method (prime candidate to being optimized out).

In my opinion, the seldom used version 4 is the most concise way - every seasoned C/Java developer knows that unary plus is in most cases equal to cast to int/.intValue() - while it may be a little WTF moment for some (mostly those who didn't use unary plus in their lifetime), it arguably shows the intent most clearly and most tersely - it shows that we want an int value of one of the operands, forcing the other value to unbox as well. It is also unarguably most similar to the regular i1 == i2 comparison used for primitive int values.

My vote goes for i1 == +i2 & i1 > i2 style for Integer objects, both for performance & consistency reasons. It also makes the code portable to primitives without changing anything other than the type declaration. Using named methods seems like introducing semantic noise to me, similar to the much-criticized bigInt.add(10).multiply(-3) style.

What is the meaning of polyfills in HTML5?

Here are some high level thoughts and info that might help, aside from the other answers.

Pollyfills are like a compatability patch for specific browsers. Shims are changes to specific arguments. Fallbacks can be used if say a @mediaquery is not compatible with a browser.

It kind of depends on the requirements of what your app/website needs to be compatible with.

You cna check this site out for compatability of specific libraries with specific browsers.

Preventing console window from closing on Visual Studio C/C++ Console application

If you run without debugging (Ctrl+F5) then by default it prompts your to press return to close the window. If you want to use the debugger, you should put a breakpoint on the last line.

Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee

I've made very simple function for marquee. See: It pauses on mouseover & resumes on mouseleave. Speed can be varied. Easy to understand.

function marquee(a, b) {
var width = b.width();
var start_pos = a.width();
var end_pos = -width;

function scroll() {
    if (b.position().left <= -width) {
        b.css('left', start_pos);
    else {
        time = (parseInt(b.position().left, 10) - end_pos) *
            (10000 / (start_pos - end_pos)); // Increase or decrease speed by changing value 10000
            'left': -width
        }, time, 'linear', function() {

    'width': width,
    'left': start_pos
scroll(a, b);
b.mouseenter(function() {     // Remove these lines
    b.stop();                 //
    b.clearQueue();           // if you don't want
});                           //
b.mouseleave(function() {     // marquee to pause
    scroll(a, b);             //
});                           // on mouse over

$(document).ready(function() {
    marquee($('#display'), $('#text'));  //Enter name of container element & marquee element

In Excel, sum all values in one column in each row where another column is a specific value

You should be able to use the IF function for that. the syntax is =IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false). To add an extra column with only the non-reimbursed amounts, you would use something like:

=IF(B1="No", A1, 0)

and sum that. There's probably a way to include it in a single cell below the column as well, but off the top of my head I can't think of anything simple.

Windows XP or later Windows: How can I run a batch file in the background with no window displayed?

Do you need the second batch file to run asynchronously? Typically one batch file runs another synchronously with the call command, and the second one would share the first one's window.

You can use start /b second.bat to launch a second batch file asynchronously from your first that shares your first one's window. If both batch files write to the console simultaneously, the output will be overlapped and probably indecipherable. Also, you'll want to put an exit command at the end of your second batch file, or you'll be within a second cmd shell once everything is done.

Google Drive as FTP Server

I couldn't find a direct GDrive/DropBox solution. I'm also surprised there's no lazy solution for a free ftp host. Windows azure offers a ftp server "FTP connector" that's fairly easy to turn on at:

You can get a free 1 GB account by selecting "View All" machine types during your deployment.

What are "named tuples" in Python?


is one of the easiest ways to clean up your code and make it more readable. It self-documents what is happening in the tuple. Namedtuples instances are just as memory efficient as regular tuples as they do not have per-instance dictionaries, making them faster than dictionaries.

from collections import namedtuple

Color = namedtuple('Color', ['hue', 'saturation', 'luminosity'])

 p = Color(170, 0.1, 0.6)
 if p.saturation >= 0.5:
     print "Whew, that is bright!"
 if p.luminosity >= 0.5:
     print "Wow, that is light"

Without naming each element in the tuple, it would read like this:

p = (170, 0.1, 0.6)
if p[1] >= 0.5:
    print "Whew, that is bright!"
if p[2]>= 0.5:
   print "Wow, that is light"

It is so much harder to understand what is going on in the first example. With a namedtuple, each field has a name. And you access it by name rather than position or index. Instead of p[1], we can call it p.saturation. It's easier to understand. And it looks cleaner.

Creating an instance of the namedtuple is easier than creating a dictionary.

# dictionary
>>>p = dict(hue = 170, saturation = 0.1, luminosity = 0.6)

>>>from collections import namedtuple
>>>Color = namedtuple('Color', ['hue', 'saturation', 'luminosity'])
>>>p = Color(170, 0.1, 0.6)

When might you use namedtuple

  1. As just stated, the namedtuple makes understanding tuples much easier. So if you need to reference the items in the tuple, then creating them as namedtuples just makes sense.
  2. Besides being more lightweight than a dictionary, namedtuple also keeps the order unlike the dictionary.
  3. As in the example above, it is simpler to create an instance of namedtuple than dictionary. And referencing the item in the named tuple looks cleaner than a dictionary. p.hue rather than p['hue'].

The syntax

collections.namedtuple(typename, field_names[, verbose=False][, rename=False])
  • namedtuple is in the collections library.
  • typename: This is the name of the new tuple subclass.
  • field_names: A sequence of names for each field. It can be a sequence as in a list ['x', 'y', 'z'] or string x y z (without commas, just whitespace) or x, y, z.
  • rename: If rename is True, invalid fieldnames are automatically replaced with positional names. For example, ['abc', 'def', 'ghi','abc'] is converted to ['abc', '_1', 'ghi', '_3'], eliminating the keyword 'def' (since that is a reserved word for defining functions) and the duplicate fieldname 'abc'.
  • verbose: If verbose is True, the class definition is printed just before being built.

You can still access namedtuples by their position, if you so choose. p[1] == p.saturation. It still unpacks like a regular tuple.


All the regular tuple methods are supported. Ex: min(), max(), len(), in, not in, concatenation (+), index, slice, etc. And there are a few additional ones for namedtuple. Note: these all start with an underscore. _replace, _make, _asdict.

_replace Returns a new instance of the named tuple replacing specified fields with new values.

The syntax



>>>from collections import namedtuple

>>>Color = namedtuple('Color', ['hue', 'saturation', 'luminosity'])
>>>p = Color(170, 0.1, 0.6)

Color(87, 0.1, 0.6)

>>>p._replace(hue=87, saturation=0.2)
Color(87, 0.2, 0.6)

Notice: The field names are not in quotes; they are keywords here. Remember: Tuples are immutable - even if they are namedtuples and have the _replace method. The _replace produces a new instance; it does not modify the original or replace the old value. You can of course save the new result to the variable. p = p._replace(hue=169)


Makes a new instance from an existing sequence or iterable.

The syntax



 >>>data = (170, 0.1, 0.6)
Color(hue=170, saturation=0.1, luminosity=0.6)

>>>Color._make([170, 0.1, 0.6])  #the list is an iterable
Color(hue=170, saturation=0.1, luminosity=0.6)

>>>Color._make((170, 0.1, 0.6))  #the tuple is an iterable
Color(hue=170, saturation=0.1, luminosity=0.6)

>>>Color._make(170, 0.1, 0.6) 
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    File "<string>", line 15, in _make
TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

What happened with the last one? The item inside the parenthesis should be the iterable. So a list or tuple inside the parenthesis works, but the sequence of values without enclosing as an iterable returns an error.


Returns a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their corresponding values.

The syntax



OrderedDict([('hue', 169), ('saturation', 0.1), ('luminosity', 0.6)])


There is also named list which is similar to named tuple but mutable

It says that TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null

It means that element with id passed to getElementById() does not exist.

Plot multiple lines in one graph

The answer by @Federico Giorgi was a very good answer. It helpt me. Therefore, I did the following, in order to produce multiple lines in the same plot from the data of a single dataset, I used a for loop. Legend can be added as well.

plot(tab[,1],type="b",col="red",lty=1,lwd=2, ylim=c( min( tab, na.rm=T ),max( tab, na.rm=T ) )  )
for( i in 1:length( tab )) { [enter image description here][1]

How can I copy the output of a command directly into my clipboard?

For those using bash installed on their windows system (known as Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)), attempting xclip will give an error:

Error: Can't open display: (null)

Instead, recall that linux subsystem has access to windows executables. It's possible to use clip.exe like

echo hello | clip.exe

which allows you to use the paste command (ctrl-v).

What is the meaning of "this" in Java?

A quick google search brought this result:

Pretty much the "this" keyword is a reference to the current object (itself).

Removing input background colour for Chrome autocomplete?

A possible workaround for the moment is to set a "strong" inside shadow:

input:-webkit-autofill {
    -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 50px white inset; /* Change the color to your own background color */
    -webkit-text-fill-color: #333;

input:-webkit-autofill:focus {
    -webkit-box-shadow: /*your box-shadow*/,0 0 0 50px white inset;
    -webkit-text-fill-color: #333;

Darkening an image with CSS (In any shape)

if you want only the background-image to be affected, you can use a linear gradient to do that, just like this:

  background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)), url(IMAGE_URL);

If you want it darker, make the alpha value higher, else you want it lighter, make alpha lower

How to sort an associative array by its values in Javascript?

There really isn't any such thing as an "associative array" in JavaScript. What you've got there is just a plain old object. They work kind-of like associative arrays, of course, and the keys are available but there's no semantics around the order of keys.

You could turn your object into an array of objects (key/value pairs) and sort that:

function sortObj(object, sortFunc) {
  var rv = [];
  for (var k in object) {
    if (object.hasOwnProperty(k)) rv.push({key: k, value:  object[k]});
  rv.sort(function(o1, o2) {
    return sortFunc(o1.key, o2.key);
  return rv;

Then you'd call that with a comparator function.

Twig ternary operator, Shorthand if-then-else

You can use shorthand syntax as of Twig 1.12.0

{{ foo ?: 'no' }} is the same as {{ foo ? foo : 'no' }}
{{ foo ? 'yes' }} is the same as {{ foo ? 'yes' : '' }}

Find and Replace text in the entire table using a MySQL query

For a single table update

 UPDATE `table_name`
 SET `field_name` = replace(same_field_name, 'unwanted_text', 'wanted_text')

From multiple tables-

If you want to edit from all tables, best way is to take the dump and then find/replace and upload it back.

Android: How to create a Dialog without a title?

Use below code before setcontentview :-

    Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this);

Note: You must have above code, in same order and line. requestWindowFeature must be before the setContentView line.

Rounded Corners Image in Flutter

With new version of flutter and material theme u need to use the "Padding" widgett too in order to have an image that doesn't fill its container.

For example if you want to insert a rounded image in the AppBar u must use padding or your image will always be as high as the AppBar.

Hope this will help someone

        onTap: () {
            print ('Click Profile Pic');
        child: Padding(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
            child: ClipOval(
                child: Image.asset(

Oracle SqlDeveloper JDK path

For those who use Mac, edit this file:


Mine had:

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7`

and I changed it to 1.8 and it stopped complaining about java version.

Comparing Java enum members: == or equals()?

As others have said, both == and .equals() work in most cases. The compile time certainty that you're not comparing completely different types of Objects that others have pointed out is valid and beneficial, however the particular kind of bug of comparing objects of two different compile time types would also be found by FindBugs (and probably by Eclipse/IntelliJ compile time inspections), so the Java compiler finding it doesn't add that much extra safety.


  1. The fact that == never throws NPE in my mind is a disadvantage of ==. There should hardly ever be a need for enum types to be null, since any extra state that you may want to express via null can just be added to the enum as an additional instance. If it is unexpectedly null, I'd rather have a NPE than == silently evaluating to false. Therefore I disagree with the it's safer at run-time opinion; it's better to get into the habit never to let enum values be @Nullable.
  2. The argument that == is faster is also bogus. In most cases you'll call .equals() on a variable whose compile time type is the enum class, and in those cases the compiler can know that this is the same as == (because an enum's equals() method can not be overridden) and can optimize the function call away. I'm not sure if the compiler currently does this, but if it doesn't, and turns out to be a performance problem in Java overall, then I'd rather fix the compiler than have 100,000 Java programmers change their programming style to suit a particular compiler version's performance characteristics.
  3. enums are Objects. For all other Object types the standard comparison is .equals(), not ==. I think it's dangerous to make an exception for enums because you might end up accidentally comparing Objects with == instead of equals(), especially if you refactor an enum into a non-enum class. In case of such a refactoring, the It works point from above is wrong. To convince yourself that a use of == is correct, you need to check whether value in question is either an enum or a primitive; if it was a non-enum class, it'd be wrong but easy to miss because the code would still compile. The only case when a use of .equals() would be wrong is if the values in question were primitives; in that case, the code wouldn't compile so it's much harder to miss. Hence, .equals() is much easier to identify as correct, and is safer against future refactorings.

I actually think that the Java language should have defined == on Objects to call .equals() on the left hand value, and introduce a separate operator for object identity, but that's not how Java was defined.

In summary, I still think the arguments are in favor of using .equals() for enum types.

Is it possible to focus on a <div> using JavaScript focus() function?

document.getElementById('tries').scrollIntoView() works. This works better than window.location.hash when you have fixed positioning.

How to set portrait and landscape media queries in css?

iPad Media Queries (All generations - including iPad mini)

Thanks to Apple's work in creating a consistent experience for users, and easy time for developers, all 5 different iPads (iPads 1-5 and iPad mini) can be targeted with just one CSS media query. The next few lines of code should work perfect for a responsive design.

iPad in portrait & landscape

@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px)  { /* STYLES GO HERE */}

iPad in landscape

@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
and (orientation : landscape) { /* STYLES GO HERE */}

iPad in portrait

@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
and (orientation : portrait) { /* STYLES GO HERE */ }

iPad 3 & 4 Media Queries

If you're looking to target only 3rd and 4th generation Retina iPads (or tablets with similar resolution) to add @2x graphics, or other features for the tablet's Retina display, use the following media queries.

Retina iPad in portrait & landscape

@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) { /* STYLES GO HERE */}

Retina iPad in landscape

@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
and (orientation : landscape)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) { /* STYLES GO HERE */}

Retina iPad in portrait

@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
and (orientation : portrait)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) { /* STYLES GO HERE */ }

iPad 1 & 2 Media Queries

If you're looking to supply different graphics or choose different typography for the lower resolution iPad display, the media queries below will work like a charm in your responsive design!

iPad 1 & 2 in portrait & landscape

@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1){ /* STYLES GO HERE */}

iPad 1 & 2 in landscape

@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
and (orientation : landscape)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1)  { /* STYLES GO HERE */}

iPad 1 & 2 in portrait

@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
and (orientation : portrait) 
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1) { /* STYLES GO HERE */ }


I want to declare an empty array in java and then I want do update it but the code is not working

So the issue is in your array declaration you are declaring an empty array with the empty curly braces{} instead of an array that allows slots.

Roughly speaking, there can be three types of inputs :

 1. int array[] = null; #Does not point to any memory locations so is a null arrau
 2. int array[] = {) which is sort of equivalent to int array[] = new int[0];
 3. int array[] = new int[n] where n is some number indicating the number of 
memory locations in the array

What is the iPhone 4 user-agent?

This site seems to keep a complete list that's still maintained

iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad from iOS 2.0 - 5.1.1 (to date).

You do need to assemble the full user-agent string out of the information listed in the page's columns.

How to add the JDBC mysql driver to an Eclipse project?

you haven't loaded driver into memory. use this following in init()


Also, you missed a colon (:) in url, use this

String mySqlUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql";

Convert double to float in Java

Converting from double to float will be a narrowing conversion. From the doc:

A narrowing primitive conversion may lose information about the overall magnitude of a numeric value and may also lose precision and range.

A narrowing primitive conversion from double to float is governed by the IEEE 754 rounding rules (§4.2.4). This conversion can lose precision, but also lose range, resulting in a float zero from a nonzero double and a float infinity from a finite double. A double NaN is converted to a float NaN and a double infinity is converted to the same-signed float infinity.

So it is not a good idea. If you still want it you can do it like:

double d = 3.0;
float f = (float) d;

Signtool error: No certificates were found that met all given criteria with a Windows Store App?

I have had this issue too, tried a lot. Used SDK as well as Visual Studio signing, but everywhere I got "No certificates were found that met all the given criteria".

Solution: Be aware that, if "after private key filter": '0 left' shows up with option signtool sign /debug..., the cause is your PC doesn't has the CA itself in the store. To solve this, install the CA first (in my case a .crt file), then run the sign again. It should work right now!

Signtool only can be used with a CA which is requested ánd owned by the same PC.

JavaScript load a page on button click

Just window.location = "", or, for local links, window.location = "my_relative_link.html".

You can try it by typing it into your address bar as well, e.g. javascript: window.location = "".

Also note that the protocol part of the URL (http://) is not optional for absolute links; omitting it will make javascript assume a relative link.

Difference between frontend, backend, and middleware in web development

Frontend refers to the client-side, whereas backend refers to the server-side of the application. Both are crucial to web development, but their roles, responsibilities and the environments they work in are totally different. Frontend is basically what users see whereas backend is how everything works

How to get current timestamp in string format in Java? ""

Use java.util.Date class instead of Timestamp.

String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("").format(new Date());

This will get you the current date in the format specified.

How to attach source or JavaDoc in eclipse for any jar file e.g. JavaFX?

You can configure the Javadocs with downloading jar, basically javadocs will be referred directly from internet.

Complete steps:

  1. Open the Build Path page of the project (right click, properties, Java build path).
  2. Open the Libraries tab.
  3. Expand the node of the library in question (JavaFX).
  4. Select JavaDoc location and click edit.
  5. Enter the location to the file which contains the Javadoc. Specifically for the javaFX javadoc enter

for offline javadocs, you can download from :

After clicking Accept License Agreement you can download

Javascript: how to validate dates in format MM-DD-YYYY?

If your date needs to match DD.MM.YYYY and use AngularJS, use the following code:

$scope.validDate = function(value){
            var matches = /^(\d{1,2})[.](\d{1,2})[.](\d{4})$/.exec(value);
            if (matches == null) return false;
            var d = matches[1];
            var m = matches[2] - 1;
            var y = matches[3];
            var composedDate = new Date(y, m, d);
            return composedDate.getDate() == d &&
                composedDate.getMonth() == m &&
                composedDate.getFullYear() == y;

More about the scope object can be found here. Without AngularJS, simply change the first line to:

ValidDate = new function(value) {

And call it using:

var MyDate= ValidDate('29.09.2016');

Github permission denied: ssh add agent has no identities

Steps for BitBucket:

if you dont want to generate new key, SKIP ssh-keygen

ssh-keygen -t rsa 

Copy the public key to clipboard:

clip < ~/.ssh/

Login to Bit Bucket: Go to View Profile -> Settings -> SSH Keys (In Security tab) Click Add Key, Paste the key in the box, add a descriptive title

Go back to Git Bash :

ssh-add -l

You should get :

2048 SHA256:5zabdekjjjaalajafjLIa3Gl/k832A /c/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)

Now: git pull should work

Pure Javascript listen to input value change

instead of id use title to identify your element and write the code as below.


        console.log("Field has been changed...")

Sum columns with null values in oracle

NVL(value, default) is the function you are looking for.

select type, craft, sum(NVL(regular, 0) + NVL(overtime, 0) ) as total_hours
from hours_t
group by type, craft
order by type, craft

Oracle have 5 NULL-related functions:

  1. NVL
  2. NVL2
  5. LNNVL


NVL(expr1, expr2)

NVL lets you replace null (returned as a blank) with a string in the results of a query. If expr1 is null, then NVL returns expr2. If expr1 is not null, then NVL returns expr1.

NVL2 :

NVL2(expr1, expr2, expr3)

NVL2 lets you determine the value returned by a query based on whether a specified expression is null or not null. If expr1 is not null, then NVL2 returns expr2. If expr1 is null, then NVL2 returns expr3.


COALESCE(expr1, expr2, ...)

COALESCE returns the first non-null expr in the expression list. At least one expr must not be the literal NULL. If all occurrences of expr evaluate to null, then the function returns null.


NULLIF(expr1, expr2)

NULLIF compares expr1 and expr2. If they are equal, then the function returns null. If they are not equal, then the function returns expr1. You cannot specify the literal NULL for expr1.



LNNVL provides a concise way to evaluate a condition when one or both operands of the condition may be null.

More info on Oracle SQL Functions

How to set layout_weight attribute dynamically from code?

If layoutparams is already defined (in XML or dynamically), Here's a one liner:

((LinearLayout.LayoutParams) mView.getLayoutParams()).weight = 1;

How to outline text in HTML / CSS

With HTML5's support for svg, you don't need to rely on shadow hacks.

<svg  width="100%" viewBox="0 0 600 100">_x000D_
<text x=0 y=20 font-size=12pt fill=white stroke=black stroke-width=0.75>_x000D_
    This text exposes its vector representation, _x000D_
    making it easy to style shape-wise without hacks. _x000D_
    HTML5 supports it, so no browser issues. Only downside _x000D_
    is that svg has its own quirks and learning curve _x000D_
    (c.f. bounding box issue/no typesetting by default)_x000D_

What do the crossed style properties in Google Chrome devtools mean?

If you want to apply the style even after getting struck-trough indication, you can use "!important" to enforce the style. It may not be a right solution but solve the problem.

How can I find my php.ini on wordpress?

I see this question so much! everywhere I look lacks the real answer.

The php.ini should be in the wp-admin directory, if it isn't just create it and then define whats needed, by default it should contain.

upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M
max_execution_time = 300

Measuring text height to be drawn on Canvas ( Android )

You must use Rect.width() and Rect.Height() which returned from getTextBounds() instead. That works for me.

Commit only part of a file in Git

Intellij IDEA (and I guess all other products of the series) has built in support for partial commits since v2018.1

enter image description here

How to install a private NPM module without my own registry?

Starting with arcseldon's answer, I found that the team name was needed in the URL like so:

npm install --save "git+https://myteamname@[email protected]/myteamname/myprivate.git"

And note that the API key is only available for the team, not individual users.

Best way to do multi-row insert in Oracle?

Here is a very useful step by step guideline for insert multi rows in Oracle:

The last step:

/* Everyone is a person, so insert all rows into people */
INTO people (person_id, given_name, family_name, title)
VALUES (id, given_name, family_name, title)
/* Only people with an admission date are patients */
WHEN admission_date IS NOT NULL THEN
INTO patients (patient_id, last_admission_date)
VALUES (id, admission_date)
/* Only people with a hired date are staff */
INTO staff (staff_id, hired_date)
VALUES (id, hired_date)
  WITH names AS (
    SELECT 4 id, 'Ruth' given_name, 'Fox' family_name, 'Mrs' title,
           NULL hired_date, DATE'2009-12-31' admission_date
    FROM   dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 5 id, 'Isabelle' given_name, 'Squirrel' family_name, 'Miss' title ,
           NULL hired_date, DATE'2014-01-01' admission_date
    FROM   dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 6 id, 'Justin' given_name, 'Frog' family_name, 'Master' title,
           NULL hired_date, DATE'2015-04-22' admission_date
    FROM   dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 7 id, 'Lisa' given_name, 'Owl' family_name, 'Dr' title,
           DATE'2015-01-01' hired_date, NULL admission_date
    FROM   dual
  SELECT * FROM names

Python if-else short-hand

Try this:

x = a > b and 10 or 11

This is a sample of execution:

>>> a,b=5,7
>>> x = a > b and 10 or 11
>>> print x

JBoss default password

I suggest visit Add digest auth in jmx-console and read oficial documentation for Configure admin consoles, you can add more security to your JBoss AS console and at these link explains where are the role and user/pass files that you need to change this information for your server and how you can change them. Also I recommend you quit all consoles that you don't use because they can affect to application server's performance. Also there are others links about securing jmx-console that could help you, search in jboss as community site for them (I can't put them here for my actual reputation,sorry). Never you should has the password in plain text over conf/props/ files.

Sorry for my bad English and I hope my answer be useful for you.

How to enter a multi-line command

There's sooo many ways to continue a line in powershell, with pipes, brackets, parentheses, operators, dots, even with a comma. Here's a blog about it:

You can continue right after statements like foreach and if as well.

How to show current user name in a cell?

The simplest way is to create a VBA macro that wraps that function, like so:

Function UserNameWindows() As String
    UserName = Environ("USERNAME")
End Function

Then call it from the cell:


See this article for more details, and other ways.

How do I mock a service that returns promise in AngularJS Jasmine unit test?

I found that useful, stabbing service function as sinon.stub().returns($q.when({})):

this.myService = {
   myFunction: sinon.stub().returns( $q.when( {} ) )

this.scope = $rootScope.$new();
this.angularStubs = {
    myService: this.myService,
    $scope: this.scope
this.ctrl = $controller( require( 'app/bla/bla.controller' ), this.angularStubs );


this.someMethod = function(someObj) {
   myService.myFunction( someObj ).then( function() {
        someObj.loaded = 'bla-bla';
   }, function() {
        // failure
   } );   

and test

const obj = {
    field: 'value'
this.ctrl.someMethod( obj );


expect( this.myService.myFunction ).toHaveBeenCalled();
expect( obj.loaded ).toEqual( 'bla-bla' );

Convert comma separated string of ints to int array

I have found a simple solution which worked for me.


Sum function in VBA


won't work because worksheet functions (when actually used on a worksheet) don't understand Range or Cell


Range("A1").Formula="=SUM(" & Range(Cells(2,1),Cells(3,2)).Address(False,False) & ")"

What is the difference between rb and r+b modes in file objects

My understanding is that adding r+ opens for both read and write (just like w+, though as pointed out in the comment, will truncate the file). The b just opens it in binary mode, which is supposed to be less aware of things like line separators (at least in C++).

CSS Animation and Display None

There are a few answers already, but here is my solution:

I use opacity: 0 and visibility: hidden. To make sure that visibility is set before the animation, we have to set the right delays.

I use to simplify the demo, for use without this just add the browser prefixes.

(e.g. -webkit-transition-duration: 0, 200ms;)

.fadeInOut {
    .transition-duration(0, 200ms);
    .transition-property(visibility, opacity);

    &.hidden {
        visibility: hidden;
        .transition-duration(200ms, 0);
        .transition-property(opacity, visibility);
        .transition-delay(0, 200ms);

So as soon as you add the class hidden to your element, it will fade out.

YouTube Video Embedded via iframe Ignoring z-index?

Just add one of these two to the src url:



<iframe id="videoIframe" width="500" height="281" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How to do left join in Doctrine?

If you have an association on a property pointing to the user (let's say Credit\Entity\UserCreditHistory#user, picked from your example), then the syntax is quite simple:

public function getHistory($users) {
    $qb = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
        ->select('a', 'u')
        ->from('Credit\Entity\UserCreditHistory', 'a')
        ->leftJoin('a.user', 'u')
        ->where('u = :user')
        ->setParameter('user', $users)
        ->orderBy('a.created_at', 'DESC');

    return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

Since you are applying a condition on the joined result here, using a LEFT JOIN or simply JOIN is the same.

If no association is available, then the query looks like following

public function getHistory($users) {
    $qb = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
        ->select('a', 'u')
        ->from('Credit\Entity\UserCreditHistory', 'a')
            'a.user ='
        ->where('u = :user')
        ->setParameter('user', $users)
        ->orderBy('a.created_at', 'DESC');

    return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

This will produce a resultset that looks like following:

        0 => UserCreditHistory instance,
        1 => Userinstance,
        0 => UserCreditHistory instance,
        1 => Userinstance,
    // ...

How to detect when keyboard is shown and hidden

Swift 4:

  NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(ControllerClassName.keyboardWillShow(_:)),
  name: Notification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow,
  object: nil)
  NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ControllerClassName.keyboardWillHide(_:)),
  name: Notification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide,
  object: nil)

Next, adding method to stop listening for notifications when the object’s life ends:-

Then add the promised methods from above to the view controller:
deinit {
func adjustKeyboardShow(_ open: Bool, notification: Notification) {
  let userInfo = notification.userInfo ?? [:]
  let keyboardFrame = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).cgRectValue
  let height = (keyboardFrame.height + 20) * (open ? 1 : -1)
  scrollView.contentInset.bottom += height
  scrollView.scrollIndicatorInsets.bottom += height

@objc func keyboardWillShow(_ notification: Notification) {
  adjustKeyboardShow(true, notification: notification)
@objc func keyboardWillHide(_ notification: Notification) {
  adjustKeyboardShow(false, notification: notification)

Comparing two strings in C?

if(strcmp(sr1,str2)) // this returns 0 if strings r equal 
else flag=1; // then last check the variable flag value and print the message 


char str1[20],str2[20];
printf("enter first str > ");
printf("enter second str > ");

for(int i=0;str1[i]!='\0';i++)
    else {flag=1; break;}

 //check the value of flag if it is 0 then strings r equal simple :)

Unit testing with Spring Security

I asked the same question myself over here, and just posted an answer that I recently found. Short answer is: inject a SecurityContext, and refer to SecurityContextHolder only in your Spring config to obtain the SecurityContext

How to parse JSON array in jQuery?

I am trying to parse JSON data returned from an ajax call, and the following is working for me:

Sample PHP code

$portfolio_array= Array('desc'=>'This is test description1','item1'=>'1.jpg','item2'=>'2.jpg');

echo json_encode($portfolio_array);

And in the .js, i am parsing like this:

var req=$.post("json.php", { id: "" + id + ""},
function(data) {
    $.each(data, function(i,item){
.error(function(){alert('There was problem loading portfolio details.');})

If you have multidimensional array like below

$portfolio_array= Array('desc'=>'This is test description 1','items'=> array('item1'=>'1.jpg','item2'=>'2.jpg'));
echo json_encode($portfolio_array);

Then the code below should work:

var req=$.post("json.php", { id: "" + id + 
    function(data) {
    $.each(data.items, function(i,item){
.error(function(){alert('There was problem loading portfolio details.');})

Please note the sub array key here is items, and suppose if you have xyz then in place of data.items use

Sequence contains no elements?

Well, what is ID here? In particular, is it a local variable? There are some scope / capture issues, which mean that it may be desirable to use a second variable copy, just for the query:

var id = ID;
BlogPost post = (from p in dc.BlogPosts
                 where p.BlogPostID == id
                 select p).Single();

Also; if this is LINQ-to-SQL, then in the current version you get a slightly better behaviour if you use the form:

var id = ID;
BlogPost post = dc.BlogPosts.Single(p => p.BlogPostID == id);

How do I get the current time only in JavaScript


new Date().toLocaleTimeString().replace("/.*(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}).*/", "$1");


new Date().toTimeString().split(" ")[0];

Google Maps API throws "Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not defined" only when using AJAX

At a guess, you're initialising something before your initialize function: var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();

Move that into the function, so it won't try and execute it before the page is loaded.

var directionsDisplay, directionsService;
var map;
function initialize() {
  directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
  directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();

How can I create an Asynchronous function in Javascript?

You cannot make a truly custom asynchronous function. You'll eventually have to leverage on a technology provided natively, such as:

  • setInterval
  • setTimeout
  • requestAnimationFrame
  • XMLHttpRequest
  • WebSocket
  • Worker
  • Some HTML5 APIs such as the File API, Web Database API
  • Technologies that support onload
  • ... many others

In fact, for the animation jQuery uses setInterval.

How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010

A small addition to KTC's very informative main answer:

If you are using the free Visual Studio c++ 2010 Express, and managed to get that one to compile 64-bits binaries, and now want to use that to use a 64-bits version of the Boost libaries, you may end up with 32-bits libraries (your mileage may vary of course, but on my machine this is the sad case).

I could fix this using the following: inbetween the steps described above as

  1. Start a 32-bit MSVC command prompt and change to the directory where Boost was unzipped.
  2. Run: bootstrap

I inserted a call to 'setenv' to set the environment. For a release build, the above steps become:

  1. Start a 32-bit MSVC command prompt and change to the directory where Boost was unzipped.
  2. Run: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\setenv.cmd" /Release /x64
  3. Run: bootstrap

I found this info here:

Pycharm and sys.argv arguments

Add the following to the top of your Python file.

import sys

sys.argv = [

Now, you can simply right click on the Python script.

await vs Task.Wait - Deadlock?

Some important facts were not given in other answers:

"async await" is more complex at CIL level and thus costs memory and CPU time.

Any task can be canceled if the waiting time is unacceptable.

In the case "async await" we do not have a handler for such a task to cancel it or monitoring it.

Using Task is more flexible then "async await".

Any sync functionality can by wrapped by async.

public async Task<ActionResult> DoAsync(long id) 
    return await Task.Run(() => { return DoSync(id); } ); 

"async await" generate many problems. We do not now is await statement will be reached without runtime and context debugging. If first await not reached everything is blocked. Some times even await seems to be reached still everything is blocked:

I do not see why I'm must live with the code duplication for sync and async method or using hacks.

Conclusion: Create Task manually and control them is much better. Handler to Task give more control. We can monitor Tasks and manage them:

Sorry for my english.

Angular2 get clicked element id

If you want to have access to the id attribute of the button in angular 6 follow this code

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <button (click)="clicked($event)" id="myId">Click Me</button>
export class AppComponent {
  clicked(event) {
    const target = || event.srcElement || event.currentTarget;
    const idAttr =;
    const value = idAttr.nodeValue;

your id in the value,

the value of value is myId.

How to detect when WIFI Connection has been established in Android?

Android O removed the possibility to receive the implicit broadcasts for a wifi state change. So if your app is closed, you'll not be able to receive them. The new WorkManager has the ability to run when your app is closed, so I've experimented a bit with it and it seems to work quite well:

Add this to your dependencies:

implementation ""


class WifiConnectWorker : Worker() {

    override fun doWork(): Result {
        Log.i(TAG, "I think we connected to a wifi")
        return Result.SUCCESS


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val workManager = WorkManager.getInstance()

        // Add constraint to start the worker when connecting to WiFi
        val request = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(

        // The worker should be started, even if your app is closed
        workManager.beginUniqueWork("watch_wifi", REPLACE, request).enqueue()

Keep in mind that this was just a quick test for a one-time notification. There is more work to do to always get notified when WiFi is turned on and off.

PS: When the app is force quit, the worker is not started, it seems WorkManager is canceling the requests then.

How can labels/legends be added for all chart types in chart.js (

  1. The legend is part of the default options of the ChartJs library. So you do not need to explicitly add it as an option.

  2. The library generates the HTML. It is merely a matter of adding that to the your page. For example, add it to the innerHTML of a given DIV. (Edit the default options if you are editing the colors, etc)

    <canvas id="chartDiv" height="400" width="600"></canvas>
    <div id="legendDiv"></div>

   var data = {
        labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
        datasets: [
                label: "The Flash's Speed",
                fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.2)",
                strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
                pointColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
                pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
                pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
                pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
                data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40]
                label: "Superman's Speed",
                fillColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.2)",
                strokeColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
                pointColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
                pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
                pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
                pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
                data: [28, 48, 40, 19, 86, 27, 90]

    var myLineChart = new Chart(document.getElementById("chartDiv").getContext("2d")).Line(data);
    document.getElementById("legendDiv").innerHTML = myLineChart.generateLegend();

What REALLY happens when you don't free after malloc?

You are correct, no harm is done and it's faster to just exit

There are various reasons for this:

  • All desktop and server environments simply release the entire memory space on exit(). They are unaware of program-internal data structures such as heaps.

  • Almost all free() implementations do not ever return memory to the operating system anyway.

  • More importantly, it's a waste of time when done right before exit(). At exit, memory pages and swap space are simply released. By contrast, a series of free() calls will burn CPU time and can result in disk paging operations, cache misses, and cache evictions.

Regarding the possiblility of future code reuse justifing the certainty of pointless ops: that's a consideration but it's arguably not the Agile way. YAGNI!

Why does using from __future__ import print_function breaks Python2-style print?

First of all, from __future__ import print_function needs to be the first line of code in your script (aside from some exceptions mentioned below). Second of all, as other answers have said, you have to use print as a function now. That's the whole point of from __future__ import print_function; to bring the print function from Python 3 into Python 2.6+.

from __future__ import print_function

import sys, os, time

for x in range(0,10):
    print(x, sep=' ', end='')  # No need for sep here, but okay :)

__future__ statements need to be near the top of the file because they change fundamental things about the language, and so the compiler needs to know about them from the beginning. From the documentation:

A future statement is recognized and treated specially at compile time: Changes to the semantics of core constructs are often implemented by generating different code. It may even be the case that a new feature introduces new incompatible syntax (such as a new reserved word), in which case the compiler may need to parse the module differently. Such decisions cannot be pushed off until runtime.

The documentation also mentions that the only things that can precede a __future__ statement are the module docstring, comments, blank lines, and other future statements.

Multiple lines of text in UILabel

I found a solution.

One just has to add the following code:

// Swift
textLabel.lineBreakMode = .ByWordWrapping // or NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
textLabel.numberOfLines = 0 

// For Swift >= 3
textLabel.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping // notice the 'b' instead of 'B'
textLabel.numberOfLines = 0

// Objective-C
textLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
textLabel.numberOfLines = 0;

// C# (Xamarin.iOS)
textLabel.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
textLabel.Lines = 0;  

Restored old answer (for reference and devs willing to support iOS below 6.0):

textLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
textLabel.numberOfLines = 0;

On the side: both enum values yield to 0 anyway.

What JSON library to use in Scala?

Number 7 on the list is Jackson, not using Jerkson. It has support for Scala objects, (case classes etc).

Below is an example of how I use it.

object MyJacksonMapper extends JacksonMapper
val jsonString = MyJacksonMapper.serializeJson(myObject)
val myNewObject = MyJacksonMapper.deserializeJson[MyCaseClass](jsonString)

This makes it very simple. In addition is the XmlSerializer and support for JAXB Annotations is very handy.

This blog post describes it's use with JAXB Annotations and the Play Framework.

Here is my current JacksonMapper.

trait JacksonMapper {

  def jsonSerializer = {
    val m = new ObjectMapper()

  def xmlSerializer = {
    val m = new XmlMapper()

  def deserializeJson[T: Manifest](value: String): T = jsonSerializer.readValue(value, typeReference[T])
  def serializeJson(value: Any) = jsonSerializer.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(value)
  def deserializeXml[T: Manifest](value: String): T = xmlSerializer.readValue(value, typeReference[T])
  def serializeXml(value: Any) = xmlSerializer.writeValueAsString(value)

  private[this] def typeReference[T: Manifest] = new TypeReference[T] {
    override def getType = typeFromManifest(manifest[T])

  private[this] def typeFromManifest(m: Manifest[_]): Type = {
     if (m.typeArguments.isEmpty) { m.erasure }
     else new ParameterizedType {
       def getRawType = m.erasure

       def getActualTypeArguments =

       def getOwnerType = null

how to use javascript Object.defineProperty

defineProperty is a method on Object which allow you to configure the properties to meet some criterias. Here is a simple example with an employee object with two properties firstName & lastName and append the two properties by overriding the toString method on the object.

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
employee.toString=function () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

You will get Output as : Jameel Moideen

I am going to change the same code by using defineProperty on the object

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {
    value: function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
    writable: true,
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true

The first parameter is the name of the object and then second parameter is name of the property we are adding , in our case it’s toString and then the last parameter is json object which have a value going to be a function and three parameters writable,enumerable and configurable.Right now I just declared everything as true.

If u run the example you will get Output as : Jameel Moideen

Let’s understand why we need the three properties such as writable,enumerable and configurable.


One of the very annoying part of the javascript is , if you change the toString property to something else for example

enter image description here

if you run this again , everything gets breaks. Let’s change writable to false. If run the same again you will get the correct output as ‘Jameel Moideen’ . This property will prevent overwrite this property later.


if you print all the keys inside the object , you can see all the properties including toString.


enter image description here

if you set enumerable to false , you can hide toString property from everybody else. If run this again you will get firstName,lastName


if someone later redefined the object on later for example enumerable to true and run it. You can see toString property came again.

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {
    value: function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
    writable: false,
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true

//change enumerable to false
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {

    enumerable: true

enter image description here

you can restrict this behavior by set configurable to false.

Orginal reference of this information is from my personal Blog

Get index of selected option with jQuery

You can get the index of the select box by using : .prop() method of JQuery

Check This :

<!doctype html>
<script type="text/javascript" src = ""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


function check(){

<body bgcolor="yellow">
<select id="NumberSelector" onchange="check()">
    <option value="Its Zero">Zero</option>
    <option value="Its One">One</option>
    <option value="Its Two">Two</option>
    <option value="Its Three">Three</option>
    <option value="Its Four">Four</option>
    <option value="Its Five">Five</option>
    <option value="Its Six">Six</option>
    <option value="Its Seven">Seven</option>

curl.h no such file or directory

sudo apt-get install curl-devel

sudo apt-get install libcurl-dev

(will install the default alternative)


sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

(the OpenSSL variant)


sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev

(the gnutls variant)

Javascript, Change google map marker color

you can use the google chart api and generate any color with rgb code on the fly:

example: marker with #ddd color:|ddd

include as stated above with

 var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: marker,
    title: 'Hello World',
    icon: '|ddd'

Notepad++: Multiple words search in a file (may be in different lines)?

If you are using Notepad++ editor (like the tag of the question suggests), you can use the great "Find in Files" functionality.

Go to SearchFind in Files (Ctrl+Shift+F for the keyboard addicted) and enter:

  • Find What = (cat|town)

  • Filters = *.txt

  • Directory = enter the path of the directory you want to search in. You can check Follow current doc. to have the path of the current file to be filled.

  • Search mode = Regular Expression

How to solve error: "Clock skew detected"?

Simply go to the directory where the troubling file is, type touch * without quotes in the console, and you should be good.

How to print the current time in a Batch-File?

You can use the command time /t for the time and date /t for the date, here is an example:

@echo off
time /t >%tmp%\time.tmp
date /t >%tmp%\date.tmp
set ttime=<%tmp%\time.tmp
set tdate=<%tmp%\date.tmp
del /f /q %tmp%\time.tmp
del /f /q %tmp%\date.tmp
echo Time: %ttime%
echo Date: %tdate%
pause >nul

You can also use the built in variables %time% and %date%, here is another example:

@echo off
echo Time: %time:~0,5%
echo Date: %date%
pause >nul

Why does "return list.sort()" return None, not the list?

To understand why it does not return the list:

sort() doesn't return any value while the sort() method just sorts the elements of a given list in a specific order - ascending or descending without returning any value.

So problem is with answer = newList.sort() where answer is none.

Instead you can just do return newList.sort().

The syntax of the sort() method is:

list.sort(key=..., reverse=...)

Alternatively, you can also use Python's in-built function sorted() for the same purpose.

sorted(list, key=..., reverse=...)

Note: The simplest difference between sort() and sorted() is: sort() doesn't return any value while, sorted() returns an iterable list.

So in your case answer = sorted(newList).

Sorting arraylist in alphabetical order (case insensitive)


For Custome List, if you want to sort based on one String then you can use this:

phoneContactArrayList.sortWith(Comparator { item, t1 ->
        val s1: String = item.phoneContactUserName
        val s2: String = t1.phoneContactUserName
        s1.compareTo(s2, ignoreCase = true)

Using Application context everywhere?

I'm using the same approach, I suggest to write the singleton a little better:

public static MyApp getInstance() {

    if (instance == null) {
        synchronized (MyApp.class) {
            if (instance == null) {
                instance = new MyApp ();

    return instance;

but I'm not using everywhere, I use getContext() and getApplicationContext() where I can do it!

Pretty print in MongoDB shell as default

(note: this is answer to the updated question)

You can just do this on the CLI:

echo DBQuery.prototype._prettyShell = true >> ~/.mongorc.js

And it's always going to output pretty results.

Why does Google prepend while(1); to their JSON responses?

It prevents JSON hijacking, a major JSON security issue that is formally fixed in all major browsers since 2011 with ECMAScript 5.

Contrived example: say Google has a URL like which returns the first 50 messages of your inbox in JSON format. Evil websites on other domains can't make AJAX requests to get this data due to the same-origin policy, but they can include the URL via a <script> tag. The URL is visited with your cookies, and by overriding the global array constructor or accessor methods they can have a method called whenever an object (array or hash) attribute is set, allowing them to read the JSON content.

The while(1); or &&&BLAH&&& prevents this: an AJAX request at will have full access to the text content, and can strip it away. But a <script> tag insertion blindly executes the JavaScript without any processing, resulting in either an infinite loop or a syntax error.

This does not address the issue of cross-site request forgery.

How to switch between frames in Selenium WebDriver using Java

There is also possibility to use WebDriverWait with ExpectedConditions (to make sure that Frame will be available).

  1. With string as parameter

    (new WebDriverWait(driver, 5)).until(ExpectedConditions.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt("frame-name"));
  2. With locator as a parameter

    (new WebDriverWait(driver, 5)).until(ExpectedConditions.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt("frame-id")));

More info can be found here

What does Ruby have that Python doesn't, and vice versa?

More about Ruby's blocks

It has being suggested that Ruby's blocks may be "substituted" by Python's context managers. In fact, blocks allow more than Python's context managers can do.

The receiving method of a block could execute the block within the context of some object, thus allowing the block to call methods otherwise unreacheable. Python's generators can't do that either.

A simple example may help:

class Proxy
   attr_accesor :target

   def method &block
      # Ruby 1.9 or in Rails 2.3
      target.instance_exec &block  

class C
   def hello
     puts "hello"

p =
c = = c
p.method { hello }

In this example the method call within the block { hello } has it true meaning in the context of the target object c.

This example is for illustrative purposes, only. Real working code that uses this kind of execute in the context of another object is not uncommon. The monitoring tool Godm for instance, uses it.

How to delete last item in list?

If I understood the question correctly, you can use the slicing notation to keep everything except the last item:

record = record[:-1]

But a better way is to delete the item directly:

del record[-1]

Note 1: Note that using record = record[:-1] does not really remove the last element, but assign the sublist to record. This makes a difference if you run it inside a function and record is a parameter. With record = record[:-1] the original list (outside the function) is unchanged, with del record[-1] or record.pop() the list is changed. (as stated by @pltrdy in the comments)

Note 2: The code could use some Python idioms. I highly recommend reading this:
Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python (via wayback machine archive).

jquery drop down menu closing by clicking outside

You can tell any click that bubbles all the way up the DOM to hide the dropdown, and any click that makes it to the parent of the dropdown to stop bubbling.

/* Anything that gets to the document
   will hide the dropdown */

/* Clicks within the dropdown won't make
   it past the dropdown itself */


Warning "Do not Access Superglobal $_POST Array Directly" on Netbeans 7.4 for PHP

I agree with the other answerers that in most cases (almost always) it is necessary to sanitize Your input.

But consider such code (it is for a REST controller):


switch ($method) {
            case 'GET':
                return $this->doGet($request, $object);
            case 'POST':
                return $this->doPost($request, $object);
            case 'PUT':
                return $this->doPut($request, $object);
            case 'DELETE':
                return $this->doDelete($request, $object);
                return $this->onBadRequest();

It would not be very useful to apply sanitizing here (although it would not break anything, either).

So, follow recommendations, but not blindly - rather understand why they are for :)

do { ... } while (0) — what is it good for?

It's the only construct in C that you can use to #define a multistatement operation, put a semicolon after, and still use within an if statement. An example might help:

#define FOO(x) foo(x); bar(x)

if (condition)
else // syntax error here

Even using braces doesn't help:

#define FOO(x) { foo(x); bar(x); }

Using this in an if statement would require that you omit the semicolon, which is counterintuitive:

if (condition)

If you define FOO like this:

#define FOO(x) do { foo(x); bar(x); } while (0)

then the following is syntactically correct:

if (condition)

php string to int

Replace the whitespace characters, and then convert it(using the intval function or by regular typecasting)

intval(str_replace(" ", "", $b))

C# adding a character in a string

You can use this:

string alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
int length = alpha.Length;

for (int i = length - ((length - 1) % 5 + 1); i > 0; i -= 5)
    alpha = alpha.Insert(i, "-");

Works perfectly with any string. As always, the size doesn't matter. ;)

Using a string variable as a variable name

You can use setattr

name  = 'varname'
value = 'something'

setattr(self, name, value) #equivalent to: self.varname= 'something'

print (self.varname)
#will print 'something'

But, since you should inform an object to receive the new variable, this only works inside classes or modules.

jQuery If DIV Doesn't Have Class "x"

When you are checking if an element has or does not have a class, make sure you didn't accidentally put a dot in the class name:

<div class="className"></div>

$('div').hasClass('.className'); #will not work!!!!

After a long time of staring at my code I realized I had done this. A little typo like this took me an hour to figure out what I had done wrong. Check your code!

GET and POST methods with the same Action name in the same Controller

While ASP.NET MVC will allow you to have two actions with the same name, .NET won't allow you to have two methods with the same signature - i.e. the same name and parameters.

You will need to name the methods differently use the ActionName attribute to tell ASP.NET MVC that they're actually the same action.

That said, if you're talking about a GET and a POST, this problem will likely go away, as the POST action will take more parameters than the GET and therefore be distinguishable.

So, you need either:

public ActionResult ActionName() {...}

[HttpPost, ActionName("ActionName")]
public ActionResult ActionNamePost() {...}


public ActionResult ActionName() {...}

public ActionResult ActionName(string aParameter) {...}

How to escape apostrophe (') in MySql?

There are three ways I am aware of. The first not being the prettiest and the second being the common way in most programming languages:

  1. Use another single quote: 'I mustn''t sin!'
  2. Use the escape character \ before the single quote': 'I mustn\'t sin!'
  3. Use double quotes to enclose string instead of single quotes: "I mustn't sin!"

Sending an HTTP POST request on iOS

-(void)sendingAnHTTPPOSTRequestOniOSWithUserEmailId: (NSString *)emailId withPassword: (NSString *)password{
//Init the NSURLSession with a configuration
NSURLSessionConfiguration *defaultConfigObject = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
NSURLSession *defaultSession = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration: defaultConfigObject delegate: nil delegateQueue: [NSOperationQueue mainQueue]];

//Create an URLRequest
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSMutableURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

//Create POST Params and add it to HTTPBody
NSString *params = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"email=%@&password=%@",emailId,password];
[urlRequest setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
[urlRequest setHTTPBody:[params dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

//Create task
NSURLSessionDataTask *dataTask = [defaultSession dataTaskWithRequest:urlRequest completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
    //Handle your response here
    NSDictionary *responseDict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingAllowFragments error:nil];
   [dataTask resume];

How to initialize List<String> object in Java?

You will need to use ArrayList<String> or such.

List<String> is an interface.

Use this:

import java.util.ArrayList;


List<String> supplierNames = new ArrayList<String>();

How to find a string inside a entire database?

I usually use information_Schema.columns and information_schema.tables, although like @yuck said, sys.tables and sys.columns are shorter to type.

In a loop, concatenate these

@sql = @sql + 'select' + column_name + 
' from ' + table_name + 
' where ' + column_name ' like ''%''+value+''%' UNION

Then execute the resulting sql.

How do I get the serial key for Visual Studio Express?

I believe that if you download the offline ISO image file, and use that to install Visual Studio Express, you won't have to register.

Go here and find the link that says "All - Offline Install ISO image file". Click on it to expand it, select your language, and then click "Download".

Otherwise, it's possible that online registration is simply down for a while, as the error message indicates. You have 30 days before it expires, so give it a few days before starting to panic.

how to configuring a xampp web server for different root directory

You can change Apaches httpd.conf by clicking (in xampp control panel) apache/conf/httpd.conf and adjust the entries for DocumentRoot and the corresponding Directory entry. Just Ctrl+F for "htdocs" and change the entries to your new path.

See screenshot:

XAMPP config

# DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
# documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
# symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs"
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs">

Doctrine 2: Update query with query builder

With a small change, it worked fine for me


Binding Listbox to List<object> in WinForms

There are two main routes here:

1: listBox1.DataSource = yourList;

Do any manipulation (Add/Delete) to yourList and Rebind.
Set DisplayMember and ValueMember to control what is shown.

2: listBox1.Items.AddRange(yourList.ToArray());

(or use a for-loop to do Items.Add(...))

You can control Display by overloading ToString() of the list objects or by implementing the listBox1.Format event.

Can't install laravel installer via composer

For Ubuntu 16.04, I have used this command for PHP7.2 and it worked for me.

sudo apt-get install php7.2-zip

C++ template typedef

C++11 added alias declarations, which are generalization of typedef, allowing templates:

template <size_t N>
using Vector = Matrix<N, 1>;

The type Vector<3> is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

In C++03, the closest approximation was:

template <size_t N>
struct Vector
    typedef Matrix<N, 1> type;

Here, the type Vector<3>::type is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

How to use the command update-alternatives --config java

There are many other binaries that need to be linked so I think it's much better to try something like sudo update-alternatives --all and choosing the right alternatives for everything else besides java and javac.

SQL query to get most recent row for each instance of a given key

I've been using this because I'm returning results from another table. Though I'm trying to avoid the nested join if it helps w/ one less step. Oh well. It returns the same thing.

, lastIP.IP
, lastIP.maxdate

from users

inner join (
    select userid, IP, datetime
    from IPAddresses
    inner join (
        select userid, max(datetime) as maxdate
        from IPAddresses
        group by userid
        ) maxIP on IPAddresses.datetime = maxIP.maxdate and IPAddresses.userid = maxIP.userid
    ) as lastIP on users.userid = lastIP.userid

Perform commands over ssh with Python

Below example, incase if you want user inputs for hostname,username,password and port no.

  import paramiko

  ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()


  def details():

  Host = input("Enter the Hostname: ")

  Port = input("Enter the Port: ")

  User = input("Enter the Username: ")

  Pass = input("Enter the Password: ")

  ssh.connect(Host, Port, User, Pass, timeout=2)


  stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("")

  stdin.write('xcommand SystemUnit Boot Action: Restart\n')



How do I create a batch file timer to execute / call another batch throughout the day

I would use the scheduler (control panel) rather than a cmd line or other application.

Control Panel -> Scheduled tasks

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression

In MVC, assume you are searching record(s) based on your requirement or information. It is working properly.

public ActionResult SearchRecord(FormCollection formcollection)
    EmployeeContext employeeContext = new EmployeeContext();

    string searchby=formcollection["SearchBy"];
    string value=formcollection["Value"];

    if (formcollection["SearchBy"] == "Gender")
        List<MvcApplication1.Models.Employee> emplist = employeeContext.Employees.Where(x => x.Gender == value).ToList();
        return View("Index", emplist);
        List<MvcApplication1.Models.Employee> emplist = employeeContext.Employees.Where(x => x.Name == value).ToList();
        return View("Index", emplist);

IE11 prevents ActiveX from running

Try this tag on the pages that use the ActiveX control:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE10">

Note: this has to be the very first element in the <head> section.

Using setattr() in python

I'm here in general only to find out that through dict it is necessary to work inside setattr XD

Python how to exit main function

You can't return because you're not in a function. You can exit though.

import sys

0 (the default) means success, non-zero means failure.

Download the Android SDK components for offline install

To install android component do following steps

  • Run android sdk manager on offline machine
  • Click on show/hide log window
  • here youu will find all the list of xml files where packages are available

Fetched Add-ons List successfully
Fetching URL:
Validate XML:
Parse XML: is main xml file where all other package list is available.

lets say you want to download platform api-9 and it is available on repository-7 then you have to do following steps

  • note the repository address and go to any other machine which has internet connection and type following link in any browser

  • Search for <sdk:url>****</sdk:url> under the api version which you want to download. This is the file name which you have to download. to download this file you have to type following URI in any downloader or browser and it will start download the file.

    General rule for any file replace with your package name

  • Once the download is complete,paste downloaded ZIP(or other format for other os) file in your flash/pen drive and paste the zip file at <android sdk dir>/temp (ex:- c:\android-sdk\temp) folder/directory in your offline machine.

  • Now start the SDK manager and select the package which you have paste in temp and click Install package button. Your package has been installed.

  • Restart your eclipse and AVD manager to get new packages.

Note:- if you are downloading sdk-tools or sdk platform-tools then choose the package for OS which is on offline machine(windows/Linux/Mac).

Javascript date.getYear() returns 111 in 2011?

In order to comply with boneheaded precedent, getYear() returns the number of years since 1900.

Instead, you should call getFullYear(), which returns the actual year.

Delete all records in a table of MYSQL in phpMyAdmin

You have 2 options delete and truncate :

  1. delete from mytable

    This will delete all the content of the table, not reseting the autoincremental id, this process is very slow. If you want to delete specific records append a where clause at the end.

  2. truncate myTable

    This will reset the table i.e. all the auto incremental fields will be reset. Its a DDL and its very fast. You cannot delete any specific record through truncate.

remove all variables except functions

Here's a pretty convenient function I picked up somewhere and adjusted a little. Might be nice to keep in the directory.

list.objects <- function(env = .GlobalEnv) 
        env <- deparse(substitute(env))
        stop(sprintf('"%s" must be an environment', env))
    obj.type <- function(x) class(get(x, envir = env))
    foo <- sapply(ls(envir = env), obj.type) <- names(foo)
    names(foo) <- seq(length(foo))
    dd <- data.frame(CLASS = foo, OBJECT =, 
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

> x <- 1:5
> d <- data.frame(x)
> list.objects()
#        CLASS       OBJECT
# 1 data.frame            d
# 2   function list.objects
# 3    integer            x 
> list.objects(env = x)
# Error in list.objects(env = x) : "x" must be an environment

Difference between @Mock and @InjectMocks

This is a sample code on how @Mock and @InjectMocks works.

Say we have Game and Player class.

class Game {

    private Player player;

    public Game(Player player) {
        this.player = player;

    public String attack() {
        return "Player attack with: " + player.getWeapon();


class Player {

    private String weapon;

    public Player(String weapon) {
        this.weapon = weapon;

    String getWeapon() {
        return weapon;

As you see, Game class need Player to perform an attack.

class GameTest {

    Player player;

    Game game;

    public void attackWithSwordTest() throws Exception {

        assertEquals("Player attack with: Sword", game.attack());


Mockito will mock a Player class and it's behaviour using when and thenReturn method. Lastly, using @InjectMocks Mockito will put that Player into Game.

Notice that you don't even have to create a new Game object. Mockito will inject it for you.

// you don't have to do this
Game game = new Game(player);

We will also get same behaviour using @Spy annotation. Even if the attribute name is different.

public class GameTest {

  @Mock Player player;

  @Spy List<String> enemies = new ArrayList<>();

  @InjectMocks Game game;

  @Test public void attackWithSwordTest() throws Exception {


    assertEquals(2, game.numberOfEnemies());

    assertEquals("Player attack with: Sword", game.attack());

class Game {

  private Player player;

  private List<String> opponents;

  public Game(Player player, List<String> opponents) {
    this.player = player;
    this.opponents = opponents;

  public int numberOfEnemies() {
    return opponents.size();

  // ...

That's because Mockito will check the Type Signature of Game class, which is Player and List<String>.

Get ASCII value at input word

There is a major gotcha associated with getting an ASCII code of a char value.

In the proper sense, it can't be done.

It's because char has a range of 65535 whereas ASCII is restricted to 128. There is a huge amount of characters that have no ASCII representation at all.

The proper way would be to use a Unicode code point which is the standard numerical equivalent of a character in the Java universe.

Thankfully, Unicode is a complete superset of ASCII. That means Unicode numbers for Latin characters are equal to their ASCII counterparts. For example, A in Unicode is U+0041 or 65 in decimal. In contrast, ASCII has no mapping for 99% of char-s. Long story short:

char ch = 'A';
int cp = String.valueOf(ch).codePointAt(0);

Furthermore, a 16-bit primitive char actually represents a code unit, not a character and is thus restricted to Basic Multilingual Plane, for historical reasons. Entities beyond it require Character objects which deal away with the fixed bit-length limitation.

HTML5 form required attribute. Set custom validation message?

Can be easily handled by just putting 'title' with the field:

<input type="text" id="username" required title="This field can not be empty"  />

Javascript Uncaught Reference error Function is not defined

Change the wrapping from "onload" to "No wrap - in <body>"

The function defined has a different scope.

How to convert a PIL Image into a numpy array?

You're not saying how exactly putdata() is not behaving. I'm assuming you're doing

>>> pic.putdata(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "...blablabla.../PIL/", line 1185, in putdata, scale, offset)
SystemError: new style getargs format but argument is not a tuple

This is because putdata expects a sequence of tuples and you're giving it a numpy array. This

>>> data = list(tuple(pixel) for pixel in pix)
>>> pic.putdata(data)

will work but it is very slow.

As of PIL 1.1.6, the "proper" way to convert between images and numpy arrays is simply

>>> pix = numpy.array(pic)

although the resulting array is in a different format than yours (3-d array or rows/columns/rgb in this case).

Then, after you make your changes to the array, you should be able to do either pic.putdata(pix) or create a new image with Image.fromarray(pix).

Compare dates in MySQL

I got the answer.

Here is the code:

WHERE STR_TO_DATE(column, '%d/%m/%Y')
  BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('29/01/15', '%d/%m/%Y')
    AND STR_TO_DATE('07/10/15', '%d/%m/%Y')

How to set default value for HTML select?

You should define the attributes of option like selected="selected"

   <option selected="selected">a</option>

How to view an HTML file in the browser with Visual Studio Code

Updated Answer in 18 April, 2020

enter image description here

Click on this Left-Bottom Manage Icon. Click Extensions or Short Cut Ctrl+Shift+X

Then Search in Extension with this key sentence Open In Default Browser. You will find this Extension. It is better to me.

Now right click on the html file and you will see Open in Default Browser or Short Cut Ctrl+1 to see the html file in browser.

How to pass event as argument to an inline event handler in JavaScript?

Since inline events are executed as functions you can simply use arguments.

<p id="p" onclick="doSomething.apply(this, arguments)">


function doSomething(e) {
  if (!e) e = window.event;
  // 'e' is the event.
  // 'this' is the P element

The 'event' that is mentioned in the accepted answer is actually the name of the argument passed to the function. It has nothing to do with the global event.

Google Maps API Multiple Markers with Infowindows

Source Link

Demo Link

The following code will show Multiple Markers with InfoWindow. You can Uncomment code to show Info on Hover as well

enter image description here

            var map;
            var InforObj = [];
            var centerCords = {
                lat: -25.344,
                lng: 131.036
            var markersOnMap = [{
                    placeName: "Australia (Uluru)",
                    LatLng: [{
                        lat: -25.344,
                        lng: 131.036
                    placeName: "Australia (Melbourne)",
                    LatLng: [{
                        lat: -37.852086,
                        lng: 504.985963
                    placeName: "Australia (Canberra)",
                    LatLng: [{
                        lat: -35.299085,
                        lng: 509.109615
                    placeName: "Australia (Gold Coast)",
                    LatLng: [{
                        lat: -28.013044,
                        lng: 513.425586
                    placeName: "Australia (Perth)",
                    LatLng: [{
                        lat: -31.951994,
                        lng: 475.858081

            window.onload = function () {

            function addMarkerInfo() {
                for (var i = 0; i < markersOnMap.length; i++) {
                    var contentString = '<div id="content"><h1>' + markersOnMap[i].placeName +
                        '</h1><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix mutat posse suscipit id, vel ea tantas omittam detraxit.</p></div>';

                    const marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                        position: markersOnMap[i].LatLng[0],
                        map: map

                    const infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                        content: contentString,
                        maxWidth: 200

                    marker.addListener('click', function () {
              'map'), marker);
                        InforObj[0] = infowindow;
                    // marker.addListener('mouseover', function () {
                    //     closeOtherInfo();
                    //'map'), marker);
                    //     InforObj[0] = infowindow;
                    // });
                    // marker.addListener('mouseout', function () {
                    //     closeOtherInfo();
                    //     infowindow.close();
                    //     InforObj[0] = infowindow;
                    // });

            function closeOtherInfo() {
                if (InforObj.length > 0) {
                    InforObj[0].set("marker", null);
                    InforObj.length = 0;

            function initMap() {
                map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
                    zoom: 4,
                    center: centerCords

How can I get column names from a table in SQL Server?

Some SQL Generating SQL:

  col001 INTEGER
, col002 INTEGER
, col003 INTEGER
, col004 INTEGER
, col005 INTEGER
, col006 INTEGER
, col007 INTEGER
, col008 INTEGER
, col009 INTEGER
, col010 INTEGER
INSERT INTO test(col001) VALUES(1);
INSERT INTO test(col002) VALUES(1);
INSERT INTO test(col005) VALUES(1);
INSERT INTO test(col009) VALUES(1);

  CASE ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ordinal_position)
    'SELECT'+CHAR(10)+'  *'+CHAR(10)+'FROM test'
   +CHAR(10)+'WHERE '
    '   OR '
+ column_name +' IS NOT NULL'
+ CASE ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ordinal_position DESC)
  FROM information_schema.columns
  WHERE table_schema='dbo'
    AND table_name = 'test'

-- the whole scenario. Works for 10 , will work for 100, too:

-- out -----------------------------------------------
-- out  SELECT
-- out   *
-- out FROM test
-- out WHERE col001 IS NOT NULL
-- out     OR col002 IS NOT NULL
-- out     OR col003 IS NOT NULL
-- out     OR col004 IS NOT NULL
-- out     OR col005 IS NOT NULL
-- out     OR col006 IS NOT NULL
-- out     OR col007 IS NOT NULL
-- out     OR col008 IS NOT NULL
-- out     OR col009 IS NOT NULL
-- out     OR col010 IS NOT NULL
-- out ;

Putty: Getting Server refused our key Error

check your key, this should be a rsa ( key today and no longer a dss ( key, use puttygen 0.70 and choose RSA on type of key to generate, replace the public key on host ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app?

public class EMView extends Activity {
ImageView img,img1;
int column_index;
  Intent intent=null;
// Declare our Views, so we can access them later
String logo,imagePath,Logo;
Cursor cursor;
private static final int SELECT_PICTURE = 1;

 String selectedImagePath;
 String filemanagerstring;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    img= (ImageView)findViewById(;

    ((Button) findViewById(
    .setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View arg0) {

            // in onCreate or any event where your want the user to
            // select a file
            Intent intent = new Intent();
                    "Select Picture"), SELECT_PICTURE);


public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
        if (requestCode == SELECT_PICTURE) {
            Uri selectedImageUri = data.getData();

            //OI FILE Manager
            filemanagerstring = selectedImageUri.getPath();

            //MEDIA GALLERY
            selectedImagePath = getPath(selectedImageUri);


           TextView txt = (TextView)findViewById(;

           Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imagePath);

          // img1.setImageBitmap(bm);




public String getPath(Uri uri) {
String[] projection = { MediaColumns.DATA };
Cursor cursor = managedQuery(uri, projection, null, null, null);
column_index = cursor
 imagePath = cursor.getString(column_index);

return cursor.getString(column_index);


Can (domain name) subdomains have an underscore "_" in it?

Not if you want it to resolve on the Internet.

You cannot have: is invalid.

You can have: with a hyphen.

Addition for BigDecimal

It looks like from the Java docs here that add returns a new BigDecimal:

BigDecimal test = new BigDecimal(0);
test = test.add(new BigDecimal(30));
test = test.add(new BigDecimal(45));

Declare variable MySQL trigger

All DECLAREs need to be at the top. ie.

delimiter //

CREATE TRIGGER pgl_new_user 
    DECLARE m_user_team_id integer;
    DECLARE m_projects_id integer;
    DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT project_id FROM user_team_project_relationships WHERE user_team_id = m_user_team_id;

    SET @m_user_team_id := (SELECT id FROM user_teams WHERE name = "pgl_reporters");

    OPEN cur;
        ins_loop: LOOP
            FETCH cur INTO m_projects_id;
            IF done THEN
                LEAVE ins_loop;
            END IF;
            INSERT INTO users_projects (user_id, project_id, created_at, updated_at, project_access) 
            VALUES (, m_projects_id, now(), now(), 20);
        END LOOP;
    CLOSE cur;


As Lamak pointed out in the comment, COALESCE(column, CAST(0 AS BIGINT)) resolves the error.

How to ping an IP address

InetAddress is not always return correct value. It is successful in case of Local Host but for other hosts this shows that the host is unreachable. Try using ping command as given below.

try {
    String cmd = "cmd /C ping -n 1 " + ip + " | find \"TTL\"";        
    Process myProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

    if(myProcess.exitValue() == 0) {

    return true;
    else {
        return false;
catch (Exception e) {
    return false;