[c#] Convert comma separated string of ints to int array

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class problem
public static void main(String args[])enter code here
  String line;
  String[] lineVector;
  int n,m,i,j;
  Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
  line = sc.nextLine();
  lineVector = line.split(",");
  //enter the size of the array
  int arr[][]= new int[n][m];
  //enter the array here
  System.out.println("Enter the array:");
  line = sc.nextLine();
  lineVector = line.split(",");
  arr[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(lineVector[j]);

On the first line enter the size of the array separated by a comma. Then enter the values in the array separated by a comma.The result is stored in the array arr. e.g input: 2,3 1,2,3 2,4,6 will store values as arr = {{1,2,3},{2,4,6}};