[java] Unit testing with Spring Security

You are quite right to be concerned - static method calls are particularly problematic for unit testing as you cannot easily mock your dependencies. What I am going to show you is how to let the Spring IoC container do the dirty work for you, leaving you with neat, testable code. SecurityContextHolder is a framework class and while it may be ok for your low-level security code to be tied to it, you probably want to expose a neater interface to your UI components (i.e. controllers).

cliff.meyers mentioned one way around it - create your own "principal" type and inject an instance into consumers. The Spring <aop:scoped-proxy/> tag introduced in 2.x combined with a request scope bean definition, and the factory-method support may be the ticket to the most readable code.

It could work like following:

public class MyUserDetails implements UserDetails {
    // this is your custom UserDetails implementation to serve as a principal
    // implement the Spring methods and add your own methods as appropriate

public class MyUserHolder {
    public static MyUserDetails getUserDetails() {
        Authentication a = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
        if (a == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return (MyUserDetails) a.getPrincipal();

public class MyUserAwareController {        
    MyUserDetails currentUser;

    public void setCurrentUser(MyUserDetails currentUser) { 
        this.currentUser = currentUser;

    // controller code

Nothing complicated so far, right? In fact you probably had to do most of this already. Next, in your bean context define a request-scoped bean to hold the principal:

<bean id="userDetails" class="MyUserHolder" factory-method="getUserDetails" scope="request">

<bean id="controller" class="MyUserAwareController">
    <property name="currentUser" ref="userDetails"/>
    <!-- other props -->

Thanks to the magic of the aop:scoped-proxy tag, the static method getUserDetails will be called every time a new HTTP request comes in and any references to the currentUser property will be resolved correctly. Now unit testing becomes trivial:

protected void setUp() {
    // existing init code

    MyUserDetails user = new MyUserDetails();
    // set up user as you wish

Hope this helps!

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