[angular] How to write unit testing for Angular / TypeScript for private methods with Jasmine

The point of "don't test private methods" really is Test the class like someone who uses it.

If you have a public API with 5 methods, any consumer of your class can use these, and therefore you should test them. A consumer should not access the private methods/properties of your class, meaning you can change private members when the public exposed functionality stays the same.

If you rely on internal extensible functionality, use protected instead of private.
Note that protected is still a public API (!), just used differently.

class OverlyComplicatedCalculator {
    public add(...numbers: number[]): number {
        return this.calculate((a, b) => a + b, numbers);
    // can't be used or tested via ".calculate()", but it is still part of your public API!
    protected calculate(operation, operands) {
        let result = operands[0];
        for (let i = 1; i < operands.length; operands++) {
            result = operation(result, operands[i]);
        return result;

Unit test protected properties in the same way a consumer would use them, via subclassing:

it('should be extensible via calculate()', () => {
    class TestCalculator extends OverlyComplicatedCalculator {
        public testWithArrays(array: any[]): any[] {
            const concat = (a, b) => [].concat(a, b);
            // tests the protected method
            return this.calculate(concat, array);
    let testCalc = new TestCalculator();
    let result = testCalc.testWithArrays([1, 'two', 3]);
    expect(result).toEqual([1, 'two', 3]);

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