Programs & Examples On #Routes

Questions about mapping URLs to Controllers and Actions.

Failed to instantiate module [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $routeProvider

In my case it was because the file was minified with wrong scope. Use Array!

app.controller('StoreController', ['$http', function($http) {

Coffee syntax:

app.controller 'StoreController', Array '$http', ($http) ->

How/when to use ng-click to call a route?

You can use:

<a ng-href="#/about">About</a>

If you want some dynamic variable inside href you can do like this way:

<a ng-href="{{link + 123}}">Link to 123</a>

Where link is Angular scope variable.

How to redirect to a route in laravel 5 by using href tag if I'm not using blade or any template?

In addition to @chanafdo answer, you can use route name

when working with laravel blade

<a href="{{route('login')}}">login here</a> with parameter in route name

when go to url like URI: profile/{id} <a href="{{route('profile', ['id' => 1])}}">login here</a>

without blade

<a href="<?php echo route('login')?>">login here</a>

with parameter in route name

when go to url like URI: profile/{id} <a href="<?php echo route('profile', ['id' => 1])?>">login here</a>

As of laravel 5.2 you can use @php @endphp to create as <?php ?> in laravel blade. Using blade your personal opinion but I suggest to use it. Learn it. It has many wonderful features as template inheritance, Components & Slots,subviews etc...

Rails 3: I want to list all paths defined in my rails application

Trying on a Rails 5 API app (i.e.: JSON-only oriented) will (as of Rails beta 3) return

{"status":404,"error":"Not Found","exception":"#> 

However, will render a nice, simple HTML page with routes.

Draw path between two points using Google Maps Android API v2

Try below solution to draw path with animation and also get time and distance between two points.

public class DirectionHelper {

    public List<List<HashMap<String, String>>> parse(JSONObject jObject) {

        List<List<HashMap<String, String>>> routes = new ArrayList<>();
        JSONArray jRoutes;
        JSONArray jLegs;
        JSONArray jSteps;
        JSONObject jDistance = null;
        JSONObject jDuration = null;

        try {

            jRoutes = jObject.getJSONArray("routes");

            /** Traversing all routes */
            for (int i = 0; i < jRoutes.length(); i++) {
                jLegs = ((JSONObject) jRoutes.get(i)).getJSONArray("legs");
                List path = new ArrayList<>();

                /** Traversing all legs */
                for (int j = 0; j < jLegs.length(); j++) {

                    /** Getting distance from the json data */
                    jDistance = ((JSONObject) jLegs.get(j)).getJSONObject("distance");
                    HashMap<String, String> hmDistance = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    hmDistance.put("distance", jDistance.getString("text"));

                    /** Getting duration from the json data */
                    jDuration = ((JSONObject) jLegs.get(j)).getJSONObject("duration");
                    HashMap<String, String> hmDuration = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    hmDuration.put("duration", jDuration.getString("text"));

                    /** Adding distance object to the path */

                    /** Adding duration object to the path */

                    jSteps = ((JSONObject) jLegs.get(j)).getJSONArray("steps");

                    /** Traversing all steps */
                    for (int k = 0; k < jSteps.length(); k++) {
                        String polyline = "";
                        polyline = (String) ((JSONObject) ((JSONObject) jSteps.get(k)).get("polyline")).get("points");
                        List<LatLng> list = decodePoly(polyline);

                        /** Traversing all points */
                        for (int l = 0; l < list.size(); l++) {
                            HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap<>();
                            hm.put("lat", Double.toString((list.get(l)).latitude));
                            hm.put("lng", Double.toString((list.get(l)).longitude));

        } catch (JSONException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return routes;

    //Method to decode polyline points
    private List<LatLng> decodePoly(String encoded) {

        List<LatLng> poly = new ArrayList<>();
        int index = 0, len = encoded.length();
        int lat = 0, lng = 0;

        while (index < len) {
            int b, shift = 0, result = 0;
            do {
                b = encoded.charAt(index++) - 63;
                result |= (b & 0x1f) << shift;
                shift += 5;
            } while (b >= 0x20);
            int dlat = ((result & 1) != 0 ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1));
            lat += dlat;

            shift = 0;
            result = 0;
            do {
                b = encoded.charAt(index++) - 63;
                result |= (b & 0x1f) << shift;
                shift += 5;
            } while (b >= 0x20);
            int dlng = ((result & 1) != 0 ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1));
            lng += dlng;

            LatLng p = new LatLng((((double) lat / 1E5)),
                    (((double) lng / 1E5)));

        return poly;

public class GetPathFromLocation extends AsyncTask<String, Void, List<List<HashMap<String, String>>>> {

    private Context context;
    private String TAG = "GetPathFromLocation";
    private LatLng source, destination;
    private ArrayList<LatLng> wayPoint;
    private GoogleMap mMap;
    private boolean animatePath, repeatDrawingPath;
    private DirectionPointListener resultCallback;
    private ProgressDialog progressDialog;


    public GetPathFromLocation(Context context, LatLng source, LatLng destination, ArrayList<LatLng> wayPoint, GoogleMap mMap, boolean animatePath, boolean repeatDrawingPath, DirectionPointListener resultCallback) {
        this.context = context;
        this.source = source;
        this.destination = destination;
        this.wayPoint = wayPoint;
        this.mMap = mMap;
        this.animatePath = animatePath;
        this.repeatDrawingPath = repeatDrawingPath;
        this.resultCallback = resultCallback;

    synchronized public String getUrl(LatLng source, LatLng dest, ArrayList<LatLng> wayPoint) {

        String url = ""
                + source.latitude + "," + source.longitude + "&destination=" + dest.latitude + "," + dest.longitude;
        for (int centerPoint = 0; centerPoint < wayPoint.size(); centerPoint++) {
            if (centerPoint == 0) {
                url = url + "&waypoints=optimize:true|" + wayPoint.get(centerPoint).latitude + "," + wayPoint.get(centerPoint).longitude;
            } else {
                url = url + "|" + wayPoint.get(centerPoint).latitude + "," + wayPoint.get(centerPoint).longitude;
        url = url + "&key=" + context.getResources().getString(R.string.google_api_key);

        return url;

    public int getRandomColor() {
        Random rnd = new Random();
        return Color.argb(255, rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256));

    protected void onPreExecute() {
        progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(context);
        progressDialog.setMessage("Please wait...");

    protected List<List<HashMap<String, String>>> doInBackground(String... url) {

        String data;

        try {
            InputStream inputStream = null;
            HttpURLConnection connection = null;
            try {
                URL directionUrl = new URL(getUrl(source, destination, wayPoint));
                connection = (HttpURLConnection) directionUrl.openConnection();
                inputStream = connection.getInputStream();

                BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
                StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

                String line = "";
                while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {

                data = stringBuffer.toString();

            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Exception : " + e.toString());
                return null;
            } finally {
            Log.e(TAG, "Background Task data : " + data);

            //Second AsyncTask

            JSONObject jsonObject;
            List<List<HashMap<String, String>>> routes = null;

            try {
                jsonObject = new JSONObject(data);
                // Starts parsing data
                DirectionHelper helper = new DirectionHelper();
                routes = helper.parse(jsonObject);
                Log.e(TAG, "Executing Routes : "/*, routes.toString()*/);

                return routes;

            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Exception in Executing Routes : " + e.toString());
                return null;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Background Task Exception : " + e.toString());
            return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(List<List<HashMap<String, String>>> result) {

        if (progressDialog.isShowing()) {

        ArrayList<LatLng> points;
        PolylineOptions lineOptions = null;
        String distance = "";
        String duration = "";

        // Traversing through all the routes
        for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
            points = new ArrayList<>();
            lineOptions = new PolylineOptions();

            // Fetching i-th route
            List<HashMap<String, String>> path = result.get(i);

            // Fetching all the points in i-th route
            for (int j = 0; j < path.size(); j++) {
                HashMap<String, String> point = path.get(j);

                if (j == 0) {    // Get distance from the list
                    distance = (String) point.get("distance");
                } else if (j == 1) { // Get duration from the list
                    duration = (String) point.get("duration");

                double lat = Double.parseDouble(point.get("lat"));
                double lng = Double.parseDouble(point.get("lng"));
                LatLng position = new LatLng(lat, lng);


            // Adding all the points in the route to LineOptions

            if (animatePath) {
                final ArrayList<LatLng> finalPoints = points;
                ((AppCompatActivity) context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        PolylineOptions polylineOptions;
                        final Polyline greyPolyLine, blackPolyline;
                        final ValueAnimator polylineAnimator;

                        LatLngBounds.Builder builder = new LatLngBounds.Builder();
                        for (LatLng latLng : finalPoints) {
                        polylineOptions = new PolylineOptions();
                        polylineOptions.startCap(new SquareCap());
                        polylineOptions.endCap(new SquareCap());
                        greyPolyLine = mMap.addPolyline(polylineOptions);

                        polylineOptions = new PolylineOptions();
                        polylineOptions.startCap(new SquareCap());
                        polylineOptions.endCap(new SquareCap());

                        blackPolyline = mMap.addPolyline(polylineOptions);
                        polylineAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0, 100);
                        polylineAnimator.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
                        polylineAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
                            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) {
                                List<LatLng> points = greyPolyLine.getPoints();
                                int percentValue = (int) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue();
                                int size = points.size();
                                int newPoints = (int) (size * (percentValue / 100.0f));
                                List<LatLng> p = points.subList(0, newPoints);

                        polylineAnimator.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
                            public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {


                            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                                if (repeatDrawingPath) {
                                    List<LatLng> greyLatLng = greyPolyLine.getPoints();
                                    if (greyLatLng != null) {


                            public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {

                            public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {

            Log.e(TAG, "PolylineOptions Decoded");

        // Drawing polyline in the Google Map for the i-th route
        if (resultCallback != null && lineOptions != null)
            resultCallback.onPath(lineOptions, distance, duration);


public interface DirectionPointListener {
    public void onPath(PolylineOptions polyLine,String distance,String duration);

Now draw path using below code in your Activity

private GoogleMap mMap;
private ArrayList<LatLng> wayPoint = new ArrayList<>();
private SupportMapFragment mapFragment;

mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;

    public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
        mMap = googleMap;

        mMap.setOnMapLoadedCallback(new GoogleMap.OnMapLoadedCallback() {
            public void onMapLoaded() {
                LatLngBounds.Builder builder = new LatLngBounds.Builder();

                /*Add Source Marker*/
                MarkerOptions markerOptions = new MarkerOptions();

                /*Add Destination Marker*/
                markerOptions = new MarkerOptions();

                LatLngBounds bounds =;

                int width = mapFragment.getView().getMeasuredWidth();
                int height = mapFragment.getView().getMeasuredHeight();
                int padding = (int) (width * 0.15); // offset from edges of the map 10% of screen

                CameraUpdate cu = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, width, height, padding);


                new GetPathFromLocation(context, source, destination, wayPoint, mMap, true, false, new DirectionPointListener() {
                    public void onPath(PolylineOptions polyLine, String distance, String duration) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "onPath :: Distance :: " + distance + " Duration :: " + duration);

                        binding.txtDistance.setText(String.format(" %s", distance));
                        binding.txtDuration.setText(String.format(" %s", duration));


enter image description here

I hope this can help you!

Thank You.

Laravel 5 route not defined, while it is?

when you execute the command

php artisan route:list

You will see all your registered routes in there in table format . Well there you see many columns like Method , URI , Name , Action .. etc.

So basically if you are using route() method that means it will accept only name column values and if you want to use URI column values you should go with url() method of laravel.

Angular JS Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]

The problem was caused by missing inclusion of ngRoute module. Since version 1.1.6 it's a separate part:

<script src=""></script>

var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ngRoute']);

This is getting reference from: AngularJS 1.2 $injector:modulerr David answer

How to force Laravel Project to use HTTPS for all routes?

Force Https in Laravel 7.x (2020)

"2020 Update? Url::forceScheme was acting funky for me, but this worked liked a dime."

  1. https code snippet.


  1. Add that snippet within any Service Provider Boot Method

  • 1: Open app/providers/RouteServiceProvider.php.
  • 2: Then add the https code snippet to the boot method.
     * Define your route model bindings, pattern filters, etc.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

  • 3: Lastly run php artisan route:clear && composer dumpautoload to clear Laravel's cached routes and cached Service Providers.

How to get default gateway in Mac OSX

For getting the list of ip addresses associated, you can use netstat command

netstat -rn 

This gives a long list of ip addresses and it is not easy to find the required field. The sample result is as following:

Routing tables
Destination        Gateway            Flags        Refs      Use   Netif Expire
default        UGSc           17        0     en2
127                UCS             0        0     lo0          UH              1   254107     lo0
169.254            link#7             UCS             0        0     en2
192.168.195        link#7             UCS             3        0     en2      0:27:22:67:35:ee   UHLWIi         22      397     en2   1193          UHS             0        0     lo0

More result is truncated.......

The ip address of gateway is in the first line; one with default at its first column.

To display only the selected lines of result, we can use grep command along with netstat

netstat -rn | grep 'default'

This command filters and displays those lines of result having default. In this case, you can see result like following:

default        UGSc           14        0     en2

If you are interested in finding only the ip address of gateway and nothing else you can further filter the result using awk. The awk command matches pattern in the input result and displays the output. This can be useful when you are using your result directly in some program or batch job.

netstat -rn | grep 'default' | awk '{print $2}'

The awk command tells to match and print the second column of the result in the text. The final result thus looks like this:

In this case, netstat displays all result, grep only selects the line with 'default' in it, and awk further matches the pattern to display the second column in the text.

You can similarly use route -n get default command to get the required result. The full command is

route -n get default | grep 'gateway' | awk '{print $2}'

These commands work well in linux as well as unix systems and MAC OS.

Difference between [routerLink] and routerLink

You'll see this in all the directives:

When you use brackets, it means you're passing a bindable property (a variable).

  <a [routerLink]="routerLinkVariable"></a>

So this variable (routerLinkVariable) could be defined inside your class and it should have a value like below:

export class myComponent {

    public routerLinkVariable = "/home"; // the value of the variable is string!

But with variables, you have the opportunity to make it dynamic right?

export class myComponent {

    public routerLinkVariable = "/home"; // the value of the variable is string!


        this.routerLinkVariable = '/about';

Where as without brackets you're passing string only and you can't change it, it's hard coded and it'll be like that throughout your app.

<a routerLink="/home"></a>


The other speciality about using brackets specifically for routerLink is that you can pass dynamic parameters to the link you're navigating to:

So adding a new variable

export class myComponent {
        private dynamicParameter = '129';
        public routerLinkVariable = "/home"; 

Updating the [routerLink]

  <a [routerLink]="[routerLinkVariable,dynamicParameter]"></a>

When you want to click on this link, it would become:

  <a href="/home/129"></a>

How to open a link in new tab using angular?

Try this:'/create-account')

No need to use '_blank'. by default opens a link in a new tab.

How to set the DefaultRoute to another Route in React Router

The problem with using <Redirect from="/" to="searchDashboard" /> is if you have a different URL, say /indexDashboard and the user hits refresh or gets a URL sent to them, the user will be redirected to /searchDashboard anyway.

If you wan't users to be able to refresh the site or send URLs use this:

<Route exact path="/" render={() => (
    <Redirect to="/searchDashboard"/>

Use this if searchDashboard is behind login:

<Route exact path="/" render={() => (
  loggedIn ? (
    <Redirect to="/searchDashboard"/>
  ) : (
    <Redirect to="/login"/>

CodeIgniter 404 Page Not Found, but why?

Your folder/file structure seems a little odd to me. I can't quite figure out how you've got this laid out.

Hello I am using CodeIgniter for two applications (a public and an admin app).

This sounds to me like you've got two separate CI installations. If this is the case, I'd recommend against it. Why not just handle all admin stuff in an admin controller? If you do want two separate CI installations, make sure they are definitely distinct entities and that the two aren't conflicting with one another. This line:

$system_folder = "../system";
$application_folder = "../application/admin"; (this line exists of course twice)

And the place you said this exists (/admin/index.php...or did you mean /admin/application/config?) has me scratching my head. You have admin/application/admin and a system folder at the top level?

List of IP Space used by Facebook

Updated list as of 6/11/2013

How to flush route table in windows?

route -f causes damage. So we need to either disconnect the correct parts of the routing table or find out how to rebuild it.

Change route params without reloading in Angular 2

I use this way to get it:

const queryParamsObj = {foo: 1, bar: 2, andThis: 'text'};

    [this.locationStrategy.path().split('?')[0]], // Get uri
    {queryParams: queryParamsObj} // Pass all parameters inside queryParamsObj

-- EDIT --

I think that I should add some more informations for this.

If you use this.location.replaceState() router of your application is not updated, so if you use router information later it's not equal for this in your browser. For example if you use localizeService to change language, after switch language your application back to last URL where you was before change it with this.location.replaceState().

If you don't want this behaviour you can chose different method for update URL, like:

  {queryParams: queryParamsObj}

In this option your browser also doesn't refresh but your URL change is also injected into Router of your application, so when you switch language you don't have problem like in this.location.replaceState().

Of course you can choose method for your needs. The first is more lighter because you don't engage your application more than change URL in browser.

laravel Unable to prepare route ... for serialization. Uses Closure

If none of your routes contain closures, but you are still getting this error, please check


Laravel has a default auth api route in the above file.

Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) {
    return $request->user();

which can be commented or replaced with a call to controller method if required.

How to Refresh a Component in Angular

just do this : (for angular 9)

import { Inject } from '@angular/core';    
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';

constructor(@Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: Document){ }

someMethode(){ this.document.location.reload(); }

Cannot GET / Nodejs Error

If you are getting this error, it could be because you don't have a route defined for your get.

For example:

const express = require('express');

const app = express();

app.get('/people', function (req, res) {


http://http://localhost:3000/people --> this works
http://http://localhost:3000 --> this will output Cannot GET / message.

No provider for Router?

Please use this module

    { path: "", component: LoginComponent}

now just replace your <login></login> with <router-outlet></router-outlet> thats it

Redirect From Action Filter Attribute

This works for me ( core 2.1)

using JustRide.Web.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;

namespace MyProject.Web.Filters
    public class IsAuthenticatedAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
            if (context.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                context.Result = new RedirectToActionResult(nameof(AccountController.Index), "Account", null);

[AllowAnonymous, IsAuthenticated]
public IActionResult Index()
    return View();

Passing route control with optional parameter after root in express?

That would work depending on what client.get does when passed undefined as its first parameter.

Something like this would be safer:

app.get('/:key?', function(req, res, next) {
    var key = req.params.key;
    if (!key) {
    client.get(key, function(err, reply) {
        if(client.get(reply)) {
        else {
            res.render('index', {
                link: null

There's no problem in calling next() inside the callback.

According to this, handlers are invoked in the order that they are added, so as long as your next route is app.get('/', ...) it will be called if there is no key.

Laravel form html with PUT method for PUT routes

If you are using HTML Form element instead Laravel Form Builder, you must place method_field between your form opening tag and closing end. By doing this you may explicitly define form method type.

{{ method_field('PUT') }}

How to use router.navigateByUrl and router.navigate in Angular

In addition to the provided answer, there are more details to navigate. From the function's comments:

 * Navigate based on the provided array of commands and a starting point.
 * If no starting route is provided, the navigation is absolute.
 * Returns a promise that:
 * - resolves to 'true' when navigation succeeds,
 * - resolves to 'false' when navigation fails,
 * - is rejected when an error happens.
 * ### Usage
 * ```
 * router.navigate(['team', 33, 'user', 11], {relativeTo: route});
 * // Navigate without updating the URL
 * router.navigate(['team', 33, 'user', 11], {relativeTo: route, skipLocationChange: true});
 * ```
 * In opposite to `navigateByUrl`, `navigate` always takes a delta that is applied to the current
 * URL.

The Router Guide has more details on programmatic navigation.

Angular 2 router no base href set

You can also use hash-based navigation by including the following in app.module.ts

import { LocationStrategy, HashLocationStrategy } from '@angular/common';

and by adding the following to the @NgModule({ ... })

  providers:    [
      ProductService, {
          provide: LocationStrategy, useClass: HashLocationStrategy

Angular 2 Development with TypeScript

“HashLocationStrategy—A hash sign (#) is added to the URL, and the URL segment after the hash uniquely identifies the route to be used as a web page fragment. This strategy works with all browsers, including the old ones.”

Excerpt From: Yakov Fain Anton Moiseev. “Angular 2 Development with TypeScript.”

No route matches "/users/sign_out" devise rails 3

The ability to make the Logout link a DELETE RESTful call requires an html attribute data-method = "delete" by using the rails code = link_to('Logout', destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete).

However, if you do not have the gem jquery-ujs installed or are not calling the resulting javascript in your application.html via = javascript_include_tag "application", the response will be sent as a GET request, and the route will fail.

You have a few options if you do not want to use jquery-ujs or cannot find a way to make it work:

  1. Change config.sign_out_via to equal :get within devise.rb (not recommended, since DELETE is the appropriate RESTful query)
  2. OR Change the link_to to = button_to('Logout', destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete). With button_to Rails will do the heavy lifting on making the proper DELETE call. You can then style the button to look like a link if you wish.

Setting state on componentDidMount()

The only reason that the linter complains about using setState({..}) in componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate is that when the component render the setState immediately causes the component to re-render. But the most important thing to note: using it inside these component's lifecycles is not an anti-pattern in React.

Please take a look at this issue. you will understand more about this topic. Thanks for reading my answer.

How to use google maps without api key

You can still use free with iframe in google maps share button for example enter image description here

Move top 1000 lines from text file to a new file using Unix shell commands

Out of curiosity, I found a box with a GNU version of sed (v4.1.5) and tested the (uncached) performance of two approaches suggested so far, using an 11M line text file:

$ wc -l input
11771722 input

$ time head -1000 input > output; time tail -n +1000 input > input.tmp; time cp input.tmp input; time rm input.tmp

real    0m1.165s
user    0m0.030s
sys     0m1.130s

real    0m1.256s
user    0m0.062s
sys     0m1.162s

real    0m4.433s
user    0m0.033s
sys     0m1.282s

real    0m6.897s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.159s

$ time head -1000 input > output && time sed -i '1,+999d' input

real    0m0.121s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.121s

real    0m26.944s
user    0m0.227s
sys     0m26.624s

This is the Linux I was working with:

$ uname -a
Linux hostname 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Jan 26 13:58:24 EST 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

For this test, at least, it looks like sed is slower than the tail approach (27 sec vs ~14 sec).

How to convert array into comma separated string in javascript

Use the join method from the Array type.

a.value = [a, b, c, d, e, f];
var stringValueYouWant = a.join();

The join method will return a string that is the concatenation of all the array elements. It will use the first parameter you pass as a separator - if you don't use one, it will use the default separator, which is the comma.

NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed on iOS 9

This is what worked for me when I had this error:


dll missing in JDBC

In my case after spending many days on this issues a gentleman help on this issue below is the solution and it worked for me. Issue: While trying to connect SqlServer DB with Service account authentication using spring boot it throws below exception. This driver is not configured for integrated authentication. ClientConnectionId:ab942951-31f6-44bf-90aa-7ac4cec2e206 at ~[mssql-jdbc-6.1.0.jre8.jar!/:na] Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: sqljdbc_auth (Not found in java.library.path) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibraryWithPath( ~[na:2.9 (04-02-2020)] Solution: Use JTDS driver with the following steps

  1. Use JTDS driver insteadof sqlserver driver.

    ----------------- Dedicated Pick Update properties PROD using JTDS ----------------

  1. Remove Hikari in configuration properties.

    #datasource.dedicatedpicup.hikari.connection-timeout=60000 #datasource.dedicatedpicup.hikari.maximum-pool-size=5

  2. Add sqljdbc4 dependency. sqljdbc4 4.0
  3. Add Tomcatjdbc dependency.

    org.apache.tomcat tomcat-jdbc
  4. Exclude HikariCP from spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependency.

    org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-jdbc com.zaxxer HikariCP

Aggregate a dataframe on a given column and display another column

Here is a solution using the plyr package.

The following line of code essentially tells ddply to first group your data by Group, and then within each group returns a subset where the Score equals the maximum score in that group.

ddply(data, .(Group), function(x)x[x$Score==max(x$Score), ])

  Group Score Info
1     1     3    c
2     2     4    d

And, as @SachaEpskamp points out, this can be further simplified to:

ddply(df, .(Group), function(x)x[which.max(x$Score), ])

(which also has the advantage that which.max will return multiple max lines, if there are any).

Finding first blank row, then writing to it

If you mean the row number after the last row that is used, you can find it with this:

Dim unusedRow As Long
unusedRow = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 0).Row

If you mean a row that happens to be blank with data after it... it gets more complicated.

Here's a function I wrote which will give you the actual row number of the first row that is blank for the provided worksheet.

Function firstBlankRow(ws As Worksheet) As Long
'returns the row # of the row after the last used row
'Or the first row with no data in it
    Dim rw As Range
    For Each rw In ws.UsedRange.Rows
        If rw.Address = ws.Range(rw.Address).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks). _
            Address Then

                firstBlankRow = rw.Row
                Exit For
        End If
    If firstBlankRow = 0 Then
        firstBlankRow = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell). _
                    Offset(1, 0).Row
    End If
End Function

Usage example: firstblankRow(thisworkbook.Sheets(1)) or pass any worksheet.

Edit: As ooo pointed out, this will error if there are no blank cells in your used range.

Byte Array in Python

In Python 3, we use the bytes object, also known as str in Python 2.

# Python 3
key = bytes([0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00])

# Python 2
key = ''.join(chr(x) for x in [0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00])

I find it more convenient to use the base64 module...

# Python 3
key = base64.b16decode(b'130000000800')

# Python 2
key = base64.b16decode('130000000800')

You can also use literals...

# Python 3
key = b'\x13\0\0\0\x08\0'

# Python 2
key = '\x13\0\0\0\x08\0'

How can you flush a write using a file descriptor?

fflush() only flushes the buffering added by the stdio fopen() layer, as managed by the FILE * object. The underlying file itself, as seen by the kernel, is not buffered at this level. This means that writes that bypass the FILE * layer, using fileno() and a raw write(), are also not buffered in a way that fflush() would flush.

As others have pointed out, try not mixing the two. If you need to use "raw" I/O functions such as ioctl(), then open() the file yourself directly, without using fopen<() and friends from stdio.

Solutions for INSERT OR UPDATE on SQL Server

Doing an if exists ... else ... involves doing two requests minimum (one to check, one to take action). The following approach requires only one where the record exists, two if an insert is required:

DECLARE @RowExists bit
SET @RowExists = 0
UPDATE MyTable SET DataField1 = 'xxx', @RowExists = 1 WHERE Key = 123
IF @RowExists = 0
  INSERT INTO MyTable (Key, DataField1) VALUES (123, 'xxx')

What do the result codes in SVN mean?

Whenever you don't have access to documentation (SVNBook), type (Linux):

svn help status | grep \'\?\'
svn help status | grep \'\!\'
svn help status | grep \'\YOUR_SYMBOL_HERE\'

or insert the following function in your ~/.bashrc file, like so:

svncode() {
  [ $symbol ] &&  svn help status | grep \'$(echo $symbol)\' || \
  echo "usage: svncode <symbol>"

enter image description here

How to send a model in jQuery $.ajax() post request to MVC controller method

you can create a variable and send to ajax.

var m = { "Value": @Model.Value }

    url: '<%=Url.Action("ModelPage")%>',
    type: "POST",
    data:  m,
    success: function(result) {

    complete: function() {
    $('form').onsubmit({ preventDefault: function() { } });


All of model's field must bo ceated in m.

Watching variables in SSIS during debug

I know this is very old and possibly talking about an older version of Visual studio and so this might not have been an option before but anyway, my way would be when at a breakpoint use the locals window to see all current variable values ( Debug >> Windows >> Locals )

Scroll to a specific Element Using html

You should mention whether you want it to smoothly scroll or simply jump to an element. Jumping is easy & can be done just with HTML or Javascript. The simplest is to use anchor's. The limitation is that every element you want to scroll to has to have an id. A side effect is that #theID will be appended to the URL

<a href="#scroll">Go to Title</a>
  <h1 id="scroll">Title</h1>

You can add CSS effects to the target when the link is clicked with the CSS :target selector.

With some basic JS you can do more, namely the method scrollIntoView(). Your elements don't need an id, though it is still easier, e.g.

function onLinkClick() {
  // will scroll to 4th h3 element

Finally, if you need smooth scrolling, you should have a look at JS Smooth Scroll or this snippet for jQuery. (NB: there are probably many more).

How to decrypt Hash Password in Laravel

For compare hashed password with the plain text password string you can use the PHP password_verify

if(password_verify('1234567', $crypt_password_string)) {
    // in case if "$crypt_password_string" actually hides "1234567"

Extract a part of the filepath (a directory) in Python

In Python 3.4 you can use the pathlib module:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> p = Path('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe')
>>> p.suffix
>>> p.root
('C:\\', 'Program Files', 'Internet Explorer', 'iexplore.exe')
>>> p.relative_to('C:\Program Files')
WindowsPath('Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe')
>>> p.exists()

What is a "thread" (really)?

A thread is nothing more than a memory context (or how Tanenbaum better puts it, resource grouping) with execution rules. It's a software construct. The CPU has no idea what a thread is (some exceptions here, some processors have hardware threads), it just executes instructions.

The kernel introduces the thread and process concept to manage the memory and instructions order in a meaningful way.

How to POST the data from a modal form of Bootstrap?

You need to handle it via ajax submit.

Something like this:

    $('#subscribe-email-form').on('submit', function(e){
            url: url, //this is the submit URL
            type: 'GET', //or POST
            data: $('#subscribe-email-form').serialize(),
            success: function(data){
                 alert('successfully submitted')

A better way would be to use a django form, and then render the following snippet:

    <div class="modal-body">
        <input type="email" placeholder="email"/>
        <p>This service will notify you by email should any issue arise that affects your plivo service.</p>
    <div class="modal-footer">
        <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" class="btn"/>

via the context - example : {{form}}.

differences in application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded

webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

  1. Where does application/x-www-form-urlencoded's name come from?

    If you send HTTP GET request, you can use query parameters as follows:

    The content of the fields is encoded as a query string. The application/x-www-form- urlencoded's name come from the previous url query parameter but the query parameters is in where the body of request instead of url.

    The whole form data is sent as a long query string.The query string contains name- value pairs separated by & character

    e.g. field1=value1&field2=value2

  2. It can be simple request called simple - don't trigger a preflight check

    Simple request must have some properties. You can look here for more info. One of them is that there are only three values allowed for Content-Type header for simple requests

    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    • multipart/form-data
    • text/plain

3.For mostly flat param trees, application/x-www-form-urlencoded is tried and tested.

request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";

  1. The data will be json format.

axios and superagent, two of the more popular npm HTTP libraries, work with JSON bodies by default.

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Foo",
  "price": 123,
  "tags": [
  "stock": {
    "warehouse": 300,
    "retail": 20
  1. "application/json" Content-Type is one of the Preflighted requests.

Now, if the request isn't simple request, the browser automatically sends a HTTP request before the original one by OPTIONS method to check whether it is safe to send the original request. If itis ok, Then send actual request. You can look here for more info.

  1. application/json is beginner-friendly. URL encoded arrays can be a nightmare!

css h1 - only as wide as the text

An easy fix for this is to float your H1 element left:

.centercol h1{
    background: #F2EFE9;
    border-left: 3px solid #C6C1B8;
    color: #006BB6;
    display: block;
    float: left;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 18px;
    padding: 3px 3px 3px 6px;

I have put together a simple jsfiddle example that shows the effect of the "float: left" style on the width of your H1 element for anyone looking for a more generic answer:

How to style HTML5 range input to have different color before and after slider?

A small update to this one:

if you use the following it will update on the fly rather than on mouse release.

"change mousemove", function"

$('input[type="range"]').on("change mousemove", function () {
    var val = ($(this).val() - $(this).attr('min')) / ($(this).attr('max') - $(this).attr('min'));

                '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, '
                + 'color-stop(' + val + ', #2f466b), '
                + 'color-stop(' + val + ', #d3d3db)'
                + ')'

Parse string to date with moment.js

You need to use the .format() function.

MM - Month number

MMM - Month word

var date = moment("2014-02-27T10:00:00").format('DD-MM-YYYY');
var dateMonthAsWord = moment("2014-02-27T10:00:00").format('DD-MMM-YYYY');


What is the difference between React Native and React?

Some differences are as follows:
1- React-Native is a framework which used to create Mobile Apps, where ReactJS is a javascript library you can use for your website.
2- React-Native doesn’t use HTML to render the app while React uses.
3- React-Native used for developing only Mobile App while React use for website and Mobile.

Handling onchange event in HTML.DropDownList Razor MVC


You can use another overload of the DropDownList method. Pick the one you need and pass in a object with your html attributes.


@Html.DropDownList("CategoryID", null, new { @onchange="location = this.value;" })

More Information

phonegap open link in browser

At last this post helps me on iOS:

Open "CDVwebviewDelegate.m" file and search "shouldStartLoadWithRequest", then add this code to the beginning of the function:

if([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",request.URL] rangeOfString:@"file"].location== NSNotFound) {
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[request URL]];
    return NO;

While using"", {openExternal : true}); for Android is OK.

Via Cordova 3.3.0.

Difference between MEAN.js and

First of all, MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node.js.

It generically identifies the combined used of these technologies in a "stack". There is no such a thing as "The MEAN framework".

Lior Kesos at Linnovate took advantage of this confusion. He bought the domain and put some code at

They luckily received a lot of publicity, and theree are more and more articles and video about MEAN. When you Google "mean framework", is the first in the list.

Unfortunately the code at seems poorly engineered.

In February I fell in the trap myself. The site had a catchy design and the Github repo had 1000+ stars. The idea of questioning the quality did not even pass through my mind. I started experimenting with it but it did not take too long to stumble upon things that were not working, and puzzling pieces of code.

The commit history was also pretty concerning. They re-engineered the code and directory structure multiple times, and merging the new changes is too time consuming.

The nice things about both and mean.js code is that they come with Bootstrap integration. They also come with Facebook, Github, Linkedin etc authentication through PassportJs and an example of a model (Article) on the backend on MongoDB that sync with the frontend model with AngularJS.

According to Linnovate's website:

Linnovate is the leading Open Source company in Israel, with the most experienced team in the country, dedicated to the creation of high-end open source solutions. Linnovate is the only company in Israel which gives an A-Z services for enterprises for building and maintaining their next web project.

From the website it looks like that their core skill set is Drupal (a PHP content management system) and only lately they started using Node.js and AngularJS.

Lately I was reading the Mean.js Blog and things became clearer. My understanding is that the main Javascript developer (Amos Haviv) left Linnovate to work on Mean.js leaving project with people that are novice Node.js developers that are slowing understanding how things are supposed to work.

In the future things may change but for now I would avoid to use If you are looking for a boilerplate for a quickstart Mean.js seems a better option than

Replace missing values with column mean

A one-liner using tidyr's replace_na is


If your df has columns that are non-numeric, this takes a little bit more work than a one-liner.

mean_to_fill <- select_if(ungroup(df), is.numeric) %>%

bind_cols(select(df, group1, group2, group3),
          select_if(ungroup(df), is.numeric) %>% 

import httplib ImportError: No module named httplib

I had this issue when I was trying to make my Docker container smaller. It was because I'd installed Python 2.7 with:

apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python

And I should not have included the --no-install-recommends flag:

apt-get install -y python

DateTime to javascript date

Another late answer, but this is missing here. If you want to handle conversion of serialized /Date(1425408717000)/ in javascript, you can simply call:

var cSharpDate = "/Date(1425408717000)/"
var jsDate = new Date(parseInt(cSharpDate.replace(/[^0-9 +]/g, '')));

Source: amirsahib

Bootstrap - Removing padding or margin when screen size is smaller

I have had this problem occur on sites that used similar formatting and code and I have racked my brain over what was the missing detail that made some of my sites work, and some not.

For Bootstrap 3: The answer for me was not in rewriting css for .container-fluid, .row or resetting margins, the consistent pattern that I realized was the length of longer words were throwing off the design and creating margins.

The solution steps:

  1. Test your page by temporarily deleting sections that contain containers and test your site on small browsers. This will identify your problem container.

  2. You may have a div formatting problem. If you do, fix it. If all is well then:

  3. Identify if you have used long words that are not wrapping. If you cannot change the word (like for tag lines or slogans, etc.)

Solution 1: Format the font to smaller size in your media query for smaller screen (I usually find @media (max-width: 767px) to be sufficient).


Solution 2:

@media (max-width: 767px){

h1, h2, h3 {word-wrap: break-word;}

Using comma as list separator with AngularJS

You can use CSS to fix it too

<div class="some-container">
[ <span ng-repeat="something in somethings">{{something}}<span class="list-comma">, </span></span> ]

.some-container span:last-child .list-comma{
    display: none;

But Andy Joslin's answer is best

Edit: I changed my mind I had to do this recently and I ended up going with a join filter.

Copy table without copying data





How to print the values of slices

I wrote a package named Pretty Slice. You can use it to visualize slices, and their backing arrays, etc.

package main

import pretty ""

func main() {
    nums := []int{1, 9, 5, 6, 4, 8}
    odds := nums[:3]
    evens := nums[3:]

    nums[1], nums[3] = 9, 6
    pretty.Show("nums", nums)
    pretty.Show("odds : nums[:3]", odds)
    pretty.Show("evens: nums[3:]", evens)

This code is going produce and output like this one:

enter image description here

For more details, please read:

How do you make sure email you send programmatically is not automatically marked as spam?

I have had the same problem in the past on many sites I have done here at work. The only guaranteed method of making sure the user gets the email is to advise the user to add you to there safe list. Any other method is really only going to be something that can help with it and isn't guaranteed.

How do I get the information from a meta tag with JavaScript?

There is an easier way:

document.getElementsByName('name of metatag')[0].getAttribute('content')

Center align with table-cell

Here is a good starting point.


<div class="containing-table">
    <div class="centre-align">
        <div class="content"></div>


.containing-table {
    display: table;
    width: 100%;
    height: 400px; /* for demo only */
    border: 1px dotted blue;
.centre-align {
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px dashed gray;
    display: table-cell;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: middle;
.content {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    background-color: red;
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: top; /* Removes the extra white space below the baseline */

See demo at:

.containing-table establishes the width and height context for .centre-align (the table-cell).

You can apply text-align and vertical-align to alter .centre-align as needed.

Note that .content needs to use display: inline-block if it is to be centered horizontally using the text-align property.

How do I find the location of Python module sources?

Not all python modules are written in python. Datetime happens to be one of them that is not, and (on linux) is

You would have to download the source code to the python standard library to get at it.

App.Config change value

when use "ConfigurationUserLevel.None" your code is right run when you click in nameyourapp.exe in debug folder. .
but when your do developing app on visual stdio not right run!! because "vshost.exe" is run.

following parameter solve this problem : "Application.ExecutablePath"

try this : (Tested in VS 2012 Express For Desktop)

Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);
config.AppSettings.Settings["PortName"].Value = "com3";

my english not good , i am sorry.

Creating columns in listView and add items

You need to set property for the control:

listView1.View = View.Details;

Convert floats to ints in Pandas?

To modify the float output do this:

df= pd.DataFrame(range(5), columns=['a'])
df.a = df.a.astype(float)


0 0.0000000
1 1.0000000
2 2.0000000
3 3.0000000
4 4.0000000

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.0f}'.format


0  0
1  1
2  2
3  3
4  4

Calling a php function by onclick event

probably the onclick handler should read onclick='hello();' instead of onclick=hello();

Creating InetAddress object in Java

From the API for InetAddress

The host name can either be a machine name, such as "", or a textual representation of its IP address. If a literal IP address is supplied, only the validity of the address format is checked.

Directly assigning values to C Pointers

The problem is that you're not initializing the pointer. You've created a pointer to "anywhere you want"—which could be the address of some other variable, or the middle of your code, or some memory that isn't mapped at all.

You need to create an int variable somewhere in memory for the int * variable to point at.

Your second example does this, but it does other things that aren't relevant here. Here's the simplest thing you need to do:

int main(){
    int variable;
    int *ptr = &variable;
    *ptr = 20;
    printf("%d", *ptr);
    return 0;

Here, the int variable isn't initialized—but that's fine, because you're just going to replace whatever value was there with 20. The key is that the pointer is initialized to point to the variable. In fact, you could just allocate some raw memory to point to, if you want:

int main(){
    void *memory = malloc(sizeof(int));
    int *ptr = (int *)memory;
    *ptr = 20;
    printf("%d", *ptr);
    return 0;

Autoplay audio files on an iPad with HTML5

I confirm that the audio isn't working as described (at least on iPad running 4.3.5). The specific issue is the audio won't load in an asynchronous method (ajax, timer event, etc) but it will play if it was preloaded. The problem is the load has to be on a user-triggered event. So if you can have a button for the user to initiate the playing you can do something like:

function initSounds() {
    window.sounds = new Object();
    var sound = new Audio('assets/sounds/clap.mp3');
    window.sounds['clap.mp3'] = sound;

Then to play it, eg in an ajax request, you can do

function doSomething() {

Not the greatest solution, but it may help, especially knowing the culprit is the load function in a non-user-triggered event.

Edit: I found Apple's explanation, and it affects iOS 4+:

How can I pretty-print JSON using node.js?

If you don't want to store this anywhere, but just view the object for debugging purposes.

console.log(JSON.stringify(object, null, "  "));

You can change the third parameter to adjust the indentation.

Creating a DateTime in a specific Time Zone in c#

The other answers here are useful but they don't cover how to access Pacific specifically - here you go:

public static DateTime GmtToPacific(DateTime dateTime)
    return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dateTime,
        TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time"));

Oddly enough, although "Pacific Standard Time" normally means something different from "Pacific Daylight Time," in this case it refers to Pacific time in general. In fact, if you use FindSystemTimeZoneById to fetch it, one of the properties available is a bool telling you whether that timezone is currently in daylight savings or not.

You can see more generalized examples of this in a library I ended up throwing together to deal with DateTimes I need in different TimeZones based on where the user is asking from, etc:

This won't work outside of Windows (for example Mono on Linux) since the list of times comes from the Windows Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\

Underneath that you'll find keys (folder icons in Registry Editor); the names of those keys are what you pass to FindSystemTimeZoneById. On Linux you have to use a separate Linux-standard set of timezone definitions, which I've not adequately explored.

How to cast Object to boolean?

If the object is actually a Boolean instance, then just cast it:

boolean di = (Boolean) someObject;

The explicit cast will do the conversion to Boolean, and then there's the auto-unboxing to the primitive value. Or you can do that explicitly:

boolean di = ((Boolean) someObject).booleanValue();

If someObject doesn't refer to a Boolean value though, what do you want the code to do?

Finding first and last index of some value in a list in Python

Perhaps the two most efficient ways to find the last index:

def rindex(lst, value):
    i = lst.index(value)
    return len(lst) - i - 1
def rindex(lst, value):
    return len(lst) - operator.indexOf(reversed(lst), value) - 1

Both take only O(1) extra space and the two in-place reversals of the first solution are much faster than creating a reverse copy. Let's compare it with the other solutions posted previously:

def rindex(lst, value):
    return len(lst) - lst[::-1].index(value) - 1

def rindex(lst, value):
    return len(lst) - next(i for i, val in enumerate(reversed(lst)) if val == value) - 1

Benchmark results, my solutions are the red and green ones: unshuffled, full range

This is for searching a number in a list of a million numbers. The x-axis is for the location of the searched element: 0% means it's at the start of the list, 100% means it's at the end of the list. All solutions are fastest at location 100%, with the two reversed solutions taking pretty much no time for that, the double-reverse solution taking a little time, and the reverse-copy taking a lot of time.

A closer look at the right end: unshuffled, tail part

At location 100%, the reverse-copy solution and the double-reverse solution spend all their time on the reversals (index() is instant), so we see that the two in-place reversals are about seven times as fast as creating the reverse copy.

The above was with lst = list(range(1_000_000, 2_000_001)), which pretty much creates the int objects sequentially in memory, which is extremely cache-friendly. Let's do it again after shuffling the list with random.shuffle(lst) (probably less realistic, but interesting):

shuffled list, full range

shuffled list, tail part

All got a lot slower, as expected. The reverse-copy solution suffers the most, at 100% it now takes about 32 times (!) as long as the double-reverse solution. And the enumerate-solution is now second-fastest only after location 98%.

Overall I like the operator.indexOf solution best, as it's the fastest one for the last half or quarter of all locations, which are perhaps the more interesting locations if you're actually doing rindex for something. And it's only a bit slower than the double-reverse solution in earlier locations.

All benchmarks done with CPython 3.9.0 64-bit on Windows 10 Pro 1903 64-bit.

How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP

You can use array_multisort()

Try something like this:

foreach ($mdarray as $key => $row) {
    // replace 0 with the field's index/key
    $dates[$key]  = $row[0];

array_multisort($dates, SORT_DESC, $mdarray);

For PHP >= 5.5.0 just extract the column to sort by. No need for the loop:

array_multisort(array_column($mdarray, 0), SORT_DESC, $mdarray);

Check If only numeric values were entered in input. (jQuery)

This isn't an exact answer to the question, but one other option for phone validation, is to ensure the number gets entered in the format you are expecting.

Here is a function I have worked on that when set to the onInput event, will strip any non-numerical inputs, and auto-insert dashes at the "right" spot, assuming xxx-xxx-xxxx is the desired output.

<input oninput="formatPhone()">

function formatPhone(e) {
    var x =\D/g, '').match(/(\d{0,3})(\d{0,3})(\d{0,4})/); = !x[2] ? x[1] : x[1] + '-' + x[2] + (x[3] ? '-' + x[3] : '');

Switch statement with returns -- code correctness

Interesting. The consensus from most of these answers seems to be that the redundant break statement is unnecessary clutter. On the other hand, I read the break statement in a switch as the 'closing' of a case. case blocks that don't end in a break tend to jump out at me as potential fall though bugs.

I know that that's not how it is when there's a return instead of a break, but that's how my eyes 'read' the case blocks in a switch, so I personally would prefer that each case be paired with a break. But many compilers do complain about the break after a return being superfluous/unreachable, and apparently I seem to be in the minority anyway.

So get rid of the break following a return.

NB: all of this is ignoring whether violating the single entry/exit rule is a good idea or not. As far as that goes, I have an opinion that unfortunately changes depending on the circumstances...

Why does the 260 character path length limit exist in Windows?

Quoting this article

Maximum Path Length Limitation

In the Windows API (with some exceptions discussed in the following paragraphs), the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters. A local path is structured in the following order: drive letter, colon, backslash, name components separated by backslashes, and a terminating null character. For example, the maximum path on drive D is "D:\some 256-character path string<NUL>" where "<NUL>" represents the invisible terminating null character for the current system codepage. (The characters < > are used here for visual clarity and cannot be part of a valid path string.)

Now we see that it is 1+2+256+1 or [drive][:\][path][null] = 260. One could assume that 256 is a reasonable fixed string length from the DOS days. And going back to the DOS APIs we realize that the system tracked the current path per drive, and we have 26 (32 with symbols) maximum drives (and current directories).

The INT 0x21 AH=0x47 says “This function returns the path description without the drive letter and the initial backslash.” So we see that the system stores the CWD as a pair (drive, path) and you ask for the path by specifying the drive (1=A, 2=B, …), if you specify a 0 then it assumes the path for the drive returned by INT 0x21 AH=0x15 AL=0x19. So now we know why it is 260 and not 256, because those 4 bytes are not stored in the path string.

Why a 256 byte path string, because 640K is enough RAM.

Is an entity body allowed for an HTTP DELETE request?

It seems ElasticSearch uses this:

Which means Netty support this.

Like mentionned in comments it may not be the case anymore

Using jquery to get element's position relative to viewport

The easiest way to determine the size and position of an element is to call its getBoundingClientRect() method. This method returns element positions in viewport coordinates. It expects no arguments and returns an object with properties left, right, top, and bottom. The left and top properties give the X and Y coordinates of the upper-left corner of the element and the right and bottom properties give the coordinates of the lower-right corner.

element.getBoundingClientRect(); // Get position in viewport coordinates

Supported everywhere.

OS X Terminal Colors

MartinVonMartinsgrün and 4Levels methods confirmed work great on Mac OS X Mountain Lion.

The file I needed to update was ~/.profile.

However, I couldn't leave this question without recommending my favorite application, iTerm 2.

iTerm 2 lets you load global color schemes from a file. Really easy to experiment and try a bunch of color schemes.

Here's a screenshot of the iTerm 2 window and the color preferences. iTerm2 Color Preferences Screenshot Mac

Once I added the following to my ~/.profile file iTerm 2 was able to override the colors.

export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced
export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '

Here is a great repository with some nice presets:

iTerm2 Color Schemes on Github by mbadolato

Bonus: Choose "Show/hide iTerm2 with a system-wide hotkey" and bind the key with BetterTouchTool for an instant hide/show the terminal with a mouse gesture.

Laravel 4: how to "order by" using Eloquent ORM

If you are using the Eloquent ORM you should consider using scopes. This would keep your logic in the model where it belongs.

So, in the model you would have:

public function scopeIdDescending($query)
        return $query->orderBy('id','DESC');

And outside the model you would have:

$posts = Post::idDescending()->get();

More info:

Get clicked item and its position in RecyclerView

My simple solution

Make a position holder:

    public class PositionHolder {

    private int position;

    public PositionHolder(int position) {
        this.position = position;

    public int getPosition() {
        return position;

    public void setPosition(int position) {
        this.position = position;

Just position or put data you need to get from activity.

Adapter constructor:

public ItemsAdapter(Context context, List<Item> items, PositionHolder positionHolder){
        this.context = context;
        this.items = items;
        this.positionHolder = positionHolder;

In Activity:

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        selectedPosition = 0;

        positionHolder = new PositionHolder(selectedPosition);

In Adapter onClickLictener in the item
in onBindViewHolder

holder.holderButton.setOnClickListener(v -> {

Now whenever you change position in RecyclerView it is hold in the Holder (or maybe it should be called Listener)

I hope it will be usefull

My first post ;P

How to convert dd/mm/yyyy string into JavaScript Date object?

MM/DD/YYYY format

If you have the MM/DD/YYYY format which is default for JavaScript, you can simply pass your string to Date(string) constructor. It will parse it for you.

var dateString = "10/23/2015"; // Oct 23_x000D_
var dateObject = new Date(dateString);_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = dateObject.toString();

DD/MM/YYYY format - manually

If you work with this format, then you can split the date in order to get day, month and year separately and then use it in another constructor - Date(year, month, day):

var dateString = "23/10/2015"; // Oct 23_x000D_
var dateParts = dateString.split("/");_x000D_
// month is 0-based, that's why we need dataParts[1] - 1_x000D_
var dateObject = new Date(+dateParts[2], dateParts[1] - 1, +dateParts[0]); _x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = dateObject.toString();

For more information, you can read article about Date at Mozilla Developer Network.

DD/MM/YYYY - using moment.js library

Alternatively, you can use moment.js library, which is probably the most popular library to parse and operate with date and time in JavaScript:

var dateString = "23/10/2015"; // Oct 23_x000D_
var dateMomentObject = moment(dateString, "DD/MM/YYYY"); // 1st argument - string, 2nd argument - format_x000D_
var dateObject = dateMomentObject.toDate(); // convert moment.js object to Date object_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = dateObject.toString();
<script src=""></script>

In all three examples dateObject variable contains an object of type Date, which represents a moment in time and can be further converted to any string format.

Switch case in C# - a constant value is expected

There is this trick which was shared with me (don't ask for details - won't be able to provide them, but it works for me):

switch (variable_1)
    case var value when value == variable_2: // that's the trick

How do I fit an image (img) inside a div and keep the aspect ratio?

Here's an all JavaScript approach. It scales an image incrementally down until it fits correctly. You choose how much to shrink it each time it fails. This example shrinks it 10% each time it fails:

let fit = function (el, w, h, percentage, step)
    let newH = h;
    let newW = w;

    // fail safe
    if (percentage < 0 || step < 0) return { h: h, w: w };
    if (h > w)
        newH = el.height() * percentage;
        newW = (w / h) * newH;
        if (newW > el.width())
            return fit(el, w, h, percentage - step, step);
        newW = el.width() * percentage;
        newH = (h / w) * newW;
        if (newH > el.height())
            return fit(el, w, h, percentage - step, step);

    return { h: newH, w: newW };

img.bind('load', function ()
    let h = img.height();
    let w = img.width();
    let newFit = fit($('<img-wrapper-selector>'), w, h, 1, 0.1);


Feel free to copy and paste directly.

How to refer to relative paths of resources when working with a code repository

import os
cwd = os.getcwd()
path = os.path.join(cwd, "my_file")
f = open(path)

You also try to normalize your cwd using os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()). More info here.

Why do this() and super() have to be the first statement in a constructor?

So, it is not stopping you from executing logic before the call to super. It is just stopping you from executing logic that you can't fit into a single expression.

Actually you can execute logic with several expessions, you just have to wrap your code in a static function and call it in the super statement.

Using your example:

public class MySubClassC extends MyClass {
    public MySubClassC(Object item) {
        // Create a list that contains the item, and pass the list to super
        super(createList(item));  // OK

    private static List createList(item) {
        List list = new ArrayList();
        return list;

How to pass multiple arguments in processStartInfo?

System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
startInfo.Arguments = @"/c -sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=localhost -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic MyCA.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My MyAdHocTestCert.cer"

use /c as a cmd argument to close cmd.exe once its finish processing your commands

selecting an entire row based on a variable excel vba

The key is in the quotes around the colon and &, i.e. rows(variable & ":" & variable).select

Adapt this:

Rows(x & ":" & y).select

where x and y are your variables.

Some other examples that may help you understand

Rows(x & ":" & x).select


Rows((x+1) & ":" (x*3)).select


Rows((x+2) & ":" & (y-3)).select

Hopefully you get the idea.

if else in a list comprehension

Like in [a if condition1 else b for i in list1 if condition2], the two ifs with condition1 and condition2 doing two different things. The part (a if condition1 else b) is from a lambda expression:

lambda x: a if condition1 else b

while the other condition2 is another lambda:

lambda x: condition2

Whole list comprehension can be regard as combination of map and filter:

map(lambda x: a if condition1 else b, filter(lambda x: condition2, list1))

Binding ng-model inside ng-repeat loop in AngularJS

<h4>Order List</h4>
    <li ng-repeat="val in filter_option.order">
            <input title="{{filter_option.order_name[$index]}}" type="radio" ng-model="filter_param.order_option" ng-value="'{{val}}'" />
        <select title="" ng-model="filter_param[val]">
            <option value="asc">Asc</option>
            <option value="desc">Desc</option>

DateTime group by date and hour

Using MySQL I usually do it that way:

SELECT count( id ), ...
FROM quote_data
GROUP BY date_format( your_date_column, '%Y%m%d%H' )
order by your_date_column desc;

Or in the same idea, if you need to output the date/hour:

SELECT count( id ) , date_format( your_date_column, '%Y-%m-%d %H' ) as my_date
FROM  your_table 
GROUP BY my_date
order by your_date_column desc;

If you specify an index on your date column, MySQL should be able to use it to speed up things a little.

Angular2 get clicked element id

For TypeScript users:

    toggle(event: Event): void {
        let elementId: string = ( as Element).id;
        // do something with the id... 

Java check to see if a variable has been initialized

Assuming you're interested in whether the variable has been explicitly assigned a value or not, the answer is "not really". There's absolutely no difference between a field (instance variable or class variable) which hasn't been explicitly assigned at all yet, and one which has been assigned its default value - 0, false, null etc.

Now if you know that once assigned, the value will never reassigned a value of null, you can use:

if (box != null) {

(and that also avoids a possible NullPointerException) but you need to be aware that "a field with a value of null" isn't the same as "a field which hasn't been explicitly assigned a value". Null is a perfectly valid variable value (for non-primitive variables, of course). Indeed, you may even want to change the above code to:

if (box != null) {
    // Forget about the box - we don't want to try to remove it again
    box = null;

The difference is also visible for local variables, which can't be read before they've been "definitely assigned" - but one of the values which they can be definitely assigned is null (for reference type variables):

// Won't compile
String x;

// Will compile, prints null
String y = null;

macOS on VMware doesn't recognize iOS device

I would like to add something.

For the devices to work in your Mac you have to make sure that they are connected to it. I don't know how this is handled in other versions but I am using VMware Workstation 12 Player

If you go to Player (Top left corner) > Removable Devices > Enable the device you want

Thats what i had to do.

How to encrypt/decrypt data in php?

I'm think this has been answered before...but anyway, if you want to encrypt/decrypt data, you can't use SHA256

$key = 'SuperSecretKey';

//To Encrypt:
$encrypted = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, 'I want to encrypt this', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);

//To Decrypt:
$decrypted = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $encrypted, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);

How can I view the source code for a function?

In RStudio, there are (at least) 3 ways:

  1. Press the F2 key while cursor is on any function.
  2. Click on the function name while holding Ctrl or Command
  3. View(function_name) (as stated above)

A new pane will open with the source code. If you reach .Primitive or .C you'll need another method, sorry.

Determining the last row in a single column

Here's an alternative way of solving this. It uses a while loop but takes into consideration empty gaps between rows.

function getLastRow (column) {
  var iLastRow = ss.getActiveSheet().getMaxRows();
  var aValues = ss.getActiveSheet().getRange(column + ":" + column).getValues();
  var row = "";
  while(row == ""){
    row = aValues[iLastRow-1];
  return iLastRow;

How do you copy the contents of an array to a std::vector in C++ without looping?

Assuming you know how big the item in the vector are:

std::vector<int> myArray;
myArray.resize (item_count, 0);
memcpy (&myArray.front(), source, item_count * sizeof(int));

Android Error [Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference]

when you extend appcompatActivity then use


and when you extend ActionBar then use


dont forget to call this function in oncreate after initializing the toolbar/actionbar

How to sort a list of strings?

Basic answer:

mylist = ["b", "C", "A"]

This modifies your original list (i.e. sorts in-place). To get a sorted copy of the list, without changing the original, use the sorted() function:

for x in sorted(mylist):
    print x

However, the examples above are a bit naive, because they don't take locale into account, and perform a case-sensitive sorting. You can take advantage of the optional parameter key to specify custom sorting order (the alternative, using cmp, is a deprecated solution, as it has to be evaluated multiple times - key is only computed once per element).

So, to sort according to the current locale, taking language-specific rules into account (cmp_to_key is a helper function from functools):

sorted(mylist, key=cmp_to_key(locale.strcoll))

And finally, if you need, you can specify a custom locale for sorting:

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') # vary depending on your lang/locale
assert sorted((u'Ab', u'ad', u'aa'),
  key=cmp_to_key(locale.strcoll)) == [u'aa', u'Ab', u'ad']

Last note: you will see examples of case-insensitive sorting which use the lower() method - those are incorrect, because they work only for the ASCII subset of characters. Those two are wrong for any non-English data:

# this is incorrect!
mylist.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower())
# alternative notation, a bit faster, but still wrong

Failed to build gem native extension — Rails install

The suggested answer only works for certain versions of ruby. Some commenters suggest using ruby-dev; that didn't work for me either.

sudo apt-get install ruby-all-dev

worked for me.

How to get mouse position in jQuery without mouse-events?

I used this method:

$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
    window.x = e.pageX;
    window.y = e.pageY;

function show_popup(str) {
    $("#popup").css("top", y);
    $("#popup").css("left", x);

In this way I'll always have the distance from the top saved in y and the distance from the left saved in x.

Shrink a YouTube video to responsive width

This is old thread, but I have find new answer on

The problem with previous solution is that you need to have special div around video code, which is not suitable for most uses. So here is JavaScript solution without special div.

// Find all YouTube videos - RESIZE YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!!
var $allVideos = $("iframe[src^='']"),

// The element that is fluid width
$fluidEl = $("body");

// Figure out and save aspect ratio for each video
$allVideos.each(function() {

    .data('aspectRatio', this.height / this.width)

    // and remove the hard coded width/height


// When the window is resized
$(window).resize(function() {

    var newWidth = $fluidEl.width();

    // Resize all videos according to their own aspect ratio
    $allVideos.each(function() {

        var $el = $(this);
        .height(newWidth * $'aspectRatio'));


// Kick off one resize to fix all videos on page load


Checking if a number is a prime number in Python

Here is my take on the problem:

from math import sqrt
from itertools import count, islice

def is_prime(n):
    return n > 1 and all(n % i for i in islice(count(2), int(sqrt(n)-1)))

This is a really simple and concise algorithm, and therefore it is not meant to be anything near the fastest or the most optimal primality check algorithm. It has a time complexity of O(sqrt(n)). Head over here to learn more about primality tests done right and their history.


I'm gonna give you some insides about that almost esoteric single line of code that will check for prime numbers:

  • First of all, using range() in Python 2 is really a bad idea, because it will create a list of numbers, which uses a lot of memory. Using xrange() is better, because it creates a generator, which only needs to memorize the initial arguments you provide, and generates every number on-the-fly. If you're using Python 3, range() has been converted to a generator by default. By the way, this is still not the best solution: trying to call xrange(n) for some n such that n > 231-1 (which is the maximum value for a C long) raises OverflowError. Therefore the best way to create a range generator is to use itertools:

     xrange(2147483647+1) # OverflowError
     from itertools import count, islice
     count(1)                        # Count from 1 to infinity with step=+1
     islice(count(1), 2147483648)    # Count from 1 to 2^31 with step=+1
     islice(count(1, 3), 2147483648) # Count from 1 to 3*2^31 with step=+3
  • You do not actually need to go all the way up to n if you want to check if n is a prime number. You can dramatically reduce the tests and only check from 2 to v(n) (square root of n). Here's an example:

    Let's find all the divisors of n = 100, and list them in a table:

     2  x  50 = 100
     4  x  25 = 100
     5  x  20 = 100
    10  x  10 = 100 <-- sqrt(100)
    20  x  5  = 100     
    25  x  4  = 100
    50  x  2  = 100

    You will easily notice that, after the square root of n, all the divisors we find were actually already found. For example 20 was already found doing 100/5. The square root of a number is the exact mid-point where the divisors we found begin being duplicated. Therefore, to check if a number is prime, you'll only need to check from 2 to sqrt(n).

  • Why sqrt(n)-1 then, and not just sqrt(n)? That's just because the second argument provided to itertools.islice() is the number of iterations to execute. islice(count(a), b) stops after b iterations. That's the reason why:

     for number in islice(count(10), 2):
         print number,
     # Will print: 10 11
     for number in islice(count(1, 3), 10):
         print number,
     # Will print: 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28
  • The function all(...) is the same of the following:

     def all(iterable):
         for element in iterable:
             if not element:
                 return False
         return True

    It literally checks for all the elements in the iterable, returning False when any of them evaluates to False (which for an integer means only if it's zero). Why do we use it then? First of all, we don't need to use an additional index variable (like we would do using a loop), other than that: just for concision, there's no real need of it, but it looks way less bulky to work with only a single line of code instead of several nested lines.

Extended version

I'm including an "unpacked" version of the is_prime() function, to make it easier to understand and read:

from math import sqrt
from itertools import count, islice

def is_prime(n):
    if n < 2:
        return False

    for number in islice(count(2), int(sqrt(n) - 1)):
        if n % number == 0:
            return False

    return True

Make Axios send cookies in its requests automatically

For anyone where none of these solutions are working, make sure that your request origin equals your request target, see this github issue.

I short, if you visit your website on, then make sure that the requests you send are targeting your server on and not localhost:8001, although it might be the same target theoretically.

Change text (html) with .animate

Following the suggestion by JiminP....

I made a jsFiddle that will "smoothly" transition between two spans in case anyone is interested in seeing this in action. You have two main options:

  1. one span fades out at the same time as the other span is fading in
  2. one span fades out followed by the other span fading in.

The first time you click the button, number 1 above will occur. The second time you click the button, number 2 will occur. (I did this so you can visually compare the two effects.)

Try it Out:


Number 1 above (the more difficult effect) is accomplished by positioning the spans directly on top of each other via CSS with absolute positioning. Also, the jQuery animates are not chained together, so that they can execute at the same time.


<div class="onTopOfEachOther">
    <span id='a'>Hello</span>
    <span id='b' style="display: none;">Goodbye</span>

<br />
<br />

<input type="button" id="btnTest" value="Run Test" />


.onTopOfEachOther {
    position: relative;
.onTopOfEachOther span {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;


$('#btnTest').click(function() {        
    fadeSwitchElements('a', 'b');    

function fadeSwitchElements(id1, id2)
    var element1 = $('#' + id1);
    var element2 = $('#' + id2);

         element2.fadeToggle(500, function() {

PHP - Move a file into a different folder on the server

Create a function to move it:

function move_file($file, $to){
    $path_parts = pathinfo($file);
    $newplace   = "$to/{$path_parts['basename']}";
    if(rename($file, $newplace))
        return $newplace;
    return null;

What is Shelving in TFS?

If you're using Gated builds, when a build is triggered, it creates a shelveset of your workspace that is submitted for build. If the build fails, the shelveset is rejected. If the build is successful, a changeset is created and committed to TFS. In either event, the person doing that check-in/build will have to reconcile the workspace, which is as simple as performing a Get Latest.

Parser Error when deploy ASP.NET application

This happens when the files inside the Debug and Release folder are not created properly(Either they are having wrong reference or having overwritten many times). I have faced the same problem in which, i everything works fine when we build the solution, but when i publish the website it gives me same error. I have solved this in following manner:

  1. Go to your Solution Explorer in Visual Studio and click on show hidden files (if they are not showing ! )
  2. you will find a folder named obj, open it .
  3. Here there are again 2 folder named respectively as Debug and Release. Now, delete the content from these two folder, Make sure that you do not delete the folders Debug and Release. Only delete the files and folders inside Debug and Release folder.
  4. Now build and publish your solution and everything will work like charm.

Mongoose (mongodb) batch insert?

Here are both way of saving data with insertMany and save

1) Mongoose save array of documents with insertMany in bulk

/* write mongoose schema model and export this */
var Potato = mongoose.model('Potato', PotatoSchema);

/* write this api in routes directory  */'/addDocuments', function (req, res) {
    const data = [/* array of object which data need to save in db */];

    .then((result) => {
            console.log("result ", result);
            res.status(200).json({'success': 'new documents added!', 'data': result});
    .catch(err => {
            console.error("error ", err);

2) Mongoose save array of documents with .save()

These documents will save parallel.

/* write mongoose schema model and export this */
var Potato = mongoose.model('Potato', PotatoSchema);

/* write this api in routes directory  */'/addDocuments', function (req, res) {
    const saveData = []
    const data = [/* array of object which data need to save in db */]; => {
        var potato = new Potato(data[i])
        .then((result) => {
            if (saveData.length === data.length) {
                res.status(200).json({'success': 'new documents added!', 'data': saveData});
        .catch((err) => {

Calculating distance between two points (Latitude, Longitude)

It looks like Microsoft invaded brains of all other respondents and made them write as complicated solutions as possible. Here is the simplest way without any additional functions/declare statements:

SELECT geography::Point(LATITUDE_1, LONGITUDE_1, 4326).STDistance(geography::Point(LATITUDE_2, LONGITUDE_2, 4326))

Simply substitute your data instead of LATITUDE_1, LONGITUDE_1, LATITUDE_2, LONGITUDE_2 e.g.:

SELECT geography::Point(53.429108, -2.500953, 4326).STDistance(geography::Point(c.Latitude, c.Longitude, 4326))
from coordinates c

Markdown open a new window link

Using sed

If one would like to do this systematically for all external links, CSS is no option. However, one could run the following sed command once the (X)HTML has been created from Markdown:

sed -i 's|href="http|target="_blank" href="http|g' index.html

This can be further automated in a single workflow when a Makefile with build instructions is employed.

PS: This answer was written at a time when extension link_attributes was not yet available in Pandoc.

Twig for loop for arrays with keys

I guess you want to do the "Iterating over Keys and Values"

As the doc here says, just add "|keys" in the variable you want and it will magically happen.

{% for key, user in users %}
    <li>{{ key }}: {{ user.username|e }}</li>
{% endfor %}

It never hurts to search before asking :)

How can I delete (not disable) ActiveX add-ons in Internet Explorer (7 and 8 Beta 2)?

Use a virtual machine. Start fresh as often as you want, and stop doing these hacks that may or may not simulate a clean machine.

Seriously, use VMWare or VirtualPC.

Passing multiple variables in @RequestBody to a Spring MVC controller using Ajax

You can also use a MultiValue Map to hold the requestBody in. here is the example for it.

    foosId -> pathVariable
    user -> extracted from the Map of request Body 

unlike the @RequestBody annotation when using a Map to hold the request body we need to annotate with @RequestParam

and send the user in the Json RequestBody

  @RequestMapping(value = "v1/test/foos/{foosId}", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "Accept=application"
            + "/json",
            consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE ,
            produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
    public String postFoos(@PathVariable final Map<String, String> pathParam,
            @RequestParam final MultiValueMap<String, String> requestBody) {
        return "Post some Foos " + pathParam.get("foosId") + " " + requestBody.get("user");

go to character in vim

vim +21490go

From the command line will open the file and take you to position 21490 in the buffer.

Triggering it from the command line like this allows you to automate a script to parse the exception message and open the file to the problem position.

Excerpt from man vim:


-c {command}

{command} will be executed after the first file has been read. {command} is interpreted as an Ex command. If the {command} contains spaces it must be enclosed in double quotes (this depends on the shell that is used).

Get drop down value

<select onchange = "selectChanged(this.value)">
  <item value = "1">one</item>
  <item value = "2">two</item>

and then the javascript...

function selectChanged(newvalue) {
  alert("you chose: " + newvalue);

How to use (install) dblink in PostgreSQL?

I am using DBLINK to connect internal database for cross database queries.

Reference taken from this article.

Install DbLink extension.


Verify DbLink:

SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_proc.proname 
FROM pg_proc, pg_namespace 
WHERE pg_proc.pronamespace=pg_namespace.oid 
   AND pg_proc.proname LIKE '%dblink%';

Test connection of database:

SELECT dblink_connect('host=localhost user=postgres password=enjoy dbname=postgres');

GUI Tool for PostgreSQL

Postgres Enterprise Manager from EnterpriseDB is probably the most advanced you'll find. It includes all the features of pgAdmin, plus monitoring of your hosts and database servers, predictive reporting, alerting and a SQL Profiler.

Ninja edit disclaimer/notice: it seems that this user is affiliated with EnterpriseDB, as the linked Postgres Enterprise Manager website contains a video of one Dave Page.

How to get maximum value from the Collection (for example ArrayList)?

In Java8

CSS Input field text color of inputted text

I always do input prompts, like this:

    <input style="color: #C0C0C0;" value="[email protected]" 

Of course, if your user fills in the field, changes focus and comes back to the field, the field will once again be cleared. If you do it like that, be sure that's what you want. You can make it a one time thing by setting a semaphore, like this:

    <script language = "text/Javascript"> 
    cleared[0] = cleared[1] = cleared[2] = 0; //set a cleared flag for each field
    function clearField(t){                   //declaring the array outside of the
    if(! cleared[]){                      // function makes it static and global
        cleared[] = 1;  // you could use true and false, but that's more typing
        t.value='';         // with more chance of typos'#000000';

Your <input> field then looks like this:

    <input id = 0; style="color: #C0C0C0;" value="[email protected]" 

Correct way to import lodash

import has from 'lodash/has'; is better because lodash holds all it's functions in a single file, so rather than import the whole 'lodash' library at 100k, it's better to just import lodash's has function which is maybe 2k.

Make absolute positioned div expand parent div height

This is very similar to what @ChrisC suggested. It is not using an absolute positioned element, but a relative one. Maybe could work for you

<div class="container">
  <div class="my-child"></div>

And your css like this:

    background-color: red;
    position: relative;
    border: 1px solid black;
    width: 100%;

    position: relative;
    top: 0;
    left: 100%;
    height: 100px;
    width: 100px;
    margin-left: -100px;
    background-color: blue;

How to make code wait while calling asynchronous calls like Ajax

If you need wait until the ajax call is completed all do you need is make your call synchronously.

Elasticsearch : Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters index : not_analyzed

PUT /testIndex
    "mappings": {
        "properties": {     <--ADD THIS
            "field1": {
                "type": "integer"
            "field2": {  
                "type": "integer"
            "field3": {
                "type": "string",
                "index": "not_analyzed"
            "field4": {
                "type": "string",
                "analyzer": "autocomplete",
                "search_analyzer": "standard"
    "settings": {

Here's a similar command I know works:

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic cGC3COJ1c2Vy925hZGFJbXBvcnABCnRl" -X PUT -d '{"mappings":{"properties":{"city":{"type": "text"}}}}'

The breakdown for the above curl command is:

PUT /manzanaIndex
                    "type": "text"

Which are more performant, CTE or temporary tables?

Late to the party, but...

The environment I work in is highly constrained, supporting some vendor products and providing "value-added" services like reporting. Due to policy and contract limitations, I am not usually allowed the luxury of separate table/data space and/or the ability to create permanent code [it gets a little better, depending upon the application].

IOW, I can't usually develop a stored procedure or UDFs or temp tables, etc. I pretty much have to do everything through MY application interface (Crystal Reports - add/link tables, set where clauses from w/in CR, etc.). One SMALL saving grace is that Crystal allows me to use COMMANDS (as well as SQL Expressions). Some things that aren't efficient through the regular add/link tables capability can be done by defining a SQL Command. I use CTEs through that and have gotten very good results "remotely". CTEs also help w/ report maintenance, not requiring that code be developed, handed to a DBA to compile, encrypt, transfer, install, and then require multiple-level testing. I can do CTEs through the local interface.

The down side of using CTEs w/ CR is, each report is separate. Each CTE must be maintained for each report. Where I can do SPs and UDFs, I can develop something that can be used by multiple reports, requiring only linking to the SP and passing parameters as if you were working on a regular table. CR is not really good at handling parameters into SQL Commands, so that aspect of the CR/CTE aspect can be lacking. In those cases, I usually try to define the CTE to return enough data (but not ALL data), and then use the record selection capabilities in CR to slice and dice that.

So... my vote is for CTEs (until I get my data space).

jQuery change input text value

Just adding to Jason's answer, the . selector is only for classes. If you want to select something other than the element, id, or class, you need to wrap it in square brackets.



Calling a javascript function in another js file

A function cannot be called unless it was defined in the same file or one loaded before the attempt to call it.

A function cannot be called unless it is in the same or greater scope then the one trying to call it.

You declare function fn1 in first.js, and then in second you can just have fn1();


function fn1 () {



index.html :

<script type="text/javascript" src="1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="2.js"></script>

Save bitmap to location

Here is the sample code for saving bitmap to file :

public static File savebitmap(Bitmap bmp) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 60, bytes);
    File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
            + File.separator + "testimage.jpg");
    FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(f);
    return f;

Now call this function to save the bitmap to internal memory.

File newfile = savebitmap(bitmap);

I hope it will help you. Happy codeing life.

Delete file from internal storage

Have you tried getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath()?

Seems you fixed your problem by initializing the File object with a full path. I believe this would also do the trick.

how to configure apache server to talk to HTTPS backend server?

Your server tells you exactly what you need : [Hint: SSLProxyEngine]

You need to add that directive to your VirtualHost before the Proxy directives :

SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyPass /primary/store https://localhost:9763/store/
ProxyPassReverse /primary/store https://localhost:9763/store/

See the doc for more detail.

How to install SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (SSMS) Express?

Easiest way to install MSSQL 2012 MS SQL INSTALLATION

Here i am showing the easiest way to install ms sql 2012.

My opinion is the installation will be easier with windows 8.1 rather than windows 7.

This is my personnal opinion only.

We can install in windows 7 as well.

The steps to be followed:

Download any one of the link using the following URL



Right click on .exe file and run it

We should leave everything default while installing.

During installation, there will be 2 options:

1)If you are New user,then click on new sql-server stand alone application.

2)If you have already MS SQL application then you can upgrade by using the other option.

Then accept the Licence terms and click Next.

Now you will move on to Product Updates and press next then Setup support rules.

After this Feature selection.According to me we can check all the boxes except localdb.

Next it will take you to Instance Configuration where you should select Named Instance as


Then go to Server Configuration and press next.

Now Database engine configuration:

Authentication Mode:we can click on any one that is windows authentication mode or mixed.

Windows authentication mode (default for windows).

Mixed authentication mode:then should create username and password.

Then move on Error reporting,we can move further by clicking next to install process.

Finally we can see the Complete windows by showing the products added .

We can close and run the MSSQL server.

I hope it's useful.



Creating a constant Dictionary in C#

enum Constants
    Abc = 1,
    Def = 2,
    Ghi = 3


int i = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(Constants), "Def");

Reading InputStream as UTF-8

Solved my own problem. This line:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));

needs to be:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8"));

or since Java 7:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

What is the best way to exit a function (which has no return value) in python before the function ends (e.g. a check fails)?

  1. return None or return can be used to exit out of a function or program, both does the same thing
  2. quit() function can be used, although use of this function is discouraged for making real world applications and should be used only in interpreter.
    import site
    def func():
  1. exit() function can be used, similar to quit() but the use is discouraged for making real world applications.
import site
    def func():
  1. sys.exit([arg]) function can be used and need to import sys module for that, this function can be used for real world applications unlike the other two functions.
import sys 
  height = 150
if height < 165: # in cm 
    # exits the program 
    sys.exit("Height less than 165")     
    print("You ride the rollercoaster.") 
  1. os._exit(n) function can be used to exit from a process, and need to import os module for that.

Python Regex - How to Get Positions and Values of Matches

note that the span & group are indexed for multi capture groups in a regex

for match in re.finditer(regex_with_3_groups, string):
    for idx in range(0, 4):

file_put_contents(meta/services.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied

Try again with chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/test/app/storage. Use with sudo for Operation not permitted in chmod. Use Check owner permission if still having the error.

Using onBlur with JSX and React

There are a few problems here.

1: onBlur expects a callback, and you are calling renderPasswordConfirmError and using the return value, which is null.

2: you need a place to render the error.

3: you need a flag to track "and I validating", which you would set to true on blur. You can set this to false on focus if you want, depending on your desired behavior.

handleBlur: function () {
  this.setState({validating: true});
render: function () {
  return <div>
        placeholder="Password (confirm)"
renderPasswordConfirmError: function() {
  if (this.state.validating && this.state.password !== this.state.password2) {
    return (
        <label className="error">Please enter the same password again.</label>
  return null;

Nginx 403 error: directory index of [folder] is forbidden

For me the problem was that any routes other than the base route were working, adding this line fixed my problem:

index           index.php;

Full thing:

server {

    root /var/www/example/public;
    index           index.php;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

Download File to server from URL

prodigitalson's answer didn't work for me. I got missing fopen in CURLOPT_FILE more details.

This worked for me, including local urls:

function downloadUrlToFile($url, $outFileName)
    if(is_file($url)) {
        copy($url, $outFileName); 
    } else {
        $options = array(
          CURLOPT_FILE    => fopen($outFileName, 'w'),
          CURLOPT_TIMEOUT =>  28800, // set this to 8 hours so we dont timeout on big files
          CURLOPT_URL     => $url

        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);

C - function inside struct

You can pass the struct pointer to function as function argument. It called pass by reference.

If you modify something inside that pointer, the others will be updated to. Try like this:

typedef struct client_t client_t, *pno;
struct client_t
        pid_t pid;
        char password[TAM_MAX]; // -> 50 chars
        pno next;

pno AddClient(client_t *client)
        /* this will change the original client value */
        client.password = "secret";

int main()
    client_t client;

    //code ..


Insert text into textarea with jQuery

Hej this is a modified version which works OK in FF @least for me and inserts at the carets position

  insertAtCaret: function(myValue){
  var obj;
  if( typeof this[0].name !='undefined' ) obj = this[0];
  else obj = this;

  if ($.browser.msie) {
    sel = document.selection.createRange();
    sel.text = myValue;
  else if ($.browser.mozilla || $.browser.webkit) {
    var startPos = obj.selectionStart;
    var endPos = obj.selectionEnd;
    var scrollTop = obj.scrollTop;
    obj.value = obj.value.substring(0, startPos)+myValue+obj.value.substring(endPos,obj.value.length);
    obj.selectionStart = startPos + myValue.length;
    obj.selectionEnd = startPos + myValue.length;
    obj.scrollTop = scrollTop;
  } else {
    obj.value += myValue;

Returning a C string from a function

Note this new function:

const char* myFunction()
    static char array[] = "my string";
    return array;

I defined "array" as static. Otherwise when the function ends, the variable (and the pointer you are returning) gets out of scope. Since that memory is allocated on the stack, and it will get corrupted. The downside of this implementation is that the code is not reentrant and not threadsafe.

Another alternative would be to use malloc to allocate the string in the heap, and then free on the correct locations of your code. This code will be reentrant and threadsafe.

As noted in the comment, this is a very bad practice, since an attacker can then inject code to your application (he/she needs to open the code using GDB, then make a breakpoint and modify the value of a returned variable to overflow and fun just gets started).

It is much more recommended to let the caller handle about memory allocations. See this new example:

char* myFunction(char* output_str, size_t max_len)
   const char *str = "my string";
   size_t l = strlen(str);
   if (l+1 > max_len) {
      return NULL;
   strcpy(str, str, l);
   return input;

Note that the only content which can be modified is the one that the user. Another side effect - this code is now threadsafe, at least from the library point of view. The programmer calling this method should verify that the memory section used is threadsafe.

SQL time difference between two dates result in hh:mm:ss

declare @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime

select @StartDate = '10/01/2012 08:40:18.000',@EndDate='10/04/2012 09:52:48.000'

select convert(varchar(5),DateDiff(s, @startDate, @EndDate)/3600)+':'+convert(varchar(5),DateDiff(s, @startDate, @EndDate)%3600/60)+':'+convert(varchar(5),(DateDiff(s, @startDate, @EndDate)%60)) as [hh:mm:ss]

This query will helpful to you.

How to install grunt and how to build script with it

To setup GruntJS build here is the steps:

  1. Make sure you have setup your package.json or setup new one:

    npm init
  2. Install Grunt CLI as global:

    npm install -g grunt-cli
  3. Install Grunt in your local project:

    npm install grunt --save-dev
  4. Install any Grunt Module you may need in your build process. Just for sake of this sample I will add Concat module for combining files together:

    npm install grunt-contrib-concat --save-dev
  5. Now you need to setup your Gruntfile.js which will describe your build process. For this sample I just combine two JS files file1.js and file2.js in the js folder and generate app.js:

    module.exports = function(grunt) {
        // Project configuration.
            concat: {
                "options": { "separator": ";" },
                "build": {
                    "src": ["js/file1.js", "js/file2.js"],
                    "dest": "js/app.js"
        // Load required modules
        // Task definitions
        grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat']);
  6. Now you'll be ready to run your build process by following command:


I hope this give you an idea how to work with GruntJS build.


You can use grunt-init for creating Gruntfile.js if you want wizard-based creation instead of raw coding for step 5.

To do so, please follow these steps:

npm install -g grunt-init
git clone ~/.grunt-init/gruntfile
grunt-init gruntfile

For Windows users: If you are using cmd.exe you need to change ~/.grunt-init/gruntfile to %USERPROFILE%\.grunt-init\. PowerShell will recognize the ~ correctly.

Set auto height and width in CSS/HTML for different screen sizes


I hope that is the solution you're looking for! DEMO1 DEMO2

With that solution the only scrollbar in the page is on your contents section in the middle! In that section build your structure with a sidebar or whatever you want!

You can do that with that code here:

<div class="navTop">
    <nav>Dynamic menu</nav>
<div class="container">
    <section>THE CONTENTS GOES HERE</section>
<footer class="bottomFooter">

With that css:

border:1px solid black;
border:1px solid black;

And a bit of jquery:

$(document).ready(function() {
  function setHeight() {
    var top = $('.navTop').outerHeight();
    var bottom = $('footer').outerHeight();
    var totHeight = $(window).height();
      'height': totHeight - top - bottom + 'px'

  $(window).on('resize', function() { setHeight(); });


If you don't want jquery

<div class="row">

<div class="row container">
    <div class="content">
        <div class="sidebar">
        <div class="contents">


width: 100%;
background: yellow;
background: pink;
.content {
display: block;
padding-bottom: 40px;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: fixed; 
bottom: 0; 
left: 0; 
background: yellow;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;


C# LINQ select from list

Execute the GetEventIdsByEventDate() method and save the results in a variable, and then you can use the .Contains() method

Oracle Sql get only month and year in date datatype

"FEB-2010" is not a Date, so it would not make a lot of sense to store it in a date column.

You can always extract the string part you need , in your case "MON-YYYY" using the TO_CHAR logic you showed above.

If this is for a DIMENSION table in a Data warehouse environment and you want to include these as separate columns in the Dimension table (as Data attributes), you will need to store the month and Year in two different columns, with appropriate Datatypes...


Month varchar2(3) --Month code in Alpha..
Year  NUMBER      -- Year in number


Month number(2)    --Month Number in Year.
Year  NUMBER      -- Year in number

The cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null

Got this error in Entity Framework 6 with this code at runtime:

var fileEventsSum = db.ImportInformations.Sum(x => x.FileEvents)

Update from LeandroSoares:

Use this for single execution:

var fileEventsSum = db.ImportInformations.Sum(x => (int?)x.FileEvents) ?? 0


Changed to this and then it worked:

var fileEventsSum = db.ImportInformations.Any() ? db.ImportInformations.Sum(x => x.FileEvents) : 0;

PHP Multiple Checkbox Array

Also remember you can include custom indices to the array sent to the server like this

<form method='post' id='userform' action='thisform.php'>
    <td>Trouble Type</td>
    <input type='checkbox' name='checkboxvar[4]' value='Option One'>4<br>
    <input type='checkbox' name='checkboxvar[6]' value='Option Two'>6<br>
    <input type='checkbox' name='checkboxvar[9]' value='Option Three'>9
<input type='submit' class='buttons'>

This is particularly useful when you want to use the id of individual objects in a server array accounts (for instance) to send data back to the server and recognize same at server

<form method='post' id='userform' action='thisform.php'>
    <td>Trouble Type</td>
    <?php foreach($accounts as $account) { ?>
        <input type='checkbox' name='accounts[<?php echo $account->id ?>]' value='<?php echo $account->name ?>'>
        <?php echo $account->name ?>
    <?php } ?>
<input type='submit' class='buttons'>

if (isset($_POST['accounts'])) 

What's the difference between %s and %d in Python string formatting?

from python 3 doc

%d is for decimal integer

%s is for generic string or object and in case of object, it will be converted to string

Consider the following code

name ='giacomo'
number = 4.3
print('%s %s %d %f %g' % (name, number, number, number, number))

the out put will be

giacomo 4.3 4 4.300000 4.3

as you can see %d will truncate to integer, %s will maintain formatting, %f will print as float and %g is used for generic number


print('%d' % (name))

will generate an exception; you cannot convert string to number

/bin/sh: pushd: not found

pushd is a bash enhancement to the POSIX-specified Bourne Shell. pushd cannot be easily implemented as a command, because the current working directory is a feature of a process that cannot be changed by child processes. (A hypothetical pushd command might do the chdir(2) call and then start a new shell, but ... it wouldn't be very usable.) pushd is a shell builtin, just like cd.

So, either change your script to start with #!/bin/bash or store the current working directory in a variable, do your work, then change back. Depends if you want a shell script that works on very reduced systems (say, a Debian build server) or if you're fine always requiring bash.

__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'user'

Check your imports. There could be two classes with the same name. Either from your code or from a library you are using. Personally that was the issue.

What is difference between mutable and immutable String in java

Case 1:

String str = "Good";
str = str + " Morning";

In the above code you create 3 String Objects.

  1. "Good" it goes into the String Pool.
  2. " Morning" it goes into the String Pool as well.
  3. "Good Morning" created by concatenating "Good" and " Morning". This guy goes on the Heap.

Note: Strings are always immutable. There is no, such thing as a mutable String. str is just a reference which eventually points to "Good Morning". You are actually, not working on 1 object. you have 3 distinct String Objects.

Case 2:

StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("Good"); 
str.append(" Morning");

StringBuffer contains an array of characters. It is not same as a String. The above code adds characters to the existing array. Effectively, StringBuffer is mutable, its String representation isn't.

Why do we need to install gulp globally and locally?

I'm not sure if our problem was directly related with installing gulp only locally. But we had to install a bunch of dependencies ourself. This lead to a "huge" package.json and we are not sure if it is really a great idea to install gulp only locally. We had to do so because of our build environment. But I wouldn't recommend installing gulp not globally if it isn't absolutely necessary. We faced similar problems as described in the following blog-post

None of these problems arise for any of our developers on their local machines because they all installed gulp globally. On the build system we had the described problems. If someone is interested I could dive deeper into this issue. But right now I just wanted to mention that it isn't an easy path to install gulp only locally.

Package php5 have no installation candidate (Ubuntu 16.04)

If you just want to install PHP no matter what version it is, try PHP7

sudo apt-get install php7.0 php7.0-mcrypt

Multiple commands in an alias for bash

Adding my 2 cents to the 11 year old discussion try this:

alias lock="gnome-screensaver \gnome-screensaver-command --lock"

How to find reason of failed Build without any error or warning

If nuget package 'Microsoft.Net.Compilers' is installed, make sure that it suits version of your Visual Studio (Build Tools version).

Versions 1.x mean C# 6.0 (Visual Studio 2015 and updates). For instance, 1.3.2

So don't upgrade to version above 1.x if you use VS2015

Keep only first n characters in a string?

You are looking for JavaScript's String method substring


'Hiya how are you'.substring(0,8);

Which returns the string starting at the first character and finishing before the 9th character - i.e. 'Hiya how'.

substring documentation

How To fix white screen on app Start up?

It can be fixed by setting the theme in your manifest as

        android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" >
     <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
     <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

and after that if you are getting
java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity.
then you may need to extend Activity instead of AppCompatActivity in your MySplashActivity.

Hope it helps!

window.location.reload with clear cache

In my case reload() doesn't work because the controls behavior. So, to solve this issue I've used this approach, despite seems a work around.

self.clear = function () {
    //location.reload(true); Doesn't work to IE neither Firefox;
    //also, hash tags must be removed or no postback will occur.
    window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '');

What does 'foo' really mean?

I think it's meant to mean nothing. The wiki says:

"Foo is commonly used with the metasyntactic variables bar and foobar."

Converting HTML element to string in JavaScript / JQuery

What you want is the outer HTML, not the inner HTML :

$('<some element/>')[0].outerHTML;

How do you open a file in C++?

Follow the steps,

  1. Include Header files or name space to access File class.
  2. Make File class object Depending on your IDE platform ( i.e, CFile,QFile,fstream).
  3. Now you can easily find that class methods to open/read/close/getline or else of any file.
CFile/QFile/ifstream m_file;
m_file.Open(path,Other parameter/mood to open file);

For reading file you have to make buffer or string to save data and you can pass that variable in read() method.

How to run a python script from IDLE interactive shell?

In a python console, one can try the following 2 ways.

under the same work directory,

1. >> import helloworld

# if you have a variable x, you can print it in the IDLE.

>> helloworld.x

# if you have a function func, you can also call it like this.

>> helloworld.func()

2. >> runfile("./")

Difference between a theta join, equijoin and natural join

Theta Join: When you make a query for join using any operator,(e.g., =, <, >, >= etc.), then that join query comes under Theta join.

Equi Join: When you make a query for join using equality operator only, then that join query comes under Equi join.


> SELECT * FROM Emp JOIN Dept ON Emp.DeptID = Dept.DeptID;
This will show:
| Emp.Name | Emp.DeptID | Dept.Name | Dept.DeptID |
|          |            |           |             |

Note: Equi join is also a theta join!

Natural Join: a type of Equi Join which occurs implicitly by comparing all the same names columns in both tables.

Note: here, the join result has only one column for each pair of same named columns.


This will show:
| DeptID | Emp.Name | Dept.Name |
|        |          |           |

How to Logout of an Application Where I Used OAuth2 To Login With Google?

You can simply Create a logout button and add this link to it and it will utimately log you out from the app and will redirect to your desired site:

just toggle YOURSITE with your website

The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this

If you call a new window UI statement in an existing thread, it throws an error. Instead of that create a new thread inside the main thread and write the window UI statement in the new child thread.

In Node.js, how do I turn a string to a json?

You need to use this function.


And it will return the object / array that was contained within the string.

HTML 5 Favicon - Support?

The answers provided (at the time of this post) are link only answers so I thought I would summarize the links into an answer and what I will be using.

When working to create Cross Browser Favicons (including touch icons) there are several things to consider.

The first (of course) is Internet Explorer. IE does not support PNG favicons until version 11. So our first line is a conditional comment for favicons in IE 9 and below:

<!--[if IE]><link rel="shortcut icon" href="path/to/favicon.ico"><![endif]-->

To cover the uses of the icon create it at 32x32 pixels. Notice the rel="shortcut icon" for IE to recognize the icon it needs the word shortcut which is not standard. Also we wrap the .ico favicon in a IE conditional comment because Chrome and Safari will use the .ico file if it is present, despite other options available, not what we would like.

The above covers IE up to IE 9. IE 11 accepts PNG favicons, however, IE 10 does not. Also IE 10 does not read conditional comments thus IE 10 won't show a favicon. With IE 11 and Edge available I don't see IE 10 in widespread use, so I ignore this browser.

For the rest of the browsers we are going to use the standard way to cite a favicon:

<link rel="icon" href="path/to/favicon.png">

This icon should be 196x196 pixels in size to cover all devices that may use this icon.

To cover touch icons on mobile devices we are going to use Apple's proprietary way to cite a touch icon:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">

Using rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" will not apply the reflective shine when bookmarked on iOS. To have iOS apply the shine use rel="apple-touch-icon". This icon should be sized to 180x180 pixels as that is the current size recommend by Apple for the latest iPhones and iPads. I have read Blackberry will also use rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed".

As a note: Chrome for Android states:

The apple-touch-* are deprecated, and will be supported only for a short time. (Written as of beta for m31 of Chrome).

Custom Tiles for IE 11+ on Windows 8.1+

IE 11+ on Windows 8.1+ does offer a way to create pinned tiles for your site.

Microsoft recommends creating a few tiles at the following size:

Small: 128 x 128

Medium: 270 x 270

Wide: 558 x 270

Large: 558 x 558

These should be transparent images as we will define a color background next.

Once these images are created you should create an xml file called browserconfig.xml with the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <square70x70logo src="images/smalltile.png"/>
      <square150x150logo src="images/mediumtile.png"/>
      <wide310x150logo src="images/widetile.png"/>
      <square310x310logo src="images/largetile.png"/>

Save this xml file in the root of your site. When a site is pinned IE will look for this file. If you want to name the xml file something different or have it in a different location add this meta tag to the head:

<meta name="msapplication-config" content="path-to-browserconfig/custom-name.xml" />

For additional information on IE 11+ custom tiles and using the XML file visit Microsoft's website.

Putting it all together:

To put it all together the above code would look like this:

<!-- For IE 9 and below. ICO should be 32x32 pixels in size -->
<!--[if IE]><link rel="shortcut icon" href="path/to/favicon.ico"><![endif]-->

<!-- Touch Icons - iOS and Android 2.1+ 180x180 pixels in size. --> 
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">

<!-- Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE 11+ and Opera. 196x196 pixels in size. -->
<link rel="icon" href="path/to/favicon.png">

Windows Phone Live Tiles

If a user is using a Windows Phone they can pin a website to the start screen of their phone. Unfortunately, when they do this it displays a screenshot of your phone, not a favicon (not even the MS specific code referenced above). To make a "Live Tile" for Windows Phone Users for your website one must use the following code:

Here are detailed instructions from Microsoft but here is a synopsis:

Step 1

Create a square image for your website, to support hi-res screens create it at 768x768 pixels in size.

Step 2

Add a hidden overlay of this image. Here is example code from Microsoft:

<div id="TileOverlay" onclick="ToggleTileOverlay()" style='background-color: Highlight; height: 100%; width: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: fixed; color: black; visibility: hidden'>
  <img src="customtile.png" width="320" height="320" />
  <div style='margin-top: 40px'>
     Add text/graphic asking user to pin to start using the menu...

Step 3

You then can add thew following line to add a pin to start link:

<a href="javascript:ToggleTileOverlay()">Pin this site to your start screen</a>

Microsoft recommends that you detect windows phone and only show that link to those users since it won't work for other users.

Step 4

Next you add some JS to toggle the overlay visibility

function ToggleTileOverlay() {
 var newVisibility =     (document.getElementById('TileOverlay').style.visibility == 'visible') ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
 document.getElementById('TileOverlay').style.visibility =    newVisibility;

Note on Sizes

I am using one size as every browser will scale down the image as necessary. I could add more HTML to specify multiple sizes if desired for those with a lower bandwidth but I am already compressing the PNG files heavily using TinyPNG and I find this unnecessary for my purposes. Also, according to philippe_b's answer Chrome and Firefox have bugs that cause the browser to load all sizes of icons. Using one large icon may be better than multiple smaller ones because of this.

Further Reading

For those who would like more details see the links below:

NGINX to reverse proxy websockets AND enable SSL (wss://)?

A good, concise article by Pankaj Malhotra discusses how to do this with NGINX and is available here.

The basic NGINX configuration is reproduced below:

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
    default upgrade;
    '' close;

upstream appserver {
    server; # appserver_ip:ws_port

server {
    listen 8888; // client_wss_port

    ssl on;
    ssl_certificate /path/to/crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /path/to/key;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://appserver;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;

'uint32_t' does not name a type

I also encountered the same problem on Mac OSX 10.6.8 and unfortunately adding #include <stdint.h> or <cstdint.h> to the corresponding file did not solve my problem. However, after more search, I found this solution advicing to add #include <sys/types.h> which worked well for me!

Mocking HttpClient in unit tests

DO NOT have a wrapper that creates a new instance of HttpClient. If you do that, you will run out of sockets at runtime (even though you are disposing the HttpClient object).

If using MOQ, the correct way to do this is to add using Moq.Protected; to your test and then write code like the following:

var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
    Content = new StringContent("It worked!")
var mockHttpMessageHandler = new Mock<HttpMessageHandler>();
    .ReturnsAsync(() => response);

var httpClient = new HttpClient(mockHttpMessageHandler.Object);

Extracting specific columns from a data frame

df<- dplyr::select ( df,A,B,C)

Also, you can assign a different name to the newly created data

data<- dplyr::select ( df,A,B,C)

Use sed to replace all backslashes with forward slashes

for just translating one char into another throughout a string, tr is the best tool:

tr '\\' '/'

How to increment a number by 2 in a PHP For Loop

Another simple solution with +=:

$y = 1;

for ($x = $y; $x <= 15; $y++) {
  printf("The number of first paragraph is: $y <br>");
  printf("The number of second paragraph is: $x+=2 <br>");

Kill some processes by .exe file name

My solution is to use Process.GetProcess() for listing all the processes.

By filtering them to contain the processes I want, I can then run Process.Kill() method to stop them:

var chromeDriverProcesses = Process.GetProcesses().
    Where(pr => pr.ProcessName == "chromedriver"); // without '.exe'
foreach (var process in chromeDriverProcesses)


In case if want to use async approach with some useful recent methods from the C# 8 (Async Enumerables), then check this out:

const string processName = "chromedriver"; // without '.exe'
await Process.GetProcesses()
             .Where(pr => pr.ProcessName == processName)
             .ForEachAsync(p => p.Kill());

Note: using async methods doesn't always mean code will run faster, but it will not waste the CPU time and prevent the foreground thread from hanging while doing the operations. In any case, you need to think about what version you might want.

xsl: how to split strings?

If your XSLT processor supports EXSLT, you can use str:tokenize, otherwise, the link contains an implementation using functions like substring-before.

Catch a thread's exception in the caller thread in Python

As a noobie to Threading, it took me a long time to understand how to implement Mateusz Kobos's code (above). Here's a clarified version to help understand how to use it.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import threading
import Queue

class ExThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__status_queue = Queue.Queue()

    def run_with_exception(self):
        """This method should be overriden."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def run(self):
        """This method should NOT be overriden."""
        except Exception:

    def wait_for_exc_info(self):
        return self.__status_queue.get()

    def join_with_exception(self):
        ex_info = self.wait_for_exc_info()
        if ex_info is None:
            raise ex_info[1]

class MyException(Exception):

class MyThread(ExThread):
    def __init__(self):

    # This overrides the "run_with_exception" from class "ExThread"
    # Note, this is where the actual thread to be run lives. The thread
    # to be run could also call a method or be passed in as an object
    def run_with_exception(self):
        # Code will function until the int
        print "sleeping 5 seconds"
        import time
        for i in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
            print i
        # Thread should break here
# I'm honestly not sure why these appear here? So, I removed them. 
# Perhaps Mateusz can clarify?        
#         thread_name = threading.current_thread().name
#         raise MyException("An error in thread '{}'.".format(thread_name))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # The code lives in MyThread in this example. So creating the MyThread 
    # object set the code to be run (but does not start it yet)
    t = MyThread()
    # This actually starts the thread
    print ("Notice 't.start()' is considered to have completed, although" 
           " the countdown continues in its new thread. So you code "
           "can tinue into new processing.")
    # Now that the thread is running, the join allows for monitoring of it
    # should be able to be replace "Exception" with specific error (untested)
    except Exception, e: 
        print "Exceptioon was caught and control passed back to the main thread"
        print "Do some handling here...or raise a custom exception "
        thread_name = threading.current_thread().name
        e = ("Caught a MyException in thread: '" + 
             str(thread_name) + 
             "' [" + str(e) + "]")
        raise Exception(e) # Or custom class of exception, such as MyException

Is Task.Result the same as .GetAwaiter.GetResult()?

As already mentioned if you can use await. If you need to run the code synchronously like you mention .GetAwaiter().GetResult(), .Result or .Wait() is a risk for deadlocks as many have said in comments/answers. Since most of us like oneliners you can use these for .Net 4.5<

Acquiring a value via an async method:

var result = Task.Run(() => asyncGetValue()).Result;

Syncronously calling an async method

Task.Run(() => asyncMethod()).Wait();

No deadlock issues will occur due to the use of Task.Run.



Could cause a deadlock if the calling thread is from the threadpool. The following happens: A new task is queued to the end of the queue, and the threadpool thread which would eventually execute the Task is blocked until the Task is executed.


Change a column type from Date to DateTime during ROR migration

AFAIK, migrations are there to try to reshape data you care about (i.e. production) when making schema changes. So unless that's wrong, and since he did say he does not care about the data, why not just modify the column type in the original migration from date to datetime and re-run the migration? (Hope you've got tests:)).

Encrypt and Decrypt text with RSA in PHP

If you are using PHP >= 7.2 consider using inbuilt sodium core extension for encrption.

It is modern and more secure. You can find more information here - and here -

Example PHP 7.2 sodium encryption class -


 * Simple sodium crypto class for PHP >= 7.2
 * @author MRK
class crypto {

     * @return type
    static public function create_encryption_key() {
        return base64_encode(sodium_crypto_secretbox_keygen());

     * Encrypt a message
     * @param string $message - message to encrypt
     * @param string $key - encryption key created using create_encryption_key()
     * @return string
    static function encrypt($message, $key) {
        $key_decoded = base64_decode($key);
        $nonce = random_bytes(

        $cipher = base64_encode(
                $nonce .
                        $message, $nonce, $key_decoded
        return $cipher;

     * Decrypt a message
     * @param string $encrypted - message encrypted with safeEncrypt()
     * @param string $key - key used for encryption
     * @return string
    static function decrypt($encrypted, $key) {
        $decoded = base64_decode($encrypted);
        $key_decoded = base64_decode($key);
        if ($decoded === false) {
            throw new Exception('Decryption error : the encoding failed');
            throw new Exception('Decryption error : the message was truncated');
        $nonce = mb_substr($decoded, 0, SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES, '8bit');
        $ciphertext = mb_substr($decoded, SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES, null, '8bit');

        $plain = sodium_crypto_secretbox_open(
                $ciphertext, $nonce, $key_decoded
        if ($plain === false) {
            throw new Exception('Decryption error : the message was tampered with in transit');
        return $plain;


Sample Usage -


$key = crypto::create_encryption_key();

$string = 'Sri Lanka is a beautiful country !';

echo $enc = crypto::encrypt($string, $key); 
echo crypto::decrypt($enc, $key);

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 service fails to start

We had a similar problem recently withour running SQL 2005 servers (more specifically: The reporting services). The windows services didn't start anymore with no real error message whatsoever.

I found out that this problem was related to some KB hotfixes that have been deployed lately. For some reason those hotfixes resulted in the services taking longer than usually for starting up.

Since by default, there is a timeout that kills the service after 30 seconds when it was not able to go beyond the start methods, this was the reason why it simply terminated.

Maybe this is what you are experiencing.

Theres a work around described on Microsoft Connect (link). Although the hotfixes listed in this article didn't match the ones that have been deployed to our systems, the workaround worked for us.

Nested or Inner Class in PHP

You can't do it in PHP. PHP supports "include", but you can't even do that inside of a class definition. Not a lot of great options here.

This doesn't answer your question directly, but you may be interested in "Namespaces", a terribly ugly\syntax\hacked\on\top\of PHP OOP:

Parse an URL in JavaScript

One liner:'?','').split('&').reduce(function(s,c){var t=c.split('=');s[t[0]]=t[1];return s;},{})

Recover sa password

best answer written by Dmitri Korotkevitch:

Speaking of the installation, SQL Server 2008 allows you to set authentication mode (Windows or SQL Server) during the installation process. You will be forced to choose the strong password for sa user in the case if you choose sql server authentication mode during setup.

If you install SQL Server with Windows Authentication mode and want to change it, you need to do 2 different things:

  1. Go to SQL Server Properties/Security tab and change the mode to SQL Server authentication mode

  2. Go to security/logins, open SA login properties

a. Uncheck "Enforce password policy" and "Enforce password expiration" check box there if you decide to use weak password

b. Assign password to SA user

c. Open "Status" tab and enable login.

I don't need to mention that every action from above would violate security best practices that recommend to use windows authentication mode, have sa login disabled and use strong passwords especially for sa login.

Batch / Find And Edit Lines in TXT file

This is the kind of stuff sed was made for (of course, you need sed on your system for that).

sed 's/ex3/ex5/g' input.txt > output.txt

You will either need a Unix system or a Windows Cygwin kind of platform for this.
There is also GnuWin32 for sed. (GnuWin32 installation and usage).

How to multiply a BigDecimal by an integer in Java

If I were you, I would set the scale of the BigDecimal so that I dont end up on lengthy numbers. The integer 2 in the BigDecimal initialization below sets the scale.

Since you have lots of mismatch of data type, I have changed it accordingly to adjust.

class Payment   
      BigDecimal itemCost=new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO,  2);
      BigDecimal totalCost=new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO,  2);

     public BigDecimal calculateCost(int itemQuantity,BigDecimal itemPrice)
           BigDecimal   itemCost = itemPrice.multiply(new BigDecimal(itemQuantity)); 
             return totalCost.add(itemCost); 

BigDecimals are Object , not primitives, so make sure you initialize itemCost and totalCost , otherwise it can give you nullpointer while you try to add on totalCost or itemCost

Dump a list in a pickle file and retrieve it back later

Pickling will serialize your list (convert it, and it's entries to a unique byte string), so you can save it to disk. You can also use pickle to retrieve your original list, loading from the saved file.

So, first build a list, then use pickle.dump to send it to a file...

Python 3.4.1 (default, May 21 2014, 12:39:51) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> mylist = ['I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.', "Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?", "I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!", "No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting."]
>>> import pickle
>>> with open('parrot.pkl', 'wb') as f:
...   pickle.dump(mylist, f)

Then quit and come back later… and open with pickle.load...

Python 3.4.1 (default, May 21 2014, 12:39:51) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pickle
>>> with open('parrot.pkl', 'rb') as f:
...   mynewlist = pickle.load(f)
>>> mynewlist
['I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.', "Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?", "I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!", "No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting."]

How to invoke function from external .c file in C?

You can include the .c files, no problem with it logically, but according to the standard to hide the implementation of the function but to provide the binaries, headers and source files techniques are used, where the headers are used to define the function signatures where as the source files have the implementation. When you sell your project to outside you just ship the headers and binaries(libs and dlls) so that you hide the main logic behind your function implementation.

Here the problem is you have to use "" instead of <> as you are including a file which is located inside the same directory to the file where the inclusion happens. It is common to both .c and .h files

Set cursor position on contentEditable <div>


I've written a cross-browser range and selection library called Rangy that incorporates an improved version of the code I posted below. You can use the selection save and restore module for this particular question, although I'd be tempted to use something like @Nico Burns's answer if you're not doing anything else with selections in your project and don't need the bulk of a library.

Previous answer

You can use IERange ( to convert IE's TextRange into something like a DOM Range and use it in conjunction with something like eyelidlessness's starting point. Personally I would only use the algorithms from IERange that do the Range <-> TextRange conversions rather than use the whole thing. And IE's selection object doesn't have the focusNode and anchorNode properties but you should be able to just use the Range/TextRange obtained from the selection instead.

I might put something together to do this, will post back here if and when I do.


I've created a demo of a script that does this. It works in everything I've tried it in so far except for a bug in Opera 9, which I haven't had time to look into yet. Browsers it works in are IE 5.5, 6 and 7, Chrome 2, Firefox 2, 3 and 3.5, and Safari 4, all on Windows.

Note that selections may be made backwards in browsers so that the focus node is at the start of the selection and hitting the right or left cursor key will move the caret to a position relative to the start of the selection. I don't think it is possible to replicate this when restoring a selection, so the focus node is always at the end of the selection.

I will write this up fully at some point soon.

Having a UITextField in a UITableViewCell

I ran into the same problem. It seems that setting the cell.textlabel.text property brings the UILabel to the front of the contentView of the cell. Add the textView after setting textLabel.text, or (if that's not possible) call this:

[cell.contentView bringSubviewToFront:textField]

Difference between ${} and $() in Bash

  1. $() means: "first evaluate this, and then evaluate the rest of the line".

    Ex :

    echo $(pwd)/myFile.txt

    will be interpreted as

    echo /my/path/myFile.txt

    On the other hand ${} expands a variable.


    echo ${MY_VAR}/myFile.txt

    will be interpreted as

    echo toto/myFile.txt
  2. Why can't I use it as bash$ while ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do echo $i; done

    I'm afraid the answer is just that the bash syntax for while just isn't the same as the syntax for for.

Most popular screen sizes/resolutions on Android phones

There is now official Device Metrics on the Material Design site, those metrics are a hand picked devices list, not an actual statistics, but it too can be really helpful:

default web page width - 1024px or 980px?

I use mostly 978px width for my designs. Adv. of 978px : can be divided by 2,3.

Inherit CSS class

You could also use the !important feature of css to make qualities you do not want to override in the original class. I am using this on my site to keep some of the essential characteristics of the original class while overriding others:

<div class="foo bar">
.foo {
color: blue;
width: 200px  !important;

.bar {
color: red;
width: 400px;

This will generate a class "foo bar" element that is red and 200px. This is great if you are using the other two classes individually and just want a piece from each class.

How to force view controller orientation in iOS 8?

On Xcode 8 the methods are converted to properties, so the following works with Swift:

override public var supportedInterfaceOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMask.portrait

override public var preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation: UIInterfaceOrientation {
    return UIInterfaceOrientation.portrait

override public var shouldAutorotate: Bool {
    return true

Spring JPA @Query with LIKE

@Query("select u from user u where u.username LIKE :username")
List<User> findUserByUsernameLike(@Param("username") String username);

How can I map True/False to 1/0 in a Pandas DataFrame?

You also can do this directly on Frames

In [104]: df = DataFrame(dict(A = True, B = False),index=range(3))

In [105]: df
      A      B
0  True  False
1  True  False
2  True  False

In [106]: df.dtypes
A    bool
B    bool
dtype: object

In [107]: df.astype(int)
   A  B
0  1  0
1  1  0
2  1  0

In [108]: df.astype(int).dtypes
A    int64
B    int64
dtype: object

Why am I getting string does not name a type Error?

Your using declaration is in game.cpp, not game.h where you actually declare string variables. You intended to put using namespace std; into the header, above the lines that use string, which would let those lines find the string type defined in the std namespace.

As others have pointed out, this is not good practice in headers -- everyone who includes that header will also involuntarily hit the using line and import std into their namespace; the right solution is to change those lines to use std::string instead

ES6 Class Multiple inheritance

Check my example below, super method working as expected. Using a few tricks even instanceof works (most of the time):

// base class
class A {  
  foo() {
    console.log(`from A -> inside instance of A: ${this instanceof A}`);

// B mixin, will need a wrapper over it to be used
const B = (B) => class extends B {
  foo() {
    if (; // mixins don't know who is super, guard against not having the method
    console.log(`from B -> inside instance of B: ${this instanceof B}`);

// C mixin, will need a wrapper over it to be used
const C = (C) => class extends C {
  foo() {
    if (; // mixins don't know who is super, guard against not having the method
    console.log(`from C -> inside instance of C: ${this instanceof C}`);

// D class, extends A, B and C, preserving composition and super method
class D extends C(B(A)) {  
  foo() {;
    console.log(`from D -> inside instance of D: ${this instanceof D}`);

// E class, extends A and C
class E extends C(A) {
  foo() {;
    console.log(`from E -> inside instance of E: ${this instanceof E}`);

// F class, extends B only
class F extends B(Object) {
  foo() {;
    console.log(`from F -> inside instance of F: ${this instanceof F}`);

// G class, C wrap to be used with new decorator, pretty format
class G extends C(Object) {}

const inst1 = new D(),
      inst2 = new E(),
      inst3 = new F(),
      inst4 = new G(),
      inst5 = new (B(Object)); // instance only B, ugly format

console.log(`Test D: extends A, B, C -> outside instance of D: ${inst1 instanceof D}`);;
console.log(`Test E: extends A, C -> outside instance of E: ${inst2 instanceof E}`);;
console.log(`Test F: extends B -> outside instance of F: ${inst3 instanceof F}`);;
console.log(`Test G: wraper to use C alone with "new" decorator, pretty format -> outside instance of G: ${inst4 instanceof G}`);;
console.log(`Test B alone, ugly format "new (B(Object))" -> outside instance of B: ${inst5 instanceof B}, this one fails`);;

Will print out

Test D: extends A, B, C -> outside instance of D: true
from A -> inside instance of A: true
from B -> inside instance of B: true
from C -> inside instance of C: true
from D -> inside instance of D: true
Test E: extends A, C -> outside instance of E: true
from A -> inside instance of A: true
from C -> inside instance of C: true
from E -> inside instance of E: true
Test F: extends B -> outside instance of F: true
from B -> inside instance of B: true
from F -> inside instance of F: true
Test G: wraper to use C alone with "new" decorator, pretty format -> outside instance of G: true
from C -> inside instance of C: true
Test B alone, ugly format "new (B(Object))" -> outside instance of B: false, this one fails
from B -> inside instance of B: true

Link to fiddle around

How to perform case-insensitive sorting in JavaScript?

arr.sort(function(a,b) {
    a = a.toLowerCase();
    b = b.toLowerCase();
    if( a == b) return 0;
    if( a > b) return 1;
    return -1;

In above function, if we just compare when lower case two value a and b, we will not have the pretty result.

Example, if array is [A, a, B, b, c, C, D, d, e, E] and we use the above function, we have exactly that array. It's not changed anything.

To have the result is [A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, E, e], we should compare again when two lower case value is equal:

function caseInsensitiveComparator(valueA, valueB) {
    var valueALowerCase = valueA.toLowerCase();
    var valueBLowerCase = valueB.toLowerCase();

    if (valueALowerCase < valueBLowerCase) {
        return -1;
    } else if (valueALowerCase > valueBLowerCase) {
        return 1;
    } else { //valueALowerCase === valueBLowerCase
        if (valueA < valueB) {
            return -1;
        } else if (valueA > valueB) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;

What is System, out, println in System.out.println() in Java

Whenever you're confused, I would suggest consulting the Javadoc as the first place for your clarification.

From the javadoc about System, here's what the doc says:

public final class System
extends Object

The System class contains several useful class fields and methods. It cannot be instantiated.
Among the facilities provided by the System class are standard input, standard output, and error output streams; access to externally defined properties and environment variables; a means of loading files and libraries; and a utility method for quickly copying a portion of an array.


Regarding System.out

public static final PrintStream out
The "standard" output stream. This stream is already open and ready to accept output data. Typically this stream corresponds to display output or another output destination specified by the host environment or user.
For simple stand-alone Java applications, a typical way to write a line of output data is:


Simple int to char[] conversion

  int i = 247593;
  char str[10];

  sprintf(str, "%d", i);
// Now str contains the integer as characters

Hope it will be helpful to you.

What is the opposite of :hover (on mouse leave)?

Just add a transition and the name of the animation on the class inicial, in your case, ul li a, just add a "transition" property and that is all you need

ul li {_x000D_
    display: inline;_x000D_
    margin-left: 20px;_x000D_
ul li a {_x000D_
    color: #999;_x000D_
    transition: 1s;_x000D_
    -webkit-animation: item-hover-off 1s;_x000D_
    -moz-animation: item-hover-off 1s;_x000D_
    animation: item-hover-off 1s;_x000D_
ul li a:hover {_x000D_
    color: black;_x000D_
    cursor: pointer;_x000D_
    -webkit-animation: item-hover 1s;_x000D_
    -moz-animation: item-hover 1s;_x000D_
    animation: item-hover 1s;_x000D_
@keyframes item-hover {_x000D_
    from {_x000D_
      color: #999;_x000D_
    to {_x000D_
      color: black;_x000D_
@-moz-keyframes item-hover {_x000D_
    from {_x000D_
        color: #999;_x000D_
    to {_x000D_
        color: black;_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes item-hover {_x000D_
    from {_x000D_
        color: #999;_x000D_
    to {_x000D_
        color: black;_x000D_
@keyframes item-hover-off {_x000D_
    from {_x000D_
      color: black;_x000D_
    to {_x000D_
      color: #999;_x000D_
@-moz-keyframes item-hover-off {_x000D_
    from {_x000D_
        color: black;_x000D_
    to {_x000D_
        color: #999;_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes item-hover-off {_x000D_
    from {_x000D_
        color: black;_x000D_
    to {_x000D_
        color: #999;_x000D_

Getting an attribute value in xml element

How about:


import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

public class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document document = db.parse(new File("input.xml"));
        NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("Item");
        for(int x=0,size= nodeList.getLength(); x<size; x++) {

ValueError : I/O operation on closed file

Indent correctly; your for statement should be inside the with block:

import csv    

with open('v.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
    cwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

    for w, c in p.items():
        cwriter.writerow(w + c)

Outside the with block, the file is closed.

>>> with open('/tmp/1', 'w') as f:
...     print(f.closed)
>>> print(f.closed)

Inserting a string into a list without getting split into characters

To add to the end of the list:


To insert at the beginning:

list.insert(0, 'foo')

How do I add a submodule to a sub-directory?

For those of you who share my weird fondness of manually editing config files, adding (or modifying) the following would also do the trick.

.git/config (personal config)

[submodule "cookbooks/apt"]
    url =

.gitmodules (committed shared config)

[submodule "cookbooks/apt"]
    path = cookbooks/apt
    url =

See this as well - difference between .gitmodules and specifying submodules in .git/config?

How to reset (clear) form through JavaScript?

Clear the form as follows


You can simply clear the form elements within the group. by using this forms[0].

Embedding Windows Media Player for all browsers

December 2020 :

  • We have now Firefox 83.0 and Chrome 87.0
  • Internet Explorer is dead, it has been replaced by the new Chromium-based Edge 87.0
  • Silverlight is dead
  • Windows XP is dead
  • WMV is not a standard :

To answer the question :

  • You have to convert your WMV file to another format : MP4, WebM or Ogg video.
  • Then embed it in your page with the HTML 5 <video> element.

I think this question should be closed.

How to create EditText accepts Alphabets only in android?

Add this line with your EditText tag.


Your EditText tag should look like:

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

ImportError: No module named PytQt5

This probably means that python doesn't know where PyQt5 is located. To check, go into the interactive terminal and type:

import sys
print sys.path

What you probably need to do is add the directory that contains the PyQt5 module to your PYTHONPATH environment variable. If you use bash, here's how:

Type the following into your shell, and add it to the end of the file ~/.bashrc

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/PyQt5/directory:$PYTHONPATH

where /path/to/PyQt5/directory is the path to the folder where the PyQt5 library is located.

How to get previous month and year relative to today, using strtotime and date?

I think you've found a bug in the strtotime function. Whenever I have to work around this, I always find myself doing math on the month/year values. Try something like this:

$LastMonth = (date('n') - 1) % 12;
$Year      =  date('Y') - !$LastMonth;

Order by descending date - month, day and year

Assuming that you have the power to make schema changes the only acceptable answer to this question IMO is to change the base data type to something more appropriate (e.g. date if SQL Server 2008).

Storing dates as mm/dd/yyyy strings is space inefficient, difficult to validate correctly and makes sorting and date calculations needlessly painful.

Parse json string using JSON.NET

I did not test the following snippet... hopefully it will point you towards the right direction:

    var jsreader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(stringData));
    var json = (JObject)new JsonSerializer().Deserialize(jsreader);
    var tableRows = from p in json["items"]
                 select new
                     Name = (string)p["Name"],
                     Age = (int)p["Age"],
                     Job = (string)p["Job"]

ng-if check if array is empty

In my experience, doing this on the HTML template proved difficult so I decided to use an event to call a function on TS and then check the condition. If true make condition equals to true and then use that variable on the ngIf on HTML

    emptyClause(array:any) {

        if (array.length === 0) {
            // array empty or does not exist





        <div class="row">

            <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-1 col-xs-1"></div>
            <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-10 col-xs-10">
        <div [hidden]="emptyMessage" class="alert alert-danger">

            No Clauses Have Been Identified For the Search Criteria

            <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-1 col-xs-1"></div>

Could not reserve enough space for object heap

I got the same error and it got resolved when I deleted temp files using %temp% and restarting eclipse.