Programs & Examples On #Couchdb

Apache CouchDB is a document-oriented database that can be queried and indexed in a MapReduce fashion. It exposes a pure restful API, making interaction possible from any language with the ability to send HTTP requests. This also allows "Futon", the administration interface, to work completely in the browser. It also offers incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution.

SQL (MySQL) vs NoSQL (CouchDB)

Seems like only real solutions today revolve around scaling out or sharding. All modern databases (NoSQLs as well as NewSQLs) support horizontal scaling right out of the box, at the database layer, without the need for the application to have sharding code or something.

Unfortunately enough, for the trusted good-old MySQL, sharding is not provided "out of the box". ScaleBase (disclaimer: I work there) is a maker of a complete scale-out solution an "automatic sharding machine" if you like. ScaleBae analyzes your data and SQL stream, splits the data across DB nodes, and aggregates in runtime – so you won’t have to! And it's free download.

Don't get me wrong, NoSQLs are great, they're new, new is more choice and choice is always good!! But choosing NoSQL comes with a price, make sure you can pay it...

You can see here some more data about MySQL, NoSQL...:

Hope that helped.

When to use CouchDB over MongoDB and vice versa

Ask this questions yourself? And you will decide your DB selection.

  1. Do you need master-master? Then CouchDB. Mainly CouchDB supports master-master replication which anticipates nodes being disconnected for long periods of time. MongoDB would not do well in that environment.
  2. Do you need MAXIMUM R/W throughput? Then MongoDB
  3. Do you need ultimate single-server durability because you are only going to have a single DB server? Then CouchDB.
  4. Are you storing a MASSIVE data set that needs sharding while maintaining insane throughput? Then MongoDB.
  5. Do you need strong consistency of data? Then MongoDB.
  6. Do you need high availability of database? Then CouchDB.
  7. Are you hoping multi databases and multi tables/ collections? Then MongoDB
  8. You have a mobile app offline users and want to sync their activity data to a server? Then you need CouchDB.
  9. Do you need large variety of querying engine? Then MongoDB
  10. Do you need large community to be using DB? Then MongoDB

MongoDB or CouchDB - fit for production?

The BBC and use CouchDB in production and so does one of my clients. Here is a list of other people using Couch: CouchDB in the wild

The major challenge is to know how to organize your documents and stop thinking in terms of relational data.

Create a remote branch on GitHub

Git is supposed to understand what files already exist on the server, unless you somehow made a huge difference to your tree and the new changes need to be sent.

To create a new branch with a copy of your current state

git checkout -b new_branch #< create a new local branch with a copy of your code
git push origin new_branch #< pushes to the server

Can you please describe the steps you did to understand what might have made your repository need to send that much to the server.

What is the 'override' keyword in C++ used for?

And as an addendum to all answers, FYI: override is not a keyword, but a special kind of identifier! It has meaning only in the context of declaring/defining virtual functions, in other contexts it's just an ordinary identifier. For details read 2.11.2 of The Standard.

#include <iostream>

struct base
    virtual void foo() = 0;

struct derived : base
    virtual void foo() override
        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;

int main()
    base* override = new derived();
    return 0;


zaufi@gentop /work/tests $ g++ -std=c++11 -o override-test
zaufi@gentop /work/tests $ ./override-test
virtual void derived::foo()

ExpressJS How to structure an application?

I am giving MVC style folder structure please find bellow .

We used bellow folder structure for our big and medium web applications .

|      |____controllers
|      |    |____home.js
|      |
|      |____models
|      |     |___home.js
|      |
|      |____views
|           |___404.ejs
|           |___error.ejs
|           |___index.ejs
|           |___login.ejs
|           |___signup.ejs
|     |___auth.js
|     |___constants.js
|     |___database.js
|     |___passport.js
|     |___routes.js
|    |___email.js
|    |____css
|    |    |__style.css
|    |    
|    |____js
|    |    |__script.js
|    |
|    |____img
|    |    |__img.jpg
|    |
|    |
|    |____uploads
|         |__img.jpg

I have created one npm module for generation express mvc folder structurer.

Please find the bellow

Just simple steps to generate and use this modules .

i) install module npm install express-mvc-generator -g

ii) check options express -h

iii) Generate express mvc structure express myapp

iv) Install dependencies: npm install:

v)Open your config/database.js , Please configure your mongo db.

vi)Run the application node app or nodemon app

vii)Check URL http://localhost:8042/signup OR http://yourip:8042/signup

How do I force Kubernetes to re-pull an image?

# Linux

kubectl patch deployment <name> -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"

# windows

kubectl patch deployment <name> -p (-join("{\""spec\"":{\""template\"":{\""metadata\"":{\""annotations\"":{\""date\"":\""" , $(Get-Date -Format o).replace(':','-').replace('+','_') , "\""}}}}}"))

Change UITextField and UITextView Cursor / Caret Color

This worked for me in swift:

UITextField.tintColor = UIColor.blackColor()

You can also set this in storyboard:

Import .bak file to a database in SQL server

On SQL Server Management Studio

  1. Right click Databases on left pane (Object Explorer)
  2. Click Restore Database...
  3. Choose Device, click ..., and add your .bak file
  4. Click OK, then OK again



MySQL will assume the part before the equals references the columns named in the INSERT INTO clause, and the second part references the SELECT columns.

INSERT INTO lee(exp_id, created_by, location, animal, starttime, endtime, entct, 
                inact, inadur, inadist, 
                smlct, smldur, smldist, 
                larct, lardur, lardist, 
                emptyct, emptydur)
SELECT id, uid, t.location, t.animal, t.starttime, t.endtime, t.entct, 
       t.inact, t.inadur, t.inadist, 
       t.smlct, t.smldur, t.smldist, 
       t.larct, t.lardur, t.lardist, 
       t.emptyct, t.emptydur 
FROM tmp t WHERE uid=x
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE entct=t.entct, inact=t.inact, ...

How to get an MD5 checksum in PowerShell

Here's a function I use that handles relative and absolute paths:

function md5hash($path)
    $fullPath = Resolve-Path $path
    $md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
    $file = [System.IO.File]::Open($fullPath,[System.IO.Filemode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read)
    try {
    } finally {

Thanks to @davor above for the suggestion to use Open() instead of ReadAllBytes() and to @jpmc26 for the suggestion to use a finally block.

Get item in the list in Scala?

Why parentheses?

Here is the quote from the book programming in scala.

Another important idea illustrated by this example will give you insight into why arrays are accessed with parentheses in Scala. Scala has fewer special cases than Java. Arrays are simply instances of classes like any other class in Scala. When you apply parentheses surrounding one or more values to a variable, Scala will transform the code into an invocation of a method named apply on that variable. So greetStrings(i) gets transformed into greetStrings.apply(i). Thus accessing an element of an array in Scala is simply a method call like any other. This principle is not restricted to arrays: any application of an object to some arguments in parentheses will be transformed to an apply method call. Of course this will compile only if that type of object actually defines an apply method. So it's not a special case; it's a general rule.

Here are a few examples how to pull certain element (first elem in this case) using functional programming style.

  // Create a multdimension Array 
  scala> val a = Array.ofDim[String](2, 3)
  a: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(null, null, null), Array(null, null, null))
  scala> a(0) = Array("1","2","3")
  scala> a(1) = Array("4", "5", "6")
  scala> a
  Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(1, 2, 3), Array(4, 5, 6))

  // 1. paratheses
  Array[String] = Array(1, 4)
  // 2. apply
  Array[String] = Array(1, 4)
  // 3. function literal
  scala> => a(0))
  Array[String] = Array(1, 4)
  // 4. lift
  Array[Option[String]] = Array(Some(1), Some(4))
  // 5. head or last 
  Array[String] = Array(1, 4)

jQuery loop over JSON result from AJAX Success?

You can also use the getJSON function:

    $.getJSON('/your/script.php', function(data) {
        $.each(data, function(index) {

This is really just a rewording of ifesdjeen's answer, but I thought it might be helpful to people.

REACT - toggle class onclick

Just wanted to add my approach. Using hooks and context provider.


function NavBar() {
  const filterDispatch = useDispatchFilter()
  const {filter} = useStateFilter()
  const activeRef = useRef(null)
  const completeRef = useRef(null)
  const cancelRef = useRef(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    let activeClass = '';
    let completeClass = '';
    let cancelClass = '';
    if(filter === ACTIVE_ORDERS){
    }else if ( filter === COMPLETE_ORDERS ){
    }else if(filter === CANCEL_ORDERS ) {
    activeRef.current.className = activeClass
    completeRef.current.className = completeClass
    cancelRef.current.className = cancelClass
  }, [filter])

  return (
    <div className="tabs is-centered">
        <li ref={activeRef}>
            onClick={() => filterDispatch({type: 'FILTER_ACTIVE'})}

        <li ref={completeRef}>
            onClick={() => filterDispatch({type: 'FILTER_COMPLETE'})}
        <li ref={cancelRef}>
            onClick={() => filterDispatch({type: 'FILTER_CANCEL'})}

export default NavBar


export const ACTIVE_ORDERS = [
export const COMPLETE_ORDERS = ["complete"]
export const CANCEL_ORDERS = ["cancel"]

const FilterStateContext = createContext()
const FilterDispatchContext = createContext()

export const FilterProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(FilterReducer, { filter: ACTIVE_ORDERS })
  return (
    <FilterStateContext.Provider value={state}>
      <FilterDispatchContext.Provider value={dispatch}>
export const useStateFilter = () => {
  const context = useContext(FilterStateContext)
  if (context === undefined) {
    throw new Error("place useStateMap within FilterProvider")
  return context
export const useDispatchFilter = () => {
  const context = useContext(FilterDispatchContext)
  if (context === undefined) {
    throw new Error("place useDispatchMap within FilterProvider")
  return context

export const FilterReducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "FILTER_ACTIVE":
      return {
        filter: ACTIVE_ORDERS,
      return {
        filter: COMPLETE_ORDERS,
    case "FILTER_CANCEL":
      return {
        filter: CANCEL_ORDERS,
  return state

Works fast, and replaces redux.

Print directly from browser without print popup window

For IE browsers, the "VBScript solution" works.

But as mentioned by @purefusion at Bypass Printdialog in IE9, Use Print() rather than window.print()

Git submodule head 'reference is not a tree' error

Assuming the submodule's repository does contain a commit you want to use (unlike the commit that is referenced from current state of the super-project), there are two ways to do it.

The first requires you to already know the commit from the submodule that you want to use. It works from the “inside, out” by directly adjusting the submodule then updating the super-project. The second works from the “outside, in” by finding the super-project's commit that modified the submodule and then reseting the super-project's index to refer to a different submodule commit.

Inside, Out

If you already know which commit you want the submodule to use, cd to the submodule, check out the commit you want, then git add and git commit it back in the super-project.


$ git submodule update
fatal: reference is not a tree: e47c0a16d5909d8cb3db47c81896b8b885ae1556
Unable to checkout 'e47c0a16d5909d8cb3db47c81896b8b885ae1556' in submodule path 'sub'

Oops, someone made a super-project commit that refers to an unpublished commit in the submodule sub. Somehow, we already know that we want the submodule to be at commit 5d5a3ee314476701a20f2c6ec4a53f88d651df6c. Go there and check it out directly.

Checkout in the Submodule

$ cd sub
$ git checkout 5d5a3ee314476701a20f2c6ec4a53f88d651df6c
Note: moving to '5d5a3ee314476701a20f2c6ec4a53f88d651df6c' which isn't a local branch
If you want to create a new branch from this checkout, you may do so
(now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
  git checkout -b <new_branch_name>
HEAD is now at 5d5a3ee... quux
$ cd ..

Since we are checking out a commit, this produces a detached HEAD in the submodule. If you want to make sure that the submodule is using a branch, then use git checkout -b newbranch <commit> to create and checkout a branch at the commit or checkout the branch that you want (e.g. one with the desired commit at the tip).

Update the Super-project

A checkout in the submodule is reflected in the super-project as a change to the working tree. So we need to stage the change in the super-project's index and verify the results.

$ git add sub

Check the Results

$ git submodule update
$ git diff
$ git diff --cached
diff --git c/sub i/sub
index e47c0a1..5d5a3ee 160000
--- c/sub
+++ i/sub
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit e47c0a16d5909d8cb3db47c81896b8b885ae1556
+Subproject commit 5d5a3ee314476701a20f2c6ec4a53f88d651df6c

The submodule update was silent because the submodule is already at the specified commit. The first diff shows that the index and worktree are the same. The third diff shows that the only staged change is moving the sub submodule to a different commit.


git commit

This commits the fixed-up submodule entry.

Outside, In

If you are not sure which commit you should use from the submodule, you can look at the history in the superproject to guide you. You can also manage the reset directly from the super-project.

$ git submodule update
fatal: reference is not a tree: e47c0a16d5909d8cb3db47c81896b8b885ae1556
Unable to checkout 'e47c0a16d5909d8cb3db47c81896b8b885ae1556' in submodule path 'sub'

This is the same situation as above. But this time we will focus on fixing it from the super-project instead of dipping into the submodule.

Find the Super-project's Errant Commit

$ git log --oneline -p -- sub
ce5d37c local change in sub
diff --git a/sub b/sub
index 5d5a3ee..e47c0a1 160000
--- a/sub
+++ b/sub
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 5d5a3ee314476701a20f2c6ec4a53f88d651df6c
+Subproject commit e47c0a16d5909d8cb3db47c81896b8b885ae1556
bca4663 added sub
diff --git a/sub b/sub
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..5d5a3ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sub
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 5d5a3ee314476701a20f2c6ec4a53f88d651df6c

OK, it looks like it went bad in ce5d37c, so we will restore the submodule from its parent (ce5d37c~).

Alternatively, you can take the submodule's commit from the patch text (5d5a3ee314476701a20f2c6ec4a53f88d651df6c) and use the above “inside, out” process instead.

Checkout in the Super-project

$ git checkout ce5d37c~ -- sub

This reset the submodule entry for sub to what it was at commit ce5d37c~ in the super-project.

Update the Submodule

$ git submodule update
Submodule path 'sub': checked out '5d5a3ee314476701a20f2c6ec4a53f88d651df6c'

The submodule update went OK (it indicates a detached HEAD).

Check the Results

$ git diff ce5d37c~ -- sub
$ git diff
$ git diff --cached
diff --git c/sub i/sub
index e47c0a1..5d5a3ee 160000
--- c/sub
+++ i/sub
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit e47c0a16d5909d8cb3db47c81896b8b885ae1556
+Subproject commit 5d5a3ee314476701a20f2c6ec4a53f88d651df6c

The first diff shows that sub is now the same in ce5d37c~. The second diff shows that the index and worktree are the same. The third diff shows the only staged change is moving the sub submodule to a different commit.


git commit

This commits the fixed-up submodule entry.

No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 4'

Check if your test class extends "TestCase". if so, remove that clause. Your class does not need to extend from "TestCase" class. It's most of the cases I've met.

public class MyTestCase extends TestCase{
  public void checkSomething() {
//Result> AssertionFailedError: No test Found in MyTestCase

Following TestCase should be fine.

public class MyTestCase {
  public void checkSomething() {
//Works fine

Find all controls in WPF Window by type

Small change to the recursion to so you can for example find the child tab control of a tab control.

    public static DependencyObject FindInVisualTreeDown(DependencyObject obj, Type type)
        if (obj != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj); i++)
                DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i);

                if (child.GetType() == type)
                    return child;

                DependencyObject childReturn = FindInVisualTreeDown(child, type);
                if (childReturn != null)
                    return childReturn;

        return null;

How to set a class attribute to a Symfony2 form input

You can do it with FormBuilder. Add this to the array in your FormBuilder:

'attr'=> array('class'=>'span2')

How can I get the application's path in a .NET console application?

If you are looking for a .NET Core compatible way, use


This was introduced in .NET Framework 4.6 and .NET Core 1.0 (and .NET Standard 1.3). See: AppContext.BaseDirectory Property.

According to this page,

This is the prefered replacement for AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory in .NET Core

how to set font size based on container size?

I used Fittext on some of my projects and it looks like a good solution to a problem like this.

FitText makes font-sizes flexible. Use this plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.

Deserializing a JSON into a JavaScript object

If you paste the string in server-side into the html don't need to do nothing:

For plain java in jsp:

var jsonObj=<%=jsonStringInJavaServlet%>;

For jsp width struts:

var jsonObj=<s:property value="jsonStringInJavaServlet" escape="false" escapeHtml="false"/>;

jQuery - Getting form values for ajax POST

var username = $('#username').val();
var email= $('#email').val();
var password= $('#password').val();

Inserting a value into all possible locations in a list

Use insert() to insert an element before a given position.

For instance, with

arr = ['A','B','C']

arr becomes ['D','A','B','C'] because D is inserted before the element at index 0.

Now, for

arr = ['A','B','C']

arr becomes ['A','B','C','D'] because D is inserted before the element at index 4 (which is 1 beyond the end of the array).

However, if you are looking to generate all permutations of an array, there are ways to do this already built into Python. The itertools package has a permutation generator.

Here's some example code:

import itertools
arr = ['A','B','C']
perms = itertools.permutations(arr)
for perm in perms:
    print perm

will print out

('A', 'B', 'C')
('A', 'C', 'B')
('B', 'A', 'C')
('B', 'C', 'A')
('C', 'A', 'B')
('C', 'B', 'A')

How does inline Javascript (in HTML) work?

using javascript:

here input element is used

<input type="text" id="fname" onkeyup="javascript:console.log(window.event.key)">

if you want to use multiline code use curly braces after javascript:

<input type="text" id="fname" onkeyup="javascript:{ console.log(window.event.key); alert('hello'); }">

how to get all child list from Firebase android

mDatabase.child("token").addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
            public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
              for (DataSnapshot snapshot:dataSnapshot.getChildren())
                 String key= snapshot.getKey();
                 String value=snapshot.getValue().toString();

            public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {

Only work If child have no SubChild

enter image description here

Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result

I was getting this same error on my server - PHP 7.0 with the mysqlnd extension already enabled.

Solution was for me (thanks to this page) was to deselect the mysqli extension and select nd_mysqli instead.

NB - You may be able to access the extensions selector in your cPanel. (I access mine via the Select PHP Version option.)

Using os.walk() to recursively traverse directories in Python

Recursive walk through a directory where you get ALL files from all dirs in the current directory and you get ALL dirs from the current directory - because codes above don't have a simplicity (imho):

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootFolderPath):
    for filename in files:
        doSomethingWithFile(os.path.join(root, filename))
    for dirname in dirs:
        doSomewthingWithDir(os.path.join(root, dirname))

Setting max width for body using Bootstrap

You don't have to modify bootstrap-responsive by removing @media (max-width:1200px) ...

My application has a max-width of 1600px. Here's how it worked for me:

  1. Create bootstrap-custom.css - As much as possible, I don't want to override my original bootstrap css.

  2. Inside bootstrap-custom.css, override the container-fluid by including this code:

Like this:

/* set a max-width for horizontal fluid layout and make it centered */
.container-fluid {
  margin-right: auto;
  margin-left: auto;
  max-width: 1600px; /* or 950px */

How to blur background images in Android

This might be a very late reply but I hope it helps someone.

  1. You can use third party libs such as RenderScript/Blurry/etc.
  2. If you do not want to use any third party libs, you can do the below using alpha(setting alpha to 0 means complete blur and 1 means same as existing).

Note(If you are using point 2) : While setting alpha to the background, it will blur the whole layout. To avoid this, create a new xml containing drawable and set alpha here to 0.5 (or value of your wish) and use this drawable name (name of file) as the background.

For example, use it as below (say file name is bgndblur.xml):

<bitmap xmlns:android=""

Use the below in your layout :


Hope this helped.

How to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android?

Try this:

 DatePicker datePicker = (DatePicker) findViewById(;
 int day = datePicker.getDayOfMonth();
 int month = datePicker.getMonth() + 1;
 int year = datePicker.getYear();

What is the best way to extract the first word from a string in Java?

You can use String.split with a limit of 2.

    String s = "Hello World, I'm the rest.";
    String[] result = s.split(" ", 2);
    String first = result[0];
    String rest = result[1];
    System.out.println("First: " + first);
    System.out.println("Rest: " + rest);

    // prints =>
    // First: Hello
    // Rest: World, I'm the rest.

T-SQL: Looping through an array of known values

I usually use the following approach

    id INT IDENTITY(1,1)
    ,parameter INT

select parameter from some_table where some_condition -- here you populate your parameters

declare @i int
declare @n int
declare @myId int
select @i = min(id), @n = max(id) from @calls
while @i <= @n
        @myId = parameter
    where id = @i

        EXECUTE p_MyInnerProcedure @myId
    set @i = @i+1

Why would you use String.Equals over ==?

I want to add that there is another difference. It is related to what Andrew posts.

It is also related to a VERY annoying to find bug in our software. See the following simplified example (I also omitted the null check).

public const int SPECIAL_NUMBER = 213;

public bool IsSpecialNumberEntered(string numberTextBoxTextValue)
    return numberTextBoxTextValue.Equals(SPECIAL_NUMBER)

This will compile and always return false. While the following will give a compile error:

public const int SPECIAL_NUMBER = 213;

public bool IsSpecialNumberEntered(string numberTextBoxTextValue)
    return (numberTextBoxTextValue == SPECIAL_NUMBER);

We have had to solve a similar problem where someone compared enums of different type using Equals. You are going to read over this MANY times before realising it is the cause of the bug. Especially if the definition of SPECIAL_NUMBER is not near the problem area.

This is why I am really against the use of Equals in situations where is it not necessary. You lose a little bit of type-safety.

HTML5 Email input pattern attribute

This is a dual problem (as many in the world wide web world).

You need to evaluate if the browser supports html5 (I use Modernizr to do it). In this case if you have a normal form the browser will do the job for you, but if you need ajax/json (as many of everyday case) you need to perform manual verification anyway.

.. so, my suggestion is to use a regular expression to evaluate anytime before submit. The expression I use is the following:

var email = /^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/;

This one is taken from . This is a hard world to understand and master, so I suggest you to read this page carefully.

How to change the project in GCP using CLI commands

You should actually use the project ID and not the name as the other answers imply.


gcloud projects list

PROJECT_ID              NAME                  PROJECT_NUMBER
something-staging-2587  something-staging     804012817122
something-production-24 something-production  392181605736


gcloud config set project something-staging-2587

It's also the same thing when using just the --project flag with one of the commands:

gcloud --project something-staging-2587 compute ssh my_vm

If you use the name it will silently accept it but then you'll always get connection or permission issues when trying to deploy something to the project.

Docker compose, running containers in net:host

Maybe I am answering very late. But I was also having a problem configuring host network in docker compose. Then I read the documentation thoroughly and made the changes and it worked. Please note this configuration is for docker-compose version "3.7". Here einwohner_net and elk_net_net are my user-defined networks required for my application. I am using host net to get some system metrics.

Link To Documentation

version: '3.7'
    image: ramansharma/einwohnertomcat:v0.0.1
      replicas: 1
       - '8080:8080'
     - type: bind
       source: /proc
       target: /hostfs/proc
       read_only: true
     - type: bind
       source: /sys/fs/cgroup
       target: /hostfs/sys/fs/cgroup
       read_only: true
     - type: bind
       source: /
       target: /hostfs
       read_only: true
     hostnet: {}
     - einwohner_net
     - elk_elk_net
   external: true
   external: true
   name: host

Replacing values from a column using a condition in R

I arrived here from a google search, since my other code is 'tidy' so leaving the 'tidy' way for anyone who else who may find it useful

iris %>% 
  mutate(Species = ifelse(as.character(Species) == "virginica", "newValue", as.character(Species)))

nginx upload client_max_body_size issue

Does your upload die at the very end? 99% before crashing? Client body and buffers are key because nginx must buffer incoming data. The body configs (data of the request body) specify how nginx handles the bulk flow of binary data from multi-part-form clients into your app's logic.

The clean setting frees up memory and consumption limits by instructing nginx to store incoming buffer in a file and then clean this file later from disk by deleting it.

Set body_in_file_only to clean and adjust buffers for the client_max_body_size. The original question's config already had sendfile on, increase timeouts too. I use the settings below to fix this, appropriate across your local config, server, & http contexts.

client_body_in_file_only clean;
client_body_buffer_size 32K;

client_max_body_size 300M;

sendfile on;
send_timeout 300s;

Netbeans - Error: Could not find or load main class

I had the same problem and I moved the project to a location where the path had no none-english letter and that fixed the problem

How to transition to a new view controller with code only using Swift

Updated for Swift 3, some of these answers are a bit outdated.

let mainStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main)
        let vc : UIViewController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "myStoryboardID") as UIViewController
        self.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)    }

How to export DataTable to Excel

Old thread - but thought i would throw my code in here. I wrote a little function to write a data table to a new excel sheet at a specified path (location). Also you will need to add a reference to microsoft excel 14.0 library.

I pulled from this thread on writing anything to excel - How to write some data to excel file(.xlsx)

i used that to extrapolate how to write a datatable

*note in catch statements i have an errorhandler static class reference (you can ignore those)

 using excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Data;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

 //class and namespace wrapper is not shown in this example 

 private void WriteToExcel(System.Data.DataTable dt, string location)
        //instantiate excel objects (application, workbook, worksheets)
        excel.Application XlObj = new excel.Application();
        XlObj.Visible = false;
        excel._Workbook WbObj = (excel.Workbook)(XlObj.Workbooks.Add(""));
        excel._Worksheet WsObj = (excel.Worksheet)WbObj.ActiveSheet;

        //run through datatable and assign cells to values of datatable
            int row = 1; int col = 1;
            foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
                //adding columns
                WsObj.Cells[row, col] = column.ColumnName;
            //reset column and row variables
            col = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                //adding data
                foreach (var cell in dt.Rows[i].ItemArray)
                    WsObj.Cells[row, col] = cell;
                col = 1;
        catch (COMException x)
        catch (Exception ex)

Execute PowerShell Script from C# with Commandline Arguments

You can also just use the pipeline with the AddScript Method:

string cmdArg = ".\script.ps1 -foo bar"            
Collection<PSObject> psresults;
using (Pipeline pipeline = _runspace.CreatePipeline())
                pipeline.Commands[0].MergeMyResults(PipelineResultTypes.Error, PipelineResultTypes.Output);
                psresults = pipeline.Invoke();
return psresults;

It will take a string, and whatever parameters you pass it.

What is AF_INET, and why do I need it?

The primary purpose of AF_INET was to allow for other possible network protocols or address families (AF is for address family; PF_INET is for the (IPv4) internet protocol family). For example, there probably are a few Netware SPX/IPX networks around still; there were other network systems like DECNet, StarLAN and SNA, not to mention the ill-begotten ISO OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), and these did not necessarily use the now ubiquitous IP address to identify the peer host in network connections.

The ubiquitous alternative to AF_INET (which, in retrospect, should have been named AF_INET4) is AF_INET6, for the IPv6 address family. IPv4 uses 32-bit addresses; IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses.

You may see some other values - but they are unusual. It is there to allow for alternatives and future directions. The sockets interface is actually very general indeed - which is one of the reasons it has thrived where other networking interfaces have withered.

Life has (mostly) gotten simpler - be grateful.

How to call jQuery function onclick?


 $(function () {
    var url = $(location).attr('href');
    $('#spn_url').html('<strong>' + url + '</strong>');
    $("#submit").click(function () {
        alert('button clicked');


<input id="submit" type="submit" value="submit" name="submit">

PHPExcel set border and format for all sheets in spreadsheet

To answer your extra question:

You can set which rows should be repeated on every page using:

$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getPageSetup()->setRowsToRepeatAtTopByStartAndEnd(1, 5);

Now, row 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be repeated.

JavaScript require() on client side

I have found that in general it is recommended to preprocess scripts at compile time and bundle them in one (or very few) packages with the require being rewritten to some "lightweight shim" also at compile time.

I've Googled out following "new" tools that should be able to do it

And the already mentioned browserify should also fit quite well -

What are the module systems all about?

Clicking HTML 5 Video element to play, pause video, breaks play button

The problem appears to be internal bubbling within the <video> element ... so when you click on the "Play" button the code triggers and then the play button itself get triggered :(

I couldn't find a simple (reliable) way to stop the click bubbling through (logic tells me there should be a way, but... it escapes me right now)

Anyway, the solution I found to this was to put a transparent <div> over the video sized to fit down to where the controls appear... so if you click on the div then your script controls play/pause but if the user clicks on the controls themselves then the <video> element handles that for you.

The sample below was sized for my video so you may need to juggle sizes of the relative <div>s but it should get you started

<div id="vOverlay" style="position:relative; width:600px; height:300px; z-index:2;"></div>
<video style="position:relative; top:-300px; z-index:1;width:600px;height:340px;" width="600" height="409" id=videoPlayer controls="controls">
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

    var v = document.getElementById('videoPlayer');
    var vv = document.getElementById('vOverlay');
    <!-- Auto play, Half volume -->
    v.volume = 0.5;
    v.firstChild.nodeValue = "Play";

    <!-- Play, Pause -->
        if (!v.paused) {
            console.log("pause playback");
            v.firstChild.nodeValue = 'Pause';
        } else {
            console.log("start playback")
            v.firstChild.nodeValue = 'Play';

How to make Bitmap compress without change the bitmap size?

i think you use this method to compress the bitmap

BitmapFactory.Option imageOpts = new BitmapFactory.Options ();
imageOpts.inSampleSize = 2;   // for 1/2 the image to be loaded
Bitmap thumb = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap (BitmapFactory.decodeFile(photoPath, imageOpts), 96, 96, false);

At runtime, find all classes in a Java application that extend a base class

Think about this from an aspect-oriented point of view; what you want to do, really, is know all the classes at runtime that HAVE extended the Animal class. (I think that's a slightly more accurate description of your problem than your title; otherwise, I don't think you have a runtime question.)

So what I think you want is to create a constructor of your base class (Animal) which adds to your static array (I prefer ArrayLists, myself, but to each their own) the type of the current Class which is being instantiated.

So, roughly;

public abstract class Animal
    private static ArrayList<Class> instantiatedDerivedTypes;
    public Animal() {
        Class derivedClass = this.getClass();
        if (!instantiatedDerivedClass.contains(derivedClass)) {

Of course, you'll need a static constructor on Animal to initialize instantiatedDerivedClass... I think this'll do what you probably want. Note that this is execution-path dependent; if you have a Dog class that derives from Animal that never gets invoked, you won't have it in your Animal Class list.

jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP

Please check this. It is the complete Ajax request code.

$('#foo').submit(function(event) {
    // Get the form data
    // There are many ways to get this data using jQuery (you
    // can use the class or id also)
    var formData = $('#foo').serialize();
    var url = 'URL of the request';

    // Process the form.
        type        : 'POST',   // Define the type of HTTP verb we want to use
        url         : 'url/',   // The URL where we want to POST
        data        : formData, // Our data object
        dataType    : 'json',   // What type of data do we expect back.
        beforeSend : function() {

            // This will run before sending an Ajax request.
            // Do whatever activity you want, like show loaded.
            var obj = eval(response);
        complete : function() {
            // This will run after sending an Ajax complete
        error:function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
            alert('error occured');
            // If any error occurs in request

    // Stop the form from submitting the normal way
    // and refreshing the page

C Macro definition to determine big endian or little endian machine?

Try this:

int x=1;
#define TEST (*(char*)&(x)==1)?printf("little endian"):printf("Big endian")
int main()


How do I get IntelliJ to recognize common Python modules?

My problem was similar to @Toddarooski 's, except that the module I had, under the "Dependencies" tab, had no SDK listed. I right clicked on 'SDK', picked edit from the drop down menu, and selected my Python SDK. That did the trick.

How to return a string value from a Bash function

The options have been all enumerated, I think. Choosing one may come down to a matter of the best style for your particular application, and in that vein, I want to offer one particular style I've found useful. In bash, variables and functions are not in the same namespace. So, treating the variable of the same name as the value of the function is a convention that I find minimizes name clashes and enhances readability, if I apply it rigorously. An example from real life:

function GetChar() {
    # assume failure
    # if someone previously "ungot" a char
    if ! [ -z "$UnGetChar" ]; then
        return 0               # success
    # else, if not at EOF
    elif IFS= read -N1 GetChar ; then
        return 0           # success
        return 1           # EOF

function UnGetChar(){

And, an example of using such functions:

function GetToken() {
    # assume failure
    # if at end of file
    if ! GetChar; then
        return 1              # EOF
    # if start of comment
    elif [[ "$GetChar" == "#" ]]; then
        while [[ "$GetChar" != $'\n' ]]; do
        UnGetChar "$GetChar"
    # if start of quoted string
    elif [ "$GetChar" == '"' ]; then
# ... et cetera

As you can see, the return status is there for you to use when you need it, or ignore if you don't. The "returned" variable can likewise be used or ignored, but of course only after the function is invoked.

Of course, this is only a convention. You are free to fail to set the associated value before returning (hence my convention of always nulling it at the start of the function) or to trample its value by calling the function again (possibly indirectly). Still, it's a convention I find very useful if I find myself making heavy use of bash functions.

As opposed to the sentiment that this is a sign one should e.g. "move to perl", my philosophy is that conventions are always important for managing the complexity of any language whatsoever.

Javadoc link to method in other class

Aside from @see, a more general way of refering to another class and possibly method of that class is {@link somepackage.SomeClass#someMethod(paramTypes)}. This has the benefit of being usable in the middle of a javadoc description.

From the javadoc documentation (description of the @link tag):

This tag is very simliar to @see – both require the same references and accept exactly the same syntax for package.class#member and label. The main difference is that {@link} generates an in-line link rather than placing the link in the "See Also" section. Also, the {@link} tag begins and ends with curly braces to separate it from the rest of the in-line text.

Adding System.Web.Script reference in class library

You need to add a reference to System.Web.Extensions.dll in project for System.Web.Script.Serialization error.

Scala: write string to file in one statement

I know it's not one line, but it solves the safety issues as far as I can tell;

// This possibly creates a FileWriter, but maybe not
val writer = Try(new FileWriter(new File("filename")))
// If it did, we use it to write the data and return it again
// If it didn't we skip the map and print the exception and return the original, just in-case it was actually .write() that failed
// Then we close the file => {w.write("data"); w}).recoverWith{case e => {e.printStackTrace(); writer}}.map(_.close)

If you didn't care about the exception handling then you can write => {w.writer("data"); w}).recoverWith{case _ => writer}.map(_.close)

jQuery Validate - Enable validation for hidden fields

Make sure to put

 $.validator.setDefaults({ ignore: '' });

NOT inside $(document).ready

Error inflating class

Just for who still get to this issue. I got to the same problem but all the solutions here is not work for me.

Just take alook on NavigationView class with cue from logcat, i found the issue come form this line of code:

itemTextColor = this.createDefaultColorStateList(16842806);

So, it seem related to itemTextColor as Aenur56 mentioned. So i tried with Aenur56's solution but it doesn't work.

Take a look on the line of code above, i notice that there is ColorStateList. So i create one then set for itemTextColor then it work.

<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:color="#00FF00" android:state_checked="true" />
    <item android:color="#000000" />

Hope it help!

Sending and receiving data over a network using TcpClient

First, I recommend that you use WCF, .NET Remoting, or some other higher-level communication abstraction. The learning curve for "simple" sockets is nearly as high as WCF, because there are so many non-obvious pitfalls when using TCP/IP directly.

If you decide to continue down the TCP/IP path, then review my .NET TCP/IP FAQ, particularly the sections on message framing and application protocol specifications.

Also, use asynchronous socket APIs. The synchronous APIs do not scale and in some error situations may cause deadlocks. The synchronous APIs make for pretty little example code, but real-world production-quality code uses the asynchronous APIs.

How to make Bootstrap 4 cards the same height in card-columns?

Here is how I did it:


.my-flex-card > div > div.card {
    height: calc(100% - 15px);
    margin-bottom: 15px;


<div class="row my-flex-card">
    <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-6">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-block">
    <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-6">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-block">
    <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-6">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-block">
    <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-6">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-block">

How to make a checkbox checked with jQuery?

$('#checkbox').prop('checked', true);

When you want it unchecked:

$('#checkbox').prop('checked', false);

ajax jquery simple get request

You can make AJAX requests to applications loaded from the SAME domain and SAME port.

Besides that, you should add dataType JSON if you want the result to be deserialized automatically.

        url: "",
        type: 'GET',
        dataType: 'json', // added data type
        success: function(res) {

'react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Faced the same problem, although I am using yarn.

The following worked for me:

yarn install 
yarn start

CXF: No message body writer found for class - automatically mapping non-simple resources

In my scenario, i faced similar error, when the rest url without port number is not properly configured for load balancing. I verified the rest url with portnumber and this issue was not occurring. so we had to update the load balancing configuration to resolve this issue.

python uninstall

The #1 answer has problems:

  • Won't work on mac.
  • If a file is installed which includes spaces or other special characters, the xargs command will fail, and delete any files/directories which matched the individual words.
  • the -r in rm -rf is unnecessary and at worst could delete things you don't want to.

Instead, for unix-like:

sudo python install --record files.txt
# inspect files.txt to make sure it looks ok. Then:
tr '\n' '\0' < files.txt | xargs -0 sudo rm -f --

And for windows:

python bdist_wininst

There are also unsolvable problems with uninstalling install which won't bother you in a typical case. For a more complete answer, see this wiki page:

What design patterns are used in Spring framework?

Factory pattern is also used for loading beans through BeanFactory and Application context.

How to run a .jar in mac?

Make Executable your jar and after that double click on it on Mac OS then it works successfully.

sudo chmod +x filename.jar

Try this, I hope this works.

ImportError: No module named 'Tkinter'

Make sure that when you are running your python code that it is in the python3 context. I had the same issue and all I had to do was input the command as:

sudo python3


sudo python

the latter code is incorrect because tkinter is apparently unnavailable in python1 or python2.

WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity rails

If you are not using jQuery and using something like fetch API for requests you can use the following to get the csrf-token:


fetch('/users', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-CSRF-Token': document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content')},
    credentials: 'same-origin',
    body: JSON.stringify( { id: 1, name: 'some user' } )
    .then(function(data) {
      console.log('request succeeded with JSON response', data)
    }).catch(function(error) {
      console.log('request failed', error)

SQL: How do I SELECT only the rows with a unique value on certain column?

Utilizing the "dynamic table" capability in SQL Server (querying against a parenthesis-surrounded query), you can return 2000, 49 w/ the following. If your platform doesn't offer an equivalent to the "dynamic table" ANSI-extention, you can always utilize a temp table in two-steps/statement by inserting the results within the "dynamic table" to a temp table, and then performing a subsequent select on the temp table.

    [contract] INT,
    project INT,
    activity INT

INSERT INTO @T VALUES( 1000,    8000,    10 )
INSERT INTO @T VALUES( 1000,    8000,    20 )
INSERT INTO @T VALUES( 1000,    8001,    10 )
INSERT INTO @T VALUES( 2000,    9000,    49 )
INSERT INTO @T VALUES( 2000,    9001,    49 )
INSERT INTO @T VALUES( 3000,    9000,    79 )
INSERT INTO @T VALUES( 3000,    9000,    78 )

    [Activity] =  max (activity)
    ) t
HAVING count (*) = 1

No suitable driver found for 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql

You have to set classpath for mysql-connector.jar

In eclipse, use the build path

If you are developing any web app, you have to put mysql-connector to the lib folder of WEB-INF Directory of your web-app

How do I get the day of week given a date?

import datetime
import calendar

day, month, year = map(int, input().split())
my_date =, month, day)

Output Sample

08 05 2015

How to find unused/dead code in java projects

Code coverage tools, such as Emma, Cobertura, and Clover, will instrument your code and record which parts of it gets invoked by running a suite of tests. This is very useful, and should be an integral part of your development process. It will help you identify how well your test suite covers your code.

However, this is not the same as identifying real dead code. It only identifies code that is covered (or not covered) by tests. This can give you false positives (if your tests do not cover all scenarios) as well as false negatives (if your tests access code that is actually never used in a real world scenario).

I imagine the best way to really identify dead code would be to instrument your code with a coverage tool in a live running environment and to analyse code coverage over an extended period of time.

If you are runnning in a load balanced redundant environment (and if not, why not?) then I suppose it would make sense to only instrument one instance of your application and to configure your load balancer such that a random, but small, portion of your users run on your instrumented instance. If you do this over an extended period of time (to make sure that you have covered all real world usage scenarios - such seasonal variations), you should be able to see exactly which areas of your code are accessed under real world usage and which parts are really never accessed and hence dead code.

I have never personally seen this done, and do not know how the aforementioned tools can be used to instrument and analyse code that is not being invoked through a test suite - but I am sure they can be.

Another git process seems to be running in this repository

I got this error while pod update. I solved it by deleting the index.lock file in cocoapods's .git directory.

rm -f /Users/my_user_name/.cocoapods/repos/master/.git/index.lock

It might help someone.

Adding a caption to an equation in LaTeX

You may want to look at which allows you to define new floats using \newfloat

I say this because captions are usually applied to floats.

Straight ahead equations (those written with $ ... $, $$ ... $$, begin{equation}...) are in-line objects that do not support \caption.

This can be done using the following snippet just before \begin{document}



and when adding an equation use something like

f( x ) = ax + b
\caption{Caption goes here}

Post an object as data using Jquery Ajax

I will leave my original answer in place but the below is how you need to approach it. (Forgive me but it is a long time since I have used regular / web services with jquery:)

You need to use the following js lib json2 library, you can then use the stringify method to ensure your json is in the correct format for the service.

var data0 = {numberId: "1", companyId : "531"};

var json = JSON2.stringify(data0 ); 

 type: "POST",
 url: "TelephoneNumbers.aspx/DeleteNumber",
 data: json,
 contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
 dataType: "json",
 success: function(msg) {
 alert('In Ajax');

UPDATE: Same issue / answer here

How to fix Broken pipe?

The issue could be that your deployed files are not updated with the correct RMI methods. Check to see that your RMI interface has updated parameters, or updated data structures that your client does not have. Or that your RMI client has no parameters that differ from what your server version has.

This is just an educated guess. After re-deploying my server application's class files and re-testing, the problem of "Broken pipe" went away.

Page scroll when soft keyboard popped up

Also if you want to do that programmatically just add the below line to the onCreate of the activity.

            WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_VISIBLE | 
            WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE );

Delete files in subfolder using batch script

del parentpath (or just place the .bat file inside parent folder) *.txt /s

That will delete all .txt files in the parent and all sub folders. If you want to delete multiple file extensions just add a space and do the same thing. Ex. *.txt *.dll *.xml

How to convert SSH keypairs generated using PuTTYgen (Windows) into key-pairs used by ssh-agent and Keychain (Linux)

It's probably easier to create your keys under linux and use PuTTYgen to convert the keys to PuTTY format.

PuTTY Faq: A.2.2

Find duplicate characters in a String and count the number of occurances using Java

public class DuplicateValue {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String s = "hezzz";

        char []st=s.toCharArray();

        int count=0;

        Set<Character> ch=new HashSet<>();
        for(Character cg:st){
                int occurrences = Collections.frequency(ch, cg);
                System.out.println(cg + ": This character exist more than one time");


Difference between JPanel, JFrame, JComponent, and JApplet

Those classes are common extension points for Java UI designs. First off, realize that they don't necessarily have much to do with each other directly, so trying to find a relationship between them might be counterproductive.

JApplet - A base class that let's you write code that will run within the context of a browser, like for an interactive web page. This is cool and all but it brings limitations which is the price for it playing nice in the real world. Normally JApplet is used when you want to have your own UI in a web page. I've always wondered why people don't take advantage of applets to store state for a session so no database or cookies are needed.

JComponent - A base class for objects which intend to interact with Swing.

JFrame - Used to represent the stuff a window should have. This includes borders (resizeable y/n?), titlebar (App name or other message), controls (minimize/maximize allowed?), and event handlers for various system events like 'window close' (permit app to exit yet?).

JPanel - Generic class used to gather other elements together. This is more important with working with the visual layout or one of the provided layout managers e.g. gridbaglayout, etc. For example, you have a textbox that is bigger then the area you have reserved. Put the textbox in a scrolling pane and put that pane into a JPanel. Then when you place the JPanel, it will be more manageable in terms of layout.

Adding an image to a PDF using iTextSharp and scale it properly

You can try something like this:

      Image logo = Image.GetInstance("pathToTheImage")
      logo.ScaleAbsolute(500, 300)

What does %w(array) mean?

There is also %s that allows you to create any symbols, for example:

%s|some words|          #Same as :'some words'
%s[other words]         #Same as :'other words'
%s_last example_        #Same as :'last example'

Since Ruby 2.0.0 you also have:

%i( a b c )   # => [ :a, :b, :c ]
%i[ a b c ]   # => [ :a, :b, :c ]
%i_ a b c _   # => [ :a, :b, :c ]
# etc...

Make div stay at bottom of page's content all the time even when there are scrollbars

I realise it says not to use this for 'responding to other answers' but unfortunately I don't have enough rep to add a comment onto the appropriate answer (!) but ...

If you are having problems in with the answer from 'My Head Hurts' - you need to add 'height : 100%' to the main generated FORM tag as well as HTML and BODY tags in order for this to work.

How to use delimiter for csv in python

CSV Files with Custom Delimiters

By default, a comma is used as a delimiter in a CSV file. However, some CSV files can use delimiters other than a comma. Few popular ones are | and \t.

import csv
data_list = [["SN", "Name", "Contribution"],
             [1, "Linus Torvalds", "Linux Kernel"],
             [2, "Tim Berners-Lee", "World Wide Web"],
             [3, "Guido van Rossum", "Python Programming"]]
with open('innovators.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter='|')


1|Linus Torvalds|Linux Kernel
2|Tim Berners-Lee|World Wide Web
3|Guido van Rossum|Python Programming

Write CSV files with quotes

import csv

row_list = [["SN", "Name", "Contribution"],
             [1, "Linus Torvalds", "Linux Kernel"],
             [2, "Tim Berners-Lee", "World Wide Web"],
             [3, "Guido van Rossum", "Python Programming"]]
with open('innovators.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, delimiter=';')


1;"Linus Torvalds";"Linux Kernel"
2;"Tim Berners-Lee";"World Wide Web"
3;"Guido van Rossum";"Python Programming"

As you can see, we have passed csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC to the quoting parameter. It is a constant defined by the csv module.

csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC specifies the writer object that quotes should be added around the non-numeric entries.

There are 3 other predefined constants you can pass to the quoting parameter:

  • csv.QUOTE_ALL - Specifies the writer object to write CSV file with quotes around all the entries.
  • csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL - Specifies the writer object to only quote those fields which contain special characters (delimiter, quotechar or any characters in lineterminator)
  • csv.QUOTE_NONE - Specifies the writer object that none of the entries should be quoted. It is the default value.
import csv

row_list = [["SN", "Name", "Contribution"],
             [1, "Linus Torvalds", "Linux Kernel"],
             [2, "Tim Berners-Lee", "World Wide Web"],
             [3, "Guido van Rossum", "Python Programming"]]
with open('innovators.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC,
                        delimiter=';', quotechar='*')


1;*Linus Torvalds*;*Linux Kernel*
2;*Tim Berners-Lee*;*World Wide Web*
3;*Guido van Rossum*;*Python Programming*

Here, we can see that quotechar='*' parameter instructs the writer object to use * as quote for all non-numeric values.

Parallel.ForEach vs Task.Factory.StartNew

I did a small experiment of running a method "1,000,000,000 (one billion)" times with "Parallel.For" and one with "Task" objects.

I measured the processor time and found Parallel more efficient. Parallel.For divides your task in to small work items and executes them on all the cores parallely in a optimal way. While creating lot of task objects ( FYI TPL will use thread pooling internally) will move every execution on each task creating more stress in the box which is evident from the experiment below.

I have also created a small video which explains basic TPL and also demonstrated how Parallel.For utilizes your core more efficiently as compared to normal tasks and threads.

Experiment 1

Parallel.For(0, 1000000000, x => Method1());

Experiment 2

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++)
    Task o = new Task(Method1);

Processor time comparison

How to change fonts in matplotlib (python)?

You can also use rcParams to change the font family globally.

 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 plt.rcParams[""] = "cursive"
 # This will change to your computer's default cursive font

The list of matplotlib's font family arguments is here.

Is it possible to cast a Stream in Java 8?

I don't think there is a way to do that out-of-the-box. A possibly cleaner solution would be:

    .filter(c -> c instanceof Client)
    .map(c -> (Client) c)

or, as suggested in the comments, you could use the cast method - the former may be easier to read though:


Referencing another schema in Mongoose

It sounds like the populate method is what your looking for. First make small change to your post schema:

var postSchema = new Schema({
    name: String,
    postedBy: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User'},
    dateCreated: Date,
    comments: [{body:"string", by: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId}],

Then make your model:

var Post = mongoose.model('Post', postSchema);

Then, when you make your query, you can populate references like this:

Post.findOne({_id: 123})
.exec(function(err, post) {
    // do stuff with post

Using jQuery how to get click coordinates on the target element

see here enter link description here


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<div id="myPosition">




       var elm = $(this);
       var xPos = e.pageX - elm.offset().left;
       var yPos = e.pageY - elm.offset().top;
       alert("X position: " + xPos + ", Y position: " + yPos);

Laravel Eloquent: How to get only certain columns from joined tables

This is how i do it

$posts = Post::with(['category' => function($query){
        $query->select('id', 'name');

First answer by user2317976 did not work for me, i am using laravel 5.1

CSS: Hover one element, effect for multiple elements?

You don't need JavaScript for this.

Some CSS would do it. Here is an example:

  <style type="text/css">_x000D_
    .section { background:#ccc; }_x000D_
    .layer { background:#ddd; }_x000D_
    .section:hover img { border:2px solid #333; }_x000D_
    .section:hover .layer { border:2px solid #F90; }_x000D_
  <div class="section">_x000D_
    <img src="myImage.jpg" />_x000D_
    <div class="layer">Lorem Ipsum</div>_x000D_

Comparing strings in Java

You can compare the values using equals() of Java :

public void onClick(View v) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        Show.setText("Are Equal");
        Show.setText("Not Equal");

Android Fragment no view found for ID?

Sometimes it is because you are using a BottomNavigationView. If you open an Intent from the navigation and in that activity you open a fragment lets say

transaction.replace(,new YourFragment());

then the Activity won't be able to find the navigation method you are using.

SOLUTION: Change the activity to fragment and handle navigation with addOnBackStack in your app. If you've implemented the Jetpack Navigation just use fragments in your project.

Set initially selected item in Select list in Angular2

If you use

<select [ngModel]="object">
    <option *ngFor="let object of objects" [ngValue]="object">{{}}</option>

You need to set the property object in you components class to the item from objects that you want to have pre-selected.

class MyComponent {
  objects = [{name: 'a'}, {name: 'b'}, {name: 'c'}];
  constructor() {
    this.object = this.objects[1];

Dynamically adding HTML form field using jQuery

something like so might work:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var $input = $("<input name='myField' type='text'>");

    <div id="section1"><!-- some controls--></div>
    <div id="section2"><!-- for dynamic controls--></div>

How to generate an entity-relationship (ER) diagram using Oracle SQL Developer

There is a companion tool called Oracle Data Modeler that you could take a look at. There are online demos available at the site that will get you started. It used to be an added cost item, but I noticed that once again it's free.

From the Data Modeler overview page:

SQL Developer Data Modeler is a free data modeling and design tool, proving a full spectrum of data and database modeling tools and utilities, including modeling for Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Relational (database design), Data Type and Multi-dimensional modeling, with forward and reverse engineering and DDL code generation. The Data Modeler imports from and exports to a variety of sources and targets, provides a variety of formatting options and validates the models through a predefined set of design rules.

How to set my default shell on Mac?

You can use chsh to change a user's shell.

Run the following code, for instance, to change your shell to Zsh

chsh -s /bin/zsh

As described in the manpage, and by Lorin, if the shell is not known by the OS, you have to add it to its known list: /etc/shells.

Show and hide a View with a slide up/down animation

you can slide up and down any view or layout by using bellow code in android app

boolean isClicked=false;
LinearLayout mLayoutTab = (LinearLayout)findViewById(;

                    isClicked = false;

                isClicked = true;

Creating a border like this using :before And :after Pseudo-Elements In CSS?

   content: "";
    width: 40px;
    height: 3px;
    background-color: #529600;
    left: 0;
    position: relative;
    display: block;
    top: 10px;

syntaxerror: unexpected character after line continuation character in python

You need to quote that filename:

f = open("D\\python\\HW\\2_1 - Copy.cp", "r")

Otherwise the bare backslash after the D is interpreted as a line-continuation character, and should be followed by a newline. This is used to extend long expressions over multiple lines, for readability:

print "This is a long",\
      "line of text",\
      "that I'm printing."

Also, you shouldn't have semicolons (;) at the end of your statements in Python.

Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0

I am trying to connect my db docker container on Ubuntu 18.04, same problem.

First check your device by run nmcli dev to check if device docker0 is connected.

If it is not connected, try to restart docker service:

sudo service docker restart

Segmentation fault on large array sizes

You're probably just getting a stack overflow here. The array is too big to fit in your program's stack address space.

If you allocate the array on the heap you should be fine, assuming your machine has enough memory.

int* array = new int[1000000];

But remember that this will require you to delete[] the array. A better solution would be to use std::vector<int> and resize it to 1000000 elements.

How to kill MySQL connections

I would recommend checking the connections to show the maximum thread connection is

show variables like "max_connections";


| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 13  |
1 row in set

Then increase it by example

set global max_connections = 500;

How to set value to variable using 'execute' in t-sql?

A slight change in the execute query will solve the problem:

DECLARE @dbName nvarchar(128) = 'myDb'
DECLARE @siteId int 
exec ('SELECT TOP 1 **''@siteId''** = Id FROM ' + @dbName + '..myTbl')  
select @siteId

Bootstrap 4 datapicker.js not included

Maybe you want to try this:

It's a flexible datepicker widget in the Bootstrap style.

Converting a char to ASCII?

You can use chars as is as single byte integers.

Embedding Windows Media Player for all browsers

I have found something that Actually works in both FireFox and IE, on Elizabeth Castro's site (thanks to the link on this site) - I have tried all other versions here, but could not make them work in both the browsers

<object classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" 
  id="player" width="320" height="260">
  <param name="url" 
    value="" />
  <param name="src" 
    value="" />
  <param name="showcontrols" value="true" />
  <param name="autostart" value="true" />
  <!--[if !IE]>-->
  <object type="video/x-ms-wmv" 
    width="320" height="260">
    <param name="src" 
      value="" />
    <param name="autostart" value="true" />
    <param name="controller" value="true" />

Check her site out: and the version with the classid in the initial object tag

Return a `struct` from a function in C

struct var e2 address pushed as arg to callee stack and values gets assigned there. In fact, get() returns e2's address in eax reg. This works like call by reference.

How to remove the hash from window.location (URL) with JavaScript without page refresh?

This will remove the trailing hash as well. eg: ->

if(window.history.pushState) {
    window.history.pushState('', '/', window.location.pathname)
} else {
    window.location.hash = '';

Auto height of div

make sure the content inside your div ended with clear:both style

html vertical align the text inside input type button

I was having a similar issue with my button. I included line-height: 0; and it appears to have worked. Also mentioned by @anddero.

button[type=submit] {
  background-color: #4056A1;
  border-radius: 12px;
  border: 1px solid #4056A1;
  color: white;
  padding: 16px 32px;
  text-decoration: none;
  margin: 2px 1px;
  cursor: pointer;
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 16px;
  height: 20px;
  line-height: 0;

Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier

this fails:

 SET @vPortalUID='2A66057D-F4E5-4E2B-B2F1-38C51A96D385'
 SET @nPortalUID = CAST(@vPortalUID AS uniqueidentifier)
 PRINT @nPortalUID

this works

 SET @vPortalUID='2A66057D-F4E5-4E2B-B2F1-38C51A96D385'
 PRINT @nPortalUID

the difference is NVARCHAR(36), your input parameter is too small!

C++ Array of pointers: delete or delete []?

For new you should use delete. For new[] use delete[]. Your second variant is correct.

Git reset single file in feature branch to be the same as in master

you are almost there; you just need to give the reference to master; since you want to get the file from the master branch:

git checkout master -- filename

Note that the differences will be cached; so if you want to see the differences you obtained; use

git diff --cached

How to execute an oracle stored procedure?

Oracle 10g Express Edition ships with Oracle Application Express (Apex) built-in. You're running this in its SQL Commands window, which doesn't support SQL*Plus syntax.

That doesn't matter, because (as you have discovered) the BEGIN...END syntax does work in Apex.

Flutter: Run method on Widget build complete

There are 3 possible ways:

1) WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) => yourFunc(context));

2) Future.delayed(, () => yourFunc(context));

3) => yourFunc(context));

As for context, I needed it for use in Scaffold.of(context) after all my widgets were rendered.

But in my humble opinion, the best way to do it is this:

void main() async {
  WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); //all widgets are rendered here
  await yourFunc();
  runApp( MyApp() );

Where does Anaconda Python install on Windows?

With Anaconda prompt python is available, but on any other command window, python is an unknown program. Apparently Anaconda installation does not update the path for python executable.

How to query MongoDB with "like"?

For PHP mongo Like.
I had several issues with php mongo like. i found that concatenating the regex params helps in some situations PHP mongo find field starts with. I figured I would post on here to contribute to the more popular thread


db()->users->insert(['name' => 'john']);
db()->users->insert(['name' => 'joe']);
db()->users->insert(['name' => 'jason']);

// starts with
$like_var = 'jo';
$prefix = '/^';
$suffix = '/';
$name = $prefix . $like_var . $suffix;
db()->users->find(['name' => array('$regex'=>new MongoRegex($name))]);
output: (joe, john)

// contains
$like_var = 'j';
$prefix = '/';
$suffix = '/';
$name = $prefix . $like_var . $suffix;
db()->users->find(['name' => array('$regex'=>new MongoRegex($name))]);

output: (joe, john, jason)

React Router v4 - How to get current route?

Has Con Posidielov said, the current route is present in this.props.location.pathname.

But if you want to match a more specific field like a key (or a name), you may use matchPath to find the original route reference.

import { matchPath } from `react-router`

const routes = [{
  key: 'page1'
  exact: true,
  path: '/page1/:someparam/',
  component: Page1,
  exact: true,
  key: 'page2',
  path: '/page2',
  component: Page2,

const currentRoute = routes.find(
  route => matchPath(this.props.location.pathname, route)

console.log(`My current route key is : ${currentRoute.key}`)

How to use auto-layout to move other views when a view is hidden?

For the Googlers: building on Max's answer, to solve the padding issue that many have noticed I simply increased the height of the label and used that height as the separator instead of actual padding. This idea could be expanded for any scenario with containing views.

Here's a simple example:

IB Screenshot

In this case, I map the height of the Author label to an appropriate IBOutlet:

@property (retain, nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint* authorLabelHeight;

and when I set the height of the constraint to 0.0f, we preserve the "padding", because the Play button's height allows for it.

Reading an image file into bitmap from sdcard, why am I getting a NullPointerException?

It works:

Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath);

async/await - when to return a Task vs void?

I got clear idea from this statements.

  1. Async void methods have different error-handling semantics. When an exception is thrown out of an async Task or async Task method, that exception is captured and placed on the Task object. With async void methods, there is no Task object, so any exceptions thrown out of an async void method will be raised directly on the SynchronizationContext(SynchronizationContext represents a location "where" code might be executed. ) that was active when the async void method started

Exceptions from an Async Void Method Can’t Be Caught with Catch

private async void ThrowExceptionAsync()
  throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void AsyncVoidExceptions_CannotBeCaughtByCatch()
  catch (Exception)
    // The exception is never caught here!

These exceptions can be observed using AppDomain.UnhandledException or a similar catch-all event for GUI/ASP.NET applications, but using those events for regular exception handling is a recipe for unmaintainability(it crashes the application).

  1. Async void methods have different composing semantics. Async methods returning Task or Task can be easily composed using await, Task.WhenAny, Task.WhenAll and so on. Async methods returning void don’t provide an easy way to notify the calling code that they’ve completed. It’s easy to start several async void methods, but it’s not easy to determine when they’ve finished. Async void methods will notify their SynchronizationContext when they start and finish, but a custom SynchronizationContext is a complex solution for regular application code.

  2. Async Void method useful when using synchronous event handler because they raise their exceptions directly on the SynchronizationContext, which is similar to how synchronous event handlers behave

For more details check this link

How do I retrieve a textbox value using JQuery?

You need to use the val() function to get the textbox value. text does not exist as a property only as a function and even then its not the correct function to use in this situation.

var from = $("input#fromAddress").val()

val() is the standard function for getting the value of an input.

How do I check whether a file exists without exceptions?

Unlike isfile(), exists() will return True for directories. So depending on if you want only plain files or also directories, you'll use isfile() or exists(). Here is some simple REPL output:

>>> os.path.isfile("/etc/password.txt")
>>> os.path.isfile("/etc")
>>> os.path.isfile("/does/not/exist")
>>> os.path.exists("/etc/password.txt")
>>> os.path.exists("/etc")
>>> os.path.exists("/does/not/exist")

How to display the current time and date in C#


. You can supply parameters to To string function in a lot of ways like given in this link

This will be a lot useful. If you reside somewhere else than the regular format (MM/dd/yyyy)

use always MM not mm, mm gives minutes and MM gives month.

Creating a button in Android Toolbar

I was able to achieve that by wrapping Button with ConstraintLayout:

<androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android=""




                    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

                    tools:layout_editor_absoluteY="0dp" />





You may create a drawable resourcebutton_publish_rounded, define the button properties and assign this file to button's android:background property:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
    <solid android:color="@color/green" />
    <corners android:radius="100dp" />

How can I compile a Java program in Eclipse without running it?

You can un-check the build automatically in Project menu and then build by hand by type Ctrl + B, or clicking an icon the appears to the right of the printer icon.

SQL Order By Count

Try using below Query:

    COUNT(*) AS Total_Count
    Total_Count DESC

Escape double quote character in XML

Others have answered in terms of how to handle the specific escaping in this case.

A broader answer is not to try to do it yourself. Use an XML API - there are plenty available for just about every modern programming platform in existence.

XML APIs will handle things like this for you automatically, making it a lot harder to go wrong. Unless you're writing an XML API yourself, you should rarely need to worry about the details like this.

Running python script inside ipython

In python there is no difference between modules and scripts; You can execute both scripts and modules. The file must be on the pythonpath AFAIK because python must be able to find the file in question. If python is executed from a directory, then the directory is automatically added to the pythonpath.

Refer to What is the best way to call a Python script from another Python script? for more information about modules vs scripts

There is also a builtin function execfile(filename) that will do what you want

Sort Array of object by object field in Angular 6

You can simply use Arrays.sort()

array.sort((a,b) => a.title.rendered.localeCompare(b.title.rendered));

Working Example :

var array = [{"id":3645,"date":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","date_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","modified_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","slug":"vpwin","status":"publish","type":"matrix","link":"","title":{"rendered":"VPWIN"},"content":{"rendered":"","protected":false},"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"template":"","better_featured_image":null,"acf":{"domain":"SMB","ds_rating":"3","dt_rating":""},},{"id":3645,"date":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","date_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","modified_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","slug":"vpwin","status":"publish","type":"matrix","link":"","title":{"rendered":"adfPWIN"},"content":{"rendered":"","protected":false},"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"template":"","better_featured_image":null,"acf":{"domain":"SMB","ds_rating":"3","dt_rating":""}},{"id":3645,"date":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","date_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","modified_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","slug":"vpwin","status":"publish","type":"matrix","link":"","title":{"rendered":"bbfPWIN"},"content":{"rendered":"","protected":false},"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"template":"","better_featured_image":null,"acf":{"domain":"SMB","ds_rating":"3","dt_rating":""}}];_x000D_
array.sort((a,b) => a.title.rendered.localeCompare(b.title.rendered));_x000D_

Create a file from a ByteArrayOutputStream

You can use a FileOutputStream for this.

FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
    fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("myFile")); 
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    // Put data in your baos

} catch(IOException ioe) {
    // Handle exception here
} finally {

Excel VBA - select multiple columns not in sequential order

As a recorded macro.

range("A:A, B:B, D:D, E:E, G:G, H:H").select

Convert array of strings to List<string>

Just use this constructor of List<T>. It accepts any IEnumerable<T> as an argument.

string[] arr = ...
List<string> list = new List<string>(arr);

How to increase the timeout period of web service in

you can do this in different ways:

  1. Setting a timeout in the web service caller from code (not 100% sure but I think I have seen this done);
  2. Setting a timeout in the constructor of the web service proxy in the web references;
  3. Setting a timeout in the server side, web.config of the web service application.

see here for more details on the second case:

and here for details on the last case:

How to increase the timeout to a web service request?

Android list view inside a scroll view

My requirement is to include a ListView of equally-sized items within a ScrollView. I tried a few of the other solutions listed here, none seemed to size the ListView correctly (either too little space or too much). Here's what worked for me:

    public static void expandListViewHeight(ListView listView) {
    ListAdapter listAdapter = listView.getAdapter();
    if (listAdapter == null)

    ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = listView.getLayoutParams();
    listView.measure(0, 0);
    params.height = listView.getMeasuredHeight() * listAdapter.getCount() + (listView.getDividerHeight() * (listAdapter.getCount() - 1));

Hope this helps someone.

What linux shell command returns a part of a string?

From the bash manpage:

        Substring  Expansion.   Expands  to  up  to length characters of
        parameter starting at the character  specified  by  offset.

Or, if you are not sure of having bash, consider using cut.

jQuery UI 1.10: dialog and zIndex option

Add this before calling dialog

$( obiect ).css('zIndex',9999);

And remove

 zIndex: 700,

from dialog

How to Configure SSL for Amazon S3 bucket

If you really need it, consider redirections.

For example, on request to you could perform a 301 or 302 redirection to or (please remember that in the first case my-bucket-name cannot contain any dots, otherwise it won't match *, stated in S3 certificate).

Not tested, but I believe it would work. I see few gotchas, however.

The first one is pretty obvious, an additional request to get this redirection. And I doubt you could use redirection server provided by your domain name registrar — you'd have to upload proper certificate there somehow — so you have to use your own server for this.

The second one is that you can have urls with your domain name in page source code, but when for example user opens the pic in separate tab, then address bar will display the target url.

How do I test if a variable does not equal either of two values?

Think of ! (negation operator) as "not", || (boolean-or operator) as "or" and && (boolean-and operator) as "and". See Operators and Operator Precedence.


if(!(a || b)) {
  // means neither a nor b

However, using De Morgan's Law, it could be written as:

if(!a && !b) {
  // is not a and is not b

a and b above can be any expression (such as test == 'B' or whatever it needs to be).

Once again, if test == 'A' and test == 'B', are the expressions, note the expansion of the 1st form:

// if(!(a || b)) 
if(!((test == 'A') || (test == 'B')))
// or more simply, removing the inner parenthesis as
// || and && have a lower precedence than comparison and negation operators
if(!(test == 'A' || test == 'B'))
// and using DeMorgan's, we can turn this into
// this is the same as substituting into if(!a && !b)
if(!(test == 'A') && !(test == 'B'))
// and this can be simplified as !(x == y) is the same as (x != y)
if(test != 'A' && test != 'B')

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' when writing to a file in Python3

why not try opening your file as text?

with open(fname, 'rt') as f:
    lines = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]

Additionally here is a link for python 3.x on the official page: And this is the open function:

If you are really trying to handle it as a binary then consider encoding your string.

How do you declare an object array in Java?

This is the correct way:

You should declare the length of the array after "="

Veicle[] cars = new Veicle[N];

Swap DIV position with CSS only

Someone linked me this: What is the best way to move an element that's on the top to the bottom in Responsive design.

The solution in that worked perfectly. Though it doesn’t support old IE, that doesn’t matter for me, since I’m using responsive design for mobile. And it works for most mobile browsers.

Basically, I had this:

@media (max-width: 30em) {
  .container {
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -moz-box;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;
    -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
    -moz-box-orient: vertical;
    -webkit-flex-direction: column;
    -ms-flex-direction: column;
    flex-direction: column;
    /* optional */
    -webkit-box-align: start;
    -moz-box-align: start;
    -ms-flex-align: start;
    -webkit-align-items: flex-start;
    align-items: flex-start;

  .container .first_div {
    -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 2;
    -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2;
    -ms-flex-order: 2;
    -webkit-order: 2;
    order: 2;

  .container .second_div {
    -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 1;
    -moz-box-ordinal-group: 1;
    -ms-flex-order: 1;
    -webkit-order: 1;
    order: 1;

This worked better than floats for me, because I needed them stacked on top of each other and I had about five different divs that I had to swap around the position of.

How to send redirect to JSP page in Servlet

Please use the below code and let me know


            con = DriverManager.getConnection(c, "root", "MyNewPass");
            System.out.println("connection done");

            PreparedStatement ps=con.prepareStatement(q);
            while ( {


         response.sendRedirect("myfolder/welcome.jsp"); // wherever you wanna redirect this page.

            catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO: handle exception

myfolder/welcome.jsp is the relative path of your jsp page. So, change it as per your jsp page path.

Select the values of one property on all objects of an array in PowerShell

As an even easier solution, you could just use:

$results = $objects.Name

Which should fill $results with an array of all the 'Name' property values of the elements in $objects.

jQuery ajax call to REST service

From the use of 8080 I'm assuming you are using a tomcat servlet container to serve your rest api. If this is the case you can also consider to have your webserver proxy the requests to the servlet container.

With apache you would typically use mod_jk (although there are other alternatives) to serve the api trough the web server behind port 80 instead of 8080 which would solve the cross domain issue.

This is common practice, have the 'static' content in the webserver and dynamic content in the container, but both served from behind the same domain.

The url for the rest api would be http://localhost/restws/json/product/get

Here a description on how to use mod_jk to connect apache to tomcat:

Shell script not running, command not found

Change the first line to the following as pointed out by Marc B


Then mark the script as executable and execute it from the command line

chmod +x

or simply execute bash from the command line passing in your script as a parameter


Command Line Tools not working - OS X El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave

Reassigning the path Xcode is configured with worked for me.

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

You'll then likely be prompted (after trying a command) to agree to the license agreement.

How to capture UIView to UIImage without loss of quality on retina display

For Swift 5.1 you can use this extension:

extension UIView {

    func asImage() -> UIImage {
        let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(bounds: bounds)

        return renderer.image {
            rendererContext in

            layer.render(in: rendererContext.cgContext)

RegEx for valid international mobile phone number


The Regular Expression ^\+[1-9]{1}[0-9]{7,11}$ fails for "+290 8000" and similar valid numbers that are shorter than 8 digits.

The longest numbers could be something like 3 digit country code, 3 digit area code, 8 digit subscriber number, making 14 digits.

Making a PowerShell POST request if a body param starts with '@'

@Frode F. gave the right answer.

By the Way Invoke-WebRequest also prints you the 200 OK and a lot of bla, bla, bla... which might be useful but I still prefer the Invoke-RestMethod which is lighter.

Also, keep in mind that you need to use | ConvertTo-Json for the body only, not the header:

$body = @{
 "OptionalEmail"="[email protected]"
} | ConvertTo-Json

$header = @{

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://MyServer/WSVistaWebClient/RESTService.svc/member/search" -Method 'Post' -Body $body -Headers $header | ConvertTo-HTML

and you can then append a | ConvertTo-HTML at the end of the request for better readability

Swift Modal View Controller with transparent background

You can do it like this:

In your main view controller:

func showModal() {
    let modalViewController = ModalViewController()
    modalViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext
    presentViewController(modalViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

In your modal view controller:

class ModalViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        view.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
        view.opaque = false

If you are working with a storyboard:

Just add a Storyboard Segue with Kind set to Present Modally to your modal view controller and on this view controller set the following values:

  • Background = Clear Color
  • Drawing = Uncheck the Opaque checkbox
  • Presentation = Over Current Context

As Crashalot pointed out in his comment: Make sure the segue only uses Default for both Presentation and Transition. Using Current Context for Presentation makes the modal turn black instead of remaining transparent.

How to print a int64_t type in C

For int64_t type:

#include <inttypes.h>
int64_t t;
printf("%" PRId64 "\n", t);

for uint64_t type:

#include <inttypes.h>
uint64_t t;
printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", t);

you can also use PRIx64 to print in hexadecimal. has a full listing of available macros for all types including intptr_t (PRIxPTR). There are separate macros for scanf, like SCNd64.

A typical definition of PRIu16 would be "hu", so implicit string-constant concatenation happens at compile time.

For your code to be fully portable, you must use PRId32 and so on for printing int32_t, and "%d" or similar for printing int.

How to choose the right bean scope?

Since JSF 2.3 all the bean scopes defined in package javax.faces.bean package have been deprecated to align the scopes with CDI. Moreover they're only applicable if your bean is using @ManagedBean annotation. If you are using JSF versions below 2.3 refer to the legacy answer at the end.

From JSF 2.3 here are scopes that can be used on JSF Backing Beans:

1. @javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped: The application scope persists for the entire duration of the web application. That scope is shared among all requests and all sessions. This is useful when you have data for whole application.

2. @javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped: The session scope persists from the time that a session is established until session termination. The session context is shared between all requests that occur in the same HTTP session. This is useful when you wont to save data for a specific client for a particular session.

3. @javax.enterprise.context.ConversationScoped: The conversation scope persists as log as the bean lives. The scope provides 2 methods: Conversation.begin() and Conversation.end(). These methods should called explicitly, either to start or end the life of a bean.

4. @javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped: The request scope is short-lived. It starts when an HTTP request is submitted and ends after the response is sent back to the client. If you place a managed bean into request scope, a new instance is created with each request. It is worth considering request scope if you are concerned about the cost of session scope storage.

5. @javax.faces.flow.FlowScoped: The Flow scope persists as long as the Flow lives. A flow may be defined as a contained set of pages (or views) that define a unit of work. Flow scoped been is active as long as user navigates with in the Flow.

6. @javax.faces.view.ViewScoped: A bean in view scope persists while the same JSF page is redisplayed. As soon as the user navigates to a different page, the bean goes out of scope.

The following legacy answer applies JSF version before 2.3

As of JSF 2.x there are 4 Bean Scopes:

  • @SessionScoped
  • @RequestScoped
  • @ApplicationScoped
  • @ViewScoped

Session Scope: The session scope persists from the time that a session is established until session termination. A session terminates if the web application invokes the invalidate method on the HttpSession object, or if it times out.

RequestScope: The request scope is short-lived. It starts when an HTTP request is submitted and ends after the response is sent back to the client. If you place a managed bean into request scope, a new instance is created with each request. It is worth considering request scope if you are concerned about the cost of session scope storage.

ApplicationScope: The application scope persists for the entire duration of the web application. That scope is shared among all requests and all sessions. You place managed beans into the application scope if a single bean should be shared among all instances of a web application. The bean is constructed when it is first requested by any user of the application, and it stays alive until the web application is removed from the application server.

ViewScope: View scope was added in JSF 2.0. A bean in view scope persists while the same JSF page is redisplayed. (The JSF specification uses the term view for a JSF page.) As soon as the user navigates to a different page, the bean goes out of scope.

Choose the scope you based on your requirement.

Source: Core Java Server Faces 3rd Edition by David Geary & Cay Horstmann [Page no. 51 - 54] enter image description here

Is there a way to call a stored procedure with Dapper?

Here is code for getting value return from Store procedure

Stored procedure:

alter proc [dbo].[UserlogincheckMVC]    
@username nvarchar(max),    
@password nvarchar(max)
    if exists(select Username from Adminlogin where Username =@username and Password=@password)    
            return 1  
            return 0  


var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
string pass = EncrytDecry.Encrypt(objUL.Password);
parameters.Add("@username", objUL.Username);
parameters.Add("@password", pass);
parameters.Add("@RESULT", dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.ReturnValue);
var RS = conx.Execute("UserlogincheckMVC", parameters, null, null, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
int result = parameters.Get<int>("@RESULT");

Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances

I just had the same problem.

The correct way to use date pick is $('.my_class').datepicker(); but you need to make sure you don't assign the same ID to multiple datepickers.

How to delete object?

Use a collection that is a static property of your Car class. Every time you create a new instance of a Car, store the reference in this collection.

To destroy all Cars, just set all items to null.

Find string between two substrings

My method will be to do something like,

find index of start string in s => i
find index of end string in s => j

substring = substring(i+len(start) to j-1)

Is it possible to run .APK/Android apps on iPad/iPhone devices?

There is another option not mentioned previously:

  • Pieceable Viewer has unfortunately stopped its service at December 31, 2012 but open-sourced its software. You need to compile your iOS application for the emulator and Pieceable's software will embed it in a webpage which hosts the application. This webpage can be used to run the iOS application. See Pieceable's for more details.

C++ getters/setters coding style

Collected ideas from multiple C++ sources and put it into a nice, still quite simple example for getters/setters in C++:

class Canvas { public:
    void resize() {
        cout << "resize to " << width << " " << height << endl;

    Canvas(int w, int h) : width(*this), height(*this) {
        cout << "new canvas " << w << " " << h << endl;
        width.value = w;
        height.value = h;

    class Width { public:
        Canvas& canvas;
        int value;
        Width(Canvas& canvas): canvas(canvas) {}
        int & operator = (const int &i) {
            value = i;
            return value;
        operator int () const {
            return value;
    } width;

    class Height { public:
        Canvas& canvas;
        int value;
        Height(Canvas& canvas): canvas(canvas) {}
        int & operator = (const int &i) {
            value = i;
            return value;
        operator int () const {
            return value;
    } height;

int main() {
    Canvas canvas(256, 256);
    canvas.width = 128;
    canvas.height = 64;


new canvas 256 256
resize to 128 256
resize to 128 64

You can test it online here:

PS: FO Yvette <3

Linux Process States

When a process needs to fetch data from a disk, it effectively stops running on the CPU to let other processes run because the operation might take a long time to complete – at least 5ms seek time for a disk is common, and 5ms is 10 million CPU cycles, an eternity from the point of view of the program!

From the programmer point of view (also said "in userspace"), this is called a blocking system call. If you call write(2) (which is a thin libc wrapper around the system call of the same name), your process does not exactly stop at that boundary; it continues, in the kernel, running the system call code. Most of the time it goes all the way up to a specific disk controller driver (filename ? filesystem/VFS ? block device ? device driver), where a command to fetch a block on disk is submitted to the proper hardware, which is a very fast operation most of the time.

THEN the process is put in sleep state (in kernel space, blocking is called sleeping – nothing is ever 'blocked' from the kernel point of view). It will be awakened once the hardware has finally fetched the proper data, then the process will be marked as runnable and will be scheduled. Eventually, the scheduler will run the process.

Finally, in userspace, the blocking system call returns with proper status and data, and the program flow goes on.

It is possible to invoke most I/O system calls in non-blocking mode (see O_NONBLOCK in open(2) and fcntl(2)). In this case, the system calls return immediately and only report submitting the disk operation. The programmer will have to explicitly check at a later time whether the operation completed, successfully or not, and fetch its result (e.g., with select(2)). This is called asynchronous or event-based programming.

Most answers here mentioning the D state (which is called TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE in the Linux state names) are incorrect. The D state is a special sleep mode which is only triggered in a kernel space code path, when that code path can't be interrupted (because it would be too complex to program), with the expectation that it would block only for a very short time. I believe that most "D states" are actually invisible; they are very short lived and can't be observed by sampling tools such as 'top'.

You can encounter unkillable processes in the D state in a few situations. NFS is famous for that, and I've encountered it many times. I think there's a semantic clash between some VFS code paths, which assume to always reach local disks and fast error detection (on SATA, an error timeout would be around a few 100 ms), and NFS, which actually fetches data from the network which is more resilient and has slow recovery (a TCP timeout of 300 seconds is common). Read this article for the cool solution introduced in Linux 2.6.25 with the TASK_KILLABLE state. Before this era there was a hack where you could actually send signals to NFS process clients by sending a SIGKILL to the kernel thread rpciod, but forget about that ugly trick.…

Read and write a text file in typescript

believe there should be a way in accessing file system.

Include node.d.ts using npm i @types/node. And then create a new tsconfig.json file (npx tsc --init) and create a .ts file as followed:

import fs from 'fs';

You can use other functions in fs as well :


Node quick start :

X-Frame-Options on apache

  1. You can add to .htaccess, httpd.conf or VirtualHost section
  2. Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN this is the best option

Allow from URI is not supported by all browsers. Reference: X-Frame-Options on MDN

Downloading a large file using curl

//This is the file where we save the    information
$fp = fopen (dirname(__FILE__) . '/localfile.tmp', 'w+');
//Here is the file we are downloading, replace spaces with %20
$ch = curl_init(str_replace(" ","%20",$url));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50);
// write curl response to file
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
// get curl response

Swift: declare an empty dictionary

Declaring & Initializing Dictionaries in Swift

Dictionary of String

var stringDict: [String: String] = [String: String]()


var stringDict: Dictionary<String, String> = Dictionary<String, String>()

Dictionary of Int

var stringDict: [String: Int] = [String: Int]()


var stringDict: Dictionary<String, Int> = Dictionary<String, Int>()

Dictionary of AnyObject

var stringDict: [String: AnyObject] = [String: AnyObject]()


var stringDict: Dictionary<String, AnyObject> = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>()

Dictionary of Array of String

var stringDict: [String: [String]] = [String: [String]]()


var stringDict: Dictionary<String, Array<String>> = Dictionary<String, Array<String>>()

Array of Dictionaries of String

var stringDict: [[String: String]] = [[String: String]]()


var stringDict: Array<Dictionary<String, String>> = Array<Dictionary<String, String>>()

Remove Unnamed columns in pandas dataframe

The pandas.DataFrame.dropna function removes missing values (e.g. NaN, NaT).

For example the following code would remove any columns from your dataframe, where all of the elements of that column are missing.

df.dropna(how='all', axis='columns')

"Undefined reference to" template class constructor

This link explains where you're going wrong:

[35.12] Why can't I separate the definition of my templates class from its declaration and put it inside a .cpp file?

Place the definition of your constructors, destructors methods and whatnot in your header file, and that will correct the problem.

This offers another solution:

How can I avoid linker errors with my template functions?

However this requires you to anticipate how your template will be used and, as a general solution, is counter-intuitive. It does solve the corner case though where you develop a template to be used by some internal mechanism, and you want to police the manner in which it is used.

How to avoid page refresh after button click event in

I think I also have this problem, I was trying to make calendar visible after clicking a button but the page keeps refreshing after clicking the button


This actually answered my problem.

I cant vote or comment, I just joined SO today

jQuery: more than one handler for same event

You should be able to use chaining to execute the events in sequence, e.g.:

  .bind('click',function(event) {
  .bind('click',function(event) {
    alert('Hello again!');
  .bind('click',function(event) {
    alert('Hello yet again!');

I guess the below code is doing the same

      .click(function(event) {
      .click(function(event) {
        alert('Hello again!');
      .click(function(event) {
        alert('Hello yet again!');


TFM also says:

When an event reaches an element, all handlers bound to that event type for the element are fired. If there are multiple handlers registered, they will always execute in the order in which they were bound. After all handlers have executed, the event continues along the normal event propagation path.

Can't compare naive and aware <= challenge.datetime_end

By default, the datetime object is naive in Python, so you need to make both of them either naive or aware datetime objects. This can be done using:

import datetime
import pytz


challenge.datetime_start = utc.localize(challenge.datetime_start) 
challenge.datetime_end = utc.localize(challenge.datetime_end) 
# now both the datetime objects are aware, and you can compare them

Note: This would raise a ValueError if tzinfo is already set. If you are not sure about that, just use

start_time = challenge.datetime_start.replace(tzinfo=utc)
end_time = challenge.datetime_end.replace(tzinfo=utc)

BTW, you could format a UNIX timestamp in datetime.datetime object with timezone info as following

d = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(unix_timestamp))
d_with_tz = datetime.datetime(

Hex colors: Numeric representation for "transparent"?

The alpha channel defines the transparency value of a color, so any color is 100% transparent as long as the alpha value is 0. Typically this four-channel color type is known as RGBA.

You can specify RGBA in CSS like so:

div {
    background: rgba(200, 54, 54, 0.5); /* 50% transparent */

Note that not all browsers support RGBA, in which case you can specify a fallback:

div {
    background: rgb(200, 54, 54); /* fallback */
    background: rgba(200, 54, 54, 0.5); /* 50% transparent */

More information regarding browser support and workarounds can be found here.

How to check whether a string contains a substring in Ruby

Ternary way

my_string.include?('ahr') ? (puts 'String includes ahr') : (puts 'String does not include ahr')


puts (my_string.include?('ahr') ? 'String includes ahr' : 'String not includes ahr')

In Android EditText, how to force writing uppercase?

Android actually has a built-in InputFilter just for this!

edittext.setFilters(new InputFilter[] {new InputFilter.AllCaps()});

Be careful, setFilters will reset all other attributes which were set via XML (i.e. maxLines, inputType,imeOptinos...). To prevent this, add you Filter(s) to the already existing ones.

InputFilter[] editFilters = <EditText>.getFilters();
InputFilter[] newFilters = new InputFilter[editFilters.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(editFilters, 0, newFilters, 0, editFilters.length);
newFilters[editFilters.length] = <YOUR_FILTER>;  

Prevent HTML5 video from being downloaded (right-click saved)?

well, you can't protect it 100% but you can make it harder. these methods that I'm explaining, I faced them during studying protection methods in PluralSight and BestDotNetTraining. nevertheless, none of these methods stopped me from downloading what I want, but I had a hard time to curate the downloader to pass their protection.

In addition to other mentioned methods to disable the context menu. the user still is able to use third-party tools like InternetDownload manager or other similar software to download the videos. the protection method that I'm explaining here is to mitigate those 3rd party software.

the requirement of all of these methods is to block a user when you identify someone is downloading your videos. in this way they are able to download only one or two videos only before you banned them from accessing to your website.


I will not accept any responsibility if someone abuses these methods or use it to harm others or the websites that I mentioned as an example. it's just for sharing knowledge to help you to protect your intellectual product.

generate links with an expiry

the requirement for this is to create a download link per user. that one can easily be handled by azure blob storage or amazon s3. you can create a download link with twice of the video length expiry timestamp. then you need to capture that video link and the time that is requested. this is necessary for the next method. the catch for this method is you are generating the download link when the user click the play button.

on play button event you will send a request to the server and get the link and update the source.

throttle the video request rate

then you monitor how fast the user request for the second video. if the user request for a download link too fast, then you block them right away. you can't put this threshold too big because you can mistakenly block users that are just browsing or skimming through the videos.

Enable HTTP Range

use some js library like videojs to play your video, also you need to return an AcceptRange in your header. Azure blob storage supports this out of the box. this way the browser starts to download the video chunk by chunk. usually, 32byte by 32byte. then you need to listen to videojs timeupdate change and update your server about the percentage that the video is watched. the percentage that the video is watched can't be more than the percentage that video is delivered. and if you are delivering a video content without receiving any percentage change, then you can block the user. because for sure they are downloading.

implementing this is tricky because the user can skip the video forward or backwards so be conscious about this when you are implementing this.

this is how BestDotnetTraining is handling the timeupdate

myPlayer.ready(function () {
    //var player = this;
        type: "video/mp4",
        src: videoURL
    if (videoId) {;
        this.on('timeupdate', function () {
            var currentPercent = parseInt(100 * myPlayer.currentTime() / myPlayer.duration());//calcualte as percentage
            if (currentPercent % 5 == 0) {
                //send percentage to server 
                SaveVideoDurationWatched(currentPercent, videoId);


anyway, the user is able to work around this by using some download method that downloads a file through streaming. almost c# do it out of the box and for nodejs, you can use request module. then you need to start a stopWatch, listen to a package received and compare the total byte received compare to the total size. this way you can calculate a percentage and the time spent to get that amount of percentage. then use the Thread.Sleep() or something like that to delay the thread the amount that you have to wait if you watch the video normally. also before the sleep the user can call the server and update the percentage that is received. so the server thinks that the user is actually watching a video.

the calculation will be something like this, for example, if you calculate that you received 1 per cent so far, then you can calculate the amount that you should wait to sleep the download thread. in this way you can't download a video faster than what it's actual length is. if a video is 24 min. it will takes 24 min to download it. (plus the threshold we put in the first method)

original video length 24 minute
24 min *60000 = 1,440,000 miliseconds 
1,440,000 % 100 = 14,400 milisecond is needed to download one percent

check the browser agent

when you are serving a webpage and serving the video link or accepting the progress update request you can look at the browser agent. if it's different then ban the user.

just be aware that some old browser doesn't pass this information. so you should ignore this when there is no browser agent in both video request and webpage request. but if one request has it and another one doesn't, then you should ban the user.

to work around this the user can set the browser agent header manually same as the headless browser that they are using to capture the download link.

check the referer header

when the referer is something other than your host URL or the page URL that you are serving the video, you can ban the user, because they put the download link in another tab or another application. even you can do that for the progress update request.

the requirement for this is to has a mapping of video and the page that shows that video. you can create some convention or pattern to understand what the URL should be, it's up to your design.

to work around it the user can set the referrer header manually equal to the download page URL when downloading the videos.

Calculate the time between request

if you receive so many requests that the time between them is the same, then you should block the user. you should put this to capture how much is time between the video link generation request. if they are the same (plus/minus some threshold) and it happens more than a number of times, then you can ban the user. because if there is a bot that is going to crawl your website or videos, then usually they have the same sleep time between their request. so if you receive each request, for example, every 1.3(plus/mins some deviation) minutes. then you raise an alarm. for this, you can use some statistic calculation to know the deviation between the requests.

to workaround this, the user can put a random sleep time between the requests.

sample code

I have a repo PluralSight-Downloader that is doing it halfway. I created this repo almost 5 years ago. because I wrote it for study purpose and own personal use only, the repo isn't received any update so far and I'm not going to update or make it easy to work with. it's just an example of how it can be done.

$("#form1").validate is not a function

I had this issue, jquery URL was valid, everything looked good and validation still worked. After a hard refresh CTL+F5 the error went away in Chrome.

Java Timer vs ExecutorService?

If it's available to you, then it's difficult to think of a reason not to use the Java 5 executor framework. Calling:

ScheduledExecutorService ex = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();

will give you a ScheduledExecutorService with similar functionality to Timer (i.e. it will be single-threaded) but whose access may be slightly more scalable (under the hood, it uses concurrent structures rather than complete synchronization as with the Timer class). Using a ScheduledExecutorService also gives you advantages such as:

  • You can customize it if need be (see the newScheduledThreadPoolExecutor() or the ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor class)
  • The 'one off' executions can return results

About the only reasons for sticking to Timer I can think of are:

  • It is available pre Java 5
  • A similar class is provided in J2ME, which could make porting your application easier (but it wouldn't be terribly difficult to add a common layer of abstraction in this case)

CSS height 100% percent not working

I would say you have two options:

  1. to get all parent divs styled with 100% height (including body and html)

  2. to use absolute positioning for one of the parent divs (for example #content) and then all child divs set to height 100%

Pandas convert dataframe to array of tuples

A generic way:

[tuple(x) for x in data_set.to_records(index=False)]

Java: set timeout on a certain block of code?

Here's the simplest way that I know of to do this:

final Runnable stuffToDo = new Thread() {
  public void run() { 
    /* Do stuff here. */ 

final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
final Future future = executor.submit(stuffToDo);
executor.shutdown(); // This does not cancel the already-scheduled task.

try { 
  future.get(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES); 
catch (InterruptedException ie) { 
  /* Handle the interruption. Or ignore it. */ 
catch (ExecutionException ee) { 
  /* Handle the error. Or ignore it. */ 
catch (TimeoutException te) { 
  /* Handle the timeout. Or ignore it. */ 
if (!executor.isTerminated())
    executor.shutdownNow(); // If you want to stop the code that hasn't finished.

Alternatively, you can create a TimeLimitedCodeBlock class to wrap this functionality, and then you can use it wherever you need it as follows:

new TimeLimitedCodeBlock(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES) { @Override public void codeBlock() {
    // Do stuff here.

Reading rather large json files in Python

The issue here is that JSON, as a format, is generally parsed in full and then handled in-memory, which for such a large amount of data is clearly problematic.

The solution to this is to work with the data as a stream - reading part of the file, working with it, and then repeating.

The best option appears to be using something like ijson - a module that will work with JSON as a stream, rather than as a block file.

Edit: Also worth a look - kashif's comment about json-streamer and Henrik Heino's comment about bigjson.

How do I get into a Docker container's shell?

SSH into a Docker container using this command:

sudo docker exec -i -t (container ID) bash

Extending from two classes

Why Not Use an Inner Class (Nesting)

class A extends B {
    private class C extends D {
        //Classes A , B , C , D accessible here 

JavaScript displaying a float to 2 decimal places

let a = 0.0500


How to have an automatic timestamp in SQLite?

Just declare a default value for a field:

    Name TEXT,
    Other STUFF,

However, if your INSERT command explicitly sets this field to NULL, it will be set to NULL.

How do I parallelize a simple Python loop?

Dask futures; I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet . . .

from dask.distributed import Client

client = Client(n_workers=8) # In this example I have 8 cores and processes (can also use threads if desired)

def my_function(i):
    output = <code to execute in the for loop here>
    return output

futures = []

for i in <whatever you want to loop across here>:
    future = client.submit(my_function, i)

results = client.gather(futures)

jQuery multiple conditions within if statement

i == 'InvKey' && i == 'PostDate' will never be true, since i can never equal two different things at once.

You're probably trying to write

if (i !== 'InvKey' && i !== 'PostDate')) 

How to copy Outlook mail message into excel using VBA or Macros

New introduction 2

In the previous version of macro "SaveEmailDetails" I used this statement to find Inbox:

Set FolderTgt = CreateObject("Outlook.Application"). _

I have since installed a newer version of Outlook and I have discovered that it does not use the default Inbox. For each of my email accounts, it created a separate store (named for the email address) each with its own Inbox. None of those Inboxes is the default.

This macro, outputs the name of the store holding the default Inbox to the Immediate Window:

Sub DsplUsernameOfDefaultStore()

  Dim NS As Outlook.NameSpace
  Dim DefaultInboxFldr As MAPIFolder

  Set NS = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
  Set DefaultInboxFldr = NS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

  Debug.Print DefaultInboxFldr.Parent.Name

End Sub

On my installation, this outputs: "Outlook Data File".

I have added an extra statement to macro "SaveEmailDetails" that shows how to access the Inbox of any store.

New introduction 1

A number of people have picked up the macro below, found it useful and have contacted me directly for further advice. Following these contacts I have made a few improvements to the macro so I have posted the revised version below. I have also added a pair of macros which together will return the MAPIFolder object for any folder with the Outlook hierarchy. These are useful if you wish to access other than a default folder.

The original text referenced one question by date which linked to an earlier question. The first question has been deleted so the link has been lost. That link was to Update excel sheet based on outlook mail (closed)

Original text

There are a surprising number of variations of the question: "How do I extract data from Outlook emails to Excel workbooks?" For example, two questions up on [outlook-vba] the same question was asked on 13 August. That question references a variation from December that I attempted to answer.

For the December question, I went overboard with a two part answer. The first part was a series of teaching macros that explored the Outlook folder structure and wrote data to text files or Excel workbooks. The second part discussed how to design the extraction process. For this question Siddarth has provided an excellent, succinct answer and then a follow-up to help with the next stage.

What the questioner of every variation appears unable to understand is that showing us what the data looks like on the screen does not tell us what the text or html body looks like. This answer is an attempt to get past that problem.

The macro below is more complicated than Siddarth’s but a lot simpler that those I included in my December answer. There is more that could be added but I think this is enough to start with.

The macro creates a new Excel workbook and outputs selected properties of every email in Inbox to create this worksheet:

Example of worksheet created by macro

Near the top of the macro there is a comment containing eight hashes (#). The statement below that comment must be changed because it identifies the folder in which the Excel workbook will be created.

All other comments containing hashes suggest amendments to adapt the macro to your requirements.

How are the emails from which data is to be extracted identified? Is it the sender, the subject, a string within the body or all of these? The comments provide some help in eliminating uninteresting emails. If I understand the question correctly, an interesting email will have Subject = "Task Completed".

The comments provide no help in extracting data from interesting emails but the worksheet shows both the text and html versions of the email body if they are present. My idea is that you can see what the macro will see and start designing the extraction process.

This is not shown in the screen image above but the macro outputs two versions on the text body. The first version is unchanged which means tab, carriage return, line feed are obeyed and any non-break spaces look like spaces. In the second version, I have replaced these codes with the strings [TB], [CR], [LF] and [NBSP] so they are visible. If my understanding is correct, I would expect to see the following within the second text body:

Activity[TAB]Count[CR][LF]Open[TAB]35[CR][LF]HCQA[TAB]42[CR][LF]HCQC[TAB]60[CR][LF]HAbst[TAB]50 45 5 2 2 1[CR][LF] and so on

Extracting the values from the original of this string should not be difficult.

I would try amending my macro to output the extracted values in addition to the email’s properties. Only when I have successfully achieved this change would I attempt to write the extracted data to an existing workbook. I would also move processed emails to a different folder. I have shown where these changes must be made but give no further help. I will respond to a supplementary question if you get to the point where you need this information.

Good luck.

Latest version of macro included within the original text

Option Explicit
Public Sub SaveEmailDetails()

  ' This macro creates a new Excel workbook and writes to it details
  ' of every email in the Inbox.

  ' Lines starting with hashes either MUST be changed before running the
  ' macro or suggest changes you might consider appropriate.

  Dim AttachCount As Long
  Dim AttachDtl() As String
  Dim ExcelWkBk As Excel.Workbook
  Dim FileName As String
  Dim FolderTgt As MAPIFolder
  Dim HtmlBody As String
  Dim InterestingItem As Boolean
  Dim InxAttach As Long
  Dim InxItemCrnt As Long
  Dim PathName As String
  Dim ReceivedTime As Date
  Dim RowCrnt As Long
  Dim SenderEmailAddress As String
  Dim SenderName As String
  Dim Subject As String
  Dim TextBody As String
  Dim xlApp As Excel.Application

  ' The Excel workbook will be created in this folder.
  ' ######## Replace "C:\DataArea\SO" with the name of a folder on your disc.
  PathName = "C:\DataArea\SO"

  ' This creates a unique filename.
  ' #### If you use a version of Excel 2003, change the extension to "xls".
  FileName = Format(Now(), "yymmdd hhmmss") & ".xlsx"

  ' Open own copy of Excel
  Set xlApp = Application.CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  With xlApp
    ' .Visible = True         ' This slows your macro but helps during debugging
    .ScreenUpdating = False ' Reduces flash and increases speed
    ' Create a new workbook
    ' #### If updating an existing workbook, replace with an
    ' #### Open workbook statement.
    Set ExcelWkBk = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
    With ExcelWkBk
      ' #### None of this code will be useful if you are adding
      ' #### to an existing workbook.  However, it demonstrates a
      ' #### variety of useful statements.
      .Worksheets("Sheet1").Name = "Inbox"    ' Rename first worksheet
      With .Worksheets("Inbox")
        ' Create header line
        With .Cells(1, "A")
          .Value = "Field"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        With .Cells(1, "B")
          .Value = "Value"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        .Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 18
        .Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 150
      End With
    End With
    RowCrnt = 2
  End With

  ' FolderTgt is the folder I am going to search.  This statement says
  ' I want to seach the Inbox.  The value "olFolderInbox" can be replaced
  ' to allow any of the standard folders to be searched.
  ' See FindSelectedFolder() for a routine that will search for any folder.
  Set FolderTgt = CreateObject("Outlook.Application"). _
  ' #### Use the following the access a non-default Inbox.
  ' #### Change "Xxxx" to name of one of your store you want to access.
  Set FolderTgt = Session.Folders("Xxxx").Folders("Inbox")

  ' This examines the emails in reverse order. I will explain why later.
  For InxItemCrnt = FolderTgt.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
    With FolderTgt.Items.Item(InxItemCrnt)
      ' A folder can contain several types of item: mail items, meeting items,
      ' contacts, etc.  I am only interested in mail items.
      If .Class = olMail Then
        ' Save selected properties to variables
        ReceivedTime = .ReceivedTime
        Subject = .Subject
        SenderName = .SenderName
        SenderEmailAddress = .SenderEmailAddress
        TextBody = .Body
        HtmlBody = .HtmlBody
        AttachCount = .Attachments.Count
        If AttachCount > 0 Then
          ReDim AttachDtl(1 To 7, 1 To AttachCount)
          For InxAttach = 1 To AttachCount
            ' There are four types of attachment:
            '  *   olByValue       1
            '  *   olByReference   4
            '  *   olEmbeddedItem  5
            '  *   olOLE           6
            Select Case .Attachments(InxAttach).Type
              Case olByValue
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "Val"
              Case olEmbeddeditem
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "Ebd"
              Case olByReference
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "Ref"
              Case olOLE
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "OLE"
              Case Else
            AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) = "Unk"
            End Select
            ' Not all types have all properties.  This code handles
            ' those missing properties of which I am aware.  However,
            ' I have never found an attachment of type Reference or OLE.
            ' Additional code may be required for them.
            Select Case .Attachments(InxAttach).Type
              Case olEmbeddeditem
                AttachDtl(2, InxAttach) = ""
              Case Else
                AttachDtl(2, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).PathName
            End Select
            AttachDtl(3, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).FileName
            AttachDtl(4, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).DisplayName
            AttachDtl(5, InxAttach) = "--"
            ' I suspect Attachment had a parent property in early versions
            ' of Outlook. It is missing from Outlook 2016.
            On Error Resume Next
            AttachDtl(5, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).Parent
            On Error GoTo 0
            AttachDtl(6, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).Position
            ' Class 5 is attachment.  I have never seen an attachment with
            ' a different class and do not see the purpose of this property.
            ' The code will stop here if a different class is found.
            Debug.Assert .Attachments(InxAttach).Class = 5
            AttachDtl(7, InxAttach) = .Attachments(InxAttach).Class
        End If
        InterestingItem = True
        InterestingItem = False
      End If
    End With
    ' The most used properties of the email have been loaded to variables but
    ' there are many more properies.  Press F2.  Scroll down classes until
    ' you find MailItem.  Look through the members and note the name of
    ' any properties that look useful.  Look them up using VB Help.

    ' #### You need to add code here to eliminate uninteresting items.
    ' #### For example:
    'If SenderEmailAddress <> "[email protected]" Then
    '  InterestingItem = False
    'End If
    'If InStr(Subject, "Accounts payable") = 0 Then
    '  InterestingItem = False
    'End If
    'If AttachCount = 0 Then
    '  InterestingItem = False
    'End If

    ' #### If the item is still thought to be interesting I
    ' #### suggest extracting the required data to variables here.

    ' #### You should consider moving processed emails to another
    ' #### folder.  The emails are being processed in reverse order
    ' #### to allow this removal of an email from the Inbox without
    ' #### effecting the index numbers of unprocessed emails.

    If InterestingItem Then
      With ExcelWkBk
        With .Worksheets("Inbox")
          ' #### This code creates a dividing row and then
          ' #### outputs a property per row.  Again it demonstrates
          ' #### statements that are likely to be useful in the final
          ' #### version
          ' Create dividing row between emails
          .Rows(RowCrnt).RowHeight = 5
          .Range(.Cells(RowCrnt, "A"), .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")) _
                                      .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Sender name"
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = SenderName
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Sender email address"
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = SenderEmailAddress
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Received time"
          With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
            .NumberFormat = "@"
            .Value = Format(ReceivedTime, "mmmm d, yyyy h:mm")
          End With
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Subject"
          .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = Subject
          RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          If AttachCount > 0 Then
            .Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value = "Attachments"
            .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = "Inx|Type|Path name|File name|Display name|Parent|Position|Class"
            RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
            For InxAttach = 1 To AttachCount
              .Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value = InxAttach & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(1, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(2, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(3, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(4, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(5, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(6, InxAttach) & "|" & _
                                           AttachDtl(7, InxAttach)
              RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          End If
          If TextBody <> "" Then

            ' ##### This code was in the original version of the macro
            ' ##### but I did not find it as useful as the other version of
            ' ##### the text body.  See below
            ' This outputs the text body with CR, LF and TB obeyed
            'With .Cells(RowCrnt, "A")
            '  .Value = "text body"
            '  .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            'End With
            'With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
            '  ' The maximum size of a cell 32,767
            '  .Value = Mid(TextBody, 1, 32700)
            '  .WrapText = True
            'End With
            'RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1

            ' This outputs the text body with NBSP, CR, LF and TB
            ' replaced by strings.
            With .Cells(RowCrnt, "A")
              .Value = "text body"
              .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            End With
            TextBody = Replace(TextBody, Chr(160), "[NBSP]")
            TextBody = Replace(TextBody, vbCr, "[CR]")
            TextBody = Replace(TextBody, vbLf, "[LF]")
            TextBody = Replace(TextBody, vbTab, "[TB]")
            With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
              ' The maximum size of a cell 32,767
              .Value = Mid(TextBody, 1, 32700)
              .WrapText = True
            End With
            RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
          End If

          If HtmlBody <> "" Then

            ' ##### This code was in the original version of the macro
            ' ##### but I did not find it as useful as the other version of
            ' ##### the html body.  See below
            ' This outputs the html body with CR, LF and TB obeyed
            'With .Cells(RowCrnt, "A")
            '  .Value = "Html body"
            '  .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            'End With
            'With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
            '  .Value = Mid(HtmlBody, 1, 32700)
            '  .WrapText = True
            'End With
            'RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1

            ' This outputs the html body with NBSP, CR, LF and TB
            ' replaced by strings.
            With .Cells(RowCrnt, "A")
              .Value = "Html body"
              .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            End With
            HtmlBody = Replace(HtmlBody, Chr(160), "[NBSP]")
            HtmlBody = Replace(HtmlBody, vbCr, "[CR]")
            HtmlBody = Replace(HtmlBody, vbLf, "[LF]")
            HtmlBody = Replace(HtmlBody, vbTab, "[TB]")
            With .Cells(RowCrnt, "B")
              .Value = Mid(HtmlBody, 1, 32700)
              .WrapText = True
            End With
            RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1

          End If
        End With
      End With
    End If

  With xlApp
    With ExcelWkBk
      ' Write new workbook to disc
      If Right(PathName, 1) <> "\" Then
        PathName = PathName & "\"
      End If
      .SaveAs FileName:=PathName & FileName
    End With
    .Quit   ' Close our copy of Excel
  End With

  Set xlApp = Nothing       ' Clear reference to Excel

End Sub

Macros not included in original post but which some users of above macro have found useful.

Public Sub FindSelectedFolder(ByRef FolderTgt As MAPIFolder, _
                              ByVal NameTgt As String, ByVal NameSep As String)

  ' This routine (and its sub-routine) locate a folder within the hierarchy and
  ' returns it as an object of type MAPIFolder

  ' NameTgt   The name of the required folder in the format:
  '              FolderName1 NameSep FolderName2 [ NameSep FolderName3 ] ...
  '           If NameSep is "|", an example value is "Personal Folders|Inbox"
  '           FolderName1 must be an outer folder name such as
  '           "Personal Folders". The outer folder names are typically the names
  '           of PST files.  FolderName2 must be the name of a folder within
  '           Folder1; in the example "Inbox".  FolderName2 is compulsory.  This
  '           routine cannot return a PST file; only a folder within a PST file.
  '           FolderName3, FolderName4 and so on are optional and allow a folder
  '           at any depth with the hierarchy to be specified.
  ' NameSep   A character or string used to separate the folder names within
  '           NameTgt.
  ' FolderTgt On exit, the required folder.  Set to Nothing if not found.

  ' This routine initialises the search and finds the top level folder.
  ' FindSelectedSubFolder() is used to find the target folder within the
  ' top level folder.

  Dim InxFolderCrnt As Long
  Dim NameChild As String
  Dim NameCrnt As String
  Dim Pos As Long
  Dim TopLvlFolderList As Folders

  Set FolderTgt = Nothing   ' Target folder not found

  Set TopLvlFolderList = _

  ' Split NameTgt into the name of folder at current level
  ' and the name of its children
  Pos = InStr(NameTgt, NameSep)
  If Pos = 0 Then
    ' I need at least a level 2 name
    Exit Sub
  End If
  NameCrnt = Mid(NameTgt, 1, Pos - 1)
  NameChild = Mid(NameTgt, Pos + 1)

  ' Look for current name.  Drop through and return nothing if name not found.
  For InxFolderCrnt = 1 To TopLvlFolderList.Count
    If NameCrnt = TopLvlFolderList(InxFolderCrnt).Name Then
      ' Have found current name. Call FindSelectedSubFolder() to
      ' look for its children
      Call FindSelectedSubFolder(TopLvlFolderList.Item(InxFolderCrnt), _
                                            FolderTgt, NameChild, NameSep)
      Exit For
    End If

End Sub
Public Sub FindSelectedSubFolder(FolderCrnt As MAPIFolder, _
                      ByRef FolderTgt As MAPIFolder, _
                      ByVal NameTgt As String, ByVal NameSep As String)

  ' See FindSelectedFolder() for an introduction to the purpose of this routine.
  ' This routine finds all folders below the top level

  ' FolderCrnt The folder to be seached for the target folder.
  ' NameTgt    The NameTgt passed to FindSelectedFolder will be of the form:
  '               A|B|C|D|E
  '            A is the name of outer folder which represents a PST file.
  '            FindSelectedFolder() removes "A|" from NameTgt and calls this
  '            routine with FolderCrnt set to folder A to search for B.
  '            When this routine finds B, it calls itself with FolderCrnt set to
  '            folder B to search for C.  Calls are nested to whatever depth are
  '            necessary.
  ' NameSep    As for FindSelectedSubFolder
  ' FolderTgt  As for FindSelectedSubFolder

  Dim InxFolderCrnt As Long
  Dim NameChild As String
  Dim NameCrnt As String
  Dim Pos As Long

  ' Split NameTgt into the name of folder at current level
  ' and the name of its children
  Pos = InStr(NameTgt, NameSep)
  If Pos = 0 Then
    NameCrnt = NameTgt
    NameChild = ""
    NameCrnt = Mid(NameTgt, 1, Pos - 1)
    NameChild = Mid(NameTgt, Pos + 1)
  End If

  ' Look for current name.  Drop through and return nothing if name not found.
  For InxFolderCrnt = 1 To FolderCrnt.Folders.Count
    If NameCrnt = FolderCrnt.Folders(InxFolderCrnt).Name Then
      ' Have found current name.
      If NameChild = "" Then
        ' Have found target folder
        Set FolderTgt = FolderCrnt.Folders(InxFolderCrnt)
        'Recurse to look for children
        Call FindSelectedSubFolder(FolderCrnt.Folders(InxFolderCrnt), _
                                            FolderTgt, NameChild, NameSep)
      End If
      Exit For
    End If

  ' If NameCrnt not found, FolderTgt will be returned unchanged.  Since it is
  ' initialised to Nothing at the beginning, that will be the returned value.

End Sub

How to install bcmath module?

For Centos 7 with php7.0

Install CentOS SCLo RH repository: yum install centos-release-scl-rh

Install rh-php71-php-bcmath rpm package: yum install rh-php71-php-bcmath

systemctl restart httpd.service

How to output (to a log) a multi-level array in a format that is human-readable?

If you need to log an error to Apache error log you can try this:

error_log( print_r($multidimensionalarray, TRUE) );

How do I make a C++ macro behave like a function?

Create a block using

 #define MACRO(...) do { ... } while(false)

Do not add a ; after the while(false)

How to get just the date part of getdate()?

If you are using SQL Server 2008 or later

select convert(date, getdate())


select convert(varchar(10), getdate(),120)

Is it possible to get an Excel document's row count without loading the entire document into memory?

Python 3

import openpyxl as xl

wb = xl.load_workbook("Sample.xlsx", enumerate)

#the 2 lines under do the same. 
sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('sheet') 
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]

row_count = sheet.max_row
column_count = sheet.max_column

#this works fore me.

How to pass arguments to Shell Script through docker run

There are a few things interacting here:

  1. docker run your_image arg1 arg2 will replace the value of CMD with arg1 arg2. That's a full replacement of the CMD, not appending more values to it. This is why you often see docker run some_image /bin/bash to run a bash shell in the container.

  2. When you have both an ENTRYPOINT and a CMD value defined, docker starts the container by concatenating the two and running that concatenated command. So if you define your entrypoint to be, you can now run the container with additional args that will be passed as args to

  3. Entrypoints and Commands in docker have two syntaxes, a string syntax that will launch a shell, and a json syntax that will perform an exec. The shell is useful to handle things like IO redirection, chaining multiple commands together (with things like &&), variable substitution, etc. However, that shell gets in the way with signal handling (if you've ever seen a 10 second delay to stop a container, this is often the cause) and with concatenating an entrypoint and command together. If you define your entrypoint as a string, it would run /bin/sh -c "", which alone is fine. But if you have a command defined as a string too, you'll see something like /bin/sh -c "" /bin/sh -c "arg1 arg2" as the command being launched inside your container, not so good. See the table here for more on how these two options interact

  4. The shell -c option only takes a single argument. Everything after that would get passed as $1, $2, etc, to that single argument, but not into an embedded shell script unless you explicitly passed the args. I.e. /bin/sh -c " $1 $2" "arg1" "arg2" would work, but /bin/sh -c "" "arg1" "arg2" would not since would be called with no args.

Putting that all together, the common design is:

FROM ubuntu:14.04
COPY ./ /
RUN chmod 755 /
# Note the json syntax on this next line is strict, double quotes, and any syntax
# error will result in a shell being used to run the line.

And you then run that with:

docker run your_image arg1 arg2

There's a fair bit more detail on this at: