[html] How to send HTML email using linux command line

I need to send email with html format. I have only linux command line and command "mail".

Currently have used:

echo "To: [email protected]" > /var/www/report.csv
echo "Subject: Subject" >> /var/www/report.csv
echo "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"us-ascii\"" >> /var/www/report.csv

echo "<html>" >> /var/www/report.csv
mysql -u ***** -p***** -H -e "select * from users LIMIT 20" dev >> /var/www/report.csv
echo "</html>" >> /var/www/report.csv

mail -s "Built notification" [email protected] < /var/www/report.csv

But in my mail-agent i get only plain/text.

alt text

This question is related to html linux email send

The answer is

I found a really easy solution: add to the mail command the modifier -aContent-Type:text/html.

In your case would be:

mail -aContent-Type:text/html -s "Built notification" [email protected] < /var/www/report.csv

Very old question, however it ranked high when I googled a question about this.

Find the answer here:

Sending HTML mail using a shell script

With heirloom-mailx you can change sendmail program to your hook script, replace headers there and then use sendmail.

The script I use (~/bin/sendmail-hook):


sed '1,/^$/{
s,^\(Content-Type: \).*$,\1text/html; charset=utf-8,g
s,^\(Content-Transfer-Encoding: \).*$,\18bit,g
}' | sendmail $@

This script changes the values in the mail header as follows:

  • Content-Type: to text/html; charset=utf-8
  • Content-Transfer-Encoding: to 8bit (not sure if this is really needed).

To send HTML email:

mail -Ssendmail='~/bin/sendmail-hook' \
    -s "Built notification" [email protected] < /var/www/report.csv

The problem is that when redirecting a file into 'mail' like that, it's used for the message body only. Any headers you embed in the file will go into the body instead.


mail --append="Content-type: text/html" -s "Built notification" [email protected] < /var/www/report.csv

--append lets you add arbitrary headers to the mail, which is where you should specify the content-type and content-disposition. There's no need to embed the To and Subject headers in your file, or specify them with --append, since you're implicitly setting them on the command line already (-s is the subject, and [email protected] automatically becomes the To).

My version of mail does not have --append and it too smart for the echo -e \n-trick (it simply replaces \n with space). It does, however, have -a:

mail -a "Content-type: text/html" -s "Built notification" [email protected] < /var/www/report.html

On OS X (10.9.4), cat works, and is easier if your email is already in a file:

cat email_template.html  | mail -s "$(echo -e "Test\nContent-Type: text/html")" [email protected]

Try with :

echo "To: [email protected]" > /var/www/report.csv
echo "Subject: Subject" >> /var/www/report.csv
echo "MIME-Version: 1.0" >> /var/www/report.csv
echo "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"us-ascii\"" >> /var/www/report.csv
echo "Content-Disposition: inline" >> /var/www/report.csv

echo "<html>" >> /var/www/report.csv
mysql -u ***** -p***** -H -e "select * from users LIMIT 20" dev >> /var/www/report.csv
echo "</html>" >> /var/www/report.csv

mail -s "Built notification" [email protected] < /var/www/report.csv

you should use "append" mode redirection >> instead of >

This worked for me:

echo "<b>HTML Message goes here</b>" | mail -s "$(echo -e "This is the subject\nContent-Type: text/html")" [email protected]

Command Line

Create a file named tmp.html with the following contents:

<b>my bold message</b>

Next, paste the following into the command line (parentheses and all):

  echo To: [email protected]
  echo From: [email protected]
  echo "Content-Type: text/html; "
  echo Subject: a logfile
  cat tmp.html
) | sendmail -t

The mail will be dispatched including a bold message due to the <b> element.

Shell Script

As a script, save the following as email.sh:

ARG_EMAIL_TO="[email protected]"
ARG_EMAIL_FROM="Your Name <[email protected]>"

  echo "To: ${ARG_EMAIL_TO}"
  echo "From: ${ARG_EMAIL_FROM}"
  echo "Subject: ${ARG_EMAIL_SUBJECT}"
  echo "Mime-Version: 1.0"
  echo "Content-Type: text/html; charset='utf-8'"
  cat contents.html
) | sendmail -t

Create a file named contents.html in the same directory as the email.sh script that resembles:

<html><head><title>Subject Line</title></head>
  <p style='color:red'>HTML Content</p>

Run email.sh. When the email arrives, the HTML Content text will appear red.


I was struggling with similar problem (with mail) in one of my git's post_receive hooks and finally I found out, that sendmail actually works better for that kind of things, especially if you know a bit of how e-mails are constructed (and it seems like you know). I know this answer comes very late, but maybe it will be of some use to others too. I made use of heredoc operator and use of the feature, that it expands variables, so it can also run inlined scripts. Just check this out (bash script):

    '[email protected]'
    '[email protected]'
#   '[email protected]'
sender='[email protected]';
subject='Oh, who really cares, seriously...';
sendmail -t <<-MAIL
    From: ${sender}
    `for r in "${recipients[@]}"; do echo "To: ${r}"; done;`
    Subject: ${subject}
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    <html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"/></head>
    <body><p>Ladies and gents, here comes the report!</p>
    <pre>`mysql -u ***** -p***** -H -e "SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 20"`</pre>

Note of backticks in the MAIL part to generate some output and remember, that <<- operator strips only tabs (not spaces) from the beginning of lines, so in that case copy-paste will not work (you need to replace indentation with proper tabs). Or use << operator and make no indentation at all. Hope this will help someone. Of course you can use backticks outside o MAIL part and save the output into some variable, that you can later use in the MAIL part — matter of taste and readability. And I know, #!/bin/bash does not always work on every system.

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