[angularjs] AngularJS access parent scope from child controller

I've set up my controllers using data-ng-controller="xyzController as vm"

I have a scenario with parent / child nested controllers. I have no problem accessing parent properties in the nested html by using $parent.vm.property, but I cannot figure out how to access the parent property from within my child controller.

I've tried injecting $scope and then using $scope.$parent.vm.property, but this isn't working?

Can anyone offer advice?

This question is related to angularjs angularjs-scope

The answer is

Some times you may need to update parent properties directly within child scope. e.g. need to save a date and time of parent control after changes by a child controller. e.g Code in JSFiddle


<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller="Parent">
    event.date = {{event.date}} <br/>
    event.time = {{event.time}} <br/>
    <div ng-controller="Child">
        event.date = {{event.date}}<br/>
        event.time = {{event.time}}<br/>
        event.date: <input ng-model='event.date'><br>
        event.time: <input ng-model='event.time'><br>


    function Parent($scope) {
       $scope.event = {
        date: '2014/01/1',
        time: '10:01 AM'

    function Child($scope) {


When you are using as syntax, like ParentController as parentCtrl, to define a controller then to access parent scope variable in child controller use following :

var id = $scope.parentCtrl.id;

Where parentCtrl is name of parent controller using as syntax and id is a variable defined in same controller.

Perhaps this is lame but you can also just point them both at some external object:

var cities = [];

function ParentCtrl() {
    var vm = this;
    vm.cities = cities;
    vm.cities[0] = 'Oakland';

function ChildCtrl($scope) {
    var vm = this;
    vm.cities = cities;

The benefit here is that edits in ChildCtrl now propogate back to the data in the parent.

I believe I had a similar quandary recently

function parentCtrl() {
   var pc = this; // pc stands for parent control
   pc.foobar = 'SomeVal';

function childCtrl($scope) {

   // now how do I get the parent control 'foobar' variable?
   // I used $scope.$parent

   var parentFoobarVariableValue = $scope.$parent.pc.foobar;

   // that did it

My setup was a little different, but the same thing should probably still work

I've just checked


works for me.

and it will be


for the view.

You can also circumvent scope inheritance and store things in the "global" scope.

If you have a main controller in your application which wraps all other controllers, you can install a "hook" to the global scope:

function RootCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.root = $scope;

Then in any child controller, you can access the "global" scope with $scope.root. Anything you set here will be globally visible.


function RootCtrl($scope) {_x000D_
  $scope.root = $scope;_x000D_
function ChildCtrl($scope) {_x000D_
  $scope.setValue = function() {_x000D_
    $scope.root.someGlobalVar = 'someVal';_x000D_
function OtherChildCtrl($scope) {_x000D_
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app ng-controller="RootCtrl">_x000D_
  <p ng-controller="ChildCtrl">_x000D_
    <button ng-click="setValue()">Set someGlobalVar</button>_x000D_
  <p ng-controller="OtherChildCtrl">_x000D_
    someGlobalVar value: {{someGlobalVar}}_x000D_

Super easy and works, but not sure why....

  .directive('details', function () {
        return {
              templateUrl: 'components/details.template.html',
              restrict: 'E',                 
              controller: function ($scope) {
                    $scope.details=$scope.details;  <=== can see the parent details doing this                     

From a child component you can access the properties and methods of the parent component with 'require'. Here is an example:


.component('myParent', mymodule.MyParentComponent)
controllerAs: 'vm',
var vm = this;
vm.parentProperty = 'hello from parent';


require: {
    myParentCtrl: '^myParent'
controllerAs: 'vm',
var vm = this;
vm.myParentCtrl.parentProperty = 'hello from child';