Programs & Examples On #Globalize2

Bootstrap DatePicker, how to set the start date for tomorrow?

If you are talking about Datepicker for bootstrap, you set the start date (the min date) by using the following:

$('#datepicker').datepicker('setStartDate', <DATETIME STRING HERE>);

Config Error: This configuration section cannot be used at this path

The following worked for me:

Go to project properties. Web tab. Set to Local IIS and set specific page.

I have Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2013.

How do I use checkboxes in an IF-THEN statement in Excel VBA 2010?

It seems that in VBA macro code for an ActiveX checkbox control you use

If (ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Value = True)

and for a Form checkbox control you use

If (ActiveSheet.Shapes("CheckBox1").OLEFormat.Object.Value = 1)

Transfer git repositories from GitLab to GitHub - can we, how to and pitfalls (if any)?

For anyone still looking for a simpler method to transfer repos from Gitlab to Github while preserving all history.

Step 1. Login to Github, create a private repo with the exact same name as the repo you would like to transfer.

Step 2. Under "push an existing repository from the command" copy the link of the new repo, it will look something like this:

[email protected]:your-name/name-of-repo.git

Step 3. Open up your local project and look for the folder .git typically this will be a hidden folder. Inside the .git folder open up config.

The config file will contain something like:

[remote "origin"]
url = [email protected]:your-name/name-of-repo.git
fetch = +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/origin/

Under [remote "origin"], change the URL to the one that you copied on Github.

Step 4. Open your project folder in the terminal and run: git push --all. This will push your code to Github as well as all the commit history.

Step 5. To make sure everything is working as expected, make changes, commit, push and new commits should appear on the newly created Github repo.

Step 6. As a last step, you can now archive your Gitlab repo or set it to read only.

Spring application context external properties?

This question is kind of old, but wanted to share something which worked for me. Hope it will be useful for people who are searching for some information accessing properties in an external location.

This is what has worked for me.

  1. Property file contents:

  2. applicationContext.xml file contents: (Spring 3.2.3)

    Note: ${user.home} is a system property from OS.

    <context:property-placeholder system-properties-mode="OVERRIDE" location="file:${user.home}/myapp/latest/bin/"/>
    <bean id="appsclusterJndiTemplate" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate">
        <property name="environment">
                <prop key="java.naming.factory.initial">weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory</prop>
                <prop key="java.naming.provider.url">${PROVIDER_URL}</prop>

${PROVIDER_URL} got replaced with the value in the properties the file

How to sort a data frame by date

If you have a dataset named daily_data:

daily_data<-daily_data[order(as.Date(daily_data$date, format="%d/%m/%Y")),] 

GLYPHICONS - bootstrap icon font hex value

We can find these by looking at Bootstrap's stylesheet, Bootstrap.css. Each \{number} represents a hexadecimal value, so \2a is equal to 0x2a or &#x2a;.

As for the font, that can be downloaded from

.glyphicon-asterisk:before {
  content: "\2a";

.glyphicon-plus:before {
  content: "\2b";

.glyphicon-euro:before {
  content: "\20ac";

.glyphicon-minus:before {
  content: "\2212";

.glyphicon-cloud:before {
  content: "\2601";

.glyphicon-envelope:before {
  content: "\2709";

.glyphicon-pencil:before {
  content: "\270f";

.glyphicon-glass:before {
  content: "\e001";

.glyphicon-music:before {
  content: "\e002";

.glyphicon-search:before {
  content: "\e003";

.glyphicon-heart:before {
  content: "\e005";

.glyphicon-star:before {
  content: "\e006";

.glyphicon-star-empty:before {
  content: "\e007";

.glyphicon-user:before {
  content: "\e008";

.glyphicon-film:before {
  content: "\e009";

.glyphicon-th-large:before {
  content: "\e010";

.glyphicon-th:before {
  content: "\e011";

.glyphicon-th-list:before {
  content: "\e012";

.glyphicon-ok:before {
  content: "\e013";

.glyphicon-remove:before {
  content: "\e014";

.glyphicon-zoom-in:before {
  content: "\e015";

.glyphicon-zoom-out:before {
  content: "\e016";

.glyphicon-off:before {
  content: "\e017";

.glyphicon-signal:before {
  content: "\e018";

.glyphicon-cog:before {
  content: "\e019";

.glyphicon-trash:before {
  content: "\e020";

.glyphicon-home:before {
  content: "\e021";

.glyphicon-file:before {
  content: "\e022";

.glyphicon-time:before {
  content: "\e023";

.glyphicon-road:before {
  content: "\e024";

.glyphicon-download-alt:before {
  content: "\e025";

.glyphicon-download:before {
  content: "\e026";

.glyphicon-upload:before {
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.glyphicon-inbox:before {
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.glyphicon-play-circle:before {
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.glyphicon-repeat:before {
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.glyphicon-refresh:before {
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.glyphicon-list-alt:before {
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.glyphicon-lock:before {
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.glyphicon-flag:before {
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.glyphicon-headphones:before {
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.glyphicon-volume-off:before {
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.glyphicon-volume-down:before {
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.glyphicon-volume-up:before {
  content: "\e038";

.glyphicon-qrcode:before {
  content: "\e039";

.glyphicon-barcode:before {
  content: "\e040";

.glyphicon-tag:before {
  content: "\e041";

.glyphicon-tags:before {
  content: "\e042";

.glyphicon-book:before {
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.glyphicon-bookmark:before {
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.glyphicon-print:before {
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.glyphicon-align-right:before {
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.glyphicon-list:before {
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.glyphicon-indent-left:before {
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.glyphicon-indent-right:before {
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.glyphicon-facetime-video:before {
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.glyphicon-picture:before {
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.glyphicon-map-marker:before {
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.glyphicon-adjust:before {
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.glyphicon-tint:before {
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.glyphicon-edit:before {
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.glyphicon-share:before {
  content: "\e066";

.glyphicon-check:before {
  content: "\e067";

.glyphicon-move:before {
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.glyphicon-step-backward:before {
  content: "\e069";

.glyphicon-fast-backward:before {
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.glyphicon-backward:before {
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.glyphicon-play:before {
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.glyphicon-pause:before {
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.glyphicon-stop:before {
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.glyphicon-forward:before {
  content: "\e075";

.glyphicon-fast-forward:before {
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.glyphicon-step-forward:before {
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.glyphicon-eject:before {
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.glyphicon-chevron-left:before {
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.glyphicon-chevron-right:before {
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.glyphicon-plus-sign:before {
  content: "\e081";

.glyphicon-minus-sign:before {
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.glyphicon-remove-sign:before {
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.glyphicon-ok-sign:before {
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.glyphicon-question-sign:before {
  content: "\e085";

.glyphicon-info-sign:before {
  content: "\e086";

.glyphicon-screenshot:before {
  content: "\e087";

.glyphicon-remove-circle:before {
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.glyphicon-ok-circle:before {
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.glyphicon-ban-circle:before {
  content: "\e090";

.glyphicon-arrow-left:before {
  content: "\e091";

.glyphicon-arrow-right:before {
  content: "\e092";

.glyphicon-arrow-up:before {
  content: "\e093";

.glyphicon-arrow-down:before {
  content: "\e094";

.glyphicon-share-alt:before {
  content: "\e095";

.glyphicon-resize-full:before {
  content: "\e096";

.glyphicon-resize-small:before {
  content: "\e097";

.glyphicon-exclamation-sign:before {
  content: "\e101";

.glyphicon-gift:before {
  content: "\e102";

.glyphicon-leaf:before {
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.glyphicon-fire:before {
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.glyphicon-eye-open:before {
  content: "\e105";

.glyphicon-eye-close:before {
  content: "\e106";

.glyphicon-warning-sign:before {
  content: "\e107";

.glyphicon-plane:before {
  content: "\e108";

.glyphicon-calendar:before {
  content: "\e109";

.glyphicon-random:before {
  content: "\e110";

.glyphicon-comment:before {
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.glyphicon-magnet:before {
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.glyphicon-chevron-up:before {
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.glyphicon-chevron-down:before {
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.glyphicon-retweet:before {
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.glyphicon-shopping-cart:before {
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.glyphicon-folder-close:before {
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.glyphicon-folder-open:before {
  content: "\e118";

.glyphicon-resize-vertical:before {
  content: "\e119";

.glyphicon-resize-horizontal:before {
  content: "\e120";

.glyphicon-hdd:before {
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.glyphicon-bullhorn:before {
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.glyphicon-bell:before {
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.glyphicon-certificate:before {
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.glyphicon-thumbs-up:before {
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.glyphicon-thumbs-down:before {
  content: "\e126";

.glyphicon-hand-right:before {
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.glyphicon-hand-left:before {
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.glyphicon-hand-up:before {
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.glyphicon-hand-down:before {
  content: "\e130";

.glyphicon-circle-arrow-right:before {
  content: "\e131";

.glyphicon-circle-arrow-left:before {
  content: "\e132";

.glyphicon-circle-arrow-up:before {
  content: "\e133";

.glyphicon-circle-arrow-down:before {
  content: "\e134";

.glyphicon-globe:before {
  content: "\e135";

.glyphicon-wrench:before {
  content: "\e136";

.glyphicon-tasks:before {
  content: "\e137";

.glyphicon-filter:before {
  content: "\e138";

.glyphicon-briefcase:before {
  content: "\e139";

.glyphicon-fullscreen:before {
  content: "\e140";

.glyphicon-dashboard:before {
  content: "\e141";

.glyphicon-paperclip:before {
  content: "\e142";

.glyphicon-heart-empty:before {
  content: "\e143";

.glyphicon-link:before {
  content: "\e144";

.glyphicon-phone:before {
  content: "\e145";

.glyphicon-pushpin:before {
  content: "\e146";

.glyphicon-usd:before {
  content: "\e148";

.glyphicon-gbp:before {
  content: "\e149";

.glyphicon-sort:before {
  content: "\e150";

.glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet:before {
  content: "\e151";

.glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet-alt:before {
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.glyphicon-sort-by-order:before {
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.glyphicon-sort-by-order-alt:before {
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.glyphicon-sort-by-attributes:before {
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.glyphicon-sort-by-attributes-alt:before {
  content: "\e156";

.glyphicon-unchecked:before {
  content: "\e157";

.glyphicon-expand:before {
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.glyphicon-collapse-down:before {
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.glyphicon-collapse-up:before {
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.glyphicon-log-in:before {
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.glyphicon-flash:before {
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.glyphicon-log-out:before {
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.glyphicon-new-window:before {
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.glyphicon-record:before {
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.glyphicon-save:before {
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.glyphicon-open:before {
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.glyphicon-saved:before {
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.glyphicon-import:before {
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.glyphicon-export:before {
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.glyphicon-send:before {
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.glyphicon-floppy-disk:before {
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.glyphicon-floppy-saved:before {
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.glyphicon-floppy-remove:before {
  content: "\e174";

.glyphicon-floppy-save:before {
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.glyphicon-floppy-open:before {
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.glyphicon-credit-card:before {
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.glyphicon-transfer:before {
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.glyphicon-cutlery:before {
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.glyphicon-header:before {
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.glyphicon-stats:before {
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.glyphicon-sd-video:before {
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.glyphicon-hd-video:before {
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.glyphicon-sound-5-1:before {
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.glyphicon-sound-6-1:before {
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.glyphicon-sound-7-1:before {
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.glyphicon-copyright-mark:before {
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.glyphicon-registration-mark:before {
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.glyphicon-cloud-download:before {
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.glyphicon-cloud-upload:before {
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.glyphicon-tree-conifer:before {
  content: "\e199";

.glyphicon-tree-deciduous:before {
  content: "\e200";

Eclipse reports rendering library more recent than ADT plug-in

  1. Click Help > Install New Software.
  2. In the Work with field, enter:
  3. Select Developer Tools / Android Development Tools.
  4. Click Next and complete the wizard.

Trigger change event of dropdown

Try this:


Works for me.

On one line together with setting the value: $('#id').val(16).change();

What difference between the DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP Types

I have a slightly different perspective on the difference between a DATETIME and a TIMESTAMP. A DATETIME stores a literal value of a date and time with no reference to any particular timezone. So, I can set a DATETIME column to a value such as '2019-01-16 12:15:00' to indicate precisely when my last birthday occurred. Was this Eastern Standard Time? Pacific Standard Time? Who knows? Where the current session time zone of the server comes into play occurs when you set a DATETIME column to some value such as NOW(). The value stored will be the current date and time using the current session time zone in effect. But once a DATETIME column has been set, it will display the same regardless of what the current session time zone is.

A TIMESTAMP column on the other hand takes the '2019-01-16 12:15:00' value you are setting into it and interprets it in the current session time zone to compute an internal representation relative to 1/1/1970 00:00:00 UTC. When the column is displayed, it will be converted back for display based on whatever the current session time zone is. It's a useful fiction to think of a TIMESTAMP as taking the value you are setting and converting it from the current session time zone to UTC for storing and then converting it back to the current session time zone for displaying.

If my server is in San Francisco but I am running an event in New York that starts on 9/1/1029 at 20:00, I would use a TIMESTAMP column for holding the start time, set the session time zone to 'America/New York' and set the start time to '2009-09-01 20:00:00'. If I want to know whether the event has occurred or not, regardless of the current session time zone setting I can compare the start time with NOW(). Of course, for displaying in a meaningful way to a perspective customer, I would need to set the correct session time zone. If I did not need to do time comparisons, then I would probably be better off just using a DATETIME column, which will display correctly (with an implied EST time zone) regardless of what the current session time zone is.


The TIMESTAMP type has a range of '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTC and so it may not usable for your particular application. In that case you will have to use a DATETIME type. You will, of course, always have to be concerned that the current session time zone is set properly whenever you are using this type with date functions such as NOW().

Is It Possible to NSLog C Structs (Like CGRect or CGPoint)?

There are a few functions like:


An example:

NSLog(@"rect1: %@", NSStringFromCGRect(rect1));

Selected tab's color in Bottom Navigation View

Instead of creating selector, Best way to create a style.

<style name="AppTheme.BottomBar">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorAccent</item> 

and to change the text size, selected or non selected.

<dimen name="design_bottom_navigation_text_size" tools:override="true">11sp</dimen>
<dimen name="design_bottom_navigation_active_text_size" tools:override="true">12sp</dimen>

Enjoy Android!

Is there a Pattern Matching Utility like GREP in Windows?

Use Cygwin...

it has 32 and 64 bits versions
and it works fine from Windows 2000 (*)
to Windows 10 or Server 2019

I use Cygwin for a long time...
and recently tryed to substitute with Windows-Linux-Subsystems...

not for long...
I quickly went back to Cygwin again...

much more flexible, controlable and rich...
also less intrusive...

just add \bin to the path...
and you can use it anyware in Windows/Batch/Powershell...
or in a DOS-Box... or in a Powershell-Box...

Also you can install a ton of great packages
that really work... like nginX or PHP... I even use the Cygwin PHP package in my IIS...

As a bonus wou can also use it from a bash shell...
(I think this was the original intent ;-))

Debugging in Maven?

Why not use the JPDA and attach to the launched process from a separate debugger process ? You should be able to specify the appropriate options in Maven to launch your process with the debugging hooks enabled. This article has more information.

How To: Execute command line in C#, get STD OUT results

Here's a quick sample:

//Create process
System.Diagnostics.Process pProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process();

//strCommand is path and file name of command to run
pProcess.StartInfo.FileName = strCommand;

//strCommandParameters are parameters to pass to program
pProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = strCommandParameters;

pProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

//Set output of program to be written to process output stream
pProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;   

pProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = strWorkingDirectory;

//Start the process

//Get program output
string strOutput = pProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

//Wait for process to finish

Facebook login "given URL not allowed by application configuration"

I was getting this problem while using a tunnel because I:

  1. had the tunnel url:port set in the FB app settings
  2. but was accessing the local server by pointing my browser to "http://localhost:3000"

once i started punching the tunnel url:port into the browser, i was good to go.

i'm using Rails and Facebooker, but might help others just the same.

How do I get video durations with YouTube API version 3?

Duration in seconds using Python 2.7 and the YouTube API v3:

        dur = entry['contentDetails']['duration']
            minutes = int(dur[2:4]) * 60
            minutes = 0
            hours = int(dur[:2]) * 60 * 60
            hours = 0

        secs = int(dur[5:7])
        print hours, minutes, secs
        video.duration = hours + minutes + secs
        print video.duration
    except Exception as e:
        print "Couldnt extract time: %s" % e

Best way in to force https for an entire site?

If you are unable to set this up in IIS for whatever reason, I'd make an HTTP module that does the redirect for you:

using System;
using System.Web;

namespace HttpsOnly
    /// <summary>
    /// Redirects the Request to HTTPS if it comes in on an insecure channel.
    /// </summary>
    public class HttpsOnlyModule : IHttpModule
        public void Init(HttpApplication app)
            // Note we cannot trust IsSecureConnection when 
            // in a webfarm, because usually only the load balancer 
            // will come in on a secure port the request will be then 
            // internally redirected to local machine on a specified port.

            // Move this to a config file, if your behind a farm, 
            // set this to the local port used internally.
            int specialPort = 443;

            if (!app.Context.Request.IsSecureConnection 
               || app.Context.Request.Url.Port != specialPort)
                  + app.Context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"] 
                  + app.Context.Request.RawUrl);    

        public void Dispose()
            // Needed for IHttpModule

Then just compile it to a DLL, add it as a reference to your project and place this in web.config:

      <add name="HttpsOnlyModule" type="HttpsOnly.HttpsOnlyModule, HttpsOnly" />

Circular (or cyclic) imports in Python

There was a really good discussion on this over at comp.lang.python last year. It answers your question pretty thoroughly.

Imports are pretty straightforward really. Just remember the following:

'import' and 'from xxx import yyy' are executable statements. They execute when the running program reaches that line.

If a module is not in sys.modules, then an import creates the new module entry in sys.modules and then executes the code in the module. It does not return control to the calling module until the execution has completed.

If a module does exist in sys.modules then an import simply returns that module whether or not it has completed executing. That is the reason why cyclic imports may return modules which appear to be partly empty.

Finally, the executing script runs in a module named __main__, importing the script under its own name will create a new module unrelated to __main__.

Take that lot together and you shouldn't get any surprises when importing modules.

How to select the first row of each group?

The solution below does only one groupBy and extract the rows of your dataframe that contain the maxValue in one shot. No need for further Joins, or Windows.

import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

//df is the dataframe with Day, Category, TotalValue

implicit val dfEnc = RowEncoder(df.schema)

val res: DataFrame = df.groupByKey{(r) => r.getInt(0)}.mapGroups[Row]{(day: Int, rows: Iterator[Row]) => i.maxBy{(r) => r.getDouble(2)}}

Graphviz's executables are not found (Python 3.4)

The simplest solution which worked for me (Windows 10, Jupyter Notebook) for this problem is to do the following:

  1. pip install graphviz
  2. restart jupyter
  3. Put the following code in notebook and execute:
import sys


How to include the reference of DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll on Mono2.10?

I found that when mixed with PCL libraries the above problem presented itself, and whilst it is true that the WindowsBase library contains System.IO.Packaging I was using the OpenXMLSDK-MOT library which itself provides it's own copy of the physical System.IO.Packaging library. The reference that was missing for me could be found as follows in the csharp project

<Reference Include="System.IO.Packaging, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

I downgraded my version of the XMLSDK to 2.6 which then seemed to fix this problem up for me. But you can see there is a physical assembly System.IO.Packaging.dll

Redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS with PHP

You can always use


to redirect to the save URL.

But I would recommend to do it by .htaccess and the Apache rewrite rules.

How do I pass data to Angular routed components?

Pass using JSON

  <a routerLink = "/link"
   [queryParams] = "{parameterName: objectToPass| json }">
         sample Link                   

Is floating point math broken?

I just saw this interesting issue around floating points:

Consider the following results:

error = (2**53+1) - int(float(2**53+1))
>>> (2**53+1) - int(float(2**53+1))

We can clearly see a breakpoint when 2**53+1 - all works fine until 2**53.

>>> (2**53) - int(float(2**53))

Enter image description here

This happens because of the double-precision binary: IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format: binary64

From the Wikipedia page for Double-precision floating-point format:

Double-precision binary floating-point is a commonly used format on PCs, due to its wider range over single-precision floating point, in spite of its performance and bandwidth cost. As with single-precision floating-point format, it lacks precision on integer numbers when compared with an integer format of the same size. It is commonly known simply as double. The IEEE 754 standard specifies a binary64 as having:

  • Sign bit: 1 bit
  • Exponent: 11 bits
  • Significant precision: 53 bits (52 explicitly stored)

Enter image description here

The real value assumed by a given 64-bit double-precision datum with a given biased exponent and a 52-bit fraction is

Enter image description here


Enter image description here

Thanks to @a_guest for pointing that out to me.

Python Pandas : pivot table with aggfunc = count unique distinct

aggfunc=pd.Series.nunique will only count unique values for a series - in this case count the unique values for a column. But this doesn't quite reflect as an alternative to aggfunc='count'

For simple counting, it better to use aggfunc=pd.Series.count

How best to determine if an argument is not sent to the JavaScript function

fnCalledFunction(Param1,Param2, window.YourOptionalParameter)

If above function is called from many places and you are sure first 2 parameters are passed from every where but not sure about 3rd parameter then you can use window.

window.param3 will handle if it is not defined from the caller method.

Importing CSV File to Google Maps

For generating the KML file from your CSV file (or XLS), you can use MyGeodata online GIS Data Converter. Here is the CSV to KML How-To.

Maximum length for MySQL type text

Type       | Approx. Length     | Exact Max. Length Allowed
TINYTEXT   | 256 Bytes          |           255 characters
TEXT       |  64 Kilobytes      |        65,535 characters
MEDIUMTEXT |  16 Megabytes      |    16,777,215 characters
LONGTEXT   |   4 Gigabytes      | 4,294,967,295 characters

Basically, it's like:

"Exact Max. Length Allowed" = "Approx. Length" in bytes - 1

Note: If using multibyte characters (like Arabic, where each Arabic character takes 2 bytes), the column "Exact Max. Length Allowed" for TINYTEXT can hold be up to 127 Arabic characters (Note: space, dash, underscore, and other such characters, are 1-byte characters).

Passing arrays as url parameter

I do this with serialized data base64 encoded. Best and smallest way, i guess. urlencode is to much wasting space and you have only 4k.

HTML display result in text (input) field?

With .value and INPUT tag


    <script type="text/javascript">
      function sum()

         var num1 = document.myform.number1.value;
         var num2 = document.myform.number2.value;
         var sum = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2);
         document.getElementById('add').value = sum;

    <FORM NAME="myform">
      <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="number1" VALUE=""/> + 
      <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="number2" VALUE=""/>
      <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="=" onClick="sum()"/>
      <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="add" NAME="result" VALUE=""/>


with innerHTML and DIV


    <script type="text/javascript">
      function sum()

         var num1 = document.myform.number1.value;
         var num2 = document.myform.number2.value;
         var sum = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2);
         document.getElementById('add').innerHTML = sum;

    <FORM NAME="myform">
      <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="number1" VALUE=""/> + 
      <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="number2" VALUE=""/>
      <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="=" onClick="sum()"/>
      <DIV  ID="add"></DIV>


iPhone App Development on Ubuntu

Many of the other solutions will work, but they all make use of the open-toolchain for the iPhone SDK. So, yes, you can write software for the iPhone on other platforms... BUT...

Since you specify that you want your app to end up on the App Store, then, no, there's not really any way to do this. There's certainly no time effective way to do this. Even if you only value your own time at $20/hr, it will be far more efficient to buy a used intel Mac, and download the free SDK.

How to create number input field in Flutter?

You can specify the number as keyboardType for the TextField using:

keyboardType: TextInputType.number

Check my main.dart file

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

void main() => runApp(new MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // TODO: implement build
    return new MaterialApp(
      home: new HomePage(),
      theme: new ThemeData(primarySwatch:,

class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
    return new HomePageState();

class HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      backgroundColor: Colors.white,
      body: new Container(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(40.0),
          child: new Column(
        children: <Widget>[
          new TextField(
            decoration: new InputDecoration(labelText: "Enter your number"),
            keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
            inputFormatters: <TextInputFormatter>[
], // Only numbers can be entered

enter image description here

Remove a file from a Git repository without deleting it from the local filesystem

Also, if you have commited sensitive data (e.g. a file containing passwords), you should completely delete it from the history of the repository. Here's a guide explaining how to do that: error in opening zip file

I was getting exception invalid entry CRC (expected 0x0 but got 0xdeadface)

when unzipping an archive in Java. The archive itself didn't seem corrupted as 7zip (and others) opened it without any problems or complaints about invalid CRC.

I switched to Apache Commons Compress for reading the zip-entries and that resolved the problem.

How can I get npm start at a different directory?

Per this npm issue list, one work around could be done through npm config

name: 'foo'
config: { path: "baz" },
scripts: { start: "node ./$npm_package_config_path" }

Under windows, the scripts could be { start: "node ./%npm_package_config_path%" }

Then run the command line as below

npm start --foo:path=myapp

How to convert enum value to int?

Maybe it's better to use a String representation than an integer, because the String is still valid if values are added to the enum. You can use the enum's name() method to convert the enum value to a String an the enum's valueOf() method to create an enum representation from the String again. The following example shows how to convert the enum value to String and back (ValueType is an enum):

ValueType expected = ValueType.FLOAT;
String value =;

System.out.println("Name value: " + value);

ValueType actual = ValueType.valueOf(value);

if(expected.equals(actual)) System.out.println("Values are equal");

SSH Port forwarding in a ~/.ssh/config file?

You can use the LocalForward directive in your host yam section of ~/.ssh/config:

LocalForward 5901

Android: show/hide a view using an animation




        android:text="message_error_authentication" />

        android:text="message_error_authentication_connection" />

        android:text="message_error_authentication_field_empty" />



public void show(int viewId) {
    ViewAnimator animator = (ViewAnimator) findView(animatorId);
    View view = findViewById(viewId);

    if (animator.getDisplayedChild() != animator.indexOfChild(view)) {

 private void showAuthenticationConnectionFailureMessage() {

Ternary operators in JavaScript without an "else"

First of all, a ternary expression is not a replacement for an if/else construct - it's an equivalent to an if/else construct that returns a value. That is, an if/else clause is code, a ternary expression is an expression, meaning that it returns a value.

This means several things:

  • use ternary expressions only when you have a variable on the left side of the = that is to be assigned the return value
  • only use ternary expressions when the returned value is to be one of two values (or use nested expressions if that is fitting)
  • each part of the expression (after ? and after : ) should return a value without side effects (the expression x = true returns true as all expressions return the last value, but it also changes x without x having any effect on the returned value)

In short - the 'correct' use of a ternary expression is

var resultofexpression = conditionasboolean ? truepart: falsepart;

Instead of your example condition ? x=true : null ;, where you use a ternary expression to set the value of x, you can use this:

 condition && (x = true);

This is still an expression and might therefore not pass validation, so an even better approach would be

 void(condition && x = true);

The last one will pass validation.

But then again, if the expected value is a boolean, just use the result of the condition expression itself

var x = (condition); // var x = (foo == "bar");


In relation to your sample, this is probably more appropriate:

defaults.slideshowWidth = defaults.slideshowWidth || obj.find('img').width()+'px';

How to convert Windows end of line in Unix end of line (CR/LF to LF)

sed cannot match \n because the trailing newline is removed before the line is put into the pattern space but can match \r, so you can convert \r\n (dos) to \n (unix) by removing \r

sed -i 's/\r//g' file

Warning: this will change the original file

However, you cannot change from unix EOL to dos or old mac (\r) by this. More readings here:

How can I replace a newline (\n) using sed?

How to get all of the IDs with jQuery?


<div id="mydiv">
 <span id='span1'>
 <span id='span2'>


var IDs = [];
$("#mydiv").find("span").each(function(){ IDs.push($(this).attr("id")); });

Why is Chrome showing a "Please Fill Out this Field" tooltip on empty fields?

Hey, we just did a global find-replace, changing Required=" to jRequired=". Then you just change it in the jquery code as well (jquery_helper.js -> Function ValidateControls). Now our validation continues as before and Chrome leaves us alone! :)

C# Wait until condition is true

This implementation is totally based on Sinaesthetic's, but adding CancellationToken and keeping the same execution thread and context; that is, delegating the use of Task.Run() up to the caller depending on whether condition needs to be evaluated in the same thread or not.

Also, notice that, if you don't really need to throw a TimeoutException and breaking the loop is enough, you might want to make use of cts.CancelAfter() or new CancellationTokenSource(millisecondsDelay) instead of using timeoutTask with Task.Delay plus Task.WhenAny.

public static class AsyncUtils
    /// <summary>
    ///     Blocks while condition is true or task is canceled.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">
    ///     Cancellation token.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="condition">
    ///     The condition that will perpetuate the block.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="pollDelay">
    ///     The delay at which the condition will be polled, in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    ///     <see cref="Task" />.
    /// </returns>
    public static async Task WaitWhileAsync(CancellationToken ct, Func<bool> condition, int pollDelay = 25)
            while (condition())
                await Task.Delay(pollDelay, ct).ConfigureAwait(true);
        catch (TaskCanceledException)
            // ignore: Task.Delay throws this exception when ct.IsCancellationRequested = true
            // In this case, we only want to stop polling and finish this async Task.

    /// <summary>
    ///     Blocks until condition is true or task is canceled.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">
    ///     Cancellation token.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="condition">
    ///     The condition that will perpetuate the block.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="pollDelay">
    ///     The delay at which the condition will be polled, in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    ///     <see cref="Task" />.
    /// </returns>
    public static async Task WaitUntilAsync(CancellationToken ct, Func<bool> condition, int pollDelay = 25)
            while (!condition())
                await Task.Delay(pollDelay, ct).ConfigureAwait(true);
        catch (TaskCanceledException)
            // ignore: Task.Delay throws this exception when ct.IsCancellationRequested = true
            // In this case, we only want to stop polling and finish this async Task.

    /// <summary>
    ///     Blocks while condition is true or timeout occurs.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">
    ///     The cancellation token.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="condition">
    ///     The condition that will perpetuate the block.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="pollDelay">
    ///     The delay at which the condition will be polled, in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="timeout">
    ///     Timeout in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <exception cref="TimeoutException">
    ///     Thrown after timeout milliseconds
    /// </exception>
    /// <returns>
    ///     <see cref="Task" />.
    /// </returns>
    public static async Task WaitWhileAsync(CancellationToken ct, Func<bool> condition, int pollDelay, int timeout)
        if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

        using (CancellationTokenSource cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(ct))
            Task waitTask     = WaitWhileAsync(cts.Token, condition, pollDelay);
            Task timeoutTask  = Task.Delay(timeout, cts.Token);
            Task finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(waitTask, timeoutTask).ConfigureAwait(true);

            if (!ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                cts.Cancel();                            // Cancel unfinished task
                await finishedTask.ConfigureAwait(true); // Propagate exceptions
                if (finishedTask == timeoutTask)
                    throw new TimeoutException();

    /// <summary>
    ///     Blocks until condition is true or timeout occurs.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">
    ///     Cancellation token
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="condition">
    ///     The condition that will perpetuate the block.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="pollDelay">
    ///     The delay at which the condition will be polled, in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="timeout">
    ///     Timeout in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <exception cref="TimeoutException">
    ///     Thrown after timeout milliseconds
    /// </exception>
    /// <returns>
    ///     <see cref="Task" />.
    /// </returns>
    public static async Task WaitUntilAsync(CancellationToken ct, Func<bool> condition, int pollDelay, int timeout)
        if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

        using (CancellationTokenSource cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(ct))
            Task waitTask     = WaitUntilAsync(cts.Token, condition, pollDelay);
            Task timeoutTask  = Task.Delay(timeout, cts.Token);
            Task finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(waitTask, timeoutTask).ConfigureAwait(true);

            if (!ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                cts.Cancel();                            // Cancel unfinished task
                await finishedTask.ConfigureAwait(true); // Propagate exceptions
                if (finishedTask == timeoutTask)
                    throw new TimeoutException();

How do I enumerate through a JObject?

JObjects can be enumerated via JProperty objects by casting it to a JToken:

foreach (JProperty x in (JToken)obj) { // if 'obj' is a JObject
    string name = x.Name;
    JToken value = x.Value;

If you have a nested JObject inside of another JObject, you don't need to cast because the accessor will return a JToken:

foreach (JProperty x in obj["otherObject"]) { // Where 'obj' and 'obj["otherObject"]' are both JObjects
    string name = x.Name;
    JToken value = x.Value;

Clearing Magento Log Data

Cleaning the Magento Logs using SSH :

login to shell(SSH) panel and go with root/shell folder.

execute the below command inside the shell folder

php -f log.php clean

enter this command to view the log data's size

php -f log.php status

This method will help you to clean the log data's very easy way.

IE8 crashes when loading website - res://ieframe.dll/acr_error.htm

We've solved this by replacing some nasty code in our base html file.


 meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge;chrome=1"


And the solution came by replacing it with this magical line:

 meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"

Error: The type exists in both directories

Try cleaning your solution and then try to rebuild. Visual Studio probably still has reference to the old dll after it created the new dll.

ModelState.IsValid == false, why?

bool hasErrors =  ViewData.ModelState.Values.Any(x => x.Errors.Count > 1);

or iterate with

    foreach (ModelState state in ViewData.ModelState.Values.Where(x => x.Errors.Count > 0))


How do I make a JSON object with multiple arrays?

On the outermost level, a JSON object starts with a { and end with a }.

Sample data:

    "cars": {
        "Nissan": [
            {"model":"Sentra", "doors":4},
            {"model":"Maxima", "doors":4},
            {"model":"Skyline", "doors":2}
        "Ford": [
            {"model":"Taurus", "doors":4},
            {"model":"Escort", "doors":4}

If the JSON is assigned to a variable called data, then accessing it would be like the following:['Nissan'][0].model   // Sentra['Nissan'][1].model   // Maxima['Nissan'][2].doors   // 2

for (var make in {
    for (var i = 0; i <[make].length; i++) {
        var model =[make][i].model;
        var doors =[make][i].doors;
        alert(make + ', ' + model + ', ' + doors);

Another approach (using an associative array for car models rather than an indexed array):

    "cars": {
        "Nissan": {
            "Sentra": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"},
            "Maxima": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"}
        "Ford": {
            "Taurus": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"},
            "Escort": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"}
}['Nissan']['Sentra'].doors   // 4['Nissan']['Maxima'].doors   // 4['Nissan']['Maxima'].transmission   // automatic

for (var make in {
    for (var model in[make]) {
        var doors =[make][model].doors;
        alert(make + ', ' + model + ', ' + doors);


Correction: A JSON object starts with { and ends with }, but it's also valid to have a JSON array (on the outermost level), that starts with [ and ends with ].

Also, significant syntax errors in the original JSON data have been corrected: All key names in a JSON object must be in double quotes, and all string values in a JSON object or a JSON array must be in double quotes as well.


isset() and empty() - what to use

You can just use empty() - as seen in the documentation, it will return false if the variable has no value.

An example on that same page:

$var = 0;

// Evaluates to true because $var is empty
if (empty($var)) {
    echo '$var is either 0, empty, or not set at all';

// Evaluates as true because $var is set
if (isset($var)) {
    echo '$var is set even though it is empty';

You can use isset if you just want to know if it is not NULL. Otherwise it seems empty() is just fine to use alone.

YouTube embedded video: set different thumbnail

Just copy and paste the code in HTML file. and enjoy the happy coding. Using Youtube api to manage the thumbnail of youtube embedded video.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
        var tag = document.createElement('script');

        tag.src = "";
        var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

        var player;
        function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
            player = new YT.Player('player', {
                height: '390',
                width: '640',
                videoId: 'M7lc1UVf-VE',
                events: {
                    'onReady': onPlayerReady,

        function onPlayerReady(event) {
            $('#play_vid').click(function() {

        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('#play_vid').click(function() {

    <div id="player"></div>
    <img id="play_vid" src="YOUR_IMAGE_PATH" />

How many bytes is unsigned long long?

Use the operator sizeof, it will give you the size of a type expressed in byte. One byte is eight bits. See the following program:

#include <iostream>

int main(int,char**)
 std::cout << "unsigned long long " << sizeof(unsigned long long) << "\n";
 std::cout << "unsigned long long int " << sizeof(unsigned long long int) << "\n";
 return 0;

What's the difference between window.location and document.location in JavaScript?

Well yea, they are the same, but....!

window.location is not working on some Internet Explorer browsers.

downloading all the files in a directory with cURL

What about something like this:

for /f %%f in ('curl -s -l -u user:pass') do curl -O -u user:pass

Can I stop 100% Width Text Boxes from extending beyond their containers?

This works:

    <input type="text" 
        style="margin: 5px; padding: 4px; border: 1px solid; 
        width: 200px; width: calc(100% - 20px);">

The first 'width' is a fallback rule for older browsers.

Angular cookies

I make Miquels Version Injectable as service:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class CookiesService {

    isConsented = false;

    constructor() {}

     * delete cookie
     * @param name
    public deleteCookie(name) {
        this.setCookie(name, '', -1);

     * get cookie
     * @param {string} name
     * @returns {string}
    public getCookie(name: string) {
        const ca: Array<string> = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(';');
        const caLen: number = ca.length;
        const cookieName = `${name}=`;
        let c: string;

        for (let i  = 0; i < caLen; i += 1) {
            c = ca[i].replace(/^\s+/g, '');
            if (c.indexOf(cookieName) === 0) {
                return c.substring(cookieName.length, c.length);
        return '';

     * set cookie
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {string} value
     * @param {number} expireDays
     * @param {string} path
    public setCookie(name: string, value: string, expireDays: number, path: string = '') {
        const d: Date = new Date();
        d.setTime(d.getTime() + expireDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
        const expires = `expires=${d.toUTCString()}`;
        const cpath = path ? `; path=${path}` : '';
        document.cookie = `${name}=${value}; ${expires}${cpath}; SameSite=Lax`;

     * consent
     * @param {boolean} isConsent
     * @param e
     * @param {string} COOKIE
     * @param {string} EXPIRE_DAYS
     * @returns {boolean}
    public consent(isConsent: boolean, e: any, COOKIE: string, EXPIRE_DAYS: number) {
        if (!isConsent) {
            return this.isConsented;
        } else if (isConsent) {
            this.setCookie(COOKIE, '1', EXPIRE_DAYS);
            this.isConsented = true;


What's the best way to cancel event propagation between nested ng-click calls?

What @JosephSilber said, or pass the $event object into ng-click callback and stop the propagation inside of it:

<div ng-controller="OverlayCtrl" class="overlay" ng-click="hideOverlay()">
  <img src="http://some_src" ng-click="nextImage($event)"/>
$scope.nextImage = function($event) {
  // Some code to find and display the next image

Maximum and minimum values in a textbox

<input type="text">
$('input').on('keyup', function() {
    var val = parseInt($(this).val()),
        max = 100;

    val = isNaN(val) ? 0 : Math.max(Math.min(val, max), 0);

or better

<input type="number" max="100">
$(function() {
    $('input[type="number"]').on('keyup', function() {
        var el = $(this),
            val = Math.max((0, el.val())),
            max = parseInt(el.attr('max'));

        el.val(isNaN(max) ? val : Math.min(max, val));
input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    margin: 0;
input[type="number"] {
    -moz-appearance: textfield;

Apache Prefork vs Worker MPM

Its easy to switch between prefork or worker mpm in Apache 2.4 on RHEL7

Check MPM type by executing

sudo httpd -V

Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
Server built:   Jul 26 2017 04:45:44
Server's Module Magic Number: 20120211:24
Server loaded:  APR 1.4.8, APR-UTIL 1.5.2
Compiled using: APR 1.4.8, APR-UTIL 1.5.2
Architecture:   64-bit
Server MPM:     prefork
  threaded:     no
    forked:     yes (variable process count)
Server compiled with....
 -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled)
 -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd"
 -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/sbin/suexec"
 -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="/run/httpd/"
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/apache_runtime_status"
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log"
 -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="conf/mime.types"
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"

Now to change MPM edit following file and uncomment required MPM


# Select the MPM module which should be used by uncommenting exactly
# one of the following LoadModule lines:

# prefork MPM: Implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server
# See:
LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/

# worker MPM: Multi-Processing Module implementing a hybrid
# multi-threaded multi-process web server
# See:
#LoadModule mpm_worker_module modules/

# event MPM: A variant of the worker MPM with the goal of consuming
# threads only for connections with active processing
# See:
#LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/

How can I format date by locale in Java?

I agree with Laura and the SimpleDateFormat which is the best way to manage Dates in java. You can set the pattern and the locale. Plus you can have a look at this wikipedia article about Date in the world -there are not so many different ways to use it; typically USA / China / rest of the world -

How do I declare a model class in my Angular 2 component using TypeScript?

The problem lies that you haven't added Model to either the bootstrap (which will make it a singleton), or to the providers array of your component definition:

    selector: "testWidget",
    template: "<div>This is a test and {{param1}} is my param.</div>",
    providers : [

export class testWidget {
    constructor(private model: Model) {}

And yes, you should define Model above the Component. But better would be to put it in his own file.

But if you want it to be just a class from which you can create multiple instances, you better just use new.

    selector: "testWidget",
    template: "<div>This is a test and {{param1}} is my param.</div>"

export class testWidget {

    private model: Model = new Model();

    constructor() {}

How to use JQuery with ReactJS

Earlier,I was facing problem in using jquery with React js,so I did following steps to make it working-

  1. npm install jquery --save

  2. Then, import $ from "jquery";

    See here

How to format a Java string with leading zero?

You may have to take care of edgecase. This is a generic method.

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args){
    public static String padCharacter(String c, int num, String str){
        for(int i=0;i<=num-str.length()+1;i++){str = c+str;}
        return str;

Remove HTML tags from a String

One more way can be to use class like


This is not bullet proof code though and when I run it on wikipedia entries I am getting style info also. However I believe for small/simple jobs this would be effective.

How to turn on WCF tracing?

The following configuration taken from MSDN can be applied to enable tracing on your WCF service.

      <source name="System.ServiceModel"
              switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing"
              propagateActivity="true" >
             <add name="xml"/>
      <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging">
            <add name="xml"/>
      <source name="myUserTraceSource"
              switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing">
            <add name="xml"/>
        <add name="xml"
             initializeData="Error.svclog" />

To view the log file, you can use "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\SvcTraceViewer.exe".

If "SvcTraceViewer.exe" is not on your system, you can download it from the "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4" package here:

Windows SDK Download

You don't have to install the entire thing, just the ".NET Development / Tools" part.

When/if it bombs out during installation with a non-sensical error, Petopas' answer to Windows 7 SDK Installation Failure solved my issue.

How to create my json string by using C#?

To convert any object or object list into JSON, we have to use the function JsonConvert.SerializeObject.

The below code demonstrates the use of JSON in an ASP.NET environment:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace JSONFromCS
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e1)
            List<Employee> eList = new List<Employee>();
            Employee e = new Employee();
            e.Name = "Minal";
            e.Age = 24;


            e = new Employee();
            e.Name = "Santosh";
            e.Age = 24;


            string ans = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(eList, Formatting.Indented);

            string script = "var employeeList = {\"Employee\": " + ans+"};";
            script += "for(i = 0;i<employeeList.Employee.length;i++)";
            script += "{";
            script += "alert ('Name : ='+employeeList.Employee[i].Name+' 
            Age : = '+employeeList.Employee[i].Age);";
            script += "}";

            ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
            cs.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "JSON", script, true);
    public class Employee
        public string Name;
        public int Age;

After running this program, you will get two alerts

In the above example, we have created a list of Employee object and passed it to function "JsonConvert.SerializeObject". This function (JSON library) will convert the object list into JSON format. The actual format of JSON can be viewed in the below code snippet:

{ "Maths" : [ {"Name"     : "Minal",        // First element
                             "Marks"     : 84,
                             "age"       : 23 },
                             "Name"      : "Santosh",    // Second element
                             "Marks"     : 91,
                             "age"       : 24 }
              "Science" :  [ 
                             "Name"      : "Sahoo",     // First Element
                             "Marks"     : 74,
                             "age"       : 27 }, 
                             "Name"      : "Santosh",    // Second Element
                             "Marks"     : 78,
                             "age"       : 41 }


  • {} - acts as 'containers'

  • [] - holds arrays

  • : - Names and values are separated by a colon

  • , - Array elements are separated by commas

This code is meant for intermediate programmers, who want to use C# 2.0 to create JSON and use in ASPX pages.

You can create JSON from JavaScript end, but what would you do to convert the list of object into equivalent JSON string from C#. That's why I have written this article.

In C# 3.5, there is an inbuilt class used to create JSON named JavaScriptSerializer.

The following code demonstrates how to use that class to convert into JSON in C#3.5.

JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer()
return serializer.Serialize(YOURLIST);   

So, try to create a List of arrays with Questions and then serialize this list into JSON

phpMyAdmin - configuration?

Do Ctrl+alt+t and then:

  1. sudo chmod 777 /opt/lampp/phpmyadmin/

  2. open

  3. test

    1. change config to cookie
      $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
    2. donot change this
      $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
    3. change '' to 'root'
      $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
  4. save

  5. sudo chmod 644 /opt/lampp/phpmyadmin/

  6. restart the xampp and check phpmyadmin

If it works i think i am glad to help you!!!

Which "href" value should I use for JavaScript links, "#" or "javascript:void(0)"?

I personally use them in combination. For example:


<a href="#">Link</a>

with little bit of jQuery



$('a[href="#"]').click(function(e) {

But I'm using that just for preventing the page jumping to the top when the user clicks on an empty anchor. I'm rarely using onClick and other on events directly in HTML.

My suggestion would be to use <span> element with the class attribute instead of an anchor. For example:

<span class="link">Link</span>

Then assign the function to .link with a script wrapped in the body and just before the </body> tag or in an external JavaScript document.

    (function($) {
        $('.link').click(function() {
            // do something

*Note: For dynamically created elements, use:

$('.link').on('click', function() {
    // do something

And for dynamically created elements which are created with dynamically created elements, use:

$(document).on('click','.link', function() {
    // do something

Then you can style the span element to look like an anchor with a little CSS:

.link {
    color: #0000ee;
    text-decoration: underline;
    cursor: pointer;
.link:active {
    color: red;

Here's a jsFiddle example of above aforementioned.

Managing large binary files with Git

git clone --filter from Git 2.19 + shallow clones

This new option might eventually become the final solution to the binary file problem, if the Git and GitHub devs and make it user friendly enough (which they arguably still haven't achieved for submodules for example).

It allows to actually only fetch files and directories that you want for the server, and was introduced together with a remote protocol extension.

With this, we could first do a shallow clone, and then automate which blobs to fetch with the build system for each type of build.

There is even already a --filter=blob:limit<size> which allows limiting the maximum blob size to fetch.

I have provided a minimal detailed example of how the feature looks like at: How do I clone a subdirectory only of a Git repository?

How to force composer to reinstall a library?

I didn't want to delete all the packages in vendor/ directory, so here is how I did it:

  1. rm -rf vendor/package-i-messed-up
  2. composer install again

How to send email via Django?

For SendGrid - Django Specifically:

SendGrid Django Docs here

Set these variables in

EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'sendgrid_username'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'sendgrid_password'


from django.core.mail import send_mail
send_mail('Subject here', 'Here is the message.', '[email protected]', ['[email protected]'], fail_silently=False)

Jenkins CI: How to trigger builds on SVN commit

You need to require only one plugin which is the Subversion plugin.

Then simply, go into Jenkins ? job_name ? Build Trigger section ? (i) Trigger build remotely (i.e., from scripts) Authentication token: Token_name

Go to the SVN server's hooks directory, and then after fire the below commands:

  1. cp post-commit.tmpl post-commit
  2. chmod 777 post-commit
  3. chown -R www-data:www-data post-commit
  4. vi post-commit

    Note: All lines should be commented Add the below line at last

Syntax (for Linux users):

/usr/bin/curl http://username:API_token@localhost:8081/job/job_name/build?token=Token_name

Syntax (for Windows user):

C:/curl_for_win/curl http://username:API_token@localhost:8081/job/job_name/build?token=Token_name

How to check if a String contains another String in a case insensitive manner in Java?

One problem with the answer by Dave L. is when s2 contains regex markup such as \d, etc.

You want to call Pattern.quote() on s2:

Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(s2), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(s1).find();

Set Locale programmatically

simple and easy

Locale locale = new Locale("en", "US");
Resources res = getResources();
DisplayMetrics dm = res.getDisplayMetrics();
Configuration conf = res.getConfiguration();
conf.locale = locale;
res.updateConfiguration(conf, dm);

where "en" is language code and "US" is country code.

Select 2 columns in one and combine them

Yes it's possible, as long as the datatypes are compatible. If they aren't, use a CONVERT() or CAST()

SELECT firstname + ' ' + lastname AS name FROM customers

PHP Warning: Module already loaded in Unknown on line 0

In Windows 10, I fix this by comment like this


Language Books/Tutorials for popular languages


JS: a re-introduction to JavaScript is the introduction to the language (not the browser specifics) for programmers. Don't know a good tutorial on JS in browser.

Great idea by the way!

.keyCode vs. .which

jQuery normalises event.which depending on whether event.which, event.keyCode or event.charCode is supported by the browser:

// Add which for key events
if ( event.which == null && (event.charCode != null || event.keyCode != null) ) {
   event.which = event.charCode != null ? event.charCode : event.keyCode;

An added benefit of .which is that jQuery does it for mouse clicks too:

// Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
if ( !event.which && event.button !== undefined ) {
    event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ));

How do I detect if Python is running as a 64-bit application?

While it may work on some platforms, be aware that platform.architecture is not always a reliable way to determine whether python is running in 32-bit or 64-bit. In particular, on some OS X multi-architecture builds, the same executable file may be capable of running in either mode, as the example below demonstrates. The quickest safe multi-platform approach is to test sys.maxsize on Python 2.6, 2.7, Python 3.x.

$ arch -i386 /usr/local/bin/python2.7
Python 2.7.9 (v2.7.9:648dcafa7e5f, Dec 10 2014, 10:10:46)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import platform, sys
>>> platform.architecture(), sys.maxsize
(('64bit', ''), 2147483647)
>>> ^D
$ arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/python2.7
Python 2.7.9 (v2.7.9:648dcafa7e5f, Dec 10 2014, 10:10:46)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import platform, sys
>>> platform.architecture(), sys.maxsize
(('64bit', ''), 9223372036854775807)

Eclipse does not highlight matching variables

Using Alt + Shift + o It works for me!

Spring Bean Scopes

A short example what is the difference between @Scope("singleton") (default) and @Scope("prototype"):

DAO class:

package com.example.demo;

public class Manager {
    private String name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;


public class AppConfiguration {
    public Manager getManager(){
        return new Manager();

and MainApp:

public class DemoApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
        AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();

        Manager firstManager = context.getBean(Manager.class);

        Manager secondManager = context.getBean(Manager.class);


In this example the result is: Karol even if we set this name only for firstManager object. It's because Spring IoC container created one instance of object. However when we change scope to @Scope("prototype") in Configuration class then result is: null because Spring IoC container creates a new bean instance of the object when request for that bean is made.

Hibernate throws MultipleBagFetchException - cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags

You could use a new annotation to solve this:

@XXXToXXX(targetEntity = XXXX.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)

In fact, fetch's default value is FetchType.LAZY too.

Postgresql Windows, is there a default password?

Try this:

Open PgAdmin -> Files -> Open pgpass.conf

You would get the path of pgpass.conf at the bottom of the window. Go to that location and open this file, you can find your password there.


If the above does not work, you may consider trying this:

 1. edit pg_hba.conf to allow trust authorization temporarily
 2. Reload the config file (pg_ctl reload)
 3. Connect and issue ALTER ROLE / PASSWORD to set the new password
 4. edit pg_hba.conf again and restore the previous settings
 5. Reload the config file again

Can I concatenate multiple MySQL rows into one field?

Have a look at GROUP_CONCAT if your MySQL version (4.1) supports it. See the documentation for more details.

It would look something like:

  FROM peoples_hobbies 
  WHERE person_id = 5 
  GROUP BY 'all';

not None test in Python

From, Programming Recommendations, PEP 8:

Comparisons to singletons like None should always be done with is or is not, never the equality operators.

Also, beware of writing if x when you really mean if x is not None — e.g. when testing whether a variable or argument that defaults to None was set to some other value. The other value might have a type (such as a container) that could be false in a boolean context!

PEP 8 is essential reading for any Python programmer.

Can I use return value of INSERT...RETURNING in another INSERT?

DO $$
DECLARE tableId integer;
  INSERT INTO Table1 (name) VALUES ('a_title') RETURNING id INTO tableId;
  INSERT INTO Table2 (val) VALUES (tableId);
END $$;

Tested with psql (10.3, server 9.6.8)

How do I make a JAR from a .java file?

Open a command prompt.

Go to the directory where you have your .java files

Create a directory build

Run java compilation from the command line

javac -d ./build *.java

if there are no errors, in the build directory you should have your class tree

move to the build directory and do a

jar cvf YourJar.jar *

For adding manifest check jar command line switches

How to pass a function as a parameter in Java?

Java does not (yet) support closures. But there are other languages like Scala and Groovy which run in the JVM and do support closures.

Why can a function modify some arguments as perceived by the caller, but not others?

If the functions are re-written with completely different variables and we call id on them, it then illustrates the point well. I didn't get this at first and read jfs' post with the great explanation, so I tried to understand/convince myself:

def f(y, z):
    y = 2
    print ('In f():             ', id(y), id(z))

def main():
    n = 1
    x = [0,1,2,3]
    print ('Before in main:', n, x,id(n),id(x))
    f(n, x)
    print ('After in main:', n, x,id(n),id(x))

Before in main: 1 [0, 1, 2, 3]   94635800628352 139808499830024
In f():                          94635800628384 139808499830024
After in main: 1 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] 94635800628352 139808499830024

z and x have the same id. Just different tags for the same underlying structure as the article says.

"application blocked by security settings" prevent applets running using oracle SE 7 update 51 on firefox on Linux mint

As an alternative answer, there's a command line to invoke directly the Control Panel, which is javaws -viewer, should work for both openJDK and Oracle's JDK (thanks @Nasser for checking the availability in Oracle's JDK)

Same caution to run as the user you need to access permissions with applies.

Question mark and colon in JavaScript

It is called the Conditional Operator (which is a ternary operator).

It has the form of: condition ? value-if-true : value-if-false
Think of the ? as "then" and : as "else".

Your code is equivalent to

if (max != 0)
  hsb.s = 255 * delta / max;
  hsb.s = 0;

Do subclasses inherit private fields?

Ok, this is a very interesting problem I researched a lot and came to a conclusion that private members of a superclass are indeed available (but not accessible) in the subclass's objects. To prove this, here is a sample code with a parent class and a child class and I am writing child class object to a txt file and reading a private member named 'bhavesh' in the file, hence proving it is indeed available in the child class but not accessible due to the access modifier.

public class ParentClass implements Serializable {
public ParentClass() {


public int a=32131,b,c;

private int bhavesh=5555,rr,weq,refw;

public class ChildClass extends ParentClass{
public ChildClass() {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ChildClass childObj = new ChildClass();
ObjectOutputStream oos;
try {
        oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("C:\\MyData1.txt"));
        oos.writeObject(childObj); //Writing child class object and not parent class object
        System.out.println("Writing complete !");
    } catch (IOException e) {


Open MyData1.txt and search for the private member named 'bhavesh'. Please let me know what you guys think.

How can I enable the Windows Server Task Scheduler History recording?

The adjustment in the Task Scheduler app actually just controls the enabled state of a certain event log, so you can equivalently adjust the Task Scheduler "history" mode via the Windows command line:

wevtutil set-log Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational /enabled:true

To check the current state:

wevtutil get-log Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational

For the keystroke-averse, here are the slightly abbreviated versions of the above:

wevtutil sl Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational /e:true
wevtutil gl Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational

pass **kwargs argument to another function with **kwargs

Expanding on @gecco 's answer, the following is an example that'll show you the difference:

def foo(**kwargs):
    for entry in kwargs.items():
        print("Key: {}, value: {}".format(entry[0], entry[1]))

# call using normal keys:
foo(a=1, b=2, c=3)
# call using an unpacked dictionary:
foo(**{"a": 1, "b":2, "c":3})

# call using a dictionary fails because the function will think you are
# giving it a positional argument
foo({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3})
# this yields the same error as any other positional argument

Here you can see how unpacking a dictionary works, and why sending an actual dictionary fails

Vue component event after render

updated might be what you're looking for.

symfony 2 twig limit the length of the text and put three dots

Use the truncate filter to cut off a string after limit is reached

{{ "Hello World!"|truncate(5) }} // default separator is ...


You can also tell truncate to preserve whole words by setting the second parameter to true. If the last Word is on the the separator, truncate will print out the whole Word.

 {{ "Hello World!"|truncate(7, true) }} // preserve words

Here Hello World!

If you want to change the separator, just set the third parameter to your desired separator.

{{ "Hello World!"|truncate(7, false, "??") }} 

Hello W??

how to check if string value is in the Enum list?

You should use Enum.TryParse to achive your goal

This is a example:

private enum TestEnum
    Value1 = 1,
    Value2 = 2

static void Main(string[] args)
    var enumName = "Value1";
    TestEnum enumValue;

    if (!TestEnum.TryParse(enumName, out enumValue))
        throw new Exception("Wrong enum value");

    // enumValue contains parsed value

Accessing an SQLite Database in Swift

You can use this library in Swift for SQLite


SQLite Demo using Swift with SQLDataAccess class written in Swift

Adding to Your Project

You only need three files to add to your project * SQLDataAccess.swift * DataConstants.swift * Bridging-Header.h Bridging-Header must be set in your Xcode's project 'Objective-C Bridging Header' under 'Swift Compiler - General'

Examples for Use

Just follow the code in ViewController.swift to see how to write simple SQL with SQLDataAccess.swift First you need to open the SQLite Database your dealing with

    let db = SQLDataAccess.shared
    let opened = db.openConnection(copyFile:true)

If openConnection succeeded, now you can do a simple insert into Table AppInfo

    //Insert into Table AppInfo
    let status = db.executeStatement("insert into AppInfo (name,value,descrip,date) values(?,?,?,?)",
        //Read Table AppInfo into an Array of Dictionaries
        let results = db.getRecordsForQuery("select * from AppInfo ")
        NSLog("Results = \(results)")

See how simple that was!

The first term in db.executeStatement is your SQL as String, all the terms that follow are a variadic argument list of type Any, and are your parameters in an Array. All these terms are separated by commas in your list of SQL arguments. You can enter Strings, Integers, Date’s, and Blobs right after the sequel statement since all of these terms are considered to be parameters for the sequel. The variadic argument array just makes it convenient to enter all your sequel in just one executeStatement or getRecordsForQuery call. If you don’t have any parameters, don’t enter anything after your SQL.

The results array is an Array of Dictionary’s where the ‘key’ is your tables column name, and the ‘value’ is your data obtained from SQLite. You can easily iterate through this array with a for loop or print it out directly or assign these Dictionary elements to custom data object Classes that you use in your View Controllers for model consumption.

    for dic in results as! [[String:AnyObject]] {
       print(“result = \(dic)”)

SQLDataAccess will store, text, double, float, blob, Date, integer and long long integers. For Blobs you can store binary, varbinary, blob.

For Text you can store char, character, clob, national varying character, native character, nchar, nvarchar, varchar, variant, varying character, text.

For Dates you can store datetime, time, timestamp, date.

For Integers you can store bigint, bit, bool, boolean, int2, int8, integer, mediumint, smallint, tinyint, int.

For Doubles you can store decimal, double precision, float, numeric, real, double. Double has the most precision.

You can even store Nulls of type Null.

In ViewController.swift a more complex example is done showing how to insert a Dictionary as a 'Blob'. In addition SQLDataAccess understands native Swift Date() so you can insert these objects with out converting, and it will convert them to text and store them, and when retrieved convert them back from text to Date.

Of course the real power of SQLite is it's Transaction capability. Here you can literally queue up 400 SQL statements with parameters and insert them all at once which is really powerful since it's so fast. ViewController.swift also shows you an example of how to do this. All you're really doing is creating an Array of Dictionaries called 'sqlAndParams', in this Array your storing Dictionaries with two keys 'SQL' for the String sequel statement or query, and 'PARAMS' which is just an Array of native objects SQLite understands for that query. Each 'sqlParams' which is an individual Dictionary of sequel query plus parameters is then stored in the 'sqlAndParams' Array. Once you've created this array, you just call.

    let status = db.executeTransaction(sqlAndParams)
        //Read Table AppInfo into an Array of Dictionaries for the above Transactions
        let results = db.getRecordsForQuery("select * from AppInfo ")
        NSLog("Results = \(results)")

In addition all executeStatement and getRecordsForQuery methods can be done with simple String for SQL query and an Array for the parameters needed by the query.

    let sql : String = "insert into AppInfo (name,value,descrip) values(?,?,?)"
    let params : Array = ["SQLiteDemo","1.0.0","unencrypted"]
    let status = db.executeStatement(sql, withParameters: params)
        //Read Table AppInfo into an Array of Dictionaries for the above Transactions
        let results = db.getRecordsForQuery("select * from AppInfo ")
        NSLog("Results = \(results)")

An Objective-C version also exists and is called the same SQLDataAccess, so now you can choose to write your sequel in Objective-C or Swift. In addition SQLDataAccess will also work with SQLCipher, the present code isn't setup yet to work with it, but it's pretty easy to do, and an example of how to do this is actually in the Objective-C version of SQLDataAccess.

SQLDataAccess is a very fast and efficient class, and can be used in place of CoreData which really just uses SQLite as it's underlying data store without all the CoreData core data integrity fault crashes that come with CoreData.

What is the use of the square brackets [] in sql statements?

Column names can contain characters and reserved words that will confuse the query execution engine, so placing brackets around them at all times prevents this from happening. Easier than checking for an issue and then dealing with it, I guess.

How do I activate a Spring Boot profile when running from IntelliJ?

A probable cause could be that you do not pass the command line parameters into the applications main method. I made the same mistake some weeks ago.

public static final void main(String... args) {, args);

Why is sed not recognizing \t as a tab?

Using Bash you may insert a TAB character programmatically like so:

echo 'line' | sed "s/.*/${TAB}&/g" 
echo 'line' | sed 's/.*/'"${TAB}"'&/g'   # use of Bash string concatenation

How to enable CORS in AngularJs

Try using the resource service to consume flickr jsonp:

var MyApp = angular.module('MyApp', ['ng', 'ngResource']);

MyApp.factory('flickrPhotos', function ($resource) {
    return $resource('', { format: 'json', jsoncallback: 'JSON_CALLBACK' }, { 'load': { 'method': 'JSONP' } });

MyApp.directive('masonry', function ($parse) {
    return {
        restrict: 'AC',
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
            elem.masonry({ itemSelector: '.masonry-item', columnWidth: $parse(attrs.masonry)(scope) });

MyApp.directive('masonryItem', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'AC',
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
            elem.imagesLoaded(function () {

MyApp.controller('MasonryCtrl', function ($scope, flickrPhotos) {
    $ = flickrPhotos.load({ tags: 'dogs' });


<div class="masonry: 240;" ng-controller="MasonryCtrl">
    <div class="masonry-item" ng-repeat="item in photos.items">
        <img ng-src="{{ }}" />

preg_match in JavaScript?

JavaScript has a RegExp object which does what you want. The String object has a match() function that will help you out.

var matches = text.match(/price\[(\d+)\]\[(\d+)\]/);
var productId = matches[1];
var shopId    = matches[2];

Very simple C# CSV reader

You can try the some thing like the below LINQ snippet.

string[] allLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"E:\Temp\data.csv");

    var query = from line in allLines
                let data = line.Split(',')
                select new
                    Device = data[0],
                    SignalStrength = data[1],
                    Location = data[2], 
                    Time = data[3],
                    Age = Convert.ToInt16(data[4])

UPDATE: Over a period of time, things evolved. As of now, I would prefer to use this library

Should have subtitle controller already set Mediaplayer error Android

Also you can only set mediaPlayer.reset() and in onDestroy set it to release.

How can I see function arguments in IPython Notebook Server 3?

In 1.0, the functionality was bound to ( and tab and shift-tab, in 2.0 tab was deprecated but still functional in some unambiguous cases completing or inspecting were competing in many cases. Recommendation was to always use shift-Tab. ( was also added as deprecated as confusing in Haskell-like syntax to also push people toward Shift-Tab as it works in more cases. in 3.0 the deprecated bindings have been remove in favor of the official, present for 18+ month now Shift-Tab.

So press Shift-Tab.

How to get the current time in Google spreadsheet using script editor?

The Date object is used to work with dates and times.

Date objects are created with new Date().

var date= new Date();

 function myFunction() {
        var currentTime = new Date();

How to read from stdin line by line in Node

In my case the program (elinks) returned lines that looked empty, but in fact had special terminal characters, color control codes and backspace, so grep options presented in other answers did not work for me. So I wrote this small script in Node.js. I called the file tight, but that's just a random name.

#!/usr/bin/env node

function visible(a) {
    var R  =  ''
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (a[i] == '\b') {  R -= 1; continue; }  
        if (a[i] == '\u001b') {
            while (a[i] != 'm' && i < a.length) i++
            if (a[i] == undefined) break
        else R += a[i]
    return  R

function empty(a) {
    a = visible(a)
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (a[i] != ' ') return false
    return  true

var readline = require('readline')
var rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, terminal: false })

rl.on('line', function(line) {
    if (!empty(line)) console.log(line) 

How to set default values for Angular 2 component properties?

That is interesting subject. You can play around with two lifecycle hooks to figure out how it works: ngOnChanges and ngOnInit.

Basically when you set default value to Input that's mean it will be used only in case there will be no value coming on that component. And the interesting part it will be changed before component will be initialized.

Let's say we have such components with two lifecycle hooks and one property coming from input.

  selector: 'cmp',
export class Login implements OnChanges, OnInit {
  @Input() property: string = 'default';

  ngOnChanges(changes) {

  ngOnInit() {


Situation 1

Component included in html without defined property value

As result we will see in console: Init default

That's mean onChange was not triggered. Init was triggered and property value is default as expected.

Situation 2

Component included in html with setted property <cmp [property]="'new value'"></cmp>

As result we will see in console:

Changed new value Object {}

Init new value

And this one is interesting. Firstly was triggered onChange hook, which setted property to new value, and previous value was empty object! And only after that onInit hook was triggered with new value of property.

How to Apply Gradient to background view of iOS Swift App

Easy to use extension on swift 3

extension CALayer {
    func addGradienBorder(colors:[UIColor] = [,], width:CGFloat = 1) {
        let gradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
        gradientLayer.frame =  CGRect(origin: .zero, size: self.bounds.size)
        gradientLayer.startPoint = CGPoint(x:0.0, y:0.5)
        gradientLayer.endPoint = CGPoint(x:1.0, y:0.5)
        gradientLayer.colors ={$0.cgColor})

        let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
        shapeLayer.lineWidth = width
        shapeLayer.path = UIBezierPath(rect: self.bounds).cgPath
        shapeLayer.fillColor = nil
        shapeLayer.strokeColor =
        gradientLayer.mask = shapeLayer


use to your view, example

yourView.addGradienBorder(color:, opacity: 0.1, offset: CGSize(width:2 , height: 5), radius: 3, viewCornerRadius: 3.0)

How to replace special characters in a string?

string Output = Regex.Replace(Input, @"([ a-zA-Z0-9&, _]|^\s)", "");

Here all the special characters except space, comma, and ampersand are replaced. You can also omit space, comma and ampersand by the following regular expression.

string Output = Regex.Replace(Input, @"([ a-zA-Z0-9_]|^\s)", "");

Where Input is the string which we need to replace the characters.

MySQL: Insert datetime into other datetime field

If you don't need the DATETIME value in the rest of your code, it'd be more efficient, simple and secure to use an UPDATE query with a sub-select, something like

UPDATE products SET t=(SELECT f FROM products WHERE id=17) WHERE id=42;

or in case it's in the same row in a single table, just

UPDATE products SET t=f WHERE id=42;

Make Bootstrap 3 Tabs Responsive

Bootstrap tabs are not responsive out of the box. Responsive, IMO, is a style change, changing functions is Adaptive. There are a few plugins to turn the Bootstrap 3 tabs into a Collapse component. The best and most updated one is :

Here's one way of implementing it:



This turns the content into a collapse component:

enter image description here


  1. Bootstrap 3.2 css or higher but still in the 3 series
  2. Bootstrap 3.2 jQuery or higher but still in the 3 series
  3. Compatible version of bootstrap-tabcollapse.js

HTML -- same as question with class name addition:

       <ul class="nav nav-tabs content-tabs" id="maincontent" role="tablist">


$(document).ready(function() {


    // initialize tab function
    $('.nav-tabs a').click(function(e) {


CSS -- optional for fat fingers and active states:

.panel-heading {
    padding: 0
.panel-heading a {
    display: block;
    padding: 20px 10px;
.panel-heading a.collapsed {
    background: #fff
.panel-heading a {
    background: #f7f7f7;
    border-radius: 5px;
.panel-heading a:after {
    content: '-'
.panel-heading a.collapsed:after {
    content: '+'
.nav.nav-tabs li a,
.nav.nav-tabs > a:hover,
.nav.nav-tabs > a:active,
.nav.nav-tabs > a:focus {
    border-bottom-width: 0px;
    outline: none;
.nav.nav-tabs li a {
    padding-top: 20px;
    padding-bottom: 20px;
.tab-pane {
    background: #fff;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid #ddd;
    margin-top: -1px;

The application has stopped unexpectedly: How to Debug?

Filter your log to just Error and look for FATAL EXCEPTION

Command to open file with git

You can use the git command line as a terminal my dude you just know the commands are bash To create a file

touch file.txt

To open a file



To open your current folder and everything inside of it in your text editor

code . 

To make a folder

mkdir folder1 folder2 folder3 

You can make as many as you want at once this works with touch to

Error message "Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference"

$instance->find() returns a reference to a variable.

You get the report when you are trying to use this reference as an argument to a function, without storing it in a variable first.

This helps preventing memory leaks and will probably become an error in the next PHP versions.

Your second code block would throw an error if it wrote like (note the & in the function signature):

function &get_arr(){
    return array(1, 2);
$el = array_shift(get_arr());

So a quick (and not so nice) fix would be:

$el = array_shift($tmp = $instance->find(..));

Basically, you do an assignment to a temporary variable first and send the variable as an argument.

Set the location in iPhone Simulator

in iOS Simulator menu, go to Debug -> Location -> Custom Location. There you can set the latitude and longitude and test the app accordingly. This works with mapkit and also with CLLocationManager.

How to wait for a process to terminate to execute another process in batch file

call process1
call process2

in this case the process2 will not begin until process1 have finished.

Static vs class functions/variables in Swift classes?

Testing in Swift 4 shows performance difference in simulator. I made a class with "class func" and struct with "static func" and ran them in test.

static func is:

  • 20% faster without compiler optimization
  • 38% faster when optimization -whole-module-optimization is enabled.

However, running the same code on iPhone 7 under iOS 10.3 shows exactly the same performance.

Here is sample project in Swift 4 for Xcode 9 if you like to test yourself

matplotlib: colorbars and its text labels

To add to tacaswell's answer, the colorbar() function has an optional cax input you can use to pass an axis on which the colorbar should be drawn. If you are using that input, you can directly set a label using that axis.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
heatmap = ax.imshow(data)
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes('bottom', size='10%', pad=0.6)
cb = fig.colorbar(heatmap, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal')

cax.set_xlabel('data label')  # cax ==

How can I properly handle 404 in ASP.NET MVC?

It seems to me that the standard CustomErrors configuration should just work however, due to the reliance on Server.Transfer it seems that the internal implementation of ResponseRewrite isn't compatible with MVC.

This feels like a glaring functionality hole to me, so I decided to re-implement this feature using a HTTP module. The solution below allows you to handle any HTTP status code (including 404) by redirecting to any valid MVC route just as you would do normally.

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite">
    <error statusCode="404" redirect="404.aspx" />
    <error statusCode="500" redirect="~/MVCErrorPage" />

This has been tested on the following platforms;

  • MVC4 in Integrated Pipeline Mode (IIS Express 8)
  • MVC4 in Classic Mode (VS Development Server, Cassini)
  • MVC4 in Classic Mode (IIS6)


  • Generic solution which can be dropped into any MVC project
  • Enables support for traditional custom errors configuration
  • Works in both Integrated Pipeline and Classic modes

The Solution

namespace Foo.Bar.Modules {

    /// <summary>
    /// Enables support for CustomErrors ResponseRewrite mode in MVC.
    /// </summary>
    public class ErrorHandler : IHttpModule {

        private HttpContext HttpContext { get { return HttpContext.Current; } }
        private CustomErrorsSection CustomErrors { get; set; }

        public void Init(HttpApplication application) {
            System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
            CustomErrors = (CustomErrorsSection)configuration.GetSection("system.web/customErrors");

            application.EndRequest += Application_EndRequest;

        protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) {

            // only handle rewrite mode, ignore redirect configuration (if it ain't broke don't re-implement it)
            if (CustomErrors.RedirectMode == CustomErrorsRedirectMode.ResponseRewrite && HttpContext.IsCustomErrorEnabled) {

                int statusCode = HttpContext.Response.StatusCode;

                // if this request has thrown an exception then find the real status code
                Exception exception = HttpContext.Error;
                if (exception != null) {
                    // set default error status code for application exceptions
                    statusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;

                HttpException httpException = exception as HttpException;
                if (httpException != null) {
                    statusCode = httpException.GetHttpCode();

                if ((HttpStatusCode)statusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) {

                    Dictionary<int, string> errorPaths = new Dictionary<int, string>();

                    foreach (CustomError error in CustomErrors.Errors) {
                        errorPaths.Add(error.StatusCode, error.Redirect);

                    // find a custom error path for this status code
                    if (errorPaths.Keys.Contains(statusCode)) {
                        string url = errorPaths[statusCode];

                        // avoid circular redirects
                        if (!HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Equals(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(url))) {

                            HttpContext.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;


                            // do the redirect here
                            if (HttpRuntime.UsingIntegratedPipeline) {
                                HttpContext.Server.TransferRequest(url, true);
                            else {
                                HttpContext.RewritePath(url, false);

                                IHttpHandler httpHandler = new MvcHttpHandler();

                            // return the original status code to the client
                            // (this won't work in integrated pipleline mode)
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = statusCode;





        public void Dispose() {





Include this as the final HTTP module in your web.config

      <add name="ErrorHandler" type="Foo.Bar.Modules.ErrorHandler" />

  <!-- IIS7+ -->
      <add name="ErrorHandler" type="Foo.Bar.Modules.ErrorHandler" />

For those of you paying attention you will notice that in Integrated Pipeline mode this will always respond with HTTP 200 due to the way Server.TransferRequest works. To return the proper error code I use the following error controller.

public class ErrorController : Controller {

    public ErrorController() { }

    public ActionResult Index(int id) {
        // pass real error code to client
        HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = id;
        HttpContext.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;

        return View("Errors/" + id.ToString());


Add Bean Programmatically to Spring Web App Context

Here is a simple code:

ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = ((ConfigurableApplicationContext) applicationContext).getBeanFactory();
beanFactory.registerSingleton(bean.getClass().getCanonicalName(), bean);

How do I set multipart in axios with react?

Here's how I do file upload in react using axios

import React from 'react'
import axios, { post } from 'axios';

class SimpleReactFileUpload extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state ={
    this.onFormSubmit = this.onFormSubmit.bind(this)
    this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this)
    this.fileUpload = this.fileUpload.bind(this)

    e.preventDefault() // Stop form submit

  onChange(e) {

    const url = '';
    const formData = new FormData();
    const config = {
        headers: {
            'content-type': 'multipart/form-data'
    return  post(url, formData,config)

  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this.onFormSubmit}>
        <h1>File Upload</h1>
        <input type="file" onChange={this.onChange} />
        <button type="submit">Upload</button>

export default SimpleReactFileUpload


Formula px to dp, dp to px android

variation on ct_robs answer above, if you are using integers, that not only avoids divide by 0 it also produces a usable result on small devices:

in integer calculations involving division for greatest precision multiply first before dividing to reduce truncation effects.

px = dp * dpi / 160
dp = px * 160 / dpi

5 * 120 = 600 / 160 = 3

instead of

5 * (120 / 160 = 0) = 0

if you want rounded result do this

px = (10 * dp * dpi / 160 + 5) / 10
dp = (10 * px * 160 / dpi + 5) / 10

10 * 5 * 120 = 6000 / 160 = 37 + 5 = 42 / 10 = 4

Windows Scheduled task succeeds but returns result 0x1

It seems many users are having issues with this. Here are some fixes:

  • Right click on your task > "Properties" > "Actions" > "Edit" | Put ONLY the file name under 'Program/Script', no quotes and ONLY the directory under 'Start in' as described, again no quotes.

  • Right click on your task > "Properties" > "General" | Test with any/all of the following:

    1. "Run with highest privileges" (test both options)
    2. "Run wheter user is logged on or not" (test both options)
    3. Check that "Configure for" is set to your machine's OS version
    4. Make sure the user account running the program has the right permissions

Find character position and update file name

If you split the filename on underscore and dot, you get an array of 3 strings. Join the first and third string, i.e. with index 0 and 2

$x = '237801_201011221155.xml' 
( $x.split('_.')[0] , $x.split('_.')[2] ) -join '.' 

Another way to do the same thing:

'237801_201011221155.xml'.split('_.')[0,2] -join '.'

Returning multiple objects in an R function

Is something along these lines what you are looking for?

x1 = function(x){
  mu = mean(x)
  l1 = list(s1=table(x),std=sd(x))


Save text file UTF-8 encoded with VBA

I found the answer on the web:

Dim fsT As Object
Set fsT = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
fsT.Type = 2 'Specify stream type - we want To save text/string data.
fsT.Charset = "utf-8" 'Specify charset For the source text data.
fsT.Open 'Open the stream And write binary data To the object
fsT.WriteText "special characters: äöüß"
fsT.SaveToFile sFileName, 2 'Save binary data To disk

Certainly not as I expected...

Rails 4: List of available datatypes

Here are all the Rails 4 (ActiveRecord migration) datatypes:

  • :binary
  • :boolean
  • :date
  • :datetime
  • :decimal
  • :float
  • :integer
  • :bigint
  • :primary_key
  • :references
  • :string
  • :text
  • :time
  • :timestamp

These are the same as with Rails 3.

If you use PostgreSQL, you can also take advantage of these:

  • :hstore
  • :json
  • :jsonb
  • :array
  • :cidr_address
  • :ip_address
  • :mac_address

They are stored as strings if you run your app with a not-PostgreSQL database.

Edit, 2016-Sep-19:

There's a lot more postgres specific datatypes in Rails 4 and even more in Rails 5.

how to pass parameters to query in SQL (Excel)

This post is old enough that this answer will probably be little use to the OP, but I spent forever trying to answer this same question, so I thought I would update it with my findings.

This answer assumes that you already have a working SQL query in place in your Excel document. There are plenty of tutorials to show you how to accomplish this on the web, and plenty that explain how to add a parameterized query to one, except that none seem to work for an existing, OLE DB query.

So, if you, like me, got handed a legacy Excel document with a working query, but the user wants to be able to filter the results based on one of the database fields, and if you, like me, are neither an Excel nor a SQL guru, this might be able to help you out.

Most web responses to this question seem to say that you should add a “?” in your query to get Excel to prompt you for a custom parameter, or place the prompt or the cell reference in [brackets] where the parameter should be. This may work for an ODBC query, but it does not seem to work for an OLE DB, returning “No value given for one or more required parameters” in the former instance, and “Invalid column name ‘xxxx’” or “Unknown object ‘xxxx’” in the latter two. Similarly, using the mythical “Parameters…” or “Edit Query…” buttons is also not an option as they seem to be permanently greyed out in this instance. (For reference, I am using Excel 2010, but with an Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls))

What we can do, however, is add a parameter cell and a button with a simple routine to programmatically update our query text.

First, add a row above your external data table (or wherever) where you can put a parameter prompt next to an empty cell and a button (Developer->Insert->Button (Form Control) – You may need to enable the Developer tab, but you can find out how to do that elsewhere), like so:

[Picture of a cell of prompt (label) text, an empty cell, then a button.]

Next, select a cell in the External Data (blue) area, then open Data->Refresh All (dropdown)->Connection Properties… to look at your query. The code in the next section assumes that you already have a parameter in your query (Connection Properties->Definition->Command Text) in the form “WHERE (DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name = ‘Default Query Parameter')” (including the parentheses). Clearly “DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name” and “Default Query Parameter” will need to be different in your code, based on the database table name, database value field (column) name, and some default value to search for when the document is opened (if you have auto-refresh set). Make note of the “DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name” value as you will need it in the next section, along with the “Connection name” of your query, which can be found at the top of the dialog.

Close the Connection Properties, and hit Alt+F11 to open the VBA editor. If you are not on it already, right click on the name of the sheet containing your button in the “Project” window, and select “View Code”. Paste the following code into the code window (copying is recommended, as the single/double quotes are dicey and necessary).

Sub RefreshQuery()
 Dim queryPreText As String
 Dim queryPostText As String
 Dim valueToFilter As String
 Dim paramPosition As Integer
 valueToFilter = "DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name ="

 With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Connection name").OLEDBConnection
     queryPreText = .CommandText
     paramPosition = InStr(queryPreText, valueToFilter) + Len(valueToFilter) - 1
     queryPreText = Left(queryPreText, paramPosition)
     queryPostText = .CommandText
     queryPostText = Right(queryPostText, Len(queryPostText) - paramPosition)
     queryPostText = Right(queryPostText, Len(queryPostText) - InStr(queryPostText, ")") + 1)
     .CommandText = queryPreText & " '" & Range("Cell reference").Value & "'" & queryPostText
 End With
 ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Connection name").Refresh
End Sub

Replace “DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name” and "Connection name" (in two locations) with your values (the double quotes and the space and equals sign need to be included).

Replace "Cell reference" with the cell where your parameter will go (the empty cell from the beginning) - mine was the second cell in the first row, so I put “B1” (again, the double quotes are necessary).

Save and close the VBA editor.

Enter your parameter in the appropriate cell.

Right click your button to assign the RefreshQuery sub as the macro, then click your button. The query should update and display the right data!

Notes: Using the entire filter parameter name ("DB_TABLE_NAME.Field_Name =") is only necessary if you have joins or other occurrences of equals signs in your query, otherwise just an equals sign would be sufficient, and the Len() calculation would be superfluous. If your parameter is contained in a field that is also being used to join tables, you will need to change the "paramPosition = InStr(queryPreText, valueToFilter) + Len(valueToFilter) - 1" line in the code to "paramPosition = InStr(Right(.CommandText, Len(.CommandText) - InStrRev(.CommandText, "WHERE")), valueToFilter) + Len(valueToFilter) - 1 + InStr(.CommandText, "WHERE")" so that it only looks for the valueToFilter after the "WHERE".

This answer was created with the aid of datapig’s “BaconBits” where I found the base code for the query update.

Android getResources().getDrawable() deprecated API 22

getResources().getDrawable() was deprecated in API level 22. Now we must add the theme:

getDrawable (int id, Resources.Theme theme) (Added in API level 21)

This is an example:

myImgView.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.myimage, getApplicationContext().getTheme()));

This is an example how to validate for later versions:

     myImgView.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.myimage, getApplicationContext().getTheme()));
   } else { 

How to find the foreach index?

I solved this way, when I had to use the foreach index and value in the same context:

$array = array('a', 'b', 'c');
foreach ($array as $letter=>$index) {

  echo $letter; //Here $letter content is the actual index
  echo $array[$letter]; // echoes the array value


How to create unit tests easily in eclipse

To create a test case template:

"New" -> "JUnit Test Case" -> Select "Class under test" -> Select "Available methods". I think the wizard is quite easy for you.

How to use PDO to fetch results array in PHP?

There are three ways to fetch multiple rows returned by PDO statement.

The simplest one is just to iterate over PDOStatement itself:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// iterating over a statement
foreach($stmt as $row) {
    echo $row['name'];

another one is to fetch rows using fetch() method inside a familiar while statement:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// using while
while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
    echo $row['name'];

but for the modern web application we should have our datbase iteractions separated from output and thus the most convenient method would be to fetch all rows at once using fetchAll() method:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// fetching rows into array
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();

or, if you need to preprocess some data first, use the while loop and collect the data into array manually

$result = [];
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// using while
while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
    $result[] = [
        'newname' => $row['oldname'],
        // etc

and then output them in a template:

<?php foreach($data as $row): ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

Note that PDO supports many sophisticated fetch modes, allowing fetchAll() to return data in many different formats.

Vuex - passing multiple parameters to mutation

i think this can be as simple let as assume that you are going to pass multiple parameters to you action as you read up there actions accept only two parameters context and payload which is your data you want to pass in action so let take an example

Setting up Action

instead of

actions: {
        authenticate: ({ commit }, token, expiration) => commit('authenticate', token, expiration)


actions: {
        authenticate: ({ commit }, {token, expiration}) => commit('authenticate', token, expiration)

Calling (dispatching) Action

instead of

                  type: 'authenticate',
                  token: response.body.access_token,
                  expiration: response.body.expires_in +


                  token: response.body.access_token,
                  expiration: response.body.expires_in +

hope this gonna help

"register" keyword in C?

On supported C compilers it tries to optimize the code so that variable's value is held in an actual processor register.

ValueError: math domain error

You are trying to do a logarithm of something that is not positive.

Logarithms figure out the base after being given a number and the power it was raised to. log(0) means that something raised to the power of 2 is 0. An exponent can never result in 0*, which means that log(0) has no answer, thus throwing the math domain error

*Note: 0^0 can result in 0, but can also result in 1 at the same time. This problem is heavily argued over.

How to apply a CSS class on hover to dynamically generated submit buttons?

You have two options:

  1. Extend your .paging class definition:

    .paging:hover {
        border:1px solid #999;
  2. Use the DOM hierarchy to apply the CSS style:

    div.paginate input:hover {
        border:1px solid #999;

How to use the switch statement in R functions?

This is a more general answer to the missing "Select cond1, stmt1, ... else stmtelse" connstruction in R. It's a bit gassy, but it works an resembles the switch statement present in C

while (TRUE) {
  if ( {
    val <- "NULL"
  if (inherits(val, "POSIXct") || inherits(val, "POSIXt")) {
    val <- paste0("#",  format(val, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "#")
  if (inherits(val, "Date")) {
    val <- paste0("#",  format(val, "%Y-%m-%d"), "#")
  if (is.numeric(val)) break
  val <- paste0("'", gsub("'", "''", val), "'")

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (Error Number: 233)

My problem resolved by this what changes i have done in .net core Do this changes in Appsetting.json

Server=***;Database=***;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=***; Password=***;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30

and Do following changes in Package console manager

Scaffold-DbContext "Server=***;Database=***;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=***; Password=***;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -Context DatabaseContext -f

Happy coding

What does it mean to "program to an interface"?

Let's start out with some definitions first:

Interface n. The set of all signatures defined by an object's operations is called the interface to the object

Type n. A particular interface

A simple example of an interface as defined above would be all the PDO object methods such as query(), commit(), close() etc., as a whole, not separately. These methods, i.e. its interface define the complete set of messages, requests that can be sent to the object.

A type as defined above is a particular interface. I will use the made-up shape interface to demonstrate: draw(), getArea(), getPerimeter() etc..

If an object is of the Database type we mean that it accepts messages/requests of the database interface, query(), commit() etc.. Objects can be of many types. You can have a database object be of the shape type as long as it implements its interface, in which case this would be sub-typing.

Many objects can be of many different interfaces/types and implement that interface differently. This allows us to substitute objects, letting us choose which one to use. Also known as polymorphism.

The client will only be aware of the interface and not the implementation.

So in essence programming to an interface would involve making some type of abstract class such as Shape with the interface only specified i.e. draw(), getCoordinates(), getArea() etc.. And then have different concrete classes implement those interfaces such as a Circle class, Square class, Triangle class. Hence program to an interface not an implementation.

How to convert integer to char in C?

A char in C is already a number (the character's ASCII code), no conversion required.

If you want to convert a digit to the corresponding character, you can simply add '0':

c = i +'0';

The '0' is a character in the ASCll table.

What is duck typing?

Duck Typing is not Type Hinting!

Basically in order to use "duck typing" you will not target a specific type but rather a wider range of subtypes (not talking about inheritance, when I mean subtypes I mean "things" that fit within the same profiles) by using a common interface.

You can imagine a system that stores information. In order to write/read information you need some sort of storage and information.

Types of storage may be: file, database, session etc.

The interface will let you know the available options (methods) regardless of the storage type, meaning that at this point nothing is implemented! In another words the Interface doesn't know nothing about how to store information.

Every storage system must know the existence of the interface by implementing it's very same methods.

interface StorageInterface
   public function write(string $key, array $value): bool;
   public function read(string $key): array;

class File implements StorageInterface
    public function read(string $key): array {
        //reading from a file

    public function write(string $key, array $value): bool {
         //writing in a file implementation

class Session implements StorageInterface
    public function read(string $key): array {
        //reading from a session

    public function write(string $key, array $value): bool {
         //writing in a session implementation

class Storage implements StorageInterface
    private $_storage = null;

    function __construct(StorageInterface $storage) {
        $this->_storage = $storage;

    public function read(string $key): array {
        return $this->_storage->read($key);

    public function write(string $key, array $value): bool {
        return ($this->_storage->write($key, $value)) ? true : false;

So now, every time you need to write/read information:

$file = new Storage(new File());
$file->write('filename', ['information'] );
echo $file->read('filename');

$session = new Storage(new Session());
$session->write('filename', ['information'] );
echo $session->read('filename');

In this example you end up using Duck Typing in Storage constructor:

function __construct(StorageInterface $storage) ...

Hope it helped ;)

Count multiple columns with group by in one query

    SELECT SUM(Output.count),Output.attr 
    SELECT COUNT(column1  ) AS count,column1 AS attr FROM tab1 GROUP BY column1 
    SELECT COUNT(column2) AS count,column2 AS attr FROM tab1 GROUP BY column2
    SELECT COUNT(column3) AS count,column3 AS attr FROM tab1 GROUP BY column3) AS Output

    GROUP BY attr 

Difference between char* and const char*?

char mystring[101] = "My sample string";
const char * constcharp = mystring; // (1)
char const * charconstp = mystring; // (2) the same as (1)
char * const charpconst = mystring; // (3)

constcharp++; // ok
charconstp++; // ok
charpconst++; // compile error

constcharp[3] = '\0'; // compile error
charconstp[3] = '\0'; // compile error
charpconst[3] = '\0'; // ok

// String literals
char * lcharp = "My string literal";
const char * lconstcharp = "My string literal";

lcharp[0] = 'X';      // Segmentation fault (crash) during run-time
lconstcharp[0] = 'X'; // compile error

// *not* a string literal
const char astr[101] = "My mutable string";
astr[0] = 'X';          // compile error
((char*)astr)[0] = 'X'; // ok


To display last 3 rows without using order by:

select * from Lms_Books_Details where Book_Code not in 
 (select top((select COUNT(*) from Lms_Books_Details ) -3 ) book_code from Lms_Books_Details) 

Show or hide element in React

In some cases higher order component might be useful:

Create higher order component:

export var HidableComponent = (ComposedComponent) => class extends React.Component {
    render() {
        if ((this.props.shouldHide!=null && this.props.shouldHide()) || this.props.hidden)
            return null;
        return <ComposedComponent {...this.props}  />;

Extend your own component:

export const MyComp= HidableComponent(MyCompBasic);

Then you can use it like this:

<MyComp hidden={true} ... />
<MyComp shouldHide={this.props.useSomeFunctionHere} ... />

This reduces a bit boilerplate and enforces sticking to naming conventions, however please be aware of that MyComp will still be instantiated - the way to omit is was mentioned earlier:

{ !hidden && <MyComp ... /> }

In Visual Basic how do you create a block comment

Not in VB.NET, you have to select all lines at then Edit, Advanced, Comment Selection menu, or a keyboard shortcut for that menu.

How to return a list of keys from a Hash Map?

Since Java 8:

List<String> myList = map.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

How can I increase the cursor speed in terminal?

System Preferences => Keyboard => Key Repeat Rate

Get Application Name/ Label via ADB Shell or Terminal

adb shell pm list packages will give you a list of all installed package names.

You can then use dumpsys | grep -A18 "Package \[my.package\]" to grab the package information such as version identifiers etc

Bulk Insertion in Laravel using eloquent ORM

From Laravel 5.7 with Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder you can use insertUsing method.

$query = [];
foreach($oXML->results->item->item as $oEntry){
    $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
    $query[] = "('{$oEntry->firstname}', '{$oEntry->lastname}', '{$date}')";

Builder::insertUsing(['first_name', 'last_name', 'date_added'], implode(', ', $query));

Delete duplicate records from a SQL table without a primary key


    FROM ClientMaster 
) DUP 


Use an inner query to construct a view over the table which includes a field based on Row_Number(), partitioned by those columns you wish to be unique.

Delete from the results of this inner query, selecting anything which does not have a row number of 1; i.e. the duplicates; not the original.

The order by clause of the row_number window function is needed for a valid syntax; you can put any column name here. If you wish to change which of the results is treated as a duplicate (e.g. keep the earliest or most recent, etc), then the column(s) used here do matter; i.e. you want to specify the order such that the record you wish to keep will come first in the result.

How to reset radiobuttons in jQuery so that none is checked

The best way to set radiobuttons state in jquery:


<input type="radio" name="color" value="orange" /> Orange 
<input type="radio" name="color" value="pink" /> Pink 
<input type="radio" name="color" value="black" /> Black
<input type="radio" name="color" value="pinkish purple" /> Pinkish Purple

Jquery (1.4+) code to pre-select one button :

var presetValue = "black";

In Jquery 1.6+ code the .prop() method is preferred :

var presetValue = "black";

To unselect the buttons :


Hiding a sheet in Excel 2007 (with a password) OR hide VBA code in Excel

Here is what you do in Excel 2003:

  1. In your sheet of interest, go to Format -> Sheet -> Hide and hide your sheet.
  2. Go to Tools -> Protection -> Protect Workbook, make sure Structure is selected, and enter your password of choice.

Here is what you do in Excel 2007:

  1. In your sheet of interest, go to Home ribbon -> Format -> Hide & Unhide -> Hide Sheet and hide your sheet.
  2. Go to Review ribbon -> Protect Workbook, make sure Structure is selected, and enter your password of choice.

Once this is done, the sheet is hidden and cannot be unhidden without the password. Make sense?

If you really need to keep some calculations secret, try this: use Access (or another Excel workbook or some other DB of your choice) to calculate what you need calculated, and export only the "unclassified" results to your Excel workbook.

SQL Query for Student mark functionality

Select S.StudentName 
From Student S 
where S.StudentID IN 
    (Select StudentID from (
        ( Select Max(MarkRate)as MarkRate,SubjectID From  Mark Group by SubjectID)) MaxMarks, Mark
 where MaxMarks.SubjectID= Mark.SubjectID AND MaxMarks.MarkRate=Mark.MarkRate)

Microsoft.Office.Core Reference Missing

You can add reference of Microsoft.Office.Core from COM components tab in the add reference window by adding reference of Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library. The screen shot will shows what component you need.

enter image description here

PDF Editing in PHP?

The PDF/pdflib extension documentation in PHP is sparse (something that has been noted in - I reccommend you use the Zend library.

Alternative for PHP_excel

I wrote a very simple class for exporting to "Excel XML" aka SpreadsheetML. It's not quite as convenient for the end user as XSLX (depending on file extension and Excel version, they may get a warning message), but it's a lot easier to work with than XLS or XLSX.

What is the best Java library to use for HTTP POST, GET etc.?

I agree httpclient is something of a standard - but I guess you are looking for options so...

Restlet provides a http client specially designed for interactong with Restful web services.

Example code:

    Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);
    Request r = new Request();
    r.getClientInfo().getAcceptedMediaTypes().add(new Preference<MediaType>(MediaType.TEXT_XML));

See for more details

Byte Array in Python

Dietrich's answer is probably just the thing you need for what you describe, sending bytes, but a closer analogue to the code you've provided for example would be using the bytearray type.

>>> key = bytearray([0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00])
>>> bytes(key)

HTML button onclick event

Having trouble with a button onclick event in jsfiddle?

If so see Onclick event not firing on

How to use QTimer

Other way is using of built-in method start timer & event TimerEvent.



#include <QMainWindow>

namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow

    explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);

    Ui::MainWindow *ui;
    int timerId;

    void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);

#endif // MAINWINDOW_H


#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include <QDebug>

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    timerId = startTimer(1000);

    delete ui;

void MainWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
    qDebug() << "Update...";

Add a user control to a wpf window

This is how I got it to work:

User Control WPF

<UserControl x:Class="App.ProcessView"
             d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">


User Control C#

namespace App {
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for ProcessView.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class ProcessView : UserControl // My custom User Control
        public ProcessView()
    } }

MainWindow WPF

<Window x:Name="RootWindow" x:Class="App.MainWindow"
        Title="Some Title" Height="350" Width="525" Closing="Window_Closing_1" Icon="bouncer.ico">
        <app:DateConverter x:Key="dateConverter"/>
        <ListView x:Name="listView" >
                    <app:ProcessView />

Recursively looping through an object to build a property list

UPDATE: JUST USE JSON.stringify to print objects on screen!

All you need is this line:

document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(ObjectWithSubObjects, null, "\t") + '</pre>';

This is my older version of printing objects recursively on screen:

 var previousStack = '';
    var output = '';
    function objToString(obj, stack) {
        for (var property in obj) {
            var tab = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
                if (typeof obj[property] === 'object' && typeof stack === 'undefined') {
                    config = objToString(obj[property], property);
                } else {
                    if (typeof stack !== 'undefined' && stack !== null && stack === previousStack) {
                        output = output.substring(0, output.length - 1);  // remove last }
                        output += tab + '<span>' + property + ': ' + obj[property] + '</span><br />'; // insert property
                        output += '}';   // add last } again
                    } else {
                        if (typeof stack !== 'undefined') {
                            output += stack + ': {  <br />' + tab;
                        output += '<span>' + property + ': ' + obj[property] + '</span><br />';
                        if (typeof stack !== 'undefined') {
                            output += '}';
                    previousStack = stack;
        return output;


document.body.innerHTML = objToString(ObjectWithSubObjects);

Example output:

cache: false
position: fixed
effect: { 
    fade: false
    fall: true

Obviously this can be improved by adding comma's when needed and quotes from string values. But this was good enough for my case.

WCF Service Returning "Method Not Allowed"

Your browser is sending an HTTP GET request: Make sure you have the WebGet attribute on the operation in the contract:

public interface IUploadService
    string TestGetMethod(); // This method takes no arguments, returns a string. Perfect for testing quickly with a browser.

    void UploadFile(UploadedFile file); // This probably involves an HTTP POST request. Not so easy for a quick browser test.

Count Vowels in String Python

Use a Counter

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> c = Counter('gallahad')
>>> print c
Counter({'a': 3, 'l': 2, 'h': 1, 'g': 1, 'd': 1})
>>> c['a']    # count of "a" characters

Counter is only available in Python 2.7+. A solution that should work on Python 2.5 would utilize defaultdict

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> d = defaultdict(int)
>>> for c in s:
...     d[c] = d[c] + 1
>>> print dict(d)
{'a': 3, 'h': 1, 'l': 2, 'g': 1, 'd': 1}

"Cannot allocate an object of abstract type" error

You must have some virtual function declared in one of the parent classes and never implemented in any of the child classes. Make sure that all virtual functions are implemented somewhere in the inheritence chain. If a class's definition includes a pure virtual function that is never implemented, an instance of that class cannot ever be constructed.

How to create major and minor gridlines with different linestyles in Python

Actually, it is as simple as setting major and minor separately:

In [9]: plot([23, 456, 676, 89, 906, 34, 2345])
Out[9]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x6112f90>]

In [10]: yscale('log')

In [11]: grid(b=True, which='major', color='b', linestyle='-')

In [12]: grid(b=True, which='minor', color='r', linestyle='--')

The gotcha with minor grids is that you have to have minor tick marks turned on too. In the above code this is done by yscale('log'), but it can also be done with plt.minorticks_on().

enter image description here

Page scroll up or down in Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) using java

Try this

        Actions dragger = new Actions(driver);
        WebElement draggablePartOfScrollbar = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='jobreslist_outercontainer']/div/div[2]/div"));

        // drag downwards
        int numberOfPixelsToDragTheScrollbarDown = 50;
        for (int i=10;i<500;i=i+numberOfPixelsToDragTheScrollbarDown){
        // this causes a gradual drag of the scroll bar, 10 units at a time
            }catch(Exception e1){}

        // now drag opposite way (downwards)
        numberOfPixelsToDragTheScrollbarDown = -50;
        for (int i=500;i>10;i=i+numberOfPixelsToDragTheScrollbarDown){
        // this causes a gradual drag of the scroll bar, -10 units at a time

What is the parameter "next" used for in Express?

Before understanding next, you need to have a little idea of Request-Response cycle in node though not much in detail. It starts with you making an HTTP request for a particular resource and it ends when you send a response back to the user i.e. when you encounter something like res.send(‘Hello World’);

let’s have a look at a very simple example.

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {

Here we do not need next(), because resp.send will end the cycle and hand over the control back to the route middleware.

Now let’s take a look at another example.

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello World !!!!");

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello Planet !!!!");

Here we have 2 middleware functions for the same path. But you always gonna get the response from the first one. Because that is mounted first in the middleware stack and res.send will end the cycle.

But what if we always do not want the “Hello World !!!!” response back. For some conditions we may want the "Hello Planet !!!!" response. Let’s modify the above code and see what happens.

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  if(some condition){
  res.send("Hello World !!!!");  

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello Planet !!!!");

What’s the next doing here. And yes you might have gusses. It’s gonna skip the first middleware function if the condition is true and invoke the next middleware function and you will have the "Hello Planet !!!!" response.

So, next pass the control to the next function in the middleware stack.

What if the first middleware function does not send back any response but do execute a piece of logic and then you get the response back from second middleware function.

Something like below:-

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  // Your piece of logic

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello !!!!");

In this case you need both the middleware functions to be invoked. So, the only way you reach the second middleware function is by calling next();

What if you do not make a call to next. Do not expect the second middleware function to get invoked automatically. After invoking the first function your request will be left hanging. The second function will never get invoked and you will not get back the response.

Build the full path filename in Python

Um, why not just:

>>>> import os
>>>> os.path.join(dir_name, base_filename + "." + format)

Better way to call javascript function in a tag

Modern browsers support a Content Security Policy or CSP. This is the highest level of web security and strongly recommended if you can apply it because it completely blocks all XSS attacks.

Both of your suggestions break with CSP enabled because they allow inline Javascript (which could be injected by a hacker) to execute in your page.

The best practice is to subscribe to the event in Javascript, as in Konrad Rudolph's answer.

Code coverage for Jest built on top of Jasmine

When using Jest 21.2.1, I can see code coverage at the command line and create a coverage directory by passing --coverage to the Jest script. Below are some examples:

I tend to install Jest locally, in which case the command might look like this:

npx jest --coverage

I assume (though haven't confirmed), that this would also work if I installed Jest globally:

jest --coverage

The very sparse docs are here

When I navigated into the coverage/lcov-report directory I found an index.html file that could be loaded into a browser. It included the information printed at the command line, plus additional information and some graphical output.

"Can't find Project or Library" for standard VBA functions

I had the same problem. This worked for me:

  • In VB go to Tools » References
  • Uncheck the library "Crystal Analysis Common Controls 1.0". Or any library.
  • Just leave these 5 references:
    1. Visual Basic For Applications (This is the library that defines the VBA language.)
    2. Microsoft Excel Object Library (This defines all of the elements of Excel.)
    3. OLE Automation (This specifies the types for linking and embedding documents and for automation of other applications and the "plumbing" of the COM system that Excel uses to communicate with the outside world.)
    4. Microsoft Office (This defines things that are common to all Office programs such as Command Bars and Command Bar controls.)
    5. Microsoft Forms 2.0 This is required if you are using a User Form. This library defines things like the user form and the controls that you can place on a form.
  • Then Save.

react-native - Fit Image in containing View, not the whole screen size

Simply You need to pass resizeMode like this to fit in your image in containing view

<Image style={styles.imageStyle} resizeMode={'cover'} source={item.image}/>

const style = StyleSheet.create({
  imageStyle: {
      alignSelf: 'center',

What's the difference between Html.Label, Html.LabelFor and Html.LabelForModel

I think that the usage of @Html.LabelForModel() should be explained in more detail.

The LabelForModel Method returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the model.

You could refer to the following code:

Code in model:

using System.ComponentModel;

public class MyModel
    [DisplayName("A property")]
    public string Test { get; set; }

Code in view:

<div class="form-group">

    @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Test, new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" })

    <div class="col-md-10">
        @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Test)
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Test)

The output screenshot:

enter image description here

Reference to answer on the forum

How do I change the default application icon in Java?

In a class that extends a javax.swing.JFrame use method setIconImage.

this.setIconImage(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/resource/icon.png")).getImage());

How to type a new line character in SQL Server Management Studio

Either char(13) or char(10) would work. But it is recommended to use char(13) + char(10)

  • char(10) = \n - new line
  • char(13) = \r - go to the beginning of the line

Failed to resolve: in IntelliJ Idea with gradle

I had the issue when I put jcenter() before google() in project level build.gradle. When I changed the order and put google() before jcenter() in build.gradle the problem disappeared

Here is my final build.gradle

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {

    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files

allprojects {
    repositories {

task clean(type: Delete) {
    delete rootProject.buildDir

Check if object value exists within a Javascript array of objects and if not add a new object to array

You can try this also

 const addUser = (name) => {
    if (arr.filter(a => == name).length <= 0)
            id: arr.length + 1,
            name: name

Merging a lot of data.frames

Put them into a list and use merge with Reduce

Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all=TRUE), list(df1, df2, df3))
#    id v1 v2 v3
# 1   1  1 NA NA
# 2  10  4 NA NA
# 3   2  3  4 NA
# 4  43  5 NA NA
# 5  73  2 NA NA
# 6  23 NA  2  1
# 7  57 NA  3 NA
# 8  62 NA  5  2
# 9   7 NA  1 NA
# 10 96 NA  6 NA

You can also use this more concise version:

Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=TRUE), list(df1, df2, df3))

Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Check MySQL UNIX Socket

Find unix_socket location using MySQL

mysql -u homestead -p

mysql> show variables like '%sock%';
| Variable_name                           | Value                       |
| performance_schema_max_socket_classes   | 10                          |
| performance_schema_max_socket_instances | 322                         |
| socket                                  | /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Then I go to config/database.php

I update this line : 'unix_socket' => '/tmp/mysql.sock',

to : 'unix_socket' => '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock',

That's it. It works for my as my 4th try.I hope these steps help someone. :D

Set LIMIT with doctrine 2?

I use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator for this, and it works perfectly (doctrine 2.2).

$dql = "SELECT p, c FROM BlogPost p JOIN p.comments c";
$query = $entityManager->createQuery($dql)

$paginator = new Paginator($query, $fetchJoinCollection = true);

Difference between "while" loop and "do while" loop

do while in an exit control loop. while is an entry control loop.

How do I kill a VMware virtual machine that won't die?

In some cases you may not be able to suspend, or for that matter take any of the "Power" actions on the VM. You may also already have multiple VMs up and running. Use this process to identify the correct PID to kill.

On Windows 7 - Open Task Manager - Look for processes with the name, "vmware-vmx.exe", note the PIDs.

Switch to the Performance tab and start the "Resource Monitor". Expand the "Disk Activity" panel. Sort the "File" column. Look for the appropriate vmdk file for the VM you want to kill. The "Image" column will have the "vmware-vmx" process listed. Note the PID.

Switch back to the "Processes" tab and kill the PID.

What are the sizes used for the iOS application splash screen?

As of July 2013 (iOS 6), this is what we always use:

Default.png - 320 x 480
[email protected] - 640 x 960 
[email protected] - 640 x 1096 (with status bar)
[email protected] - 640 x 1136 (without status bar)

iPadImage-Appname-Portrait.png * 768w x 1004h (with status bar)
[email protected] * 1536w x 2008h (with status bar)
iPadImage-Appname-Landscape.png ** 1024w x 748h (with status bar)
[email protected] ** 2048w x 1496h (with status bar)

iPadImage-Appname-Portrait.png * 768w x 1024h (without status bar)
[email protected] * 1536w x 2048h (without status bar)
iPadImage-Appname-Landscape.png ** 1024w x 768h (without status bar)
[email protected] ** 2048w x 1536h (without status bar)

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
iTunesArtwork (512px x 512px)
iTunesArtwork@2x (1024px x 1024px)

How to convert a factor to integer\numeric without loss of information?

R has a number of (undocumented) convenience functions for converting factors:

  • as.character.factor
  • as.Date.factor
  • as.list.factor
  • as.vector.factor
  • ...

But annoyingly, there is nothing to handle the factor -> numeric conversion. As an extension of Joshua Ulrich's answer, I would suggest to overcome this omission with the definition of your own idiomatic function:

as.numeric.factor <- function(x) {as.numeric(levels(x))[x]}

that you can store at the beginning of your script, or even better in your .Rprofile file.

How to filter input type="file" dialog by specific file type?

<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUploadExcel" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="btnUpload" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server" Text="Upload Excel File" />


$('#btnUpload').click(function () {
    var uploadpath = $('#FileUploadExcel').val();
    var fileExtension = uploadpath.substring(uploadpath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, uploadpath.length);

    if ($('#FileUploadExcel').val().length == 0) {
        // write error message
        return false;

    if (fileExtension == "xls" || fileExtension == "xlsx") {
        //write code for success
    else {
        //error code - select only excel files
        return false;


How can I read large text files in Python, line by line, without loading it into memory?

This might be useful when you want to work in parallel and read only chunks of data but keep it clean with new lines.

def readInChunks(fileObj, chunkSize=1024):
    while True:
        data =
        if not data:
        while data[-1:] != '\n':
        yield data

Stack, Static, and Heap in C++

Stack memory allocation (function variables, local variables) can be problematic when your stack is too "deep" and you overflow the memory available to stack allocations. The heap is for objects that need to be accessed from multiple threads or throughout the program lifecycle. You can write an entire program without using the heap.

You can leak memory quite easily without a garbage collector, but you can also dictate when objects and memory is freed. I have run in to issues with Java when it runs the GC and I have a real time process, because the GC is an exclusive thread (nothing else can run). So if performance is critical and you can guarantee there are no leaked objects, not using a GC is very helpful. Otherwise it just makes you hate life when your application consumes memory and you have to track down the source of a leak.

IntelliJ IDEA 13 uses Java 1.5 despite setting to 1.7

[For IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2]

I would like to expand upon part of Peter Gromov's answer with an up-to-date screenshot. Specifically this particular part:

You might also want to take a look at Settings | Compiler | Java Compiler | Per-module bytecode version.

I believe that (at least in 2016.2): checking out different commits in git resets these to 1.5.

Per-module bytecode version

Predicate in Java

Adding up to what Micheal has said:

You can use Predicate as follows in filtering collections in java:

public static <T> Collection<T> filter(final Collection<T> target,
   final Predicate<T> predicate) {
  final Collection<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
  for (final T element : target) {
   if (predicate.apply(element)) {
  return result;

one possible predicate can be:

final Predicate<DisplayFieldDto> filterCriteria = 
                    new Predicate<DisplayFieldDto>() {
   public boolean apply(final DisplayFieldDto displayFieldDto) {
    return displayFieldDto.isDisplay();


 final List<DisplayFieldDto> filteredList=
 (List<DisplayFieldDto>)filter(displayFieldsList, filterCriteria);

Pass request headers in a jQuery AJAX GET call

Use beforeSend:

         url: "http://localhost/PlatformPortal/Buyers/Account/SignIn",
         data: { signature: authHeader },
         type: "GET",
         beforeSend: function(xhr){xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Test-Header', 'test-value');},
         success: function() { alert('Success!' + authHeader); }

How can I set up an editor to work with Git on Windows?

Vim/gVim works well for me.

>echo %EDITOR%


Floating elements within a div, floats outside of div. Why?

The easiest is to put overflow:hidden on the parent div and don't specify a height:

#parent { overflow: hidden }

Another way is to also float the parent div:

#parent { float: left; width: 100% }

Another way uses a clear element:

<div class="parent">
   <img class="floated_child" src="..." />
   <span class="clear"></span>


span.clear { clear: left; display: block; }

Show two digits after decimal point in c++

This will be possible with setiosflags(ios::showpoint).

What is the use of the init() usage in JavaScript?

In JavaScript when you create any object through a constructor call like below

step 1 : create a function say Person..

function Person(name){;

step 2 : create an instance for this function..

var obj=new Person('venkat')

//above line will instantiate this function(Person) and return a brand new object called Person {name:'venkat'}

if you don't want to instantiate this function and call at same time.we can also do like below..

var Person = {
  init: function(name){;
  print: function(){
var obj=Object.create(Person);

in the above method init will help in instantiating the object properties. basically init is like a constructor call on your class.