Programs & Examples On #Execute360

How to download Xcode DMG or XIP file?

You can find the DMGs or XIPs for Xcode and other development tools on (requires Apple ID to login).

You must login to have a valid session before downloading anything below.

*(Newest on top. For each minor version (6.3, 5.1, etc.) only the latest revision is kept in the list.)

*With Xcode 12.2, Apple introduces the term “Release Candidate” (RC) which replaces “GM seed” and indicates this version is near final.

Xcode 12

  • 12.4 (requires a Mac with Apple silicon running macOS Big Sur 11 or later, or an Intel-based Mac running macOS Catalina 10.15.4 or later) (Latest as of 27-Jan-2021)

  • 12.3 (requires a Mac with Apple silicon running macOS Big Sur 11 or later, or an Intel-based Mac running macOS Catalina 10.15.4 or later)

  • 12.2

  • 12.1

  • 12.0.1 (Requires macOS 10.15.4 or later) (Latest as of 24-Sept-2020)

Xcode 11

Xcode 10 (unsupported for iTunes Connect)

  • 10.3 (Requires macOS 10.14.3 or later)
  • 10.2.1 (Requires macOS 10.14.3 or later)
  • 10.1 (Last version supporting macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra)
  • 10 (Subsequent versions were unsupported for iTunes Connect from March 2019)

Xcode 9

Xcode 8

Xcode 7

Xcode 6

Even Older Versions (unsupported for iTunes Connect)

$.focus() not working

I also had this problem. The solution that worked in my case was using the tabindex property on the HTML element.

I was using ng-repeat for some li elements inside a list and I was not able to bring focus to the first li using .focus(), so I simply added the tabindex attribute to each li during the loop.

so now <li ng-repeat="user in users track by $index" tabindex="{{$index+1}}"></li>

That +1 was index starts from 0. Also make sure that the element is present in DOM before calling the .focus() function

I hope this helps.

How can I enable CORS on Django REST Framework

For Django versions > 1.10, according to the documentation, a custom MIDDLEWARE can be written as a function, let's say in the file: yourproject/ (as a sibling of

def open_access_middleware(get_response):
    def middleware(request):
        response = get_response(request)
        response["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
        response["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "*"
        return response
    return middleware

and finally, add the python path of this function (w.r.t. the root of your project) to the MIDDLEWARE list in your project's


Easy peasy!

How do you add Boost libraries in CMakeLists.txt?

Adapting @LainIwakura's answer for modern CMake syntax with imported targets, this would be:

find_package(Boost 1.45.0 COMPONENTS filesystem regex) 

    add_executable(progname file1.cxx file2.cxx) 
    target_link_libraries(progname Boost::filesystem Boost::regex)

Note that it is not necessary anymore to specify the include directories manually, since it is already taken care of through the imported targets Boost::filesystem and Boost::regex.
regex and filesystem can be replaced by any boost libraries you need.

How to drop columns by name in a data frame

df = mtcars 
remove vs and am because they are categorical. In the dataset vs is in column number 8, am is in column number 9

dfnum = df[,-c(8,9)]

Trying Gradle build - "Task 'build' not found in root project"


gradle clean 

then try

gradle build 

it worked for me

Share link on Google+

As of July 25, 2011, the answer is no.

I have looked through their Javascript and it seems they don't want anyone directly accessing their api for +1 at the moment.

The Javascript that does all of the work for the +1 button is here:

If you run it through a Javascript cleanup program you can tell that they have obfuscated their code with various functions that only start with letters and constantly refer back to themselves and do cryptic things.

I figure in the next couple of weeks or moths they will release a link based sharing api due to the fact that we will need this for sharing from flash and other web based formats that don't rely on pure html and js.

Log4j, configuring a Web App to use a relative path

Doesn't log4j just use the application root directory if you don't specify a root directory in your FileAppender's path property? So you should just be able to use:


It's been awhile since I've done Java web development, but this seems to be the most intuitive, and also doesn't collide with other unfortunately named logs writing to the ${catalina.home}/logs directory.

Keep-alive header clarification

Where is this info kept ("this connection is between computer A and server F")?

A TCP connection is recognized by source IP and port and destination IP and port. Your OS, all intermediate session-aware devices and the server's OS will recognize the connection by this.

HTTP works with request-response: client connects to server, performs a request and gets a response. Without keep-alive, the connection to an HTTP server is closed after each response. With HTTP keep-alive you keep the underlying TCP connection open until certain criteria are met.

This allows for multiple request-response pairs over a single TCP connection, eliminating some of TCP's relatively slow connection startup.

When The IIS (F) sends keep alive header (or user sends keep-alive) , does it mean that (E,C,B) save a connection

No. Routers don't need to remember sessions. In fact, multiple TCP packets belonging to same TCP session need not all go through same routers - that is for TCP to manage. Routers just choose the best IP path and forward packets. Keep-alive is only for client, server and any other intermediate session-aware devices.

which is only for my session ?

Does it mean that no one else can use that connection

That is the intention of TCP connections: it is an end-to-end connection intended for only those two parties.

If so - does it mean that keep alive-header - reduce the number of overlapped connection users ?

Define "overlapped connections". See HTTP persistent connection for some advantages and disadvantages, such as:

  • Lower CPU and memory usage (because fewer connections are open simultaneously).
  • Enables HTTP pipelining of requests and responses.
  • Reduced network congestion (fewer TCP connections).
  • Reduced latency in subsequent requests (no handshaking).

if so , for how long does the connection is saved to me ? (in other words , if I set keep alive- "keep" till when?)

An typical keep-alive response looks like this:

Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100

See Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Keep-Alive Header for example (a draft for HTTP/2 where the keep-alive header is explained in greater detail than both 2616 and 2086):

  • A host sets the value of the timeout parameter to the time that the host will allows an idle connection to remain open before it is closed. A connection is idle if no data is sent or received by a host.

  • The max parameter indicates the maximum number of requests that a client will make, or that a server will allow to be made on the persistent connection. Once the specified number of requests and responses have been sent, the host that included the parameter could close the connection.

However, the server is free to close the connection after an arbitrary time or number of requests (just as long as it returns the response to the current request). How this is implemented depends on your HTTP server.

Encrypt and decrypt a password in Java

You can use with SHA as your algorithm choice.

For reference,

Try available example here

Angular error: "Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'input'"

In my case, during a lazy-loading conversion of my application I had incorrectly imported the RoutingModule instead of my ComponentModule inside app-routing.module.ts

How to get just the date part of getdate()?

try this:

select convert (date ,getdate())


select CAST (getdate() as DATE)


select convert(varchar(10), getdate(),121)

The shortest possible output from git log containing author and date

I use these two .gitconfig settings:

  date = relative
  pretty = format:%h %Cblue%ad%Creset %ae %Cgreen%s%Creset

%ad is the author date, which can be overidden by --date or the option specified in the [log] stanza in .gitconfig. I like the relative date because it gives an immediate feeling of when stuff was comitted. Output looks like this:

6c3e1a2 2 hours ago [email protected] lsof is a dependency now.
0754f18 11 hours ago [email protected] Properly unmount, so detaching works.
336a3ac 13 hours ago [email protected] Show ami registration command if auto register fails
be2ad45 17 hours ago [email protected] Fixes #6. Sao Paolo region is included as well.
5aed68e 17 hours ago [email protected] Shorten while loops

This is all of course in color, so it is easy to distinguish the various parts of a log line. Also it is the default when typing git log because of the [format] section.

2014 UPDATE: Since git now supports padding I have a nice amendment to the version above:

pretty = format:%C(yellow)%h %Cblue%>(12)%ad %Cgreen%<(7)%aN%Cred%d %Creset%s

This right aligns the relative dates and left aligns committer names, meaning you get a column-like look that is easy on the eyes.



2016 UPDATE: Since GPG commit signing is becoming a thing, I thought I'd update this post with a version that includes signature verification (in the screenshot it's the magenta letter right after the commit). A short explanation of the flag:

%G?: show "G" for a good (valid) signature, "B" for a bad signature, "U" for a good signature with unknown validity and "N" for no signature

Other changes include:

  • colors are now removed if the output is to something other than the tty (which is useful for grepping etc.)
  • git log -g now contains the reflog selector.
  • Save 2 parens on refnames and put them at the end (to preserve column alignment)
  • Truncate relative dates if they are too long (e.g. 3 years, 4..)
  • Truncate commiter names (might be a little short for some ppl, just change the %<(7,trunc) or check out the git .mailmap feature to shorten commiter names)

Here's the config:

pretty = format:%C(auto,yellow)%h%C(auto,magenta)% G? %C(auto,blue)%>(12,trunc)%ad %C(auto,green)%<(7,trunc)%aN%C(auto,reset)%s%C(auto,red)% gD% D

All in all column alignment is now preserved a lot better at the expense of some (hopefully) useless characters. Feel free to edit if you have any improvements, I'd love to make the message color depend on whether a commit is signed, but it doesn't seem like that is possible atm.


Screenshot of git log

Can I get JSON to load into an OrderedDict?

Yes, you can. By specifying the object_pairs_hook argument to JSONDecoder. In fact, this is the exact example given in the documentation.

>>> json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict).decode('{"foo":1, "bar": 2}')
OrderedDict([('foo', 1), ('bar', 2)])

You can pass this parameter to json.loads (if you don't need a Decoder instance for other purposes) like so:

>>> import json
>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> data = json.loads('{"foo":1, "bar": 2}', object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
>>> print json.dumps(data, indent=4)
    "foo": 1,
    "bar": 2

Using json.load is done in the same way:

>>> data = json.load(open('config.json'), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)

Escape double quotes in parameter

The 2nd document quoted by Peter Mortensen in his comment on the answer of Codesmith made things much clearer for me. That document was written by The link repeated: A Better Way To Understand Quoting and Escaping of Windows Command Line Arguments.

Some further trial and error leads to the following guideline:

Escape every double quote " with a caret ^. If you want other characters with special meaning to the Windows command shell (e.g., <, >, |, &) to be interpreted as regular characters instead, then escape them with a caret, too.

If you want your program foo to receive the command line text "a\"b c" > d and redirect its output to file out.txt, then start your program as follows from the Windows command shell:

foo ^"a\^"b c^" ^> d > out.txt

If foo interprets \" as a literal double quote and expects unescaped double quotes to delimit arguments that include whitespace, then foo interprets the command as specifying one argument a"b c, one argument >, and one argument d.

If instead foo interprets a doubled double quote "" as a literal double quote, then start your program as

foo ^"a^"^"b c^" ^> d > out.txt

The key insight from the quoted document is that, to the Windows command shell, an unescaped double quote triggers switching between two possible states.

Some further trial and error implies that in the initial state, redirection (to a file or pipe) is recognized and a caret ^ escapes a double quote and the caret is removed from the input. In the other state, redirection is not recognized and a caret does not escape a double quote and isn't removed. Let's refer to these states as 'outside' and 'inside', respectively.

If you want to redirect the output of your command, then the command shell must be in the outside state when it reaches the redirection, so there must be an even number of unescaped (by caret) double quotes preceding the redirection. foo "a\"b " > out.txt won't work -- the command shell passes the entire "a\"b " > out.txt to foo as its combined command line arguments, instead of passing only "a\"b " and redirecting the output to out.txt.

foo "a\^"b " > out.txt won't work, either, because the caret ^ is encountered in the inside state where it is an ordinary character and not an escape character, so "a\^"b " > out.txt gets passed to foo.

The only way that (hopefully) always works is to keep the command shell always in the outside state, because then redirection works.

If you don't need redirection (or other characters with special meaning to the command shell), then you can do without the carets. If foo interprets \" as a literal double quote, then you can call it as

foo "a\"b c"

Then foo receives "a\"b c" as its combined arguments text and can interpret it as a single argument equal to a"b c.

Now -- finally -- to the original question. myscript '"test"' called from the Windows command shell passes '"test"' to myscript. Apparently myscript interprets the single and double quotes as argument delimiters and removes them. You need to figure out what myscript accepts as a literal double quote and then specify that in your command, using ^ to escape any characters that have special meaning to the Windows command shell. Given that myscript is also available on Unix, perhaps \" does the trick. Try

myscript \^"test\^"

or, if you don't need redirection,

myscript \"test\"

Hibernate Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement

in your CFG file please change the hibernate dialect

<!-- SQL dialect -->
    <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect</property>

Disable Logback in SpringBoot

Add this in your build.gradle

configurations.all {
    exclude group: 'org.springframework.boot', module: 'spring-boot-starter-tomcat'
    exclude group: 'org.springframework.boot', module: 'spring-boot-starter-logging'
    exclude group: 'org.springframework.boot', module: 'logback-classic'

How to get the mysql table columns data type?


Self contained complete examples are often useful.

  // The server where your database is hosted                 localhost
  // The name of your database                                mydatabase
  // The user name of the database user                       databaseuser
  // The password of the database user                        thesecretpassword
  // Most web pages are in utf-8 so should be the database    array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")
    $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydatabase", "databaseuser", "thesecretpassword", array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8"));  
    catch(PDOException $e)
    die('Could not connect: ' . $e->getMessage());

  $sql   = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM mytable";
  $query = $pdo->prepare($sql);

  $err = $query->errorInfo();
  $bug = $err[2];

  if ($bug != "") { echo "<p>$bug</p>"; }

  while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
    echo "<pre>" . print_r($row, true) . "</pre>";

      [Field] => page_id
      [Type] => char(40)
      [Null] => NO
      [Key] => 
      [Default] => 
      [Extra] => 

      [Field] => last_name
      [Type] => char(50)
      More ...

Java Array, Finding Duplicates

You can use bitmap for better performance with large array.

    java.util.Arrays.fill(bitmap, false);

    for (int item : zipcodeList)
        if (!bitmap[item]) bitmap[item] = true;
        else break;

UPDATE: This is a very negligent answer of mine back in the day, keeping it here just for reference. You should refer to andersoj's excellent answer.

How do I retrieve the number of columns in a Pandas data frame?

Surprised I haven't seen this yet, so without further ado, here is:


How do I compile C++ with Clang?

I do not know why there is no answer directly addressing the problem. When you want to compile C++ program, it is best to use clang++. For example, the following works for me:

clang++ -Wall -std=c++11 -o test

If compiled correctly, it will produce the executable file test, and you can run the file by using ./test.

Or you can just use clang++ to compile the program. It will produce a default executable file named a.out. Use ./a.out to run the file.

The whole process is a lot like g++ if you are familiar with g++. See this post to check which warnings are included with -Wall option. This page shows a list of diagnostic flags supported by Clang.

A note on using clang -x c++: Kim Gräsman says that you can also use clang -x c++ to compile cpp programs, but that may not be true. For example, I am having a simple program below:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    /* std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; */
    std::vector<int> v(10, 5);
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){
        sum += v[i]*2;
    std::cout << "sum is " << sum << std::endl;
    return 0;

clang++ -o test will compile successfully, but clang -x c++ will not, showing a lot undefined references errors. So I guess they are not exactly equivalent. It is best to use clang++ instead of clang -x c++ when compiling c++ programs to avoid extra troubles.

  • clang version: 11.0.0
  • Platform: Ubuntu 16.04

Test if string is a number in Ruby on Rails

As Jakob S suggested in his answer, Kernel#Float can be used to validate numericality of the string, only thing that I can add is one-liner version of that, without using rescue block to control flow (which is considered as a bad practice sometimes)

  Float(my_string, exception: false).present?

How to ftp with a batch file?

The answer by 0x90h helped a lot...

I saved this file as u.ftp:

lcd /D "G:\Subfolder\"
cd  folder/
mget file.csv

I then ran this command:

ftp -i -s:u.ftp

And it worked!!!

Thanks a lot man :)

Error: Expression must have integral or unscoped enum type

Your variable size is declared as: float size;

You can't use a floating point variable as the size of an array - it needs to be an integer value.

You could cast it to convert to an integer:

float *temp = new float[(int)size];

Your other problem is likely because you're writing outside of the bounds of the array:

   float *temp = new float[size];

    //Getting input from the user
    for (int x = 1; x <= size; x++){
        cout << "Enter temperature " << x << ": ";

        // cin >> temp[x];
        // This should be:
        cin >> temp[x - 1];

Arrays are zero based in C++, so this is going to write beyond the end and never write the first element in your original code.

C programming in Visual Studio

Yes, you can:

You can create a C-language project by using C++ project templates. In the generated project, locate files that have a .cpp file name extension and change it to .c. Then, on the Project Properties page for the project (not for the solution), expand Configuration Properties, C/C++ and select Advanced. Change the Compile As setting to Compile as C Code (/TC).

CGRectMake, CGPointMake, CGSizeMake, CGRectZero, CGPointZero is unavailable in Swift

Swift 3 Bonus: Why didn't anyone mention the short form?

CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size)

.zero instead of

When the type is defined, you can safely omit it.

Keystore change passwords

Changing keystore password

$ keytool -storepasswd -keystore keystorename
Enter keystore password:  <old password>
New keystore password: <new password>
Re-enter new keystore password: <new password>

Changing keystore alias password

$keytool -keypasswd -keystore keystorename -alias aliasname
Enter keystore password:  
New key password for <aliasname>: 
Re-enter new key password for <aliasname>:


**Keystorename**: name of your keystore(with path if you are indifferent folder) 
**aliasname**: alias name you used when creating (if name has space you can use \) 
for example: $keytool -keypasswd -keystore keystorename -alias stop\ watch

Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up

Add this in parent layout of the XML.


It ensures the focus isn't on the editText when the Activity starts.

How to host a Node.Js application in shared hosting

I installed Node.js on (a shared server) using:

wget <path to download file>
tar -xf <gzip file>
mv <gzip_file_dir> node

This will download the tar file, extract to a directory and then rename that directory to the name 'node' to make it easier to use.


./node/bin/npm install jt-js-sample

npm WARN engine [email protected]: wanted: {"node":"0.10.x"} (current: {"node":"0.12.4","npm":"2.10.1"})
[email protected] node_modules/jt-js-sample
+-- [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])

I can now use the commands:

# ~/node/bin/node -v

# ~/node/bin/npm -v

For security reasons, I have renamed my node directory to something else.

execJs: 'Could not find a JavaScript runtime' but execjs AND therubyracer are in Gemfile

I have pulled my hair out with this error a few time. I have managed to make it sometime disappear by restarting Apache/Nginx.

So I fixed it the same way as above, by adding the following to the GEM file:

gem 'execjs'
gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby

and then I DELETED my gemfile.lock file and then reran "bundle install". I found only then did "bundle install" actually install the correct libraries etc.

Installing tensorflow with anaconda in windows

Currently tensorflow has binaries only for Unix based OS i.e. Ubuntu Mac OS X - that's why no mention of Windows in setup docs.

There are long discussions on Github:

A SO answer - tensorflow — is it or will it (sometime soon) be compatible with a windows workflow?


For now, on Windows, the easiest way to get started with TensorFlow would be to use Docker:

It should become easier to add Windows support when Bazel (the build system we are using) adds support for building on Windows, which is on the roadmap for Bazel 0.3. You can see the full Bazel roadmap here.

Or simply use a Linux VM (using VMPlayer), and the stated steps will setup it up for you.

For PyCharm - Once conda environment will be created, you'll need to set the new interpretor (in conda environment) as the interpretor to use in PyCharm:

Now to use the conda interpreter from PyCharm go to file > settings > project > interpreter, select Add local in the project interpreter field (the little gear wheel) and browse the interpreter or past the path.

The default location - the environment lives under conda_root/envs/tensorflow. The new python interpreter 'll be at conda_root/envs/tensorflow/bin/pythonX.X , such that the site-packages will be in conda_root/envs/tensorflow/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages.

How to remove leading and trailing spaces from a string

Or you can split your string to string array, splitting by space and then add every item of string array to empty string.
May be this is not the best and fastest method, but you can try, if other answer aren't what you whant.

how to get the last character of a string?

An easy way of doing it is using this :)

var word = "waffle"

Create or write/append in text file

This is working for me, Writing(creating as well) and/or appending content in the same mode.

$fp = fopen("MyFile.txt", "a+") 

Why can't I change my input value in React even with the onChange listener

In react, state will not change until you do it by using this.setState({});. That is why your console message showing old values.

JSP : JSTL's <c:out> tag

c:out escapes HTML characters so that you can avoid cross-site scripting.

if = <script>alert("Yo")</script>

the script will be executed in the second case, but not when using c:out

How to create directory automatically on SD card

If you create a File object that wraps the top-level directory you can call it's mkdirs() method to build all the needed directories. Something like:

// create a File object for the parent directory
File wallpaperDirectory = new File("/sdcard/Wallpaper/");
// have the object build the directory structure, if needed.
// create a File object for the output file
File outputFile = new File(wallpaperDirectory, filename);
// now attach the OutputStream to the file object, instead of a String representation
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);

Note: It might be wise to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() for getting the "SD Card" directory as this might change if a phone comes along which has something other than an SD Card (such as built-in flash, a'la the iPhone). Either way you should keep in mind that you need to check to make sure it's actually there as the SD Card may be removed.

UPDATE: Since API Level 4 (1.6) you'll also have to request the permission. Something like this (in the manifest) should work:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Django, creating a custom 500/404 error page

In Django 3.x, the accepted answer won't work because render_to_response has been removed completely as well as some more changes have been made since the version the accepted answer worked for.

Some other answers are also there but I'm presenting a little cleaner answer:

In your main file:

handler404 = 'yourapp.views.handler404'
handler500 = 'yourapp.views.handler500'

In yourapp/ file:

def handler404(request, exception):
    context = {}
    response = render(request, "pages/errors/404.html", context=context)
    response.status_code = 404
    return response

def handler500(request):
    context = {}
    response = render(request, "pages/errors/500.html", context=context)
    response.status_code = 500
    return response

Ensure that you have imported render() in yourapp/ file:

from django.shortcuts import render

Side note: render_to_response() was deprecated in Django 2.x and it has been completely removed in verision 3.x.

Change color inside strings.xml

Try this

For red color,

<string name="hello_worldRed"><![CDATA[<b><font color=#FF0000>Hello world!</font></b>]]></string>

For blue,

<string name="hello_worldBlue"><![CDATA[<b><font color=#0000FF>Hello world!</font></b>]]></string>

In java code,

//red color text
TextView redColorTextView = (TextView)findViewById(;
String redString = getResources().getString(R.string.hello_worldRed)

//Blue color text
TextView blueColorTextView = (TextView)findViewById(;
String blueString = getResources().getString(R.string.hello_worldBlue)

vuejs update parent data from child component

The correct way is to $emit() an event in the child component that the main Vue instance listens for.

// Child.js
Vue.component('child', {
  methods: {
    notifyParent: function() {
      this.$emit('my-event', 42);

// Parent.js
Vue.component('parent', {
  template: '<child v-on:my-event="onEvent($event)"></child>',
  methods: {
    onEvent: function(ev) {
      v; // 42

HTML-5 date field shows as "mm/dd/yyyy" in Chrome, even when valid date is set

In chrome to set the value you need to do YYYY-MM-DD i guess because this worked :

So to make it work you need to set the date as 2012-10-01

Qt. get part of QString

If you do not need to modify the substring, then you can use QStringRef. The QStringRef class is a read only wrapper around an existing QString that references a substring within the existing string. This gives much better performance than creating a new QString object to contain the sub-string. E.g.

QString myString("This is a string");
QStringRef subString(&myString, 5, 2); // subString contains "is"

If you do need to modify the substring, then left(), mid() and right() will do what you need...

QString myString("This is a string");
QString subString = myString.mid(5,2); // subString contains "is"
subString.append("n't"); // subString contains "isn't"

Java word count program

public static int CountWords(String str){

   if(str.length() == 0)
          return 0;

   int count =0;
   for(int i=0;i< str.length();i++){

      if(str(i) == ' ')

      if(i > 0 && str.charAt(i-1) == ' '){

      else if(i==0 && str.charAt(i) != ' '){

   return count;


HTML 5 video recording and storing a stream

The followin example shows how to capture and process video frames in HTML5:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Capturing & Processing Video in HTML5</title>
        <h2>Camera Preview</h2>
        <video id="cameraPreview" width="240" height="180" autoplay></video>
            <button id="startButton" onclick="startCapture();">Start Capture</button>
            <button id="stopButton" onclick="stopCapture();">Stop Capture</button>

        <h2>Processing Preview</h2>
        <canvas id="processingPreview" width="240" height="180"></canvas>

        <h2>Recording Preview</h2>
        <video id="recordingPreview" width="240" height="180" autoplay controls></video>
            <a id="downloadButton">Download</a>


    const ROI_X = 250;
    const ROI_Y = 150;
    const ROI_WIDTH = 240;
    const ROI_HEIGHT = 180;
    const FPS = 25;
    let cameraStream = null;
    let processingStream = null;
    let mediaRecorder = null;
    let mediaChunks = null;
    let processingPreviewIntervalId = null;

    function processFrame() {
        let cameraPreview = document.getElementById("cameraPreview");
            .drawImage(cameraPreview, ROI_X, ROI_Y, ROI_WIDTH, ROI_HEIGHT, 0, 0, ROI_WIDTH, ROI_HEIGHT);
    function generateRecordingPreview() {
        let mediaBlob = new Blob(mediaChunks, { type: "video/webm" });
        let mediaBlobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(mediaBlob);
        let recordingPreview = document.getElementById("recordingPreview");
        recordingPreview.src = mediaBlobUrl;

        let downloadButton = document.getElementById("downloadButton");
        downloadButton.href = mediaBlobUrl; = "RecordedVideo.webm";
    function startCapture() {
        const constraints = { video: true, audio: false };
        .then((stream) => {
            cameraStream = stream;
            let processingPreview = document.getElementById("processingPreview");
            processingStream = processingPreview.captureStream(FPS);
            mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(processingStream);
            mediaChunks = []
            mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(event) {
                if(mediaRecorder.state == "inactive") {
            let cameraPreview = document.getElementById("cameraPreview");
            cameraPreview.srcObject = stream;
            processingPreviewIntervalId = setInterval(processFrame, 1000 / FPS);
        .catch((err) => {
            alert("No media device found!");
    function stopCapture() {
        if(cameraStream != null) {
            cameraStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) {
        if(processingStream != null) {
            processingStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) {
        if(mediaRecorder != null) {
            if(mediaRecorder.state == "recording") {
        if(processingPreviewIntervalId != null) {
            processingPreviewIntervalId = null;

What is the difference between the 'COPY' and 'ADD' commands in a Dockerfile?

Let's say you have a tar file and you want to uncompress it after placing it in your container, remove it, you can use the COPY command to do this. Butt he various commands would be 1) Copy the tar file to the destination, 2). Uncompress it, 3) Remove the tar file. If you did this in 3 steps then there will be a new image created after each step. You can do this in one step using & but it becomes a hassle.

But you used ADD, then Docker will take care of everything for you and only one intermediate image will be created.

How to commit my current changes to a different branch in Git

The other answers suggesting checking out the other branch, then committing to it, only work if the checkout is possible given the local modifications. If not, you're in the most common use case for git stash:

git stash
git checkout other-branch
git stash pop

The first stash hides away your changes (basically making a temporary commit), and the subsequent stash pop re-applies them. This lets Git use its merge capabilities.

If, when you try to pop the stash, you run into merge conflicts... the next steps depend on what those conflicts are. If all the stashed changes indeed belong on that other branch, you're simply going to have to sort through them - it's a consequence of having made your changes on the wrong branch.

On the other hand, if you've really messed up, and your work tree has a mix of changes for the two branches, and the conflicts are just in the ones you want to commit back on the original branch, you can save some work. As usual, there are a lot of ways to do this. Here's one, starting from after you pop and see the conflicts:

# Unstage everything (warning: this leaves files with conflicts in your tree)
git reset

# Add the things you *do* want to commit here
git add -p     # or maybe git add -i
git commit

# The stash still exists; pop only throws it away if it applied cleanly
git checkout original-branch
git stash pop

# Add the changes meant for this branch
git add -p
git commit

# And throw away the rest
git reset --hard

Alternatively, if you realize ahead of the time that this is going to happen, simply commit the things that belong on the current branch. You can always come back and amend that commit:

git add -p
git commit
git stash
git checkout other-branch
git stash pop

And of course, remember that this all took a bit of work, and avoid it next time, perhaps by putting your current branch name in your prompt by adding $(__git_ps1) to your PS1 environment variable in your bashrc file. (See for example the Git in Bash documentation.)

Inversion of Control vs Dependency Injection

Inversion of control is a design paradigm with the goal of giving more control to the targeted components of your application, the ones getting the work done.
Dependency injection is a pattern used to create instances of objects that other objects rely on without knowing at compile time which class will be used to provide that functionality.

There are several basic techniques to implement inversion of control. These are:

  • Using a factory pattern
  • Using a service locator pattern
  • Using a dependency injection of any given below type:

    1). A constructor injection
    2). A setter injection
    3). An interface injection

This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler

If IncomingHandler class is not static, it will have a reference to your Service object.

Handler objects for the same thread all share a common Looper object, which they post messages to and read from.

As messages contain target Handler, as long as there are messages with target handler in the message queue, the handler cannot be garbage collected. If handler is not static, your Service or Activity cannot be garbage collected, even after being destroyed.

This may lead to memory leaks, for some time at least - as long as the messages stay int the queue. This is not much of an issue unless you post long delayed messages.

You can make IncomingHandler static and have a WeakReference to your service:

static class IncomingHandler extends Handler {
    private final WeakReference<UDPListenerService> mService; 

    IncomingHandler(UDPListenerService service) {
        mService = new WeakReference<UDPListenerService>(service);
    public void handleMessage(Message msg)
         UDPListenerService service = mService.get();
         if (service != null) {

See this post by Romain Guy for further reference

Browser detection

For browser compatibility you can use this code. This method returns browser name and version :

private string GetBrowserNameWithVersion
    var userAgent = Request.UserAgent;
    var browserWithVersion = "";
    if (userAgent.IndexOf("Edge") > -1)
        browserWithVersion = "Edge Browser Version : " + userAgent.Split(new string[] { "Edge/" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0];
    else if (userAgent.IndexOf("Chrome") > -1)
        browserWithVersion = "Chrome Browser Version : " + userAgent.Split(new string[] { "Chrome/" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0];
    else if (userAgent.IndexOf("Safari") > -1)
        browserWithVersion = "Safari Browser Version : " + userAgent.Split(new string[] { "Safari/" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0];
    else if (userAgent.IndexOf("Firefox") > -1)
        browserWithVersion = "Firefox Browser Version : " + userAgent.Split(new string[] { "Firefox/" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0];
    else if (userAgent.IndexOf("rv") > -1)
        browserWithVersion = "Internet Explorer Browser Version : " + userAgent.Split(new string[] { "rv:" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0];
    else if (userAgent.IndexOf("MSIE") > -1)
        browserWithVersion = "Internet Explorer Browser  Version : " + userAgent.Split(new string[] { "MSIE" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0];
    else if (userAgent.IndexOf("Other") > -1)
        browserWithVersion = "Other Browser Version : " + userAgent.Split(new string[] { "Other" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0];

    return browserWithVersion;

JQuery Redirect to URL after specified time

$(document).ready(function() {
    window.setInterval(function() {
    var timeLeft    = $("#timeLeft").html();
        if(eval(timeLeft) == 0) {
                window.location= ("");
        } else {
            $("#timeLeft").html(eval(timeLeft)- eval(1));
    }, 1000);

Can I replace groups in Java regex?

You can use matcher.start() and matcher.end() methods to get the group positions. So using this positions you can easily replace any text.

AppendChild() is not a function javascript

Try the following:

var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = "topdiv";

How to filter by object property in angularJS

The documentation has the complete answer. Anyway this is how it is done:

<input type="text" ng-model="filterValue">
<li ng-repeat="i in data | filter:{age:filterValue}:true"> {{i | json }}</li>

will filter only age in data array and true is for exact match.

For deep filtering,

<li ng-repeat="i in data | filter:{$:filterValue}:true"> {{i}}</li>

The $ is a special property for deep filter and the true is for exact match like above.

How to restart counting from 1 after erasing table in MS Access?

You can use:

CurrentDb.Execute "ALTER TABLE yourTable ALTER COLUMN myID COUNTER(1,1)"

I hope you have no relationships that use this table, I hope it is empty, and I hope you understand that all you can (mostly) rely on an autonumber to be is unique. You can get gaps, jumps, very large or even negative numbers, depending on the circumstances. If your autonumber means something, you have a major problem waiting to happen.

vim line numbers - how to have them on by default?

set nu set ai set tabstop=4 set ls=2 set autoindent

Add the above code in your .vimrc file. if .vimrc file is not present please create in your home directory (/home/name of user)

set nu -> This makes Vim display line numbers

set ai -> This makes Vim enable auto-indentation

set ls=2 -> This makes Vim show a status line

set tabstop=4 -> This makes Vim set tab of length 4 spaces (it is 8 by default)

enter image description here

enter image description here

The filename will also be displayed.

Uppercase first letter of variable

Here is unicode-safe ucwords() function, which additionally respects double-lastnames like Russian ????-?????? and some noble names like Honoré de Balzac, d'Artagnan, Vincent van Gogh, Otto von Bismarck, Sulayman ibn Dawud, etc:

String.prototype.ucwords = function() {
  return this.toLowerCase()
    .replace(/(^|\s|\-)[^\s$]/g, function(m) {
       return m.toUpperCase();
    // French, Arabic and some noble names...
    .replace(/\s(Of|De|Van|Von|Ibn|??|???|???|???)\s/g, function(m) { // Honoré de Balzac, Vincent van Gogh, Otto von Bismarck, Sulayman ibn Dawud etc.
       return m.toLowerCase();
    .replace(/(^|\s)(D|?)(['’][^\s$])/g, function(m, p1, p2, p3) { // D'Artagnan or d'Artagnan / ?’???????? ??? ?’????????
       return p1 + (p1 === "" ? p2/*.toUpperCase()*/ : p2.toLowerCase()) + p3.toUpperCase();

Examples of good gotos in C or C++


Why not do your example like this:

void foo()
    if (doA())
        if (doB())
          if (!doC())

Convert 24 Hour time to 12 Hour plus AM/PM indication Oracle SQL

For the 24-hour time, you need to use HH24 instead of HH.

For the 12-hour time, the AM/PM indicator is written as A.M. (if you want periods in the result) or AM (if you don't). For example:

SELECT invoice_date,
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Date 24Hr",
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') "Date 12Hr"
  FROM invoices

For more information on the format models you can use with TO_CHAR on a date, see

How to properly add cross-site request forgery (CSRF) token using PHP

The variable $token is not being retrieved from the session when it's in there

Getting a list of associative array keys

Try this:

var keys = [];
for (var key in dictionary) {
  if (dictionary.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

hasOwnProperty is needed because it's possible to insert keys into the prototype object of dictionary. But you typically don't want those keys included in your list.

For example, if you do this:

Object.prototype.c = 3;
var dictionary = {a: 1, b: 2};

and then do a loop over dictionary, you'll get a and b, but you'll also get c.

Securing a password in a properties file

The poor mans compromise solution is to use a simplistic multi signature approach.

For Example the DBA sets the applications database password to a 50 character random string. TAKqWskc4ncvKaJTyDcgAHq82X7tX6GfK2fc386bmNw3muknjU

He or she give half the password to the application developer who then hard codes it into the java binary.

private String pass1 = "TAKqWskc4ncvKaJTyDcgAHq82"

The other half of the password is passed as a command line argument. the DBA gives pass2 to the system support or admin person who either enters it a application start time or puts it into the automated application start up script.

java -jar /myapplication.jar -pass2 X7tX6GfK2fc386bmNw3muknjU

When the application starts it uses pass1 + pass2 and connects to the database.

This solution has many advantages with out the downfalls mentioned.

You can safely put half the password in a command line arguments as reading it wont help you much unless you are the developer who has the other half of the password.

The DBA can also still change the second half of the password and the developer need not have to re-deploy the application.

The source code can also be semi public as reading it and the password will not give you application access.

You can further improve the situation by adding restrictions on the IP address ranges the database will accept connections from.

What are Long-Polling, Websockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Comet?

Tieme put a lot of effort into his excellent answer, but I think the core of the OP's question is how these technologies relate to PHP rather than how each technology works.

PHP is the most used language in web development besides the obvious client side HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Yet PHP has 2 major issues when it comes to real-time applications:

  1. PHP started as a very basic CGI. PHP has progressed very far since its early stage, but it happened in small steps. PHP already had many millions of users by the time it became the embed-able and flexible C library that it is today, most of whom were dependent on its earlier model of execution, so it hasn't yet made a solid attempt to escape the CGI model internally. Even the command line interface invokes the PHP library ( on Linux, php5ts.dll on Windows, etc) as if it still a CGI processing a GET/POST request. It still executes code as if it just has to build a "page" and then end its life cycle. As a result, it has very little support for multi-thread or event-driven programming (within PHP userspace), making it currently unpractical for real-time, multi-user applications.

Note that PHP does have extensions to provide event loops (such as libevent) and threads (such as pthreads) in PHP userspace, but very, very, few of the applications use these.

  1. PHP still has significant issues with garbage collection. Although these issues have been consistently improving (likely its greatest step to end the life cycle as described above), even the best attempts at creating long-running PHP applications require being restarted on a regular basis. This also makes it unpractical for real-time applications.

PHP 7 will be a great step to fix these issues as well, and seems very promising as a platform for real-time applications.

WCF, Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive could not be found

Building the solution before adding the service reference solved my problem.

How do I decompile a .NET EXE into readable C# source code?

Reflector and its add-in FileDisassembler.

Reflector will allow to see the source code. FileDisassembler will allow you to convert it into a VS solution.

Upload artifacts to Nexus, without Maven

No need to use these commands .. you can directly use the nexus web Interface in order to upload your JAR using GAV parameters.

enter image description here

So it is very simple.

PHP Get Site URL Protocol - http vs https

For any system except IIS this is quite enough to define site self URL:




depends on what you exactly want: HTTP_HOST vs. SERVER_NAME

Generating random number between 1 and 10 in Bash Shell Script

Here is example of pseudo-random generator when neither $RANDOM nor /dev/urandom is available

echo $(date +%S) | grep -o .$ | sed s/0/10/

sublime text2 python error message /usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in ''

Don't run with a space between the directory and the filename:

python /root/Desktop/1

Use a / instead:

python /root/Desktop/1/

Javascript objects: get parent

This is an old question but as I came across it looking for an answer I thought I will add my answer to this to help others as soon as they got the same problem.

I have a structure like this:

var structure = {
        "name":"Main Level",
                "name":"Node 1"  
                "name":"Node 2"  
                "name":"Node 3"  

Currently, by referencing one of the sub nodes I don't know how to get the parent node with it's name value "Main Level".

Now I introduce a recursive function that travels the structure and adds a parent attribute to each node object and fills it with its parent like so.

var setParent = function(o){
     if(o.nodes != undefined){
          for(n in o.nodes){
              o.nodes[n].parent = o;

Then I just call that function and can now get the parent of the current node in this object tree.


If I now have a reference to the seconds sub node of root, I can just call.

var node2 = structure.root.nodes["node2"];

and it will output "Main Level".

Hope this helps..

javascript function wait until another function to finish

There are several ways I can think of to do this.

Use a callback:

 function FunctInit(someVarible){
      //init and fill screen
      AndroidCallGetResult();  // Enables Android button.

 function getResult(){ // Called from Android button only after button is enabled
      //return some variables

Use a Timeout (this would probably be my preference):

 var inited = false;
 function FunctInit(someVarible){
      //init and fill screen
      inited = true;

 function getResult(){
      if (inited) {
           //return some variables
      } else {
           setTimeout(getResult, 250);

Wait for the initialization to occur:

 var inited = false;
 function FunctInit(someVarible){
      //init and fill screen
      inited = true;

 function getResult(){
      var a = 1;
      do { a=1; }
      //return some variables

laravel select where and where condition

You either need to use first() or get() to fetch the results :

$userRecord = $this->where('email', $email)->where('password', $password)->first();

You most likely need to use first() as you want only one result returned.

If the record isn't found null will be returned. If you are building this query from inside an Eloquent class you could use self .

for example :

$userRecord = self::where('email', $email)->where('password', $password)->first();

More info here

select into in mysql


CREATE TABLE new_tbl SELECT * FROM orig_tbl;

How to check if an object implements an interface?

For an instance

Character.Gorgon gor = new Character.Gorgon();

Then do

gor instanceof Monster

For a Class instance do

Class<?> clazz = Character.Gorgon.class;

subsetting a Python DataFrame

I've found that you can use any subset condition for a given column by wrapping it in []. For instance, you have a df with columns ['Product','Time', 'Year', 'Color']

And let's say you want to include products made before 2014. You could write,

df[df['Year'] < 2014]

To return all the rows where this is the case. You can add different conditions.

df[df['Year'] < 2014][df['Color' == 'Red']

Then just choose the columns you want as directed above. For instance, the product color and key for the df above,

df[df['Year'] < 2014][df['Color'] == 'Red'][['Product','Color']]

React js change child component's state from parent component

You can send a prop from the parent and use it in child component so you will base child's state changes on the sent prop changes and you can handle this by using getDerivedStateFromProps in the child component.

Error: Specified cast is not valid. (SqlManagerUI)

I had a similar error "Specified cast is not valid" restoring from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2008 R2

First I got the MDF and LDF Names:

FROM  DISK = N'C:\Users\dell laptop\DotNetSandBox\DBBackups\Davincis3.bak' 

Second I restored with a MOVE using those names returned:

FROM DISK = 'C:\Users\dell laptop\DotNetSandBox\DBBackups\Davincis3.bak'
   MOVE 'JQueryExampleDb' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Davincis3.mdf', 
   MOVE 'JQueryExampleDB_log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Davincis3.ldf', 

I have no clue as to the name "JQueryExampleDb", but this worked for me.

Nevertheless, backups (and databases) are not backwards compatible with older versions.

Generate Json schema from XML schema (XSD)

JSON Schema is not intended to be feature equivalent with XML Schema. There are features in one but not in the other.

In general you can create a mapping from XML to JSON and back again, but that is not the case for XML schema and JSON schema.

That said, if you have mapped a XML file to JSON, it is quite possible to craft an JSON Schema that validates that JSON in nearly the same way that the XSD validates the XML. But it isn't a direct mapping. And it is not possible to guarantee that it will validate the JSON exactly the same as the XSD validates the XML.

For this reason, and unless the two specs are made to be 100% feature compatible, migrating a validation system from XML/XSD to JSON/JSON Schema will require human intervention.

C# Equivalent of SQL Server DataTypes

SQL Server and .Net Data Type mapping

SQL Server and .Net Data Type mapping

Set NOW() as Default Value for datetime datatype?

On versions mysql 5.6.5 and newer, you can use precise datetimes and set default values as well. There is a subtle bit though, which is to pass in the precision value to both the datetime and the NOW() function call.

This Example Works:

    ALTER TABLE my_table MODIFY created datetime(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(6);

This Example Does not Work:

    ALTER TABLE my_table MODIFY created datetime(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW();

wp-admin shows blank page, how to fix it?

In my case, I was able to see the backend, but in my front I was getting a blank page...

Nothing about debugging and disabling themes/plugins was useful...
After some research, I've realized that my index.php (located at the root directory, not the theme's one) was empty!
The only content was a message saying Silence is golden.

Using a backup I had, I could get back my original index.php and get the site working again.

How to get the first element of an array?

Method that works with arrays, and it works with objects too (beware, objects don't have a guaranteed order!).

I prefer this method the most, because original array is not modified.

// In case of array
var arr = [];
arr[3] = 'first';
arr[7] = 'last';
var firstElement;
for(var i in arr){
    firstElement = arr[i];
console.log(firstElement);  // "first"

// In case of object
var obj = {
    first: 'first',
    last: 'last',

var firstElement;

for(var i in obj){
    firstElement = obj[i];

console.log(firstElement) // First;

How to split long commands over multiple lines in PowerShell

In PowerShell 5 and PowerShell 5 ISE, it is also possible to use just Shift + Enter for multiline editing (instead of standard backticks ` at the end of each line):

PS> &"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy\msdeploy.exe" # Shift+Enter
>>> -verb:sync # Shift+Enter
>>> -source:contentPath="c:\workspace\xxx\master\Build\_PublishedWebsites\xxx.Web" # Shift+Enter
>>> -dest:contentPath="c:\websites\xxx\wwwroot,computerName=,username=administrator,password=xxx"

Does "git fetch --tags" include "git fetch"?

I'm going to answer this myself.

I've determined that there is a difference. "git fetch --tags" might bring in all the tags, but it doesn't bring in any new commits!

Turns out one has to do this to be totally "up to date", i.e. replicated a "git pull" without the merge:

$ git fetch --tags
$ git fetch

This is a shame, because it's twice as slow. If only "git fetch" had an option to do what it normally does and bring in all the tags.

Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock

In Android Studio, It's Work for me

Stop your app if it still runs on the phone or disconnect the your testing device.

Then try to install the package again.

Plotting with C#

I started using the new ASP.NET Chart control a few days ago, and it's absolutely amazing in its capabilities.

Here is the link.

EDIT: This is obviously only if you are using ASP.NET. Not sure about WinForms.

Full-screen iframe with a height of 100%

Additional to the answer of Akshit Soota: it is importand to explicitly set the height of each parent element, also of the table and column if any:

<body style="margin: 0px; padding:0px; height: 100%; overflow:hidden; ">
<form id="form1" runat="server" style=" height: 100%">
<div style=" height: 100%">

    <table style="width: 100%; height: 100%" cellspacing="0"  cellpadding="0">
            <td valign="top" align="left" height="100%">
                <iframe style="overflow:hidden;height:100%;width:100%;margin: 0px; padding:0px;" 
                        width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"
                        src="" ></iframe> 

.NET Format a string with fixed spaces

/// <summary>
/// Returns a string With count chars Left or Right value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="val"></param>
/// <param name="count"></param>
/// <param name="space"></param>
/// <param name="right"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
 public static string Formating(object val, int count, char space = ' ', bool right = false)
    var value = val.ToString();
    for (int i = 0; i < count - value.Length; i++) value = right ? value + space : space + value;
    return value;

How to generate entire DDL of an Oracle schema (scriptable)?

You can spool the schema out to a file via SQL*Plus and dbms_metadata package. Then replace the schema name with another one via sed. This works for Oracle 10 and higher.

set long 100000
set head off
set echo off
set pagesize 0
set verify off
set feedback off
spool schema.out

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(object_type, object_name, owner)
    --Convert DBA_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE to DBMS_METADATA object type:
        --Java object names may need to be converted with DBMS_JAVA.LONGNAME.
        --That code is not included since many database don't have Java installed.
            'DATABASE LINK',      'DB_LINK',
            'JOB',                'PROCOBJ',
            'RULE SET',           'PROCOBJ',
            'RULE',               'PROCOBJ',
            'CREDENTIAL',         'PROCOBJ',
            'CHAIN',              'PROCOBJ',
            'PROGRAM',            'PROCOBJ',
            'PACKAGE',            'PACKAGE_SPEC',
            'PACKAGE BODY',       'PACKAGE_BODY',
            'TYPE',               'TYPE_SPEC',
            'TYPE BODY',          'TYPE_BODY',
            'QUEUE',              'AQ_QUEUE',
            'JAVA CLASS',         'JAVA_CLASS',
            'JAVA TYPE',          'JAVA_TYPE',
            'JAVA SOURCE',        'JAVA_SOURCE',
            'JAVA RESOURCE',      'JAVA_RESOURCE',
            'XML SCHEMA',         'XMLSCHEMA',
        ) object_type
    from dba_objects 
    where owner in ('OWNER1')
        --These objects are included with other object types.
        and object_type not in ('INDEX PARTITION','INDEX SUBPARTITION',
        --Ignore system-generated types that support collection processing.
        and not (object_type = 'TYPE' and object_name like 'SYS_PLSQL_%')
        --Exclude nested tables, their DDL is part of their parent table.
        and (owner, object_name) not in (select owner, table_name from dba_nested_tables)
        --Exclude overflow segments, their DDL is part of their parent table.
        and (owner, object_name) not in (select owner, table_name from dba_tables where iot_type = 'IOT_OVERFLOW')
order by owner, object_type, object_name;

spool off

cat schema.out|sed 's/OWNER1/MYOWNER/g'>schema.out.change.sql

Put everything in a script and run it via cron (scheduler). Exporting objects can be tricky when advanced features are used. Don't be surprised if you need to add some more exceptions to the above code.

How can I move a tag on a git branch to a different commit?

Alias to move one tag to a different commit.

In your sample, to move commit with hash e2ea1639 do: git tagm v0.1 e2ea1639.

For pushed tags, use git tagmp v0.1 e2ea1639.

Both alias keeps you original date and message. If you use git tag -d you lost your original message.

Save them on your .gitconfig file

# Return date of tag. (To use in another alias)
tag-date = "!git show $1 | awk '{ if ($1 == \"Date:\") { print substr($0, index($0,$3)) }}' | tail -2 | head -1 #"

# Show tag message
tag-message = "!git show $1 | awk -v capture=0 '{ if(capture) message=message\"\\n\"$0}; BEGIN {message=\"\"}; { if ($1 == \"Date:\" && length(message)==0 ) {capture=1}; if ($1 == \"commit\" ) {capture=0}  }; END { print message }' | sed '$ d' | cat -s #"

### Move tag. Use: git tagm <tagname> <newcommit> 
tagm = "!GIT_TAG_MESSAGE=$(git tag-message $1) && GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$(git tag-date $1) && git tag-message $1 && git tag -d $1 && git tag -a $1 $2 -m \"$GIT_TAG_MESSAGE\" #"

### Move pushed tag. Use: git tagmp <tagname> <newcommit> 
tagmp = "!git tagm $1 $2 && git push --delete origin $1 && git push origin $1 #"

"Invalid signature file" when attempting to run a .jar

I had a similar problem. The reason was that I was compiling using a JDK with a different JRE than the default one in my Windows box.

Using the correct java.exe solved my problem.

How to export iTerm2 Profiles

It isn't the most obvious workflow. You first have to click "Load preferences from a custom folder or URL". Select the folder you want them saved in; I keep an appsync folder in Dropbox for these sorts of things. Once you have selected the folder, you can click "Save settings to Folder". On a new machine / fresh install of your OS, you can now load these settings from the folder. At first I was sure that loading preferences would wipe out my previous settings, but it didn't.

How to get the current date and time of your timezone in Java?

To get date and time of your zone.

Date date = new Date();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/YYYY HH:mm a");

Find a value in DataTable

this question asked in 2009 but i want to share my codes:

    Public Function RowSearch(ByVal dttable As DataTable, ByVal searchcolumns As String()) As DataTable

    Dim x As Integer
    Dim y As Integer

    Dim bln As Boolean

    Dim dttable2 As New DataTable
    For x = 0 To dttable.Columns.Count - 1

    For x = 0 To dttable.Rows.Count - 1
        For y = 0 To searchcolumns.Length - 1
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchcolumns(y)) = False Then
                If searchcolumns(y) = CStr(dttable.Rows(x)(y + 1) & "") & "" Then
                    bln = True
                    bln = False
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        If bln = True Then
        End If

    Return dttable2

End Function

Adding days to a date in Python

Import timedelta and date first.

from datetime import timedelta, date

And will return today's datetime, may be you want

EndDate = + timedelta(days=10)

How to change the color of a button?

For the text color add:

android:textColor="<hex color>"

For the background color add:

android:background="<hex color>"

From API 21 you can use:

android:backgroundTint="<hex color>"

Note: If you're going to work with android/java you really should learn how to google ;)
How to customize different buttons in Android

Inconsistent accessibility: property type is less accessible

Your class Delivery has no access modifier, which means it defaults to internal. If you then try to expose a property of that type as public, it won't work. Your type (class) needs to have the same, or higher access as your property.

More about access modifiers:

How to return JSON with ASP.NET & jQuery

Try to use this , it works perfectly for me


   varb = new List<object>();

 // Example 

   varb.Add(new[] { float.Parse(GridView1.Rows[1].Cells[2].Text )});

 // JSON  + Serializ

public string Json()
            return (new JavaScriptSerializer()).Serialize(varb);

//  Jquery SIDE 

  var datasets = {
            "Products": {
                label: "Products",
                data: <%= getJson() %> 

Round up value to nearest whole number in SQL UPDATE

For MS SQL CEILING(your number) will round it up. FLOOR(your number) will round it down

jQuery get html of container including the container itself

Firefox doesn't support outerHTML, so you need to define a function to help support it:

function outerHTML(node) {
    return node.outerHTML || (
        function(n) {
            var div = document.createElement('div');
            div.appendChild( n.cloneNode(true) );
            var h = div.innerHTML;
            div = null;
            return h;

Then, you can use outerHTML:

var x = outerHTML($('#container').get(0));

Creating a timer in python

import time 


def stopwatch(mins):
   # complete this whole code in some mins.


git command to move a folder inside another

Another important note that I have missed, and fixed the "Bad Source" Error instantly:

(Just thought I will share my mistake just in case someone encounters it.. :))

Make sure the the correct path is selected in the git Console when you run the command:

- git mv Source Destination

If needed, use:

- cd SourceFolder

And then the mv command.

Android Spinner : Avoid onItemSelected calls during initialization

My solution:

protected boolean inhibit_spinner = true;

        public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1,
                int pos, long arg3) {

            if (inhibit_spinner) {
                inhibit_spinner = false;
            }else {

            if (getDataTask != null) getDataTask.cancel(true);


"git rebase origin" vs."git rebase origin/master"

You can make a new file under [.git\refs\remotes\origin] with name "HEAD" and put content "ref: refs/remotes/origin/master" to it. This should solve your problem.

It seems that clone from an empty repos will lead to this. Maybe the empty repos do not have HEAD because no commit object exist.

You can use the

git log --remotes --branches --oneline --decorate

to see the difference between each repository, while the "problem" one do not have "origin/HEAD"

Edit: Give a way using command line
You can also use git command line to do this, they have the same result

git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD refs/remotes/origin/master

How to use jQuery in chrome extension?

Apart from the solutions already mentioned, you can also download jquery.min.js locally and then use it -

For downloading -

wget ""

manifest.json -

"content_scripts": [
    "js": ["/path/to/jquery.min.js", ...]

in html -

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>

Reference -

Get list of a class' instance methods

$ irb --simple-prompt

class TestClass
  def method1

  def method2

  def method3

tc_list = TestClass.instance_methods(false)
#[:method1, :method2, :method3]
puts tc_list

Is it better in C++ to pass by value or pass by constant reference?

It used to be generally recommended best practice1 to use pass by const ref for all types, except for builtin types (char, int, double, etc.), for iterators and for function objects (lambdas, classes deriving from std::*_function).

This was especially true before the existence of move semantics. The reason is simple: if you passed by value, a copy of the object had to be made and, except for very small objects, this is always more expensive than passing a reference.

With C++11, we have gained move semantics. In a nutshell, move semantics permit that, in some cases, an object can be passed “by value” without copying it. In particular, this is the case when the object that you are passing is an rvalue.

In itself, moving an object is still at least as expensive as passing by reference. However, in many cases a function will internally copy an object anyway — i.e. it will take ownership of the argument.2

In these situations we have the following (simplified) trade-off:

  1. We can pass the object by reference, then copy internally.
  2. We can pass the object by value.

“Pass by value” still causes the object to be copied, unless the object is an rvalue. In the case of an rvalue, the object can be moved instead, so that the second case is suddenly no longer “copy, then move” but “move, then (potentially) move again”.

For large objects that implement proper move constructors (such as vectors, strings …), the second case is then vastly more efficient than the first. Therefore, it is recommended to use pass by value if the function takes ownership of the argument, and if the object type supports efficient moving.

A historical note:

In fact, any modern compiler should be able to figure out when passing by value is expensive, and implicitly convert the call to use a const ref if possible.

In theory. In practice, compilers can’t always change this without breaking the function’s binary interface. In some special cases (when the function is inlined) the copy will actually be elided if the compiler can figure out that the original object won’t be changed through the actions in the function.

But in general the compiler can’t determine this, and the advent of move semantics in C++ has made this optimisation much less relevant.

1 E.g. in Scott Meyers, Effective C++.

2 This is especially often true for object constructors, which may take arguments and store them internally to be part of the constructed object’s state.

Getting values from query string in an url using AngularJS $location

If you just need to look at the query string as text, you can use: $

How do I add button on each row in datatable?

Basically your code is okay, thats the right way to do this. Anyhow, there are some misunderstandings:

  1. fetchUserData.cfm does not contain key/value pairs. So it doesn't make sense to address keys in mData. Just use mData[index]

  2. dataTables expects some more info from your serverside. At least you should tell datatables how many items in total are on your serverside and how many are filtered. I just hardcoded this info to your data. You should get the right values from counts in your server sided script.

      "aaData": [
        "[email protected]",
  3. If you have the column names already set in the html part, you don't need to add sTitle.

  4. The mRender Function takes three parameters:

    • data = The data for this cell, as defined in mData
    • type = The datatype (can be ignored mostly)
    • full = The full data array for this row.

So your mRender function should look like this:

  "mRender": function(data, type, full) {
    return '<a class="btn btn-info btn-sm" href=#/' + full[0] + '>' + 'Edit' + '</a>';

Find a working Plunker here

What jar should I include to use javax.persistence package in a hibernate based application?

For JPA 2.1 the javax.persistence package can be found in here:


See: hibernate-jpa-2.1-api on Maven Central The pattern seems to be to change the artefact name as the JPA version changes. If this continues new versions can be expected to arrive in Maven Central here: Hibernate JPA versions

The above JPA 2.1 APi can be used in conjunction with Hibernate 4.3.7, specifically:


Div Scrollbar - Any way to style it?

Looking at the web I find some simple way to style scrollbars.

This is THE guy!

And here my implementation!

/* Turn on a 13x13 scrollbar */
::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 10px;
    height: 13px;

::-webkit-scrollbar-button:vertical {
    background-color: silver;
    border: 1px solid gray;

/* Turn on single button up on top, and down on bottom */
::-webkit-scrollbar-button:end:increment {
    display: block;

/* Turn off the down area up on top, and up area on bottom */
::-webkit-scrollbar-button:vertical:end:decrement {
    display: none;

/* Place The scroll down button at the bottom */
::-webkit-scrollbar-button:vertical:increment {
    display: none;

/* Place The scroll up button at the up */
::-webkit-scrollbar-button:vertical:decrement {
    display: none;

/* Place The scroll down button at the bottom */
::-webkit-scrollbar-button:horizontal:increment {
    display: none;

/* Place The scroll up button at the up */
::-webkit-scrollbar-button:horizontal:decrement {
    display: none;

::-webkit-scrollbar-track:vertical {
    background-color: blue;
    border: 1px dashed pink;

/* Top area above thumb and below up button */
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece:vertical:start {
    border: 0px;

/* Bottom area below thumb and down button */
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece:vertical:end {
    border: 0px;

/* Track below and above */
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
    background-color: silver;

/* The thumb itself */
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:vertical {
    height: 50px;
    background-color: gray;

/* The thumb itself */
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:horizontal {
    height: 50px;
    background-color: gray;

/* Corner */
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner:vertical {
    background-color: black;

/* Resizer */
::-webkit-scrollbar-resizer:vertical {
    background-color: gray;

Easiest way to toggle 2 classes in jQuery

Your onClick request:

<span class="A" onclick="var state = this.className.indexOf('A') > -1; $(this).toggleClass('A', !state).toggleClass('B', state);">Click Me</span>

Try it:

Just the JS à la jQuery:

$('.selector').toggleClass('A', !state).toggleClass('B', state);

How to check if a database exists in SQL Server?

Actually it's best to use:

   --code mine :)
   print 'db exists'

See and note that this does not make sense with the Azure SQL Database.

Connection to SQL Server Works Sometimes

I had the same problem, manage to solve it by opening/enabling the port 1433 and tcp/ip in SQL Server Configuration Manager and then Restarted the Server

enter image description here

Could not install packages due to a "Environment error :[error 13]: permission denied : 'usr/local/bin/f2py'"

pip install --user package-name

Seems to work, but the package is install the the path of user. such as :


I want to install the package in python folder such c:\Python27. I install the module into the expected folder by:

pip install package-name --no-cache-dir

How to resize an image with OpenCV2.0 and Python2.6

Here's a function to upscale or downscale an image by desired width or height while maintaining aspect ratio

# Resizes a image and maintains aspect ratio
def maintain_aspect_ratio_resize(image, width=None, height=None, inter=cv2.INTER_AREA):
    # Grab the image size and initialize dimensions
    dim = None
    (h, w) = image.shape[:2]

    # Return original image if no need to resize
    if width is None and height is None:
        return image

    # We are resizing height if width is none
    if width is None:
        # Calculate the ratio of the height and construct the dimensions
        r = height / float(h)
        dim = (int(w * r), height)
    # We are resizing width if height is none
        # Calculate the ratio of the width and construct the dimensions
        r = width / float(w)
        dim = (width, int(h * r))

    # Return the resized image
    return cv2.resize(image, dim, interpolation=inter)


import cv2

image = cv2.imread('1.png')
cv2.imshow('width_100', maintain_aspect_ratio_resize(image, width=100))
cv2.imshow('width_300', maintain_aspect_ratio_resize(image, width=300))

Using this example image

enter image description here

Simply downscale to width=100 (left) or upscale to width=300 (right)

enter image description here enter image description here

What's the fastest way to read a text file line-by-line?

Use the following code:

foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(fileName))

This was a HUGE difference in reading performance.

It comes at the cost of memory consumption, but totally worth it!

How do you generate a random double uniformly distributed between 0 and 1 from C++?

This is what I ended up using for my needs:

int range_upper_bound = 12345;
int random_number =((double)rand()/(double)range_upper_bound);

HTML - Change\Update page contents without refreshing\reloading the page

You've got the right idea, so here's how to go ahead: the onclick handlers run on the client side, in the browser, so you cannot call a PHP function directly. Instead, you need to add a JavaScript function that (as you mentioned) uses AJAX to call a PHP script and retrieve the data. Using jQuery, you can do something like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
function recp(id) {
  $('#myStyle').load('data.php?id=' + id);

<a href="#" onClick="recp('1')" > One   </a>
<a href="#" onClick="recp('2')" > Two   </a>
<a href="#" onClick="recp('3')" > Three </a>

<div id='myStyle'>

Then you put your PHP code into a separate file: (I've called it data.php in the above example)

  require ('myConnect.php');     
  $id = $_GET['id'];
  $results = mysql_query("SELECT para FROM content WHERE  para_ID='$id'");   
  if( mysql_num_rows($results) > 0 )
   $row = mysql_fetch_array( $results );
   echo $row['para'];

How to refresh a page with jQuery by passing a parameter to URL

var singleText = "single";
var s =;

if (s.indexOf(singleText) == -1) {
    window.location.href += (s.substring(0,1) == "?") ? "&" : "?" + singleText;

How to determine the current shell I'm working on


ps -p $$ -oargs=


ps -p $$ -ocomm=

What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues?

C++03's categories are too restricted to capture the introduction of rvalue references correctly into expression attributes.

With the introduction of them, it was said that an unnamed rvalue reference evaluates to an rvalue, such that overload resolution would prefer rvalue reference bindings, which would make it select move constructors over copy constructors. But it was found that this causes problems all around, for example with Dynamic Types and with qualifications.

To show this, consider

int const&& f();

int main() {
  int &&i = f(); // disgusting!

On pre-xvalue drafts, this was allowed, because in C++03, rvalues of non-class types are never cv-qualified. But it is intended that const applies in the rvalue-reference case, because here we do refer to objects (= memory!), and dropping const from non-class rvalues is mainly for the reason that there is no object around.

The issue for dynamic types is of similar nature. In C++03, rvalues of class type have a known dynamic type - it's the static type of that expression. Because to have it another way, you need references or dereferences, which evaluate to an lvalue. That isn't true with unnamed rvalue references, yet they can show polymorphic behavior. So to solve it,

  • unnamed rvalue references become xvalues. They can be qualified and potentially have their dynamic type different. They do, like intended, prefer rvalue references during overloading, and won't bind to non-const lvalue references.

  • What previously was an rvalue (literals, objects created by casts to non-reference types) now becomes an prvalue. They have the same preference as xvalues during overloading.

  • What previously was an lvalue stays an lvalue.

And two groupings are done to capture those that can be qualified and can have different dynamic types (glvalues) and those where overloading prefers rvalue reference binding (rvalues).

"webxml attribute is required" error in Maven

I had the exact same problem and i solved it like this :

Make a new folder named WEB-INF under src/main/webbapp then

Right Click on your Project -> Java EE Tools -> Generate Deployment Descriptor Stub

This should generate your web.xml

I hope this helps by solving your problem :D

How to select a schema in postgres when using psql?

\l - Display database
\c - Connect to database
\dn - List schemas
\dt - List tables inside public schemas
\dt schema1. - List tables inside particular schemas. For eg: 'schema1'.

How to get city name from latitude and longitude coordinates in Google Maps?

Please refer below code

 Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(this, Locale.getDefault());
     List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(latitude, longitude, 1);
     String cityName = addresses.get(0).getAddressLine(0);
     String stateName = addresses.get(0).getAddressLine(1);
     String countryName = addresses.get(0).getAddressLine(2);

Import-CSV and Foreach

You can create the headers on the fly (no need to specify delimiter when the delimiter is a comma):

Import-CSV $filepath -Header IP1,IP2,IP3,IP4 | Foreach-Object{
   Write-Host $_.IP1
   Write-Host $_.IP2

How to use a variable for the database name in T-SQL?

Put the entire script into a template string, with {SERVERNAME} placeholders. Then edit the string using:


and then run it with


It's hard to believe that, in the course of three years, nobody noticed that my code doesn't work!

You can't EXEC multiple batches. GO is a batch separator, not a T-SQL statement. It's necessary to build three separate strings, and then to EXEC each one after substitution.

I suppose one could do something "clever" by breaking the single template string into multiple rows by splitting on GO; I've done that in ADO.NET code.

And where did I get the word "SERVERNAME" from?

Here's some code that I just tested (and which works):








AngularJS : Why ng-bind is better than {{}} in angular?

This is because with {{}} the angular compiler considers both the text node and it's parent as there is a possibility of merging of 2 {{}} nodes. Hence there are additional linkers that add to the load time. Of course for a few such occurrences the difference is immaterial, however when you are using this inside a repeater of large number of items, it will cause an impact in slower runtime environment.

How to remove unwanted space between rows and columns in table?

Try this,

border-collapse: collapse; /* 'cellspacing' equivalent */

table td, 
table th{
padding: 0; /* 'cellpadding' equivalent */

Display the current date and time using HTML and Javascript with scrollable effects in hta application

    var today = new Date;
    document.getElementById('date').innerHTML= today.toDateString();

C - function inside struct

As others have noted, embedding function pointers directly inside your structure is usually reserved for special purposes, like a callback function.

What you probably want is something more like a virtual method table.

typedef struct client_ops_t client_ops_t;
typedef struct client_t client_t, *pno;

struct client_t {
    /* ... */
    client_ops_t *ops;

struct client_ops_t {
    pno (*AddClient)(client_t *);
    pno (*RemoveClient)(client_t *);

pno AddClient (client_t *client) { return client->ops->AddClient(client); }
pno RemoveClient (client_t *client) { return client->ops->RemoveClient(client); }

Now, adding more operations does not change the size of the client_t structure. Now, this kind of flexibility is only useful if you need to define many kinds of clients, or want to allow users of your client_t interface to be able to augment how the operations behave.

This kind of structure does appear in real code. The OpenSSL BIO layer looks similar to this, and also UNIX device driver interfaces have a layer like this.

Read specific columns with pandas or other python module

Got a solution to above problem in a different way where in although i would read entire csv file, but would tweek the display part to show only the content which is desired.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', skipinitialspace=True)
print df[['star_name', 'ra']]

This one could help in some of the scenario's in learning basics and filtering data on the basis of columns in dataframe.

Is the MIME type 'image/jpg' the same as 'image/jpeg'?

No, image/jpg is not the same as image/jpeg.

You should use image/jpeg. Only image/jpeg is recognised as the actual mime type for JPEG files.

See, .

Serving the incorrect Content-Type of image/jpg to IE can cause issues, see

How can I SELECT rows with MAX(Column value), DISTINCT by another column in SQL?

Here is MySQL version which prints only one entry where there are duplicates MAX(datetime) in a group.

You could test here!2/0a4ae/1

Sample Data

mysql> SELECT * from topten;
| id   | home | datetime            | player | resource |
|    1 |   10 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | john   |      399 |
|    2 |   11 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | juliet |      244 |
|    3 |   10 | 2009-03-03 00:00:00 | john   |      300 |
|    4 |   11 | 2009-03-03 00:00:00 | juliet |      200 |
|    5 |   12 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      555 |
|    6 |   12 | 2009-03-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      500 |
|    7 |   13 | 2008-12-24 00:00:00 | borat  |      600 |
|    8 |   13 | 2009-01-01 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|    9 |   10 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|   10 |   11 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|   12 |   12 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |

MySQL Version with User variable

    SELECT ord.*,
        IF (@prev_home = ord.home, 0, 1) AS is_first_appear,
        @prev_home := ord.home
    FROM (
        SELECT, t1.home, t1.player, t1.resource
        FROM topten t1
        INNER JOIN (
            SELECT home, MAX(datetime) AS mx_dt
            FROM topten
            GROUP BY home
          ) x ON t1.home = x.home AND t1.datetime = x.mx_dt
        ORDER BY home
    ) ord, (SELECT @prev_home := 0, @seq := 0) init
) y
WHERE is_first_appear = 1;
| id   | home | player | resource | is_first_appear | @prev_home := ord.home |
|    9 |   10 | borat  |      700 |               1 |                     10 |
|   10 |   11 | borat  |      700 |               1 |                     11 |
|   12 |   12 | borat  |      700 |               1 |                     12 |
|    8 |   13 | borat  |      700 |               1 |                     13 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Accepted Answers' outout

FROM topten tt
    SELECT home, MAX(datetime) AS MaxDateTime
    FROM topten
    GROUP BY home
) groupedtt ON tt.home = groupedtt.home AND tt.datetime = groupedtt.MaxDateTime
| id   | home | datetime            | player | resource |
|    1 |   10 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | john   |      399 |
|    2 |   11 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | juliet |      244 |
|    5 |   12 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      555 |
|    8 |   13 | 2009-01-01 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|    9 |   10 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|   10 |   11 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|   12 |   12 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

How to install a gem or update RubyGems if it fails with a permissions error

For me the problem was due to using rbenv and forgetting to set the proper version globally.

So I had to set it with rbenv global xxx

In my case I installed 2.0.0-p247 so I had to issue the command:

rbenv global 2.0.0-p247
rbenv rehash

Then all was working fine.

Converting a number with comma as decimal point to float

This function is compatible for numbers with dots or commas as decimals

function floatvalue($val){
            $val = str_replace(",",".",$val);
            $val = preg_replace('/\.(?=.*\.)/', '', $val);
            return floatval($val);

This works for all kind of inputs (American or european style)

echo floatvalue('1.325.125,54'); // The output is 1325125.54
echo floatvalue('1,325,125.54'); // The output is 1325125.54
echo floatvalue('59,95');        // The output is 59.95
echo floatvalue('12.000,30');    // The output is 12000.30
echo floatvalue('12,000.30');    // The output is 12000.30

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) - how many loops are being performed?

The first row:

$result = mysql_query($query);  

return php db resource.

The second row

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  

Loops all the records returned by the query.

Use mysql_fetch_assoc instead
In that case the row has key=>value pairs.
In the while just put this:
print_r($row) and you will understand
If you use mysql_fetch_assoc the format of the row will be:

$row["column1_name"] = column1_value;  
$row["column2_name"] = column2_value;  

For this one:

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)  
foreach ($row as $columnName => $columnValue) {  

You will get the firs row from the query and you will iterate all columns in the first result of the query.

Convert a row of a data frame to vector

Columns of data frames are already vectors, you just have to pull them out. Note that you place the column you want after the comma, not before it:

> newV <- df[,1]
> newV
[1] 1 2 4 2

If you actually want a row, then do what Ben said and please use words correctly in the future.

How can I split a text file using PowerShell?

I found this question while trying to split multiple contacts in a single vCard VCF file to separate files. Here's what I did based on Lee's code. I had to look up how to create a new StreamReader object and changed null to $null.

$reader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader("C:\Contacts.vcf")
$count = 1
$filename = "C:\Contacts\{0}.vcf" -f ($count) 

while(($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null)
    Add-Content -path $fileName -value $line

    if($line -eq "END:VCARD")
        $filename = "C:\Contacts\{0}.vcf" -f ($count)


How to read an http input stream

a complete code for reading from a webservice in two ways

public void buttonclick(View view) {
    // the name of your webservice where reactance is your method
    new GetMethodDemo().execute("");

public class GetMethodDemo extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
    //see also: 
    //writing to see:
    String server_response;
    protected String doInBackground(String... strings) {
        URL url;
        HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;
        try {
            url = new URL(strings[0]);
            urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            int responseCode = urlConnection.getResponseCode();
            if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
                server_response = readStream(urlConnection.getInputStream());
                Log.v("CatalogClient", server_response);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        try {
            url = new URL(strings[0]);
            urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            String inputLine;
            while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
            Log.v("bufferv ", server_response);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(String s) {
        Log.e("Response", "" + server_response);
   //assume there is a field with id editText
        EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;

Creating Accordion Table with Bootstrap

This seems to be already asked before:

This might help:

Twitter Bootstrap Use collapse.js on table cells [Almost Done]


Your fiddle wasn't loading jQuery, so anything worked.

<table class="table table-hover">

    <tr data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#accordion" class="clickable">
        <td>Some Stuff</td>
        <td>Some more stuff</td>
        <td>And some more</td>
        <td colspan="3">
            <div id="accordion" class="collapse">Hidden by default</div>

Try this one:

I also added colspan='2' to the details row. But it's essentially your fiddle with jQuery loaded (in frameworks in the left column)

Show div on scrollDown after 800px

If you want to show a div after scrolling a number of pixels:

Working Example

$(document).scroll(function() {
  var y = $(this).scrollTop();
  if (y > 800) {
  } else {

$(document).scroll(function() {
  var y = $(this).scrollTop();
  if (y > 800) {
  } else {
body {
  height: 1600px;
.bottomMenu {
  display: none;
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 60px;
  border-top: 1px solid #000;
  background: red;
  z-index: 1;
<script src=""></script>
<p>Scroll down... </p>
<div class="bottomMenu"></div>

Its simple, but effective.

Documentation for .scroll()
Documentation for .scrollTop()

If you want to show a div after scrolling a number of pixels,

without jQuery:

Working Example

myID = document.getElementById("myID");

var myScrollFunc = function() {
  var y = window.scrollY;
  if (y >= 800) {
    myID.className = "bottomMenu show"
  } else {
    myID.className = "bottomMenu hide"

window.addEventListener("scroll", myScrollFunc);

myID = document.getElementById("myID");

var myScrollFunc = function() {
  var y = window.scrollY;
  if (y >= 800) {
    myID.className = "bottomMenu show"
  } else {
    myID.className = "bottomMenu hide"

window.addEventListener("scroll", myScrollFunc);
body {
  height: 2000px;
.bottomMenu {
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 60px;
  border-top: 1px solid #000;
  background: red;
  z-index: 1;
  transition: all 1s;
.hide {
  opacity: 0;
  left: -100%;
.show {
  opacity: 1;
  left: 0;
<div id="myID" class="bottomMenu hide"></div>

Documentation for .scrollY
Documentation for .className
Documentation for .addEventListener

If you want to show an element after scrolling to it:

Working Example

$('h1').each(function () {
    var y = $(document).scrollTop();
    var t = $(this).parent().offset().top;
    if (y > t) {
    } else {

$(document).scroll(function() {
  //Show element after user scrolls 800px
  var y = $(this).scrollTop();
  if (y > 800) {
  } else {

  // Show element after user scrolls past 
  // the top edge of its parent 
  $('h1').each(function() {
    var t = $(this).parent().offset().top;
    if (y > t) {
    } else {
body {
  height: 1600px;
.bottomMenu {
  display: none;
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 60px;
  border-top: 1px solid #000;
  background: red;
  z-index: 1;
.scrollPast {
  width: 100%;
  height: 150px;
  background: blue;
  position: relative;
  top: 50px;
  margin: 20px 0;
h1 {
  display: none;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
<script src=""></script>
<p>Scroll Down...</p>
<div class="scrollPast">
  <h1>I fade in when you scroll to my parent</h1>

<div class="scrollPast">
  <h1>I fade in when you scroll to my parent</h1>

<div class="scrollPast">
  <h1>I fade in when you scroll to my parent</h1>

<div class="bottomMenu">I fade in when you scroll past 800px</div>

Note that you can't get the offset of elements set to display: none;, grab the offset of the element's parent instead.

Documentation for .each()
Documentation for .parent()
Documentation for .offset()

If you want to have a nav or div stick or dock to the top of the page once you scroll to it and unstick/undock when you scroll back up:

Working Example

$(document).scroll(function () {
    //stick nav to top of page
    var y = $(this).scrollTop();
    var navWrap = $('#navWrap').offset().top;
    if (y > navWrap) {
    } else {

#navWrap {
nav {
    height: 70px;
.sticky {
    position: fixed;

$(document).scroll(function () {
    //stick nav to top of page
    var y = $(this).scrollTop();
    var navWrap = $('#navWrap').offset().top;
    if (y > navWrap) {
    } else {
body {
#navWrap {
nav {
    height: 70px;
.sticky {
    position: fixed;
h1 {
    margin: 0;
<script src=""></script>
<p>Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas,
  imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui animated corpse, cricket bat max brucks terribilem incessu zomby. The voodoo sacerdos flesh eater, suscitat mortuos comedere carnem virus. Zonbi tattered for solum
  oculi eorum defunctis go lum cerebro. Nescio brains an Undead zombies. Sicut malus putrid voodoo horror. Nigh tofth eliv ingdead.</p>
<div id="navWrap">
    <h1>I stick to the top when you scroll down and unstick when you scroll up to my original position</h1>

<p>Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas,
  imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui animated corpse, cricket bat max brucks terribilem incessu zomby. The voodoo sacerdos flesh eater, suscitat mortuos comedere carnem virus. Zonbi tattered for solum
  oculi eorum defunctis go lum cerebro. Nescio brains an Undead zombies. Sicut malus putrid voodoo horror. Nigh tofth eliv ingdead.</p>

String concatenation in MySQL

Use concat() function instead of + like this:

select concat(firstname, lastname) as "Name" from test.student

"Cloning" row or column vectors

I think using the broadcast in numpy is the best, and faster

I did a compare as following

import numpy as np
b = np.random.randn(1000)
In [105]: %timeit c = np.tile(b[:, newaxis], (1,100))
1000 loops, best of 3: 354 µs per loop

In [106]: %timeit c = np.repeat(b[:, newaxis], 100, axis=1)
1000 loops, best of 3: 347 µs per loop

In [107]: %timeit c = np.array([b,]*100).transpose()
100 loops, best of 3: 5.56 ms per loop

about 15 times faster using broadcast

MySQL search and replace some text in a field

The Replace string function will do that.

Python logging: use milliseconds in time format

Many outdated, over-complicated and weird answers here. The reason is that the documentation is inadequate and the simple solution is to just use basicConfig() and set it as follows:

logging.basicConfig(datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', format='{asctime}.{msecs:0<3.0f} {name} {threadName} {levelname}: {message}', style='{')

The trick here was that you have to also set the datefmt argument, as the default messes it up and is not what is (currently) shown in the how-to python docs. So rather look here.

An alternative and possibly cleaner way, would have been to override the default_msec_format variable with:

formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s')
formatter.default_msec_format = '%s.%03d'

However, that did not work for unknown reasons.

PS. I am using Python 3.8.

How to check if a view controller is presented modally or pushed on a navigation stack?

Swift 4

var isModal: Bool {
    return presentingViewController != nil ||
           navigationController?.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController === navigationController ||
           tabBarController?.presentingViewController is UITabBarController

TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in ambient context

I had this same issue, and these 2 commands saved my life. My underlying problem is that I am always messing up with global install and local install. Maybe you are facing a similar issue, and hopefully running these commands will solve your problem too.

ng update --next @angular/cli --force
npm install typescript@latest

How do you convert a time.struct_time object into a datetime object?

Use time.mktime() to convert the time tuple (in localtime) into seconds since the Epoch, then use datetime.fromtimestamp() to get the datetime object.

from datetime import datetime
from time import mktime

dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(struct))

Loading all images using imread from a given folder

I used skimage. You can create a collection and access elements the standard way, i.e. col[index]. This will give you the RGB values.

from import imread_collection

#your path 
col_dir = 'cats/*.jpg'

#creating a collection with the available images
col = imread_collection(col_dir)

Where does the @Transactional annotation belong?

Ideally, Service layer(Manager) represents your business logic and hence it should be annotated with @Transactional.Service layer may call different DAO to perform DB operations. Lets assume a situations where you have N number of DAO operations in a service method. If your 1st DAO operation failed, others may be still passed and you will end up inconsistent DB state. Annotating Service layer can save you from such situations.

Netbeans - class does not have a main method

  1. Check for correct method declaration

public static void main(String [ ] args)

  1. Check netbeans project properties in Run > main Class

Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. (Adding integers)

The result integer value is out of the range which an integer data type can hold.

Try using Int64

How to connect to remote Oracle DB with PL/SQL Developer?

The problem is not the TNS file, in PLSQL Developer, if you don't have the oracle installation, you need to provide the location of the OCI.DLL file.

In PLSQL DEV app go to Tools-Preferences-Oracle/connections-OCI Library.

In my case I put the next address C:\Oracle\InstantClient-win32-\oci.dll.

If have Weblogic app installed, I didnt tried but if you want try to put the next location


How to add a button dynamically using jquery

Try this:

<script type="text/javascript">

function test()
       $('<input type="button" id="field"/>').appendTo('body');

How to set the From email address for mailx command?

On Ubuntu Bionic 18.04, this works as desired:

$ echo -e "testing email via from command line\n\nsent on: $(date)" | mailx --append='FROM:Foghorn Leghorn <[email protected]>' -s "test cli email $(date)" -- [email protected]

How to run a single RSpec test?

For single example of spec file you need to add line number at the last , For Example

rspec spec/controllers/api/v1/card_list_controller_spec.rb:35

For single file you can specify your file path, For Example

rspec spec/controllers/api/v1/card_list_controller_spec.rb

For Whole Rspec Example in spec folder, you can try with this command

bundle exec rspec spec

Inline instantiation of a constant List

You'll need to use a static readonly list instead. And if you want the list to be immutable then you might want to consider using ReadOnlyCollection<T> rather than List<T>.

private static readonly ReadOnlyCollection<string> _metrics =
    new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(new[]

public static ReadOnlyCollection<string> Metrics
    get { return _metrics; }

Does IMDB provide an API?

If you want movie details api you can consider

OMDB API which is Open movies Database Returns IBDB Rating, IMDB Votes and you can include Rotten Tomato rating too.

Or else You can use

My Api Films which allows you to search with IMDB ID and returns detailed information but it has request limits.

Gaussian filter in MATLAB

You first create the filter with fspecial and then convolve the image with the filter using imfilter (which works on multidimensional images as in the example).

You specify sigma and hsize in fspecial.


%%# Read an image
I = imread('peppers.png');
%# Create the gaussian filter with hsize = [5 5] and sigma = 2
G = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5],2);
%# Filter it
Ig = imfilter(I,G,'same');
%# Display

How to declare empty list and then add string in scala?

Scala lists are immutable by default. You cannot "add" an element, but you can form a new list by appending the new element in front. Since it is a new list, you need to reassign the reference (so you can't use a val).

var dm  = List[String]()
var dk = List[Map[String,AnyRef]]()


dm = "text" :: dm
dk = Map(1 -> "ok") :: dk

The operator :: creates the new list. You can also use the shorter syntax:

dm ::= "text" 
dk ::= Map(1 -> "ok")

NB: In scala don't use the type Object but Any, AnyRef or AnyVal.

Terminating idle mysql connections

Manual cleanup:

You can KILL the processid.

mysql> show full processlist;
| Id      | User       | Host              | db   | Command | Time  | State | Info                  |
| 1193777 | TestUser12 | | www  | Sleep   | 25946 |       | NULL                  |

mysql> kill 1193777;


  • the php application might report errors (or the webserver, check the error logs)
  • don't fix what is not broken - if you're not short on connections, just leave them be.

Automatic cleaner service ;)

Or you configure your mysql-server by setting a shorter timeout on wait_timeout and interactive_timeout

mysql> show variables like "%timeout%";
| Variable_name            | Value |
| connect_timeout          | 5     |
| delayed_insert_timeout   | 300   |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50    |
| interactive_timeout      | 28800 |
| net_read_timeout         | 30    |
| net_write_timeout        | 60    |
| slave_net_timeout        | 3600  |
| table_lock_wait_timeout  | 50    |
| wait_timeout             | 28800 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Set with:

set global wait_timeout=3;
set global interactive_timeout=3;

(and also set in your configuration file, for when your server restarts)

But you're treating the symptoms instead of the underlying cause - why are the connections open? If the PHP script finished, shouldn't they close? Make sure your webserver is not using connection pooling...

How to properly create an SVN tag from trunk?

Just use this:

svn  copy  
           -m  "branch for release 1.0"

(all on one line, of course.) You should always make a branch of the entire trunk folder and contents. It is of course possible to branch sub-parts of the trunk, but this will almost never be a good practice. You want the branch to behave exactly like the trunk does now, and for that to happen you have to branch the entire trunk.

See a better summary of SVN usage at my blog: SVN Essentials, and SVN Essentials 2

Non-invocable member cannot be used like a method?

As the error clearly states, OffenceBox.Text() is not a function and therefore doesn't make sense.

How can I store HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> inside a list?

Always try to use interface reference in Collection, this adds more flexibility.
What is the problem with the below code?

List<Map<String,List<String>>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String,List<String>>>();//This is the final list you need
Map<String, List<String>> map1 = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();//This is one instance of the  map you want to store in the above list.
List<String> arraylist1 = new ArrayList<String>();
arraylist1.add("Text1");//And so on..
//And so on...
list.add(map1);//In this way you can add.

You can easily do it like the above.

How do I generate a list with a specified increment step?

Executing seq(1, 10, 1) does what 1:10 does. You can change the last parameter of seq, i.e. by, to be the step of whatever size you like.

> #a vector of even numbers
> seq(0, 10, by=2) # Explicitly specifying "by" only to increase readability 
> [1]  0  2  4  6  8 10

When should the xlsm or xlsb formats be used?

They're all similar in that they're essentially zip files containing the actual file components. You can see the contents just by replacing the extension with .zip and opening them up. The difference with xlsb seems to be that the components are not XML-based but are in a binary format: supposedly this is beneficial when working with large files.

Allow only numbers and dot in script

<script type="text/javascript">
    function numericValidation(txtvalue) {
        var e = event || evt; // for trans-browser compatibility
        var charCode = e.which || e.keyCode;
        if (!(document.getElementById(
            if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
                return false;
            return true;
        else {
               var val = document.getElementById(;
            if(charCode==46 || (charCode > 31 && (charCode > 47 && charCode < 58)) )
                var points = 0;            
                points = val.indexOf(".", points);                    
                if (points >= 1 && charCode == 46)
                   return false;
                if (points == 1) 
                    var lastdigits = val.substring(val.indexOf(".") + 1, val.length);
                    if (lastdigits.length >= 2)
                        alert("Two decimal places only allowed");
                        return false;
                return true;
            else {
                alert("Only Numarics allowed");
                return false;

<form id="form1" runat="server">
  <asp:TextBox ID="txtHDLLevel" MaxLength="6" runat="server" Width="33px" onkeypress="return numericValidation(this);"  />

HTML5 - mp4 video does not play in IE9

use both format it works fine in all browser:

<video width="640" height="360" controls>
    <!-- MP4 must be first for iPad! -->
    <source src="unbelievable.mp4" type="video/mp4" /><!-- Safari / iOS video    -->
    <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg" /><!-- Firefox / Opera / Chrome10 -->

Disabling vertical scrolling in UIScrollView

On iOS 11 please remember to add the following, if you're interested in creating a scrollview that sticks to the screen bounds rather than a safe area.:

if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
    [self.scrollView setContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior:UIScrollViewContentInsetAdjustmentNever];

How to alter a column and change the default value?

If you want to add a default value for the already created column, this works for me:


How to check if a file exists from inside a batch file

C:\>help if

Performs conditional processing in batch programs.

IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command

IF [NOT] string1==string2 command

IF [NOT] EXIST filename command

How do I convert an interval into a number of hours with postgres?

To get the number of days the easiest way would be:

SELECT EXTRACT(DAY FROM NOW() - '2014-08-02 08:10:56');

As far as I know it would return the same as:

SELECT (EXTRACT(epoch FROM (SELECT (NOW() - '2014-08-02 08:10:56')))/86400)::int;

ASP.NET MVC: Custom Validation by DataAnnotation

ExpressiveAnnotations gives you such a possibility:

[AssertThat("Length(FieldA) + Length(FieldB) + Length(FieldC) + Length(FieldD) > 50")]
public string FieldA { get; set; }

cell format round and display 2 decimal places

I use format, Number, 2 decimal places & tick ' use 1000 separater ', then go to 'File', 'Options', 'Advanced', scroll down to 'When calculating this workbook' and tick 'set precision as displayed'. You get an error message about losing accuracy, that's good as it means it is rounding to 2 decimal places. So much better than bothering with adding a needless ROUND function.

How to convert .pem into .key?

openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out private.key does the job.

What is the difference between exit and return?

the return statement exits from the current function and exit() exits from the program

they are the same when used in main() function

also return is a statement while exit() is a function which requires stdlb.h header file

Accessing bash command line args $@ vs $*

This example let may highlight the differ between "at" and "asterix" while we using them. I declared two arrays "fruits" and "vegetables"

fruits=(apple pear plumm peach melon)            
vegetables=(carrot tomato cucumber potatoe onion)

printf "Fruits:\t%s\n" "${fruits[*]}"            
printf "Fruits:\t%s\n" "${fruits[@]}"            
echo + --------------------------------------------- +      
printf "Vegetables:\t%s\n" "${vegetables[*]}"    
printf "Vegetables:\t%s\n" "${vegetables[@]}"    

See the following result the code above:

Fruits: apple pear plumm peach melon
Fruits: apple
Fruits: pear
Fruits: plumm
Fruits: peach
Fruits: melon
+ --------------------------------------------- +
Vegetables: carrot tomato cucumber potatoe onion
Vegetables: carrot
Vegetables: tomato
Vegetables: cucumber
Vegetables: potatoe
Vegetables: onion

Why am I suddenly getting a "Blocked loading mixed active content" issue in Firefox?

If you are consuming an internal service via AJAX, make sure the url points to https, this cleared up the error for me.

Initial AJAX URL: "" + ApiName
Corrected AJAX URL: "" + ApiName,

How to install PyQt5 on Windows?

I'm new to both Python and PyQt5. I tried to use pip, but I was having problems with it using a Windows machine. If you have a version of Python 3.4 or above, pip is installed and ready to use like so:

python -m pip install pyqt5 

That's of course assuming that the path for Python executable is in your PATH environment variable. Otherwise include the full path to Python executable (you can type where python to the Command Window to find it) like:

C:\users\userName\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python34\python.exe -m pip install pyqt5

How to efficiently concatenate strings in go

I do it using the following :-

package main

import (

func main (){
    concatenation:= strings.Join([]string{"a","b","c"},"") //where second parameter is a separator. 
    fmt.Println(concatenation) //abc

What is the difference between sed and awk?

1) What is the difference between awk and sed ?

Both are tools that transform text. BUT awk can do more things besides just manipulating text. Its a programming language by itself with most of the things you learn in programming, like arrays, loops, if/else flow control etc You can "program" in sed as well, but you won't want to maintain the code written in it.

2) What kind of application are best use cases for sed and awk tools ?

Conclusion: Use sed for very simple text parsing. Anything beyond that, awk is better. In fact, you can ditch sed altogether and just use awk. Since their functions overlap and awk can do more, just use awk. You will reduce your learning curve as well.

How to change Format of a Cell to Text using VBA

for large numbers that display with scientific notation set format to just '#'

Why should we include ttf, eot, woff, svg,... in a font-face

Answer in 2019:

Only use WOFF2, or if you need legacy support, WOFF. Do not use any other format

(svg and eot are dead formats, ttf and otf are full system fonts, and should not be used for web purposes)

Original answer from 2012:

In short, font-face is very old, but only recently has been supported by more than IE.

  • eot is needed for Internet Explorers that are older than IE9 - they invented the spec, but eot was a proprietary solution.

  • ttf and otf are normal old fonts, so some people got annoyed that this meant anyone could download expensive-to-license fonts for free.

  • Time passes, SVG 1.1 adds a "fonts" chapter that explains how to model a font purely using SVG markup, and people start to use it. More time passes and it turns out that they are absolutely terrible compared to just a normal font format, and SVG 2 wisely removes the entire chapter again.

  • Then, woff gets invented by people with quite a bit of domain knowledge, which makes it possible to host fonts in a way that throws away bits that are critically important for system installation, but irrelevant for the web (making people worried about piracy happy) and allows for internal compression to better suit the needs of the web (making users and hosts happy). This becomes the preferred format.

  • 2019 edit A few years later, woff2 gets drafted and accepted, which improves the compression, leading to even smaller files, along with the ability to load a single font "in parts" so that a font that supports 20 scripts can be stored as "chunks" on disk instead, with browsers automatically able to load the font "in parts" as needed, rather than needing to transfer the entire font up front, further improving the typesetting experience.

If you don't want to support IE 8 and lower, and iOS 4 and lower, and android 4.3 or earlier, then you can just use WOFF (and WOFF2, a more highly compressed WOFF, for the newest browsers that support it.)

@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyWebFont';
  src:  url('myfont.woff2') format('woff2'),
        url('myfont.woff') format('woff');

Support for woff can be checked at
Support for woff2 can be checked at

git add, commit and push commands in one?

Please see my answer,I added everything into a single line

alias gitcomm="echo 'Please enter commit message';read MSG ;git add --all;git commit -am=$MSG;git push"

How to handle windows file upload using Selenium WebDriver?

Below code works for me :

public void test() {
    WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

CSS position:fixed inside a positioned element

Try position:sticky on parent div of the element you want to be fixed.

More info here: Caution: Check for browser version compatibility.

Typescript: How to define type for a function callback (as any function type, not universal any) used in a method parameter

Hopefully, this will help...

interface Param {
    title: string;
    callback: (error: Error, data: string) => void;

Or in a Function

let myfunction = (title: string, callback: (error: Error, data: string) => void): string => {

    callback(new Error(`Error Message Here.`), "This is callback data.");
    return title;


og:type and valid values : constantly being parsed as og:type=website

I have moved into the world of namespace specific open graph data and therefore dont rely on the FB types. See "edit open graph" in the apps dev tool dashboard.

What does asterisk * mean in Python?

See Function Definitions in the Language Reference.

If the form *identifier is present, it is initialized to a tuple receiving any excess positional parameters, defaulting to the empty tuple. If the form **identifier is present, it is initialized to a new dictionary receiving any excess keyword arguments, defaulting to a new empty dictionary.

Also, see Function Calls.

Assuming that one knows what positional and keyword arguments are, here are some examples:

Example 1:

# Excess keyword argument (python 2) example:
def foo(a, b, c, **args):
    print "a = %s" % (a,)
    print "b = %s" % (b,)
    print "c = %s" % (c,)
    print args

foo(a="testa", d="excess", c="testc", b="testb", k="another_excess")

As you can see in the above example, we only have parameters a, b, c in the signature of the foo function. Since d and k are not present, they are put into the args dictionary. The output of the program is:

a = testa
b = testb
c = testc
{'k': 'another_excess', 'd': 'excess'}

Example 2:

# Excess positional argument (python 2) example:
def foo(a, b, c, *args):
    print "a = %s" % (a,)
    print "b = %s" % (b,)
    print "c = %s" % (c,)
    print args

foo("testa", "testb", "testc", "excess", "another_excess")

Here, since we're testing positional arguments, the excess ones have to be on the end, and *args packs them into a tuple, so the output of this program is:

a = testa
b = testb
c = testc
('excess', 'another_excess')

You can also unpack a dictionary or a tuple into arguments of a function:

def foo(a,b,c,**args):
    print "a=%s" % (a,)
    print "b=%s" % (b,)
    print "c=%s" % (c,)
    print "args=%s" % (args,)

argdict = dict(a="testa", b="testb", c="testc", excessarg="string")


args={'excessarg': 'string'}


def foo(a,b,c,*args):
    print "a=%s" % (a,)
    print "b=%s" % (b,)
    print "c=%s" % (c,)
    print "args=%s" % (args,)

argtuple = ("testa","testb","testc","excess")



Import error No module named skimage

For python 3.5 in case you have multiple python versions and want to install with python3.5:

pip3 install scikit-image --user

An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". java.lang.NullPointerException

This helped me: Project menu -> Clean... -> clean all projects

How to scale a UIImageView proportionally?

Here is how you can scale it easily.

This works in 2.x with the Simulator and the iPhone.

UIImage *thumbnail = [originalImage _imageScaledToSize:CGSizeMake(40.0, 40.0) interpolationQuality:1];

Differences between "java -cp" and "java -jar"?

I prefer the first version to start a java application just because it has less pitfalls ("welcome to classpath hell"). The second one requires an executable jar file and the classpath for that application has to be defined inside the jar's manifest (all other classpath declaration will be silently ignored...). So with the second version you'd have to look into the jar, read the manifest and try to find out if the classpath entries are valid from where the jar is stored... That's avoidable.

I don't expect any performance advantages or disadvantages for either version. It's just telling the jvm which class to use for the main thread and where it can find the libraries.

If two cells match, return value from third

All you have to do is write an IF condition in the column d like this:

=IF(A1=C1;B1;" ")

After that just apply this formula to all rows above that one.

C# Enum - How to Compare Value

use this

if (userProfile.AccountType == AccountType.Retailer)

If you want to get int from your AccountType enum and compare it (don't know why) do this:

if((int)userProfile.AccountType == 1)

Objet reference not set to an instance of an object exception is because your userProfile is null and you are getting property of null. Check in debug why it's not set.

EDIT (thanks to @Rik and @KonradMorawski) :

Maybe you can do some check before:



   throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userProfile)); // or any other exception

Laravel 5.4 Specific Table Migration

You can only run this command in your terminal

php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/2020_10_01_164611_create_asset_info_table.php

After migrations you should put the particular file name. or if you have any folder inside migration then just add that folder name after the migration.

Like this

php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/yourfolder/2020_10_01_164611_create_asset_info_table.php

I hope this will help you a lil bit. Happy Coding.

What possibilities can cause "Service Unavailable 503" error?

Your web pages are served by an application pool. If you disable/stop the application pool, and anyone tries to browse the application, you will get a Service Unavailable. It can happen due to multiple reasons...

  1. Your application may have crashed [check the event viewer and see if you can find event logs in your Application/System log]

  2. Your application may be crashing very frequently. If an app pool crashes for 5 times in 5 minutes [check your application pool settings for rapid fail], your application pool is disabled by IIS and you will end up getting this message.

In either case, the issue is that your worker process is failing and you should troubleshoot it from crash perspective.

What is a Crash (technically)... in ASP.NET and what to do if it happens?

Opacity of div's background without affecting contained element in IE 8?

It affects the whole child divs when you use the opacity feature with positions other than absolute. So another way to achieve it not to put divs inside each other and then use the position absolute for the divs. Dont use any background color for the upper div.

How to increase number of threads in tomcat thread pool?

You would have to tune it according to your environment.

Sometimes it's more useful to increase the size of the backlog (acceptCount) instead of the maximum number of threads.

Say, instead of

<Connector ... maxThreads="500" acceptCount="50"

you use

<Connector ... maxThreads="300" acceptCount="150"

you can get much better performance in some cases, cause there would be less threads disputing the resources and the backlog queue would be consumed faster.

In any case, though, you have to do some benchmarks to really know what is best.