[android-studio] Rename package in Android Studio

I've found a way easier solution to this problem which also changed the generated imports like com.test.testpackagechange.R and only takes about a minute.

Your first step is to open Android Studio and open the replace all window (Mac: cmd + shift + R, Windows I assume: ctrl + shift + R). Type in your old package name and in the one below your new package name. Click Find. This may take a while because it is also looking through the generated items. If it has over 1000 hits, just click continue.

enter image description here

After you've done that push Replace All to replace your old package name with your new one.

enter image description here

Now close Android Studio and go to Finder on Mac or Windows Explorer on Windows. Change the name of the folders to your new package name, like this:

enter image description here

Now open Android Studio again. Gradle will sync and your package name should be changed to the new one.

I've found this to be the easiest one and the one that covers all areas like generated files.